The Talos Principle 2

The Talos Principle 2

452 ratings
The Talos Principle 2 - 100% Achievements
By Hanni
Guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!

The Talos Principle 2 is a first-person puzzle game featuring 87 Steam achievements.

There is a point of no return in Act V. After leaving New Jerusalem for the third time, you can complete all remaining puzzles in free roam, including the Gold Puzzles. However, once you board the VTOL at the Megastructure, you won't be able to return to the puzzle areas. Fortunately, the game makes a hidden autosave before boarding the VTOL. It will be available after the credits.

There are three mutually exclusive achievements tied to an election taking place at the beginning of Act V. The outcome of this election depends on multiple decisions made throughout the game, but all three achievements can be obtained in a single playthrough by following the strategy described in section 'The Theory of Everything', and utilizing a backup of your save file (see note below). Also, there are several missable achievements in New Jerusalem, a city that can only be visited three times (see section 'New Jerusalem'). All other achievements are either unmissable, unlock while following the above-mentioned strategy, or can be quickly unlocked in a new game.

Unfortunately, there's no manual saving. However, you can backup your save files, which are located in '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Talos2\Saved\SaveGames'. Make sure to disable the Steam Cloud if you want to load backups (right-click on the game → Properties → General → Steam Cloud).

The DLC 'Road to Elysium' is required for 28 achievements:
Ab Initio
Finish the calibration process.

Embark on the expedition.

Bridge Builder
Build one bridge.

Grasslands Ring
Activate the tower at the Grasslands Ring.

Wooded Plateau
Activate the tower at the Wooded Plateau.

Experience a datastream overload.

Eastern Wetlands
Activate the tower in the Eastern Wetlands.

Into the Machine
Enter the Megastructure.

Desolate Island
Activate the tower on the Desolate Island.

Flooded Valley
Activate the tower in the Flooded Valley.

Lost Marshes
Activate the tower in the Lost Marshes.

Southern Coast
Activate the tower on the Southern Coast.

Verdant Canyon
Activate the tower at the Verdant Canyon.

Circular Oasis
Activate the tower at the Circular Oasis.

Prometheus Unbound
Free Prometheus from his chains.

Western Delta
Activate the tower in the Western Delta.

Anthropic Hills
Activate the tower in the Anthropic Hills.

High Plain
Activate the tower on the High Plain.

Break the Loop
Make a choice that will define the future.
Refuse to go along on the expedition.

This ending is missable, but can be quickly reached after starting a new game.

At the very beginning of the game, during the briefing in the tower, reply with:
  • Sorry, not interested.

Ab Aeterno
Defy death.

The Future
Go above and beyond to change the future.

This ending is semi-missable, but can still be reached after completing the game.

In order to get this ending (and both achievements), first solve all Gold Puzzles. Then, meet Cornelius (3) at the Megastructure. Use the device next to him and save Miranda (α). This will unlock the achievement 'Ab Aeterno'.

Now, return to the VTOL, enter the Megastructure (it doesn't matter if you enter the utopian or the dystopian tower), and wake up Athena. Choose: I want to know the truth to unlock the achievement 'The Future'.
The Thief of Fire
Solve one Prometheus monument.

The All-Gifted
Solve one Pandora monument.

Mistress of Riddles
Solve one Sphinx monument.

Puzzle Fiend
Solve all regular puzzles.

Renaissance Robot
Solve all puzzles and monuments.

There are twelve areas in the game, each containing:
  • 8 Main Puzzles
  • 2 Lost Puzzles
  • 2 Monuments (Stars)
  • 1 Gold Puzzle

The Main Puzzles and the Lost Puzzles count as regular puzzles. The monuments are optional and grant stars which can be used on the island at the Megastructure. The Gold Puzzles cannot be accessed until completing all 24 Lost Puzzles and activating all 12 towers.

There is a point of no return in Act V. After leaving New Jerusalem for the third time, you will be able to complete all remaining puzzles in free roam, including the Gold Puzzles. However, if you board the VTOL at the Megastructure, you won't be able to get back again. Fortunately, the game makes an autosave before boarding the VTOL. It will be available after watching the credits.

Please refer to this guide by Mauritsio for help with the monuments and stars:

The Edge of Forever
Discover a vision of things to come.

After completing all monuments and acquiring all stars, approach the device in the tower on the island at the Megastructure. Place all stars and watch the vision to unlock the achievement.

