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Calza's Guide to PVE in 2025 (Updating for 1.0)
By Calza
Another guide from me, intended to bring the most valuable info to you in the shortest format possible. Some of it will be ranked lists, some tips and tricks, others just general map and operator insight. There is a lot of writing involved, so bear with me. This also took hundreds of hours to compile, so if you enjoy this kind of autistic content, give the guide a thumbs up so others can see it. Thanks <3

Bear in mind that while this is a free to play game.. there's a fair bit of grinding that has to be done. As soon as you get your feet wet, make a determination on whether you want to get Caliber+, ESPECIALLY when it goes on sale, because the cost of upgrading an operator is easily more than what the op costs to purchase in the first place. You save a LOT of credits over time if you get Caliber+ early, which is essentially paying for the game. Don't upgrade too many ops past level 8 til you decide whether to get Caliber+ or not.

Also, this will be from the point of a view of a purely PVE player. I only play Point Sweep, Onslaught, and Special Operations. I do not play PVP. If you have recommendations, strategies, or corrections to the info below, feel free to leave a comment. In game I'm CalzaTheFox.

Last updated 2/20/2025. Updated a few operator sets, marked with a ✅.
DISCLAIMER: 0.24.0, 0.25.0, and 1.0 changed a bunch of stuff, so I'll need to update the guide in parts as I get familiar with the changes. If it's 1.0 relevant, I'll make it clear in the section title accordingly.

Credit to Incremental, who has helped with the guide.
Update 1.0.1 Rebalance

Stims now remove all negative effects except for Marked. They also sped up its usage by 100%.

Weapons obtained through weapon containers to be used on operators that wouldn't normally have them are called Procured Weapons. They will have different stats and are balanced separately from the original operator's weapon.

Procured weapon changes:
  • PP63 gets a mag.
  • M14 EBR does less damage. 31/62 instead of 33/67.
  • ARX160 has more aimed recoil.
  • OTs-128 has less damage. It's now 25/33 instead of 26/34.
  • AK105 Bullpup has 3m more effective range and it does more damage - 23/45 instead of 22/44.
  • A545 lost a mag.
  • TRG22 now has 8 round mags instead of 10 round mags.
  • AWSM shoots faster, it's now 0.65 shots per second instead of 0.5.
  • G36 ZN gets bigger mags? They say 12 now instead of 10.
  • MK48 gets an extra mag.
  • M500 Tactical's range increased by 2m.
  • Kulspruta 58's headshot damage went up by 1.
  • G22 gets another mag.
  • Scar H gets 3m more effective range and more damage - 25/35 instead of 22/33.
  • SIG550 does more damage - 28/46 instead of 27/45.
  • AK5D does more damage - now 22/34 instead of 20/32.
  • MR73 gets more damage - now 39/76 instead of 32/69. Spread decreased. One less cylinder.
  • Raging Hunter gets more damage - it's now 41/78 instead of 32/69. One less cylinder.
  • L86A2 gets 2m of effective range and more damage - now 19/26 instead of 18/25.
  • PKP-M gets more damage - now 20/33 instead of 19/32.

Saif gets a faster reload. The rate of fire on both his pellets and slugs are 3 shots per second instead of 2.8 and 2.5 respectively. Range increased by 2m. Reload can be done while sprinting. His 6-1 special trait triggers at 50 HP now instead of 30. 9-1 restores 75 SP on a slug kill instead of 50. His Bond ability now shares 35% damage with enemies instead of 20%. His slugs have less recoil and spread, damage was increased from 55/60 to 60/111 (headshots now viable), AP raised from 45% to 50%, and range increased by 6m.

Aslan's 7-1 and 15-3 got reduced from 10% resistance to 5%. His 15-1 got buffed from 10% Focus to 20%.

Tirkesh's ability cooldown got raised by 10 seconds.

Eima gets another TUGS by default. Her Crippling Shot now applies Suppressed for 10 seconds by default, and 6-1 applies the Stun. 6-1 applies the change, 6-2 reduces ability cooldown, and 6-3 was removed. 8-2 got a buff of 1 second cooldown reduction. 11-1 and 11-2 got combined into one. 13-3 got the same buff 8-2 did. 14-1 and 14-2 got combined.

Tower's L86A2 now does 19/26 damage instead of 18/25. Range increased by 2m. He can now apply the ability to himself, but can no longer give himself armor except through his passive.

Almaz's PKP now does 17/30 instead of 16/29 damage.

Freyr's AK5D now does 20/31 damage instead of 18/29.

Sly's Scar got 3m of effective range and does 25/33 damage instead of 22/33.

Kurt's G22 got another mag.

Mikolaj's M500 got 2m of effective range.

Sokol's AWSM now has 0.65 rate of fire instead of 0.5.

Volk's Iron Grip reduces more recoil.

Avalanche's procured secondaries have 1 less magazine.

Barreira's Raging Hunter now does 41/78 damage instead of 32/69. He gets one less cylinder.

Vagabond's MR73 now does 39/67 damage instead of 32/69, and it has less spread. He gets one less cylinder.
Update 1.0 (Full Release!)

  • The Turkish POH team got added.
  • The ability to equip different weapons on operators was added.
  • Depot has a PVE mission now.
  • Volk's ability isn't as strong anymore.
  • Perun's upgrade 6 doesn't increase rate of fire and lower recoil anymore? Also single fire is slower with upgrade 6 disabled.
  • Sokol's ability doesn't buff his rate of fire quite as much, and the duration was reduced.
  • Bard now fires in full auto by default with burst as an optional upgrade.
  • Komar's ability now reduces damage dealt through cover by 30%. Go for headshots!
  • Monk's 11-2 got its duration reduced.
  • Bishop's weapon no longer inherently increases its rate of fire. Instead, Bishop has a special trait that does it for him.
  • Diablo's burning duration on his ability got cut in half but the burning damage was increased by 20%.
  • Canglong's penetration trait now reduces damage by 25% when firing through cover.
  • Acai's shotgun now inflicts bleed by default.
Update 0.25.0

  • You get an additional 10% battle pass XP when you have that episode purchased.
  • Frontline and Onslaught Legend are both available at all times, from level 20 and level 30 respectively.
  • No more bonus xp for selecting all PVE modes.
  • Elite objectives are gone.
  • Alternative use of an ability option removed?
  • Extra XP was removed and turn into credits.

  • Mustang got slower, his gun recoils less, returns to center faster, reticle is smaller, and has better contrast. His 2-1 upgrade got buffed, 2-2 was replaced with a speed increase, 4-2 gives his grenade launcher more ammo, and 6-3 lets his ability highlight mines. 7-1, the movement speed increase while crouched, got buffed: secondary weapons recoil less and are more accurate. 9-1 was replaced with an ability cooldown reduction, 9-3 got removed, 9-1 got buffed, 10-2 got added, 11-2 got changed to a +150 SP increase. 11-3 Got buffed, 12-2 added the ability to mark enemies below 50% HP for the team, and 13-3 lets kills reduce the ability cooldown by 5 seconds. 14-1 got buffed, 14-2 got buffed considerably, 15-2 got buffed and the launcher pellets can penetrate both enemies and cover. Lastly, 15-3 adds a poison gas shell, detonating on impact, and doing considerable damage in a small radius. All in all, Mustang got buffed considerably.

