ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

36 ratings
Boss Guide - All Bosses in ARK and How To Beat Them
By MalarOpossum867
If you want to know how to beat each boss in ARK, then this guide is your go-to! This will tell you each boss, how to access them, their HP, and their strengths/weaknesses! This does NOT include the Genesis bosses because their images from the ARK Wiki can't be downloaded into the Steam database because they are too large.
How this guide works
  • Boss Name - tells you the boss's name.
  • Description - tells you what the boss is.
  • How to Access - tells you the requirements to get to the boss.
  • Stats - tells you the boss's HP on all of its difficulties (Gamma (Easy), Beta (Medium), Alpha (Hard)).
  • How to Beat - tells you the strategies to beat the boss, what tames you should bring, and the boss's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Element Rewards - tells you how much Element is rewarded to you upon defeating the boss. Element is the main resource used to make most TEK-tier items.
  • Level Rewards - some bosses add more levels to your level cap. This actually stacks!
  • Tekgrams - Engrams for the TEK-tier are only unlocked by defeating bosses. Items marked with "(Beta/Alpha)" can only be unlocked by beating the boss on beta or alpha difficulty. Items marked with "(Alpha)" can only be unlocked by defeating the alpha-difficulty variant of the boss. Remember that beating a high-difficulty boss will unlock all lower-difficulty Tekgrams as well, but not vice versa.
Broodmother Lysrix

About the Broodmother Lysrix
Appearing on The Island, The Center, and Fjordur as a main boss, and a minor appearance on Valguero, the Broodmother Lysrix is essentially a massive spider. It's specialized in high HP, but low damage.

How to Access the Broodmother Lysrix
The Broodmother Lysrix is accessed through a portal to its arena on its respective maps. To open the portal on The Island, you need the following tributes:
  • Gamma (you must be at least level 30 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Clever (obtained in the cave at 41.5, 46.9)
    • 1x Artifact of the Hunter (obtained in the cave at 80.3, 53.5)
    • 1x Artifact of the Massive (obtained in the cave at 70.6, 86.1)
  • Beta (you must be at least level 30 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Clever
    • 1x Artifact of the Hunter
    • 1x Artifact of the Massive
    • 5x Argentavis Talon (obtained by killing an Argentavis and looking in its inventory, 2 talons are obtained per kill)
    • 5x Sarcosuchus Skin (obtained by killing a Sarco and looking in its inventory, 1 skin is obtained per kill)
    • 5x Sauropod Vertebra (obtained by killing a Brontosaurus or a Diplodocus and looking in its inventory, 1 vertebra is obtained per kill)
    • 5x Titanoboa Venom (obtained by killing a Titanoboa and looking in its inventory, 2 venoms are obtained per kill, but the venom only has a 30% chance to drop)
  • Alpha (you must be at least level 70 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Clever
    • 1x Artifact of the Hunter
    • 1x Artifact of the Massive
    • 10x Argentavis Talon
    • 10x Sarcosuchus Skin
    • 10x Sauropod Vertebra
    • 10x Titanoboa Venom

Boss Stats
  • Gamma (The Island/Fjordur): 324000 HP, 180 damage
  • Beta (The Island/Fjordur): 648000 HP, 320 damage
  • Alpha (The Island/Fjordur): 972000 HP, 540 damage
  • Gamma (The Center): 356400 HP (takes 4x damage), 210 damage
  • Beta (The Center): 421200 HP (takes 4x damage), 280 damage
  • Alpha (The Center): 486000 HP (takes 4x damage), 700 damage

How to Beat the Broodmother Lysrix
The Broodmother Lysrix has average HP for most bosses. Since it is an arthropod, Megatheriums are highly recommended for this boss due to their "Insect Killer" buff, making them deal bonus damage to arthropods. The Broodmother Lysrix summons Araneo as minions, making the Megatheriums get the buff. however, it is recommended to have not all dinos you are bringing to the fight to be a Megatherium, as their attack speed is a bit slow and they may not get the buff if there are too many, as the Araneo minions spawned thins out quick (unless you're fighting the one on The Center, as it seems to spam the minion summon in some tests that I did). Spinosaurs could also be used, as there are water puddles in the arena so that the Spinos can get their hydration buff. As a general rule-of-thumb, having a Yutyrannus to buff your fighters and Daeodons to heal them increase your odds of victory. As with most bosses, you could also use Rexes because of their high HP and melee damage. (ALWAYS MAKE SURE ALL OF YOUR DINOS ARE IMPRINTED, MUTATED, MATE-BOOSTED, AND HAVE A 100+ ARMOR SADDLE BEFORE CHALLENGING ANY BOSS TO MINIMIZE ANY LOSSES! BECAUSE, YOU KNOW, LOSING A DINO THAT YOU BRED FOR YEARS IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO RAGE-QUIT OVER...)

