Love Is All Around

Love Is All Around

305 ratings
Love Is All Around  Full game guide(English)
By Okaeri
The content of this guide includes a basic introduction to the game, the full plot, the impact of favorability, all endings and how to unlock achievements.
This is my first time making an English guide.

If you find any bugs or have suggestions please let me know, thank you

If this guide is helpful to you, you can give me a free thumbs up. Thank you so much.
1.This guide contains all plot endings, favorability effects, and all achievements.
2.This guide contains major spoilers. It is recommended that you use it after playing the game.
3.English is not my usual language, so this guide is completed by Google Translate.
4.This is my first time writing an English guide.If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message to me.

At present, all chapters have been completed. I will continue to improve it and make it easier to read.

Other guides
All character guide
Journey of Love、Direct(XiaoLu、ShenHuixin)、(Bed End) Guide

other languages
Here are other language guides I've made.


全角色攻略 (All character guide)


Русский язык
Love Is All Around (Гид на русском языке)

If you have other guide language needs you can leave me a message. If it's possible to do it I'll try to make it.
Guide update history
d21/m11 New All character guide (It can help you complete the full achievement more easily.)

d26/m11 Chapters 1~6 have been rearranged and missing text has been fixed. Added guide to bad endings

d3/m12 Fixed missing content and added a Russian version of the guide.

If you have any suggestions or find errors, please leave a message to me, thank you
Common problem
Q: Does this game have adult content?
A: You can play with peace of mind and there are some small benefits. No nudity or sexual content.

Q: Regarding the request timeout, archive, and continue/exit game buttons disappearing
A1: The game server is abnormal and the game saves will not disappear. You can wait for a while to restart the game.

A2: You can also try right-clicking on the game name in the steam game library and selecting properties.
Select "Installed Files" and select "Verify Game File Defects" and restart the game after verification is completed.
Game interface

Start the story journey, and you can go back to the previous plot to change options at any time.
Completed plot content can be skipped using the Q button.

A personal introduction to each heroine.

Complete the achievement to receive the bear.

Give the bears you earn from completing story chapters and achievements to your favorite characters.

Moment of Romance and Behind the Dcenes can be watched here

You can adjust the game window, language, whether to turn on the actor's voice, game brightness, and game volume here.
Guide instructions
Changes in favorability
(No change, +, ++, -, --) after each plot option represents the degree of change in favorability.

Tips for the direct ending
( Zheng Ziyan Direct)=Journey of Love Birds
(Xiaolu Direct)=Complete Xiao Lu's storyline directly in Chapter 4.
(Shen Huixing Direct)=Complete Shen Huixin's storyline directly in Chapter 3.

Cause of pass-through failure

It may be that the return or skip key options were used in the middle and the correct selection was not made.
Using return jump selection may cause the previous selection to be automatically replaced.
It is recommended that if you have been unable to unlock the hidden ending, you only use Q to fast forward to avoid the previous options being automatically changed.

Dialogue options description

Game option numbers are dialogue options starting from left to right with number 1234... and so on.
Example: "Selection order 113" appears in the guide
Represents the continuous scene selection method, select 1 for the first scene, 1 for the second scene, and 3 for the third scene.
Chapter 1 Last Night...Did We...
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩「Torn Skirt」

Torn Skirt

1.Give her a quiet heads up (no change)
2.Take off your coat and give it to her (+Zheng Ziyan) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
3.Fix the problem for good (--Zheng Ziyan) Unlock achievements「Are You Alright?」

achievements「Are You Alright?」

Inqusition OF A Girl

1.Yes, it happened (++Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene 「Awkward Encounter」 (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
2.No, we definitely didn't (no change)
3.Change The Subject (-Zheng Ziyan has a good impression) ➩ Scene 「Change The Subject」

Change The Subject

1.Thank her for the hot tea (-Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene「Awkward Encounter」
2.Praise the oil painting (no change) ➩ Scene「What's Good About The Painting」
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)

What's Good About The Painting

1.Good overall structure (-Zheng Ziyan)
2.The temperament reminds me of... (+Zheng Ziyan)
3.The painting frame is really nice (+Zheng Ziyan)
(Automatically select 3 at the end of time)

Awkward Encounter

1.I was your hourly worker (-Li Yunsi) achievements「Go Clean up In Your Own Way」
2.I gave you that painting (--Li Yunsi)
3.Keep silent (no change)
4.We met at an exhibition (+Li Yunsi)

achievements「Go Clean up In Your Own Way」

Art Expert

1.The color and composition have a distinct style (+Li Yunsi)
2.Looks like something my uncle would paint (++Li Yunsi)

Farewell Methods

1.Give a cool wave goodbye (no change)
2.Shake her hands and say goodbye (+Li Yunsi)
3.Hug and say goodbye (++Li Yunsi)

Breakfast With Whom

1.Go out to eat with Zheng Ziyan (+Zheng Ziyan, -Li Yunsi) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
2.Stay and eat with Li Yunsi (+Li Yunsi)
3.Play dumb and keep silent (-Li Yunsi, -Zheng Ziyan)

Vanished Memories

1.Did we meet at the art exhibition? (-Xiao Lu) (Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Last night, did we...? (---Xiao Lu)
3.Just stop asking me (--Xiao Lu)

Keeping In Touch

Send a message to Li Yun Si About how handsome i am?(-Li Yunsi)

Except for the above options, which will reduce the favorability, the other options will not affect the favorability change.

Where To go

1.Decide to find a roommate (no change) ➩ End of Chapter 1
2.Live with Liu (no change) ➩ Scene「Place To Stay」

Place To Stay

1.Give Liu a kick (no change) ➩ End of Chapter 1
2.Give Liu a punch (no change)➩ End of Chapter 1

Complete Chapter 1

Chapter 1 tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete
Chapter 2 I Challenge You To Save More Money!
Sidewalk Chat
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Crude Shared Flat」

Crude Shared Flat
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩「Unexpected Roomie」

Unexpected Roomie

1.Persuade Xiao Lu to share the flat (no change)
2.Talk Liu out of it (+Xiao Lu) (Xiao Lu Direct)

In Whose Name

1.Pretending to be her family in the ceremony (++Xiao Lu) (Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Pretending to be her pursuer in the ceremony (+Xiao Lu)

First Job lnterview

1.Confront the interviewer in anger (+Zheng Ziyan) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
2.Respond to the interviewer kindly (no change)

First Job

1. In realistic style (+Zheng Ziyan, -Li Yunsi, -Xiao Lu) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
2. In abstract style (+Li Yunsi, -Zheng Ziyan, -Xiao Lu)
3. In cartoon style (+Xiao Lu, -Zheng Ziyan, -Li Yunsi) (Xiao Lu Direct)

Profit Plan

1.Paint with Xiao Lu (+Xiao Lu) ➩ Scene「Balloons on the Tree」(Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Go to Zheng Ziyan's party Scene (+Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene 「Pitching Game」 (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
3.Go to Li Yunsi's place (+Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene 「Masterpiece」

Balloon ln The Tree

1.Go buy a new balloon (++Xiao Lu) (Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Take the balloon off the tree (-Xiao Lu)

Ball Game

1.Drink the wine (-Zheng Ziyan)
2.Act as Zheng Ziyan says (+Zheng Ziyan) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)

Comment on three paintings, there will be three results depending on the combination

Select 111 (+Li Yunsi)
1.It's a masterpiece by Picasso➩1.It features an outstanding tri-dimensional display➩1.It portrays the hardships of people

Select 222 (++Li Yunsi) achievements「FIRST LOVE」
2.Picasso is a womanizer➩2.The artist was shrewd➩2.It's upsetting to look at

Achievements「FIRST LOVE」

3. The remaining combinations will trigger the third result (no change) (exploration 100% requires completing this result at least once)

Cream Cake

1.Give it to Yunsi (+Li Yunsi, -Zheng Ziyan, -Xiao Lu)
2.Give it to Lu (+ Xiao Lu’s favor, -Zheng Ziyan, -Li Yunsi) (Xiao Lu Direct)
3.Give it to Ziyan (+Zheng Ziyan, -Xiao Lu, -Li Yunsi) (Zheng Ziyan direct)
4.Eat it yourself (no change)

Roommate Selection

1.To Yunsi's place (+Li Yunsi, -Xiao Lu, -Zheng Ziyan)
2.Share the Flat (+Xiao Lu, -Li Yunsi, -Zheng Ziyan) (Xiao Lu Direct)
3.To Ziyan's Place (+Zheng Ziyan, -Li Yunsi, -Xiao Lu) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
4.Beg Landlord (-Everyone) ➩ Return to 「Roommate Selection」
(Choose 4 , achievements「Drama CP Reel to Real」)

Achievements「Drama CP Reel to Real」

Bathroom Romance

1.Close your eyes (++Li Yunsi) ➩ End of Chapter 2
2.Risk it and kiss her (--Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene 「Apology Approach」
3.(Don’t choose when time is over) (--Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene 「Apology Approach」

Apology Approach

1.Let Li Yunsi get even (-Li Yunsi) achievements「David」➩ End of Chapter 2
2.Set a time to leave (+Li Yunsi) ➩ End of Chapter 2


Midnight Park

1.Climb over the wall with Xiao Lu without hesitation (++Xiao Lu) (Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Ask why she takes you to the park (--Xiao Lu)➩ End of Chapter 2
3.(Don’t choose when time is over) (no change)➩ End of Chapter 2

Over The Wall

1.Lift Xiao Lu up to help her climb over the wall (+Xiao Lu)(Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Show her how to climb over the wall (no change) ➩ Scene 「Moment Of Thrill」

Moment Of Thrill

1.Lure the security guard away (+Xiao Lu)(Xiao Lu Direct) ➩ End of Chapter 2
2.Try to sneak away unnoticed (no change)➩ End of Chapter 2
3.(Don’t choose when time is over) (no change)➩ End of Chapter 2
(Note that 100% exploration degree. If not selected, it is also an independent node.)

Home Of An Alcoholic
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩「Drinking Invitation」

Drinking Invitation

1.Advise Zheng Ziyan not to go (--Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene 「All In」
2.Tell Zheng Ziyan to do whatever makes her happy (++Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene 「Insanity In All」 (Zheng Ziyan Dsirect)
3. (Don’t choose when time is over) (no change)➩ Scene「Expensive White Shirt」

All In

1.Admit defeat (+Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene「Expensive White Shirt」
2.Roll the dice and win over Zheng Ziyan (-Zheng Ziyan) ➩ Scene 「Expensive White Shirt」

Expensive White Shirt

1.It's too expensive. I can't have it (-Zheng Ziyan)➩ End of Chapter 2
2.Accept it with pleasure (+Zheng Ziyan)➩ End of Chapter 2

Insanity In All

1.Set up a small bar at home (+Zheng Ziyan)(Zheng Ziyan Dsirect) ➩ End of Chapter 2
2.Play the Turtle Card Game (no change)➩ = Scene 「Turtle Card Game」

Turtle Card Game

1.Defeat Zheng Ziyan in the game (-Zheng Ziyan)➩ End of Chapter 2
2.Lose to Zheng Ziyan in the game (+Zheng Ziyan)➩ End of Chapter 2

Complete Chapter 2
Chapter 3 I Love How Tough You Are
Paying Back Debts
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩ Scene「Goldfish War」

Goldfish War

1.Don't remember (-Shen Huixin)
2.I remember (+Shen Huixing)(Shen Huixin Direct)

Sparking A Dispute

1.Go meet with Xiao Lu (no change) (Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Go meet with Zheng Ziyan (no change) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
3.Stay at home, not going anywhere (no change) (Shen Huixin Direct)

Unqualified Repairman

1.Take one step back to the left (+Xiao Lu) (Xiao Lu Direct) ➩ Scene 「Drying Wet Clothes」
2.Take one step back to the right (-Xiao Lu) ➩ Scene「Rescue Plan」
Achievement「That's So You」
(Heartbreaking relationship with Xiao Lu triggers ending「Prophecy Fulfilled」)
Achievement「Life Is A Rollercoaster」

Achievement「That's So You」

Achievement「Life Is A Rollercoaster」

Ending「Prophecy Fulfilled」

Drying Wet Clothes
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Date Interrupted」

Date Interrupted

1.Listen to Xiao Lu and calm down (+Xiao Lu, -Shen Huixin) (Xiao Lu Direct)
2.Keep scolding Shen Huixin (+Shen Huixin)

Secret Crush Guess

1.Agree to meet Shen Huixin (+Zheng Ziyan) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
2.Refuse to meet Shen Huixin (no change)

No Dating Clause

1.Agree to sign (+Shen Huixin)
2.Refuse to sign with a tough attitude (no change)

Treasure In House
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩「Who Is The Monopoly」

Who Is The Monopoly

1.Roll out a three and lose to Shen Huixin (-Shen Huixin)
2.Roll out a five and win against Shen Huixin (no change) (Shen Huixin Direct) ➩ Scene 「Invalid Bet」

Invalid Bet

1.Sorry, I didn't mean to (no change)
2.You can't cheat without paying the price (++Shen Huixin) (Shen Huixin Direct)

Rescue Plan

1.Agree and let her pretend to be your girlfriend (+Zheng Ziyan) (Zheng Ziyan Direct) ➩ Scene 「Lie Busted」
2.Refuse to let her pretend to be your girlfriend (no change) (Shen Huixin Direct) ➩ Scene 「Declaration Of Love」

Lie Busted

1.Agree and let Zheng Ziyan remove her makeup (-Shen Huixing, + Zheng Ziyan) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
2.Refuse to let Zheng Ziyan remove her makeup (+Shen Huixing, - Zheng Ziyan)
(Heartbreaking relationship with Zheng Ziyan triggers ending「Tomb in the Shadows」)
(achievements 「Boys Need To Protect Themselves」)

achievements 「Boys Need To Protect Themselves」

Ending「Tomb in the Shadows」

Declaration Of Love

1.Go downstairs (-Shen Huixing, + Zheng Ziyan)
2.Refuse to go downstairs (+Shen Huixing, - Zheng Ziyan) (Shen Huixin Direct)
(Heartbreaking relationship with Zheng Ziyan triggers ending「Tomb in the Shadows」)
(Note: This is another independent ending of Tomb)

Odd Customer

1.Play along with the lie (-Li Yunsi, +Shen Huixin) (Shen Huixin Direct)
2.Speak the truth (+Li Yunsi, -Shen Huixin)

Renovate Art Shop

1.Choose Yunsi (+Li Yunsi, -Zheng Ziyan, -Xiao Lu, -Shen Huixin)
2.Choose Ziyan (+Zheng Ziyan, -Shen Huixin, -Xiao Lu, -Li Yunsi) (Zheng Ziyan Direct)
3.Choose Lu (+Xiao Lu, -Shen Huixin, -Zheng Ziyan, -Li Yunsi) (Xiao Lu Direct)
4.Choose Huixin (+Shen Huixin, -Zheng Ziyan, -Xiao Lu, -Li Yunsi) (Shen Huixing Direct)

Bestie Arrives

1.You heard it. Persuade Shen Huixin to go home (-Shen Huixin)
2.You didn't hear it. Keep paying off that debt (+Shen Huixin) (Shen Huixin Direct)

Joy in Hardship

1.Push hard (+Shen Huixin)
2.Push gently (++Shen Huixin) (Shen Huixin Direct)
3.Give a fake push (--Shen Huixin)

Shameless Media

1.Paint with a brush (--Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene 「 Confession」
2.Splash ink to revamp the artwork (-Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene 「 Confession」


Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ End of Chapter 3
(Shen Huixing's favorable impression is 100%➩Scene 「Mutual Affection」

Achievements Doesn't Matter I'll Handle

Mutual Affection

Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Shen Huixin Chapter 「Bedtime Game」

Complete Chapter 3

Chapter 3 tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete
Chapter 4 Wanna Come To My Place For Dinner
Farewell Message
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Walk-On」
(Xiao Lu favorable impression is 100%) ➩ Scene 「Confession Of Feelings」

Confession Of Feelings

Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Xiao Lu Chapter 「Beachside Games」

Achievement 「My Dear Love」


1.Choose Lin Yueqin (+Lin Yueqin)
2.Choose Zheng Ziyan (+Zheng Ziyan)(Zheng Ziyan Direct)
3.Choose Lin Yueqin's ex-husband (No change) Unlock achievement 「You're Unbelievable」
4.(Automatically select 3 at the end of time)

