FNaF World

FNaF World

57 ratings
A (somewhat) Full Guide to FNaF World
By wannabehusk
An entire guide to help you succeed in FNaF World.

"Hello, hello! So, uh, I just wanted to record a message for you... to say this message from the company that I'm legally obligated to read. So, uh, it says here "Spoilers for FNaF World's endings, Update 2, and other stuff. Don't read unless your geuinely stuck or just wanna read you dingus lmao." I, uh, don't know what Fazbear Entertainment MEANS by that, uh...so there ya go. That's all, uh, stay safe out there. Good night."

Weird. That seemed to be a call from a [TOTALLY LEGITMATE SOURCE OF PHONE MAN] kind of guy. He's right though, this guide contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Also, comments are disabled. I do not need Doge and Bob taking over a website, thanks.
This is, by far, probably one of the most comprehensive guides I've written.

FNaF World, as you already know, is an RPG by Scott himself. This game is classified as a "spin-off," but there is some lore tied with this game.

As meme-y as the game sounds and looks, there is some lore and convoluted gameplay mechanics within it. I'm here to (somewhat) break it down and tell you how to be the best FNAF there ever was to FNAF.

First, however, let's make sure you HAVE FNaF World installed. You can install it through GameJolt[gamejolt.com] or through Steam itself!

Now, don't try to search for FNaF World on Steam, as it was taken down on Steam. Instead, I have a little sneaky-sneak trick.

Hit the Windows Key + R. You should see a little box appear on the bottom left corner of your screen. In said box, type "steam://install/427920" with no quotation marks. You should be given the FNaF World install location and confirmation. Confirm everything, then your set for Steam!

Or you know, just make your life easy and install it through GameJolt[gamejolt.com]
The Beginning
When you first boot up FNAF World, you are pleased with this screen right here:

Yeah, it's not wrong - this game does get flashy and even "Eyesore" at some points. ESPECIALLY during late game. Moving on, we are now shown our lovely title screen:

Jeez, this is a lot to unpack. Of course, we have our usual four. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. Addtionally, we also have Fredbear, who is EXTREMELY important to getting two different endings. Overall, an okay title screen.

Anyways, continuing, we are shown our save screen. There should be green trees and green landscape with three purple buttons. They should say Slot 1, Slot 2, and Slot 3 from top to bottom. Try clicking one! From there, you will have an option to erase data. Just hit "Yes;" it doesn't matter on a clean save. Now, you have two options.

ADVENTURE: Find new characters as you play.
FIXED PARTY: Start with two fixed teams. (more difficult)

Now, to get really ANY ending, it does not matter which mode you chose.

In Adventure, you will gradually find characters as you play and you can switch your teams whenever.

In Fixed Party, you start off with every character (sometimes - I dunno why sometimes you don't), but you cannot switch your teams when you first hit "Done." Choose carefully!

(For the sake of simplicity and ease, I will be talking as if I'm playing Adventure mode and will signify WHEN we're in Fixed Party. Got it? Cool.)

After choosing your mode, you THEN get the choice between Normal and Hard Mode. This choice ACTUALLY affects which ending you can get. In Hard Mode, enemies have more health (obviously) compared to Normal. We'll discuss the ending with Normal first.
An RPG Needs a Party!
When you first launch into your game, you will have a full row of a whopping 8 characters. These being:

[1] Freddy
[2] Bonnie
[3] Chica
[4] Foxy

[1] Toy Freddy
[2] Toy Bonnie
[3] Toy Chica
[4] Mangle

Blue Team, or BT as I will now address them as, is our 1st team, with Pink Team, now known as PT, as our 2nd. Whoever is in our first slot of BT, in this case Freddy, is our "Party Leader." When talking with Fredbear, going to a shop, or going to play with Dee Dee, this is the character that will always pop up. If you'd like, you may rearrange the characters to the order you prefer. Just click "Reset" at the bottom right.

The order for character select is as follows:
BT 1 (Party Leader)
BT 2
BT 3
BT 4
PT 1
PT 2
PT 3
PT 4

Be wise on your order! Remember that in combat, BT IS ALWAYS THE FIRST TEAM TO FIGHT. But, if you're in Fixed Party and have Fredbear, do not select him as BT 1.
Fazbear Hills: New Vendors, The Attacks, And Everything Somewhat Nice
Now, upon choosing "Done" on the character select screen, we are greeted with Fredbear! In summary, Fredbear talks about how there have been some "impostors" lurking around the village. Even some that look like...*gulp*...them. It's up to you to get to the bottom of it!

