A Tiny Sticker Tale

A Tiny Sticker Tale

51 ratings
A tiny sticker tale guide
By Viporion
An easy guide of sticker locations and how to gather them all. Grabbing the achievements along the way.
No video.
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Welcome to my little guide.

Personally I would advice to play the game blind for the first time. Its just more fun that way.

After the map I have a general walkthrough. With notes of which new stickers can be obtained in each world section, which is pretty spoiler heavy. Following it will grant you all but 1 achievement. There is a point in the game where you need to make a choice and each option has its own achievement.

If you just need to know which sticker you are missing, go to the sticker book where I have named each sticker on each page. Find the name you think you need, then CTRL+F to the section for the world code and then up to the map to find your way.
The game groups stickers that belong in the same area together.

If you are just looking for the light/dark brotherhood, the hidden treasure or a rainbow in the sky, I have short version of them at the bottom. You will still need the map to find the correct world section.
Hints and tips
As long as the hand holding the sticker is still on the page, you can place the sticker on the page. So do no fear out of bounds stickers.

A decently full small inventory

Eventually you will find a portable tent. Always keep that one with you as you can fill the interior with all the stickers you want. (Or use it to kidnap everybody.)

It is hard to miss stickers. There are 2 stickers that only exist until you finish their quest. However if you didn’t grab the original form, it will unlock when you grab the final form.
The map
In the entire guide I will be referring to each world map section by their grid code according to this map.
It makes it easier to keep track of where you are.
While my guide leads you following a certain path, it is certainly not the only way.

Meadow to the mountains

The value of joy
Electricity restored

The very best at archery

New stickers
bird girl (Honey)
adventurer statue

Move the crates, take the crab and your bird friend.

New stickers
Light bush
dark bush
orange tree

Place your friend in the dotted outline for advice, place the crab at the seaweed and take 2 trees.

New stickers
dog friend (Dusty)
tree stump
saw (after unlocking)

The raccoon is causing some problems, move the 3 trees back on the world page and add your other 2 trees. Take the saw and campfire.

New stickers
Cow friend (Lola)
Fishing pole
Yellow empty can (after fishing up)
Medallion of perseverance (after unlocking)

Cow friend will ask you to fish up the trash (place the pole above the shadow) and then find her 5 fish to unlock the medallion.
take the pole with you.

Nothing to do yet.

New stickers
Love statue

New stickers
Old sheep (Elsa)
Put the bucket in the water to fill, then move it onto the sprout to grow the plant. Refill the bucket and take it and the old sheep with you.

Nothing to do yet

New stickers
palm tree
Fathers letter 1
joy medallion (after unlocking)
Sun (after unlocking)
Place the old sheep on the dotted outline to unlock the sun and medallion of joy.
Read fathers letter 1.
Take the sun, medallion, and old sheep with you.

The value of joy

New stickers
Carpenter (Malon)
Bridge (after unlocking)
Cog (after unlocking)
Give the carpenter the saw, then place a tree on the tree tile for him to make the cog.
He will then make furniture for you.
Furniture unlocks
Palm tree (max 6)
Stool with a swirl (max 4)
Table with cloth (max 1)
Hammock (max 1)
Pine tree (large, small, green, or black all count at the same for furniture) (max 2)
Book shelve (max 1)
Coffee table (max 1)
Oval tree (all colors, pink/orange/red/purple all count as the same for furniture) (Max 6)
Chest (max 1)
Sofa (max 1)
Chairs (max 4)
Weeping willow (max 5)
Potted plant (max 1)
Standing lamp (max 2)
Bonsai (max 1)
Woven basket (max 1)
Cactus (large and small count as the same for furniture) (max 5)
Rug (max 1)
Smooth stool (max 2)
Potted cactus (max 2)

New stickers
Axolotl friend (Grimm)
Golden statue with cog (after unlocking)
You can place your bird friend for advice on the dotted line.
Place the bridge over the river and the cog next to the axolotl. This starts the waterwheel and unlocks the achievement Electricity restored and the golden statue with cog. Bringing the bridge is optional to avoid going round for a bit.
Electricity restored

New stickers
Monkey miner (Matanga)
Monkey brother (Hugo)
Fairy 1 (after unlocking)
Golden ring (after unlocking)

Place a heavy statue on the square stone on the ground to unlock fairy 1. Take the monkey miner with you. The ring will be unlocked later.