Achievement 「You're Unbelievable」

Missed Tipping

1.Ask Lin Yuegin to prove it for you (+Lin Yueqin)
2.Forget it, I don't want to piss off the manager (+Zheng Ziyan)(Zheng Ziyan Direct)

Boxing Match

1.He can never bully you (++Lin Yueqin)
2.I need to teach him a lesson (+Lin Yueqin)
3.I'm good at fighting (no change)

First Round

1.Attack (no change)
2.Defense (no change)
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)

Tactical Strategy

1.Attack (no change) ➩ Scene 「Love Needs Responses」
2.Defense (no change) ➩ Scene 「Reterat for Comeback」
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)
(Defend 2 times in a row ➩ Scene 「Reterat for Comeback」➩ Scene 「Fatal Blow」

Reterat for Comeback

Cutscenes, no dialogue options.➩ Scene 「Love Needs Responses」)
(Defend 2 times in a row ➩ Scene「Fatal Blow」)

Fatal Blow

1.Go for his face (+Lin Yueqin)
2.Go for his shoulder (++Lin Yueqin),achievement 「ONE PUNCH」
3.Go for his belly (+Lin Yueqin)
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)
Achievement 「ONE PUNCH」

Love Needs Responses

1.Talk to Yunsi (+Li Yunsi, --Li Yunsi)
2.Talk to Ziyan (+Zheng Ziyan)(Zheng Ziyan Direct)
3.Talk to Yueqin (+Lin Yueqin)
4.Talk to him (no change) achievements 「Worthless Speech」

Achievements 「Worthless Speech」

Invitation From Two

Zheng Ziyan message
1. Do you even have the cute ones? (-Zheng Ziyan)
2. Just show me your beauty (+Zheng Ziyan)
3. Sexy? Go ahead and surprise me (-Zheng Ziyan)
Lin Yueqin message
Awesome,l love kids (+Lin Yueqin)

(Except for the above options, which will reduce the favorability, the other options will not affect the favorability change.)

Get Ready For Outing

1.Go to Lin Yueqin's place (-Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene「Cozy Home」
2.Go meet with Zheng Ziyan (-Li Yunsi) ➩ Scene「 Midnight Tale」(Zheng Ziyan Direct)

Cozy Home
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩ Scene「Sincere Gratitude」

Sincere Gratitude

1.Sincerely (++Lin Yueqin) ➩ Scene「Formal Farewell」
2.Talk over each other (--Lin Yueqin) ➩ Scene「Formal Farewell」

Midnight Tale

1.Willing to go all out (++Zheng Ziyan)(Zheng Ziyan Direct) ➩ Scene「Fickle Women」
2.Think it through (+Zheng Ziyan)

Fickle Women

(Zheng Ziyan favorable impression is 100%) ➩achievements 「Off We Sail Tonight」
(Zheng Ziyan Direct) Hidden ending 「Journey of Love」

Achievements 「Off We Sail Tonight」

「Journey of Love」

Formal Farewell

1.A Painting for You (+Li Yunsi) ➩ End of Chapter 4
2.A Painting for Us (++Li Yunsi) ➩ End of Chapter 4

Complete Chapter 4

Chapter 4 tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete
Chapter 5 What I Want Is You
Newbie At The Office
Cutscenes, no dialogue options.
Chapter 2: Didn’t paint with Xiao Lu ➩ Scene「Old Friend」
Chapter 2: Scene「Profit Plan」Choose to paint with Xiao Lu ➩ Scene「Familiar Artwork」

Old Friend

1.Turn around and run (--Xiao Lu --Lin Yueqing)
2.Lower your head and cover your face (-Xiao Lu -Lin Yueqing)
(Choose 1 or 2 to trigger 「Prophecy Fulfilled」 if you have a bad relationship with Xiao Lu.)

Familiar Artwork

1.Turn around and run (--Xiao Lu --Lin Yueqing)
2.Lower your head and cover your face (-Xiao Lu -Lin Yueqing)

(Exploration 100% please note!!! These are two independent endings)

Achievement 「Life Is A Rollercoaster」

End Prophecy Fulfilled

Breaking The Ice

1.Catching up (+Xiao Lu )
2.Business is business (++Xiao Lu )

Behind The Red Mark

1.Not satisfied with the job's content (+Zhong Zhen)
2.Tell the truth (no change)

Unspoken Rule

1.It's the hidden rule in our business (++Zhong Zhen)
2.If you can't fix it, I'll find someone who can (+Zhong Zhen)

Gift For Newcomer

1.I want to make a makeshift bed (-Zhong Zhen)
2.I'm going to tidy up (no change)

Flirty Tie

1.I love everything that comes from you (+Lin Yueqin, -Lin Yueqin)
2.Why would you want back a gift you've sent? (-Lin Yueqin)
(Choose 1 or 2 to trigger the endgame "Dark Alley Crisis" if you have a bad relationship with Lin Yueqin.)
(Exploration 100% please note!!! These are two independent dark alley crisis endings)

Achievement 「Lover In Dark Alley」

Dark Alley Crisis


1.Fight head-on (+Zhong Zhen)
2.Play dirty (no change)

New Kind Of Joyride

1.Pull slowly (no change)
2.Pull quickly (--Zhong Zhen)
3.Pull at a medium speed (++Zhong Zhen)
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)

Sharp Turn Ahead

1.Drift (++Zhong Zhen)
2.Brake (--Zhong Zhen)
(Automatically select 2 at the end of time)

Unsatisfied Desires

1.Time to party (+Zhong Zhen)
2.Time to work out (-Zhong Zhen)

Living With The Boss

1.Can't bear it anymore (+Zhong Zhen) ➩ Scene 「Man To Man」
2.She's taken (++Zhong Zhen) ➩ Scene 「Sudden Visit 」
3.I am the weapon (no change) ➩ Scene「Long-Term Plan」Achievement「Drama King」

Achievement 「Drama King」

Man To Man
Just complete the message. ➩ Scene 「Sudden Visit 」

Long-Term Plan

1.Pay off my debts first (-Zhong Zhen) ➩ Scene「Unethical Deal」
2.To earn even more money, of course (--Zhong Zhen) ➩ Scene「Unethical Deal」

Unethical Deal

1.Turn around and leave (no change) ➩ Scene 「Scorned and Shamed」
2.Accept it with pleasure ➩ (Zhong Zhen blacklisted you) ➩ Scene「Back To Square One」

Scorned and Shamed
Achievement 「All I Have Is Money」,Hidden ending 「Farmer and the Snake」

Achievement 「All I Have Is Money」

End「Farmer and the Snake」

Back To Square One
Just complete the message. ➩ Scene 「Sudden Visit 」

Sudden Visit

1.Tell them to hide (-Lin Yueqin、-Xiao Lu )
2.Open the door with a grand gesture (no change)

Zhong's Confession

1.Pretend to be in a work meeting (-Xiao Lu, -Lin Yueqin, -Zhong Zhen) ➩ End of Chapter 5
2.Lay all the cards on the table (no change) ➩ End of Chapter 5

Complete Chapter 5

Chapter 5 tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete

Chapter 6 To Be Or Not To Be
At Daggers Drawn

1.I have no idea (no change) ➩ Scene「What The Heart Wants」
2.Don't push me (+Zhong Zhen、+Lin Yueqin、(+Xiao Lu) ➩ Scene「In Pairs」

What The Heart Wants

1.The flowers are for everyone (-Lin Yueqin, -Xiao Lu, -Zhong Zhen)
2.It's my mom's birthday (no change)
3.I'll buy you some drinks first (no change)

Heart To Heart

1.Of course
(Achievement 「Still Single」 ending 「Lone Wolf」)

2.Actually, not that happy
(Achievement「Absolutely Elegant」 ending 「Close Male Friend」)

Achievement「Still Single」

Achievement「Absolutely Elegant」

ending 「Lone Wolf」

ending 「Close Male Friend」

In Pairs

1.Say hi to Li Yunsi (no change) (DESTINY)➩ Scene 「Things Have Changed」
2.Slip away quietly (no change) ➩ Scene 「No Mood for Game」

Things Have Changed

Go to Li Yunsi's place (no change) (DESTINY) ➩ Scene 「No Mood for Game」
Go to Li Yunsi's workplace (no change) (DESTINY) ➩ Scene 「I Am...」
Give up looking for Li Yunsi (no change) ➩ Scene 「No Mood for Game」

I Am...