Just, be sure to not wait around too long on his final textbox.

After a loading screen later, we are in Fazbear Hills! The first area of this game. (see below) This area is pretty small and surrounded by the 2nd area, Choppy's Woods. Fazbear Hills is practically the tutorial level to FNaF World. Above you are Lolbit and DeeDee. To your right lies Mendo.

Lolbit sells these things called "Bytes." Bytes are basically little things that aid you in battle. These things range from Bees to literal faz-king bombs. They become extremely helpful later on, however! Lolbit appears in every area of the game, selling different bytes each area, unlike Mendo and DeeDee, who only appear in this area. For this area, Lolbit sells the Gnat, Neon Bee, and Neon Wasp. Some PERFECT starting bytes. I recommend trying to get those ASAP.

DeeDee lets you play a game called "DeeDee's Fishing Hole" which is a misnomer - it's an entire pond, not a hole. It costs 10 Tokens to play, which you can find literally everywhere. Upon paying to play, you are suddenly dropped on a boat with a fishing-plunger. There is a shiny pearl at the bottom, but it is covered by numerous fish! The pearl is worth 100 tokens (so just a 90-token profit.) but the fish can range from 1-50 tokens, top to bottom. Try your best to maneuver around the fish, as they tend to huddle right above the pearl. You only really get one shot at attempting to get the pearl and the game before having to pay 10 tokens again.

Mendo is a vendor who sells armor upgrades. His armors are pricey, and since we can't afford any at this time, we can just safely ignore him for now. Don't forget him, though! We need him when we can actually afford his armor.

It only takes a few steps before you encounter your first enemy! Now, this is where the fun in the game mechanics breaks out. Since FNaF World is an RPG, we have turn-based combat.
(above is a fight against a recruitable enemy, Phantom Freddy.)

You see those colors next to Foxy? Those are his attacks! The attacks are color-coded so you can think fast, as this game is VERY fast-paced. Funny enough, though, some of the attacks are mislabeled.
    For the most part, here's what they mean:
  • RED: Strong, powerful attacks that tend to do AoE damage (hit multiple enemies at once.) The attacks labelled with red are Balloons, Bash Jam, Eye Beam, Freddles, Hot Cheese, Hot Cheese 2, Jumpscare, Mega Bite, Mega Virus, Munchies, Neon Wall 2, Pizza Wheel, Pizza Wheel 2, Poppers, and Springlocks.

  • ORANGE: Attacks that only target 1-2 enemies. The attacks labelled with orange are Bite, Bite 2, Hook and Mic Toss.

  • YELLOW: Attacks that "do something random." The attacks labelled with yellow are Endo Army, Esc Key, Gift Boxes, Haunting, Hocus Pocus, Mimic Ball, Mystery Box, Mystery Box 2, Neon Wall, Prize Ball and Prize Ball 2.
  • If anything, Esc Key is mislabelled. Esc Key has a chance to insta-kill numerous enemies. It should be labelled Black. You could argue that Esc Key is labelled correct as it's "random" when it kills an enemy. For my opinion though, it should be Black.

  • GREEN: Attacks that do poison damage. Damage is dealt over a period of time, like Hot Cheese. Attacks labelled green include Bad Pizza, Toxic Balloon, Toxic Bite and Toxic Bite 2.

  • PURPLE: Attacks that apply debuffs to the enemies. These include 4th Wall, Gloom Balloon, Gloom Song, Rainy Day, Rainy Day 2, Slasher and Sludge.
  • 4th Wall and Slasher are mislabelled here. 4th Wall does huge damage to all enemies and should be labelled Red. Slasher has a 1 in 10 chance to instantly kill at least one enemy. Slasher should be labelled Black.

  • PINK: "Attacks" that mainly heal your party. These include Bubble Breath, Cupcake, Happy Jam and Happy Jam 2.

  • BLACK: Attacks that have a chance to immediately kill at least one enemy. These include Unscrew, Unscrew 2, Waterhose and Waterhose 2.

  • WHITE: "Attacks" that provide major buffs to your party. These include Armor Song, Birthday, Cosmic Song, Power Song and Speed Song.
  • Cosmic Song does not have the correct color. It should be Red, as Cosmic Song deals a ton of damage in the enemy area.

  • VERMILLION: Attacks exclusive to certain Update 2 characters that do a BUNCH of damage. These include Buzzsaw, Jack-O-Bomb and Balloons 2.
  • The only characters with Vermillion attacks are Jack-O-Chica, Jack-O-Bonnie, Mr. Chipper and Nightmare BB.