New stickers
Red tree
Cheetah friend (Pommy)
Love flag
Blue white flag (after unlocking)
Dog (Doggy) (after unlocking)

One tree will be shaking. Pick it up and free the dog. Place the love flag on the flag pole to unlock the blue white flag. Take the dog with you.

New stickers
Bunny sister (Twixy)
Arrow (after unlocking)
Puzzle piece 2 (after unlocking)

Use the bucket to grow the plant, then refill the bucket. Take the bunny sister with you and return to D3 to reunite her with her brother. This unlocks the arrow sticker. The puzzle piece will be done later. Go to D1 and move down to

New stickers
Archer bunny (Jasper)
Golden statue with bow (after unlocking)

Place the arrow on top of the crossbow and hit the target. This unlocks the archer mini game, hit the target 3 times in 15 seconds. (Might be 2 times, but I have only hit it once and 3 times.)
For ease, place the crossbow as close to the target rail as possible and just before the end. Talk to the archer bunny to start the game. Hoover the arrow above the crossbow and place it in time to hit the target. Doing it enough times unlocks the golden statue with bow and the achievement The very best at archery.
Then take the crossbow and arrow with you.
New achievement
The very best at archery

New sticker
Sea angel

Place the miner monkey by the stones blocking the cave and lace the sun sticker. This will unblock the cave mouth. Also use the fishing pole to catch the sea angel. Bring everything with you.
Mountains to the swamp
New achievements

The value of love

Nothing yet

New stickers
Statue mage
Fathers letter 2
map (after unlocking)
Puzzle piece 3 (after unlocking)

Read the letter and you will unlock the map. The puzzle piece will come later.

New stickers
Fairy 8 (after unlocking)

Nothing we can do at the moment.

New stickers
pink tree
purple tree
purple bush
lost brother opossum (after unlocking)

Use the full bucket on the sprout. Place the campfire close to the frozen bother opossum.
Take the campfire and the lost brother opossum with you.

New stickers
Hermit (Baran)
Puzzle piece 1 (after unlocking)
Golden statue hermit and dog (after unlocking)

Place the campfire by the frozen lake and fish up the puzzle piece 1. The statue will be unlocked in a little while.

New stickers
Giant foot
Fairy 2 (after unlocking)

Place the crossbow down and use the arrow to hit the floating target. This unlocks fairy 2. Take fairy 2 and the giant foot with you.

Place the giant foot in the circle in the snow.

New stickers
small pine
large pine
moon (after unlocking)

Place the old sheep in the dotted line to unlock the moon. Take the moon and the egg with you. Then backtrack to B1 and go up to

New stickers
Ladder (after unlocking)
Giant bird (after unlocking)
Medallion of love (after unlocking)

Place the egg in the nest. This brings the bird to the nest who will unlock the ladder and the medallion of love. Take the ladder and medallion with you.

New achievement
The value of love

Then return to

Optional give the hermit the dog for the statue, but bring the dog with you. It is needed for a task.

Use the ladder to go down, make sure to take the ladder with you.

New stickers
Crystal (after unlocking)

Place the miner monkey in the dotted line for the crystal.

New stickers
Fathers letter 3
Portable tent
Cupcake (inside the tent)
Family photo (after unlocking in the tent)

Walk into the tent to visit the interior. It has several pieces of furniture and a cupcake. Take the cupcake with you and place all the furniture items in the tent. This unlocks the family photo. In the tent, and the visible area around it, you can store extra stickers if you are a hoarder like me. In the tent things poof into existence, on the visible area around the world map you can keep things as stickers.
Leave the tent and take it with you.

New stickers
Black cat (after unlocking)

Use the dog on the dotted line to unlock the cat. Take it with you and use the ladder to move up the ridge. You can leave the ladder there, we will be back in a few seconds.

New stickers
Crow friend (Edward)
Bomb (after unlocking)

Give the crystal to the crown friend and it will unlock the bomb. Place the bomb on top of the cracked boulder to blast it to pieces. Take the bomb with you. Move down, taking the ladder with you, to

New stickers
Empty mine cart
filled mine cart
Lost brother rat (after unlocking)

Move the small tree to grab the lost brother rat. Use the bomb to break open the cave mouth and take both with you.