Please refer to the sections below:
  • The Theory of Everything
  • New Jerusalem
  • Puzzles
⋗︎ The Theory of Everything
Not What It Seems
Get involved behind the scenes.

At the beginning of the game, Doge (666) will approach you in the tower and tell you about her friends. Let her know that you are interested in meeting them.

While progressing through the game, she will send you a message. Consent to her request of gathering and sharing your personal data, and answer her questions. When she sends you another private message, tell her to go ahead and accept to connect with her friend.

Make sure to reply to Doge's messages as soon as possible.

Gnothi Seauton
Use a functioning Somnodrome.

Follow the steps described above (achievement 'Not What It Seems'). When you are in North 2 - Flooded Valley, interact with the Somnodrome in the Lost Lab.

Continue playing until reaching the Lost Lab in West 2 - Anthropic Hills. Enter the Lost Lab to find a Somnodrome guarded by Hermanubis (452). Tell him that you are going to use it, then interact with the device to discover the truth.

A New Morality
Help Rand get elected mayor.

A New Beginning
Help Byron get elected mayor.

Maintain the status quo in New Jerusalem... for now.

These achievements are mutually exclusive and unlock at the beginning of Act V, after the election. Neith (33) will tell you who got elected as New Jerusalem's old/new mayor - Rand (303), Byron (7), or Hermanubis (452). Note: Jeremy (832) can also be elected, or the election can fail resulting in no one getting elected. There are no achievements tied to these outcomes.

While the outcome of the election depends on numerous choices made throughout the game, all three achievements can be obtained in one playthrough by using the strategy described below.

Step 0 - Please Read

Keep in mind that this is a strategy I discovered while playing the game several times. There are likely different approaches. Also, minor deviations from this strategy are possible; but following the steps thoroughly ensures that you will be able to get all three outcomes in one playthrough.

Each of the following steps consists of Social Media Replies and Story Choices. The social media entries appear while progressing through the game (check your PDA and the number in the lower left corner of the screen). The choices are tied to events and conversations. You can pick any options while talking to Pandora, Prometheus, the Sphinx, or your team members.

While following this strategy you will also unlock 'Not What It Seems' and 'Gnothi Seauton'.

I highly recommend you to backup your save files regularly. If you miss anything or pick a wrong Social Media Reply, you can load your last backup and avoid a full restart. The save files are located in '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Talos2\Saved\SaveGames'. Make sure to disable the Steam Cloud before loading backups (right-click on the game → Properties → General → Steam Cloud).

Step 1 - Prologue, Act I and Act II

Social Media Replies
WTF was that? → I don't think it was a sign. Ignore the second question. What's 1k like? → I don't know who I want to be. Still deciding. The Progenitor (Portrait Series) → It's important to remember she was a real person. → But they were. That's the point. The Mystery of Miranda → I'd like to hear more about these other attempts to save humanity. → Fascinating, thanks. The Garden (New Poem) → I also feel that it's about death. → Acceptance of death is wisdom, even for us. The Founder Megathread → She was alway a leader. Maybe she just wanted to experience something private. Body Replication → These conversations are necessary, they should not be banned. Proposal: bring back dogs → They're better off being wolves. My Farming Obsession → I agree with Damien. The Devil's Bargain → I think they often conflated political anxieties with technological or intellectual progress...

Story Choices
  • Tell Doge (666) that you are interested in meeting her friends (see 'Not What It Seems').
  • Sign Damien (903) and Moryana's (801) petition in New Jerusalem (see 'Signatory').
  • Talk to Rand (303) in the museum, use the terminal and share your experience with him.
  • Consent to Doge's (666) request of gathering and sharing your data (direct messages).
  • Answer Doge's (666) questions and connect with one of her friends (direct messages).
  • Interact with the Somnodrome in North 2 - Flooded Valley (see 'Gnothi Seauton').

Step 2 - Act III and Act IV

Social Media Replies
Do not reply to any new social media entry. The social media entries from Act III will be closed after starting Act IV - this is intentional! They shouldn't be answered.

Story Choices
  • Back in New Jerusalem, tell Damien (903) and Atal (890) that you fully support them.
  • During the debriefing in the tower, shortly before leaving New Jerusalem again, pick:

    • The island has technology we can't afford to ignore.
    • We should trust ourselves to make good of this opportunity.
    • How? Why?
    • I would share it with the people.