Element Rewards
  • Gamma (All maps): 20 Element
  • Beta (All maps): 56 Element
  • Alpha (All maps): 148 Element

  • TEK Replicator
  • TEK Foundation
  • Sloped TEK Roof (Beta/Alpha)
  • Sloped TEK Wall Left/Right (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Boots (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Catwalk (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Ceiling (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Fence Foundation (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Ladder (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Pillar (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Railing (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Ramp (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Staircase (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Wall (Beta/Alpha)
  • Mosasaur TEK Saddle (Alpha)
  • TEK Helmet (Alpha)
  • TEK Turret (Alpha)

About the Megapithecus
Appearing on The Island, The Center, Valguero, and Fjordur, the Megapithecus is a behemoth ape that has relatively low HP compared to most bosses, but it compensates for that by having very high damage.

How to Access the Megapithecus
Like most other bosses, you need to open a portal. To do so on The Island, you need:
  • Gamma (you must be at least level 45 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Brute (obtained in the underwater cave at 53.7, 10.4)
    • 1x Artifact of the Devourer (obtained in the cave at 14.7, 85.4)
    • 1x Artifact of the Pack (obtained in the cave at 68.2, 56.2)
  • Beta (you must be at least level 65 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Brute
    • 1x Artifact of the Devourer
    • 1x Artifact of the Pack
    • 5x Megalania Toxin (obtained by killing a Megalania and looking in its inventory, 2 toxins are obtained per kill)
    • 5x Megalodon Tooth (obtained by killing a Megalodon and looking in its inventory, 4 teeth are obtained per kill)
    • 5x Spinosaurus Sail (obtained by killing a Spino and looking in its inventory, 1 sail is obtained per kill)
    • 5x Therizino Claws (obtained by killing a Therizinosaur and looking in its inventory, 2 claws are obtained per kill)
    • 5x Thylacoleo Hook-Claw (obtained by killing a Thylacoleo and looking in its inventory, 2 claws are obtained per kill)
  • Alpha (you must be at least level 85 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Brute
    • 1x Artifact of the Devourer
    • 1x Artifact of the Pack
    • 10x Megalania Toxin
    • 10x Megalodon Tooth
    • 10x Spinosaur Sail
    • 10x Therizinosaur Claws
    • 10x Thylacoleo Hook-Claw

Boss Stats
  • Gamma (The Island/Valguero/Fjordur): 180000 HP, 400 damage
  • Beta (The Island/Valguero/Fjordur): 396000 HP, 800 damage
  • Alpha (The Island/Valguero/Fjordur): 540000 HP, 1200 damage
  • Gamma (The Center): 144000 HP, 400 damage
  • Beta (The Center): 160000 HP, 600 damage
  • Alpha (The Center): 224000 HP, 800 damage
(Note: The values for the Megapithecus on The Center in this guide are correct, the ARK Wiki has different values (352k HP on gamma, 400k HP on beta, 464k HP on alpha), those were the values before patch 278.2 that were not updated yet.)

How to Beat the Megapithecus
Since the Megapithecus has relatively low HP compared to most bosses, the standard 100+ armor saddle, mutated Rexes led by a Yutyrannus and supported by Daeodons can finish this fight quickly. However, if anyone falls into the hole on the right side of the starting area, they will die instantly. The standard procedure to avoid that is using a small, fast creature such as a Gallimimus with passengers that have weapons equipped and shooting the boss with those weapons to bring the boss over to the rest of your fighters. However, that is not the only strategy to avoid the hole. Numbering your tames and then making them follow each other in a straight line is another option (Rex 1 follows Yuty, Rex 2 follows Rex 1, Rex 3 follows Rex 2, etc.). After that, the rest of the battle is pretty straight-forward.