New stickers
Tennis racket
Sawfish (after unlocking)
Red empty can (after unlocking)
Piano (after unlocking)
Golden statue with tennis racket (after unlocking)

A short mini game of bouncing the tennis ball back and forth. The tennis racket doesn’t register as long as you hold it, so a bit of picking up and placing down. You can leave it there as this is where the second mini game will be. Fish up the sawfish to take with you. The last 3 items are unlocked later.
Swamp to the desert

The value of self confidence
The value of safety

Miss able

A rainbow in the sky

New stickers
Penguin friend (Blake)

Grab the penguin and put him on solid ground. You can walk on the light water.

New stickers
Weeping willow
Manatee friend (Mary)
Balloon furniture (after unlocking)

Give the manatee the cupcake for the balloon furniture. Use the fishing pole to catch the trout. Take the trout and fishing pole with you.

New stickers
Small chest
Potted fern
Life buoy (after unlocking)
Golden racoon statue (after unlocking)
Raccoon (Rocky) (after unlocking)

Place the 5 sticker furniture between the building corners. The raccoon will give you the life buoy, we will be back for the statue.

You can place the medallions you already have on the pedestals.

Nothing here yet.

New stickers
musician turtle (Luca)
Violin (after unlocking)

Blow up the rock to free the violin. Musician turtle will pick it up. Take him with you and move to

New stickers
Fairy 3 (after unlocking)

Use the bomb on the cracked boulder to unlock the fairy 3. Take them both with you.

Activate the switch the lower the bridge to cross. Then return to

New stickers
Medallion of self confidence (after unlocking)
Rain cloud (after unlocking)

This may cause you to run around for a bit.
Place the musician turtle on the music note on the stage and 4 random other friends on the lower stage. This unlocks the medallion of self confidence and the rain cloud.
Next place the sun to cause a rainbow to take form for the achievement.
Take the musician turtle, rain cloud, sun and medallion with you. Then a small detour

New achievements
The value of self confidence
A rainbow in the sky

New sticker
Fairy 4 (after unlocking)

Place the rain cloud on the rain cloud carving on the rock to unlock fairy 4. Take both with you. You can drop off any fish you have on you.

New stickers
Lost brother sloth
Fairy 5 (after unlocking)
Kickstarter rewards (possible)

Talk to the lost brother sloth to wake him up and place the musician turtle on the music note. This unlocks fairy 5. Take all 3 with you.

New stickers
Fairy 6 (after unlocking)

Place the moon on the moon carving. A spot with start to sparkle. Place the fishing pole on top of it and unlock fairy 6. Take everything with you as we return to

New stickers
The value of safety

Give the life buoy to the penguin for the medallion of safety. Take both with you for a detour.

New achievements
The value of safety.

New stickers
Starfish (after unlocking)
Puzzle piece 4 (after unlocking)

Use the fishing pole on the shadow and take both with you. The puzzle piece comes later.

New stickers
Grand fairy (Coronya)
Goddess of light (after unlocking)
Golden goddess of light statue (after unlocking)

Return the fairies to the grand fairy. After 4 returned fairies your sticker book get enlarged. Returning all 8 will unlock the goddess of light and her statue. She will talk to you each time you return a fairy, unless she is a sticker.

New sticker

Place the musician turtle on the music note to wake up the hippo. You can leave them both.
Desert to finish
New achievements
The value of perseverance

The witch ritual
The very best at sticker tennis
Coronya’s sisters
The lost brotherhood
The light brotherhood or The dark brotherhood
The hidden treasure
Sticker collection

New stickers
Small cactus
Large cactus
Fathers letter 4
Lost brother horse (after unlocking)

Use either the rain cloud or a filled bucket on the lost brother to help him. Take lost brother horse with you.

New stickers
Fairy 7 (after unlocking)
Golden tooth (after unlocking)

Use the water bucket on the sprout to unlock fairy 7 and take her with you.

New stickers
Otter friend (Otto)
Seahorse (after unlocking)

The seahorse will disappear from sight normally. Otter friend will tell you three ways to make the shadow be visible. Explosions, night and Music. So place the moon/ bomb/ Musician turtle of choice, fish up the seahorse and take the used sticker and seahorse with you.