  • At the beginning of Act IV, meet Hermanubis (452) at the transport system and tell him:

    • I'm certain my visions were real.

  • Next, activate all remaining towers.
  • Use the Somnodrome in the Lost Lab in West 2 - Anthropic Hills (see 'Gnothi Seauton').
  • Backup your save immediately after exiting the Somnodrome!

Step 3 - Mayor Rand (303)

Load the backup.

Social Media Replies (ignore the others)
A Warning → Ovis is correct. Maybe this isn't a bad thing. Is there even a future? → There will still be intellectual change. New ideas, new art. or, if available → You're right, I'm beginning to fear we're taking the wrong path after all. The Theory of Everything → I agree with Malduc.

Story Choices
  • During the interview with Cryer (656), reply with:

    • I'm transmitting the data to Rand. Only our scholars could make sense of what I saw.

  • Before boarding the VTOL, tell Hermanubis (452) that the myth is strangling the species.

Step 4 - Mayor Byron (7)

Load the backup.

Social Media Replies (ignore the others)
A Warning → Benaroya's right. This is a future we must avoid. We can grow while avoiding... The Theory of Everything → I agree with Shmilev.

Story Choices
  • During the interview with Cryer (656), reply with:

    • I'm transmitting the data to everyone.
    • This data has some important truths to teach us.

  • Before boarding the VTOL, tell Hermanubis (452) that the myth is strangling the species.

Step 5 - Mayor Hermanubis (452)

Load the backup.

Social Media Replies (ignore the others)
A Warning → I don't think a class society is forming. A society without growth will be equal and balanced. Is there even a future? → You'll find a way to be happy, everyone does eventually. or, if available → You're right, I'm beginning to fear we're taking the wrong path after all. The Theory of Everything → I agree with Malduc.

Story Choices
  • During the interview with Cryer (656), reply with:

    • I'm transmitting the data to everyone.
    • This data has some important truths to teach us.

  • Before boarding the VTOL, tell Hermanubis (452) that the myth must be preserved.
⋗︎ New Jerusalem
Important Note: New Jerusalem can only be explored three times. You can enter the city after the meeting in the tower at the beginning of the game, after completing half (6/12) of the puzzle areas, and at the beginning of Act V, after the election.

Provide your digital signature to someone.

You can listen to Damien (903) and Moryana (801) in front of the tower and sign their petition:

Or you can listen to Schuyler (923) and give him an autograph. He can be found at the museum.

Museum Visitor
Visit New Jerusalem's Museum of the Simulation.

Enter the museum:

Museum Explorer
Explore the Museum of the Simulation in its entirety.

Visit all areas in the museum, then interact with one of the sigil puzzles.

This achievement can only be unlocked during the first visit to New Jerusalem.

Tell Purple what to do about his voice.

Talk to Purple (998) behind the museum and ask him about his diction.

The achievement unlocks at the end of the conversation.

This achievement can only be unlocked during the first or second visit to New Jerusalem.

Your Biggest Fan
Tell Schuyler what to do with his life... or not.

Schuyler (923) can be found in front of the museum:

This achievement can only be unlocked during the second visit to New Jerusalem.

Have a heated argument with Thecla.

Thecla (862) can be found in the Tablets of the Founder area:

She will be mad at you. Tell her:
  • Have you every considered that you might be wrong?
  • I don't want to waste my time talking to idiots.

This achievement can only be unlocked during the second or third visit to New Jerusalem.

Text Adventurer
Finish all three text adventures in the exhibition.

Enter the Gehenna Memorial Pavilion and successfully complete all three text adventures:
  • Jefferson Goldboom and the Specter of Modernity, by Rat (980)
  • Ghosts of Atlantis, by Corazon (815)
  • Argument Simulator, by Guta (972)

The text adventures feature multiple endings, including bad endings that don't count towards the achievement. If you want to make sure to get good endings, please refer to the example walkthroughs listed below.