Element Rewards
  • Gamma (The Island/The Center/Fjordur): 40 Element
  • Beta (The Island/The Center/Fjordur): 110 Element
  • Alpha (The Island/The Center/Fjordur): 220 Element
  • Gamma (Valguero): 25 Element
  • Beta (Valguero): 55 Element
  • Alpha (Valguero): 110 Element

  • TEK Replicator
  • TEK Gauntlets
  • TEK Hatchframe
  • TEK Trapdoor
  • TEK Window
  • TEK Windowframe
  • TEK Dinosaur Gate (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Dinosaur Gateway (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Door (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Doorframe (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Generator (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Rifle (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Trough (Beta/Alpha)
  • Rex TEK Saddle (Alpha)
  • TEK Grenade (Alpha)

About the Dragon
As the title of this section states, the Dragon is the 4th hardest boss in all of ARK (only King Titan (1), Corrupted Master Controller (2), and Rockwell Prime (3) are harder)! It is also the only boss on The Island that can fly. The Dragon Boss is exactly what its name implies it to be - a massive, purple, dragon. It appears on The Island, Ragnarok, Valguero, and Fjordur.

How to Access the Dragon
To access this very difficult boss, you need to open up a portal, with:
  • Gamma (you must be at least level 55 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Cunning (obtained in the underwater cave at 45.9, 88.9)
    • 1x Artifact of the Immune (obtained in the cave at 62.7, 37.3)
    • 1x Artifact of the Skylord (obtained in the cave at 19.3, 19.0)
    • 1x Artifact of the Strong (obtained in the cave at 29.1, 31.8)
  • Beta (you must be at least level 75 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Cunning
    • 1x Artifact of the Immune
    • 1x Artifact of the Skylord
    • 1x Artifact of the Strong
    • 5x Allosaurus Brain (obtained by killing an Allosaurus and looking in its inventory, 1 brain is obtained per kill)
    • 5x Basilosaurus Blubber (obtained by killing a Basilosaurus and looking in its inventory, 2 blubbers are obtained per kill)
    • 1x Giganotosaurus Heart (obtained by killing a Giganotosaurus or a Carcharodontosaurus and looking in its inventory, 1 heart is obtained per kill; beware, the creatures that drop these are VERY strong)
    • 5x Tusoteuthis Tentacle (obtained by killing a Tusoteuthis and looking in its inventory, 8 tentacles are obtained per kill)
    • 5x Tyrannosaurus Arm (obtained by killing a Rex and looking in its inventory, 2 arms are obtained per kill)
    • 5x Yutyrannus Lungs (obtained by killing a Yutyrannus and looking in its inventory, 1 lung is obtained per kill)
  • Alpha (you must be at least level 100 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Cunning
    • 1x Artifact of the Immune
    • 1x Artifact of the Skylord
    • 1x Artifact of the Strong
    • 10x Allosaurus Brain
    • 10x Basilosaurus Blubber
    • 2x Giganotosaurus Heart
    • 10x Tusoteuthis Tentacle
    • 15x Tyrannosaurus Arm
    • 10x Yutyrannus Lungs

Boss Stats
  • Gamma (The Island/Fjordur): 432000 HP, 500 damage
  • Beta (The Island/Fjordur): 864000 HP, 1000 damage
  • Alpha (The Island/Fjordur): 972000 HP, 1500 damage
  • Gamma (Ragnarok/Valguero): 432000 HP (takes 4x damage), 500 damage
  • Beta (Ragnarok/Valguero): 864000 HP (takes 4x damage), 1000 damage
  • Alpha (Ragnarok/Valguero): 972000 HP (takes 4x damage), 1500 damage

How to Beat the Dragon
The Dragon boss is nothing like the last two bosses. First off, it will start off the match flying high in the sky while spitting meteors at you and summoning Dimorphodons that kill the rider of a dino directly! The arena itself has lava rivers flowing through it, any dino that steps in them, except for the boss itself, dies fast. When it eventually lands, it will start engaging your fighters. It has a high-damage melee attack that one-shots most players unfortunate enough to be dismounted and in the effect range of the melee. The boss also has a fire-breath attack that drains away 20 to 25 percent of a target's HP, completely ignoring armor. The meteor and fire breath attacks deal less damage to herbivores, so bring Therizinosaurs instead of Rexes. As always, bring Yutyrannus and Daeodons as support, but don't let them get caught in the fire-breath or lava! It is almost certain that you will lose at least one dino in this fight!