New stickers
Alpaca friend (Alpie)
Shovel (after unlocking)
Bone (after unlocking)

Place the rain cloud to fill the water container. Alpaca friend will give you the shovel to dig up cracks in the ground. Use it on the crack for a bone. You can give it to the dog, who walks towards it, but does nothing with it. So at least take the shovel with you.

New stickers
small black pine
large black pine
black bush
ghost (after unlocking)

Place the black cat on the dotted line to make the ghost appear. Take the ghost with you.

New stickers
Owl friend (Otylea)
Witch lollipop
Goddess of darkness
Teleporting doll

Place the sun in the sky to get the lollipop.
The next part is optional but highly advised as it is needed for 3 achievements.
Next place the moon in the sky (I always place it on top of the sun) and place the ghost by the cauldron. This till transform the owl friend into the goddess of darkness. She will grant you the teleporting doll. Take her, the lollipop and the teleporting doll with you. Time for a rapid run to select sections.

New achievement
The witch achievement.

Dig up the crack for the golden tooth.

Give the lollipop to the racoon to unlock the golden racoon statue and the second minigame. Take the racoon with you.

Mini game time.
1-9 unlocks the red empty can.
10-14 unlocks the piano
15+ unlocks the golden statue with tennis ratchet.

Getting the golden statue unlocks an achievement.

New achievement
The very best at sticker tennis

Dig up the crack for the golden ring and take it with you.

Drop off the last fish in the pond for the medallion of perseverance.

New achievement
The value of perseverance

Use the ladder of the teleporting doll to get to the switch to unlock puzzle piece 2.

Place the golden tooth in the skull.

Dig up the crack for puzzle piece 3.

Dig up the crack for fairy 8 and place the ring to unlock a tunnel.

Use the teleporting doll to get to the switch to unlock puzzle piece 4.

Drop of the last fairies to turn the grand fairy into the goddess of light and unlock her statue. This also unlock an achievement. Take the goddess with you.

New achievement
Coronya’s sisters

Very optional, but you can place the penguin friend on the dotted line to unlock a shortcut down the mountain.

Go down the tunnel for the brotherhood temple.

New stickers
Brother lion
Goddess statue (after unlocking)

Place the other lost brothers by the chairs. Like the grand fairy, brother lion will talk after placing each one. Unless he is a sticker.
Returning them all unlocks the achievement the lost brotherhood.

Here you need to make a choice.
The brotherhood will worship a single goddess. Give them the goddess of light to get the achievement the light brotherhood. Making them all wear white robes and make the room have white banners. The goddess statue will be white.
Give them the goddess of darkness to give them purple robes, banners, and goddess statue. Unlocking the achievement, the dark brotherhood.

New achievements
The lost brotherhood
The dark brotherhood or The light brotherhood

Use the teleporting doll to get on the ridge with the tunnel downwards to get to the hidden cave.

New stickers
Pirate flag (after unlocking)
Golden statue with puzzle piece (after unlocking)
Pirate hat outfit (after unlocking)

Place the 4 puzzle pieces in the correct spot to unlock the treasure and get the pirate hat. This unlocks the achievement the hidden treasure.
If you have gathered every mentioned sticker in this guide, this will also unlock the sticker collection achievement.

New achievement
The hidden treasure
Sticker collection

Final bit.
Place all medallions on the pedestals to unlock the rainbow bridge. This does not count for the a rainbow achievement.

Here is the final letter which you cannot pick up. Reading it unlocks the achievement father.

New achievement
Sticker book
Page 1
Bird friend
Explorers statue

Page 2
Orange tree
Dark bush
Tree stump
Light bush
Dog friend
Red tree

Page 3
Coconut tree
Empty bucket
full bucket
Old sheep
Golden statue with cog
Axolotl friend

Page 4
Fathers letter 1
Fathers letter 2
Fathers letter 3
Fathers letter 4
Medallion of love
Medallion of joy
Medallion of self confidence
Medallion of perseverance
Medallion of safety

Page 5
Yellow empty can
Red empty can
Cow friend
Fishing pole
Sea butterfly

Page 6
Empty minecart
Full minecart

Page 7
Cheetah friend
Small pine tree
Flag pole
Blue white flag
Love flag
Miner monkey

