77p egg: Eggwife

77p egg: Eggwife

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Part 1 Achievement Guide
By avie!!
eggeggegg cegg egg egegegegegeg egg fry you egg
This is a very quick dirty straight-to-the-point guide on getting all 82 achievements in this lovely game. It was originally gonna be a secrets+collectables guide but I was beaten to the punch on that, so you get this instead!

Shoutouts to Praedyth and AzureMellon in the discord server for helping out with putting together the aforementioned guide that ended up not happening, and I'm sorry for taking too long to get it out!! Also thanks to Cold_PotatoChip also from the discord for the lovely artwork used as the icon image for this guide.
Difficulty-related achievements
These are unmissable.

For each level and complete playthrough from Apartment through to M77, there is an achievement awarded for completing it on a given difficulty.

With exception to Dysfunction, if you play on a difficulty higher than Flaccid, you will get all of the achievements for the lower difficulties than the one you are on.

As such, if you complete the game on RAGING difficulty, you will get not just the relevant achievement for that difficulty but also Flaccid, Semi, Hard and Knotty.

For Dysfunction, as it is more of a sh*tpost challenge than anything else, these achievements are obtained on a separate runthrough of the game. I highly recommend it, if you've already gone through the game once or twice so far!

There are 60 total of these, so get these and you're more than halfway done!
"Mode" achievements
So long as you keep to the rules, these are unmissable.

The game features three alternative "modes" to playing through the game as a fun optional challenge. These are not enabled within the game but rather self enforced rules which the game will keep track of via your stats. Make sure to review your stats by pressing TAB often to ensure proper completion.

Pacifist Mode
Pretty simple stuff, go through the whole game without a single death being attributed to you. You can see the relevant stat for this by looking at the Enemies/Innocents killed counters and ensuring the counter in parenthesis remains at 0. So long as the game has not counted any kills as being caused by you, then you're in the clear.

Important spoiler-y note about completing Factory on this mode: If you exit the factory the normal way by exploding it and hiding in the blast chamber, then you will fail the mode by default as the explosion will kill everything inside the factory and be attributed to you since you were the one who activated it. Look for a code in Sector D and input it somewhere connected to the button that activates it.

Outright answer to the hint above: The code is in a locker in Sector D, gotten to via the elevator you pass after unplugging the door protecting the button that blows the factory up. Go back to that same room when you've noted the code down and crouch under the desk to input it. Yeah, I don't know how you're supposed to know it's there either. After its been inputted, proceed as usual by activating the button and heading into the blast chamber. The code removes all living entities from the level apart from you and thus the explosion wont kill anything which in turn will ensure you can get the achievement.

Pass-a-Fist Mode
As above, but you're ensuring that absolutely everything is dead before moving onto the next level. Doesn't matter if you've personally killed them or not, so long as the Enemies/Innocents killed counter matches the total amount in the level. Can be quite tricky due to some being hidden away in secret areas (see hunned's guide for that.)

Vegan Mode
This mode has you abiding by much stricter rules. So strict in fact, you can view them all in a book within Egg's apartment. To save time here they are:

  • Don't eat meat.
  • Avoid animal by-products.
  • Don't kill any living being of this earth except plants.
  • Don't prepare or cook any animal based ingredients/food.
  • Don't operate weaponry fashioned from the flesh of an animal.
  • Don't put someone else's poo up your bum.

To recap, that means you can't use weapons like the Fertilauncher or Milkigun, you can't eat anything that has dairy product in (includes items such as Builder's Tea and bottles of "Bob"), and you'll have to watch out for items on the floor that can potentially violate these rules as well. Your stats will display how many Vegan Infractions you've made since starting the game and you'll also have a Vegan Certificate in your inventory from the start which will display the last infraction you committed.

It's also important to stress the any living being of this earth line. This means that most of your common enemies such as the blobs, Pootanks, Little Sh*ts, etc are fair game. Spoiler note: It also means that Mr. CEO Sote, the boss of Pissco, is fair game as well, since he is undead.

I may do another guide to go over a few pointers for these modes since they are quite tricky in a couple of spots, especially Pacifist Mode. But hey, keep your eyes peeled and don't be afraid to experiment. You can always hit ESC to Load Last Save or press P to suicide and achieve the exact same thing. If you were unlucky enough to hit a save point after making an error, you'll unfortunately have to restart the level, also available via pressing ESC.
"Unmissable" task achievements
Which is to say, You're very likely to pick these up in your first playthrough.

77pee: You're gonna be urinating quite a bit during a regular playthrough whether its putting out fire or using it to progress through the game in some manner. You'll likely get this before you're finished.

77poo: Ditto, purely for how much platforming you'll be doing.

Salty Surprise: You'll likely get this during the Testicle boss fight (aka Lefty and Righty). Let one of them hit you directly or let one of the blobs overwhelm your vision by floating into you for a bit.

I'll take a number 77...: Food items are the main method of healing, so, yeah.

This is my Poomstick: Fire your shotgun 77 times. You don't get this weapon until Sewer, the fourth level. But as one of the most useful weapons in the game, you're guaranteed to get this pretty quickly.
Missable task achievements
Here's where all the fun stuff is. Perform increasingly weird/dumb tasks for achievements, the best kind IMO.

No coffee no wifee!: There's a coffee machine in Egg's apartment, plug that sucker in, grab yourself a mug and hold it under the steaming stream of Joe, then down it with a hit of the E key.

