HITMAN World of Assassination

HITMAN World of Assassination

96 ratings
Freelancer Locations Guide
By Wezqu and 1 collaborators
Up to date guide to the locations available in Hitman Freelancer mode.

This guide list locations of items, characters and other things in locations of the game mode that can be useful to gain those pesky Mercers that otherwise might not be collected. The items are ordered by the level and from the lowest edge to the highest edge of ingame map to make it easier to find them in the game itself. This is still a work in progress so additional information will be added when its collected.

Lists all items found in the location, their gear slot requirement, if they need to be crafted, what mastery level they become available and if you need Deluxe version of the game. There is also pictures of locations that you can use to craft items and requirements for it. This does not list the weapons in the collection or freelance tools.

Top Disguises:

List of the best disguises for the location. Section will list if the disguise has weapon restrictions, area access limitations and if targets can see through the disguise and spot you.

Access Items:

This section lists items used to access areas in the locations like keys, keycards, combinations etc.

Door Codes:

This section lists codes for doors and locations where those codes can be used to open them.


This section list all the possible firearms found on the location with pictures if spawns in the map itself and is not just carried by NPC. If the firearm has rarity then it can be brought back from location to the safehouse.

Melee Weapons:

This section list useful melee weapons found on the location with pictures. If the weapon has rarity then it can be brought back from location to the safehouse. This does not list any non-lethal melee weapons except those that have rarity or those that can be used to complete specific objective. This also does not include lethal melee weapons that are not tied to objectives that demand specific weapon type to be used like knives, axes etc. except those that have rarity. There is some randomness in item spawning so not all weapons might be on the places listed every time the location is visited.


This section list all poisons found on the location with pictures. If the poison has rarity then it can be brought back from location to the safehouse.


This section list useful tools found on the location with pictures. Tools are those items that can be used to sabotage objects to cause accident deaths or open doors. There is some randomness in item spawning so not all tools might be on the places listed every time the location is visited.

Misc Items:

This section lists items found on the location with pictures that don't fit in the other earlier listed types. This includes items that can be used to create accident kills or fulfill other possible objectives the game gives. It also includes items that have rarity that don't fit the other earlier listed types. If the item has rarity then it can be brought back from location to the safehouse.


This section lists possible objects or people that can create items from other items with pictures.

Destroy Evidence:

This section lists places that you can use to destroy recorded evidence of your actions with pictures.


This section lists locations possible places where you can find Mercers with pictures and instructions if needed.


This section lists the eight possible safe spawns in the location with pictures and where to find the scannable objects to open them.


This section lists the two possible supplier spawns in the location with pictures.


This section lists all possible courier spawns and routes in the location with pictures.


This section lists the sixteen stash spawns in the location with pictures.

Meeting Spots:

This section lists all possible meeting location sets in the location with pictures of all three locations of the set. First two of the three is used on the first and second leader missions. All three are used when on third and fourth leader missions. The meeting location sets are chosen randomly and assigned to the meeting types.
  • Newspaper (2) (Mastery Level 4)
  • Scalpel (3) (Mastery Level 11)
  • Stethoscope (2) (Mastery Level 11)
  • Modern Lethal Syringe (2) (Mastery Level 38, Crafting)
  • Modern Emetic Syringe (2) (Mastery Level 38, Crafting)
  • Modern Sedative Syringe (2) (Mastery Level 38, Crafting)
Unlocked at Mastery Level 38. Can craft Modern Sedative Syringe from Sedative Poison Vial, Modern Emetic Syringe from Poisonous (Emetic) Mushroom and Modern Lethal Syringe from Lethal Poison Vial.

  • Banana (2) (Mastery Level 6)
  • Sedative Poison Vial (0) (Mastery Level 6, Crafting)
Unlocked at Mastery Level 6. Can craft Sedative Poison Vial from Fish. You will need a knife to use the cutting board.

Living Room
  • Red Wine Bottle (2) (Mastery Level 6)
  • Fire Poker (3) (Mastery Level 6)

Practice Space
  • Soda Can (2) (Mastery Level 18)

  • Baseball (2) (Mastery Level 22)
  • Kettlebell (3) (Mastery Level 22)
  • Letter Opener (3) (Mastery Level 21)
  • Soap (2) (Mastery Level 31)
  • Car Battery (3) (Mastery Level 8)
  • Hammer (3) (Mastery Level 8)
  • Wrench (2) (Mastery Level 8)
  • Bag of Gunpowder (3) (Mastery Level 42)
  • Fuse Cell (2) (Mastery Level 42)
  • Makeshift Explosive (0) (Mastery Level 64, Crafting)
Unlocked at Mastery Level 64. Can craft Makeshift Explosive from Bag of Gunpowder and Fuse Cell

  • Poisonous (Emetic) Mushroom (3) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Grape Knife (3) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Rusty Old Nail (2) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Coin (1) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Seashell (3) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Golf Club (4) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Grapevine (1) (Mastery Level 76)
  • Lethal Poison Vial (0) (Mastery Level 32, Crafting)
  • Silverballer (2) (Mastery Level 76, Deluxe) (one time only)
  • Fiber Wire (1) (Mastery Level 76, Deluxe) (one time only)
  • Mercers (Mastery Level 76, Deluxe) (one time only)
Unlocked at Mastery Level 32. Can craft Lethal Poison Vial from Poisonous (Emetic) Mushroom.

  • Driftwood Log (0) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Fish (1) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Starfish (1) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Fishing Line (2) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Rusty Crowbar (2) (Mastery Level 12)
  • Jarl's Pirate Saber (2) (Mastery Level 12)
Top Disguises:

CICADA Bodyguard
  • No restricted areas
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Auction Staff
  • Restricted areas (LVL3 Attic & LVL3 Voltaire Suite)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Security Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Pier, LVL1 The North Garden, LVL1 Pagoda Garden, LVL2 Living Quarters & LVL3)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

IAGO Invitation
  • LVL1 Three Lions Fountain in the inventory of male civilian
  • LVL1 Room south of Bar in the inventory of female civilian
  • LVL2 Living Quarters
  • LVL3 Auction Room in inventory of brown hair female civilian in black pants and shirt
  • LVL3 Auction Room in inventory of male civilian in beige pants and black suit jacket
  • LVL3 Auction Room in inventory of balding male civilian in black suit
  • LVL3 Auction Room in inventory of brunette male in black pants and white suit jacket
  • LVL3 Auction Room in inventory of black hair female in black pants and jacket
  • LVL3 Auction Room in inventory of brown hair male in grey suit
Laptop Dongle
  • LVL3 In the inventory of CICADA Bodyguard east side of CICADA Security Control
Speed Boat Key
  • LVL2 Museum's Owner's Study (standard)
  • LVL2 Carried by CICADA Bodyguard following Victor Novikov (Alerted)


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Security Guards/CICADA Bodyguards)
LVL0 Room west of the Locker Room

LVL2 Living Quarters bedroom

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun)
LVL0 Room west of the Locker Room

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (CICADA Bodyguards)

Fusil G2 (Common, Assault Rifle) (CICADA Bodyguards)
LVL3 CICADA Security Control

LVL3 CICADA Security Control

Melee Weapons:

Battle Axe
Glass has to be broken to gain access to the Axe

LVL1 Museum

Glass has to be broken to gain access to the Axe

LVL1 Dressing Room

LVL0 Basement Kitchen

Fire Axe

LVL0 Room west of Wine Cellar
LVL0 Locker Room
LVL0 East end of south hallway

LVL1 Catering Delivery Area Shed
LVL1 Southwest corner of the Catwalk
LVL1 Northeast corner of the Catwalk

LVL2 West side of the hallway from the stairs to Entrance Hall
LVL2 Northwest corner of the mezzanine over the Catwalk
LVL2 Southeast corner of the mezzanine over the Catwalk

LVL1 The West Garden

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 Room north of Locker Room

LVL0 Basement Kitchen

LVL1 Kitchen

LVL2 Auction Catering Area

Letter Opener
LVL1 Room south of the Dining Room

Sabre (Rare)
Glass has to be broken to gain access to the Sabre

LVL1 Museum

Glass has to be broken to gain access to the Sabres

LVL1 Dressing Room

LVL1 Dressing Room

LVL3 Voltaire Suite bathroom


Emetic Rat Poison
Poison is in the inventory of Chef

LVL0 Basement Kitchen

Poison is in the inventory of Palace Staff

LVL1 Kitchen

Poison is in the inventory of Palace Staff

LVL1 Kitchen


LVL0 West of Barge

Rusty Crowbar

LVL0 Hallway southwest of the Wine Tasting Room

LVL1 Behind the shed north of The South Garden

LVL3 South of the Light Rig

LVL3 CICADA Security Control

LVL3 Room south from CICADA Security Control

Tool is in the inventory of Auction Staff

LVL3 East stairscase

LVL3 Attic Storage

LVL0 Middle of the south hallway

LVL1 Shed north of The South Garden

LVL3 CICADA Security Control

LVL3 Southeast room from Attic Storage
Misc Items:


LVL1 Room north of Dressing Room
LVL1 Northeast of The Grand Hall
LVL2 Museum Director's Office x2

Fire Extinguisher

LVL0 Southwest of Wine Cellar
LVL0 Basement Kitchen
LVL0 Room west of the Locker Room
LVL0 Stairs from the Entrance Hall
LVL0 West wall of hallway north of Locker Room
LVL0 Wine Tasting Room

LVL1 West side of The Grand Hall
LVL1 North stairs
LVL1 Southeast corner of Catwalk
LVL1 Kitchen
LVL1 East side of The Grand Hall

LVL2 Room south of Auction Catering Area
LVL2 Room north of Museum Director's Office
LVL2 Auction Catering Area
LVL2 Dining Room
LVL2 West side of the Entrance Hall stairs
LVL2 East side of the Entrance Hall stairs
LVL2 Southeast of Library

LVL2 South mezzanine over Catwalk

LVL3 South of CICADA Security Control

Fireworks Remote Detonator
LVL2 North mezzanine over Catwalk

Leather Briefcase
LVL2 Museum Director's Office

Propane Flask
LVL0 Room south from Wine Cellars

LVL1 Shed north of Three Lions Fountain

LVL1 Shed north of The South Garden

LVL2 Living Quarters

Destroy Evidence:

LVL0 Room west of Locker Room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Bar/LVL1 Kitchen

LVL1 Bar

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL3 Auction Office balcony/LVL3 West stairs

LVL3 Auction Office

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL3 CICADA Security Control/LVL3 South of CICADA Security Control

LVL3 CICADA Security Control


LVL0 South of Locker Room

LVL3 Room south of east side balcony


LVL1 Fashion Show Unloading Area

LVL1 Dressing Room/LVL1 Catwalk

LVL1 Catwalk

LVL1 Patio/LVL1 Bar

LVL2 Entrance Hall mezzanine

LVL2 Entrance Hall/LVL2 Room North of Museum Director's Office

LVL2 Library/LVL2 Auction Catering Area

LVL2 Living Quarters bedroom

LVL3 Auction Room balcony/LVL3 Northwest balcony

LVL3 Auction Room balcony/LVL3 Northeast balcony

LVL3 Attic Storage/LVL3 East staircase

LVL3 East staircase/LVL3 East Balcony


LVL0 Stairs leading to Catering Delivery Area

LVL0 Hallway south of Locker Room

LVL0 Stairs leading to VIP Parking

LVL1 Fashion Show Unloading Area

LVL1 Shed at Catering Delivery Area

LVL1 Event Unloading Area

LVL1 Dressing Room

LVL1 Museum

LVL1 North of The Grand Hall

LVL1 South of The Grand Hall

LVL1 Gift Shop

LVL1 Bar

LVL1 Three Lions Fountain

LVL1 Shed north of Three Lions Fountain

LVL1 North of Three Lions Fountain

LVL1 Shed north of The South Garden
Meeting Spots:

Pagoda Garden
LVL1 Pagoda Garden

LVL1 Pagoda Garden

LVL1 Pagoda Garden

Dressing Room
LVL1 Dressing Room

LVL1 Room north of Dressing Room

LVL1 Dressing Room

Red Carpet
LVL1 Red Carpet

LVL1 Red Carpet

Gift Shop/Museum
LVL1 Gift Shop

LVL1 Museum

LVL1 Room north of Entrance Hall

LVL1 Bar

LVL1 Terrace

LVL1 Bar

The North Garden
LVL1 East of The North Garden

LVL1 Southeast of The North Garden

Museum Director's Office/Dining Room
LVL2 Museum Director's Office

LVL2 Dining Room

LVL2 Room north of Dining Room

Entrance Hall
LVL1 Entrance Hall

LVL2 West mezzanine of Entrance Hall

LVL2 East mezzanine of Entrance Hall

Living Quarters
LVL2 Living Quarters

LVL2 Room south of Museum Owner's Study

LVL2 Room north of Living Quarters

LVL2 Northeast stairs

LVL2 Library

LVL3 CICADA Security Control

LVL3 Attic Storage

LVL3 South of Light Rig

Northeast Stairs
LVL3 North of Attic Storage

LVL3 Northeast of Attic Storage

LVL2 North of Museum Owner's Study
Top Disguises:

Biolab Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Laboratory, LVL0 Virus Chamber, LVL0 Catacombs, LVL0-LVL2 Sanguine Shop, LVL1-LVL6 Bell Tower, LVL1 Morgue, LVL2-LVL3 Apartments, LVL2-LVL3 Ceramic Shop, LVL3-LVL7 Town Hall, LVL5 Rocco's Apartment & LVL6 The Mansion)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Mansion Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL2 Cave, LVL0-LVL2 Sanguine Shop, LVL1 Morgue, LVL2-LVL3 Apartments, LVL2-LVL3 Ceramic Shop, LVL3-LVL7 Town Hall, LVL5 Rocco's Apartment & LVL5 Silvio's Bedroom)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Catacombs, LVL0 Sewers, LVL0-LVL2 Cave, LVL0-LVL2 Sanguine Shop, LVL1 Morgue, LVL2-LVL3 Apartments, LVL2-LVL3 Ceramic Shop, LVL3-LVL7 Town Hall, LVL4 Kitchen, LVL4-LVL7 The Mansion & LVL5 Rocco's Apartment)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

Apartment Key
  • LVL3 West side of the Town Hall Square in the inventory of female Mansion Staff
  • LVL3 Apartments east of Morgue
  • LVL3 Apartments east of Morgue in the inventory of a Gardener
  • LVL5 Rocco's Apartment
Biolab Keycard
  • LVL0 North side of Laboratory/LVL0 Virus Chamber in the inventory of a Hazmat Suit
  • LVL0 North side of Laboratory in the inventory of Lab Technician
  • LVL2 South side of the Cave in the inventory of Biolab Security
  • LVL3 Room north of Garden in the inventory of a Lab Technician
  • LVL3 Garage in the inventory of Lab Technician
  • LVL3 Main entrance to the Cave in the inventory of Biolab Security
Church Key
  • LVL1 Morgue in the inventory of a Church Staff
  • LVL1 Church in the inventory of Priest
  • LVL1 West room of Church
  • LVL1 West room of Church in the inventory of Church Staff
  • LVL2 Apartments
  • LVL2 Church in the inventory of Church Staff
ICA Safe House Key
  • In the inventory of Agent 47
Mansion Master Key
  • LVL4 Entrance Hall in the inventory of the Butler
  • LVL5 Room north of Observatory
Mansion Keycard
  • LVL2 North of Sanguine Shop in the inventory of Kitchen Assistant
  • LVL3 Wine Cellar in the inventory of Housekeeper
  • LVL3 West side of the Town Hall Square in the inventory of female Mansion Staff
  • LVL3 Apartments east of Morgue
  • LVL4 Kitchen in the inventory of Mansion Chef
  • LVL5 Rocco's Apartment in the inventory of civilian
Ruin Entrance Key
  • LVL2 Ruins
Shop Key
  • LVL3 Room east from Wine Cellar in the inventory of the Green Plumber
  • LVL3 Ceramic Shop
Sewer Key
  • LVL0 Ruins break a bottle while wearing Plague Doctor disguise
  • LVL0 Sewer in the inventory of the Red Plumber
  • LVL2 Church
  • LVL3 Room east from Wine Cellar in the inventory of the Green Plumber
Town Hall Key
  • LVL3 Ice Cream Shop in the inventory of a Mansion Chef
  • LVL3 Ice Cream Shop in the inventory of a Kitchen Assistant


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Bodyguard/Biolab Security)
LVL3 Apartments

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Mansion Security)
LVL6 The Mansion security room

Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Mansion Security)
LVL7 Ruins

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Biolab Security)
LVL0 North from Virus Chamber

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Biolab Security)

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL3 Small shop north from Town Hall Square

Battle Axe
Need to brake a bottle next to the LVL0 Speedboat south of the Ruins to get the Sewer Key while wearing the Plague Doctor disguise to make the axe to spawn

LVL0 Catacombs

LVL3 Butcher Shop

Fire Axe

LVL0 In the building southwest side of the Cave
LVL0 East side of the Cave behind the Laboratory
LVL3 Southeast from Garage
LVL3 Observatory stairs
LVL4 East most room of The Mansion
LVL6 Town Hall

Folding Knife (Common)
LVL2 Northwest of Sanguine Shop

Kitchen Knife
LVL2 Sanguine Shop

LVL4 Ice Cream Shop

LVL4 ICA Apartment

LVL1 Hairdresser

LVL2 Sanguine Shop


Emetic Rat Poison
Poison is in the inventory of Gardener

LVL4 Building southeast of The Mansion

LVL4 East most room of The Mansion

LVL4 Ice Cream Shop

Virus Prototype
Need to break the model to gain access to the poison. Virus is coded to Francesca De Santis' DNA and only works on her

LVL6 Storage room east of Silvio's Bedroom


LVL4 Building southeast of The Mansion

LVL4 Bell Tower

LVL6 Town Hall

Rusted Crowbar
LVL0 North from Virus Chamber

LVL0 Beach Sewer Entrance

LVL4 Private Dinner Patio

LVL6 Roof of the Observatory

LVL1 Shed west of Church

LVL4 Building southeast of The Mansion

LVL0 Pier on the east side of the Cave

LVL3 The Mansion garage
Misc Items:

Bag of Gunpowder
LVL3 Ruins

LVL4 Ruins

LVL0 Pier
LVL0 Northeast of Beach Sewer Entrance
LVL1 East of Pier
LVL1 Beach Square
LVL1 Church
LVL1 Northeast of Morgue
LVL2 Southwest side of Cave
LVL2 Sanguine Shop
LVL2 Old Town x2

LVL3 Town Hall Square bahrooms
LVL3 Fountain on The Mansion front yard
LVL3 Room south of Kitchen
LVL4 Southeast of Ice Cream Shop
LVL4 Ice Cream Shop
LVL5 Observatory

Need to shoot the scales to gain access to the items

LVL3 East of Town Hall Square x5

Fire Extinguisher

LVL1 Winery
LVL3 The Mansion garage
LVL4 West hallway of The Mansion
LVL4 Kitchen storage room
LVL6 Town Hall
LVL7 Attic

Propane Flask
LVL0 West side of the Cave

LVL4 Building southeast of The Mansion

LVL4 Building southeast of The Mansion

LVL4 West of Observatory

LVL1 Graveyard

Destroy Evidence:

LVL0 In the building southwest side of the Cave

LVL0 Room east of Catacombs

LVL6 The Mansion security room

LVL6 Town Hall


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Sanguine Shop

LVL2 Sanguine Shop

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Ruins/LVL3 Ruins/LVL4 Ruins

LVL4 Ruins

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL4 Observatory/LVL4 Francesca's Bedroom/LVL4 Hallway north of Observatory

LVL4 Observatory

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL5 Observatory/LVL5 Balcony east of Observatory

LVL5 Observatory

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL6 Storage room east of Silvio's Bedroom/LVL6 Hallway east of Silvio's Bedroom/LVL6 Silvio's Bedroom/LVL6 Silvio's Bedroom balcony

LVL6 Storage room east of Silvio's Bedroom

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL6 Francesca's Office/LVL6 Stairs south of Francesca's Office

LVL6 Francesca's Office

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL5 Town Hall/LVL6 Town Hall/LVL7 Hippie's Apartment

LVL6 Town Hall


LVL2 East of Wine Cellar

LVL4 ICA Apartment


LVL0 Northeast of Pier/LVL0 North of Pier

LVL0 Beach pier/LVL0 South of Catacombs

LVL0 Beach pier/LVL1 East of Church

LVL0 North of Catacombs/LVL0 Stairs north of Morgue

LVL0 North of Catacombs/LVL0 West of Catacombs

LVL1 Beach Square

LVL1 Graveyard

LVL2 West of Flower Shop/LVL2 Old Town tunnel

LVL2 West of Flower Shop/LVL2 East side of Old Town

LVL3 Town Hall Square/LVL4 East of Ice Cream Shop

LVL4 Southwest of Kitchen/LVL4 Southeast of Kitchen/LVL4 Private Dinner Patio


LVL0 North of Ruins

LVL0 Pier on the east side of the Cave

LVL0 East from Pier

LVL0 Catacombs

LVL2 South side of Cave

LVL2 Northwest side of Cave

LVL2 North side of Sanguine Shop

LVL2 South side of Sanguine Shop

LVL2 Old Town

LVL3 Town Hall Square bathrooms

LVL3 Ceramic Shop

LVL4 Observatory

LVL5 Balcony east of Observatory

LVL6 Town Hall

LVL7 Attic

LVL7 Town Hall Tower
Meeting Spots:

LVL0 Beach Sewer Entrance

LVL0 West of Beach

LVL1 East of Church

LVL1 Church

LVL1 Church

Wine Cellar
LVL3 Wine Cellar

LVL3 North of Kitchen

LVL4 Private Dinner Patio

Ice Cream Shop
LVL3 North of Ice Cream Shop

LVL4 East of Ice Cream Shop

LVL4 Ice Cream Shop

Town Hall Square Bathroom
LVL4 Northeast of Ice Cream Shop

LVL3 Town Hall Square bathroom

The Mansion
LVL4 Building southeast of The Mansion

LVL4 Terrace eastside of The Mansion

LVL4 West of Garden

LVL4 Southwest of Observatory

The Mansion Tower/The Mansion
LVL7 The Mansion tower

LVL4 Room east of Entrance Hall
Top Disguises:

Military Officer
  • Restricted areas (LVL1 Room east side of Sisha Café Courtyard, LVL2 Consulate, LVL2 Carpet Shops Area & LVL3 Rooftop)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Elite Soldier
  • Restricted areas (LVL1 Room east side of Sisha Café Courtyard, LVL2 Consulate, LVL2 Carpet Shops Area & LVL3 Rooftop)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Consulate Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Access Tunnel, LVL0 Garage, LVL1 Room east side of Sisha Café Courtyard, LVL1-LVL2 Carpet Shop, LVL1 Shoe Shop, LVL1 School Entrance, LVL1-LVL2 School, LVL2 Carpet Shops Area, LVL2-LVL3 Rooftop west of School Entrance, LVL3 Rooftop & LVL3 Carpetshop Rooftop)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Army Truck Key
  • LVL0 South side of the Garage
  • LVL2 South room of School
Consulate Keycard
  • LVL1 North side of Shoe Shop in inventory of Military Soldier that takes it through LVL0 Access Tunnel to the LVL0 Garage and places it on the table at the south side.
  • LVL3 Rooftop in the inventory of the civilian woman
Consulates Safe Code
  • LVL1 Consulate lobby bathroom
Consulate Staff Car Key
  • LVL1 Room west of Consulate lobby
Courtyard Club Membership Card
  • LVL1 Behind the front desk at the Consulate lobby
  • LVL1 East room of Sisha Café Courtyard
  • LVL2 Meeting room east side of the Consulate
Headmaster Key
  • LVL3 Rooftop west of School Entrance in the inventory of the Headmaster
School Safe Code
  • LVL2 North room of School


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Consulate Security/Military Soldiers/Elite Soldiers)
LVL0 Small room middle of the access tunnel

LVL1 Southeast room of the School

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun)
LVL0 North side of the Garage

LVL0 South side of the Garage

LVL0 Small room middle of the access tunnel

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Military Soldiers)

Fusil G1-4 (Common, Assault Rifle)
LVL1 Southeast room of the School

Fusil G1-4/C (Common, Assault Rifle) (Elite Soldiers)

Shashka A33 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Military Soldiers/Elite Soldiers/Military Officers)
LVL1 Southeast room of the School

LVL1 School Entrance

Melee Weapons:

Battle Axe
LVL1 South of Carpet Shop Area

LVL3 Rooftop west of School Entrance

LVL1 Consulate dining room

LVL1 South side row of stalls on Market Square

LVL1 South side of Market Square

LVL1 South of Vase Street

Fire Axe
LVL0 North side of the Garage

Kitchen Knife
LVL1 Consulate kitchen

LVL1 North side row of stalls on Market Square

LVL1 Northeast side of Market Square

LVL1 North side row of stalls on Market Square

LVL1 Southeast of Vase Street

Letter Opener
LVL2 Room southeast of Strandberg's Office

Saber (Rare)
LVL1 Shoe Shop

LVL2 Director's Office

LVL1 Southwest building at Consulate Entrance

LVL1 East side of Market Square

LVL1 Northeast side of Market Square

LVL1 South side of Market Square

LVL1 Southwest of Carpet Shop Area

LVL1 Maintenance room east of Courtyard


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL2 Toilets

Lethal Poison Pill Jar
LVL2 Director's Office


LVL0 East stairs from Garage

LVL1 Stalls southwest of Market Square

LVL0 South side of the Garage

LVL0 Closet middle of the Garage

LVL1 Room south from Detention Room

LVL1 Electronics Street

LVL2 Middle room on the west side of the School

LVL1 School Entrance

LVL1 North of Vase Street
Misc Items:


LVL0 East side of Garage
LVL1 Shoe Shop
LVL1 Southeast of Carpet Shops Area

Fire Extinguisher

LVL1 Southeast of Consulate kitchen
LVL1 Southeast of Auditorium
LVL1 Consulate lobby
LVL2 East stairs
LVL2 Southeast of Massage Room
LVL2 North of Massage Room
LVL2 Northeast side of the Consulate

LVL1 Consulate dining room

Guru's Emetic Grenade
Need the combination to the safe from LVL1 Consulate lobby bathroom

LVL2 Strandberg's Office

Leather Briefcase
LVL1 East of the middle Garage stairs

Letterbomb Parcel
Need the combination to the safe from the LVL2 North room of the School to gain access to the item

LVL2 Director's Office

Propane Flask
LVL0 East stairs from Garage

LVL0 Closet middle of the Garage

LVL0 Next to the stairs to the underground passage in the Garage

LVL1 Middle of the Market Square

LVL1 Shisha Café

LVL3 Northwest from Carpetshop Rooftop

Remote Explosive (Common)
LVL0 Small room middle of the access tunnel

LVL1 Southeast room of the School

Destroy Evidence:

LVL1 Room east from the Auditorium


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Garage

LVL0 Garage

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 South building at Consulate Entrance/LVL1 Consulate Entrance/LVL1 North building at Consulate Entrance

LVL1 South building at Consulate Entrance

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Eastside of Market Square/LVL1 Northside of Market Square

LVL1 East corner of Market Square

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Shoe Shop courtyard

LVL1 Shoe Shop courtyard

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Sisha Café Courtyard

LVL1 Sisha Café Courtyard

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Director's Office side of the School

LVL2 Director's Office

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Northeast of Vase Street, LVL2 Stairs to roof west of School Entrance and LVL3 Roof west of School Entrance

LVL3 Roof west of School Entrance


LVL1 Auditorium

LVL1 Stall south of Carpet Shops Area


LVL1 North of Auditorium/LVL1 Consulate Canteen

LVL1 Northwest of Consulate canteen/LVL1 Consulate canteen

LVL1 Consulate Square

LVL1 Market Square

LVL1 Market Square/LVL1 Lamp Street

LVL1 Sisha Café Courtyard/LVL1 Shisha Café

LVL1 Courtyard/LVL1 Carpet Shop Area

LVL2 Consulate Lobby


LVL0 Garage

LVL0 Small room middle of the access tunnel

LVL1 Auditorium

LVL1 Consulate Entrance

LVL1 East side of Consulate Square

LVL1 South from School Entrance

LVL1 South of Carpet Shop Area

LVL1 West of School

LVL1 Northeast of Vase Street

LVL1 East of Sisha Café Courtyard

LVL1 Courtyard

LVL2 Massage Room

LVL2 South of Toilets

LVL3 Carpetshop Rooftop

LVL3 Rooftop west of School Entrance
Meeting Spots:

LVL0 Northeast of tunnel room

LVL0 East corner of Garage

LVL0 Garage

LVL0 Tunnel room

LVL1 Shoe Shop courtyard

LVL0 West corner of Garage

LVL1 East staircase of Consulate

Market Square/Carpetshop Rooftop
LVL1 Southside of Market Square

LVL1 Westside of Market Square

LVL3 Carpetshop Rooftop

Vase Street
LVL1 South of Shoe Shop

LVL1 Southeast of Vase Street

School LVL1
LVL1 Southwest room of School

LVL1 School courtyard

Consulate Square
LVL1 Southwest side of Consulate Square

LVL1 North side of Consulate Square

Consulate LVL1
LVL1 Auditorium

LVL1 Room west of Auditorium

LVL1 Consulate canteen

Consulate Kitchen/Meeting Room
LVL1 East of Consulate kitchen

LVL2 Consulate meeting room

School LVL2
LVL2 Toilets

LVL2 Northwest room of School

Massage Room
LVL2 Massage Room

LVL2 Room west of Massage Room
Top Disguises:

Hotel Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL4 North Wing Third Floor & LVL5 North Wing Fourth Floor)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Jordan Cross' Bodyguard
  • Restricted areas (LVL1 Guard Room, LVL2 Security Room, LVL3 South Wing Second Floor unmarked suite's, LVL3 47's Suite, LVL4 South Wing Third Floor & LVL5 South Wing Fourth Floor)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Kitchen Staff
  • Restricted areas (LVL1 Director's Office, LVL1 Guard Room, LVL1 Reception desk, LVL2 Security Room, LVL3 Reception Roof, LVL3 South Wing Second Floor suites, LVL4 South Wing Third Floor & LVL5)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

Master Keycard
  • LVL0 Laundry Room
  • LVL2 Security Room
  • LVL2 Security Room carried by a guard
  • LVL2 Hotel room north from Security Room
Penthouse Safe Combination
  • Carried around by Dexy Barat LVL3/LVL4 North Wing
Room 205 Keycard
  • In inventory of Agent 47 when starting in LVL3 47's Suite
  • LVL1 Reception given at the front desk if wearing Suit
Room 207 Keycard
  • LVL3 Jackie's Suite/LVL3 South Wing/LVL2 South Wing carried by female civilian with open gown
Speedboat Key
  • LVL3 Bedroom of the room north Jackie's Suite
USB Flash drive
  • LVL5 Northeast room of North Wing in the safe


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Morgan's Bodyguard/Jordan Cross' Bodyguards)
LVL2 Security Room

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Hotel Security)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun)
LVL2 Security Room

Fusil G2 (Common, Assault Rifle)
LVL1 Guard Room

LVL2 Security Room

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL4 Cross' Office

LVL1 Kitchen

Fire Axe

LVL0 South from Staff Room
LVL0 Laundry Room
LVL1 Room east of Patio
LVL1 East from Stock Room
LVL2 North Wing Stairs
LVL2 Security Room

LVL3 South Wing stairs
LVL3 North Wing stairs
LVL4 South Wing stairs
LVL4 North Wing stairs

LVL1 South of Delivery Area

Kitchen Knife
LVL1 Kitchen

LVL1 Kitchen

LVL1 East side of the Reception

LVL2 Medow Brown Lounge

LVL3 Birthday Reception

LVL3 Northeast most hotel room

LVL4 Cross' Kitchen

LVL4 Cross' Kitchen

Letter Opener
LVL3 47's Suite

LVL4 Cross' Office

Police Paton (Common)
LVL2 Security Room

Tanto (Rare)
LVL5 North Wing southeast bedroom


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL0 South of Cellar Hall

LVL0 Laundry Room

LVL0 East from Northern Cellar Entry

LVL1 Delivery Area

LVL1 Delivery Area


Rusted Crowbar
LVL0 Northeast from South Cellar Entry

LVL0 West of Staff Room

LVL0 East of Laundry Room

LVL0 South of Cellar Hall

Tool is in the inventory of Exterminator

LVL1 Northwing Ground Floor

Tool is in the inventory of Recording Crew

LVL4 East of Cross' Bathroom

LVL0 Laundry Room

LVL0 East of Staff Room

LVL4 West of Sound Booth

Misc Items:


LVL0 Laundry Room x3
LVL1 Patio
LVL3 Jackie's Suite x2
LVL3 North Wing Second Floor x2

Fire Extinguisher

LVL0 South of Cellar Hall
LVL0 Cellar Hall
LVL0 West of Staff Room
LVL1 East of Kitchen
LVL1 Restaurant
LVL1 Stock Room
LVL1 Guard Room
LVL1 North side of Terraces

LVL2 Cocktail Bar
LVL2 Security Room
LVL3 South Wing main hallway x2
LVL3 North Wing main hallway
LVL4 North of Morgan's Office
LVL4 Northwest of Morgan's Kitchen
LVL4 Cross' Office
LVL4 West of Cross' Kitchen

LVL5 West of Morgan's Roof Garden
LVL5 East of Morgan's Roof Garden
LVL5 West of Cross' Roof Garden
LVL5 East of Cross' Roof Garden

Leather Briefcase
LVL4 Morgan's Office

Propane Flask
LVL1 Delivery Area

LVL3 Birthday Reception

LVL5 Room east of Cross' Roof Garden
Destroy Evidence:

LVL2 Security Room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Director's Office and LVL1 North Wing Ground Floor

LVL1 Director's Office

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL3 Suite north of Jackie's Suite/LVL3 Northeast of Jackie's Suite

LVL3 Suite north of Jackie's Suite

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL5 Morgan's master bedroom/LVL5 Morgan's master bathroom

LVL5 Morgan's master bedroom


LVL4 East of Cross' Office


LVL0 Pier/LVL1 Outside North

LVL0 Laundry Room/LVL0 Staff Room/LVL0 Room northwest of Staff Room

LVL1 Reception/LVL2 Beauty Camberwell Lounge/LVL1 Restaurant

LVL1 Delivery Area/LVL1 Patio

LVL4 Ken Morgan's Suite/LVL5 Morgan's Roof Garden

LVL4 Recording Studio/LVL5 Cross' Roof Garden


LVL0 Pier

LVL0 Laundry Room

LVL1 South side of Terraces

LVL1 Southeast of Delivery Area

LVL1 Restaurant

LVL1 Reception

LVL1 Delivery Area

LVL1 East of Stock Room

LVL1 North side of Terraces

LVL3 Northeast of Jackie's Suite

LVL3 Reception Roof

LVL4 Sound Booth

LVL4 Cross' Bathroom

LVL5 Cross' master bathroom

LVL5 Cross' Roof Garden

Meeting Spots:

Southern Cellar Entry/Laundry Room
LVL0 Southern Cellar Entry

LVL0 Laundry Room

Laundry Room
LVL0 Southeast of Laundy Room

LVL0 East of Laundry Room

LVL1 South end of Terraces

LVL1 East side of Patio building

LVL1 West side of Patio

North Wing Ground Floor/Terraces
LVL1 North Wing Ground Floor

LVL1 North side of Terraces

Birthday Reception
LVL3 East of Birthday Reception

LVL3 Hotel room north of Birthday Reception

Ken Morgan's Suite
LVL4 Morgan's Office

LVL4 Ken Morgan's Suite

LVL4 West of Morgan's Kitchen

Recording Studio
LVL4 East of Cross' Bathroom

LVL4 Southeast of Recording Studio

Cross' Roof Garden
LVL5 Cross' shrine

LVL5 Cross' Roof Garden

LVL5 South of Cross' Roof Garden
Top Disguises:

Militia Elite
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Training Ground, LVL0 Demolition Control, LVL0 Shooting Range, LVL0-LVL1 Barn & LVL2 Mansion roof)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Point Man
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL2 Mansion, LVL0 Training Ground, LVL0 Demolition Control, LVL0 Chemistry Shed & LVL0 Backyard)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Militia Spec Ops
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL2 Mansion, LVL0 Training Ground, LVL0 Demolition Control, LVL0 Chemistry Shed & LVL0 Backyard)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Basement Key
  • LVL0 Basement/LVL1 Chemistry Shed in the inventory of Ezra Berg
  • LVL0 Basement in the inventory of Militia Elite
  • LVL1 Top of outside Basement stairs in the inventory of Militia Elite
Garage Key
  • LVL0 Basement/LVL1 Chemistry Shed in the inventory of Ezra Berg
Hacker’s Phone
  • LVL2 Hacker Room
Interpol Badge
  • LVL1 South of North Orchard in the inventory of a Militia Technician
Perimeter Gate Key
  • LVL1 South of North Orchard
Quad Bike Keys
  • LVL1 Shed at the South Orchard
Rose’s Room Key
  • LVL1 War Room
  • LVL1 In the inventory of Sean Rose
  • LVL2 Play Room/LVL2 front balcony in the inventory of Militia Elite


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Militia Soldiers/Militia Elites)
LVL0 Barn

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Militia Technicians)

Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun)
LVL1 Server Room

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Militia Technicians/Explosives Specialists)
LVL0 North Orchard

LVL0 Barn

HX-7 (Common, SMG)
LVL0 Barn

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Point Man/Militia Elites)
LVL0 North Orchard

Fusil G1-4 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Militia Soldier)

Fusil G1-4/C (Common, Assault Rifle) (Militia Spec Ops)

Fusil G2 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Militia Specs Ops)
LVL0 Barn

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL2 Top of the stairs

LVL0 North Orchard kitchen area

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 South Orchard

LVL0 North Orchard kitchen area

Old Axe
LVL0 Northwest of Tar Pit


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL1 Room south of kitchen

Lethal Poison Pill Jar
Poison is in the inventory of Elite Guard

LVL0 Chemistry Shed

Lethal Syringe (Common)
LVL0 Basement


LVL0 Barn

LVL0 Barn

LVL0 North Orchard

LVL0 Garages

Tool is in the inventory of Militia Soldier. Patrols with another Militia Soldier clockwise around the outer perimeter.