Page 8
Love statue
Golden statue with bow
Archer bunny
Monkey brother
Bunny sister

Page 9
Mage statue
Golden ring
Golden tooth
Purple tree

Page 10
Giant foot
Pink tree
Giant bird

Page 11
Purple bush
Golden statue hermit and dog

Page 12
Crow friend
Black cat
Portable tent
Small pine

Page 13
Bonsai tree
Folding screen
Large chest

Page 14
Woven basket
Large table
Coffee table
Standing lamp
Smooth stool
Low cabinet

Page 15
Table with cloth
Potted plant
Stool with swirl
Potted cactus
Manatee friend
Balloon furniture

Page 16
Fairy (8x)
Grand fairy
Goddess of light
Golden goddess of light statue

Page 17
Rain cloud
Musician turtle
Weeping willow
Life buoy
Penguin friend

Page 18
Small chest
Potted fern
Golden racoon statue
Witch lollipop
Tennis racket
Golden statue with tennis racket
Raccoon friend

Page 19
Otter friend
Small cactus
Large cactus
Alpaca friend

Page 20
Large black pine tree
Black bush
Small black pine tree
Teleporting doll
Goddess of darkness
Owl friend

Page 21
Puzzle pieces (4x)
Golden statue with puzzle piece
Pirate flag

Page 22
Goddess statue
Brother lion
Lost brother opossum
Lost brother horse
Lost brother rat
Lost brother sloth

Optional kickstarter pages. These only appear when you fill in the received kickstarter codes.
Filling in the codes also put the name you listed in kickstarter to appear above the left page.

Page 23 (lonesome village backer)
Lonesome village flag
Lonesome village plushie
Lonesome village statue

Page 24 (social challenge)
Kickstarter flag
Kickstarter trophy
The light brotherhood
Gather the 4 lost brothers and 8 fairies.
Needs, a statue, crossbow, arrow, shovel, bomb, musician turtle, rain cloud, moon, fishing rod, and a full bucket.
Fairy 1
D3, need a statue to press down the button
Fairy 2
A5, shoot the floating target with the crossbow and arrow.
Fairy 3
E4, crack the boulder with a bomb
Fairy 4
F3, place the rain cloud on the carving.
Fairy 5
G3, place the musician turtle on the music note.
Fairy 6
G4, Place the moon on the carving and use the fishing pole on the sparkling spot.
Fairy 7
E7, use an full bucket on the sprout.
Fairy 8
B3, dig up the crack in the ground.
Goddess of light
Take all 8 fairies to B6 and return them to their sister. She will talk after each fairy is returned unless you turn her into a sticker first.

Lost brothers
Needs campfire and rain cloud
Lost brother 1
A3, use the campfire to thaw out the lost brother.
Lost brother 2
D4, move the small tree to bring the lost brother into view.
Lost brother 3
G3, talk to the lost brother to wake him up
Lost brother 4
F7, use the rain cloud (or possible a full bucket on the lost brother.

Unlock the temple
Needs Shovel, golden tooth, ring, and giant foot
Giant foot
A5, take the giant foot and move it to the circle in the snow in A6
Golden tooth
E7, dig up the crack in the ground.
D3, dig up the crack in the ground.
Place the tooth back on the skull in B1 and the ring on the hand in B3.
Enter the tunnel and return the lost brothers. The brother lion will talk after each brother is returned unless he is turned into a sticker. When they are all back, give them their goddess of light.
The dark brotherhood
Gather the 4 lost brothers and complete the witch ritual

Goddess of darkness
Needs, sun, moon, ghost, and black cat.
Black cat
C4, use the dog to unlock the black cat.
C7, use black cat by the tombstone
Goddess of darkness and teleporting doll
B7, Place the sun, then the moon and finally the ghost to transform the owl into the goddess of darkness who gives you the teleporting doll.

Lost brothers
Needs campfire and rain cloud
Lost brother 1
A3, use the campfire to thaw out the lost brother.
Lost brother 2
D4, move the small tree to bring the lost brother into view.
Lost brother 3
G3, talk to the lost brother to wake him up
Lost brother 4
F7, use the rain cloud (or possible a full bucket on the lost brother.