Example Walkthrough for Jefferson Goldboom and the Specter of Modernity, by Rat (980)
→ Start → Speak to John Malclom → Ask John Malclom what's happening → Shut the klaxon off → Play your guitar → Talk to your team → Ask why the klaxon was blaring → Check John's findings → Take action! → Wait for their response → Take John Malclom with you → Go and confront the Specter of Modernity → Enter the Mechanical Lair! → Request clarification → That actually makes a lot of sense. Sorry. → Go back to the Institute

Example Walkthrough for Ghosts of Atlantis, by Corazon (815)
→ Start → Begin your pilgrimage. → Journey to the Broken Tower. → Approach the tower. → Speak to the Magician. → Annihilation of the self is sin. → To find another way to witness the Sublime without being annihilated. → Ask the Magician to join you. → Continue your pilgrimage. → Journey to the Lost Shore. → Speak to the Poet. → You must refuse to accept your death and find a way of completing the Great Work. → Ask the Poet to join you. → Continue your pilgrimage. → Journey to the Temple of the Owl. → Speak to the Scientist. → Tell him the truth matters more than anything. → Continue your pilgrimage. → Journey to the Temple of Serpents. → Speak to the Physician. → No, because all lives are worth saving, no matter the future. → Ask the Physician to join you. → Continue your pilgrimage. → Journey to the Ancient Farmlands. → Speak to the Farmer. → Yes. → Ask the Farmer to join you. → Continue your pilgrimage. → Journey to the Palace. → Speak to the King. → You failed because you put yourself above others, and hoarded luxury. → Then the fault lies with kingship itself, not with the king. → Ask the King to join you. → Examine the mosaic. → Retrieve the mosaic. → Ask the ghosts for help. → Return to your ship.

Example Walkthrough for Argument Simulator, by Guta (972)
→ Start → Library assistant! → It's true! → This is obviously incorrect! → I can contradict you! → Let's find out what we agree on.

If the achievement doesn't unlock, interact with each computer again and click on 'Quit'.

This achievement can only be unlocked during the second or third visit to New Jerusalem.

Good Citizen
Explore New Jerusalem in its entirety.

Visit these locations in New Jerusalem:
  • Milton's Rest
  • Tablets of the Founder
  • Alexandra Drennan Memorial
  • Friends of New Jerusalem Gazebo
  • Gehenna Memorial Pavilion
  • Museum of the Simulation
  • Construction Site / Scaffolding (behind the museum)
⋗︎ Puzzles
Becoming Smarter
Return to a puzzle for a second attempt.

Stay in an unsolved puzzle for five minutes. Exit the puzzle and enter any other puzzle in the same area. Now, return to the first puzzle and complete it to unlock the achievement.

Note: The achievement can't be unlocked in the Prologue.

Chasing the Light
Activate a Prometheus monument without stopping the spark-chasing music.

There are eight Prometheus monuments in the game. I recommend you to try this achievement at each new monument until you obtain it. If you have already completed all monuments or failed to activate all remaining monuments without stopping the spark-chasing music, you must start a new game. Fortunately, there is a Prometheus monument in the first puzzle area - Grasslands Ring. However, remember to build the first tetromino bridge before touching the blue sprite!
Single Rod
Solve "Seesaw" puzzle by picking up only one connector.

Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu
Puzzle 8

If you have already solved the puzzle, interact with the Prometheus Terminal to restart it.

Just One Lap
Solve "Loop" without doing multiple circles.

Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu
Lost Puzzle next to Puzzle 8

If you have already solved the puzzle, interact with the Prometheus Terminal to restart it.

The Hard Way
Solve "Switcheroo" without using the "keep connections" option.

Area: South 1 - Southern Coast
Puzzle 8

If you have already solved the puzzle, interact with the Prometheus Terminal to restart it.

Work on solving a puzzle for more than 20 minutes.

Wait until the achievement unlocks before completing the puzzle. The achievement won't unlock if you run the game in the background. If you have already completed all puzzles, you can enter any puzzle and interact with the Prometheus Terminal to restart it.

Note: The achievement can't be unlocked in the Prologue.
Team Spirit
Talk to each member of your team.

While exploring the areas, talk to your team members who are wandering around:
  • Byron (7) - Expedition Leader
  • Melville (142) - Science & Engineering
  • Alcatraz (264) - First Officer
  • Yaqut (764) - Navigator

Note: Make sure to talk to Byron (7) before entering the Megastructure a second time.

The Spark
Find one Prometheus spark.

The first spark can be found in Grasslands Ring, between Puzzle 3 and Puzzle 4:

Touch Grass
Read 10 Social Media entries.

Read 10 entries on the Social Media tab in your PDA. There's a number in the lower left corner of the screen indicating new entries. You'll unlock at least 30 entries throughout the game:

The Word Endures
Explore content on a lost terminal.