Element Rewards
  • Gamma (The Island/Fjordur): 80 Element
  • Beta (The Island/Fjordur): 220 Element
  • Alpha (The Island/Fjordur): 440 Element
  • Gamma (Ragnarok/Valguero): 40 Element
  • Beta (Ragnarok/Valguero): 110 Element
  • Alpha (Ragnarok/Valguero): 220 Element

  • TEK Replicator
  • Behemoth TEK Gate
  • Behemoth TEK Gateway
  • Megalodon TEK Saddle
  • Tapejara TEK Saddle
  • TEK Leggings
  • TEK Fence Support (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Forcefield (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Transmitter (Beta/Alpha)
  • Vacuum Compartment (Beta/Alpha)
  • Cloning Chamber (Alpha)
  • TEK Chestpiece (Alpha)
  • TEK Teleporter (Alpha)
  • Vacuum Compartment Moonpool (Alpha)

About the Overseer
The Overseer is the final boss of The Island map. If you beat it, a minimum of 5 levels are added to your level cap, up to a maximum of 15. That means if you defeat the Overseer on alpha difficulty, your maximum level is increased from 105 to 120. It summons droid minions, called "Attack Drones" and "Defense Units". It only appears on The Island map.

How to Access the Overseer
In order to access the Overseer boss, you need to clear out the "TEK Cave", located at the top of the volcano, at 42.8, 39.2. The terminal to the arena is located at the very end of the cave. When you first arrive there, the cave will be sealed shut. You need to open it by depositing:
  • Gamma (you need to be at least level 60 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Gamma Broodmother Trophy (awarded for defeating the Broodmother Lysrix boss at gamma difficulty)
    • 1x Gamma Dragon Trophy (awarded for defeating the Dragon boss at gamma difficulty)
    • 1x Gamma Megapithecus Trophy (awarded for defeating the Megapithecus boss at gamma difficulty)
  • Beta (you need to be at least level 80 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Beta Broodmother Trophy (awarded for defeating the Broodmother Lysrix boss at beta difficulty)
    • 1x Beta Dragon Trophy (awarded for defeating the Dragon boss at beta difficulty)
    • 1x Beta Megapithecus Trophy (awarded for defeating the Megapithecus boss at beta difficulty)
    • 1x Alpha Carnotaurus Arm (obtained by killing an Alpha Carnotaurus)
    • 1x Alpha Raptor Claw (obtained by killing an Alpha Raptor)
    • 1x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth (obtained by killing an Alpha T-Rex)
  • Alpha (you need to be at least level 100 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Alpha Broodmother Trophy (awarded for defeating the Broodmother Lysrix boss at alpha difficulty)
    • 1x Alpha Megapithecus Trophy (awarded for defeating the Megapithecus boss at alpha difficulty)
    • 1x Alpha Dragon Trophy (awarded for defeating the Dragon boss at alpha difficulty)
    • 1x Alpha Carnotaurus Arm
    • 1x Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber (obtained by killing an Alpha Leedsichthys)
    • 1x Alpha Megalodon Fin (obtained by killing an Alpha Megalodon)
    • 1x Alpha Mosasaur Tooth (obtained by killing an Alpha Mosasaur)
    • 1x Alpha Raptor Claw
    • 1x Alpha Tusoteuthis Eye (obtained by killing an Alpha Tusoteuthis)
    • 1x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
Please note that these items are not destroyed in the process. After depositing the items, the TEK Cave will be open for five minutes, so get your army into the cave within that time. There is a limit of 50 tamed dinos that can be in the cave at a time. The TEK Cave is a lava cave, any dinos that touch the lava will die fast. The following creatures can spawn in the TEK Cave:
  • Allosaurus (Beware of bleed)
  • Arthropluera (Beware of reflection damage)
  • Baryonyx
  • Carcharodontosaurus (Beta/alpha only, end of cave, very strong, beware of healing debuff and tail spin)
  • Carnotaurus (Beware of bleed)
  • Dilophosaur
  • Giganotosaurus (Only spawns at the end of the cave on gamma, it will spawn throughout the cave on beta/alpha, very strong, beware of bleed)
  • Kaprosuchus (Beware of grab)
  • Megalosaurus (Beware of grab)
  • Microraptor (Beware of stun)
  • Purlovia (Beware of stun)
  • Rex
  • Terror Bird
  • Therizinosaur (Beware of armor pierce and torpor)
  • Yutyrannus (Beware of roar)
All of the above creatures will spawn at level 195 at gamma difficulty, 320 at beta, and 620 at alpha.