Unlock the temple
Needs Shovel, golden tooth, ring, giant foot
Giant foot
A5, take the giant foot and move it to the circle in the snow in A6
Golden tooth
E7, dig up the crack in the ground.
D3, dig up the crack in the ground.
Place the tooth back on the skull in B1 and the ring on the hand in B3.
Enter the tunnel and return the lost brothers. The brother lion will talk after each brother is returned unless he is turned into a sticker. When they are all back, give them their goddess of darkness
The hidden treasure
Gather 4 puzzle pieces.

Teleporting doll
Needs, sun, moon, ghost, and black cat.
Black cat
C4, use the dog to unlock the black cat.
C7, use black cat by the tombstone
Goddess of darkness and teleporting doll
B7, Place the sun, then the moon and finally the ghost to transform the owl into the goddess of darkness who gives you the teleporting doll.

Puzzle pieces
Needs teleporting doll, fishing rod, campfire, and shovel (filled bucket and ladder optional)
Puzzle piece 1
A4, place the campfire by the frozen lake and fish up the piece.
Puzzle piece 2
C2, flip the switch on the ledge. Either use the teleporting doll or the filled water bucket on sprout and ladder.
Puzzle piece 3
B2, dig up the crack in the ground
Puzzle piece 4
C6, use the teleporting doll to get to the switch and flip it.

Go to C3 and use the teleporting doll to get on the ridge with the tunnel downwards to get to the hidden cave.
Place the 4 puzzle pieces in the correct spot to unlock the treasure and get the pirate hat.
A rainbow in the sky
Needs the sun and rain cloud.
In any location, place both the rain cloud and the sun on the page.
The very best at archery
To get this achievement, and the golden trophy, you need to earn 3 points in 15 seconds.

First you need to find the bunny girl, Twixy, and return her to the monkey brother Hugo to get the arrow. Then just hit the target once to unlock the archery mini game.

While the crossbow is behind the line originally, it doesn't have to stay there. Here is where I normally place it and get an easy 3 points every time.

The very best at sticker tennis
To unlock this mini game you first have to G5 and place the 5 furniture items between the building corners. This brings the raccoon Rocky to you.
Then you need to proceed to the witch in B7 and use the sun to bring the day. Bring the lollipop to the raccoon and he will play sticker tennis with you if you bring him to the tennis court, D5.

Now there is no way to outright cheat, but you can still place the tennis ratchet where you want. Sometimes just in front of the others ratchet is the perfect spot.
It also counts per bounce of your ratchet. So if the ball hits yours but flies deeper into your side, you can get a second point.

If you find you often grab a bush or a tree, just clear the map section by putting everything on the sides.

There are 3 items to unlock.
1-9 unlocks the red empty can.
10-14 unlocks the piano
15+ unlocks the golden statue with tennis ratchet and the achievement.
Buffer 28 Jul, 2024 @ 8:58am 
Thanks for the guide. For future reference, though there are no in-game save slots you can still duplicate your save so you can do the brotherhood achievements more easily. If you go into your computer's file manager and go through the following series of folders, User Profile => AppData => LocalLow => Ogre Pixel => A Tiny Sticker Tale => saves, you can then copy the "data.save" file into a backup location. After getting one achievement you can replace the later save file with your backup and go for the other. If you can't find it like that you can also just search "Ogre Pixel" in the file manager and it should find the folder after a wait period. Hope that helps :sothappy:
Viporion  [author] 19 Nov, 2023 @ 5:31am 
Thank you for catching that typo in the light brotherhood.
russianbluewitch 12 Nov, 2023 @ 10:41pm 
Fairy 3 is on E4 not E3.
DeadWitchWalking 5 Nov, 2023 @ 3:17am 
You can either do a second playthrough or cheat a little bit and close the game without saving after you got the achievement for either of the godesses. Then just open the game again and do the other one. My last safe file was right before the ritual so I did not have to play anything again. Hope that helps!
Viporion  [author] 7 Oct, 2023 @ 9:56pm 
Yes CorsoTheWolf. You can only give them one goddess and there is no way I found to save and keep a spare safe file.
CorsoTheWolf 7 Oct, 2023 @ 7:32pm 
For the Brotherhood I guess we have to do a second playthrough to get each acheivement?
SkadiSilbrigmond 7 Oct, 2023 @ 8:32am 
Great guide, thanks!