Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Changing ADS Sensitivity on Black Ops 1
By Shyshon
By default when using ADS (aim down sights) in Black Ops 1 the sensitivity will stay the same as if you weren't using the ADS. Most games would have a setting in-game to change this but Black Ops 1 doesn't. It's an extremely slight modification but for me it personally makes a big change in making the game feel smoother.
Also this is not against any rules and it is simply just a setting that wasn't featured in any in-game menus.
Access the Configuration file
Go to your Steam library and right click on the icon for Black Ops 1. Then select Manage > Browse local files.

Then select the "players" folder

Here you will be able to see files named "config" and "config_mp". The "config" file is used for changing the settings in the Campaign & Zombies mode whilst the "config_mp" file is used for changing settings within the Multiplayer mode. Open the relevant file in a text editing software (most people use Notepad as it's pre-installed on Windows)

Editing the Configuration file
Once the file is open, find the line of text that reads "seta input_viewSensitivity". The easiest way to do this is by using CTRL + F and pasting the text that you are looking for.

Once the text has been found edit the "1" to whatever you want your ADS sensitivity to be. For example I changed it to "0.6" as that is what it is by default in most games. Whatever you set it to is multiplied by your sensitivity meaning that my ADS sensitivity is 0.6x or 60% of my regular sensitivity.
Now, just save the config file, close it and everything should be good to go. Just launch Black Ops 1 through Steam as usual and your ADS Sensitivity will be set to whatever digit you replaced "1" with.

If anybody has any questions make sure to just comment them and I'll try to answer them for you. Also if this was helpful then pretty please (with a cherry on top) give the guide a thumbs up!

Shyshon  [author] 17 Apr, 2024 @ 6:39am 
@dariogonzalezhirsch1 not sure what the issue is. if anybody else knows and sees this please help them out.
dariogonzalezhirsch1 19 Mar, 2024 @ 8:28am 
Hello, for the info, but it didn't work, I did every step by step but in the end the sensitivity it's the same, even though I changed to 0.2 and saved the file, any tips ?