Wow! That was a lot. Now, that you know what each attack does, this should help you defeat the enemy! When you defeat enough enemies, there's a chance you can get to fight an animatronic (like Phantom Freddy) but they tend to be stronger than normal enemies. If you defeat them, they get to join your party and you can select them!

When heading to the left of your spawn point and up, you will see somebody. However, this is no ally, it's a boss! This boss in particular is named Auto Chipper. He is blocking access to 2 Chips. When you defeat Auto Chipper, the 2 Chips you get access to are Headstart: Strength and Headstart: Defense. But, now you may be asking - what are Chips? Chips are basically passive buffs that your party gets in battle. These range from temporary buffs to attacks that are automatically activated the whole battle. After fighting the Auto Chipper, go to the left and straight. Soon, you should see Fredbear again! Fredbear will be standing in front of a...glitchy tree? How odd. Fredbear explains that there appear to be some stuff happening on the flipside to cause this. Upon entering the tree, you are taken into a psychedelic-esqe location:

This area is EXTREMELY confusing, and in my opinion, a mechanic that shouldn't have existed. You walk slow through this blue-ish area, and are being met with one other color - orange. There are at least 2 of these things in EACH sub-tunnel, as they are called, and you have to guess which one is correct. However, I'll save you a bit of slack. The correct exit is almost always a decent distance from your spawn. When you see your first exit, check for other ones further down the road! If you do see another one further from the first exit, then enter your newfound exit.
Choppy's Woods: The Insanity of FNaF World's Walls
After escaping the hell that was the sub-tunnel, we are now in Choppy's Woods!

This area has some tougher enemies than Fazbear Hills. Actually, only really two enemies spawn here. Totemoles and Chop N' Rolls.

Totemoles tend to approach you in packs, but if you defeated a recruitable enemy, you should have no problem with them. Chop N' Rolls are the concern here - they deal quite a bit of damage. Red attacks are your best friend for both of them.

To your left is a button. Don't forget to hit it! This allows you to Jump to this area at anytime. Extremely helpful so we don't need to take the you-know-what again. Fredbear will tell you about the button and some other stuff that I don't really care about right now. It's not important - but look out for the glitchy objects!

Now, here is where we get to the bull-huey of FNaF World. There is an Auto Chipper located right here. It looks like you shouldn't be able to access the Auto Chipper, right? Well, you can. I want you to take a guess on how to get to the Auto Chipper and get the Chip, Evercomet: Weak. Okay, did you guess? If you said WALK THROUGH THE TREE STUMP ON YOUR LEFT, YOU ARE FAZ-KING CORRECT. The problem with this game is the fact that there are MANY false walls. Almost none of them are evident enough that you can walk through them. I wouldn't even be RANTING about this damn stump if these false walls needed to be past through to even BEAT THE GAME. Anyways, yes, you past through the stump to fight Auto Chipper and get Evercomet: Weak.

If we continue onto the right, we will see a stump with a bird perched on it. Why am I pointing this out? Well, if you approach the bottom of this stump and run up right into it, you will be taken to an area labelled &*_ _ _TWRE. This area is a distorted version of the main game. It's actually somewhat terrifying - the main background music is reversed, and you are able to go "anywhere." There are more of these non-evident objects and each of them are extremely helpful to getting Red Chips. These are Chips that you practically NEED to beat the game. Upon entering &* _ _ _ TWRE, be VERY careful. You may wanna come back to this area as the enemies in this location are EXTREMELY powerful and may one-shot your team. Don't forget, you can run from any non-boss battle by holding "R." If you commit to this area, head northeast from your entry point until you reach a water-like area. Note you may have to head right at some point due to an invisible wall. Near the top of this whole water area, there is an ACTUAL unreachable chest unless you enter this area. Walk over the chest to get Auto: Shield. This automatically summons a shield that blocks half the damage you receive. To leave &*_ _ _TWRE, head back to the bird stump you entered through and walk through the top of it. You lived!

Lolbit does sell Bytes here - Medpods specifically, which heal your team periodically. Lolbit cannot be accessed yet though, so we can move on. Additionally, there is also a cave where the bird stump is, but there are some tough enemies there. It's best not to go there, but if you do, you can guide your way to Yellow Chips by holding "Tab" to access the map of the whole game. Continue onto the left to access the Dusting Fields.
The Dusting Fields: A Snowy, Cold Tundra
Welcome to the snowy tundra of Dusting Fields!