The first lost terminal can be found in Grasslands Ring, to the right of the tetromino bridge:

Terminals are marked on the compass (blue hand palm symbol).

Lord of the Files
Read 30 texts on terminals.

There are plenty of terminals scattered throughout game, each typically containing at least one text. Therefore, the achievement will most likely unlock while progressing through the game.
Spoiler-free Checklist:

Puzzle Area⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Lost Labs⠀⠀
Lifthrasir's Audio Logs⠀⠀
Trevor's Audio Logs⠀⠀
East 1 - Grasslands Ring
East 2 - Wooded Plateu
East 3 - Eastern Wetlands
North 1 - Desolate Island
North 2 - Flooded Valley
North 3 - Lost Marshes
South 1 - Southern Coast
South 2 - Verdant Canyon
South 3 - Circular Oasis
West 1 - Western Delta
West 2 - Anthropic Hills
West 3 - High Plain

Furthermore, there's one achievement for finding ten of the many human artifacts scattered throughout the puzzle areas. They spawn at randomly chosen, yet predefined locations. Thus, you might find some artifacts at locations that differ from the ones described below.
⋗︎ Lost Labs
Scientia Vincere Tenebras
Explore all of the lost labs.

East 1 - Grasslands Ring
Near the Prometheus monument; on the left side of the tower:

East 2 - Wooded Plateu
On the path from Puzzle 6 to Puzzle 7:

East 3 - Eastern Wetlands
Behind Puzzle 7:

North 1 - Desolate Island
Between Puzzle 7 and Puzzle 8:

North 2 - Flooded Valley
In front of Puzzle 6

North 3 - Lost Marshes
North of Puzzle 6

South 1 - Southern Coast
Below the transport system:

South 2 - Verdant Canyon
Behind Puzzle 7:

South 3 - Circular Oasis
Near the transport system, in a crater:

West 1 - Western Delta
Next to Puzzle 4:

West 2 - Anthropic Hills
Next to Puzzle 5:

West 3 - High Plain
South-east of Puzzle 2:

⋗︎ Audio Logs
Ecstatic Truth
Collect all 12 of Lifthrasir's audio logs.

Trevor's Biographer
Collect all 12 of Trevor's audio logs.

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_01
Area: East 1 - Grasslands Ring

To the right of the tetromino bridge:

Audio Log: Trevor_01
Area: East 1 - Grasslands Ring

In front of Puzzle 5:

Audio Log: Trevor_02
Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu

In front of Puzzle 2:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_02
Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu

On the hill above the rails of the transport system:

Audio Log: Trevor_03
Area: East 3 - Eastern Wetlands

Inside the human rock formation north-west of the transport system:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_03
Area: East 3 - Eastern Wetlands

Far in the south of the area; east of the Pandora monument:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_04
Area: North 1 - Desolate Island

In the far south-west; follow the path in front of Puzzle 5:

Audio Log: Trevor_04
Area: North 1 - Desolate Island

At the base of the mountain; follow the path between Puzzle 7 and Puzzle 8:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_05
Area: North 2 - Flooded Valley

On the island south of Puzzle 3:

Audio Log: Trevor_05
Area: North 2 - Flooded Valley

In front of Puzzle 8:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_06
Area: North 3 - Lost Marshes

In the far south-west of the area, behind Puzzle 3:

Audio Log: Trevor_06
Area: North 3 - Lost Marshes

In front of Puzzle 6:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_07
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

On the hill between Puzzle 2 and Puzzle 3:

Audio Log: Trevor_07
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

Between Puzzle 7 and Puzzle 8:

Audio Log: Trevor_08
Area: South 2 - Verdant Canyon

Near Puzzle 1 and Puzzle 2:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_08
Area: South 2 - Verdant Canyon

North of Puzzle 5:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_09
Area: South 3 - Circular Oasis

In front of Puzzle 8:

Audio Log: Trevor_09
Area: South 3 - Circular Oasis

Next to Puzzle 5:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_10
Area: West 1 - Western Delta

Behind Puzzle 1:

Audio Log: Trevor_10
Area: West 1 - Western Delta

Between Puzzle 4 and Lost Puzzle Jailbreak:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_11
Area: West 2 - Anthropic Hills

On a small plateau in front of the transport system:

Audio Log: Trevor_11
Area: West 2 - Anthropic Hills

On top of the mountain; near the Gold Puzzle:

Audio Log: Trevor_12
Area: West 3 - High Plain

By the south exit of Puzzle 3:

Audio Log: Lifthrasir_12
Area: West 3 - High Plain

In front of the hands; next to Puzzle 8:

⋗︎ Remnants
Remnants of the Past
Discover a trace of what happened on the island.