Inside-out Pigeon: This one is rather tricky, as you might imagine. I got this by killing one of the construction workers in Apartment, but it can be obtained anywhere really. Line yourself up nicely, look up/down enough so you're upside down and the controls are messed up, then get jumping and firing. It's actually probably way easier to get later on purely for the sake of higher damage weapons, but it's possible to do with just the Axe. Recommended to find a reasonably boxed in location for this so your target doesn't run away too far.

Chocolate Hotdog: This one requires you to insert a, ahem, "toy" into yourself, before pooping it out and cooking it in the oven so that it is made edible. Can be gotten in Egg's apartment, there's a relevant object just to the right of it's bed.

Did I leave the oven on?: Simple as it sounds, just press E to turn on the oven in Egg's apartment then complete the level as normal.

Pop that PP: Can be gotten in Sheffie and Cumbubblingham only, since they're the only two spots with petrol stations. Attack the gas pumps with a ranged weapon of some type to explode them and you should get the achievement. Alternatively, just play the game on Dysfunction mode, since that's how I ended up with this. Explosions happen a lot on Dysfunction mode.

Swirly Deluxe: Can be gotten in Apartment, but I recommend Pissco for ease. This one requires you to kill a human NPC, place them on top of the toilet, and then flush it. It's easier to do in Pissco as there is someone in the staff bathroom who is already sat on a toilet, so you just have to pop him and then flush.

The cake is a lie.: Yeah it's really named that, I wish it wasn't either. Anywho, this one is best gotten on Factory, where you need to bake a specific cake to proceed further into the level. Grab one of those cake tins, slap it into the oven, 15 seconds later, hey presto it's a None Cake.

At least in heaven I can bake: Can actually be gotten the same time as the above achievement. Set it cooking, kill yourself and then wait until the timer goes down to 0 before respawning.

Deadicated: The reliability of you getting this depends entirely on how good you are at the game and what difficulty you're on, hence me sticking it here. This was another one I picked up on Dysfunction mode since suiciding a lot is required to "reroll" the positioning of everything just to complete levels, but I imagine a RAGING run will also make getting this one quite easy.

But I was too tired to go on.: This one is weird and I'm not sure if the devs have fixed this yet but regardless: Enter a level first THEN go back to the main menu and exit the game. As far as I know, this will not trigger if you quit within 77 seconds of starting the game up, you HAVE to enter a level first.
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n-no c-coffee n-no w-w-wifee: Get that coffee machine upright, and wield your cup carefully. You need to make and drink 77 cups of coffee in a row. Well okay, you don't need to do it all in one go, but I reckon it's highly unlikely you'll get this over how ever many playthroughs of the game you accomplish. So long as you haven't committed any other infractions leading up to you attempting this, you can use the Vegan Infractions statistic to count how far you are into it. Once you're done, complete the level and it should pop.

You are about to witness the strength of StreetLevel knowledge.: Use hunned's guide if you're struggling to get this on your own. Secrets don't count towards any achievement, just collectables. This is also specific to part 1 as well, so items within the Arcade don't count.

I explored the backrooms and all I got was this lousy achievement: "Bonus levels" in this case are the three arcade machines you unlock with the Coin collectables and reaching level 10 in the arena mode so you gain the second arena level. Once you have all of it unlocked, it should pop. If not, complete any one of the bonus arcade levels. Whilst there is actually a fun backrooms easter egg within Arcade, it is unrelated to this achievement.

wwwwww[...]wwwww: Press W 7777 times. You have two options here: Don't focus on this one and just hope it pops at some point during one of your playthroughs, or, set up some kind of AutoHotKey script to force it to pop. The choice is yours, and I won't judge if you take the latter option. It did naturally trigger for me during my pass-a-fist mode run through at least, so there's that.
That's your lot, go have fun with the game now! Feel free to hop into the discord and ask for help if you need it, we're a lovely bunch <3
MeeM 4 Aug @ 1:02am 
how do i complete the cake part in factory on vegan mode
Givo 21 May @ 6:15pm 
for n-no c-coffee n-no w-w-wifee, the cup doesnt have to be empty for a cup to count. set it up and just spam e for a while
FatBoobsGangster 22 Nov, 2023 @ 9:03am 
Oh, already got resolved. I thought the flash drives werent in the game yet - those are the reason the achievement hasn't unlocked.
FatBoobsGangster 22 Nov, 2023 @ 9:01am 
Will do, thank you
avie!!  [author] 22 Nov, 2023 @ 8:48am 
bizarre! best advice i can offer you then is to hop into the discord and post a bug report in the relevant area.
FatBoobsGangster 22 Nov, 2023 @ 8:45am 
Yeah I did multiple times, still wont unlock. Also got the 2nd arena unlocked. Thanks for the tip tho
avie!!  [author] 22 Nov, 2023 @ 8:42am 
did you try completing one of the arcade machine levels? the game does a check for unredeemed achievements after a level is beaten, so its worth doing that just to be sure
FatBoobsGangster 22 Nov, 2023 @ 8:40am 
I did everything, got every achievement - but it wont let me unlock the "Unlock all bonus levels from part 1" achievement.
InfamousReal 19 Oct, 2023 @ 5:12am 
Thanks for your help, Now to figure the pre alpha arcade level out
avie!!  [author] 18 Oct, 2023 @ 3:38pm 
There is indeed! Have a look over where the stones in the pool of blood are.

More specific: Jump down onto one of those stones, and at one of the ends where they meet the wall is a small crack that is juuuust open enough for you to squeeze through. It'll take you through a tricky but doable path through lava and toxic sludge with stops midway for health items, then to a shower area with a grate opposite it. Go through the grate and you should be able to navigate from there.