1.I am the one Li Yunsi loves (no change) ➩ Scene 「No Mood for Game」
2.I'm here to ask for directions (no change) ➩ Scene 「No Mood for Game」

No Mood for Game

1.Great strength makes miracles
2.Easy. Liu will make a mistake
3.Admit defeat directly

Take The Initiative

1.Middle finger
2.Ring finger
3.Index finger

1.Hug Liu to express your gratitude (Achievement「Love Actually」)
2.Give Liu a grateful look

Final Decision

You can choose the individual chapter of the heroine whose favorability reaches the standard.
In the personal chapters of the five heroines, Li Yunsi has a hidden ending 「DESTINY」.

It should be noted that if you want to complete all personal chapters with 100% exploration level, you need to complete all "DESTINY".

If your Chapter 6 is not 100%.
Maybe it's because you jumped to other heroine chapters in the personal chapter.

You need to start with Final Decision Enter each heroine's personal chapter separately, and the chapter completion percentage will be calculated correctly.

Complete Chapter 6

Chapter 6 tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete
Chapter Xiao Lu
100-Day Anniversary
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「A Day Of Romance」

A Day Of Romance

1.Choose Shen Huixin ➩ Scene 「Romance Terminator」
2.Making it official with Xiao Lu ➩ Scene 「Shared Chores」

Romance Terminator
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter Shen Huixin ➩ Scene 「Only He Will Do」

Shared Chores

1.Complete the message. No meeting with the marmot. ➩ Scene 「Day by Day」
2.Recognize the marmot and decide to meet. ➩ Hidden ending 「Destiny」.
Achievement 「Love You Three Thousand」.

(You need to be in Chapter 2 Tell Li Yunsi you two have been online friends for years)
(And have a certain good relationship with her. Only then will the marmot message appear.)

Achievement 「Love You Three Thousand」


Day by Day

1.Accept ➩ Scene 「Beachside Games」
2.Maybe later ➩ Scene 「A Grand Exit」

A Grand Exit
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene 「Final Decision」

Beachside Games

1.Let Xiao Lu hit you
(The ending「Love in Simplicity」,Achievement「Days Of Innocence」.)
2.Don't let Xiao Lu hit you
(Don’t let Xiao Lu hit and accumulate 10 times),Achievement「The Flash」.

Achievement「Days Of Innocence」

Achievement「The Flash」

「Love in Simplicity」

Xiao Lu tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete
Chapter Lin Yueqin
Personal Favor
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Titles For Relatives」

Titles For Relatives


Three Aunties

4.They are all aunties

Seniority Matters

1.Great-uncle ➩ Scene「Melted Heart」
2.Great-aunt ➩ Scene「Feign Anger」
3.Grandpa ➩ Scene「Admiring Gaze」

「Melted Heart」「Feign Anger」「Admiring Gaze」
Cutscenes, no dialogue options.

Please refer to the following selection order to move to the next scene

Selection order 111 ➩ Scene「Guide To Relatives」
(1.Aunt ➩ 1.Left ➩ 1.Great-uncle) ➩ Scene 「Guide To Relatives」

Selection order 113 ➩ Scene「Her Concerns」
(1.Aunt ➩ 1.Left ➩ 3.Grandpa) ➩ Scene 「Her Concerns」

Selection order 241 ➩ Ending「Baby Talk」
(2.Madam ➩ 4.They are all aunties ➩ 1.Great-uncle) ➩ Ending「Baby Talk」

Ending 「Baby Talk」

Guide To Relatives
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene「Final Decision」

Her Concerns

1.You ➩ Scene 「A Father's Duty」
2.Zhong Zhen ➩ Chapter Zhong Zhen ➩ Scene 「Stern Face」

A Father's Duty

1.Complete the message. No meeting with the marmot. ➩ Scene 「Family lssues」
2.Recognize the marmot and decide to meet. ➩ Hidden ending 「Destiny」

Family lssues

1.Accept ➩ Scene 「Yoga Challenge」
2.Maybe later ➩ Scene 「Clean Cut」

Clean Cut
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene 「Final Decision」

Yoga Challenge

1.No, let's try another one
(Change yoga movements 10 times in total ➩ Achievement「New Yoga Pose Unlocked」)
2.This's it
(ending「House Full of Romance」. Achievement「Happy Family」)

Achievement「New Yoga Pose Unlocked」

Achievement「Happy Family」

Ending 「House Full of Romance」

Lin Yueqin tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete.
Chapter Zheng Ziyan
Liu's Advice
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Brief Ex-love」

Brief Ex-love

1.There are indeed a few girls...
2.No, no, I only have eyes for you
3.What do you want to drink?
(Automatically select 3 at the end of time)

Classic Trap

1.Speak following Liu's hints
2.I don't see any changes
3.A new hairstyle?!
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)

Bad Temper Of Whom

1.Speak following Liu's hints
2.Yeah, you need to work on your temper
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)

A Matter Of Life

1.I will ➩ Scene「Sincerity Or Deception?」
2.Honestly, I haven't decided yet ➩ Scene「Undecided」
(Automatically select 1 at the end of time)

「Sincerity Or Deception?」「Undecided」
Cutscenes, no dialogue options.

Please refer to the following selection order to move to the next scene.

Selection order 1111 ➩ Scene「Cost Of lie」

Selection order 1222 ➩ Scene「Scoring A Girlfriend」

Selection order 2111 ➩ Ending「Pinocchio」


Cost Of lie
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene「Final Decision」

Scoring A Girlfriend

1.Wherever you go, I go ➩ Scene「Man Of The House」
2.I want peace and quiet ➩ Scene「Not Looking Back」

Not Looking Back
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter Lin Yueqin ➩ Scene 「Personal Favor」

Man Of The House

1.Complete the message. No meeting with the marmot. ➩ Scene 「Free Spirit」
2.Recognize the marmot and decide to meet. ➩ Hidden ending 「Destiny」

Free Spirit

1.Accept ➩ Scene 「Counting Sheep Magic」
2.Maybe later ➩ Scene 「Life's Not A Game」

Life's Not A Game
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene 「Final Decision」

Counting Sheep Magic

4.Five The ending「Voyager」. Achievement「Go Get Some Fries On The Pier」.
(Played Lamb 10 times with Zheng Ziyan in total) Achievement「Counting Sheep」.

Achievement「Go Get Some Fries On The Pier」

Achievement「Counting Sheep」

Ending 「Voyager」

Zheng Ziyan tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete.
Chapter Zhong Zhen
Stern Face
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Pre-Game Reminder」

Pre-Game Reminder

1.Hit me
2.I'm good

Settle or All-In?

1.Screw it! Hit me again!
2.You're right

Advice For Zhong

1.Hit again ➩ Scene 「Went Too Far」
2.Stay ➩ Scene 「Narrow Victory」

「Went Too Far」「Narrow Victory」
Cutscenes, no dialogue options.

Please refer to the following selection order to move to the next scene
Selection order 111 ➩ Ending「Unromantic」
Selection order 112 ➩ Scene「Kicked Out」
Selection order 222 ➩ Scene「Test For Sincerity」


Kicked Out
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene「Final Decision」

Test For Sincerity

1.Xiao Lu ➩ Chapter Xiao Lu ➩ Scene「100-Day Anniversary」
2.Of course, it's you Scene「Real Estate Tycoon」

Real Estate Tycoon

1.Complete the message. No meeting with the marmot. ➩ Scene 「Money Brings Ease」
2.Recognize the marmot and decide to meet. ➩ Hidden ending 「Destiny」

Money Brings Ease

1.Accept ➩ Scene 「Pleasurse In The Boudoir」
2.Maybe later ➩ Scene 「Refuse To Be Kept」

Refuse To Be Kept
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene 「Final Decision」

Pleasurse In The Boudoir

1.A quick sketch
(Draw Zhong Zhen’s eyebrows 10 times,) ➩ Achievement「Stubborn Noob」
2.Draw it seriously
The ending「Safe Haven」. Achievement「Let Me Be Your Toy Boy」.
(Automatically select 2 at the end of time)

Achievement「Stubborn Noob」

Achievement「Let Me Be Your Toy Boy」

Ending「Safe Haven」

Zhong Zhen tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete.
Chapter Shen Huixin
Only He Will Do
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Scene 「Inquisition Of Shen」

Inquisition Of Shen

1.Beg for forgiveness
2.Try to argue your way out of it
3.That's a trick. I won't cheat
(Automatically select 3 at the end of time)

Choice Of Heart

1.Bossy CEO
2.Outgoing and cheerful guy
3.Boss Shen
4.(Don’t choose when time is over) (Hide route)

Ultimate Question

1.Can I marry Shen Huixin? ➩ Scene「Art of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥」
2.No question ➩ Scene「Uncethical」
3.Nothing can separate us ➩ Scene「Is This polite?」
4.I... satisfy? ➩ Scene「Perfect Question」

「Art of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥」「Uncethical」「Is This polite?」「Perfect Question」
Cutscenes, no dialogue options.