Boss Stats
  • Gamma: 63360 HP
  • Beta: 132480 HP
  • Alpha: 207360 HP

How to Beat the Overseer
The Overseer is The Island's end boss. After the TEK Cave, your dinos will most likely be very injured and/or dead. Make sure your Daeodons have a LOT of meat on them to heal your fighters. After you have healed your dinos, activate the terminal at the end of the cave, then wait 60 seconds. Up to 20 dinos can be teleported at a time. It will take at least 3 trips to get all 50 of your fighters into the arena. This works best with at least two players. Make one player TP with 20 of your creatures, bring the second batch of 20 in, then bring the last ten with yourself. After that, follow the path to the main arena. Make sure all of your creatures are in the arena before starting the fight. The fight will start when a character goes at least 50% of the way between the gate and the machine at the end. When the fight starts, the map of The Island in the center of the arena will break apart and the particles will float over to the machine at the end. That machine is the boss itself. The boss will start taking damage once its HP bar appears and it stops spawning droids. Then it will start shooting lasers that give the Cnidaria shock effect to anything that gets hit. Try to avoid those lasers. Then send all of your dinos to attack the boss. The boss will float around for 45 seconds or until it loses 25% of its HP. If the former is true, it will start spawning droids again. If the latter is true, it will transform into a weaker version of either the Broodmother Lysrix, Megapithecus, or Dragon. You then must beat this boss to continue to the main boss fight. The bosses retain their abilities, except for the Dragon's flight being removed. After defeating all the bosses again, the Overseer may transform a fourth time. This fourth transformation will have 25% of its max HP. After multiple rounds, the boss will finally be defeated.

Level Rewards
  • Gamma: +5 max levels
  • Beta: +10 max levels
  • Alpha: +15 max levels

  • TEK ATV (Alpha)

About the Manticore
One of the weakest bosses in all of ARK, the Manticore boss has relatively low HP and damage, but it also has attacks that drain stamina and increase torpor. It appears on the Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, and Valguero maps.

How to Access the Manticore
On the Scorched Earth map, you need to deposit the following items in one of the Obelisks:
  • Gamma (you must be at least level 55 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Crag (obtained in the cave on Scorched Earth at 28.5, 29.3)
    • 1x Artifact of the Destroyer (obtained in the cave on Scorched Earth at 78.5, 75.6)
    • 1x Artifact of the Gatekeeper (obtained in the cave on Scorched Earth at 58.6, 47.7)
    • 2x Fire Talon (obtained by killing a Fire Wyvern and looking in its inventory, 1 talon is obtained per kill)
    • 2x Lightning Talon (obtained by killing a Lightning Wyvern and looking in its inventory, 1 talon is obtained per kill)
    • 2x Poison Talon (obtained by killing a Poison Wyvern and looking in its inventory, 1 talon is obtained per kill)
  • Beta (you must be at least level 70 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Crag
    • 1x Artifact of the Destroyer
    • 1x Artifact of the Gatekeeper
    • 10x Fire Talon
    • 10x Lightning Talon
    • 10x Poison Talon
  • Alpha (you must be at least level 95 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Crag
    • 1x Artifact of the Destroyer
    • 1x Artifact of the Gatekeeper
    • 20x Fire Talon
    • 20x Lightning Talon
    • 20x Poison Talon

Boss Stats
  • Gamma (All maps): 100000 HP, 85 damage
  • Beta (All maps): 130000 HP, 110 damage
  • Alpha (All maps): 160000 HP, 120 damage

How to Beat the Manticore
The Manticore has attacks that rise torpor, so your dinos, even though the boss itself has low damage, will fall asleep quickly. This is dangerous due to the Manticore's minions being the two strongest creatures on all of Scorched Earth: the Deathworm and the Rock Elemental. They both hit for triple-digit damage and have five-digit HP bars (note that the 5-digit HP bars for the Deathworm minion is incorrect, it only has 8000 HP, while the Rock Elemental minion has 50000 HP). The boss will start summoning Deathworms when it falls below 50% of its max HP, and Rock Elementals will start spawning once the Manticore falls below 20% of its max HP. The Manticore actually gives you extra max levels upon being killed, like the Overseer!