  • Tibet shoots slower, has more recoil, is less accurate, and has less effective range. His ability lasts for less time, is on cooldown for longer, costs more, and has less durability. 1-1 got nerfed, 4-1 was changed to an AoE increase, 4-2 got nerfed, 4-3 got changed to a duration increase, and 6-1 has the crouching buff. 7-2 got buffed, 7-3 added a durability increase, 8-2 makes the ability cheaper, 9-1 got buffed, and 9-3 got buffed. 10-2 added a stamina increase, 11-2 adds a sprint cost reduction for everyone in the area of effect, 13-2 got changed to a cost reduction, and 14-2 got nerfed. 14-3 adds a focus effect, increasing rate of fire by 10%, and 15-1 changes the special gear to deal damage instead. All in all, Tibet got nerfed or tweaked considerably.

  • Buggy's ability increases teammate speed by 10%. He also got the crouching buff, 5-1 and 5-2 both got buffed, 7-3 was changed to a duration increase, 8-1 buffs the HP recovery, and 8-2 increases damage dealt. 8-3 increases teammate speed by 5% and enemy slowdown by 5%. 10-1 adds the ability to spawn a healing grenade if the special gear is destroyed. 11-3 adds suppression to any target who's projectile got deleted by the special gear. 13-1 adds a stamina drain to those within the ability radius. 14-3 adds more speed and more slowdown. 15-3 got buffed to add more stamina. All in all, Buggy got buffed in a few ways.

  • Sultan is now slower, his aim is more sensitivity, and his reticle has better contrast. His ability was changed from Cover to Blackout, which inflicts EMP on enemies hit with the primary. This stuns bots. 2-1 was changed from an HP increase to a speed increase. He got the crouch buff. 4-2 and 6-1 got buffed. 6-2 got nerfed slightly, 6-3 buffed. 7-2 gives his primary FMJ ammo, increasing damage but reducing velocity. 8-1 was changed to give his special gear the ability to cloak the operator from drones. 8-3 was changed to give his special gear a radius buff. 9-2 increases his ability duration, and 9-3 reduces his ability cooldown. 10-1 modifies his medkits and stims, 10-2 gives him more reserves, 10-3 increases his reserve usage speed but less total reserves. 11-2 buffs his special gear's range, 12-3 adds a special trait that restores 100 SP to teammates within 20 meters with headshots from the primary. 13-3 was changed to block enemy heals if they're hit with the secondary, and 14-3 turns the EMP jammer into an EMP IED, exploding on activation and applying Disoriented as well as EMP. All in all, Sultan got reworked or buffed.

  • Onslaught was tweaked to not force you across the map as often.

Update 0.24.1 Rebalance

  • Sputnik's horizontal recoil is reduced by 15%.

  • Bard will get an optional full auto mode that reduces body damage by 2, headshot damage by 5, rate of fire by 7, increase horizontal recoil by 5%, but reduce recoil after the first shot by 20%. He also gets another mag. His ability will activate faster when holding the key, its AoE will get a 1m increase, and it will last 1 second longer.

  • Kit's getting an additional mag when not using the 75 round drums.

  • Karavai's gaining 0.2 move speed.

  • Koszmar's gaining 0.1 move speed, and 15-2 is gaining a bonus of 2m up from 1m for his tear gas.

  • Prorok's 14-2 is getting reduced from 4 damage to 2. He gets a new 12-3, increasing the damage he deals while in smoke and his ability active by 10%.

  • Mikolaj's Tac-8 buckshot is getting 40% armor pen instead of 35%. It will also improve his range by 3m. His secondary will have less damage falloff at 30m. His ability is also getting cheaper at 55 SP instead of 70.

  • Sztylet's 8-2 is getting a bump to 0.7 rounds per second, up from 0.5. His 8-3 upgrade, supersonic ammo, has its damage penalty reduced from -5/-11 to -4/-9 for body and head respectively. His reticle return is increased by 30%. His primary shoots 10% faster, from 1.55 rps to 1.7. It has 30% less spread while moving. His secondary will have less damage falloff at 30m. His M500 shorty will have its damage increased from 11x8/13x8 to 12x8/14x8. His ability will tick every second instead of every 2 seconds. Lastly, Expanding Bullets will last for 4 seconds instead of 3.

  • Rein's primary damage got a bump from 22/38 to 23/40 for body and head respectively. His primary's rate of fire got bumped from 10.5 to 11 rps. His grenades suffer less damage fall off at 6.5m, from 12 to 18 damage.

  • Schatz's 15-1 will give 150 SP instead of 100. His ability will also cool off 2 seconds faster.

  • Corsair's primary vertical recoil reduced by 10%, horizontal by 15%, has better reticle contrast, and is now centered.

  • Bourbon's damage fall off at 65m is reduced from 8.5 to 10.2.

  • Monk's 3-1 upgrade reduces the cost of his sprinting by 3 SP now instead of 2, his reticle has better contrast, and is now centered.

  • Scout remembered not to skip leg day this time, and his sprinting is a much better 10 SP/s instead of 12, plus his flare costs 60 SP instead of 70. Nice.

  • Watson's aiming sensitivity reduced by 20% and has better reticle contrast.

  • Hagana is getting an additional mag when not using the 100 round belts.

  • Shersheret's aiming sensitivity reduced by 10%, and her damage got bumped from 15/24 to 16/25.

  • Eima's aiming sensitivity reduced by 20%, has better reticle contrast, and the reticle is now smaller. Her ability will cool off 4 seconds faster, and will be 15 SP cheaper.

  • Odin will get an additional mag, his max stamina is increased to 550, and he'll get various stamina upgrades available at 2-1, 6-2, and 11-2.

  • Lazootchick's base stamina got bumped to 550 SP instead of 500. His base stamina recovery is now 2 SP/s instead of 1. His sprinting got cheaper, from 14 SP to 12. His primary has better reticle contrast and is now centered. It also has 10% less vertical recoil, and 50% less horizontal recoil (hot damn!). Secondary now has 40% armor pen instead of 30, 7.5 rps instead of 7, 18/43 damage instead of 16/38, and a new 8-3 upgrade that improves his damage while in smoke by 10%.

  • Starkadr's primary now has 15% less vertical recoil, 10% less horizontal recoil, 12% less recoil after the first shot, and a smaller reticle.

  • Freyr's ability now heals over 3 seconds instead of 4, but heals for the same amount. His primary's damage got bumped from 17/28 to 18/29.

  • Shaowei's drone now turns 20% faster.

  • Yaowang's upgrade 9 now reduces his secondary's firing delay by 10% and decreases spread in burst fire. His plates now heal 32 HP instead of 28, and the healing occurs 20% faster.

  • Martelo's 15-2 gives him health back if he kills an enemy using his ability. This health was bumped from 30 HP to 40. His primary has 15% less vertical recoil, 18% less horizontal recoil, and 15% less recoil after the first shot.

  • Lumen got a damage bump from 18/32 to 19/34.

  • Spark's ability now costs 50 SP instead of 60.

  • Mustang's skill will now increase your max HP by 1 for every 120/100/70 max SP you have, rather than 150/125/100.
Update 0.24.0 General Changes

Your stamina will fully replenish upon a new round starting, and it will continue to regenerate even while an ability is active.