Please refer to the following selection order to move to the next scene
Selection order 111 ➩ Ending「False Affection」
Selection order 114 ➩ Scene「Opportunity Missed」
Selection order 344 ➩ Scene「News About Zheng Ziyan」

Ending「False Affection」

Opportunity Missed
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene「Final Decision」

News About Zheng Ziyan
1.I'm not going ➩ Scene 「Debt-Free」
2.Hmm, I'll go check on her ➩ Chapter Zheng Ziyan ➩ Scene 「Personal Favor」


1.Complete the message. No meeting with the marmot. ➩ Scene 「Envision The Future」
2.Recognize the marmot and decide to meet. ➩ Hidden ending 「Destiny」

Envision The Future

1.Accept ➩ Scene 「Bedtime Game」
2.Maybe later ➩ Scene 「A Cold Departure」

A Cold Departure
Cutscenes, no dialogue options. ➩ Chapter 6 ➩ Scene 「Final Decision」

Bedtime Game

(Loss to Shen Huixing 10 times in rock, paper, scissors) Achievement「Can You Do This Or Not」
3.Scissor (Ending「Dreamboat」Achievement「A Slap In The Face!」)
(Automatically select 3 at the end of time)

Achievement「Can You Do This Or Not」

Achievement「A Slap In The Face!」


Shen Huixin tree diagram
Final check all routes are 100% complete.
Chapter Li Yunsi
Li Yunsi has no personal chapter or ending.
She has a hidden ending 「DESTINY」.

1.You need to be in Chapter 2 Tell Li Yunsi you two have been online friends for years.
2.And have a certain good relationship with her. Only then will the marmot message appear.
3.You need to choose to meet her in someone else's chapter.
4.Chapter 6 In Pairs Choice 1.Say hi to Li Yunsi

「DESTINY」Mobile message scene
Chapter Xiao Lu - Shared Chores
Chapter Lin Yueqin - A Father's Duty
Chapter Zheng Ziyan - Man Of The House
Chapter Zhong Zhen - Real Estate Tycoon
Chapter Shen Huixin - Chapter Debt-Free

Chapter 2 - Scene 「Masterpiece」
Selection order 222 ➩ Tell Li Yunsi you two have been online friends for years.
2.Picasso is a womanizer.➩2.The artist was shrewd.➩2.It's upsetting to look at.


Route reference

Hidden ending「DESTINY」

If you want to complete each individual chapter with 100% completion,
You need to find every "Marmot" and trigger all "DESTINY" endings once.
All character guide
Just use the same options from Chapters 1~5 to complete.

This article will help you satisfy all character favorability levels. Satisfy at the same time
"DESTINY" condition.

You will be able to choose everyone at the final decision in Chapter 6.

Chapter 1
Options (Supplementary)
1-1 Hangover
Complete and move on to the next scene. ➩「Torn Skirt」
1-2 Torn Skirt
2.Take off your coat and give it to her
1-3 Inqusition OF A Girl
1. 1.Yes, it happened
1-4 Awkward Encounter
4.We met at an exhibition
1-5 Art Expert
2.Looks like something my uncle would paint
1-6 Farewell Methods
3.Hug and say goodbye
1-7 Breakfast With Whom
2.Stay and eat with Li Yunsi
1-8 Vanished Memories
1.Did we meet at the art exhibition?
1-9 Keeping In Touch
Avoid sending messages "About how handsome i am?"
The rest of the information does not affect the favorable opinion
1-10 Where To go
1.Decide to find a roommate ➩ End of Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Affection

Chapter 2
Options (Supplementary)
2-1 Crude Shared Flat
Complete and move on to the next scene ➩「Unexpected Roomie」
2-2 Unexpected Roomie
2.Talk Liu out of it
2-3 In Whose Name
1.Pretending to be her family in the ceremony
2-4 First Job lnterview
1.Confront the interviewer in anger
2-5 First Job
3. In cartoon style
2-6 Profit Plan
3.Go to Li Yunsi's place
2-7 Masterpiece
2.Picasso is a womanizer
2-8 Bashing The Womanizer
2.The artist was shrewd
2-9 Upsetting
2.It's upsetting to look at.
(Tell Li Yunsi you two have been online friends for years)
(「DESTINY」Preparatory work)
2-10 Cream Cake
2. Give it to Lu
2-11 Roommate Selection
2.Share the Flat
2-12 Midnight Park
1.Climb over the wall with Xiao Lu without hesitation
2-13 Over The Wall
1.Lift Xiao Lu up to help her climb over the wall
2-14 Moment Of Thrill
1.Lure the security guard away ➩ End of Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Affection

Chapter 3
Options (Supplementary)
3-1 Goldfish War
2.I remember
3-2 Sparking A Dispute
2.Go meet with Zheng Ziyan
3-3 Secret Crush Guess
1.Agree to meet Shen Huixin
3-4 No Dating Clause
1.Agree to sign
3-5 Rescue Plan
1.Agree and let her pretend to be your girlfriend
3-6 Lie Busted
1.Agree and let Zheng Ziyan remove her makeup
3-7 Odd Customer
2.Speak the truth
3-8 Renovate Art Shop
4.Choose Huixin
3-9 Bestie Arrives
2.You didn't hear it. Keep paying off that debt
3-10 Joy in Hardship
2.Push gently
3-11 Shameless Media
2.Splash ink to revamp the artwork ➩ End of Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Affection

Chapter 4
Options (Supplementary)
4-1 Walk-On
1.Choose Lin Yueqin
4-2 Missed Tipping
1.Ask Lin Yuegin to prove it for you
4-3 Boxing Match
1.He can never bully you
4-4 First Round
4-5 Tactical Strategy
4-6 Fatal Blow
2.Go for his shoulder
4-7 Love Needs Responses
2.Talk to Ziyan
4-8 Invitation From Two
Zheng Ziyan message 「2. Just show me your beauty.」
Lin Yueqin message「Awesome,l love kids.」
4-9 Get Ready For Outing
2. Go meet with Zheng Ziyan
4-10 Midnight Tale
1.Willing to go all out
4-11 Formal Farewell
2.A Painting for Us ➩ End of Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Affection

Chapter 5
Options (Supplementary)
5-1 Old Friend
2.Lower your head and cover your face
5-2 Breaking The Ice
2.Business is business
5-3 Behind The Red Mark
1.Not satisfied with the job's content
5-4 Unspoken Rule
1.It's the hidden rule in our business
5-5 Gift For Newcomer
2.I'm going to tidy up
5-6 Flirty Tie
1.I love everything that comes from you
5-7 Onlookers
1.Fight head-on
5-8 New Kind Of Joyride
3.Pull at a medium speed
5-9 Sharp Turn Ahead
5-10 Unsatisfied Desires
1.Time to party
5-11 Living With The Boss
2.She's taken
5-12 Sudden Visit
2.Open the door with a grand gesture
5-13 Zhong's Confession
2.Lay all the cards on the table.➩ End of Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Affection

Chapter 6
1.Chapter 6 In Pairs Choice 1.Say hi to Li Yunsi
Chapter 6 options do not affect favorability.
You can view the final decision directly.

Direct strategy guide
Zheng Ziyan、Xiaolu、Shen Huixing(Direct)

Please note that for pass-through, in order to prevent options from being modified by the system, it is recommended to use Q fast forward in the pass-through program and do not skip scenes.