Element Rewards
  • Gamma (Scorched Earth): 38 Element
  • Beta (Scorched Earth): 135 Element
  • Alpha (Scorched Earth): 285 Element
  • Gamma (Ragnarok/Valguero): 25 Element
  • Beta (Ragnarok/Valguero): 90 Element
  • Alpha (Ragnarok/Valguero): 190 Element

Level Rewards
  • Gamma (All maps): +5 max levels
  • Beta (All maps): +10 max levels
  • Alpha (All maps): +15 max levels

  • TEK Replicator
  • TEK Gauntlets
  • TEK Generator
  • TEK Leggings
  • TEK Trough
  • Tapejara TEK Saddle (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Rifle (Beta/Alpha)
  • Cloning Chamber (Alpha)
  • Rex TEK Saddle (Alpha)
  • TEK Forcefield (Alpha)
  • TEK Grenade (Alpha)
  • TEK Teleporter (Alpha)

About Rockwell
The boss of the Aberration map, and only appearing on that map, Rockwell is an Overseer-class boss that was actually once a Survivor (Sir Edmund Rockwell)! That Survivor, in lore, injected himself with Element, then he got banished into the Guardian's chamber. Despite his obviously massive size, he actually has one of the lowest boss HP bars in all of ARK!

How to Access Rockwell
In order to access Rockwell, you need to go to the terminal in the Grave of the Lost at 42.7, 36.7 on the Aberration map and then deposit:
  • Gamma (you must be at least level 60 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Depths (obtained in the cave on Aberration at 48.3, 27.2)
    • 1x Artifact of the Shadows (obtained in the underwater cave on Aberration at 55.2, 65.9)
    • 1x Artifact of the Stalker (obtained in the cave on Aberration at 82.4, 48.2)
  • Beta (you must be at least level 75 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Depths
    • 1x Artifact of the Shadows
    • 1x Artifact of the Stalker
    • 4x Basilisk Scale (obtained by killing a Basilisk and looking in its inventory, 1 scale is obtained per kill)
    • 12x Nameless Venom (occasionally obtained by killing Nameless and looking in their inventories, unlike most tribute items, it spoils in 30 minutes)
    • 2x Reaper Pheromone Gland (obtained by killing a Reaper Queen and looking in its inventory, 4 to 5 glands are obtained per kill; beware, Reaper Queens are VERY strong)
    • 2x Rock Drake Feather (obtained by killing a Rock Drake and looking in its inventory, 1 feather is obtained per kill)
  • Alpha (you must be at least level 100 to enter the arena at this difficulty)
    • 1x Artifact of the Depths
    • 1x Artifact of the Shadows
    • 1x Artifact of the Stalker
    • 8x Basilisk Scale
    • 20x Nameless Venom
    • 7x Reaper Pheromone Gland
    • 7x Rock Drake
    • 1x Alpha Basilisk Fang (obtained by killing an Alpha Basilisk)
    • 1x Alpha Karkinos Claw (obtained by killing an Alpha Karkinos)
    • 1x Alpha Reaper King Barb (obtained by killing an Alpha Surface Reaper King)

Boss Stats
  • Gamma: 42000 HP
  • Beta: 68500 HP
  • Alpha: 115000 HP

How to Beat Rockwell
Rockwell is not like most other bosses. When the match starts, it stands invulnerable to any form of attack. In order to get it into a damageable state, kill its eight tentacles which circle the boss itself. Energy balls will start spewing out at you which will damage anything that they come into contact with. The tentacles will occasionally slam into the ground, damaging anything the slam hits. When all eight tentacles are destroyed, Rockwell will become stunned. Use this opportunity to attack its heart! When Rockwell loses 25% of its max HP, it will sink back into the pool of molten Element that it lives in. After a few seconds, Rockwell will revive. Repeat this a number of times in order to defeat the boss!

Level Rewards
  • Gamma: +5 max levels
  • Beta: +10 max levels
  • Alpha: +15 max levels

  • TEK Replicator
  • TEK Gauntlets
  • TEK Generator
  • TEK Leggings
  • TEK Sleeping Pod
  • TEK Trough
  • Rock Drake TEK Saddle (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Boots (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Chestpiece (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Dedicated Storage (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Helmet (Beta/Alpha)
  • TEK Rifle (Beta/Alpha)
  • Cloning Chamber (Alpha)
  • Rex TEK Saddle (Alpha)
  • TEK Forcefield (Alpha)
  • TEK Railgun (Alpha)
  • TEK Teleporter (Alpha)
Forest Titan

About the Forest Titan
One of Extinction's main Titans, the Forest Titan is a giant tree creature. It can be tamed by destroying the corruption nodes on its shoulders, then destroying the one on its head.