This area, overall, is sorta bare bones. Not much happens here, but I'll try my best to lengthen this section. There are different enemies that spawn here, obviously.

Boxbytes are the least of your problems - they use Gloom attacks like the Phantoms and don't do much damage.

Chillaxes (haha get it) are boring too - they don't do much and attack like normal.

Flans are the worrying enemies - they travel in packs and are slower compared to most enemies, but when they do attack they all attack at the same time. They also have Balloons, so be careful about that.

Upon first entering Dusting Fields and going north, you will see some thick bushes and a single thinner bush. This is really the only moment in the game where it's evident you can walk through the thin bush - as it stands out. Entering through the bush gets you the Chip, Quickstart: Party, which just gives your team a lot of buffs when a battle starts. Lolbit's byte store sells Reapers, which can instantly kills enemies if lucky. You can actually access this Lolbit though.

Continuing along the path, Fredbear is back and states that the snowman is blocking the path to yet another glitched rock. This boss is actually tougher, and you may need to grind a bit to defeat him. When you do defeat him the first rock on your right leads to the blue hell. But, this blue hell is different...

There's MORE THAN ONE SUB-TUNNEL? If you follow straight and up, you will see a glitchy tree...within the glitchy mess.

The image above is actually a perfect example. Don't worry, though, as this intoduction is extremely short. Just follow the path up until you see a pulsing square. From there, you won't leave the whole sub tunnel, but go BACK to the first one. Then, it's just a short path up, and you will wind up in Lilygear Lake.

There is also a cave located near the glitched rock, but do not enter it. There is a rock located just above the cave and next to a shadow dancing Freddy (this shadow has no signifcance. seriously.)

Walking into the rock from the bottom takes you into the hard world of &*_ _ _TWRE. Walking east into Fazbear Hills will grant you a red chest, and in that red chest is Block: Unscrew. Unscrew has a chance to kill a party member, and enemies can have Unscrew. Having this chip early on is extremely good.
Lilygear Lake: Water, Water...and More Water
Welcome to the watery grounds of Lilygear Lake!

Again, not much happens in this area. Actually, this is one of the smallest areas in the game.

Upon entering the water, you will be put into a boat. How cute. But, there are different enemies!

Seaweed are standard little enemies. No big deal.

Crabapples. These dudes can, among other things, use Hot Cheese, which will slowly drain your health. It’s easy to neglect - and get murdered by - this damage. I recommend to heal often while fighting them.

Colossals. They will smack you. Just tougher than Seaweed, but no big deal.

Additional to the enemies, because FNaF World is SOOOO FAIR; a Seagoon will attack at random when you are in the water!

"OH, bUt DeAr GuIdE-r, jUsT FlE-"

You cannot flee from this battle. Seagoon is considered this area's boss (despite it having ACTUAL bosses) which is JUST. FAIR!

Again, there is seriously nothing in this area besides the water and where you can go. Later in this game, this area actually has significance, but that's for later. In the game.

But hey, we can actually access Choppy's Woods' Lolbit! This Lolbit sells Medpacks, which periodically heal you. You can get these if you want, but if you have some heavy hitters on your team, then maybe don't get them.

Going up will take you to the upper half of Fazbear Hills, which has our SUBTUNNEL OF DOOM and a mine!

Going down and through a path of mushrooms will lead you to a blocked off area. Don't worry, we'll get to it soon.

Entering the glitched bush, just follow through the path until you see a fork in the road; one down and one straight. Go straight, but do not enter the first exit. Continue following the path till you see an orange exit and the glitched sub-subtunnel. Enter the tree, then follow through until you reach the end.

&*_ _ _TWRE is not in Lilygear Lake, strangely.
Blacktomb Yard: Cold, Dead, Gone
Welcome to the dark, dark realm of Blacktomb Yard!

This area is dark, cloudy, and full of three enemies!

Graveweeds are pretty standard foes. Nothing terribly notable about ‘em.

Beartraps. More standard foes. They hit you. A bit faster than average, but nothing special need be done to bring them down.

Prototypes. OH NO - HOT CHEESE! But otherwise, just a generic enemy.

This area, too, is also pretty tiny compared to others. Lolbit sells some literal bombs here. They blow up once per battle and do decent damage! Overall, though, there isn't much to talk about in this area. Upon traversing south, there is a cave. Enter it.

Usually, I've avoided talking about the caves because they are not important to progress. However, to get to Pinwheel Circus, we need to enter this cave.

This is the map for Blacktomb's cave.

The red line is the path to take to reach this area's subtunnel.

Lolbit sells some BossDrains here. HOLY HELL, THEY ARE GOOD! When you go to fight tougher bosses you will struggle, so bossdrains gradually decrease the bosses health. This sadly only works on bosses, but they are still REALLY good.

On the left, you will see a chest! Go that way and be jumpscared by Mad Endo. Don't worry, he's an easy boss :) The chest contains the chip Find: Characters. This is pretty good in Adventure, where you can find the good characters faster. In Fixed Party, this is useless, as you not only have every character already but, even if you didn't, you can't switch your party anyway.

Following the red path outlined for you (because explaining it is a pain) you will reach this area's subtunnel.

HAHA-...why are there three?
Inside the subtunnel, head east. Keep your eye open for a flashing tree in the southeast. The 2nd section of the subtunnel contains a warp point, but it’s kind of a redherring, as you’re looking for a flashing tree on your right as you head south.

Wait, did I just say "flashing tree on your right" with "2nd section of the subtunnel" in the same sentence?

Yes. There are THREE subtunnels. Luckily though, this is an introduction. Just follow the path and you'll be fine.

Inside Blacktomb Yard, there is a tombstone on the far left in the third row from the top. This one tends to a be a little bit brighter than the others, so you may or may not miss it. From the bottom of the stone, ram into it to enter &*_ _ _TWRE. Head left in this world and gain the chip Auto: Mimic - one of the best in the game. This chip automatically places the Mimic ability - an attack that repeats whatever your last move was. For example, if you use Hook with Auto: Mimic, then you will end up using Hook twice, with a slight cooldown in between attacks.
Pinwheel Circus & Funhouse: The Beginning of The End
Now, this is 1/2 of the final area of the game - Pinwheel Circus

Let's get this out the way - Lolbit sells UFOs. Think of UFOs as the Bees from the hills but they took half a pound of cocaine before inventing themselves. UFOs are EXTREMELY good, even the cheapest one! I highly recommending getting them.

Here are some of the latest and last-est enemies we will ever encounter.

Ballboys - Aside from looking creepy and lobbing the occasional Balloon flurry at you, not a big deal. Still a threat in large groups, however.

Dogfights - No big deal. They smack you. You smack them. These guys only get dangerous if they weaken your party enough and use Waterhose, which doesn’t happen too often. Heal to prevent Waterhose from killing anyone.

Meringue. They use Snowball. Yay. How much fun.

The boss of this area is Browboy. He is basically a beefed up version of the Ballboys. By now, you should have a lot of gold so you may buy some of Mendo's armors in Fazbear Hills. Trust me. You'll need it. Browboy can be a bit of a pain, but you'll pass him eventually! Debuffing him is extremely helpful.

The Circus starts to open up a little past Browboy. Look north for a chest containing the Auto: Regen Chip, then approach the green tent on your right.

First of all, no.

Second of all, welcome to Pinwheel Funhouse! This area is NOT fun to navigate through! DIfferent tents take you to different areas of the Funhouse. If you saw some tents earlier in your journey, this is where they are used.


Tangles - KILL QUICKLY. These bastards have, and will use, Esc Key to murder everyone you know and love. Death attacks will dispatch them in a right hurry.

White Rabbits - If encountered one-at-a-time they’re kind of pathetic. You will get stunned occasionally. Groups of them are much more dangerous, however, as they can stun you into submission and rob you of turns over and over. Stunning them before they can do the same to you is effective.

Redbears - Fairly strong, but they don’t have any crazy special moves to fear. They can also spam Jumpscare to stun you if you’re unlucky, but they don’t seem to use it as often as the White Rabbits.

When you first enter the Funhouse, take the first tent on your right. You will be taken to an area with different tombstones, including one behind a wall. Use your FNaF World logic and P H A S E through the wall with a tombstone behind it. You will be taken to an area with an odd-looking bear behind two tree stumps. Go through the stumps to fight Bubba. He's a heavy hitter - with not much "wiggle room" (i wanted to use that word) to plan your moves. Debuff him, use that Auto: Shield chip of yours, and win.

Beyond Bubba another tent. You emerge near three more tents, including one hidden in a wall. Ignore all of them and walk through the right wall (which is closer to the far right tent southwise) if you want to proceed. Fredbear’s to the south.

You'll see a glitchy object (AND YOUR LAST ONE) beyond Fredbear and find a subtunnel. There are two warp points to the east, and you want to use the flashing tree up the first northbound path to proceed. Once you’ve appeared in the next subtunnel, go north a short distance and walk through the wall on your right to find another subtunnel warp. The remainder of the trip through is straightforward.

You’ll emerge at Lilygear Lake, in a small enclosure you probably saw earlier but couldn’t reach. Hit the button nearby to open it up, then approach the surly-looking pig to the north. His name is Porkpatch. He, too, is a heavy hitter. I HIGHLY recommend some boss drains. Maybe the 2nd and 3rd iterations are good. After defeating Porkpatch, you will recieve a key, and thus the beginning of the end.
The Keys, Locks, and All Sorts Of Other End Game Stuff
Now you just need to find the doors. They’re spread throughout Animatronica (Animatronic Village? Village-tronica? We still don't know) and will require a fair bit of backtracking and exploration to locate. Be prepared to go through most of the game again to find ‘em all.

The locked doors are in the following locations:
> The first lock is in the northeast of Fazbear Hills, just outside town.
> The second lock is in the southwest corner of Dusting Fields. You’ll need to face a boss to get through here. You'll fight Snowcone (NOT Bouncer, don't confuse them because they have the EXACT same sprite) who is a PAIN. Snowcone is basically Bouncer's elder brother on steroids. I have literally no strategy - just debuff him and buff yourself.
> The third lock is in Choppy’s Woods, though it’s accessible only from Lilygear Lake. Surf north from the entrance of Lilygear and check the trees to the south as you walk west. There’s… nothing behind it? Okay, well, unlock it if you want, I guess...
> The fourth lock is in the far northeast of Lilygear Lake. It is, of course, guarded by an invisible enemy. Supergoon. Use your same strat as Seagoon.
> The fifth lock is in Deep-Metal Mine. Head east from the entrance and explore to the northeast to find the lock. The button beyond looks unguarded, but…you'll be surprised by an Overclock. This fight is a pain in the ASS and only because of his health and damage. You'll likely die a LOT before defeating this man. Shields, UFOs, Gift Boxes, Boss Drains, and heavy hitting team members are recommended!

That’s all of the locks. You now have one last destination, and that's Pinwheel Circus. Head back there via Jump and you’ll find that the glowing gates near the Lolbit’s Byte Store have vanished. A boss waits beyond.

It's Security. A high-health, high-damage and hardest challenge we have yet.

Security has the ability of Alarm, which you might've caught while in the flipside. Alarm does a LOT of damage and it's an attack that ONLY enemies can have. Alarm can one-shot your ENTIRE team, having you resort to your other team which may even LOSE ONE MEMBER. Luckily, Security is slow, so you can think WELL about your plan. The funny part though - Alarm can be neglected by Neon Wall and Neon Wall 2. If you have this shield up, Alarm should not do any damage, making this fight a piece of cake. Still, Security has A LOT of health, so use your tanks to your advantage. Security will grant you a MEATY load of XP.
The End(ings): Your Choices Matter
Now, the final ending after Security will change depending on your difficulty:

In NORMAL, entering the tent will give you lines of dialogue basically stating that you did not achieve the "True Ending" and you "beat a fictional monster in a fictional game." After the speech ends, so does your journey on Normal, and you cannot proceed any further.

In HARD, entering the tent will not end your adventure, and in fact you'll see a blue blob vibrating in the distance. Walking into it will initiate a fight with Scott Cawthon - or Animdude, as he's called. This fight is by far the HARDEST fight in the entirety of Update 1, or the whole game, depending on who you ask. Though Animdude doesn't have a whole lot of health, he is still tanky, and you cannot see his health bar, so his health doesn't matter. There is a loadout I recommend for this fight:

Auto: Mimic
Auto: Shield
Auto: Giftboxes
[Whatever Last Chip You'd Prefer]

3rd UFO
3rd Bossdrain
2nd Bossdrain
3rd Bomb/3rd Medpod

For your party, choose maybe 1-2 people with the Gift Boxes attack on each team, people with a lot of Red attacks, and if you want a healer, apply one. This WILL take a few attempts to beat.

Upon defeating Animdude, he will basically rant and rant and the game will end.

Chipper's Revenge: Defeat Chipper's Revenge. He can be found in a secret, sixth lock in the Mysterious Mines off to the far left where you cannot see your character model. His fight is extremely difficult, but try to use the same strategy as Animdude.

Old Man Consequences: In the final subtunnel of the game, there is a false wall you can go through in the east of the 3rd subtunnel. This will lead you to the 4th subtunnel Fredbear warned you about. You cannot escape unless you literally hit "Escape" to close the game. There is a red man fishing in the pond, and you can talk to him for some lore.