If the relationship with the characters in the chapter is too bad, the system may force you to change the previous options.

Passing the level for the first time may also be due to lack of heartbeat. Unable to proceed to the next chapter.

It is recommended that when choosing favorability in non-direct scenes, you should try your best to improve everyone's favorability.
Direct Shen Huixing
Chapter 3
3-1 Goldfish War
2.I remember
3-2 Sparking A Dispute
3.Stay at home, not going anywhere
3-3 Treasure In House
Explore the scene. Complete and move on to the next scene.
➩「Who Is The Monopoly」
3-4 Who Is The Monopoly
2.Roll out a five and win against Shen Huixin
3-5 Invalid Bet
2.You can't cheat without paying the price
3-6 Rescue Plan
2.Refuse to let her pretend to be your girlfriend
3-7 Declaration Of Love
2.Refuse to go downstair
3-8 Odd Custome
1.Play along with the lie
3-9 Renovate Art Shop
4.Choose Huixin
3-10 Bestie Arrives
2.You didn't hear it. Keep paying off that debt
3-11 Joy in Hardship
2.Push gently
3-12 Shameless Media
2.Splash ink to revamp the artwork。(Direct Finish)

END Dreamboat
Direct Xiao Lu
Chapter 1
Vanished Memories
1.Did we meet at the art exhibition?

Chapter 2
2-1 Crude Shared Flat
Complete and move on to the next scene.
2-2 Unexpected Roomie
2.Talk Liu out of it
2-3 In Whose Name
1.Pretending to be her family in the ceremony
2-4 First Job lnterview
1.Confront the interviewer in anger
2-5 First Job
3. In cartoon style
2-6 Profit Plan
1.Paint with Xiao Lu
2-7 Balloon ln The Tree
1.Go buy a new balloon
2-8 Cream Cake
2.Give it to Lu
2-9 Roommate Selection
2.Share the Flat
2-10 Midnight Park
1.Climb over the wall with Xiao Lu without hesitation
2-11 Over The Wall
1.Lift Xiao Lu up to help her climb over the wall
2-12 Moment Of Thrill
1.Lure the security guard away

Xiao Lu Chapter 2 Full of Heart
According to the order of options, Chapter 2 can be settled to gain full favorability.

Chapter 3
3-1 Goldfish War
2.I remember
3-2 Sparking A Dispute
1.Go meet with Xiao Lu
3-3 Unqualified Repairman
1.Take one step back to the left
3-4 Drying Wet Clothes
1.Listen to Xiao Lu and calm down
3-8 Renovate Art Shop
3.Choose Lu

Xiao Lu Chapter 3 Full of Heart
According to the order of options, Chapter 3 can be settled to gain full favorability.

Chapter 4
Farewell Message ➩ Confession Of Feelings。(Direct Finish)

Love in Simplicity

Direct Zheng Ziyan,Journey of Love
Chapter 1
1-2 Torn Skirt
2.Take off your coat and give it to her
1-3 Inqusition OF A Girl
1.Yes, it happened
1-7 Breakfast With Whom
1.Go out to eat with Zheng Ziyan

Zheng Ziyan Chapter 1 Full of Heart
(According to the order of options, Chapter 1 can be settled to gain full favorability.)

Chapter 2
2-4 First Job lnterview
1.Confront the interviewer in anger
2-5 First Job
1. In realistic style
2-6 Profit Plan
2.Go to Zheng Ziyan's party
2-7 Ball Game
2.Act as Zheng Ziyan says
2-8 Cream Cake
3. Give it to Ziyan
2-9 Roommate Selection
3.To Ziyan's Place
2-10 Home Of An Alcoholic
Complete and move on to the next scene.
2-11 Drinking Invitation
2.Tell Zheng Ziyan to do whatever makes her happy
2-12 Insanity In All
1.Set up a small bar at home➩ End of Chapter 2

Zheng Ziyan Chapter 2 Full of Heart
(According to the order of options, Chapter 2 can be settled to gain full favorability.)

Chapter 3
3-1 Goldfish War
2. I remember
3-2 Sparking A Dispute
2. Go meet with Zheng Ziyan
3-3 Secret Crush Guess
1. Agree to meet Shen Huixin
3-4 No Dating Clause
1.Agree to sign
3-5 Rescue Plan
1.Agree and let her pretend to be your girlfriend
3-6 Lie Busted
1.Agree and let Zheng Ziyan remove her makeup
3-7 Odd Customer
Both 1 and 2 are available
3-8 Renovate Art Shop
2.Choose Ziyan
3-9 Bestie Arrives
2.You didn't hear it. Keep paying off that debt
3-10 Joy in Hardship
2.Push gently
3-11 Shameless Media
2.Splash ink to revamp the artwork。➩ End of Chapter 3

Zheng Ziyan Chapter 3 Full of Heart
According to the order of options, Chapter 3 can be settled to gain full favorability.

Chapter 4
4-1 Walk-On
2.Choose Zheng Ziyan
4-2 Missed Tipping
2.Forget it, I don't want to piss off the manager
4-7 Love Needs Responses
2.Talk to Ziyan
4-8 Invitation From Two
Zheng Ziyan message,2. Just show me your beauty
4-9 Get Ready For Outing
2. Go meet with Zheng Ziyan
4-10 Midnight Tale
1.Willing to go all out ➩ ending 「Journey of Love」

ending 「Journey of Love」
Ending「Tomb in the Shadows」
Zheng Ziyan「Tomb in the Shadows」Strategy
Chapter 1
1-2 Torn Skirt
3.Fix the problem for good
1-3 Inqusition OF A Girl
3.Change The Subject
1-4 Change The Subject
1.Thank her for the hot tea
1-8 Breakfast With Whom
3.Play dumb and keep silent

Chapter 2
1-4 First Job lnterview
2.Respond to the interviewer kindly

After that, I chose Li Yunsi for First Job, Profit Plan, and Cream Cake.
Roommate Selection: 4. Beg Landlord and choose to live together with Li Yunsi
(You can break your heart when settling Chapter 2 according to the above route)

Chapter 3
Declaration Of Love
2.Refuse to go downstairs (reach ending)
Lie Busted
2.Refuse to let Zheng Ziyan remove her makeup (reach ending)

「Tomb in the Shadows」
Ending「Prophecy Fulfilled」
Xiao Lu「Prophecy Fulfilled」Strategy

Chapter 1
1-9 Vanished Memories
2.Last night, did we...?

Chapter 2
1-2 Unexpected Roomie
1.Persuade Xiao Lu to share the flat
In Whose Name
2.Pretending to be her pursuer in the ceremony
After that, I chose Li Yunsi for First Job, Profit Plan, and Cream Cake.
Roommate Selection: 4. Beg Landlord and choose to live together with Li Yunsi
(You can break your heart when settling Chapter 2 according to the above route)

Chapter 3
3-3 Unqualified Repairman
2.Take one step back to the right ➩「Prophecy Fulfilled 1」

Chapter 5
Old Friend
1.Turn around and run➩「Prophecy Fulfilled 2」
Old Friend
2.Lower your head and cover your face ➩「Prophecy Fulfilled 3」

There are 3 "Prophecy Fulfilled" in total,
When you successfully trigger "Prophecy Fulfilled" in Chapter 3, you can jump directly to Chapter 5 to complete the other 2 "Prophecy Fulfilled"

「Prophecy Fulfilled」
Ending「Dark Alley Crisis」
Lin Yueqin 「Dark Alley Crisis」Strategy
I recommend choosing options related to Zheng Ziyan in Chapter 4 to maintain the total favorability.

Chapter 4
4-1 Walk-On
2.Choose Zheng Ziyan
4-2 Missed Tipping
2.Forget it, I don't want to piss off the manager
4-3 Boxing Match
3.I'm good at fighting
4-4 First Round
4-5 Tactical Strategy
4-6 Love Needs Responses
2.Talk to Ziyan
4-7 Invitation From Two
Lin Yueqin message choose(I'll treat him like a little brother)
4-8 Get Ready For Outing
2. Go meet with Zheng Ziyan
4-9 Fickle Women
1.Willing to go all out
4-10 Formal Farewell
2.A Painting for Us
(According to the fourth chapter of the route, there will be a small space left when settling, which is close to heartbreaking)

Chapter 5
Old Friend or Familiar Artwork
1.Turn around and run
Flirty Tie
1.I love everything that comes from you (「Dark Alley Crisis 1」。)
Flirty Tie
2.Why would you want back a gift you've sent?(「Dark Alley Crisis 2」。)

Flirty Tie chooses 1 or 2 to trigger an independent "Dark Alley Crisis"

「Dark Alley Crisis」
Please refer to the previous guide for chapters 1~6 and personal chapters.


