STAR WARS™: Squadrons

STAR WARS™: Squadrons

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Playing with VR! (Specially: Quest 3/ Quest 2)
By ovd_masterkey
How to start VR Game.

How to configure the Game to get no CRASH!
----> Load my .ini File!

Error Correction!

I first tried the "smallest" values of the settings that I consider critical.

I recommend everyone to take these values first to get a feel for the settings and to be able to play stable and crash-free.

In the next step, anyone who wants can increase the settings, but I have to say that even with these "small" values, the game looks great.
How to Start VR Game:

  • 1- Connect your VR device to PC.
    If you get a stable wired connection over USB, you can use that, but on my PC I get a kick out of the connection every 20 seconds to 3 minutes, so I use for "Quest 3" the Air-Link. (Crash with Cable Link)
    Air-Link: Your PC should be connected to the router via a LAN cable and the Quest should be the only 5Ghz WiFi connected device and the router should be very close.

  • 2- You have to start the Game in normal mode (not VR). You should use a small resolution, smaller than your desktop resolution, to have a small Game window on Your Desktop.

  • 3- Ingame go to - Option - VR Setting and switch from Normal to VR mode.

    • ----> Now put your glasses on your head.

    • You need to press the space bar and then second Button for center View using your keyboard or Button on Controller or on Joystick.

    • ----> Normally all input methods work, even those not shown!

  • 4- Use a gamepad or joystick, the touch controller doesn't work, but that's fine for a flight simulator. (The mouse doesn't work stably for me due to poor emulation!)
    I think it's better to disable the mouse, but if you want to use the mouse in the menu, then leave the mouse function to enable and then you have to use one of the mouse buttons Hold down to see the mouse arrow in the menu.

It works STABEL with AirLink, great GAME with VR!!
Configuration InGame Setting

  • Go to C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\STAR WARS Squadrons Steam\settings

  • Open "ProfileOptions_profile" and copy and Paste my setting

//File: "ProfileOptions_profile"// GstAudio.Custom_JoinAsSpectator 0 GstAudio.DialogVolume 0.500000 GstAudio.KeepAudioInBackGround 0 GstAudio.MicMode 1 GstAudio.MicrophoneMode 1 GstAudio.MusicEnabled 1 GstAudio.MusicVolume 0.250000 GstAudio.OpenmicThreshold 0.350000 GstAudio.SFXVolume 0.300000 GstAudio.SeenFBTutorialPrompt 0 GstAudio.SoundMix 1 GstAudio.SoundSystem 3 GstAudio.TextNarration 0 GstAudio.Transcription 0 GstAudio.VOIPAttenuation 1 GstAudio.VOIPMicIn Headset Microphone (Oculus Virt GstAudio.VOIPMicOut Kopfhörer (Oculus Virtual Audio GstAudio.VoIPToggle 0 GstAudio.VoIPVolume 0.750000 GstAudio.VoiceoverLanguage 1 GstAudio.VoipSynthesis 0 GstAudio.Volume 1.000000 GstRender.AmbientOcclusion 1 GstRender.AmbientOcclusion_VR 1 GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 4 GstRender.AnisotropicFilter_VR 4 GstRender.AntiAliasingPost 1 GstRender.AntiAliasingPost_VR 1 GstRender.Brightness 0.500000 GstRender.DisplayMappingHdr10PeakLuma 0.500000 GstRender.EffectsQuality 1 GstRender.EffectsQuality_VR 1 GstRender.EnableDx12 1 GstRender.EnableDynamicResolution 0 GstRender.FieldOfView 1.000000 GstRender.FilmGrainEnable 0 GstRender.ForwardLighting 0 GstRender.FullscreenEnabled 0 GstRender.FullscreenMode 2 GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate 60.000000 GstRender.FullscreenScreen 0 GstRender.HdrEnable 0 GstRender.HudScaling 100.000000 GstRender.LensDistortionAllowed 0 GstRender.LightingQuality 1 GstRender.LightingQuality_VR 1 GstRender.MeshQuality 3 GstRender.MeshQuality_VR 3 GstRender.MotionBlur 0.000000 GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled 0 GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled_VR 0 GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality 5 GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality_VR 5 GstRender.PostProcessQuality 1 GstRender.PostProcessQuality_VR 1 GstRender.ResolutionHeight 810 GstRender.ResolutionScale 1.000000 GstRender.ResolutionScaleVR 1.287500 GstRender.ResolutionWidth 1920 GstRender.ScreenSpaceShadows 0 GstRender.ScreenSpaceShadows_VR 0 GstRender.ShadowQuality 0 GstRender.ShadowQuality_VR 0 GstRender.SkyCelestialQuality 3 GstRender.SkyCelestialQuality_VR 3 GstRender.TemporalAASharpening 0.350000 GstRender.TextureFiltering 3 GstRender.TextureFiltering_VR 3 GstRender.VSyncEnabled 1 GstRender.VolumetricQuality 0 GstRender.VolumetricQuality_VR 0 GstRender.WindowBordersEnable 1 GstRender.uiUpscaling 0
Configuration Quest Setting

This is just my test setting but it works and looks good, maybe higher settings will work too.

Quest - Device - Quest 3 and Touch - Graphic Setup:

  • 72 Hz

  • 2784x1488

(InGame we use Renderresolution 130%!!)
NVIDIA Control Panel Setup or AMD

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / Off
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Off
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 30
  • Max Frame Rate / 60
  • Triple buffering / On
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra --------------------------------------->=AMD Radeon Anti-Lag
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Adaptive
Error or Crash!