How to Access the Forest Titan
The Forest Titan's access cave is in the Sunken Forest cavern in the northwest of Extinction. The entrance to the access cave is at 11.8, 39.3. The creatures in this cave are the exact same spawns as they are in the TEK Cave on The Island. On a ledge at 13.5, 49.2, you will find the Artifact of Growth. At the very end of the cave, you will find the terminal that spawns the Forest Titan. To activate the terminal, you'll need the Artifact of Growth along with:
  • 100x Corrupt Heart
  • 10x Sauropod Vertebra
  • 10x Tyrannosaurus Arm

Boss Stats
  • Wild: 400000 HP
  • Tamed: up to 700000 HP depending on how much damage it took during the taming process

How to Beat the Forest Titan
The Forest Titan is slow but strong and can dismount and immobilize you with one of its attacks. Sometimes, it will do an attack where it will shoot a vine at you, grab you, then throw you to your death. Piloting a MEK (Engram that can be unlocked on Extinction if you are at least level 91 and have at least 38 engram points) can be greatly beneficial because they can hover to avoid the dismount attack. Just remember to stock up the MEK with Element, lest it will be useless! Support the MEK with Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus with high-armor saddles because the MEK can't have armor. The Titan also can't grab you if you are piloting a MEK.

  • TEK Replicator
  • Rex TEK Saddle
  • TEK Gauntlets
  • TEK Leggings
  • TEK Sword
  • TEK Teleporter
Desert Titan

About the Desert Titan
The Desert Titan is one of the four bosses of Extinction, and is one of the three main Titans. Like the other two Extinction's main Titans, the Desert Titan has no difficulty variations. The Desert Titan can also be tamed, like the other two of Extinction's main Titans. They are tamed by destroying corruption on their bodies. The path to destroying them is different for each Titan. For the Desert Titan, you need to have its lightning shots hit the corruption's base, which will expose the corruption. Destroy that corruption while making sure EVERY lightning strike hits the corruption before it retracts! Once you destroy all three corruption nodes, the titan will fall unconscious. Just go up to it and press the use key to tame it!

How to Access the Desert Titan
The Desert Titan must be accessed, like the Overseer, through a cave. Unlike the Overseer, however, the Desert Titan is an open-world boss, meaning you can use any creature on the map to kill the boss, and bring HUGE armies. The cave is located at 87.4, 70.4. At 93.9, 88.0, you will find an Artifact. Grab that Artifact (Artifact of Chaos) in order to access the fight itself. At the very end of the cave, you will encounter a terminal. Deposit the Artifact of Chaos in that terminal, along with:
  • 100x Corrupt Heart (obtained by killing Corrupted Dinos and looking in their inventories, stronger Corrupted drop more hearts)
  • 10x Fire Talon
  • 10x Sarcosuchus Skin

Boss Stats
  • Wild: 250000 HP
  • Tamed: up to 350000 HP depending on how much damage it took during the taming process

How to Beat the Desert Titan
The Desert Titan is commonly called the Sky Titan. There is an obvious reason for this: the Desert Titan can't land! It will spawn very high up in the sky, so bring an army of Wyverns that you got from Scorched Earth. Remember: these need to be imprinted and mutated, especially because Wyverns don't have a saddle. However, the boss (usually) doesn't use melee attacks and mostly relies on the minions and the lightning.

  • TEK Replicator
  • TEK Boots
  • TEK Dedicated Storage
  • TEK Generator
  • TEK Railgun
  • TEK Trough
Ice Titan

About the Ice Titan
The Ice Titan, also known as the Lord of Winter, King of Ice, or Ice Kaiju, is one of the three Titans on the Extinction map. Like the two other Titans, they have no difficulty variants, but they are tameable! All Titans are tamed by destroying the corruption on certain parts of their body. In the case of the Ice Titan, you must destroy the one on its right ankle first, then its right shoulder, then its chest.

How to Access the Ice Titan
The Ice Titan, like the rest of Extinction's bosses, are open-world bosses. The terminal that summons it is located at the end of a cave at 20.3, 62.2. Nearing the terminal, you will find an Artifact (Artifact of the Void). Grab that artifact and proceed to the terminal. At the terminal, deposit the Artifact, along with:
  • 100x Corrupt Heart
  • 10x Spinosaurus Sail
  • 10x Therizino Claws

Boss Stats
  • Wild: 350000 HP
  • Tamed: up to 550000 HP depending on how much damage it took during the taming process

How to Beat the Ice Titan
Use a MEK that was crafted from a level 250+ blueprint (max is 471). You could also rush in highly-mutated Gigas due to their ability to wear a saddle with up to 352.7 armor. The Ice Titan can immobilize targets and hits VERY hard (2500+ damage!). On top of that, there is a glitch where if you get frozen by the Ice Titan while riding a dino and wearing TEK armor, you won't be able to move outside of jumping. Beware of that.