Drown: In the same area of Old Man Consequences, go to the top of the pond and rapidly alternate hitting A and D. You will sink further and further in, and eventually drown and die. Dark.

Universe End: In Fixed Party, when you unlock Fredbear, choose Fredbear as your BT 1, or leader, and the rest don't matter. Upon hitting Done, Fredbear will start as normal, but suddenly both Fredbears will have their eyes rainbow and their jaws unhinged. Text saying "Two Fredbears cannot occupy the same space at the same time." will appear, and both upper halves of the Fredbears will literally blow off. Text saying "Universe end." will then appear. You must restart the game. This only works for Fredbear's very first textbox, and you can continue on with your Fixed Party game from then on without an issue.

Clock: If you wait for a bit after Fredbear's final textbox each time, he will turn pixelated and give you hints on how to "find the clocks." This requires completing a series of small minigames, which are explained better here.[www.arrpeegeez.com]
Abolishing Enemies in Style: The Update 2 Characters
This marks the end of this lengthy guide...is what I would say if there wasn't a 2nd Update.

These characters are POWERFUL, and normally you can only get them if you complete the main game, but you can get them as early as Fazbear Hills.

In the very beginning of the game, head up and left until Freddy is directly to the north-west of the windmill between two rocks positioned diagonally from each other. Walk into the trees. Follow the path, and you'll wind up in The Backstage.

The Backstage is where "characters go to die and their code is used for terrible spin-offs." It's ironic, as FNaF World is too a spin-off. The characters located in this area are as follows:

Nightmare BB
Purple Guy

Each character has their own VERY powerful moveset that can demolish &*_ _ _TWRE enemies almost instantly. These were listed in the Fazbear Hills section under "VERMILLION." However, we cannot uncover these members by finding them - as no enemies spawn in this area. We need to complete a set of minigames in order to get them.

There are four minigames, which include:
Foxy.EXE (One Member)
Foxy Fighters (Two Members)
Chica's Magic Rainbow (Two Members)
FNaF 57: Freddy In Space (Three Members)

We will go over each one individually.
Update 2: Foxy.EXE
There is only one singular member you can acquire in Foxy.EXE. This member is Nightmarionne.

When you first enter the minigame, you are greeted with a screen mimicking a computer desktop, with a background image of a tree and a single icon labelled "Foxy.EXE". You must double-click on the icon, and the game actually begins.

You control Bonnie with A and D, to move left and right respectively, while Withered Foxy's head scrolls through the background with various distortion effects. You must dodge some simple obstacles to get through the game. If you are hit by one of the obstacles, Withered Foxy's head will flash in the background, playing the jumpscare sound, signifying a hit. If Bonnie is hit three times, Withered Foxy will say "All your base are belong to us," resulting in a game over.

You progress through three areas in the game. In the first area, you only needs to walk right to the end. Part of the way through the first area, the image of Withered Foxy in the background will change so that he is looking at you. Withered Foxy repeats the phrase "Listen to my voice, then you will find the key." This is a hint on what to do for each section.

In the second area, you must again walk right, but occasionally will be jumped by Withered Freddy. Once Withered Freddy appears, you must immediately turn and walk the other direction until Withered Freddy fades away, at which point you can proceed through the level. Alternatively, moving slowly will prevent Withered Freddy from appearing at all. This time, Foxy repeats "When you can see, how fast can you flee?"

In the third and final area, as you progress through the level, a kitten will start moving toward them. You must avoid the kitten by hiding behind dark building-like shapes, where the kitten will be unable to see Bonnie. Usually, you will need to backtrack a bit to find one such hiding spot. To identify such hiding spots, they will usually be colored a little lighter than background elements. Foxy repeats "Be sure your step through the heart of madness."

Finally, upon reaching the end of the third area, Withered Foxy's head will appear once again in the background, fading out and deeply screeching to signify defeat. Upon beating the game, you will unlock Nightmarionne. Unlike the other minigames, there is nothing different you can do in order to achieve a new ending or character.
Update 2: Foxy Fighters
There are two members you can get in Foxy Fighters. These are Jack-O-Chica and Nightmare BB. Each character has a different requirement.

In Foxy Fighters, you control Foxy in a plane with Toy Chica, Nightmare Chica, and JJ by his side as computer characters. Meanwhile, you can move with the WASD keys and shoot with the shift key.