In the guide, you can Ctrl+F Search Explore Scenarios

Chapter 1 Hangover
Chapter 2 Crude Shared Flat
Chapter 2 Home Of An Alcoholic
Chapter 3 Paying Back Debts
Chapter 4 Cozy Home

This Ain't Right In Many Ways....

You may need to complete these achievements and complete the final solo ending once.
If you still can't unlock it, you may need to complete all 10 individual chapter achievements.

Chapter 1 Torn Skirt,「Are You Alright?」
Chapter 1 Awkward Encounter,「Go Clean up In Your Own Way」
Chapter 2 Roommate Selection,「Drama CP Reel to Real」
Chapter 2 Apology Approach,「David」
Chapter 3 Unqualified Repairman,「That's So You」
Chapter 4 Walk-On,「You're Unbelievable」
Chapter 4 Love Needs Responses,「Worthless Speech」
Chapter 5 Living With The Boss,「Drama King」
Chapter 6 Bromance Achievement,「Love Actually」
Chapter Xiao Lu 「The Flash」
Chapter Lin Yueqin 「New Yoga Pose Unlocked」
Chapter Zheng Ziyan 「Counting Sheep」
Chapter Zhong Zhen 「Stubborn Noob」
Chapter Shen Huixin 「Can You Do This Or Not」


Contains all endings, including all repeated endings.
Chapter 3
Unqualified Repairman, Ending「Prophecy Fulfilled」
Lie Busted,Ending「Tomb in the Shadows」
Declaration Of Love,Ending「Tomb in the Shadows」
Chapter 4
Fickle Women,Ending「Journey of Love」
Chapter 5
Old Friend or Familiar Artwork,Ending「Prophecy Fulfilled」
Old Friend or Familiar Artwork,Ending「Prophecy Fulfilled」
(There are two endings here,You need to select both options once in Old Friend or Familiar Artwork.)
Flirty Tie,Ending 「Dark Alley Crisis」
Flirty Tie,Ending 「Dark Alley Crisis」
(There are two endings here,You need to select both options of Flirty Tie once.)
Scorned and Shamed,Ending 「Farmer and the Snake」
Chapter 6
Heart To Heart,Ending 「Lone Wolf」
Heart To Heart,Ending 「Close Male Friend」
Chapter Xiao Lu
Ending「Love in Simplicity」
Chapter Lin Yueqin
Ending「Baby Talk」
Ending「House Full of Romance」
Chapter Zheng Ziyan
Chapter Zhong Zhen
Ending「Safe Haven」
Chapter Shen Huixin
Ending「False Affection」
Ending「Dreamboat」 do need to find all 5 marmots. This is not a clerical error.

Tall; Grande; Venti

You need to complete 100% of all chapters and individual chapter explorations.

Chapters 1~6 are 100% missing, you can try the following
1. Let the time run out without making a choice.

2. You need to complete all repeated endings with the same name.

3.Chapter 6 98%, this is most likely because you have changed your choice from a personal chapter to another personal chapter.
You need to find the heroine you have jumped over. Enter her personal chapter from Chapter 6 Final Decision.
You need to enter each heroine's personal chapter from Chapter 6 Final Decision to complete 100%.

4.If the personal chapter cannot be completed 100%.
It may be that due to a connection problem, the completion degree of one of your endings was not calculated correctly.
You need to allow each ending video to play through in its entirety.

5.If the above is completed and there is still no increase, please restart the computer.


You need to give away 100 bears in total.

Complete the exploration and personal chapters of each chapter to get the bear. The bear is in the lower left corner of the chapter menu.
For completed achievements, you can collect bears from the achievements in the library.

Chapter 1~6 Tree Roadmap
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

If you want to complete the achievement easily, you can choose the same path from Chapters 1 to 6.
If you choose the same path, you can unlock all heroines in Final Decision and meet the DESTINY conditions.

Personal Chapter Tree Roadmap
Chapter Xiao Lu

Chapter Lin Yueqin

Chapter Zheng Ziyan

Chapter Zhong Zhen

Chapter Shen Huixin

First of all, thank you very much to my friends who can see this.
The postscript is probably the most difficult part for me to complete, as it also tells the story of the betrayal I have experienced.

It originally took more than 100 hours to complete only Traditional Chinese, and then successively completed Simplified Chinese and English.

I think I spent more than 400 hours on subsequent revisions and improvement of the content, and I may have gradually healed myself in the writing process.

My favorite character in this work is Zheng Ziyan.
I share the same zodiac sign as her in terms of design.

The plot of the shovel may be just funny, but it is very much like the hope in my heart.
I have someone who really hates betraying me.
If possible, I hope to completely forget her. Let her completely disappear from my world.

Zheng Ziyan accomplished what I wanted to do but wouldn't do.

my story
Actually I am a Lesbian.I'm a conservative person.
My outlook on love is more platonic, that is, I have never had sex with anyone, and I would not want to have sex with my partner.
I once met a lady who was older than me.
Before confirming the relationship, I made the same final inquiry as Zheng Ziyan.
I asked her a lot of questions seriously.

I told her very seriously and clearly that I was very serious at that time, and asked her to answer my questions honestly and seriously.
I asked her a lot of soul-searching questions.

She told me that she didn't mind lesbian relationships. She also didn't mind how other people viewed her. She told me not to worry about these issues.
She said she would never lie to me or hurt me.

Finally, I asked her seriously if she would like to marry me spiritually?
Although we didn’t get a certificate, we formed a partnership that lasted a lifetime.
She said: She is willing, and then she will not leave me for any reason.

After establishing a relationship,
She also told me that if she really likes someone in the future and wants to talk about getting married and having children, she will let me know first.

middle of my story
In the early stages of establishing a relationship,As long as there is where I am,She always claims that I am her wife.

But after more than 3 months, she suddenly and deliberately alienated and ignored me. She did not explain any reason.
She always said that she was busy at work and had no time. She told me not to think too much.

At that time, there was a new social circle, and the people in this social circle were very chaotic. Many people maintained open relationships. Some were already married or had partners but were still looking for romantic relationships in private.

Yes, these people are looking for illicit relationships.I don't like this social circle, so many things are told to me later.
The person who told me also provided a lot of evidence, including photos and conversations.
These contents almost destroyed my values.

After she ignored me, I looked for friends who knew about my relationship with her to ask about things.Just a few female friends with whom I have a very good relationship.
After this incident, she told me angrily. Why should I tell others about my personal affairs with her?
In fact, the friends I chatted with were all people who she had taken the initiative to disclose and knew about my relationship with her.

From here on she told a lot of lies,
She said many people harassed her.But she never said who it was.

I told her that we could solve the problem and meet the people who were harassing her one by one to talk things through.

But she threatened me and told me not to do anything. She would take care of things herself.

In fact, when she got angry and threatened me, she actually had a new lover at the same time. After only knowing him for a few days, she had established a deep relationship with him. She decided to get married and buy a house. (Much later she admitted to herself)

Then instead of solving the problem, she just told lies after lies.
She deceived everyone who asked her about it.
She told everyone in private that she and I were just friends and had no other relationship.

Later in the story
After I was cold-violated by her for a month, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I finally asked her directly in the only public group we shared.
I mentioned this matter and asked the people who were looking for her in private to come out and let everyone speak clearly.

Finally, a man responded to me publicly. I should know what I did. If I wanted to talk about it publicly, it would make me very embarrassed.

My partner then used her privileges to kick me out of the group. =)

After being kicked out, I noticed a lot of things that were wrong.
For example, friends who were once friendly with me have started to distance themselves from me these days.

So I immediately looked for a more impartial person to ask.
He treated me very badly.He told me that I should be aware of the terrible things I did and that I should stop harassing my partner.