You can now melee enemies. From the front, it's a quick swing that does 50 damage. From behind, you will now execute them outright. Very sick.

Invisibility now works against bots. You have to be 10 meters away or more, you have to not be attacking, or you have to be using a reserve. Mines and drones are fine. Bots can see you again if you're within 10 meters, if you shoot them, if the effect ends, if you interact with an objective or ammo box, or if you revive a teammate. Being spotted doesn't cancel the invisible effect.

Regular bots will now take twice the damage from explosions, fire, gas, bleeding, and melee attacks. Officers, except for Heavy Fighters, will take 50% more damage from the sources above.

Crouching will reduce both spread and recoil by 20% when aiming down sights.

The RAID operators are all getting some buffs.

Avant-Garde is getting a sprint speed increase from 5.5 to 5.7, a general move speed increase from 3.7 to 3.8, and a sprint cost increase from 9 to 10. His ability will now refresh his Shielded effect regardless if he already has a Shield active or not. His primary had its range increased by 10%, magazine reduced to 7 from 10, and magazines increased from 3 to 4. His vertical foregrip will reduce sprint speed by 0.1, but also his vertical recoil by an additional 10%. The longer barrel will now also reduce sprint speed by 0.4, but also increase stability by 12% instead of 7%. Lastly, his 12 round mag stays at 12 rounds, reducing his number of mags by 1, and reducing his sprint speed by 0.2. He can be faster and less combat effective, or more combat effective but slower.

Additionally, he gets a 6-3 upgrade, which lets him deal 10% more limb damage while the ability is active. He gets a 9-2 upgrade, which removes the Marked effect, but reduces the duration by 2 seconds. He gets a 14-3 upgrade, making his special gear explode on contact, but replaces the Stun effect with Slowed, which lasts 3 seconds. The gas lasts 4 less seconds, but deals 10 more damage a second. Move speed penalty is 40% while in the gas. His upgrade 3-2 now increases ability damage reflection by 2%. 7-1 got buffed to 5% damage reflected instead of 3%. 9-1 now buffs the ability duration by an additional second. 14-2 got buffed to +150 base SP instead of 75. Lastly, 12-2 changes how the Shielded effect is applied: now it's when an enemy is hit with the ability active. 3 pellets need to hit, the Shield duration lasts 5 less seconds, and the durability is 10 less HP.

Bastion got an additional mag, but he also got 25% more recoil and spread. He gets a 4-3 upgrade, reducing ability cooldown by 2 seconds. 14-3 is also new, and increases his general move speed by 0.2 m/s. His 9-1 got changed, no longer reducing bullet and explosion damage for Bastion by 60%. Instead, while the ability is active, teammates within a 4m radius will take 20% less damage. The duration lasts 6 less seconds, and Bastion is immobilized. The effect looks like a translucent dome. Upgrade 10-2 gives an additional 10 max HP now instead of another mag, and 15-1 was changed from increasing primary reserves by 2, to allowing single shots from the hip while the ability is active. It says rate of fire is reduced by 80%, but spread is increased by 200%, which sounds awful. 15-3 will reduce incoming damage from explosions by 25% while using the shield, instead of 2 more secondary reserves.

Velour's reticle size got reduced. His suppressor now increases his range by 3 meters. He can now put on subsonic ammo, reducing his primary's recoil by 15%, but reducing his effective range by 8 meters. He gets a 6-3 upgrade, allowing him to revive 50% faster in smoke. 11-2 allows him to throw down an armor bag (his ability) even while downed, but only once. 13-3 will reduce reserves cooldown by 25 seconds if an armor bag is used. 2-1 increases his base SP by 50 now instead of 2 more secondary reserves. 13-2 allow his armor bags to replenish 75 SP in addition to their other benefits. 14-1 and 15-1 got swapped around. 14-2 got buffed to 150 SP instead of 100.

Vagabond's 2-2 now increases the shrapnel's radius by 1m. 5-2 now allows him to use the ability with his revolver. It essentially gives his revolver explosive rounds, making the AoE 3m, and reducing the damage by 60%. 7-2 now offers an additional 50 base SP. 7-3 now increases base sprint speed by 0.3 m/s. 9-3 adds AP ammo, increasing armor pen by 5% for his primary. 11-3 will let his drone stun enemies 15% faster. 12-3 gives an additional 75 base SP. 15-3 increases the ability's radius by 4m, but reduces the damage by 20%. 2-1 got changed from a 25 base SP increase to a special gear search radius increase of 10m. 11-2 increases his drone's speed by 12% instead of 50 base SP. 12-2 increases the shrapnel radius by 3m, but reduces its damage by 10%. Lastly, instead of 75 base SP, 15-2 increases the primary's armor pen by 10% while the ability is active, but reduces the shrapnel damage by 40%.
Update 0.24.0 Skill Changes
Skills reworked are listed below.

Physical Fitness
Ded's skill supposedly is getting a rework, but on the post nothing was visually changed. Still works same as before.

Volk's Skill is getting doubled. At max, you will regain an extra 4 SP a second rather than 2.

Mustang's skill is being reworked. Instead of increasing the minimum amount of stamina you start a round with, you'll gain an additional 100 max SP, and you'll gain 1 max HP for every 100 max SP that you have at its maximum level.

Plut's skill is getting a buff. You take 10/15/17% less bullet and explosion damage while sprinting, instead of 9/12/15%.

Bourbon's skill got a rework. You would gain up to 15 max HP, but your max SP would be reduced by 100. Now, the max HP remains the same, but it'll decrease your incoming healing from all sources by 15%, making it a harder trade-off.

Perun's skill got a small rework. If your HP drops below 45% HP at max (compared to 40%), you'll regen up to that value, but you must not take damage for 7 seconds (compared to 5).

Sterling's skill got a buff. At max, you will move twice as fast when downed, but you will get to crawl for 20% longer regardless of the skill's level.

Vidarr's skill got a buff. When marked, you will move up to 20% faster (rather than 15%), and you become immune to being Slowed.

Busel's skill got buffed. You move up to 20% faster while crouched. All sounds except for shooting are muffled by 75%. If you do not move for 2 seconds, you'll receive the Invisible effect, making you immune to being Marked.

Avalanche's skill got reworked. Instead of just a 20% movement speed bonus while ADS at max, now your movement speed will be faster, and your spread will be decreased by up to 15% while aiming down sights.

Freyr's skill got a rework. It got moved to Physical Fitness instead of being in Weapon Systems. It kept the 120 additional SP gained from using a stim, and presumably the 10% damage resistance. I suspect the cooldown remains at 40 seconds, and the duration to activate remains at 4 seconds. However, now you're immune to Fire and Smoke for 10 seconds? Interesting.

Martelo's skill got reworked. Your ability would cool off 33% faster, but your max HP would be reduced by 20% at max level. Now, your ability's cooldown will be reduced by 33% at best, will cost 30% more, and your max HP is reduced by 10%. Interesting.

Protective Materials
Velour's skill got reworked. Before, if you had full armor, you'd recover up to 8 SP more a second. Now, if you either have full AP or no armor to start with, you'll recover up to 8 SP a second, but you also lose 20 max AP.

Svarog's skill got reworked. Same as before, you lose 20 max AP but gain 200 max SP at best. However, if your max AP is 40 or less, your primary's recoil will be reduced by 8%.

Yaowang's skill got nerfed I think? If an enemy is within up to 6 meters, you will deal 13% more damage with your primary and secondary weapons compared to 15%. Not sure if there's a typo there.

Shersheret's skill is getting buffed. Using a first aid kit restores stamina in addition to HP. You'll regain up to 140 SP over 3 seconds, same as before, but the cooldown is now 35 seconds, does not increase activation duration, and can be used while your HP is full. It can be used as a hybrid stim/♥♥♥.

Barreira's skill got buffed. Before, you would gain 20 max AP, but lose 20% max movement speed except when downed at highest level. That has been reduced to 13%, which is a lot better.

Tower's skill got reworked. Before, if you had full armor, you'd get an additional 20 AP to work with. The activation would take an extra second, and the reserve recovery would increase by 10 seconds at best. Now, instead of additional AP, you gain Shielded for 15 seconds, up to 25 temp health, and it'll increase your reserve cooldown by 10 seconds at max level.

Weapon Systems
Archer's skill is getting a nerf. Your armor penetration for your primary is increased by 15%, same as before, but you will see 10% more spread at max level.

Kit's skill is getting a buff. Before, ammo pack would ONLY replenish your special gear, not your regular ammo, and increase the cooldown to 360 seconds at best. Now, it will replenish a charge of special gear in addition to 50 rounds of primary and secondary ammo, but the cooldown is still 360 seconds at best, and application time will still take 5 seconds.

Diablo's skill is getting a clarification. Enemies in smoke are personally Marked for you while aiming with your primary, regardless if they have the Invisible effect active or not.

Sputnik's skill is getting a buff. Now, you will get up to 5 additional primary and secondary reserves instead of 3, and you will also get an extra revival kit.

Scout's skill got a buff. At the end of the round, all unexploded mines are returned to you instead of up to 3, plus you will install mines up to 45% faster.

Hagana's skill got a buff. You still lose 1 magazine for your primary and secondary, but you still gain 150 max SP, your movement speed still increases by 5%, and your reload speed for your primary and secondary will be 20% faster at max level. Could be helpful.

Combat Tactics
Bell's skill got moved from Weapon Systems to Combat Tactics. Like before, getting a headshot with your primary will apply Focus and Haste for 5 seconds. However, instead of 20% faster movement speed, reduced spread, and reduced recoil, it's now 15% at best. It essentially got a rebalance.

Mikolaj's skill will now give 4 revival kits instead of 3, which is a decent buff. Really handy for Spec Ops and Onslaught Legend.

Miguel's skill got a big buff. Before, teammates you revive would get up to a 20% move speed boost, and you would recover up to 150 SP, both over 5 seconds. Now, both of you get the extra stamina, extra move speed, and the duration lasts 8 seconds.

Prorok's skill got buffed/reworded. Before, you'd do up to 10% more damage with your primary and secondary, plus move up to 15% faster, while in smoke. Now, you take less bullet and explosion damage, up to 12%, in addition to the move speed bonus.

Bastion's skill got nerfed. After taking 3 hits from a firearm, you'll gain up to a 10% damage boost for 8 seconds, down from 15% at best.

Sokol's skill got buffed. Before, you'd gain up to 5% bullet and explosion resistance for every downed teammate, up to 15%. Now, in addition, you'll recover up to 3 SP a second for each downed teammate, up to a max of 9 SP/s.

Bishop's skill got buffed. Normally, you would take up to 70% less damage while executing an enemy. That stayed, but now you'll also regain 20 AP if it's successful.

Sly's skill got reworked. Before, you'd gain 3 mags for your secondary (now 2), 15% more armor pen, +10 meters of effective range, and 5% more headshot damage. Normally, you'd lose a primary mag, and its reload time would take 10% longer at best. They dropped the penalty for the primary weapon, so now it just straight up buffs the secondary - as long as your primary and secondary aren't the same weapon.

Cacador's skill got a buff. Now it inflicts an additional 7% damage at max level to enemies who are Marked, in addition to Marking enemies who down the operator, and blocking their healing for up to 6 seconds. it combines well with his ability now.

Acai's skill got a buff. Before, it would reduce the self-healing effect by 10 HP, but heal any teammate with 3 meters by up to 20 HP over 4 seconds. Now, there is no healing penalty, and the radius got buffed to 5 meters. Very nice.
Point Sweep: The basic PVE mode that sends your team in to complete a set of specific objectives under a specified time limit. This is a good mode to get your feet wet, and it rewards good coordination more than a max-level operator. Poor, or non-existent teamwork can make some maps like Palm Road and Al-Rabad a pain in the ass to finish. Repeating this will give map familiarity, and most of the objectives don't change much. Knowing enemy spawns is key to acing this game mode. Friendly fire is not enabled except for explosives. Operators that play defensively like Canglong or Buggy do really well here. The rewards for finishing are not great, but maps can usually be cleared in under 10 minutes for about 1k XP.

Onslaught: A step up from Point Sweep that sends your team onto free roam versions of the maps to complete 7 rounds - 6 being objective based, and the last being the escape. There is a lot more movement involved here than in Point Sweep, with a lot of doubling back or rotating as needed. There are also field upgrades dropped by enemies that can give your team significant boosts. Friendly fire is not enabled except for explosives. There is effectively no time limit, but matches usually finish in 10 minutes or less. The rewards are better than Point Sweep for time spent.

Special Operations: The advanced PVE mode that is like Point Sweep but with some twists. Enemies do more damage, and take more damage. Objectives are modified, sometimes being more complex than in their regular counterpart. You will go down more often than in Point Sweep, and good coordination is essential to success. You can fumble your way to victory in Point Sweep, but not here. High level operators are recommended. Friendly fire is enabled. Rewards are significantly better than Point Sweep if you win, but worse for time spent if you fail. Matches are about 10-15 minutes long and reward about 2.5k XP.

Onslaught - Legend: A step up from Veteran that sees the enemies dealing more damage, having more health, and introducing more objectives to finish. Armor also does not regenerate after a round. The margins here are tighter than in Veteran, and a good, coordinated team is essential. A separated team, an exposed rear flank, or a poorly chosen spot to defend can be the difference between failure and success. High level operators are recommended. Friendly fire is enabled. The rewards are significantly better than Veteran - about 4k XP for 15 minutes.

Point Sweep Map Tips (1.0 ✅)
In Al Rabad, it is CRUCIAL that you ping the AA vehicles as they arrive, or they will shoot down the overhead drone and fail the mission. There are 3 AA vehicles and the final transmission tower that need pinging. Enemies will also try to attack via the stairs on the left, the ramp on the right, and the open door out front that leads to the staircase in the rear. They will try to shoot the transmitter if possible. It's also possible to destroy the transmitter with friendly fire, so be careful. Hagana and Shaowei are recommended to cover additional lines of sight.

In Amal Harbor, when you first open the door to the warehouse, there will be a drone operator Officer who sends suicide drones after you. After him, Chemists will spawn on the catwalks. There will be a time limit imposed once you get to the second warehouse that has the chemical weapons in it. There will be two distinct waves of enemies you have to get through, and the second has a truck drive in with a Grenadier on the back. If you take too long the chemical weapon will detonate, failing the mission.

In Forest, at the very end there will be a boss fight with a guy named Delgado. One person will be shot at by him, and has to remain in cover. Everyone else has to focus on killing the enemies that fill the room, and activate the neutralizers they drop, up to 3 canisters. Each one lets you deal up to a third of the boss's total health. Once he's killed. you MUST run back to the elevator you came in on, and EVERYONE must be present for you to hit the button. If anyone stays behind, it will fail the mission for everyone.

In Caravanserai, there will be an objective to inspect the informant's body, and then a laptop will spawn in one of 3 locations. If you stand on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, you can tell where the laptop spawned due to the enemies that approach from either right side, or nobody (which means it spawned far left). At the end, you have to defend a transmitter from waves of enemies, with the occasional Grenadier and Chemist on the rooftops, 3 a piece. Controlling them and keeping Assaults from flanking you are the keys to surviving this mission. You can have someone sit on the right side balcony to watch the Grenadiers and Chemists and kill them as they spawn. Hagana and Shaowei are recommended for additional DPS.

In Palm Road, after the first alarm objective, you can go left through the building and bust down the wooden doors that face the second alarm, making it much easier to defend. If you succeed, you will be given a Survival Kit in the alleyway, which protects your team from Gas and Burning temporarily - perfect for the bridge defense. At the bridge defense, there will be 4 suicide bombers driving white trucks. 2 approach from left side, 1 from far right, and 1 from middle right. At least 3 MUST be destroyed to survive the mission, as the bridge can only tolerate 1 truck exploding. Buggy, Bones, Hagana, and Shaowei are highly recommended here. Stern and Odin are good for taking out the suicide trucks.

In Object 903, there will be a terminal that provides a radius you have to stand within to advance the objective. Enemy waves are delivered as progress is made. A few enemies will try to cross the bridge on the left facing allied spawn, and several will try to flank using the rear catwalk. A few Chemists spawn using left and right doors, and an Assault will spawn to try and turn the objective off, failing the mission. After this objective, a generator has to be started and maintained for a few minutes, OR all enemies must be eliminated. It is recommended to start the generator and RETREAT to the building, as it is safest near the catwalk and two destructible walls. Beware the third floor on left, right, and center, as Marksmen, Grenadiers, and Chemists spawn up there.

In Al-Malik Hotel, once you reach the large room that's entered by deploying C4, there will be 3 boxes glowing yellow that have to be shot in order to block the Machine Gunner's line of sight, OR he must be killed several times. It's recommend to quickly shoot the first box, then run up to shoot the second, followed by a retreat to the entry door. This gives you maximum control of the room. Once you reach the long killzone that the Gunner overlooks, you can either deploy smoke, gas, snipe him carefully, or use Shaowei's drone to assassinate him from behind. It's recommended for the Medic to hang back - if the Medic goes down this mission can go sideways fast.

In Hospital, there's a few paths that the team can take initially, but the center path is the most dangerous. If you progress too far too quickly, it's easy for the team to get flanked and destroyed by a squad of Assaults, the Chemist on right, or the Grenadier in the 3rd floor window. One person can move up to bait spawns and retreat, or the whole team can progress through the building on right side. If left side building has the explosives, assaults are sure to spawn and attempt to flank. The final defense isn't too hard, though it's recommended to focus on Grenadiers as they spawn in the windows to keep the civilians from dying. Also helps to check their health.

In Dam, there will be two explosive tanks along the engineer's ride that can damage the vehicle, but both have to hit it, and this almost never happens. In the turbine hall, there will be 3 windows blocked by steel that overlook each turbine. Two turbines are chosen at random, and the engineer will steadily work his way up to try and repair it. When he goes around to do his repair, the window overlooking him will open and a Machine Gunner will deploy to try and kill him. Dealing with the MG is key to surviving the mission.

In Radar, the team will start off separated (Marksman and Support, Assault and Medic) then converge together after a short delay. The next part sees a helicopter attempt to land and provide reinforcements - the Support or Marksman can easily destroy this helicopter as it lands to make this part easier. At the final section, the team will have to work their way up a series of stairs and circular catwalks while under a time limit to try and disarm a terminal that's timed to kill itself. Staying together and pacing yourself is key, as a Chemist, Grenadier, and several Marksmen will attempt to ambush you from on the highest level. The radar dish also rotates, and determines line of sight, as well as when you can kick down the bridge to cross. The final defense objective is rough, with limited cover and grenades galore, so it's recommended that the Marksman hang back on the second floor behind the piece of sheet metal. Bones is recommended for blocking nades.

In Shopping Mall V2, you're going to enter into one side of the mall with a lot of hostiles waiting for you. Bring lots of ammo for defending the intel officer. One Gunner on left, right, and center, with loads of enemies that'll force you down to your sidearm. When you call in reinforcements via the radio, you'll have two major engagements marked by smoke screens, with the occasional Marksman, Chemist, and Gunner thrown in. After both are dealt with, you'll need to fall back into the capture zone and hold it for about a minute. You'll be swarmed with enemies from in front and up above, so watch for Assaults trying to flank via the escalators. The progress bar will stall if any enemies are within the zone.

In Depot, you'll be fighting quite a few turrets and drones, with the occasional sergeant who uses a shield drone to protect himself from damage. Just make sure to kill his drones first. You'll pass through the trainyard, kill another sergeant, then progress into the main building. Enemies will attempt to flank from the rear and suicide drones will attempt to kill the antennas. Shaowei and Hagana are recommended to provide additional fire support.
Onslaught Field Upgrades
Field Upgrades are pickups that empower your team with specific abilities or buffs for a limited time. Holding the button that uses the upgrade will drop it for others to pick up. Picking up another upgrade while you're holding one will drop the first. Below are some of their effects.

0.23.2 Field Upgrades and Objectives

Weapon Modification (3 Bullets): Grants Focus, speeding up reload times for your primary and secondary weapons for 60 seconds.

Medkit (Cross): Instantly restores 50 HP, and grants HP regen for 30 seconds.

Short Circuit (Lightning Bolt): Stuns enemies for 4 seconds, and deals 20 damage to them.

Survival Kit (Flame in Shield): Reduces incoming damage by 30%, and grants immunity to both Fire and Poison for 40 seconds.

Demoralization (Slashed Shield: Increases the damage enemies take by 30%, increases their weapon spread, and destroys all their armor for 30 seconds.

Second Wind (Running Man): Increases movement speed and stamina recovery, and provides 75% damage reduction for 60 seconds.

Shelling (Mortar Shell): Mortars will fire on enemies for 10 seconds. Enemies will have their move speed reduced, and sprint blocked for 30 seconds.

Special Gear Supply (Grenade): A full restock of ammo and special gear, but not reserves or revival kits.

Area Recon (Lightbulb): Marks all enemies, and increases their damage taken by 10% for 30 seconds.

Thick Skin (Shield in Shield): Applies a 150 HP Shield for 15 seconds.

Incendiary Ammo (Fiery Bullet):Grants 1 magazine of incendiary ammo for your primary.

Additional Armor (Rotating Shield): Grants 20 AP, and regenerates 20 AP/sec for 30 seconds.

Pre-0.23.2 Field Upgrades

Survival Kit (Gas Mask): Provides immunity to Poisoned and Burning, and a 30% bonus to damage resistance for 40 seconds. (One is present in Palm Road - Point Sweep)

Second Wind (Running Man): Improves movement speed, gives bonus HP in the form of Shielded, or HP if already Shielded, and gives a significant injection of stamina as well as a boost to stamina regen speed for 60 seconds. Very strong bonus.

Demoralization (Slashed Shield): Enemies lose all their armor, take 30% more damage, and suffer increased spread for 30 seconds.

Weapons Optimization (Rotary Cog): Everyone gains a boost to rate of fire, reload speed, weapon accuracy, and recoil control for 60 seconds.

Shelling (Mortar Shell): Explosives will auto-target enemies and detonate on a set interval, regardless of line of sight. Ceilings appear to block enemies from being targeted. Enemies cannot sprint for the duration of the bonus and suffer reduced movement speed. Lasts for 30 seconds.

Medical Kit (Cross): The whole team gains a healing over time effect, like enemy Medics do for the AI, and you can revive yourself once for free with no syringe cost for 30 seconds.

Special Gear Supply (Grenade): The whole team gets an immediate restock of ammo and special gear charges, and special gear becomes more lethal for 60 seconds. Does not affect syringes or reserves.

Short Circuit (Lightning Bolt): Enemies are temporarily stunned for 5 seconds, and are Marked for 60 seconds.
Onslaught Modifiers and Strategies

  • Experimental Medicine: Hard difficulty. Bots will do more damage to you by default because they're bypassing more of your armor. If your medic is slacking the whole team will suffer. Operators that can self heal efficiently do well here. Healing is doubled, so medics like Miguel actually shine here.

  • Headhunt: Medium difficulty. A lot of operators have a great headshot bonus, and some even lean into headshots only. Operators that lean more into body damage suffer here. It can go either way depending on team composition. If you only go for bodyshots everything becomes harder to kill.

  • Explicit Threat: Easy difficulty. The increased rate of fire makes bots more threatening up close, but being able to see them through walls at all times is a godsend. You can dictate every fight, every encounter, and reduce risk to a ridiculous degree. Wallhacks are OP yo. Short Circuit loses most of its utility, and can only stun for a few seconds.

  • Backup Plan: Easy difficulty. Headshot builds don't really suffer here. Sidearm builds become godtier with this on. Everyone else suffers reduced damage. Actually not all that hard, and can be fun.

  • Adrenaline Buzz: Easy difficulty. Hahaha Starkadr go nyooom. This is a huge advantage in favor of the players, since sprinting between objectives is common, and you can't fight back when sprinting. If you don't shoot a bot before its gun is up, you will see nothing but benefits. Unfortunately the speed boost doesn't stack with a lot of other ones, including Second Wind.

  • Ambush: Hard difficulty. I don't think the bots do more damage in this, but god does it feel like it. Bots can sneak up a lot closer before you have a chance to act. They are most dangerous within 10 meters. You really need operators like Mustang, Shaowei, or Eima to combat this. Mistakes are punished more heavily. Teams can get melted in a flash. On the plus side, you get a 25% damage bonus, which can change some shots to kill.

  • Low Profile: Medium difficulty. Eyyyy crouch meta let's go. This encourages you to crouch before every gunfight, and not to sprint when enemies can see you. If you walk everywhere these modifiers may as well not exist.


  • The bomb that has to be defused by the drone has consistent locations, and the path the drone takes is very consistent too. This makes it easy to predict.

  • The first bomb that has to be defused by players is usually unguarded, but the second one often has bots near it. It's recommended to clear that wave first, rather than attempt to defuse it unless you're on top of the second bomb already. If you rush in you'll be surrounded.

  • The mortar seems to usually spawn on the other side of the map opposing the laptop. It's better to spread a couple people out and one activate the laptop. You can position yourself close to where a mortar truck would spawn while someone else uses the laptop.

  • The package that has to be carried to the drop-off inflicts Crippled on its carrier, making you unable to sprint, and takes up a bonus slot. The enemies will try to camp the drop off point. If you are carrying the package and go down, you will drop it automatically. If possible, leave the package for the person who has the fastest walk speed: Martelo, Starkadr, Fortress, Kaval, Acai, Avalanche, and Canglong are all good choices.

  • As long as any VIPs are still alive and not executed, bots will continue to spawn to harass the players. Executing the VIPs is paramount. If Fog of War is on, save Short Circuit for this round. They fixed this, now VIPs are highlighted even in Fog of War.

  • The square transmission site transmits faster with more players in it, naturally. Try to lock down doorways and lines of sight. Utilize any and all cover if available.

  • The payload the bots try to escort is FAR easier to destroy with explosives. If you have mines, grenades, or launchers, this is a great time to use them. You can tell where the payload needs to be delivered by the red square on the ground, and you could camp that lane. It moves very fast, so don't dally - most onslaught games are lost here.

  • The medic that spawns to take over the evac is the trigger for the Heavy Fighter to spawn. If the medic is killed, the Heavy Fighter comes out soon afterwards. Wait to kill the medic until everyone is ready. (On Polar Station it's a Gunner instead.) Try to save a Demoralization bonus for the evac to make the Heavy a cakewalk. The Heavy Fighter is immune to being Stunned.

  • Completing objectives quickly, and safely is the key. The longer you procrastinate on a objective, the higher the risk you will be eventually overwhelmed. Memorizing where objectives are likely to be, and staging yourself there in advance completes rounds so much faster.

  • At the end of the round before evacuation, you can either stage yourself in between evac zones, or at one of them to save some time. The evac zone can spawn right on top of you.
Spec Ops Maps, part 1 (1.0 ✅)
In Object 903, the mission proceeds a lot like the Point Sweep version, but all the enemies are more lethal. You have to carefully progress to the central intel hub without taking too many casualties this early on by making effective use of cover, and dealing with the closest threats first. Beware the two chemists and the marksman on the catwalk, as well as the incendiary grenades enemies throw. At the defense, make sure someone is watching the rear walkway - Shaowei's drone is good for this - and the right side catwalk (if coming from spawn) that's a stone's throw from the enemy spawns.

After this, you'll proceed through a hallway to reach a terminal on the second floor - proceed slowly and carefully as enemies trickle in, and use one person to run up near the troop carrier to bait them into spawning a second wave. After that, assaults will spawn in the tight hallway leading to the terminal, so bait them out into the open. Once the terminal is active, you must escort a generator along a track - there's no need to push it all the way right away, so pace yourself and deal with enemies as they come out from the right side and in the back. Canglong is good for dealing with threats while allies pull aggro near the cart. Once you get the generator hooked up, you just need to keep enemies off of it for a minute. They tend to clump near the back, and only a handful push up to try and turn the generator off.

In Al Rabad, the mission behaves pretty much exactly like in Point Sweep, but enemies are swapped for harder variants. Some shooters become gunners, for example, and there's an Officer midway through that will deploy suicide drones. Don't waste syringes on the start if possible - take out the enemies safely and from cover. Once you breach the wall, one person needs to cover the ramp so drones don't eliminate the team, or someone needs to kill the Officer before he becomes a nuisance. A lot of syringes can be wasted here if you're not careful.

The crawl to the HQ isn't too bad, but once you get there it becomes a challenge. Staying outside is usually lethal, so it's preferred to stay indoors where threats can be mitigated via the doorways. Someone like Canglong is great for going outside to spot the AA vehicles without much risk, but you can also stay crouched with a Buggy locking down the sandbags in the center. The key here is to spot the AAs and run out the timer, not necessarily kill everyone.

In Al-Malik Hotel, the car your ally has to repair is a lot more fragile and is more easily destroyed. The marksman that spawns on the far balcony is a lot more lethal. Other than that, the objectives remain the same: defend the car, eliminate the hostiles, move up to the hotel lobby. Once you're inside, you have three generators that have to be defended and powered on, but the spawns are more spread out. It's easier to defend from the reception desk, but watch for friendly fire.

Once you go up the elevator, the killbox set up for you in the penthouse is slightly different. The boxes you shoot are no longer easily accesible, and have to be shot after the gunner is killed. This must be repeated three times to move up, but everything else is the same. Beware the assaults and the chemists. Once you get to the kill corridor, either use smoke or have the sniper kill the gunner, then move up rapidly to the next safe spot. Biggest threat are the assaults, so headshots are paramount. After that, you're home free. Archer and Buggy are good choices here.

In Dam, there's additional objectives scattered in that differ from the Point Sweep version. When you get to the bridge that you have to defend from hostiles, be cautious - they can spawn both in front and from the right side, flanking you rather easily. RPGs spawn right away on the third floor roof. Once everyone's dealt with, you have to physically escort the engineer in his vehicle. He takes a different path, going underneath the skybridge instead of around the scaffolding. There will be a radio objective you have to activate and defend, with enemy mortars being placed upon the 3 dam control towers. Once they're active, you can mark them straight away to destroy them. Once all mortars are destroyed, a sniper will spawn on the yellow roof underneath the control towers - get him fast or he can wipe your team.

The engineer will drive up and you escort him inside the facility. You'll reach a control room with three panels you can activate, and a button on the wall. The button starts the next objective, and it's recommended the Marksman stay in the room until the final turbine needs fixing. His goal is to direct a crane that's suspending a box, which can block one of three windows the gunner normally shoots at the engineer from. The buttons are in order from left to right, blocking the respective window in the turbine room. If the objective marker is on the center turbine, the Marksman hits the center button to block that window, for example. Once the third turbine is underway, the Marksman can leave the control room to assist on the ground, if desired. Gunners and incendiary grenades are what can really kill you here. After the third turbine is fixed, you win.

In Palm Road, the map plays almost identical to the Point Sweep version. The center wooden door after the first alarm is blocked off, requiring the team to take the right path to progress, or the left path through the gate. After that, I cannot stress how important it is to have either stun resistance, gas resistance, or the ability to delete incoming explosives - you'll be drowning in them as enemies close in. Kill the assaults, chemists, and the Marksman that spawns on the far roof overlooking the bridge. There's the Gunner on the truck, and a Grenadier in the far balcony behind the bridge. After the gate, same standard stuff - kill the marksman, kill the Officer, and beware his drones. Destroying the cover and brick walls is recommended to reduce the cover enemies benefit from in the defense objective.

Ideally, the Support and Assault focus on the suicide trucks as they come in. The Marksman focuses on high priority threats, like Chemists and enemy Snipers. The Medic should kill enemy assaults attempting to flank the team from underneath. There will be an enemy Support officer that needs killing ASAP, but otherwise the fighters and shooters don't push the players hard enough to be concerned about if you're using cover. Use the Survival kit if you don't have gas protection. Buggy and missile Bones are recommended.
Spec Ops Maps, part 2 (1.0 ✅)
In Amal Harbor, the mission plays out very similar to the Point Sweep version. Enemies hit harder, so be cautious. The difference is in the first primary room where you defend the two panels from attack. There are three gas valves that control a fraction of the room: left, right, and center. If the enemies are allowed to turn the valves on, it'll flood that sector with noxious gas. You can allow them to take left and right, but if you let them take center, defending the panels becomes much harder. Having poison immunity on your operator makes you immune to this gas - Koszmar, Acai, Bell, Prorok, etc. They are extremely strong on this map in particular.

Unfortunately, the time limit on the second warehouse is no less strict, only allowing you two minutes to get through the two waves of enemies and reach the bomb. Operators with poison immunity let you ignore chemists, allowing you to focus on larger threats. The marksman in the back is especially lethal if left unattended.

In Emir Residence, you will have to enter the main room, defuse the explosive, and defend it from being rearmed. Smokes help with getting to the objective, and things like turrets, drones, gas, or fire help keep enemies off of it. You'll get a chemist later on, and occasionally a marksman on the other side of the pool. If you stay on the second floor balcony you're fairly fine. When you get outside, you'll need to push to either the left or right balcony, whichever objective is available, and defend the helipad from afar. Turrets and drones help here too, as well as ways to block enemy explosives. You'll see a lot of chemists, marksmen, and grenadiers harassing you from the opposing balcony or rooftop. You'll also need to kill any enemies that get near the helicopter. Watch your ammo, and leave the fighters for last when possible.

In Depot, the map plays virtually identical to its Point Sweep counterpart. Open the door, kill the turret, beware the guy around the corner. Kill the drone, deal with the enemies in the roundhouse, and watch for the sergeant on the balcony beneath the far window - he uses two turrets to defend himself with. In the next room there will be a turret front and left guarding the laptop. Outside, there's limited cover, so explode the car before taking cover behind it. When the enemies are dealt with, move up beside the train and eliminate everyone except the sergeant, then his drone, then himself.

Move up cautiously through the traincars, clear out the yard, and move into the building. Once inside and the laptop is set up, you'll need to either set mines, drones, or turrets to protect the stairwells while defending the antennas from suicide drones. They approach from the roundhouse on left and right side. There'll be another sergeant on center, a Grenadier and Marksman on right side, and a helicopter dropping off reinforcements. The biggest threat are the kamikazes so always shoot those first.
Misc. Tips and Tricks
In the Training Area, Practice in other words, you have access to the following:
  • An ammo and special gear resupply.
  • A med box that regens your stamina.
  • A firing range with enemies at ~15m, ~30m, ~50m, ~55m, and ~100m, with static targets, explosive barrels, and destructible cover in addition.
  • Using the laptop to the left of the sandbag allows the targets to move.
  • Friendly NPCs you can shoot, a downed friendly you can revive, a fighter with the stats of a normal Al-Thurir Assault, a downed enemy to execute, an enemy with infinite armor and obscene health, and an armorless enemy with obscene health.
  • There are two white targets you can use to record recoil patterns if you have Decals turned on.
  • Lastly, there's a gauntlet you can run - you can change the enemies and their difficulty as desired.

After all enemies are eliminated within a given round of Onslaught, everybody is revived and brought to full HP as well as SP. Sometimes it's better to leave downed allies and hunt down the remaining enemies to save on syringes.

Ammo boxes refresh considerably faster in Onslaught than in Point Sweep or Spec Ops.

Supports can often use an ammo reserve quicker than they can reload their primary weapon.

The first four tiers of daily objectives, and the three tiers of weekly objectives are the key to earning credits. Premium helps a lot with this.

Be careful about attempting to kill an enemy with a teammate in front of you. On most modes, it's very easy to hit them on accident if they move into your line of fire. Also, strafing back and forth is a horrible idea for this reason. It's better to stay put and not move, or to crouch so allies behind you can shoot over you.

Sly can impersonate Delgado during the Forest Point Sweep mission, and gain his HP too. She can impersonate the Heavy Fighter during Onslaught and gain his HP as well.