  • TEK Replicator
  • Tapejara TEK Saddle
  • TEK Chestpiece
  • TEK Forcefield
  • TEK Helmet
  • TEK Rifle
King Titan

Gamma and Beta King Titan

Alpha King Titan
About the King Titan
Arguably the hardest boss to beat in all of ARK, the King Titan is also the largest creature in all of ARK. It's the final boss of Extinction. Unlike the other three Titans, the King Titan is untameable and has difficulty variations. On alpha difficulty, the King Titan looks robotic.

How to Access the King Titan
The King Titan's terminal does not lie in a cave. It is in the very north of the Extinction map at 03.5, 49.2. This location is in arguably the most dangerous area in all of ARK, the Forbidden Zone. The terminal itself is incredibly difficult to get to. If you reach the terminal, you need to deposit the following tributes:
  • Gamma
    • 1x Desert Titan Trophy (obtained by defeating the Desert Titan)
    • 1x Forest Titan Trophy (obtained by defeating the Forest Titan)
    • 1x Ice Titan Trophy (obtained by defeating the Ice Titan)
    • 5x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
    • 150x Corrupt Heart
    • 10x Titanoboa Venom
  • Beta
    • 1x Desert Titan Trophy
    • 1x Forest Titan Trophy
    • 1x Ice Titan Trophy
    • 10x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
    • 300x Corrupt Heart
    • 20x Titanoboa Venom
    • 1x Gamma King Titan Trophy (obtained by defeating the King Titan at gamma difficulty)
  • Alpha
    • 1x Desert Titan Trophy
    • 1x Forest Titan Trophy
    • 1x Ice Titan Trophy
    • 10x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
    • 300x Corrupt Heart
    • 20x Giganotosaurus Heart
    • 20x Spinosaurus Sail
    • 20x Titanoboa Venom
    • 1x Beta King Titan Trophy (obtained by defeating the King Titan at beta difficulty)

Boss Stats
  • All difficulties: 1500000 HP (Highest HP bar in all of ARK), 3500+ damage

How to Defeat the King Titan
The King Titan is the hardest boss in all of ARK. To defeat it, you need at least the Forest and Ice Titans. You also need to pilot a MEK and have hundreds of Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus, each super-bred with a 300+ armor saddle (tested in DevKit, the latter aren't needed because the Titans deal MASSIVE damage to the King Titan on Gamma and Beta, not 100% sure about Alpha). The battle will alternate between phases of fighting the boss and defending an element node. When the element node pops up, send in all of your forces to target the Titan in order to end the phase. If the Titan starts a ground-pound attack, do not hesitate to send all of your forces to attack the Titan to cancel the attack, lest your whole army, years of hard work, just no longer existent. On alpha difficulty, the Mega MEK can be used (make three MEKs, take the MEK that you piloted for everything else, equip it with a MOMI, bring it to the other three MEKs, then begin fusion.). It does about 25k damage per hit on the Titan. All of your other fighters should also fight the Titan with the Mega MEK. Watch out for meteors, they leave behind lava pools that quickly kill anything that steps in them. After a very long fight, the King Titan will finally be defeated!
MalarOpossum867  [author] 27 May, 2024 @ 2:18pm 
I do not have the Genesis bosses in here because I had to get the images from the ARK wiki, and they have the images for the Genesis bosses that were larger than 2 MB (limit for Steam to download a file). I'll make a separate guide for the Genesis bosses and another for official mod map bosses.
warheadhero 27 May, 2024 @ 2:11pm 
This is the most extensive guide on the bosses I have ever seen in text but correct me if I’m wrong but what about the bosses from genesis. I have never played much past the island so go easy on me folks.
sjq666s 18 Mar, 2024 @ 9:02pm 
罗英俊 16 Mar, 2024 @ 3:34am 
trypto DiMiTri 29 Feb, 2024 @ 6:32am 
This is a really excellent overview of the bosses! Have just been scrounging around for info. Thanks a lot