LVL0 Southwest of Chemistry Shed

LVL0 Gate northeast of Barracks

LVL0 Garages

Misc Items:

LVL0 Northeast of Junk Yard

Fire Extinguisher

LVL0 Barn
LVL1 Security Room

LVL0 Demolition Control

LVL0 North Orchard

Leather Briefcase
LVL2 Sean Rose's Office

LVL0 North Orchard

LVL0 Chemistry Shed

LVL1 Sean Rose's Office bedroom

Propane Flask
LVL0 Training Ground

LVL1 Backyard
Destroy Evidence:

LVL1 Security Room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Shed east of South Orchard and LVL0 Outside the shed east of South Orchard

LVL0 Shed east of South Orchard

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Junkyard

LVL0 Junkyard

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Barracks

LVL0 Barracks


LVL0 East of Barracks

LVL0 East of Tar Pit


LVL0 Barracks

LVL0 Demolition Control

LVL0 Garages

LVL0 Southwest of North Orchard

LVL0 Barn

LVL1 Mansion kitchen/LVL1 Server Room/LVL1 Security Room porch


LVL0 Northeast of Junk Yard

LVL0 South Orchard

LVL0 Junkyard

LVL0 Northeast of Barracks

LVL0 East of Barracks

LVL0 North of Demolition Control

LVL0 South of Barracks

LVL0 Building west of Training Ground

LVL0 Garages

LVL0 Chemistry Shed

LVL0 Basement

LVL1 Barn on outside catwalk

LVL1 Northside of front porch

LVL1 War Room

Meeting Spots:

Junk Yard
LVL0 East from Junk Yard

LVL0 Northeast from Junk Yard

LVL0 North from Junk Yard

South Orchard I
LVL0 South from South Orchard

LVL0 Southeast from South Orchard

LVL0 East from South Orchard

South Orchard II
LVL0 East side of South Orchard

LVL0 South Orchard

North Orchard
LVL0 North Orchard

LVL0 Southeast of North Orchard

Demolition Control/Junk Yard
LVL0 East of Demolition Control

LVL0 Junk Yard

LVL0 North of Barracks

LVL0 West of Barracks

Training Ground/Demolition Control
LVL0 South of Training Ground

LVL0 East of Demolition Control

LVL0 East of Garages

LVL0 Garages

Shooting Range/Barn
LVL0 Shooting Range

LVL0 East of Barn

Mansion Yard
LVL1 Mansion front door

LVL1 North from Mansion

LVL1 Backyard

LVL1 Mansion entrance

LVL1 Server Room
Top Disguises:

Hospital Director
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Amos Dexter's Room, 47's Room, LVL0 Guest Room, LVL1 Stem Cell Supply, LVL2 Stem Cell Controls, LVL2 Operating Theater, LVL2 Robot Surgery Control & LVL3 Defibrillator Power)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Chief Surgeon
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Amos Dexter's Room, 47's Room, LVL0 Guest Room, LVL0 Yuki's Room, LVL1 Kitchen, LVL2 Security Room in the Foyer, LVL2 Maintenance Room & LVL4 Directors Office)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Amos Dexter's Room, 47's Room, LVL0 Guest Room, LVL1 Stem Cell Supply, LVL2 Stem Cell Controls, LVL2 Operating Theater, LVL2 Robot Surgery Control & LVL3 Defibrillator Power)
  • No weapon restrictions except sniper rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Nondescript Keycard
  • LVL3 Director's Office
RFID Master Chip
  • LVL1 Morgue given by Carlton Smith whose in Refrigerator No. 2


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Resort Security/Bodyguard)

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Resort Security)

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL3 Director's Office

LVL1 Sakura Sushi

LVL1 Room south of Morgue

Fire Axe

LVL0 Hallway east of Security Room in the GAMA Hospital

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 Kitchen

LVL1 Sakura Sushi

Police Paton (Common)
LVL1 Security Room

Tanto (Rare)
LVL0 Yuki's Room

LVL3 Cliffside

LVL1 Morgue

Need either Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL3 Room southwest from Rehabilitation Supervisor

LVL0 47's Room bathroom

Weapon is in the inventory of Surgeon

LVL3 Rehabilitation Supervisor


Emetic Rat Poison
Need either Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL0 47's Room bathroom

Poison is in the inventory of Chef

LVL0 Kitchen

Poison is in the inventory of Chef

LVL0 Kitchen

Poison is in the inventory of Resort Security

LVL0 Loading Bay/LVL1 Room southwest of Onsen Hot Spring


Tool is in the inventory of Gardener

LVL0 Outside the Loading Bay

LVL0 Guard Room

LVL1 Room south from the Stem Cell Supply

LVL0 Loading Bay maintenance room

Tool is in the inventory of Gardener

LVL1 Garden

LVL1 Room south of Morgue

Misc Items:


LVL0 Yuki's Room x2
LVL1 Sakura Sushi

Need either Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL0 47's Room bathroom x2

Disposable Scrambler (Common)
Need either Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

Fire Extinguisher
LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

Leather Briefcase
LVL3 Room south from Rehabilitation Supervisor

Propane Flask
LVL1 Outside Loading Bay
Destroy Evidence:

LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

LVL1 Security Room in the GAMA Hospital


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Guest Room

LVL0 Guest Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Yuki's Room

LVL0 Yuki's Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Amos Dexter's Room

LVL0 Amos Dexter's Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Staff Area, LVL0 Changing Room and LVL0 Room south of Staff Area

LVL0 Staff Area

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Security Room in the GAMA Hospital, LVL1 Morgue and LVL1 Room southeast of Morgue

LVL1 Security Room in the GAMA Hospital


LVL1 Maintenance Room

LVL2 West side of the Garden


LVL0 Yuki's Room

LVL0 Yuki's Room/LVL0 West of Yuki's Room

LVL0 Inside Loading Bay

LVL1 Foyer east side of the bathroom

LVL1 Onsen Hot Spring/LVL1 East side of Foyer

LVL1 Foyer bathroom/LVL1 Garden

LVL2 East of Helipad

LVL3 South side of GAMA Hospital


LVL0 Guest Room

LVL0 Amos Dexter's Room

LVL0 Yuki's Room

LVL0 Loading Bay maintenance room

LVL0 Kitchen freezer

LVL0 Guard Room

LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

LVL1 Entrance to Onsen Hot Spring

LVL1 Southwest room from Onsen Hot Spring

LVL1 Sakura Sushi

LVL1 Maintenance Room

LVL1 Morgue

LVL2 Northwest side of the Garden

LVL2 Helipad

LVL2 North from Helipad

Meeting Spots:

LVL1 Foyer

LVL1 Foyer bathroom

LVL1 Security Room in the Foyer

Onsen Hot Spring
LVL1 Maintenance Room

LVL1 Yoga Platform

LVL0 East of Loading Bay

Sakura Sushi
LVL1 Sakura Sushi

LVL0 Bathroom under Sakura Sushi

LVL1 Morgue

LVL1 Hallway east of Security Room in the GAMA Hospital

Stem Cell Supply
LVL1 Stem Cell Supply

LVL1 East of Stem Cell Supply

LVL1 Room southeast of Stem Cell Supply

GAMA Hospital LVL2
LVL2 Room south of Operating Theater

LVL2 GAMA Hospital patient room

GAMA Hospital LVL3
LVL3 Defibrillator Power

LVL3 Room between the two observation rooms
Top Disguises:

Kronstadt Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Kowoon Garage, LVL0 Aeon Garage, LVL0 Thwack Garage, LVL0 Sotieraneo Garage, LVL1 Maxwell Rutter Office, LVL1 Kowoon Paddock & LVL1 Thwack Paddock)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Race Marshall
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Security Area, LVL0 Security Area, LVL0 Emergency Bay, LVL0 Hotel Garden, LVL0-LVL2 Hotel, LVL1 Kowoon Paddock, LVL1 Thwack Paddock, LVL2 Control Room & LVL0-LVL3 Miami Bayside Center Expo)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Event Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Hotel Garden, LVL0-LVL2 Hotel, LVL0 Kronstadt Garage, LVL0 Kowoon Garage, LVL0 Aeon Garage, LVL0 Thwack Garage, LVL0 Sotieraneo Garage, LVL1 Kronstadt Paddock, LVL1 Kowoon Paddock, LVL1 Thwack Paddock & LVL2-LVL3 Miami Bayside Center Expo)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Boat Rental Key
  • LVL0 Event Security at the LVL0 Pier
Electronic Car Keys
  • LVL-1 Access tunnel south of Parking Garage
Event Area Key
  • LVL-1 Stands Tunnel storage room
  • LVL0 Locker room of Security Area
  • LVL0 Food Stands in the inventory of female Food Vendor
  • LVL0 South of South Stands in the inventory of Event Security
  • LVL2 West of Control Room
Evidence Locker Combination
  • LVL0 Main room of the Security Area
Food Vendor Key
  • LVL0 Pier/LVL0 Marina Park SE in the inventory of the Florida Man
Kronstadt Bayside Center Keycard
  • LVL-1 West of the Parking Garage at the elevators in the inventory of female Kronstadt Engineer
  • LVL-1 Security Area in the inventory of Event Security
  • LVL0 Aquarium locker room
  • LVL0 Outside Aquarium locker room in the inventory of Kronstadt Engineer
  • LVL0 Food stands northwest of the Pier in the inventory of a Race Marshal
  • LVL1 Aquarium in the inventory of Event Security
  • LVL1 Backstage of Expo Room
  • LVL2 Southeast room of main stairs Miami Bayside Center Expo
Medical Cabinet Key
  • LVL0 Emergency Bay
  • LVL0 Medical tent southwest of South Stands
Pit Building Keycard
  • LVL-1 Locker Room
  • LVL0 Thwack Garage
  • LVL0 Kowoon Paddock
  • LVL0 Aeon Garage
  • LVL0 Kowoon Garage
  • LVL0 Kronstadt Garage
  • LVL1 Maxwell Rutter Office bathroom
  • LVL1 Security Area
Podium Club Pass
  • LVL-1 Stands Tunnel bathroom
  • LVL0 North of North Stands
  • LVL0 West of North Stands in the inventory of male civilian in teal shirt
  • LVL0 South access to South Stands in the inventory of a male civilian
Race Computer Security Dongle
  • LVL1 Maxwell Rutter Office in the inventory of Maxwell Rutter
Speed Boat Key
  • LVL0 Building at the Pier


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol)
LVL0 Security Area

Hackl 9R (Common, Pistol) (Kronstadt Security)

Hackl 9S (Common, Pistol) (Event Security, Kronstadt Security)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Kronstadt Security)
LVL0 Security Area

LVL1 Security Area

LVL3 North most room

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Kronstadt Security)

Melee Weapons:

Amputation Knife (Common)
LVL0 Emergency Bay

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL0 Building west of Pier

LVL0 Alley south of Hotel

Battle Axe
LVL2 Room north of Roof Garden

LVL0 Food Stands at VIP Area Square

LVL0 Food stands at Marine Park (South)

LVL1 Kitchen

Fire Axe

LVL-1 Stands Tunnel
LVL0 Security Area
LVL1 South of the Expo Room

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 West from Stands North

LVL1 Kitchen

LVL1 Room south of Kitchen

LVL2 Conference Room

LVL2 West wall of the building

Old Axe
LVL0 West side of the Hotel

LVL0 Southwest from the Event Entrance

LVL0 Podium Building

LVL1 Media Suite

LVL2 Room west of Android Lab

LVL3 Room northwest from Robert's Office

LVL3 Assistant Office

Need firearm or explosive to brake the tank to gain access to the weapon

LVL1 Aquarium


Cannabis Joint
Poison is carried by Event Crew

LVL1 Bathrooms southeast of Maxwell Rutter Office

Need a firearm to break the pot to gain access to the poison

LVL3 Bathroom of the Assistant Office

Emetic Rat Poison
LVL0 Thwack Paddock

LVL0 Storage room in Stands North

LVL2 Northwestern most room of the building

Modern Sedative Syringe (Common)
Need either Medical Cabinet Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the syringe

LVL0 Shed southeast from Kronstadt Paddock

Need either Medical Cabinet Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the syringe

LVL0 Emergency Bay

LVL0 Aeon Garage

LVL0 Kowoon Garage

LVL0 East of Kronstadt Paddock

LVL1 Southeast of Aquarium

LVL0 Sotteraneo Garage

LVL0 East of Thwack Paddock

LVL0 Aeon Garage

LVL0 Kronstadt Garage

LVL0 Race Marshal Area

LVL1 Room northwest from Expo Room

LVL2 Android Lab

LVL2 Stands South

LVL0 Podium Building

LVL0 Kronstadt Garage

LVL0 Race Marshal Area

LVL1 Room northwest from Expo Room

Misc Items:

Car Bomb
Combination to the safe is on the table in the center of the main room of Security Area

LVL0 Security Area

LVL-1 Bayside Tunnel
LVL0 Eastside of Trucks Area
LVL0 Westside of Trucks Area
LVL0 Southside of Stands North
LVL0 Northside of Stands South x3
LVL0 West of Stands South x3
LVL0 Southside of Stands South
LVL1 Northside of Stands North x3
LVL1 Westside of Expo Room x3

Fire Extinguisher
LVL-1 Parking Garage x5
LVL-1 Stands Tunnels
LVL0 Sotteraneo Garage
LVL0 Thwack Garage
LVL0 Aeon Garage
LVL0 Kowoon Garage
LVL0 Kronstadt Garage x2
LVL0 Building west of Pier
LVL1 Balcony east of Media Suite

LVL1 Kowoon Paddock

LVL1 Closet at the Security Area

Kronstadt Octane Booster
LVL0 Sotteraneo Garage

Need to break the glass to gain access to the item

LVL1 Expo Room

Leather Briefcase
LVL1 Maxwell Rutter Office

Propane Flask

LVL0 West side of the north catwalk over the race track

LVL0 East side of the north catwalk over the race track

LVL0 Thwack Garage

LVL0 North of the Podium Building

LVL0 Food Stands

LVL0 Kowoon Garage

LVL0 Food Stands

LVL0 Kronstadt Garage

The Big One
LVL1 Kowoon Paddock

Destroy Evidence:

LVL-1 Security Area

LVL0 Security Area

LVL1 Security Area

LVL3 North most room of the floor


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL-1 Security Area and LVL-1 Parking Garage.

LVL-1 Security Area

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Security Area.

LVL0 Security Area

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Aeon Garage.

LVL0 Aeon Garage

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Thwack Paddock and LVL0 East of Thwack Paddock.

LVL0 Thwack Paddock

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Android Lab & LVL2 Room west of Android Lab.

LVL2 Android Lab

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL3 Room east of Robert's Room & LVL3 Robert's Room.

LVL3 Room east of Robert's Office


LVL0 Marina Park SE

LVL1 Northeast balcony from VIP Lounge


LVL0 North of Event Entrance/LVL0 Southwest of Security Area/LVL0 North of Thwack Paddock

LVL0 Thwack Paddock/LVL1 Thwack Paddock

LVL0 Stands South/LVL0 South of Stands South/LVL0 Southwest of Stands South

LVL0 Kronstadt Paddock/LVL0 South of Kronstadt Paddoc

LVL0 Anchor Monument/LVL0 West of Anchor Monument

LVL0 East side of south catwalk over the race track/LVL2 South catwalk over the race track/LVL0 West side of the south catwalk over the race track

LVL2 South catwalk over the race track

LVL3 Bathroom/LVL3 Southwest of Assistant Office/LVL3 Southeast balcony

LVL-1 Bayside Tunnel

LVL-1 Room northwest of Parking Garage

LVL-1 North of Stands Tunnel

LVL0 North of Bayside Center Entrance

LVL0 Security Area

LVL0 Sotteranoe Garage

LVL0 East of Thwack Paddock

LVL0 South of Thwack Paddock

LVL0 North of Podium Building

LVL0 Podium Building

LVL0 Kronstadt Paddock

LVL0 Shed southeast from Kronstadt Paddock

LVL0 Southeast of Anchor Monument

LVL1 Backstage of Expo Room

LVL2 North catwalk over the race track

LVL2 Stands North

Meeting Spots:

LVL-1 Northeast corner of Parking Garage

LVL-1 Parking Garage ramp next to the door to elevator

Podium Tunnel I
LVL-1 Podium Tunnel

LVL-1 Bathroom north of Podium Tunnel

LVL-1 Storage north of Podium Tunnel

Podium Tunnel II
LVL0 Southwest of Podium Building

LVL-1 Podium Tunnel

Kronstadt Paddock
LVL0 Kronstadt Paddock

LVL-1 Stands Tunnel

LVL0 North of Kowoon Paddock

LVL0 Pier

LVL0 Building east of Pier

Miami Bayside Center Expo LVL1-2

LVL1 Coat room of the lobby of Miami Bayside Center Expo

LVL2 Room west of Conference Room

Pit Building
LVL1 Kitchen

LVL1 Room south of Maxwell Rutter Office

Miami Bayside Center Expo LVL3
LVL3 Northwest corner of building

LVL3 North of Roof Garden

LVL3 Room north of Roof Garden
Top Disguises:

Elite Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL2 Mansion & LVL1 Mansion Yard)
  • No weapon restrictions except sniper rifles
  • Visible to targets

Mansion Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Bar Basement, LVL-1 Crew Quarters, LVL-1 Submarine Dock, LVL-1 Smuggling Cave & LVL0-LVL1 Martinez' Compound)
  • No weapon restrictions except sniper rifles
  • Visible to targets

Submarine Engineer
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL1 Martinez' Compound, LVL0-LVL1 Cartel Hangout, LVL0-LVL2 Mansion, LVL1 Mansion Yard & LVL1 Coca Plantation)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

Bar Basement Key
  • LVL0 Bar in the inventory of Barman
Botany Lab Keycard
  • LVL1 Botany Lab in the inventory of Drug Lab Worker
  • LVL1 Franco's Hut
Car Key
  • LVL1 West from Jungle at the road in the inventory of Street Guard
Cartel Lockup Key
  • LVL1 Cartel Hangout
Caves Keycard
  • LVL-1 East side of the Submarine Dock
  • LVL-1 Crew Quarters
  • LVL-1 East of Altar Cave in inventory of Mansion Guard
  • LVL-1 Secret passage from LVL1 Garage to LVL-1 Bar Basement tunnel
  • LVL0 East of Doctor's Office in the inventory of Elite Guard
Construction Storage Key
  • LVL0 Martinez Compound/LVL0 Construction Yard in the inventory of the Foreman
Drummer’s House Key
  • LVL0 Drummer's Apartment in the inventory of a male civilian
  • LVL0 Drummer's Apartment back porch in the inventory of female civilian
Franco’s Hut Key
  • LVL1 Botany Lab
  • LVL1 Franco's Hut in the inventory of the helicopter pilot
Hostel Master Key
  • LVL0 South of Hostel in inventory of male civilian
  • LVL0 Room west of Hostel in the inventory of female civilian
  • LVL0 Hostel front desk
  • LVL1 Hostel Rooms balcony in the inventory of the Hippie
Pharmacy Key
  • LVL0 Road from Jungle in the inventory of a female civilian who travels to LVL0 Doctor's Office
  • LVL0 East side of the shed southeast from Drummer's Apartment in the inventory of Street Guard
Mansion Gate Key
  • LVL1 Production Shed
  • LVL1 Security Hut
Martinez’s Office Key
  • LVL2 Hector's Room
Submarine Engineer’s Key
  • LVL0/LVL1 Fishing Shanty in the inventory of female civilian
Scooter Key
  • LVL0 Storage Container
Speedboat Key
  • LVL2 Rico's Bedroom


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Street Guards/Mansion Guards/Elite Guards)

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Elite Guards/Coca Field Guards)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Elite Guards/Coca Field Guards)

DAK X2 (Common, SMG) (Street Guards/Mansion Guards/Elite Guards)

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Street Guards/Mansion Guards)

Shashka A33 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Street Guards/Coca Field Guards)

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL0 House East of Martinez' Compound

Claw Hammer (Common)
LVL0 Construction Site

LVL-1 Kitchen freezer

LVL0 Shed southeast from Drummers Apartment

Collectors Baseball Bat
Glass has to be broken to gain access to the bat

LVL1 Museum of Rico

Kitchen Knife
LVL-1 Crew Quarters

LVL-1 Hippo Enclosure

LVL0 Building south of Drummer's Apartment

LVL0 Kitchen

LVL1 Outdoor Kitchen

LVL1 Entertainment Room

LVL1 Northeast shanty in the Fishing Shanty

Sacrificial Knife
Need Shop Key to obtain Gold Idol from house east of Drummer's Apartment. It is placed into a hole in the wall east from Altar Cavern while wearing Shaman disguise. On the tiles you need to start second tile from the left, three tiles forward, three right, two forward, one left, one forward, two left, two forward, two right, two forward, one left and one forward.
LVL-1 Secret Passage


LVL1 Building southeast from Martinez' Compound


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL-1 Bar Basement

LVL0 Room north of Wine Cellar

LVL0 Under Hostel Rooms

Lethal Poisonous Frog

LVL0 Construction Yard entrance
LVL1 Northeast of Shaman Hut
LVL1 East side of Franco's Hut
LVL1 West side of the river west from Coca Plantation

Poisonous Flower (Emetic)

LVL-1 Southeast from Burial Site
LVL0 South of Martinez' Compound
LVL1 Botany Lab
LVL1 Jungle x3

Poisonous Flower (Lethal)

LVL1 Jungle
LVL2 East of Plane Crash


LVL0 Building south of Cartel Hangout

Rusty Crowbar
LVL0 Wine Cellar

LVL0 Northeast from Cartel Armory

LVL0 Burial Site

LVL1 Construction Site

LVL0 Martinez Compound

LVL1 Helipad
Misc Items:

LVL-1 Crew Quarters
LVL-1 Northwest Submarine Dock
LVL0 Room south of Doctor's Office
LVL0 Building north of Auto Repair
LVL0 North of Auto Repair
LVL0 Shrine
LVL0 Bar x3
LVL0 Drummer's Apartment bedroom
LVL0 West side of Fishing Shanty

LVL1 West of Franco's Hut
LVL1 Southwest of Hostel Rooms x2
LVL1 West side of Fishing Shanty

Fire Extinguisher

LVL-1 Crew Quarters
LVL0 Room east from Cartel Hangout
LVL0 Hallway north of Cartel Hangout
LVL0 Kitchen
LVL0 Office

Flash Grenade
Grenade is in the inventory of Elite Guard

LVL-1 Crew Quarters

Propane Flask
LVL-1 East side of Submarine Dock

LVL0 South of Cartel Hangout

LVL0 Storage Container

LVL1 Sorting Area

LVL1 Outdoor Kitchen

Destroy Evidence:

LVL-1 Crew Quarters

LVL0 Vanishers Office

LVL1 Office


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL-1 Bar Basement

LVL-1 Bar Basement

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Hostel

LVL0 Hostel

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Entertainment Room and LVL1 Outdoor Kitchen

LVL1 Entertainment Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Cartel Hangout, LVL1 Cartel Hangout and LVL1 Cartel Hangout balcony

LVL1 Cartel Hangout


Combination acquired by getting a letter from limping Mansion Guard who walks between LVL0 Cartel Hangout and LVL0 Kitchen and deliver it to Hector whose in LVL2 Hector's Room

LVL2 Rico's Office


LVL0 Plane Crash

LVL0 Shed southeast from Drummers Apartment


LVL0 Outside north/northeast of Auto Repair

LVL0 Cartel Hangout/LVL1 Cartel Hangout

LVL0 Town Plaza/LVL1 Town Plaza

LVL0 East of Warehouse

LVL0 Warehouse

LVL1 Helipad

LVL1 North of Coca Plantation/LVL1 Coca Plantation/LVL1 Botany Lab

LVL1 Dock/LVL2 Balcony south of Hector's Room

LVL1 Mansion Grounds/LVL1 Garage


LVL-1 Smuggling Cave

LVL-1 Outside east of Crew Quarters

LVL-1 Altar Cavern

LVL0 East of Auto Repair

LVL0 Northeast of Shrine

LVL0 Cartel Armory

LVL0 Storage Container

LVL0 North wall of Storage Container

LVL0 Room west of Meeting Room

LVL0 Northeast corner of the Fishing Shanty

LVL1 Shaman Hut

LVL1 Franco's Hut

LVL1 Security Hut

LVL1 Hostel Balcony

LVL2 Stairs west side of the river west of Coca Plantation

LVL2 Room west of Hector's Room

Meeting Spots:

Submarine Dock
LVL-1 Submarine Dock

LVL-1 North of Submarine Dock

Submarine Dock/Altar Cavern
LVL-1 Submarine Dock

LVL-1 East of Submarine Dock

LVL-1 Altar Cavern

Fishing Shanty/Bar Basement
LVL0 South of Warehouse

LVL1 Fishing Shanty

LVL-1 Bar Basement

Construction Site I
LVL0 Office

LVL0 West of Storage Container

LVL0 East of Office

Construction Site II
LVL0 Burial Site

LVL0 Northeast of Storage Container

Coca Plantation
LVL1 Helipad

LVL1 Botany Lab

LVL1 Dock

LVL0 Wine Cellar
Top Disguises:

Elite Thug
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Mumbai Laundry, LVL0 Train Tracks, LVL0 Tower Garden, LVL0 Construction Yard, LVL0-LVL3 Train Yard & LVL1-LVL7 Tower)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Queen's Bodyguard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Crows' Hideout, LVL0 Crows' Back Alley, LVL0 Tower Garden, LVL0 Construction Yard, LVL0-LVL1 Barber Shop, LVL0-LVL3 Mumbai Hills, LVL1-LVL2 Tailor, LVL2 Crows' Rooftop, LVL2 Crows' Guard Post & LVL1-LVL7 Tower)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Bollywood Bodyguard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Crows' Hideout, LVL0 Crows' Back Alley, LVL0 Mumbai Laundry, LVL0 Train Tracks, LVL0-LVL1 Barber Shop, LVL0-LVL3 Train Yard, LVL0-LVL3 Mumbai Hills, LVL1-LVL2 Tailor, LVL2 Crows' Rooftop & LVL2 Crows' Guard Post)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Apartment Key
  • LVL3 Sniper Spot in the inventory of the Kashmirian
Barbershop Key
  • LVL0 Barber Shop
  • LVL1 Barber Shop
Beach House Key
  • LVL0 Building southeast of the Beach in the inventory of a Thug
Hideout Key
  • LVL-1 Crows' Armory
  • LVL-1 Crows' Hideout in the inventory of an Elite Thug
Luxury Apartment Keycard
  • LVL2 East corner of Tower/LVL3 Security Room of Tower in the inventory of Local Security
  • LVL3 Security Room of Tower
  • LVL3 Closet north of LVL3 Security Room
  • LVL4 Studio
  • LVL6 Fourth Floor north staircase in the inventory of Bollywood Bodyguard
Mumbai Laundry Office Key
  • LVL1 Foreman's Office in the inventory of a Laundry Worker
Tailor’s Shop Key
  • LVL0 Tailor in the inventory of the Tailor
Train Yard Key
  • LVL0 Vanya Shah's Carriage
  • LVL0 Audience Area in the inventory of female civilian
  • LVL0 Carriage in the middle of the Train Yard
  • LVL1 On the roof of the southwest carriage in the Train Yard


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Local Security/Thugs/Queen's Guards/Queen's Bodyguards)

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Bollywood Bodyguard targets)

DAK X2 (Common, SMG) (Bollywood Bodyguards/Elite Thugs)

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Thugs/Queen's Guards)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Thugs/Elite Thugs/Queen's Guards/Queen's Bodyguards)

Fusil G1-4 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Bollywood Bodyguards)

Shashka A33 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Thugs/Elite Thugs/Queen's Guards/Queen's Bodyguards)

Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle (Common, Sniper Rifle)
LVL3 Sniper Spot

Melee Weapons:

Amputation Knife (Common)
LVL0 Carriage in the middle of the Train Yard

Barber Razor
LVL0 Barber Shop

Weapon is in the inventory of Barber

LVL1 Barber Shop

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL0 Beach

LVL7 Fifth Floor of the Tower

Folding Knife (Common)
LVL2 Outside Foreman's Office

LVL2 South corner of the Chawl

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 Food District

LVL3 South corner of the Tower

Letter Opener
LVL1 Foreman's Office

Measuring Tape
LVL0 Vanya Shah's Carriage

LVL1 Tailor

Old Axe
LVL0 East side of Construction Site

LVL3 West side of Mumbai Hills

LVL0 Tailor

LVL3 Makeup Area


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL0 Mumbai Laundry

LVL2 Crows' Guard Post


LVL0 Carriage east of Train Yard Entrance

Rusty Crowbar
LVL0 Container Area

LVL1 South of Food District

LVL2 Southwest balcony of the Chawl

LVL6 Fourth Floor

LVL0 Junkyard

LVL0 Construction Site
Misc Items:

LVL-1 North side of Eastern Sewers
LVL0 Southwest carriage on Train Yard
LVL0 Shopping District
LVL0 Southeast of Shopping District
LVL0 East of Crows' Back Alley
LVL0 West of Chawl
LVL0 North side of Central Square
LVL0 East side of Central Square
LVL0 East of Central Square

LVL0 Southeast of Central Square
LVL1 Tailor x2
LVL1 Slum Alley
LVL1 Southwest apartment of Chawl
LVL1 East apartment of Chawl
LVL2 South building of Mumbai Hills
LVL2 Foreman's Office roof
LVL3 Security Room x2

Need to break the vase to gain access to item

LVL0 Northwest of Barge

Item is in the inventory of Food Vendor

LVL0 Northeast of Junkyard
LVL0 Slum Square
LVL0 North of Barge
LVL0 West side of Central Square
LVL0 Northeast side of Central Square

Item is in the inventory of Tailor

LVL0 Tailor

Fire Extinguisher
LVL0 Crane control container

LVL4 North staircase of the Tower

LVL6 North staircase of the Tower

Propane Flask
LVL-1 Crows' Hideout

LVL0 Junkyard

LVL0 East from Metal Worker's District

LVL0 Food District

LVL2 South end of the Yellow Skywalk

LVL6 Fourth Floor

LVL7 Fifth Floor

LVL0 East of Train Tracks

LVL0 Construction Site

Destroy Evidence:

LVL0 Security Room at Train Yard

LVL2 Security Room at the Tower


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL-1 Crows' Hideout/LVL-1 Crows' Armory

LVL-1 Crows' Hideout

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL0 Vanya Shah's Carriage/LVL0 West of Security Room

LVL0 Vanya Shah's Carriage

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL0 Southwest building on Train Yard/LVL0 Outside southwest building on Train Yard/LVL0 Carriage east of Southwest building on Train Yard

LVL0 Southwest building on Train Yard

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL0 Crows' Back Alley/LVL1 Crow's Back Alley/LVL2 Crows' Rooftop

LVL1 Crows' Back Alley

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL1 Southeast balcony of Chawl/LVL1 Southeast apartment of Chawl

LVL1 Southeast balcony of Chawl

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Southwest apartment of Chawl/LVL2 Southwest apartment of Chawl bathroom/LVL2 Southwest apartment of Chawl balcony

LVL2 Southwest apartment of Chawl


LVL0 Junkyard

LVL1 South of Food District


LVL0 East of Beach/LVL0 South of Beach

LVL0 Tea Shops/LVL0 Shopping District

LVL0 Central Square

LVL0 Southeast of Tower Garden

LVL2 Northwest of Crows' Guard Post/LVL2 Mumbai Hills

LVL3 Northwest side of Mumbai Hills/LVL3 North side of Mumbai Hills

LVL3 Crows' Guard Tower

LVL4 Film Shoot


LVL0 Container northeast of Container Area

LVL0 Carriage west from the Train Yard Entrance

LVL0 East of Slum Square

LVL0 East from Metal Worker's District

LVL0 Pier north of Barge

LVL0 East of Foreman's Office

LVL0 East of the Chawl

LVL0 Construction Yard

LVL1 West side of the Chawl

LVL2 MIddle of Mumbai Hills

LVL2 South side of Mumbai Hills

LVL2 North end of the Yellow Skywalk

LVL2 Northeast of Food District

LVL3 Water Tanks

LVL3 Security Room

LVL6 Fourth Floor
Meeting Spots:

Train Yard
LVL0 Train Yard

LVL0 Train Tracks

Mumbai Laundry
LVL0 Mumbai Laundry

LVL1 Mumbai Laundry

Slum Square/Textile District
LVL0 South side of Slum Square

LVL0 Southwest side of Textile District

LVL0 East of Chawl

LVL1 Southeast side of Chawl

Tower Garden
LVL0 Stairs of Tower Garden

LVL0 South side of Tower Garden

Construction Site
LVL0 Construction Site

LVL0 Construction Site

Film Shoot
LVL3 Northeast from Makeup Area

LVL4 Film Shoot
Top Disguises:

Cassidy Bodyguard/Spencer "Hammer" Green
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1-LVL2 West Property, LVL-1-LVL2 Janus Property, LVL-1-LVL0 Griswold Property, LVL0 Road Work, LVL0 West Property backyard, LVL0 Janus Property backyard, LVL0 Griswold Property backyard, LVL0 Public Park shed, LVL0 Batty Property backyard, LVL0 Garden Shed & LVL0 Construction Site)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Janus' Bodyguard/Gunther Mueller
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1-LVL2 West Property, LVL-1-LVL2 Schmidt Property, LVL0 Road Work, LVL0 West Property backyard, LVL0 Lewinsky Property backyard, LVL0 Public Park shed, LVL0-LVL2 Cassidy Property, LVL0 Cassidy Property backyard, LVL0 Protected Reservoir, LVL0 Batty Property backyard, LVL0 Garden Shed, LVL0 Construction Site & LVL1-LVL2 Lewinsky Property)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 West Property, LVL-1-LVL2 Janus Property, LVL-1-LVL0 Griswold Property, LVL-1-LVL2 Schmidt Property, LVL0 Road Work, LVL0 Janus Property backyard, LVL0 Griswold Property backyard, LVL0 Lewinsky Property backyard, LVL0 Public Park shed, LVL0-LVL2 Cassidy Property, LVL0 Cassidy Property backyard, LVL0 Protected Reservoir, LVL0 Batty Property backyard, LVL0 Garden Shed, LVL0 Construction Site & LVL1-LVL2 Lewinsky Property)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

A Construction Van Key
  • LVL0 West of Construction Site in the inventory of white shirt Construction Worker
  • LVL0 West of Construction Site in the inventory of green checkered shirt Construction Worker
Batty’s House Key
  • LVL0 Batty's Property backyard in the inventory of the James Batty
  • LVL0 Batty's Property front yard in the inventory of the Exterminator
Cassidy's House Key
  • LVL0 Batty's Property front yard in the inventory of the Exterminator
  • LVL0 Cassidy's Property in the inventory of Nolan Cassidy
Frank Schmidt’s Bedroom Key
  • LVL-1 Murder Basement
Frank Schmidt’s House Key
  • LVL0 Front porch of Schmidt’s Property
  • LVL0 Schmidt’s Property in the inventory of Plumber
  • LVL0 Muffin Stand in the inventory of Real Estate Broker
Hanson’s House Key
  • LVL-1 Rehearsal Space
  • LVL0 Griswold Property back porch in the inventory of Garbage Man
Janus’ House Key
  • LVL0 Griswold Property back porch in the inventory of Garbage Man
  • LVL1 Janus' Property
  • LVL1/LVL2 Janus' Property in the inventory of Gunther Mueller
  • LVL1 Northwest from Janus' Property in the inventory of a Gardener
Lewinsky’s House Key
  • LVL0 Lewinsky Property frontyard in the inventory of Undercover Guard x2
  • LVL0 Lewinsky Property backyard in the inventory of Cassidy Bodyguard x3
Public Shed Key
  • LVL0 Protected Reservoir in the inventory of Gardener
Roadwork Gate Key
  • LVL0 Road Work in the inventory of Construction Worker
Vault Keycard
  • LVL-1 Schmidt’s Property basement
West’s House Key
  • LVL-1/LVL0 West Property in the inventory of Helen West
  • LVL1 West Property Southwest corner
Wilson's House Key
  • LVL1 Wilson Property northeast room


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol)

LVL-1 Secret passage between Janus Property and Griswold Property

LVL0 Lewinsky Property backyard

LVL1 Cassidy Property Gun Room

LVL2 West Property main bedroom

Hackl 9R (Common, Pistol) (Police Deputy, Sheriff Masterson)

Hackl 9S (Common, Pistol) (Undercover Guards, Cassidy Bodyguards, Gunther Mueller, Janus' Bodyguards)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Spencer "The Hammer" Green)

DAK X2 (Common, SMG) (Janus' Bodyguards)
LVL1 Cassidy Property Gun Room

HX-7 Covert (Rare, SMG) (Cassidy Bodyguards)

Fusil G1-4/C (Common, Assault Rifle) (Cassidy Bodyguards)
Glass have to be broken to gain access to the firearms

LVL1 Cassidy Property Gun Room

TAC-4 AR Auto (Common, Assault Rifle)
Glass have to be broken to gain access to the firearms

LVL1 Cassidy Property Gun Room

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL1 Wilson Property northeast room

Battle Axe
Open Schmidt garage door and ring the door bell three times to open Vault door

LVL-1 Inner Vault

Fire Axe
LVL0 Batty Property backyard

Hidden in the Mole Hole

LVL1 South of Construction Site

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 Wilson Property kitchen

LVL0 Janus Property kitchen

LVL0 Janus Property kitchen

LVL0 West Property kitchen

Letter Opener
LVL2 West Property

LVL1 West Property attic access room


Cannabis Joint

LVL0 Garage on the other side of the Mapletree Ln. from Muffin Stand

Emetic Pills (Rare)
LVL-1 Murder Basement

Emetic Rat Poison
LVL0 Wilson Property garage

LVL0 Garage on the other side of the Mapletree Ln. from Muffin Stand

LVL1 Schmidt Property

LVL2 Janus Property

LVL2 West Property

Crowbar or lockpick needed to open the door of the container

LVL0 Construction Site container

Lethal Pills
LVL-1 Murder Basement

Lethal Poisonous Frog
LVL0 Protected Reservoir

LVL0 Crestwood Dr.

LVL0 Construction Site

LVL0 Road Work

LVL0 Batty Property backyard

LVL0 Janus Property garage

LVL0 Southwest of the middle house on the north side of Mapletree Ln.

LVL1 Gun Room

Tool is carried by Garbage Man

LVL0 On the corner of Crestwood Dr. and Highland Park Ave.

LVL0 Construction Site

LVL0 Schmidt Property kitchen

LVL0 Janus Property backyard shed

LVL0 Cassidy Property garage

LVL0 Front porch of the middle house on the north side of the Mapletree Ln.

Misc Items:

Car Battery

LVL0 Driveway of the southwest house on Highland Park Ave.

LVL0 Wilson Property garage

LVL0 Cassidy Property garage

LVL0 Sidewalk in front of Griswold Property

Fire Extinguisher

LVL0 Janus Property garage
LVL0 Wilson Property garage
LVL0 Cassidy Property garage
LVL0 West Property garage

LVL0 Batty Property backyard

LVL0 Wilson Property backyard

Propane Flask
LVL0 Shed south of Crestwood Dr.

LVL0 Schmidt Property kitchen

LVL0 Griswold Property backyard


LVL0 Driveway of the northwest house on Highland Park Ave.

Remote CX Demo Block
Explosive is carried by Police Deputy

LVL0 Sidewalk in front of Janus Property takes the item to LVL0 Road Work

Destroy Evidence:

LVL-1 Janus Property basement

LVL0 Security Room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL-1 Wine Cellar

LVL-1 Wine Cellar

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL-1 Murder Basement

LVL-1 Murder Basement

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Schmidt Property garage and LVL0 Schmidt Property kitchen

LVL0 Schmidt Property garage

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Janus Property and LVL1 Janus Property attic access room

LVL2 Janus Property

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Cassidy Property and LVL1 Cassidy Property attic access room

LVL2 Cassidy Property

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Lewinsky Property and LVL1 Lewinsky Property

LVL2 Lewinsky Property


LVL-1 Schmidt Property

LVL0 West Property garage


LVL0 Statue/LVL0 Southwest from Crestwood Dr. shed

LVL0 Statue/LVL0 Crestwood Dr.

LVL0 Wilson Property backyard

LVL0 Wilson Property/LVL0 Wilson Property backyard

LVL0 Janus Property frontyard

LVL0 Janus Property/LVL0 Janus Property backyard

LVL0 Cassidy Property/LVL1 Cassidy Property

LVL0 Back porch of West Property

LVL0 West Property

LVL1 Janus Property


LVL-1 Wine Cellar

LVL0 Griswold Property back porch

LVL0 Wilson Property garage

LVL0 Security Room

LVL0 Cassidy Property living room

LVL0 Lewinsky Property back porch

LVL0 West Property backyard

LVL0 Public Park shed

LVL1 Schmidt Property treehouse

LVL1 Janus' Bedroom

LVL1 Northern room of Janus Property

LVL1 Lewinsky Property

LVL1 West Property

LVL2 Schmidt Property

LVL2 Hobby Room
Meeting Spots:

Wilson Property Backyard
LVL0 Wilson Property backyard

LVL0 Wilson Property backyard

Janus Property
LVL0 Janus Property backyard

LVL-1 Janus Property

Wilson Property
LVL1 Wilson Property

LVL1 Wilson Property bedroom
Top Disguises:

Militia Soldier
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Farah's Place kitchen, LVL0 Farah's Place storage room, LVL0 Eastern beach, LVL1 Farrah's Place room over kitchen, LVL0-LVL4 Akka's compound & LVL2-LVL3 Fortress north of Akka's compound)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL1 Militia Cave, LVL1 Farrah's Place room over kitchen & LVL2-LVL4 Colonial Ruins)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Workshop, LVL0 Eastern beach, LVL0-LVL1 Militia Cave, LVL1 Farrah's Place room over kitchen, LVL0-LVL4 Akka's compound, LVL2-LVL3 Fortress north of Akka's compound & LVL2-LVL4 Colonial Ruins)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

Cage Key
  • LVL2 Akka's Hut
Cook’s Key
  • LVL0 Southeaster hut on the water from the Village
Longtail Boat Key
  • LVL0 Boathouse Northeast from Farrah's Place under the Brick
Pirate Key
  • LVL1 Building northwest of Hostage Hut
Rusty Key
  • LVL1 Building west of Farrah's Place in the inventory of Militia Soldier
  • LVL2 Shrine after you craft Lethal Poison and Emetic Gas Grenade you will receive the key
  • LVL3 Colonial Ruins in the inventory of Militia Soldier guarding a cell
Submarine Key
  • LVL2 Fort north of Radar Tower
Tactical Boat Key
  • LVL0 Militia Cave
Village Master Key
  • LVL0 Farah's Place inside on the wall next to the main door behind a picture frame


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Pirates/Militia Soldiers/Orson Mills)

Bartoli 12G Short H (Common, Shotgun) (Pirates)

Sawed-Off Bartoli 12G (Shotgun)
Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL1 Shed south just outside Akka's compound wall

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Militia Soldiers)

DAK X2 (Common, SMG) (Pirates)
LVL1 Shed west of Akka's compound

DAK X2 Covert (Rare, SMG) (Noel Crest)

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Militia Soldiers)
Rusty Key, lockpick or Crowbar needed to open the cell door

LVL3 Northeast cell of Colonial Ruins

Fusil G1-4/C (Common, Assault Rifle) (Militia Soldiers)

Shashka A33 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Pirates)
LVL1 Hostage Hut

Melee Weapons:

Barber Razor
LVL1 Northwestern hut of Village

LVL1 Middle Hut on south pier

Fishing Line
LVL0 Pier southeast from Workshop

LVL0 Beach southeast from Akka's compound

LVL0 Western Beach

Folding Knife (Common)
LVL0 Militia Cave

LVL3 Shrine

Hobby Knife
LVL1 South hut of the west side of Village

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 Farrah's Place

LVL1 Hut southwest from Farrah's Place

LVL1 Building northwest from Akka's compound

LVL2 Southwest of Colonial Ruins

Letter Opener
LVL2 Farrah's Place

Old Axe
LVL0 Beach southeast from Akka's compound

LVL1 West hut on south pier

LVL1 Middle hut of the west side of Village

LVL0 East of Workshop

LVL0 East of the fortress north of Akka's compound

LVL0 Militia Cave


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL0 Storage room north part of Farah's Place

Lethal Poisonous Frog

LVL2 South of the Colonial Ruins
LVL3 Path to the Rope Bridge
LVL3 Path to the Rope Bridge

Poisonous Flower (Emetic)

LVL1 West path from the marina North of the Village
LVL2 Southeast from the Shrine
LVL2 Northeast from the Antenna next to the stairs to the Colonial Ruins


LVL0 Workshop southwest from the Village

LVL1 South wall of Akka's compound

LVL1 Building northwest from Akka's compound

LVL2 Northeast from the Antenna next to the stairs to the Colonial Ruins

LVL0 West side of the Militia Cave

LVL1 Southwest end of the Village

LVL1 South wall of Akka's compound

LVL1 Building south of Farah's Place

LVL0 Workshop at Farah's Place

LVL0 Northwest pier on north side of the Village

LVL0 West side of the Militia Cave

LVL1 Pier south of the Village behind the bar

LVL1 Shed west of Akka's compound
Misc Items:

Bag of Gunpowder

LVL0 North of the Village north side of the stairs going towards the Colonial Ruins

LVL1 Shed west of Akka's compound

LVL0 Southeast hut from the Village

LVL3 Fort north of Akka's compound

Bone Lockpick
LVL0 Small beach area southeast from Shrine

Rusty Key, lockpick or Crowbar needed to open the cell door

LVL3 Southeast cell of Colonial Ruins

Car Battery
LVL0 Workshop

LVL0 Workshop at Farah's Place


LVL1 Village second hut to north on the middle row of huts
LVL1 Village north hut on the middle row of
huts x2
LVL3 Shrine x3

Need to light four braziers with Wooden Torch and then dig up the chest by using a Shovel. Wooden Torch: LVL0 Western Beach, LVL0 Farah's Place, LVL3 Colonial Ruins, LVL3 Northwest of Rope Bridge. Braziers: LVL0 Southeast of Western Beach, LVL1 North of Militia Cave, LVL2 Ruins north of Akka's compound, LVL3 Northwest of Rope Bridge. Shovel: LVL0 Shed north of Farrah's Place, LVL1 Southeast most hut of Village, LVL3 Shrine.
LVL0 Southeast of Western Beach x2

LVL0 Storage room north part of Farah's Place

Need a Shovel either from LVL0 Shed north of Farrah's Place, LVL1 Southeast most hut of Village or LVL3 Shrine to dig the fruit up

LVL0 Small beach area southeast of Shrine

Fire Extinguisher
LVL0 Workshop

LVL0 Militia Cave

Molotov Cocktail
LVL1 Shed west of Akka's compound

Rusty Key, lockpick or Crowbar needed to open the cell door

LVL3 Northeast cell in Colonial Ruins

LVL0 Militia Cave

Oil Canister (Common)
LVL0 Workshop southwest from the Village

Propane Flask
LVL0 West side of the Militia Cave

LVL1 South most hut on the middle row of the Village

LVL1 Inside the container at Akka's compound

LVL2 West of Colonial Ruins

Remote CX Demo Block MKII
Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL1 Outside on the southern wall of the Hostage Hut


You can craft Makeshift Explosive by using a Fuse and Bag of Gunpowder both can be found in the same shed as the crafting table

LVL1 Shed west of Akka's compound

He will craft Lethal Poison in exchange for Poisonous Flower (Emetic). You can also exchange Lethal Poisonous Frog for Emetic Gas Grenade. If you craft both you also get Rusty Key from him

LVL3 Shrine

Destroy Evidence:

LVL0 Militia Cave

LVL1 Akka's Hut



LVL0 Southeast of Militia Cave

LVL1 Village second hut to north on the middle row of huts


LVL0 Southwest of Workshop/LVL0 South of Workshop/LVL0 Northwest of Workshop

LVL0 West of Farah's Palace/LVL1 Village middle hut of western row of huts

LVL0 Eastern beach/LVL1 Northeast of Akka's compound/LVL1 Akka's compound

LVL0 Western Beach

LVL2 Colonial Ruins kitchen/LVL3 North of Colonial Ruins


LVL0 West of Workshop

LVL0 Pier south of Akka's compound

LVL0 Beach east of Akka's Compound

LVL0 Southeast of Western Beach

LVL0 Northeast of Village

LVL0 North of Village

LVL0 Small beach area southeast from Shrine

LVL0 Beach north of Western Beach

LVL0 West of Militia Cave

LVL1 The ladder shed south of Akka's compound

LVL1 Northwest side of Village

LVL3 Colonial Ruins
Meeting Spots:

South Beach
LVL0 Northeast of Workshop

LVL0 Southeast of Western Beach

LVL0 Southeast side of Village

LVL1 Southeast side of Village

LVL0 Northwest of Farah's Place

North Beach I
LVL0 Pier north of Farah's Place

LVL0 North of the Village next to the stairs going towards the Colonial Ruins

LVL0 Northeast of Farah's Place

North Beach II
LVL0 Northeast of Farah's Place

LVL2 Southwest of Shrine

Akka's Compound I
LVL1 Hut northwest from Hostage Hut

LVL1 Room over Farah's Place kitchen

LVL2 Roof of Farah's Place

Akka's Compound II
LVL2 Fortress north of Akka's compound

LVL0 Under the bridge leading to Akka's compound

LVL1 South of Akka's compound

Shrine/Rope Bridge
LVL2 Southeast of Shrine

LVL3 Rope Bridge

LVL2 South of Shrine

Colonial Ruins
LVL2 Militia Camp kitchen

LVL4 Colonial Ruins

Militia Cave
LVL2 East of Colonial Ruins

LVL2 Top of the south stairs to Militia Cave

LVL0 Militia Cave
Top Disguises:

Elite Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL1 Lower Courtyard stage)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL1 Lower Courtyard stage, LVL5 Library, LVL6, LVL7 & LVL8)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL3 Chapel, LVL3 Helipad, LVL3 Warehouse, LVL3 Hidden Tunnel, LVL3 Morgue, LVL4 Restoration Room, LVL4 Ark Control Room, LVL4 Tower Storage, LVL5, LVL6, LVL7 & LVL8)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Ark Keycard
  • LVL3 Gallery/LVL4 Balcony in the inventory of Blake Nathaniel
  • LVL4 Ark Control Room in the inventory of Architect
Basement Key
  • LVL2 Kitchen in the inventory of Chef
  • LVL2 Cellar
Boathouse Key
  • LVL0 Pier in the inventory of Guard
  • LVL1 Boathouse in the inventory of Guard
Castle Key
  • LVL3 Stairs to the LVL4 Balcony in the inventory of Guard
Castle Master Key
  • LVL8 Penthouse
Chapel Key
  • LVL2 Back Stage in the inventory of Guard
  • LVL3 Room southwest of Chapel in the inventory of Master of Ceremonies
Castle Walls Key
  • LVL1 Closet
  • LVL1 Patron's Lounge in the inventory of male civilian
  • LVL1 Patron's Lounge in the inventory of female Event Staff
  • LVL1 Stronghold Showroom in the inventory of Guard
  • LVL1 North of Patron's Lounge in the inventory of female Event Staff
  • LVL2 Barracks
  • LVL2 Room east of Kitchen in the inventory of male Event Staff
  • LVL3 Roof of LVL2 Security Room
Iron Key
  • LVL1 Stronghold Showroom in the inventory of the female Architect
Office Keycard
  • LVL4 Ark Control Room in the cabinet need Warehouse Key to open
Penthouse Keycard
  • LVL5 Security Room in the inventory of Raider
  • LVL8 Penthouse in the inventory of an Elite Guard
Sewer Key
  • LVL1 Path to Upper Courtyard in the inventory of Guard
Tower Key
  • LVL3 Morgue in the inventory of Raider
  • LVL5 Library in the inventory of Butler
Warehouse Key
  • LVL3 Room south of Warehouse in the inventory of Custodian
  • LVL3 Warehouse in the inventory of Raider
  • LVL4 Ark Control Room in the inventory of Raider
  • LVL4 Restoration Room in the inventory of Custodian


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Guards, Raiders, Elite Guards)

Hackl 9S Covert (Rare, Pistol)
Need Shovel from either LVL3 Morgue or LVL4 Old Oak Tree to dig the pistol up

LVL1 Big room in the end of the Sewers

Bartolli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Elite Guards)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Guards, Raiders)

HX-7 (Common, SMG) (Guards)

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Raiders, Elite Guards)

Fusil G1-4 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Raiders)

Fusil G2 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Guards, Raiders, Elite Guards)

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL4 Tower Storage

Battle Axe
LVL8 Penthouse

Burial Dagger (Epic)
Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL3 Warehouse

Circumcision Knife (Rare)
Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL3 Warehouse

Fire Axe

LVL1 Room south of Patrons' Lounge
LVL2 Security Room
LVL3 Gallery

LVL4 Tower Storage

Katana (Epic)
Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL3 Warehouse

LVL3 Gallery

Kitchen Knife
LVL2 Kitchen

Weapon is in the inventory of Chef

LVL2 Kitchen

Mace (Rare)
LVL1 Catacombs

LVL3 Southwest of the Gallery in the corner room

LVL8 Penthouse

Old Axe
Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL4 Restoration Room

Sabre (Rare)
Glass have to be broken to gain access

LVL4 North of Balcony

Have to be knocked off the wall with either throwable object or gunshot

LVL6 Constant's Office

Sacrificial Knife
Place the Golden Idol from LVL3 Gallery on a stone at the back wall of LVL1 Locked Cell while wearing Burial Robes to gain access to the weapon.

LVL1 Locked Cell

Sapper's Axe (Rare)
LVL8 Penthouse

Behind blank that needs to be shot to gain access

LVL0 Pier

Viking Axe
LVL1 Closet

Glass have to be broken to gain access

LVL5 Library


Botulinum Toxin
Poison is in the inventory of Ark Member

LVL4 Room west of Balcony

Chloroform Flask (Common)
LVL3 Morgue

Emetic Rat Poison
LVL2 Kitchen

LVL3 Room south of Morgue

LVL5 West of Architects' Lounge


LVL0 Boathouse

LVL3 Room south of Warehouse

LVL5 Raider Room

LVL2 Back Stage

LVL2 West of Upper Courtyard

LVL3 Helipad

LVL3 Roof of Security Room

LVL4 Balcony

LVL4 Restoration Room
Misc Items:

Bag of Gunpowder
LVL3 Hidden Tunnel

LVL4 Tower Storage

LVL7 Tower Citadel

Coins are in the inventory of civilian

LVL1 Lower Courtyard x2

Commemorative Token
Token is in the inventory of Event Staff

LVL1 Big room in the end of the Sewers

Tokens are in the inventory of Ark Member

LVL1 Lower Courtyard x2

Tokens are in the inventory of Event Staff

LVL1 Lower Courtyard bar x2

Token is in the inventory of civilian

LVL1 Lower Courtyard

Tokens are in the inventory of Initiative

LVL1 Lower Courtyard x2

Token is in the inventory of civilian

LVL1 Patrons' Lounge

Tokens are in the inventory of Ark Member

LVL1 Patrons' Lounge

Tokens are in the inventory of Ark Member

LVL1 North of Patrons' Lounge x2

Tokens are in the inventory of Initiative

LVL1 Stronghold Showroom x2

Tokens are in the inventory of Initiative

LVL2 Upper Courtyard x2

Token is in the inventory of Custodian

LVL4 Ark Control Room

Fire Extinguisher

LVL1 Patrons' Lounge
LVL2 Security Room
LVL2 Barracks
LVL2 Kitchen

LVL3 Effigy Stage
LVL3 VIP Lounge
LVL3 Gallery
LVL3 Warehouse
LVL5 Room east of Armory Roof
LVL5 Library

LVL2 Back Stage

LVL3 Room south of Chapel

Flash Grenade
Grenade is in the inventory of Raider

LVL3 Helipad

Grenade is in the inventory of Raider

LVL3 Northeast side of Helipad

Grenade is in the inventory of Raider

LVL4 Room east of Balcony

Grenade is in the inventory of Raider

LVL5 Security Room

Hand Flare
LVL4 Ark Control Room

Leather Briefcase
LVL4 Restoration Room

Crowbar needed to open the crate

LVL2 Staircase west of Cellar

Propane Flask
LVL3 Helipad

Destroy Evidence:

LVL2 Security Room

LVL3 Chapel

LVL4 Ark Control Room

LVL5 Security Room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Security Room

LVL2 Security Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL6 Councillor's Lounge, LVL7 Conclave and/or LVL8 Penthouse

LVL7 Conclave


LVL1 Room northeast of Patrons' Lounge

LVL5 West of Security Room


LVL1 Lower Courtyard

LVL3 VIP Lounge

LVL3 Memorial Room/LVL3 Northwest of Gallery

LVL7 Southeast of Conclave/LVL8 Penthouse Balcony


LVL0 Boathouse

LVL1 Catacombs

LVL2 Back Stage

LVL2 South Wall

LVL2 Above the Main Gate

LVL2 East Wall

LVL3 Southeast corner of the Helipad

LVL3 Roof of Security Room

LVL3 Room south of Warehouse

LVL3 East of VIP Lounge

LVL3 Southeast of Memorial Room

LVL3 Morgue

LVL6 North of Councillors' Lounge

LVL6 Constant's Office bathroom
Meeting Spots:

Main Gate
LVL1 Room south of Patrons' Lounge

LVL1 West of Main Gate

LVL1 Stronghold Showroom bathroom

VIP Lounge/South Wall/Effigy Stage
LVL3 West of VIP Lounge

LVL2 South Wall

LVL3 Effigy Stage

Memorial Room/Helipad
LVL3 Northwest of Memorial Room

LVL3 Northeast of Helipad

LVL3 East of Memorial Room

LVL5 Southwest of Library

LVL3 Room west of Morgue

LVL4 North of Tower Storage

Constant's Office
LVL5 East of Library

LVL6 Constant's Office

LVL6 East of Constant's Office

Councillor's Lounge
LVL6 Southeast of Councillor's Lounge

LVL6 Room west of Councillor's Lounge

LVL6 Councillor's Lounge
Top Disguises:

High Security Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Vault & LVL3 Private Chambers)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Investment Banker
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Vault, LVL-1 Vault Security, LVL-1 Loading Bay, LVL-1 IT Room, LVL2 Security Hub, LVL3 Director's Office & LVL3 Private Chambers)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Security Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-1 Vault, LVL-1 Vault Security, LVL-1 Loading Bay, LVL2 Security Hub & LVL3)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

CEO Exit Keycard
  • LVL3 Private Chambers
Deposit Box 429 Key
  • LVL0 Teller Hall in the inventory of afro haired Security Guard
  • LVL0 Tellership
  • LVL2 Hallway west of Stock Market in the inventory of a female Investment Banker
Deposit Box 557 Key
  • LVL1 Hallway northeast from Interview Room. Shoot the lights from top of the portraits except Mette P. Andersen portrait
Deposit Box 664 Key
  • LVL1 VIP Clients in the inventory of a male civilian
Deposit Mastery Key
  • LVL-1 Vault Security in the inventory of a High Security Guard
Janitor Key
  • LVL-1 IT Room
  • LVL0 Teller Hall bathroom in the inventory of a Security Guard
  • LVL0 Teller Hall in the inventory of afro haired Security Guard
  • LVL0 West side of Tellership
  • LVL1 Northwest mezzanine of Teller Hall in the inventory of a Janitor
Money Transport Key
  • LVL-1 Southeast deposit box room
Security Keycard
  • LVL-1 IT Room in the inventory of IT worker
  • LVL-1 Vault Security in the inventory of sitting High Security Guard
  • LVL-1 North of Vault Security in the inventory of High Security Guard
  • LVL0 Teller Hall in the inventory of afro haired Security Guard
  • LVL2 Stock Market/LVL3 Conference Room in the inventory of male civilian
  • LVL2 Security Hub in the inventory of High Security Guard
  • LVL3 West room of Director's Office in the inventory of High Security Guard
  • LVL3 West room of Director's Office
Vault Keycard
  • LVL-1 Vault Security in the deposit box. Need Deposit Master Key or lockpick to gain access to the card


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Security Guards/High Security Guards)
LVL-1 Vault Security

Golden Sawed Off Bartoli 12G (Legendary, Shotgun)
Need Bank Robber disguise from the Teller Hall bathroom. Get through the lasers of the vault, collect all seven gold bars that are inside the vault and the gun will spawn in the middle of the vault.

LVL-1 Vault

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Security Guards/High Security Guards)
LVL-1 Vault Security

LVL2 Security Hub

DAK X2 (Common, SMG) (Male Bank Robber)

HX-7 (Common, SMG) (Security Guards/High Security Guards)

Melee Weapons:

Claw Hammer (Common)
LVL-1 Loading Bay

LVL1 South from the west stairs of Teller Hall

LVL0 Teller Ship

LVL1 VIP Clients

LVL2 Stock Market

LVL3 Private Chambers

Fire Axe

LVL-1 Loading Bay
LVL2 Room west of southeast stairs
LVL2 Room northwest from Stock Market

Folding Knife (Common)
Knife is in the inventory of civilian

LVL0 Teller Hall bathroom

Hobby Knife
LVL-1 Vault

LVL2 Room northwest from Stock Market

Letter Opener
LVL0 Northwest booth in the Teller Hall

LVL1 VIP Clients

LVL2 Staircase

Police Baton (Common)
LVL0 Room west of Lost and Found

LVL2 Security Hub

LVL2 Hallway northwest from Stock Market

Tanto (Rare)
LVL3 Private Chambers


Chloroform Flask (Common)
Need Janitor Key, Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL-1 Vault Security

Need Deposit Master Key or lockpick to open the box

LVL-1 Northwest deposit box room

Emetic Rat Poison
Need Janitor Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the room

LVL-1 Closet Southwest from Storage

LVL1 Room southwest from the west Teller Hall stairs

LVL2 Room northwest from Stock Market

Lethal Poison Pill Jar
Need Deposit Box 664 Key, Deposit Master Key or lockpick

LVL-1 Southwest deposit box room

Need Janitor Key, Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL2 Bathroom


LVL-1 Loading Bay

Tool is in the inventory of civilian

LVL0 Teller Hall bathroom

LVL1 Waiting Lounge

LVL2 Bathroom

LVL-1 Room east of IT Room

LVL0 Lost and Found

LVL0 Northwest corner of Teller Hall

LVL2 Staircase
Misc Items:

Car Battery
LVL-1 Loading Bay

LVL1 Closet northwest from the west stairs of Teller Hall


LVL-1 Storage
LVL0 Southeast corner of Teller Hall
LVL0 Lost and Found x2
LVL0 Southeast corner of Teller Ship
LVL0 Northeast corner of Teller Ship x2
LVL0 Southwest corner of Teller Hall
LVL1 Southeast corner of Waiting Lounge
LVL2 East of Staircase

Commemorative Token

LVL-1 Vault
LVL3 Director's Office x2

Fire Extinguisher

LVL-1 Stairs to the Lost and Found
LVL0 Teller Hall bathroom
LVL1 Hallway Northeast of Interview Room
LVL2 Staircase
LVL3 Room northwest of Director's Office

Leather Briefcase
LVL-1 Storage

LVL0 Room west of Lost and Found

Letterbomb Parcel
Need Deposit Master Key or lockpick to gain access to the item

LVL-1 Northwest deposit box room

Propane Flask
LVL-1 Closet southwest from Storage

LVL0 Lost and Found

LVL2 Room west of southeast stairs

Wristwatch Alarm
LVL2 Stock Market

LVL2 Bathroom east of Security Hub

LVL3 Conference Room

Destroy Evidence:

LVL-1 Vault Security

LVL2 Security Hub

LVL3 Private Chambers


Pull the core out to gain random number of mercers

LVL-1 Vault

On the south side of Vault

LVL-1 Vault

Need Deposit Master Key or lockpick to gain access to the mercers

LVL-1 Southwest deposit box room

Need Deposit Master Key or lockpick to gain access to the mercers

LVL-1 Northwest deposit box room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL-1 Southwest deposit box room/LVL-1 Southeast deposit box room

LVL-1 Southwest deposit box room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Lost and Found

LVL0 Lost and Found


LVL1 Waiting Lounge bathroom


LVL0 Teller Hall/LVL0 North of Teller Hall/LVL0 Teller Hall bathroom

LVL0 North of Teller Hall/LVL1 North mezzanine of Teller Hall

LVL2 Northeast of Security Hub/LVL2 Southeast of Security Hub/LVL2 South of Security Hub

LVL3 Director's Office

LVL-1 IT Room

LVL-1 Vault Security

LVL-1 Storage

LVL1 Northwest of Waiting Lounge

LVL1 Closet northwest of west stairs of Teller Hall

LVL1 Room southwest of west stairs of Teller Hall

LVL2 Stock Market

LVL2 Staircase

LVL3 Director's Office

LVL3 Private Chambers

LVL3 Northwest of Director's Office

Meeting Spots:

Deposit Boxes I
LVL-1 Southeast room of Deposit Boxes

LVL-1 Between the southeast and northeast room of Deposit Boxes

Deposit Boxes II
LVL-1 Northwest room of Deposit Boxes

LVL-1 East side of the hallway of Deposit Boxes

LVL-1 Northwest room of Deposit Boxes

Teller Hall
LVL0 Southwest of Teller Ship

LVL0 Northwest of Teller Ship

VIP Clients
LVL1 VIP Clients

LVL1 Northeast of Interview Room

Stock Market
LVL2 Southeast of Stock Market

LVL2 Southeast of Stock Market

Security Hub
LVL2 Bathroom east of Security Hub

LVL2 Security Hub

LVL2 Staircase

Conference Room
LVL3 South stairs

LVL3 Conference Room

LVL3 Conference Room
Top Disguises:

Villa Guard/Bodyguard
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Toilets female)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Resort Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-3-LVL-1 Server Farm, LVL0 Toilets female, LVL0-LVL1 Private Island, LVL0 Villa grounds & LVL0-LVL2 Villa)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Resort Staff
  • Restricted areas (LVL-3-LVL-1 Server Farm, LVL0 Toilets female, LVL0-LVL1 Security Outpost, LVL0-LVL1 Private Island, LVL0 Villa grounds & LVL0-LVL2 Villa)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

Haven Villa Key
  • LVL1 Turtle Hut in the inventory of Ljudmila Vetrova
  • LVL1 Security Room
  • LVL2 Ljudmila's Bedroom
  • LVL2 Master Bedroom/LVL2 Home Theater/LVL2 Ljudmila's Bedroom in the inventory of Tyson Williams
Lionfish Hut Key
  • LVL0 Welcome Center
Manta Ray Hut Key
  • LVL1 Manta Ray Hut's back deck
Medical Cabinet Key
  • LVL2 Master Bedroom
Shark Hut Key
  • In inventory of Agent 47 when starting in LVL1 Shark Hut
  • LVL0 Welcome Center in the inventory of female Resort Staff. Key is given if approached wearing one of the Suits
Speed Boat Key
  • LVL2 Home Theater
Staff Area Key
  • LVL0 Sec Break Room
  • LVL0 Laundry Room
  • LVL0 South of Spa in the inventory of a Resort Guard
  • LVL0 Security Outpost
  • LVL1 Cocktail Bar
  • LVL1 Spa in the inventory of male Masseur
  • LVL1 Southwest room in Spa in the inventory of female Masseur
Turtle Hut Key
  • LVL1 Back deck of Turtle Hut in the inventory of male civilian wearing yellow boonie
  • LVL1 Turtle Hut in the inventory of bold male civilian
Underground Haven Facility Keycard
  • LVL1 North access to the Underground Server Farm in the inventory of a Tech Crew
  • LVL1 South side of Villa Pool Terrace
Underground Locker Key
  • LVL-3 Security Break Room in the inventory of female Tech Crew
Water Scooter Key
  • LVL0 Water Activity Center in the inventory of Snorkel Instructor
  • LVL0 Private Island under the deck


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Resort Security/Villa Guards)

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol)
LVL0 Security Outpost

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Villa Guards)

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Bodyguard)
LVL1 Secret Office

Fusil G1-4/C (Common, Assault Rifle) (Villa Guards)

Fusil G2 (Common, Assault Rifle)
LVL1 Secret Office

Melee Weapons:

Barber Razor
LVL1 Shark Hut

LVL2 Master Bathroom

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL1 Turtle Hut

LVL1 Kitchen

LVL0 Pool Area

LVL1 Turtle Hut

LVL2 Ljudmila's Bedroom

Fire Axe
LVL0 Water Activity Center

Folding Knife (Common)
Crowbar or lockpick needed to open the locker

LVL-3 Locker room east of Security Break Room

LVL0 Main island south Beach

Kitchen Knife
LVL1 Cocktail Bar

Letter Opener
LVL2 Master Bedroom

Police Baton (Common)
LVL0 Security Outpost

Need to break the glass of the cabinet door to gain access to the weapon

LVL0 Med Clinic

LVL1 Manta Ray Hut

LVL1 Secret Office

LVL-1 Under Manta Ray Hut

LVL-1 Southwest of Manta Ray Hut

LVL-1 Under Turtle Hut

LVL0 North of Spa

LVL0 Westside of Beach

LVL0 North of Private Island

LVL2 Ljudmila's Bathroom

LVL0 Med Clinic

LVL1 Manta Ray Hut


Emetic Rat Poison
Need either Staff Area Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the room

LVL0 Restaurant Storage Room

Lethal Poisonous Frog

LVL0 North from Security Outpost
LVL0 East side of Private Island

Lethal Poison Pill Jar
Need to break the glass of the cabinet door to gain access to the Jar

LVL0 Med Clinic

Need either Medical Cabinet Key, Crowbar or lockpick to open the cabinet

LVL1 Secret Office

Modern Emetic Syringe (Common)
Need to break the glass of the cabinet door to gain access to the syringe

LVL0 Med Clinic

Poisonous Flower (Emetic)

LVL0 West of Turtle Hut
LVL0 North of Sec Break Room
LVL0 North of Spa
LVL0 North of Villa

LVL-2 Storage room south of Control Room

LVL1 Roof of the Security Outpost

LVL-2 West catwalk over the Server Farm

Tool is in the inventory of Waiter

LVL0 Restaurant Maintenance Room

LVL1 East deck of the Villa

LVL2 Home Theater

Tool is in the inventory of Tech Crew

LVL2 Master Bathroom

LVL0 Northeast of Water Activity Center

LVL0 Restaurant Maintenance Room

LVL0 East side of Private Island

LVL0 Villa pier

Misc Items:

Crowbar or lockpick needed to open the locker

LVL-3 Room east of Security Break Room

LVL0 Restaurant Storage Room

LVL1 Cocktail Bar

LVL1 Deck on Private Island

LVL1 Dining Room


LVL-3 Room east of Security Break Room
LVL0 East of Garden Paths
LVL0 Under deck of Private Island
LVL1 Manta Ray Hut x3
LVL2 Home Theater

Need a Shovel from LVL-1 Room to the Server Farm stairs, LVL0 Room under Kitchen or LVL0 East of Security Outpost to gain access to the item

LVL0 West of Private Island deck x2

Fire Extinguisher
LVL-2 Control Room
LVL0 West of Toilets
LVL0 Laundry Room
LVL0 Outside on the south wall of the Spa
LVL0 Security Outpost
LVL1 Manta Ray Hut bathroom
LVL1 Shark Hut bathroom
LVL1 Lion Fish Hut Bathroom
LVL1 Turtle Hut bathroom

LVL0 West of Villa under the deck

Leather Briefcase
LVL1 Manta Ray Hut

Propane Flask
LVL0 Under the deck of Private Island

LVL0 Deck bar on the north side of Villa

LVL1 Cocktail Bar

LVL1 South side of Villa Pool Terrace

LVL1 South side of Villa Pool Terrace

Remote Explosive (Common)
LVL1 Security Room

Destroy Evidence:

LVL-3 Server Farm

LVL0 Security Outpost

LVL1 Security Room


LVL0 Middle of the Beach of the main island


LVL0 Natural Beach

LVL0 North of Sec Break Room/LVL1 Gym

LVL0 Deck bar on the north side of Villa/LVL1 Villa Pool Terrace/LVL2 North balcony of Villa

LVL1 South of Kitchen/LVL1 Southwest of Cocktail Bar/LVL1 North of Cocktail Bar


LVL-2 South catwalk of Server Farm

LVL0 East of Restaurant Storage Room

LVL0 East of Pool Area

LVL0 Restaurant Maintenance Room

LVL0 Southwest of Garden Paths

LVL0 South massage room of Spa

LVL0 East side of Private Island

LVL1 Lion Fish Hut

LVL1 Turtle Hut

LVL1 Northwest room of Gym

LVL1 Private Island deck

LVL2 North balcony of Villa

Meeting Spots:

Water Activity Center
LVL0 Water Activity Center

LVL0 Northeast of Welcome Center

LVL0 West side of Natural Beach

Garden Paths
LVL0 West of Garden Paths

LVL0 Garden Paths

LVL0 East of Garden Paths

LVL0 South of Spa

LVL0 South massage room in Spa

LVL0 Spa

LVL0 Villa Pool Terrace

LVL2 Ljudmila's Bedroom

Lion Fish Hut
LVL1 Northwest deck of Lion Fish Hut

LVL1 Northeast deck of Lion Fish Hut

LVL1 Gym

LVL0 Southwest of Water Activity Center
Top Disguises:

Penthouse Guard
  • No restricted areas
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Penthouse Staff
  • Restricted areas (LVL1-LVL2 Art Installation Backstage, LVL1 Private Bar, LVL2 South Security Room, LVL2 North Security Room, LVL3 Control Room, LVL3 Server Room & LVL3 Security Room)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Event Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL3 Server Room, LVL3 Security Room, LVL3 Conference Room, LVL3 Frisk Zone, LVL3 Penthouse Reception, LVL3 Hallways, LVL4 & LVL5)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

ATM Keycard
  • LVL0 Atrium in the inventory of Sheikh
Burjal-Ghazali Staff Keycard
  • LVL0 Kitchen locker room in a locker need Crowbar or lockpick to open
  • LVL0 Kitchen
  • LVL0 Autrium's bathrooms in the inventory of Event Staff
  • LVL1 Black Gold Bar's bathrooms in the inventory of Event Staff
  • LVL2 North Security Room
Evacuation Keycard
  • LVL2 North Security Room in the safe. Code: 6927
  • LVL3 Security Room in the safe. Code: 6927
Helicopter Key
  • LVL2 Under the Helipad near ladder
Janitorial Key
  • LVL0 North staircase in the inventory of Janitor
  • LVL3 Room east of Server Room
  • LVL3 Balcony north of Server Room in the inventory of female Janitor
Locker Key
  • LVL0 Kitchen locker room
Penthouse Key
  • LVL4 Study
  • LVL4 Storage in the inventory of Penthouse Staff
Penthouse Keycard
  • LVL2 North room from north Security Room
  • LVL3 Security Room
  • LVL3 South of Security Room in the inventory of Penthouse Guard
  • LVL4 Study
Security Key
  • LVL2 North Security Room
  • LVL2 South Security Room
  • LVL2 South of South Security Room in inventory of Event Security
Server Room Keycard
  • LVL3 West balcony from the Server Room in the inventory of male Janitor

Door Codes:

  • Atrium door to the Staff Area


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Event Security)

DAK DTI (Rare, SMG) (Penthouse Guards/Ingram's Bodyguards)

Shashka A33 Covert (Rare, Assault Rifle) (Penthouse Guards)

Melee Weapons:

LVL0 Kitchen

Fire Axe

LVL0 Staff Area
LVL0 Northeast of Atrium bathroom
LVL1 East of Storage

Kitchen Knife
LVL1 Black Gold Bar

LVL1 Private Bar

LVL4 Lounge

LVL4 Dining Room


Emetic Pills (Rare)
Need Locker Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the poison

LVL0 Kitchen dressing room

Emetic Rat Poison
Need Janitorial Key, Crowbar or lockpick to access the item

LVL0 Maintenance closet east of Atrium bathroom

LVL1 Storage


LVL2 Room north of north Security Room

LVL3 Control Room

Rusted Crowbar
LVL2 Northeast of Art Gallery

LVL2 Northeast from Staff Hallways

LVL4 Ventilation Area

Tool is in the inventory of Janitor

LVL-1 North staircase

LVL2 Northwest of Art Gallery

Tool is in the inventory of Janitor

LVL2 North Security Room

LVL3 Control Room

LVL3 Helipad

Misc Items:

LVL0 Meeting Room

LVL2 North Security Room


LVL0 Atrium bar x4
LVL1 Garden x2
LVL3 Northeast of Frisk Zone
LVL4 Dining Room kitchen x3
LVL4 Courtyard x2
LVL5 Guest Bedroom x2
LVL5 Southside of Terrace x2

Fire Extinguisher

LVL0 East wall of Meeting Room
LVL0 South wall of Meeting Room
LVL1 Storage

Propane Flask
LVL0 Kitchen

LVL0 Northeast from Atrium bathroom

LVL2 Art Installation Backstage
Destroy Evidence:

LVL2 Room north from north Security Room

LVL2 South Security Room

Need Server Room Keycard to show what server rack to pull to unlock the terminal

LVL3 Server Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL-1 Deposit Room some are inside the deposit boxes that require lockpick to open

LVL-1 Deposit Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 South Security Room and LVL2 Room south of South Security Room

LVL2 South Security Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL3 Control Room

LVL3 Control Room


LVL3 Northeast of Control Room

LVL3 Southwest of Control Room


LVL1 Garden

LVL1 Private Bar

LVL2 South Security Room

LVL3 Penthouse Reception/LVL3 Conference Room/LVL3 Frisk Zone

LVL4 Dining Room/LVL4 Study

LVL4 Dining Room/LVL4 North of Dining Room

LVL5 Lounge mezzanine/LVL5 Terrace

LVL5 Master Suite/LVL5 Master Suite balcony


LVL-1 Deposit Room

LVL-1 North of Lobby

LVL-1 Lobby

LVL0 Maintenance closet east of Atrium bathroom

LVL1 Southwest of Garden

LVL2 Northeast of Staff Hallways

LVL2 North Security Room

LVL3 Control Room

LVL3 Room east of Server Room

LVL3 Server Room

LVL3 Balcony west of Server Room

LVL3 Penthouse Reception

LVL4 Study

LVL4 Storage

LVL5 Guest Bedroom

Meeting Spots:

LVL0 West of Black Gold Bar

LVL0 Southwest side of Atrium

LVL1 Room southwest of Garden

LVL1 Balcony southwest of Garden

Black Gold Bar
LVL1 Private Bar

LVL1 Black Gold Bar

LVL1 Black Gold Bar

Atrium Viewing Spot
LVL3 West of Control Room

LVL3 Staircase to Staff Hallways

LVL3 South of the Atrium viewing spot

Penthouse Reception
LVL3 Penthouse Reception

LVL3 Room east of Penthouse Reception

LVL3 West of Security Room

LVL3 North stairs

LVL4 East of Study

LVL4 Study
Top Disguises:

  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Greenhouse & LVL2 Private Room)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Mansion Staff
  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Greenhouse, LVL0 Mr. Fernsby's Office, LVL1 Zachary's Room, LVL1 Small Office & LVL2 Private Room)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Greenhouse, LVL0 Mr. Fernsby's Office, LVL1 Zachary's Room, LVL2 & LVL3)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Greenhouse Key
  • LVL0 Sitting Room in the inventory of Emma Carlisle
Hearse Key
  • LVL0 Terrace east of Trophy Room
Mansion Master Key
  • LVL0 Mr. Fernsby’s Office
  • LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Office in the safe. Press the button on the office chair to reveal the safe and code to the safe is "1975"
Key to Emma and Gregory's Bedroom
  • LVL0 Sitting Room in the inventory of Gregory Carlisle
Key to Mr. Fernsby’s Office
  • LVL0 Foyer/LVL0 Library in the inventory of the butler
Key to Rebecca’s Bedroom
  • LVL0 Trophy Room/LVL0 Sitting Room in the inventory of Rebecca Carlisle
Staff Locker Key
  • LVL0 Outside north from Kitchen next to a truck


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Mansion Guards/Bodyguards)

Bartoli Hunting Shotgun (Common, Shotgun)
Need to break the glass to gain access to the weapon

LVL0 South of Staff Room

HX-10 (Common, SMG) (Bodyguards)

Melee Weapons:

LVL0 Kitchen

LVL0 Northwest of Dining Room

Letter Opener
LVL1 Room over Library


Emetic Rat Poison
LVL0 Staff Room


LVL0 North of Kitchen

LVL0 Closet southeast of Dining Room

Misc Items:

Need Staff Locker Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the item

LVL0 Locker room west of Staff Room

Car Battery
LVL0 Closet southeast of Dining Room

Classic Coin

LVL0 Well north of Kitchen
LVL1 Secret Room

LVL0 West of staff locker room

LVL0 Northeast of Mr. Fernsby’s Office

Walking Cane
Needed to open some Secret Room doors

LVL1 Emma and Gregory's Bedroom

Destroy Evidence:

LVL0 Staff Room


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Mr. Fernsby's Office/LVL0 Room south of Mr. Fernsby's Office

LVL0 Mr. Fernsby's Office

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Secret Room south of Zachary's Room/LVL1 Zachary's Room/LVL1 Southeast of Zachary's Room

LVL1 Secret Room south of Zachary's Room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom/LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom bathroom/LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom dressing room

LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom dressing room

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Office

LVL2 Alexa Carlisle's Office


LVL0 Northeast of Kitchen

LVL2 Room southwest of Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom


LVL0 East of Mr. Frensby's Office

LVL0 Southeast of Foyer/LVL0 East of Foyer

LVL0 Library

LVL0 Graveyard

LVL0 Sitting Room

LVL0 Sitting Room/LVL0 Southwest of Sitting Room

LVL0 Greenhouse

LVL1 Emma and Gregory's Room balcony

LVL2 East of Secret Room/LVL2 Northeast of Alexa Carlisle's Office


LVL0 East of Graveyard

LVL0 Library

LVL0 Staff Room

LVL0 Graveyard

LVL0 Sitting Room

LVL0 West of Trophy Room

LVL0 Northside of Garden

LVL0 South of Greenhouse

LVL0 Greenhouse

LVL1 Small Office

LVL1 Emma and Gregory's Room

LVL1 Zachary's Room

LVL2 Northeast of Alexa Carlisle's Office

LVL2 Private Room

LVL2 Northwest of Alexa Carlisle's Office
Meeting Spots:

Sitting Room
LVL0 Northwest of Sitting Room

LVL0 Sitting Room

LVL0 Southeast edge of Garden

LVL0 Southeast pool at Garden

Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom

LVL2 Room southwest of Alexa Carlisle's Bedroom

LVL2 Southeast of Secret Room
Top Disguises:

Rolf Hirschmüller
  • No restricted areas
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Invisible to targets

  • No restricted areas
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Club Security
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL4 Biker building)
  • No weapon restrictions except Sniper Rifles
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Club Keycard
  • LVL-2 Room north of Boiler Room
  • LVL-2 Hirschmuller’s Office
  • LVL-1 Northeast of south stairs of the Club
Juice Bar Ticket
  • LVL0 Chill Out behind the bar
Medicine Cabinet Key
  • LVL-2 West of DJ Booth
Motorcycle Key
  • LVL0 Biker Hangout
Radio Tower Key
  • LVL0 Under a Brick on the borch of main gate guard hut east of Club
Scooter Key
  • LVL0 West of Juice Bar in the inventory of Delivery Guy
Staff Area Key
  • LVL-2 First booth at the bathrooms north of Basement Bar
  • LVL-2 West of DJ Booth
  • LVL0 Back Entrance in the inventory of male Event Crew
  • LVL0 Back Entrance in the inventory of female Event Crew
  • LVL0 Room south of Wardrobe
  • LVL0 East of Wardrobe in the inventory of female Event Crew
Staff Locker Key
  • LVL0 Chill Out in the inventory of male Bartender
  • LVL0 Chill Out behind the bar


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol) (Club Security)

Hackl 9R (Common, Pistol) (Bikers)

Sawed-Off Bartoli 12G (Rare, Shotgun)
Gun is under the table. To get the prompt to pick up the gun you need to crouch next to the ashtray on the table centering your view on the gun and then slowly looking up until the prompt appears

LVL-2 Hirschmüller's Office

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun) (Bikers)

Shashka A33 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Bikers)

Melee Weapons:

Baseball Bat (Common)
LVL-2 Hirschmüller's Office

LVL0 Room south of Wardrobe

Battle Axe
Need Shovel from LVL0 main gate to dig the axe up

LVL0 North from Club Entrance

Fire Axe

LVL-2 South Pipe Room
LVL0 East hallway from Wardrobe
LVL0 Southwest staircase

Kitchen Knife
LVL-2 Basement Bar

LVL-2 Basement Bar

Weapon is in the inventory of Bartender

LVL-2 Basement Bar

LVL0 Juice Bar


Emetic Rat Poison

LVL-2 Storage room of the Basement Bar

LVL-2 On the airduck in the Boiler Room

Modern Sedative Syringe (Common)
Need either Medical Cabinet Key, Crowbar or lockpick to gain access to the syringe

LVL-2 Room north side of the DJ Booth

Poisonous (Emetic) Mushroom
LVL0 South of Radio Tower



LVL2 North part of the main building roof next to the stairs to Overpass

Rusty Crowbar
LVL-1 Pipe Room

LVL0 Back Entrance

LVL1 South outside Grow House

Tool is in the inventory of Tech Crew

LVL-1 Central bridge

Tool is in the inventory of Tech Crew

LVL-1 Central bridge

LVL0 Room south of Red Toilet

LVL0 Garage

LVL0 Garage

Misc Items:

LVL-2 Basement Bar

LVL0 Juice Bar


LVL-2 Basement Bar
LVL0 East of Water Chanels
LVL0 North of Wardrobe
LVL0 Wardrobe
LVL0 Garage
LVL2 East side of gas station

Fire Extinguisher

LVL-2 North exit of Basement Bar
LVL-2 DJ Booth
LVL0 Room east of Club Entrance
LVL0 Chill Out building behind the bar
LVL0 Garage

LVL-1 Pipe Room

Propane Flask
LVL-2 Northwest corner of the main building

LVL0 Biker Hangout
Destroy Evidence:

LVL-2 Room north of Boiler Room

LVL1 Room east of Grow House


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Wardrobe, LVL0 East of Wardrobe and LVL0 Room north of Wardrobe

LVL0 Wardrobe

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Chill Out bar and LVL0 Building behind Chill Out bar

LVL0 Chill Out bar

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Juice Bar area

LVL0 Juice Bar

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL0 Biker Hangout and LVL0 Garage

LVL0 Biker Hangout

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL1 Room east of Grow House and LVL1 Room southeast of Grow House

LVL1 Room east of Grow House


LVL0 Room north of Red Toilet

LVL0 Chill Out building behind the bar


LVL-2 Boiler Room/LVL-2 Dance Floor

LVL-1 West side of the main building

LVL-1 East side of the main building/West side of the main building

LVL0 West of Wardrobe

LVL0 East of the Club

LVL0 Southwest side of the main building

LVL0 Back Entrance

LVL0 West of Back Enrance/LVL0 Northeast of Juice Bar

LVL2 Roof of the Club


LVL-2 Northeast of Hirschmüller's Office

LVL-2 Hirschmüller's Office

LVL-2 Room east of Hirschmüller's Office

LVL-1 West from Projection Bar

LVL-1 Northside of Pipe Room

LVL0 East of Water Channels

LVL0 North side of Club Entrance

LVL0 Middle of east side of the main building

LVL0 Staircase west of Back Entrance

LVL1 Roof of the Club Entrance

LVL1 Top of the stairs from Club Entrance

LVL1 West of Grow House

LVL2 Roof of the Club

LVL2 South stairs of the Club

LVL2 South of northeast staircase of the biker building

LVL3 Room north of Overpass

Meeting Spots:

Projection Bar
LVL-1 Projection Bar

LVL-1 Projection Bar

LVL0 North of Wardrobe

LVL0 North side of Club Entrance

Chill Out
LVL0 Chill Out

LVL0 North of Chill Out

Red Toilet
LVL0 North of Red Toilet

LVL0 North of Red Toilet

LVL0 Garage

LVL0 Southeast of Biker Hangout

Sniper Nest
LVL2 Sniper Nest

LVL2 East side of the Biker building
Top Disguises:

Facility Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL0-LVL5 Block, LVL1 Zhaos' Apartment, LVL4 Northeastern Rooftop & LVL5 Glorious Leap Sign)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Facility Engineer
  • Restricted areas (LVL-2 Royce's Office, LVL0-LVL5 Block, LVL1 Zhaos' Apartment, LVL1-LVL4 Laundromat roof, LVL2 ICA Apartment, LVL2-LVL3 Laundromat, LVL4 Northeastern Rooftop & LVL5 Glorious Leap Sign)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Block Guard
  • Restricted areas (LVL-3-LVL0 ICA Facility, LVL1 Inner Courtyard, LVL1 Zhaos' Apartment, LVL1-LVL4 Laundromat roof, LVL2 ICA Apartment, LVL2-LVL3 Laundromat, LVL5 Glorious Leap Sign & LVL5 Southeastern Rooftop)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

Access Items:

Arcade Key
  • LVL0 Southeast of Arcade next to the door under a Brick
Apartment Key
  • LVL0 Northeast side Yuzhong Square in the inventory of female civilian
  • LVL0 Northeast side Yuzhong Square in the inventory of male civilian
Tier 1 Access Dongle
  • LVL-1 Room southeast of ICA Employee Vetting
  • LVL-1 Tier 1 Security
  • LVL-1 Northwest corner of the ICA Facility behind the Tier 1 Security
Tier 2 Access Dongle
  • LVL-2 Tier 2 Security in the inventory of a Facility Guard
  • LVL-2 Tier 2 Security
  • LVL-2 Analysis Area
  • LVL-2 Room west/south of Service Tunnels
  • LVL-1 ICA Employee Vetting
Tier 3 Access Dongle
  • LVL-3 West of Core Control Room
  • LVL-2 Tier 2 Security armory

Door Codes:

  • Laundromat
  • ICA Apartment
  • ICA Facility
  • Block


Bartoli 75R (Common, Pistol)
LVL-2 Tier 2 Security armory

Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Block Guards)

HACKL 9R (Common, Pistol) (Hush's Bodyguard)

HACKL 9S (Common, Pistol) (Street Guards, Facility Security)

Tactical Bartoli 12G (Common, Shotgun)
LVL-2 Tier 2 Security armory

ICA SMG Raptor (Common, SMG) (Facility Security, Facility Guards)

Fusil G2 (Common, Assault Rifle) (Street Guards)

Fusil X2000 Stealth (Assault Rifle)
LVL-2 Tier 2 Security armory

Melee Weapons:

Fire Axe

LVL4 South staircase of the Block
LVL5 North staircase of the Block

Kitchen Knife
LVL1 Restaurant kitchen

LVL2 ICA Apartment

LVL4 Southeast corner of Benchmark Lab

LVL2 Laundromat

LVL4 South of Benchmark Lab


Chloroform Flask (Common)

LVL-1 Northwest corner of the ICA Facility behind the Tier 1 Security

Emetic Rat Poison
LVL1 Laundromat

LVL2 Recruitment Station bathroom


LVL4 Laundromat roof

Rusty Crowbar
LVL1 Inner Courtyard

LVL1 Outside east wall of the Block

LVL3 Derelict Apartments

LVL-3 Room south from east stairs

LVL-3 Northern tunnel to the Block

LVL-2 Royce's Office

LVL-1 Tier 1 Security

LVL0 Arcade

LVL0 North from Arcade

LVL5 Northeast corner of Hush's Private Lab

Misc Items:

LVL-1 Resting Capsules

LVL-1 Tier 1 Security


LVL-3 Under east side of Yuzhong Square
LVL0 Arcade
LVL0 North side of Yuzhong Square
LVL1 Alley northeast from Inner Courtyard
LVL1 Zhaos' Apartment x2
LVL1 OK Karaoke

Coin is placed on the counter by male civilian after he comes from LVL0 Yuzhong Square and eats at a table on northwest corner of LVL1 Restaurant. It can't be acquired by knocking out the civilian.

LVL1 Restaurant

Fire Extinguisher
LVL2 Southeast from Recruitment Station

Propane Flask
LVL4 Balcony on the west side of the Block
Destroy Evidence:

LVL-2 Tier 2 Security

LVL3 Southeast corner of the Block


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL-2 Tier 2 Security and LVL-2 Tier 2 Security armory

LVL-2 Tier 2 Security

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL-2 Room west/south of Service Tunnels and LVL-2 Analysis Area

LVL-2 Room west/south of Service Tunnels

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL2 Restaurant and LVL2 Restaurant kitchen

LVL2 Restaurant kitchen

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL4 Room south of Benchmark Lab

LVL4 Southwest corner of room south of Benchmark Lab

The scannable objects to open the safe are located in the LVL5 Therapy Room and LVL5 Room east of Therapy Room

LVL5 Therapy Room


LVL-1 Room south of Tier 1 Security

LVL1 Alley north side of the ICA Apartment building


LVL-1 Tier 1 Security

LVL0 Yuzhong Square/LVL1 Restaurant

LVL1 Laundromat/LVL1 East of Laundromat

LVL1 Laundromat

LVL1 Outside northeast of the Block

LVL2 Outside on the south walkway near the entrance to the ICA Facility

LVL2 Hallway from main entrance of the Block

LVL4 Laundromat roof


LVL-3 Room southeast of The Data Core

LVL-3 Southwest from Core Control Room

LVL-2 Room northeast from the Analysis Area

LVL0 North of the entrance to the ICA Facility

LVL1 Middle of the south walkway

LVL1 Outside alley north side of the Block

LVL2 ICA Apartment

LVL2 Laundromat roof

LVL3 Southeast of Derelict Apartments

LVL4 Northside of the Benchmark Lab

LVL5 Northwest from the middle of Southeastern Rooftop

LVL5 Northwest side of the Southeastern Rooftop

LVL5 South of The Lotus Passage

LVL5 South wall of Hush's Private Lab

LVL5 Stairs northeast of Hush's Private Lab

Meeting Spots:

Core Control Room
LVL-3 Northwest of Control Room

LVL-3 East of Control Room

LVL-3 Control Room

Analysis Area I
LVL-2 Stairs north of Analysis Area

LVL-2 Analysis Area

LVL-2 South of Service Tunnels

Analysis Area II
LVL-2 South of Royce's Office

LVL-2 Room northwest of Service Tunnels

LVL-2 Southwest of Service Tunnels

LVL0 North of Arcade

LVL1 Entrance of Block

LVL0 Arcade

Recruitment Station
LVL2 Northeast of Recruitment Station

LVL2 Recruitment Station

LVL2 Southwest of Recruitment Station

Benchmark Lab
LVL4 East of south stairs of the Block

LVL4 Benchmark Lab

LVL4 Southeast of Benchmark Lab
Top Disguises:

  • No restricted areas
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL0 Tunnels under Barrel Room, LVL1 Wine Fridge, LVL2 Secret Tunnel, LVL2 Armory, LVL2-LVL3 Backside, LVL4 Villa Front Yard, LVL4 Villa Back Yard & LVL3-LVL6 Villa)
  • No weapon restrictions
  • Visible to targets

  • Restricted areas (LVL2 Parking Lot, LVL2 Security Tunnel, LVL2 Boat Dock, LVL2 Security Room, LVL2 Secret Tunnel, LVL2 Armory, LVL2-LVL3 Backside, LVL3 Lower Gardens, LVL3 Higher Gardens, LVL3-LVL5 Silo LVL4 Villa Front Yard, LVL4 Villa Back Yard & LVL3-LVL6 Villa)
  • Weapon restrictions
  • Invisible to targets

Access Items:

Basement Key
  • LVL5 Villa Office
  • In the inventory of Agent 47
  • LVL2 West from Fermentation Atrium in the inventory of a Bodyguard
  • LVL2 Parking Lot
  • LVL2 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of male in press vest
  • LVL2 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in blue jacket
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in pink dress
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of male civilian in grey suit
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in blue top
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in teal dress
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of male civilian in white jacket
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in pink suit
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of male civilian in black suit
  • LVL2 Northeast of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in blue top
  • LVL3 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in blue dress
  • LVL3 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of female civilian in gold/white dress
  • LVL3 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of bearded male civilian in white jacket
  • LVL3 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of male civilian in blue jacket
  • LVL3 East of Parking Lot in the inventory of male civilian in white jacket
Security Keycard
  • LVL2 West from Fermentation Atrium in the inventory of a Bodyguard
  • LVL2 Bathroom in the inventory of a Bodyguard
  • LVL2 Security Room
Tier 1 Access Dongle
  • LVL1 Tech Room
Villa Key
  • LVL2 Boatdock shed
Winery Worker’s Key
  • LVL0 Cinema in the inventory of a Winery Worker
  • LVL0 Northeast corner of the Production Room
  • LVL0 Production Room kitchen
  • LVL0 Staff Locker Room
Yates’s Boat Key
  • LVL2 Boatdock shed
Yates’s Car Keys
  • LVL5 Villa Bedroom


Bartoli 75S (Common, Pistol) (Guachos)

Hackl 9R (Common, Pistol) (Bodyguards)

Hackl 9S Covert (Rare, Pistol) (Mercenary targets)

Bartoli Hunting Shotgun (Common, Shotgun) (Guachos)
Winery Workers Key, Crowbar or lockpick needed to open the locker

LVL2 Armory

HX-7 Covert (Rare, SMG) (Mercenary)
Mercenary only spawns if safe spawns at LVL4 Villa Dining Room

LVL4 Villa Dining Room/LVL4 South of Villa Dining Room

Sieger AR552 Tactical (Common, Assault Rifle) (Mercenaries)

Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle (Common, Sniper Rifle)
LVL5 Catwalk on the Silos

Melee Weapons:

Fire Axe

LVL0 Staff Restroom
LVL2 Secret Tunnel

Grape Knife
LVL0 Grape Shed

LVL0 Grape Shed

LVL2 Boat Dock shed

Kitchen Knife
LVL0 Production Room kitchen

LVL4 Villa Living Room

Old Axe
LVL6 Villa Attic

Sapper's Axe (Rare)
LVL5 Villa Office


Emetic Rat Poison
Winery Workers Key, Crowbar or lockpick needed to open the door

LVL0 Cinema closet

LVL1 Tech Room

Poisonous Flower (Emetic)
LVL1 Grapefield Cliff


LVL3 Backside

Rusty Crowbar
LVL0 Cinema

LVL2 Armory

LVL3 Silo

LVL1 Tech Room

LVL2 Boatdock shed

LVL0 Northwest corner of Production Room

LVL2 Fermentation Atrium

Misc Items:

Bag of Gunpowder
LVL6 Villa Attic x3

LVL0 Cinema

LVL0 Production Room

LVL2 Parking Area and Tunnel

LVL4 Villa Living Room

Car Battery
LVL2 Silo building


LVL0 Southeast side of Cinema
LVL0 North side of Cinema
LVL2 Tasting Room x3
LVL2 Reception
LVL2 Northeast of Parking Area and Tunnel
LVL2 Parking Area and Tunnel

Fire Extinguisher

LVL0 Staff Locker Room
LVL2 West of Security Room

LVL2 Parking Area and Tunnel

Grape Knife needed to cut them loose from the vine. Grape Knife can be found in the Grape Shed

LVL0 Malbec Field x17

Leather Briefcase
Carried by Lawyer from LVL2 Parking Lot to LVL4 Villa Guest Room

LVL2 Parking Lot/LVL3 Higher Gardens/LVL4 Villa Guest Room

Propane Flask
LVL0 Cinema

LVL2 Shrine

LVL2 Boatdock shed

LVL0 Production Room

Can be used to craft Lethal Poison from Emetic Rat Poison or Poisonous Flower (Emetic)

LVL0 Grape Shed

Destroy Evidence:

LVL2 Security Room


Code: 2006

LVL3 Villa Basement


The scannable objects to open the safe are located in LVL4 Villa Living Room

LVL4 Villa Living Room


LVL2 Near the entrance to the Backside pathway

LVL2 Parking Area and Tunnel


LVL2 Dance Floor/LVL2 Northeast of Dance Floor

LVL2 Northwest of Dance Floor

LVL3 Northeast of Asado

LVL3 East side of Asado

LVL4 Villa Front Yard

LVL4 Villa Front Yard

LVL4 Northside of Villa Front Yard

LVL4 Southwest from Villa Living Room/LVL4 South from Villa Living Room

LVL4 Villa Foyer/LVL3 Villa Basement stairs


LVL0 East side of Cinema

LVL0 Cinema

LVL1 East side of Barrel Room

Stash is in the 1945 Grand Paladin room and the code for the door is 1945

LVL1 Wine Fridge

LVL1 West side of Barrel Room

LVL2 Northwest of Tasting Room

LVL2 Grapefield Cliff

LVL2 Southeast of Dance Floor

LVL2 West of Fermentation Atrium

LVL2 North of Bathroom

LVL2 Secret Tunnel

LVL3 West of Asado

LVL4 Villa Front Yard

LVL4 Villa Front Yard

LVL4 Villa Guest Room

LVL5 Villa Bathroom

Meeting Spots:

West of Tasting Room
LVL2 West of Tasting Room

LVL2 West of Tasting Room

LVL2 Northwest of Tasting Room

Fermentation Atrium
LVL2 Reception

LVL2 Southeast side of Fermentation Atrium

Dance Floor
LVL2 Dance Floor

LVL2 North side of Dance Floor

LVL2 West side of Dance Floor

LVL3 Asado

LVL3 Southeast of Asado

LVL4 Villa Front Yard

LVL4 South of Villa Guest Room

LVL4 Villa Floyer
Wezqu  [author] 23 Feb @ 6:19am 
Thanks for compliments still a lot of work to do. Currently rearraging the items to get them in unified system. So they should be easier to find in maps because of them being in unified order on all maps. Found some minor errors too while doing that and most of them are changed to that and will do the rest soon.
Toni MCArroni 16 Feb @ 2:44am 
what a guide
BradKlitt 14 Feb @ 4:53pm 
Super guide my friend!
Wezqu  [author] 28 Jan @ 5:44am 
1. I don't know why that one was missing? Might have accidentally deleted it while moving stuff around. I will add it back asap. I use it personally quite often if I don't remove the evidence in the Town Hall one. There is basically no reason to use the other two as they are guarded and harder to get to anyway.
2. I know that she is there. I just don't want to add anything until I get the picture of it/them. With that one I have to admit I keep some reason forgetting to take the picture when I get that supplier in Bangkok but I also haven't got Bangkok recently in my Syndicate locations. Last time I had it was when I did as a last one and I can't take pictures of things with the camera in Syndicate Leader mission because of the extra information they add to the camera.
3. I know that same thing as with Bangkok when I get that one I always am at the Syndicate Leader mission there so can't take the picture. I will add the suppliers when I get them on Syndicate Member missions.
ptschreiben 28 Jan @ 5:16am 
Very useful guide, but I found there are a few things missing:
1. Sapienza - destroy evidence (level 0, room with priest disguise under the church)
2. Bangkok - supplier (level 0, west of staff room)
3. Haven Island - supplier (level 0, in the shower)
Wezqu  [author] 23 Aug, 2024 @ 3:30am 
Thanks for the information.

I most likely have fallen in some parallel reality as I really thought I had checked the sniper rifle thing out and I have recollection that the red berets on Mendoza can't open carry a sniper rifle, but I did test the Berlin Bikers and true they can openly carry it. I will go through disguises to validate what can be used to carry the sniper rifle and update information when I get them figured out.

The emetic syringe was really me missing it being even possible to be created. Like there was some posts where people claimed it was possible but no real details listed anywhere. I never even thought to take the mushroom to the syringe machine myself. I thought you would need liquid like the stilled poisons that you need for the other two. So just over thinking it. This is one reason why I created this guide as most guides are either wrong or incomplete.

I will add the info to the guide when I get to test them out.
ThoughtsFrom3AM 22 Aug, 2024 @ 3:01pm 
This is an incredibly useful resource, very well written, thank you!

One thing I've found, there are in fact some disguises that allow you to open carry sniper rifles.
The point man in Colorado, the Red Beret guards in Dubai, the Bikers in Berlin, and the Pirates and Militia soldiers in Ambrose Island.
There might be more, those are just the ones I know off the top of my head. (Also, not 100% sure on the Militia in Ambrose)

Also I haven't played Ambrose or Berlin in a while, so confirmation required, the ones for those maps might have been patched out.

Oh, also, you can make emetic syringes at the safehouse if you just feed the mushroom into the Syringe thing

Sorry, I don't mean to disparage your hard work, this is still seriously impressive & great work, these were just things I noticed.
autistic femboy 23 Jul, 2024 @ 6:17am 
I mixed up Zhaos' apartment with the ICA apartment right above. I'm sorry.
Wezqu  [author] 23 Jul, 2024 @ 5:51am 
Thanks for the corrections. I think with Hirschmüller I forgot the detail when I added info to the guide.

The Laundromat thing was mistake because I took the access info from another site as it would be time consuming to go through everything myself. I trusted that that site would at least have that information correct but it was not in this case. Still you are wrong of Zhao's apartment as thats the LVL1 apartment not the ICA apartment thats on LVL2 that the outfit is fine to be used, but not in Zhao's.

Should have most likely checked the laundromat with the disguise but forgot to do it. I created this guide as I got fed up on errors with most other sources I could find and not even one had that good info of the Freelancer mode.
autistic femboy 22 Jul, 2024 @ 2:26pm 
Hirschmüller's disguise in Berlin counts as a civilian, so you're invisible to targets.