I don't have a problem with anti cheat, and I also don't have a firewall rule for the EAC program .

If there is an EA connection problem in multiplayer mode, first open an EA account and in the second step launch the game via Steam.

  • Make a Rule for Your AntiVirus for the
    • C:\STEAM\SteamApps\common\STAR WARS Squadrons:
      "starwarssquadrons.exe" and "starwarssquadrons_launcher.exe"

    • and "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat.exe"

  • Repair the EAC (and close all backround Programms You did not need):

    • C:\STEAM\SteamApps\common\STAR WARS Squadrons\EasyAntiCheat

      and start "EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe" to repair the EAC!!

  • Make/Check for Incoming Firewall Rule:
    • STAR WARS™: Squadrons
    • Private
    • Yes
    • Allow
    • No
    • C:\games\steam\steamapps\common\star wars squadrons\starwarssquadrons.exe
    • Any
    • Any
    • UDP and TCP
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • None
    • Any

This is a hardcore space flight simulator, very similar to the Wing Commander saga.
It is basically not suitable for every type of player, which is why the many bad reviews are completely unfounded in my opinion.
As an old Wing Commander fan, I'm very excited about this game, but it also took me +5 hours to get it running stably. But it was worth it, which is mainly due to the VR mode, because for me the game is three times as good as Wing Commander, because of VR.
It cannot be described to all not VR-Players, unless they have experienced it themselves. It's so great that you can play the game with normal controllers, because a flight simulator needs a throttle and a joystick. But the best thing is that with VR you are in the middle of the game, you are in a 360 degree environment, you can look around and you are sitting in a real cockpit and everything is the right size, it is not a reduced window that you look through. Even the conversations in the hangar are great, the characters look great and most of them are smaller and look up to you, when you look down you have a body, legs and arms and hands, so no flying hands like you see in other titles knows.

Just want to say I won't play any other games anymore, just VR titles like this!!
StarfleetPups 1 Jan @ 2:29pm 
hey i was able to launch the game without all this but it acted like my vr controller are the pc mouse
ovd_masterkey  [author] 29 Dec, 2024 @ 6:20pm 
"4- Use a gamepad or joystick, the touch controller doesn't work, but that's fine for a flight simulator. (The mouse doesn't work stably for me due to poor emulation!)
I think it's better to disable the mouse, but if you want to use the mouse in the menu, then leave the mouse function to enable and then you have to use one of the mouse buttons Hold down to see the mouse arrow in the menu."
Cyborg Snake 26 Dec, 2024 @ 8:06am 
Wow this works thank you! Can I use my Meta Quest 3S controller?
ovd_masterkey  [author] 19 Jun, 2024 @ 11:11pm 
Thank´s! :cta_emo1:
Massimo_MD 3 Jun, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
My god I am so thankful for this post, I had been doing trouble shooting on why the game kept crashing for days, and think I did fix some stuff along the way, but this post.... THIS FIXED IT!

And oddly enough, I've been able to slowly upscale all the VR settings and downgrade the non-VR settings and it's looking beautiful!! Basically everything is on Ultra for VR except VR environmental and space shadow settings are off/low.

Everything in non-VR is on Low or off and it does not impact the VR visuals.

Have PC resolution set to like 1280 x 1024 and VR upscaling resolution to 200%. I have a Quest 3, SSD, and NVIDIA 2070
ovd_masterkey  [author] 23 Apr, 2024 @ 3:37am 
1- Connect your VR device to PC.
If you get a stable wired connection over USB, you can use that, but on my PC I get a kick out of the connection every 20 seconds to 3 minutes, so I use for "Quest 3" the Air-Link. (Crash with Cable Link)
Air-Link: Your PC should be connected to the router via a LAN cable and the Quest should be the only 5Ghz WiFi connected device and the router should be very close.

You get the Ingame Option only if VR-Device is linked with the PC before You start the Game!
CONviction Man 22 Apr, 2024 @ 8:51pm 
- Ingame go to - Option - VR Setting and switch from Normal to VR mode.

----> Now put your glasses on your head.

You need to press the space bar and then second Button for center View using your keyboard or Button on Controller or on Joystick.

----> Normally all input methods work, even those not shown!

I can't seem to find the VR Setting in Options though. Did EA changed the menu format? Because now there is an option to launch either in normal or vr mode at the launcher menu. But I am unable to find the option for this. Would be great because thus far I have managed to run the game when it doesn't boot by reinstalling Easy Cheat. But each time I boot in the VR mode, the game stops loading after Easy Cheat and subsequently refuses to boot even in normal mode until I reinstall Easy Cheat.

Thanks, nonetheless, for your detailed steps! It helps as I try to troubleshoot by process of trial and error.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 6 Jan, 2024 @ 1:39pm 
Did You test Quest-Link USB, and if you test Air Link, did You use 2,4Ghz or 5 Ghz Wifi?

Your PC should be connected to the router via a LAN cable and the Quest should be the only 5Ghz WiFi connected device and the router should be very close.

Do not use Steam VR or Virtual Desktop, start how I described it.
8ba11 6 Jan, 2024 @ 11:24am 
so i have gotten the game to run and i have used air link for the 1st mission it runs fine but then after that it starts to buffer every 30 seconds
ovd_masterkey  [author] 6 Jan, 2024 @ 10:04am 
I didn't want to say it, LOL, but the Quest 2 is really underpowered, image sharpness and mixed reality with only a grayscale camera and the worse touch controllers.
But don't forget, at the moment only Air link works stably. :steamsalty: