Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

56 ratings
Windows 11 | ONLINE *WORKING* (january.2025) Launch *FIX* easiest way By ❤Ilona
By ❤Ilona
Check my website at the image below for the download of the required software called GFWL

(The Guide)
When you install the game, and launch, naturally the game will close by itself. So here is step by step (up to 10 minutes) on getting it to work:

1. Go to Control Panel and uninstall 2 softwares that is installed within the game's directory, so-called "Microsoft Games for Windows Redistributable" AND "Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace".
*The reason for that is because they are installed out of date and the devs has not patched anymore.*

2. You gotta install Games For Windows Live (GFWL). ***LINK IN THE WEBSITE BELOW AS A PNG***
*Launching gfwlivesetup installer will cause the installation to fail due to marketplace being no longer available. Instead, you should install the package by manually running the following apps: xliveredist, gfwlclient, wllogin_64 (it's all in the Drive folder shared in the website shown as "raccoon city installers" and GFWL).

3. Launch the game.
*If it doesn't work you just have to browse local files and right click on the game app then click on properties. In compatibility mode you will set it to windows 7 compatible.

4. Now you will login to your most recent LIVE account, or register to a new one.

While registering everything in-game for the first time, it will be shown a DIALOGUE BALOON saying ''please wait''. So at this time, you will wait for proximately 5 to 7 minutes even tho no message of ''please wait'' appears at all anymore. It will automatically appears the CD-KEY and BOOM! ready to rock.

Web address, Discord, GWFL : (ilonasbiohazardstation)
Why this new guide?
As many of you know, this game gets disabled from time to time due to the amount of lazy people who doesn't want to get their hands dirty and make an old game with bad port like this work.
Due to their negative reviews - congrats - the game isn't available for buying at the steam store anymore.
When I made available new legal ways to get the game with links, the old guide got banned. So the only way to get the info is by entering my website at the BIOHAZARDSTATION WEB PAGE ABOVE.


Join the group chat! (Steam group and Discord)
Join this group chat and let's unite us for a Heroes Match!
If the link don't work, enter the group with this link below:

Wanna be part of the Discord Community with our Resident Evil fellas?
Available on the website of the first image of this guide.


0. Are you getting any CONNECTION ERROR with GAMES FOR WINDOWS LIVE when you launch the game and try to login?

I. Go to your windows "My Documents" > CAPCOM > RERC.
-You will DELETE that folder. The reason for that is that the account information got corrupted by outdated GFWL. There is a theory the gfwl was programmed to update every one in a while so you have to do this correction.

II. Go to your steam Library, right-click on Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City > Browse Local files.

-Select all the files (total of 15) that are not folders. Right click on them > "Cut" them.
-Create a new folder in your desktop.
-Drag them 15 files into that new folder.

III. Go to your steam Library, right-click on Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City > Properties > Verify Integrity of game files.

IV. Install the GFWL windows live but make sure Windows Marketplace and Redistributable are uninstalled before doing so.

V. From your desktop, use your Windows Search bar and type ''system". Check if your system type is x64 or x32. You have to double click on the right app (the one you downloaded from the Google Drive link I provided somewhere above in this guide. Also clcik on the xlivedist, one of the steps on the guide's description says exactly which ones to click.

VI. Launch the game.

1. If you have all the dlc's while your friends doesn't, and you're the one hosting, your friends won't be able to join. You'll have to join them (if they don't have any dlc's).

2. *If you download any mods, you can always verify the integrity of game files in order to get the DLCs and game back to normal state.

3. If you returned after a while without playing or has to reinstall the game and now you can't login to your online account:
To fix this, you just need to make a new account at the website (accountxboxcom).

***This is for those who's been trying to play the game with an account from before 2011.***

Register this new account in the game, after you make a password for it on that website so the Windows Live services (network) will return to normal. =)
*Unfotunately you will lose all the progress, achievments and save files from the main (old) account.*
But you will never lose any progress again if you uninstall the game. This only happens to old accounts.
*The tip for those using old Live accounts is to keep the game installed as long as you can*


1. You can't play with someone who is in the same country as you.
A friend in need is a friend indeed****
A friend in need is a friend indeed ♥
You can show me your appreciation for this guide by simply Subscribing to my yt channel. Thx for the support!
Manslayergoku 22 Oct, 2024 @ 5:46am 
Remove 2 step Verification or use app password for your account. Mine Worked when i took off 2
step Verification on my account
Akudama 19 Oct, 2024 @ 11:34am 
@❤Ilona any advice?
Akudama 5 Oct, 2024 @ 3:52pm 
i literally tried this verbatim and same results... error codes. even with a whole new account.
Akudama 5 Oct, 2024 @ 3:30pm 
ugh i need assistance with this
❤Ilona  [author] 4 Oct, 2024 @ 5:35pm 
@CasTrash™ how about go get adopted already coz your time is running out, u little brat XD
Akudama 26 Sep, 2024 @ 4:18pm 
i cannot get anything other than an erro code 0x8007065b every dang time. it signs in and as soon as the profile download bar moves a bit it sets me back to login. and i can see my account log in then out. firewall is ok and all that jazz. just simply doesnt work when "it should" :[
❤Ilona  [author] 1 Sep, 2024 @ 8:36am 
@5L4Y3R aww i'm so glad! you're very welcome!))
Dark Pearl Z 2 Aug, 2024 @ 6:40pm 
@BloodyButterfly same problem here, any solutions ?
BloodyButterfly 27 Jul, 2024 @ 12:54am 
@❤Ilona Any ideas about wllogon not installing?
BloodyButterfly 20 Jul, 2024 @ 10:09pm 
Can't get wllogon_64 to install; I launch the installer, give UAC permission to install, and it just closes without installing. Other installers launch and work fine; Any solution for this? (Windows 11.)