That's when I realized how many dirty lies my partner had told...

She told some people I was harassing her. She was deeply troubled by some serious harassment.
In fact, if according to her statement, she and I are just ordinary friends, then she is actually harassing me.

Because my values ​​are similar to Plato's love. I am a very special person.

So she had been Send me indecent photos, including photos without clothes or wearing only underwear and pajamas.She even discussed her toys with me and said she wanted to play with me with her toys.

Yes, because I considered her a partner at the time. And I had no real intention of having a relationship with her. So I chat with her about whatever she wants to talk about.
Maybe she found it interesting. She kept teasing me and chatting with me about large-scale content.

Something so outrageous that she twisted what she did to me into saying I was harassing her.
Fortunately, I have proof of everything I say.

I provided some evidence.
So this friend asked her to come out and ask her to explain her problem clearly.

When clarifying, she said that she actually met a man, and she felt that he was the most important person in her life, so she decided to jointly buy a house with this man after a few days of meeting him, and then planned to get married.
(She cheated on me before she became cold to me)

I probably listened to her nonsense for more than 10 hours. She was lying the whole time.
Then she kept apologizing to me and saying sorry to me

She even apologized to me when clarifying that she was sorry for her behavior towards me. She explained that she was ovulating and in heat at that time.

She strives to maintain the perfect image of her to her new partner.
Her purpose is also very obvious. She just wants me to deal with everything related to her.
(Including asking me to destroy all evidence that she lied)

In the end I chose not to expose her.

One year after the incident
I later discovered that she was actually a habitual liar, a super fake and extremely hypocritical woman.
Even the friend I found who was more impartial was the one who asked her to come out and explain the matter clearly to me.
In fact, this man was also having an affair with her privately. This man chose to deceive me in order to win her favor.

I know these things from a friend who knows the truth.

After communicating with me until now they have done nothing for me.

I am still misunderstood by most people. I have also been excluded and blacklisted by many people.

This often makes me feel unhappy.
Although I had important evidence, I ultimately did not choose to expose her.

Maybe it's because almost everything about her is the perfect image she created.
If I expose her, she will lose everything.So I always chose not to expose her.
I don't want her to experience those bad things either.=(

Finally, thank you to my friends who can read my guides or stories. I wish everyone can be treated kindly.
Actor information
Xiao Lu: Actor-Zou Jiajia
Lin Yueqing: Actor-Wang Xingchen
Zheng Ziyan: Actor-Zhong Chenyao
Zhong Zhen: Actor-Dong Qi
Shen Huixing: Actor-Yu Binghui
Li Yunsi: Actor-Wang Ziyun
Liu: Actor-Zheng Xudong
(The order is compiled according to the guide, with personal information, Douyin and Weibo below)

Xiao Lu
Actor-Zou Jiajia

Zou Jiajia
Chinese name: 邹佳佳
Alias: Piggy Bear
Occupation: Singer, actor
Place of birth: Sichuan, China
Birthday: October 28, 1998
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Blood type: Type A
Height: 162 cm

Zou Jiajia, born on October 28, 1998 in Sichuan Province, China, is a female singer and actress in Mainland China.
She is a fifth-generation student of the female idol group SNH48 and a member of SNH48 Team XII.

Tik Tok:佳佳子_zZ[]
Weibo:佳佳佳_zZ []

Lin Yueqing
Actor-Wang Xingchen

Wang Xingchen
Chinese name:王星辰
Alias: Jiujiu
Occupation: Actor
Place of birth: Hubei, China
Birthday: October 12, 1999
Zodiac sign: Libra
Blood type: Type A
Height: 178 cm

Wang Xingchen, born on October 12, 1999 in Hubei Province, China, is an actress from Mainland China.

Tik Tok:王星辰辰辰[]

Zheng Ziyan
Actor-Zhong Chenyao

Zhong Chenyao
Chinese name:钟晨瑶
Alias: Yaoyao
Occupation: Actor
Place of birth: Fujian, China
Birthday: August 25, 1998
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Blood type: unknown
Height: 162 cm

Zhong Chenyao, born on August 25, 1998 in Fujian Province, China, studied at the Central Academy of Drama and is a film and television actress in Mainland China.

Tik Tok:战斗天使ZCY[]

Zhong Zhen
Actor-Dong Qi

Dong Qi
Chinese name:董琦
Alias: kiki
Occupation: Actor
Place of birth: Zhejiang, China
Birthday: December 19, 1987
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Blood type: Type A
Height: 168 cm

Dong Qi, born in Lin'an, Zhejiang Province on December 19, 1987, is an actress from Mainland China and graduated from the Acting Department of the Film School of Tongji University.

Tik Tok:董琦[]

Shen Huixing
Actor-Yu Binghui

Yu Binghui
Chinese name:余冰慧
Alias: unknown
Occupation: Actor
Place of birth: Henan Province, China
Birthday: 1998
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Blood type: unknown
Height: unknown

Yu Binhui, born in Yancheng District, Luohe City, Henan Province, is a film and television actress and dancer in Mainland China.

Tik Tok:余冰慧[]

Li Yunsi
Actor-Wang Ziyun

Wang Ziyun
Chinese name:王姿允
Alias: Rain
Occupation: Actor
Place of birth: Shanghai, China
Birthday: January 14, 1989
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Blood type: unknown
Height: 167cm

Wang Ziyun (Rain), born in Shanghai on January 14, 1989, is a film and television actress in Mainland China.

Tik Tok:王姿允Rain[]

Actor-Zheng Xudong

Actor-Zheng Xudong

Zheng Xudong, a native of Liaoning, is a young actor and graphic model from Mainland China. He graduated from the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama.

On November 2, 2016, the online movie "Dashi Shidai: Seven Stars for Hegemony" starring Zheng Xudong was successfully completed.
On October 11, 2023, he participated in the TV series "Plum Blossoms of Hearts".
On October 18, 2023, in the live-action interactive movie game "Done!" I'm surrounded by beautiful women! "played the role of Lao Liu.
(Main information and photos are taken from Baidu)

Tik Tok:郑旭东[]

The content is translated using Google. There may be grammatical errors. Please forgive me.
(Some information is still missing and not completed yet)
Most of the information is taken from Baidu. If you have any comments, please leave a message or send a private message. Thank you so much.
Xlrgrade 5 Mar @ 2:23am 
For anyone that comes here with chapters 3 and 5 unfinished and cant find the reason why. try finishing the "Ending" cutscenes to the end. For the life of me i couldnt figure it out, then i realised some of my Ending cutscenes were unskippable, indicating that i got the End node, but not actually finishing the cutscene to get the 100%
kaevenar 12 Jan @ 7:08am 
Thanks for your awesome work with the guide! Hope u, ur family and friends are okay.
Would be great if u add into a guide a moment with lower branch at the start of Chapter 5 named `Newcomer in the Office` (where you need to choose to draw a painting with Xiao Lu at Chapter 2 for that scene to appear in Chapter 5).
Bobby 4 Nov, 2024 @ 10:05am 
100% achievements, finally ! Thank you very much for the guide ! Hope you're fine, and thanks again for this amazing work
Okaeri  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 5:47am 
Okaeri  [author] 24 Oct, 2024 @ 10:02pm 
I haven't played the DLC yet, so I have no plans to make an English guide at this time.
PaceZ 24 Oct, 2024 @ 1:32am 
do you got the guide for dlc
Cheemssanmoi 8 Oct, 2024 @ 12:57pm 
@週刊N. if you're talking about the passcode, it's the year that Xia Tian won the trophy, i don't remember exactly what year that was tho, 2015 or 2016 something
Cheemssanmoi 4 Oct, 2024 @ 4:35am 
I am stuck at characters' chapter at 98%, all scenes and endings achieved, even Destiny. How can I get the 2%? Is it something relating to having it jumped from another chapter?
хабибати 1 Oct, 2024 @ 4:32am 
what digital code i can use in PC (chapter from DLC)? Anybody know?
nichikinchi 19 Sep, 2024 @ 6:24am 
@Chillout1984 The alternate scene is showing Li Yunsi's painting. If I'm not mistaken, I got that scene when Li Yunsi's affection on low level (not heartbreak) or you can try with Li Yunsi with medium or high level affection. I kinda forgot, I hope it help