Find every manifestation of the past.

Remnant: Future Cat
Area: East 3 - Eastern Wetlands

In front of Puzzle 2:

Remnant: Miranda's Studies
Area: East 3 - Eastern Wetlands

In front of Puzzle 7:

Remnant: Our Duty
Area: North 1 - Desolate Island

In front of Puzzle 6:

Remnant: The Ancients
Area: North 1 - Desolate Island

In front of Puzzle 8:

Remnant: Irresponsible
Area: North 2 - Flooded Valley

In front of Puzzle 5:

Remnant: Work of Art
Area: North 2 - Flooded Valley

On the island reachable after building the first tetromino bridge:

Remnant: Terraforming
Area: North 3 - Lost Marshes

Behind Puzzle 5; in front of Puzzle 3:

Remnant: Player Of Games
Area: North 3 - Lost Marshes

Next to Puzzle 8:

Remnant: Mere Timber
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

Next to Puzzle 4:

Remnant: I'm Dad
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

Between the Gold Puzzle and Puzzle 8:

Remnant: The Bigger Picture
Area: South 2 - Verdant Canyon

In front of Puzzle 2:

Remnant: Life
Area: South 2 - Verdant Canyon

Behind Puzzle 4:

Remnant: Miranda's Design
Area: South 3 - Circular Oasis

In front of the transport system:

Remnant: Too Much Beauty
Area: South 3 - Circular Oasis

Between Puzzle 2 and Puzzle 3:

Remnant: Too Human
Area: West 1 - Western Delta

On a hill between Puzzle 3, Puzzle 4, and the Prometheus monument:

Remnant: Just To Be
Area: West 1 - Western Delta

In front of Puzzle 6:

Remnant: Leadership
Area: West 2 - Anthropic Hills

In front of the tetromino bridge; next to the transport system:

Remnant: Birth
Area: West 2 - Anthropic Hills

At the base of the stone statue leading to Puzzle 7

Remnant: How Did She Do It
Area: West 3 - High Plain

Near Puzzle 4; east exit:

Remnant: Together
Area: West 3 - High Plain

Near Puzzle 7; north-east exit:

⋗︎ Human Artifacts
Find an ancient human artifact.

Find 10 ancient human artifacts.

Human artifacts spawn at randomly chosen, yet predefined locations. Therefore, you might find some artifacts at locations that differ from the ones described below. Not all artifacts are listed in this section, but enough to get the achievement without additional exploring. Feel free to post missing artifacts in the comment section!

Human Artifact: Radiator
Area: East 1 - Grasslands Ring

On the right side of the tower:

Human Artifact: Tricycle (Scenario 1)
Area: East 1 - Grasslands Ring

On the left side of the tower, at the very end of the lake:

Human Artifact: Unknown Machine (Scenario 1)
Area: East 1 - Grasslands Ring

North-west of Puzzle 6:

Human Artifact: Unknown Machine (Scenario 2)
Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu

North-west of Puzzle 1:

Human Artifact: Tank
Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu

Between Puzzle 4 and Lost Puzzle Keeping Connections:

Human Artifact: Tricycle (Scenario 2)
Area: East 2 - Wooded Plateu

In front of Puzzle 8; behind a rock:

Human Artifact: Slide
Area: East 3 - Eastern Wetlands

Between the Sphinx monument and the Pandora monument:

Human Artifact: Satellite Dish
Area: North 2 - Flooded Valley

Near Lost Puzzle Lateral Inhibition:

Human Artifact: Anchor (Scenario 1)
Area: North 2 - Flooded Valley

Near the Prometheus monument, south-east of Puzzle 3:

Human Artifact: Van (Scenario 1)
Area: North 3 - Lost Marshes

North-east of Puzzle 6:

Human Artifact: Anchor (Scenario 2)
Area: North 3 - Lost Marshes

Next to Lost Puzzle Elegance, in the south-east of the area:

Human Artifact: Bomber Plane
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

In front of the tower, underwater:

Human Artifact: Van (Scenario 2)
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

Below Puzzle 6:

Human Artifact: Arcade Machine (Scenario 1)
Area: South 1 - Southern Coast

Between the Gold Puzzle and Puzzle 8:

Human Artifact: Washing Machine
Area: South 2 - Verdant Canyon

Near the Lost Terminal north of Puzzle 5:

Human Artifact: Arcade Machine (Scenario 2)
Area: South 2 - Verdant Canyon

Between Puzzle 5 and Puzzle 7:

Human Artifact: Unknown Vehicle
Area: South 3 - Circular Oasis

West of the Pandora monument:

Human Artifact: Oil Pump
Area: West 1 - Western Delta

Behind Puzzle 4:

Human Artifact: Classic Vehicle
Area: West 2 - Anthropic Hills

In the circular area in front of Puzzle 4:

DLC - Road to Elysium

Road to Elysium features 28 additional Steam achievements.

The DLC is divided into three areas which can be accessed via the main menu:
  • Orpheus Ascending (7 Achievements)
  • Isle of the Blessed (13 Achievements)
  • Into The Abyss (8 Achievements)

Solely 'Showing Off' for solving both Pandora monuments without using static connectors in the Isle of the Blessed area is missable. Fortunately, it can be quickly obtained on a new save file.
⋗︎ Orpheus Ascending
First Steps
Recover one fragment in Orpheus Ascending.

Only Connect
Recover sixteen fragments in Orpheus Ascending.

Solve the first 16 Main Puzzles in Orpheus Ascending.

Amor Vincit Omnia
Fully reconstruct Sarabhai in Orpheus Ascending.

Solve Main Puzzle 17 and recover the final fragment. You can continue playing afterwards.

What's This?
Start reconstructing the mysterious file in Orpheus Ascending.

The Mystery
Fully reconstruct the mysterious file in Orpheus Ascending.

After recovering all fragments and reconstructing Sarabhai, solve all three Gold Puzzles.

Low Int Dialogue
Interact with an old friend in Orpheus Ascending.

Find and interact with the terminal hidden in a canyon behind Puzzle 11:

Find every QR message in Orpheus Ascending.

Find and read all 12 QR messages.

On the outer front wall of Puzzle 1:

On the outer back wall of Puzzle 2:

On the outer right wall of Puzzle 5:

On the outer right wall of Puzzle 6:

On the outer back wall of Puzzle 8:

On the outer right wall of Puzzle 9:

On the outer left wall of Puzzle 12:

On the obelisk between Puzzle 13, Puzzle 14, Puzzle 15, and Puzzle 16:

On a small plateau left of Puzzle 14:

On the outer left wall of Puzzle 15. Jump over the small rock on the right:

On the floating island with the final fragment:

On the outer right wall of Gold Puzzle Hysteresis:

⋗︎ Isle of the Blessed
You Can Do This
Solve a puzzle in Isle of the Blessed.

Solve every puzzle in Isle of the Blessed.

Solve all 24 Main Puzzles, all 3 Lost Puzzles, the Hexahedron, and all 3 Gold Puzzles.

Blue Moons
Power up the blue lighthouse in Isle of the Blessed.

Green Fields
Power up the green lighthouse in Isle of the Blessed.

Red Suns
Power up the red lighthouse in Isle of the Blessed.

Activate the lighthouses of all three puzzle areas.

The New 1k
Solve the Hexahedron in Isle of the Blessed.

Solve the Hexahedron puzzle after activating all three lighthouses.

Oh, Shiny!
Find a Prometheus Spark in Isle of the Blessed.

There are five Sparks scattered across the islands. One is below Puzzle 3 in the blue area:

I Love Your Beard
Solve one Prometheus monument in Isle of the Blessed.

Cat Lady
Solve one Sphinx monument in Isle of the Blessed.

Solve one Pandora monument in Isle of the Blessed.

Solve all monuments in Isle of the Blessed. Because you want to.

Please refer to this guide by Mauritsio for help with the monuments and stars:

This achievement is missable, but can be quickly obtained on a new save file.

Showing Off
Solve both Pandora monuments without using a static connector outside puzzles.

There are multiple ways to solve the Pandora monuments without using static connectors outside puzzles. Hence, you are not limited to the solutions described below. However, please note that the achievement will be voided if a static connector is connected to any light beam involved in activating a Pandora monument - even if the static connector only retrieves the light beam.

To solve the Pandora monument in the green area, first complete Puzzle 5. Then, connect the RGB Converter with a blue light beam and a red light beam, and place it here:

Now, use the Connector in Puzzle 4 to send the green beam from Puzzle 5 to the monument:

To solve the Pandora monument in the red area, use the Connector in Puzzle 8 to connect the Pandora monument and the horizontal RGB Converter in Puzzle 4:

Next, solve Puzzle 4 and use a Connector to redirect a red beam to the horizontal RGB Converter:

Then, stand in front of the Green Light Generator in Puzzle 4 and block its beam for a few seconds - until the RGB Converter sends a green beam to the Connector in Puzzle 8.

The Creator
Collect all of Barzai's speeches in Isle of the Blessed.

Collect and listen to all 8 speeches of Barzai (707).

Between the green area and the red area:

Between Puzzle 6 and Puzzle 7 in the green area:

Noth-east of the Lost Puzzle in the green area:

Behind the Gold Puzzle in the blue area:

Under a rock arch between the Lost Puzzle and the lighthouse in the blue area:

In the water between the blue area and the red area:

Between Puzzle 1 and Puzzle 2 in the red area:

At the lighthouse in the red area:

⋗︎ Into The Abyss
Difficulty Spike
Solve one puzzle in Into The Abyss

Ready to Go
Solve eight puzzles in Into The Abyss

Solve all puzzles in Into The Abyss

Solve all 24 puzzles in Into The Abyss.

Use a bridge to reach a new island in Into The Abyss.

Use one of the bridges to travel between the puzzle areas:

A Shortcut to Puzzles
Use a map to teleport in Into The Abyss.

After using any of the bridges, you can use the maps to teleport between the floating islands:

The Abyss
Finish the fragmented text adventure in Into The Abyss.

Find and interact with the terminal left of Puzzle 4:

Night Terrors
Find every nightmare in Into The Abyss.

Collect and listen to all 11 red nightmares.

Between Puzzle 2 and the bridge to the central island:

In front of Puzzle 5:

Between Puzzle 7 and the bridge to the central island:

Between Puzzle 9 and Puzzle 10:

Between Puzzle 11 and the bridge to Puzzle 10:

In front of Puzzle 12:

Between Puzzle 13 and Puzzle 14:

Between Puzzle 15 and puzzle 16:

On the floating island with Puzzle 17, Puzzle 18, Puzzle 19, Puzzle 20, and Puzzle 21:

Near Puzzle 19:

Between Puzzle 23 and Puzzle 24:

Hidden Strength
Find all three hidden dreams in Into The Abyss.

Collect and listen to all 3 green dreams.

Behind Puzzle 8:

At the end of Puzzle 9:

To the right of Puzzle 21:

Hanni  [author] 29 Jan @ 1:14pm 
@Fulgore The Lost Puzzles are also regular puzzles.
Fulgore 29 Jan @ 12:23pm 
I did the 8 puzzles in the 12 areas and didn't unlock "Puzzle Fiend" help :(
Alby 9 Oct, 2024 @ 3:49pm 
Jeremy getting elected mayor awarded me with "Balance".
Hanni  [author] 6 Aug, 2024 @ 11:23pm 
@<flashmoZZg> Thanks for the feedback! I'll re-word it and update the guide. The static connectors outside the puzzles are meant, like the one next to the Pandora monument in the red area.
<flashmoZZg> 6 Aug, 2024 @ 6:02pm 
Showing off is worded and explained weirdly. At first, I though it's okay to use static connectors as long as you can't take them out of the puzzle zone. THen I read description here and thought you can't use static connectors ever "please note that the achievement will be voided if a static connector is connected to any light beam involved in activating a Pandora monument" but looked at one solution - and it uses a static connector! So looks like my original assumption was correct.
KU8R1CK 19 Jun, 2024 @ 10:08am 
Hanni  [author] 19 Jun, 2024 @ 12:39am 
I've updated the guide, hope the instructions are clearer now :)
KU8R1CK 18 Jun, 2024 @ 11:47pm 
@Hanni, yes I solved all puzzles
Hanni  [author] 18 Jun, 2024 @ 10:31pm 
@KU8R1CK Have you completed the Puzzles mentioned in the section for 'Showing Off'?
KU8R1CK 18 Jun, 2024 @ 10:04pm 
Can`t understand how to get "Showing Off" achievement. Is there video?