The goal of the game is to destroy the processing core which is guarded by Souldozer and a few enemies. One must destroy the enemies in your way to get to the boss and destroy him.

But, this minigame is bad. There's voice acting.

Nah, just kidding. If you played FNaF 1, that's more evidence that voice acting is good.

Seriously speaking, at the end of the game, you will be ranked based on how well you did. A for the best, B for okay, and C for the worst.

Achieving a B or C will unlock Jack-O-Chica.

Achieving an A unlocks Nightmare BB.
Update 2: Chica's Magic Rainbow (Hell)
You can unlock two characters in Chica's Magic Rainbow, but it's safe just to get one. These two include Animdude and Chipper. Each have different requirements.

Chica's Magic Rainbow is, arguably, the most frustrating minigame out of the four. The minigame is a play on rage games, games with outright unfair or unjust mechanics and traps.

The course, in general, functions like a basic platforming side-scroller. You control Chica and moves around through a seemingly innocuous course, which is soon revealed to be filled with traps. The mechanics for jumping are intentionally made to be very precise and frustrating, as Chica will stop going up and immediately start falling the moment you lets go of the jump button. You must avoid sunflowers that shoot their petals in eight directions, wooden spikes that pop out of the ground (and in one case, the sky), and logs that are hurled at Chica, while the rainbow itself shoots lasers and its eyeballs in an attempt to kill you. The rainbow starts by introducing you to her "happy fun rainbow land" and motivating you with encouraging remarks. Its pleasant attitude slowly starts to deteriorate as the game progresses. The more you die, the ruder Chica's Magic Rainbow's comments will become, going from slightly annoyed and wanting to leave, to mild insults and then to outright swearing. Finally, if you die too many times, 33 to be exact, the rainbow will lose patience with you and, after you respawn, will shoot lasers from its eyes continuously until you die one last time and gets booted from the minigame. Upon your final death, you will be presented with a "You Suck" message. If you completes the course, the rainbow will sulk, and you will receive a "Great Job" message.

To get Animdude, you just need to complete the game in OVER three minutes.

However, to get Chipper, you have to beat this rage game in UNDER three minutes. Granted, Chipper is arguably the worst of the Update 2 characters, so you do not need him.
Update 2: FNaF 57: Freddy In Space
You will get the remaining three characters, Coffee, Jack-O-Bonnie and Purple Guy by completing this in separate ways.

In this minigame, you control Freddy Fazbear in a Metroidvania-like space shooter. There are many things you can do - each of which you earn a character. You jump with X and shoot with Z, using arrow keys to move.

There are upgrades in FNaF 57 called "Cupcakes." These help your blaster in a variety of ways. Due to the complexity and length it would take me to explain this, pulled directly from the wiki, these are the locations of all 9 Cupcakes. This includes their blaster appearance:

There are also different enemies that have an assortment of healths and damages to you.

If you complete the game WITHOUT any upgrades, you unlock Coffee.

If you complete the game WITH ALL upgrades, you unlock Purple Guy.

If you complete the game NEUTRALLY (collect some, but not all upgrades), you unlock Jack-O-Bonnie.
The Geist Lair: Surprise!
The Geist Lair is a secret and the final area. Searching The Backstage for Fredbear will guide you to it.

The Geist Lair is hidden from the map - meaning searching around is harder. Don't worry, because I'm nice and I am giving you the map and path to the PurpleGeist :) Just follow the blue line.

(apologizes for the small size. couldnt find a better picture.

You will also encounter some tough as steel enemies, all of whom having 4th Wall and Alarm.
Additionally, this area contains toxic air, slowly draining your party's health in battle. To negate this, you need a party member with Bubble Breath. Only two Update 2 characters have this; Nightmarionne and Nightmare BB. You cannot apply Bubble Breath automatically. You must do it as soon as you launch into battle, as quick as you can. This move also needs to be refreshed every now and then, as it is not permanent, which can REALLY suck when fighting the true final boss. Try to put one on BT and the other on PT.

When you reach the PurpleGeist, enter his battle and use your Bubble Breath-

wait...oh no...

It's not PurpleGeist - we have to FIGHT CHICA'S MAGIC RAINBOW!

She has 500,000 health and the most frustrating attacks in the game. She is the only boss whom is timed, and if the timer ends, so does the battle with your loss. If you kill her before then, then you win the battle.

The only suggestion I have is to use the Chips and Bytes from Animdude's fight, but change your loadout to some Update 2 characters.

Beat the damn rainbow; then you did it. You finished the FNaF World.