Golf With Your Friends
Definitely NOT Troll Map!
557.374 KB
14 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 11: 34am
1 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
This is a troll map for someone like you guys i hope you rage quit this map and hope you share this map to more people! I would recommend playing with reset mode, unmilited time, unlimited strokes and for more fun, I would recommend playing without free camera too. Enjoy and rage. ;)
6 ความเห็น
Esbj0rnen | RBV 9 ก.ย. @ 8: 00pm 
fuck this map, fuck the last hole. Doubt there is out
Stalin_pico 2 ก.ย. @ 5: 08am 
Very nice map, a bit harder but its possible, it took me an hour to finish (the last hole took me like 45 minutes). I recomend playing with friends and helping each other out.
Mysza 17 ส.ค. @ 5: 42am 
This map is pretty amazing. I played with my friends and they say its very good.
majkl  [ผู้สร้าง] 30 มิ.ย. @ 6: 27am 
Šulínku, dokončit jdou všechny mapy. U některých musíš mít pouze trpělivost a kuráž. Děkuji za to, že si hrál na mé mapě. Doufám, že jsem tě nasral.
Šulínek 1 มิ.ย. @ 9: 31am 
Jestli napíšeš, že ta poslední jamka nejde dokončit a já jak kretén na tom strávim hodinu, tak ti sežeru psa, kočku a vyseru se ti do okapu.
Feusar 1 มิ.ย. @ 9: 24am 
Hej ty, jak dokončit poslední díruuu ??