Your stamina will immediately refill to a minimum of 200 SP full once a new Onslaught round starts. Wait until after you've been given your stamina ration if you're gonna stim between rounds. No need to stim after the round has finished anymore.

On Al-Malik Hotel, Shaowei can send his drone to the back left corner behind the killbox gunner to shoot him in the ass. This allows your team to move up very easily.

Hitting an enemy in the head will make them flinch. This is vital for surviving on Spec Ops and Onslaught Legend because a stunned enemy can't shoot back.

On Radar, if the dish is rotating and you're in front of it, IE the curved portion is facing you, you will be EMP'd and your ability will be disabled temporarily.

All the Swedish AMF operators have a bonus if you stand fairly close to them. Starkadr makes you faster, Odin makes you tankier, Freyr regens your stamina quicker, and Vidarr makes you more lethal.

It's easier to chain together headshots if you use the enemy's outline as your indicator of a clean hit, rather than focusing on their head specifically. Once you see that outline, you can send it.

If you have upgrades on a weapon due to leveling an operator up, if you unlock that weapon for another operator, the upgrades will carry over.
Operator Overview
Assaults provide a team with additional DPS to dispatch foes, explosives to deal with hard targets and cover, or crowd control to manage threats effectively. Some get unique abilities to disguise as a target, to deploy decoys, spotting flares, or a drone, and to use kit like battering rams or throwing axes. They are not the front of the formation, but attack from the flank, and deal with threats as they close in on the squad.

Supports provide the backbone for the squad, often being front and center to take bullets for their team. They often provide bonus HP in the form of a Shield, deploy a literal shield in front of them, or carry one into battle. They can fly banners to revive teammates, launch explosive rockets to great effect, deploy a turret for additional firepower, or penetrate hard cover with gunfire. If the support falls, a team's offensive push will often stall and enemies gain the advantage to push back.

Medics provide the healing that keeps their team alive. The speed with which a squad can complete objectives, and dispatch foes often depends on the health they have in reserve. Heavily wounded teammates are timid and cautious, and a heavily wounded team is close to failure. Besides healing, medics can provide smoke grenades for cover, deploy robotics to block enemy explosives, revive teammates from afar, replenish their ammo, or even their armor. They also carry the most revival syringes of any other class. If the medic falls and cannot be revived, mission failure is almost a guarantee.

Marksmen provide the long range firepower to deal with threats like Chemists, Grenadiers, and hostile Marksmen that wish to see the special forces fail. They reward good aim the most with headshots, and provide additional gear that can break destructible cover, reveal enemies out of sight, or even make you invisible. They can also boost their team's speed and kill waves of enemies effortlessly. The marksman is often the last man alive if all goes wrong, and is usually the most lethal of the four when it's not the Support. They are the team's ace in the hole.

Evaluations are made on operators I own and have had some gameplay with. Guide will be updated with pictures and as more operators are purchased.

At the start of the game, you can choose one of four operators, and as you complete matches you'll unlock more operators.

At the start, you can pick:
Volk, Stern, Monk, and Sztylet. I recommend Stern or Sztylet. Monk and Volk are both okay.

Second round picks:
Volk, Bishop, Schatz, and Tien. I recommend Schatz or Volk. Tien is okay. Bishop isn't as useful.

Third round picks:
Koszmar, Almaz, Monk, and Kurt. I recommend Koszmar or Almaz. Monk is okay. Kurt isn't as useful.

Last round picks:
Bourbon, Corsair, Sztylet, and Ded. All are good choices. Choose Sztylet if you didn't pick him in round 1, Ded if you didn't pick Monk or Schatz, Corsair if you didn't pick Volk or Koszmar, and Bourbon if you didn't pick Stern or Almaz.

Vympel operators are 100k.
Seal operators are 100k.
GROM operators are 100k.
Raid operators are 150k.
TFB operators are 150k.
KSK operators are 150k.
22 SPN operators are 150k.
SSO operators are 150k.
All other operators are 200k unless discounted. Accurate as of 2/16/2024.
Operator PVE Tierlist (updating for 1.0)
With full consideration of an operator's weapons, special gear, ability, general stats, how they play, and relation to other operators, here's how I would rank them. This is assuming all operators are at level 15 with optimal upgrades chosen. Operators are added or moved around as I get to play with them. The order within a tier doesn't really matter since it's based on map, modifiers, availability, or mood.

Essentially speaking, an operator's flexibility or specialty within a given role is what gives them a high ranking. There are more than a few where they are too inflexible, and don't stand out in any particular regard. Good operators are flexible, great operators do their job better than anyone else.

S Tier is an operator that has no serious weaknesses, is a frequent pick, or brings something unique that no other operator can replicate. You will almost always pick them and they are fun to play.

A Tier is an operator that is very solid and fairly well rounded, only lacking in one or a couple areas, like a mediocre special gear or ability. You will pick them in most cases, but depending on the operator they can be boring.

B Tier is an operator that has some flaws or limitations that keep them from being great. Usually, it's because another operator does their job better. They excel on a couple maps, but are rarely chosen.

1.0 Tierlist
S Tier: Volk, Plut, Koszmar, Sly, Sterling, Faro, Starkadr?, Shaowei?
A Tier: Perun, Voron, Rein, Corsair, Lumen, Avant?, Mustang?, Lazootchick?, Martelo?
B Tier: Aphela

S Tier: Almaz, Svarog, Kit, Prorok, Stern, Hagana, Matador?, Zubr?, Yingzhou?, Barreira?
A Tier: Bourbon, Bishop, Tower?, Tibet?, Odin?
B Tier: Sputnik, Fortress, Bastion?

S Tier: Ded, Bard, Sungur?, Bones, Watson, Velour, Shersheret, Buggy, Freyr, Acai?
A Tier: Karavai, Schatz, Monk, Spark?, Kaval?, Yaowang?
B Tier: Travnik, Mikolaj, Miguel?

S Tier: Sztylet, Archer?, Bell, Canglong, Cacador?
A Tier: Strelok, Sokol, Komar, Tien, Scout?, Avalanche, Eima?, Sultan?, Vidarr?
B Tier: Kurt, Vagabond, Diablo?, Busel?

Last updated 1/20/2025, still in progress. If it has a question mark, i'm still evaluating them.

    (B tier opinions below)
  • Aphela's grenade launcher ought to have some explosive property to it with an optional upgrade for destroying cover. Her ability also somewhat holds her back and has limited utility. She's designed to win a PVP trade, so her kit is lacking in PVE.

  • Bastion just has no utility outside of being shot at. Pulling AI aggro with the ability active would be cool.

  • Fortress' primary sucks in so many regards: it's short range, inaccurate, middle of the road damage, punishes her for using 100 round mags, and it's not ammo efficient. I shouldn't need 5 different skills to fix her gun. Rest of her kit is fine.

  • For Travnik, you should be able to tap the button and let the heal continue as long as you're looking at the ally you're trying to heal. Having to hold it sucks. He heals faster than Shersheret but is more restrictive.

  • Mikolaj needs to have an upgrade for his shotgun that gives him slugs as an ammo type like Watson gets by default, or a 20 meter maximum damage range. That'll bump him up to A tier immediately.

  • Miguel doesn't get any synergy from Healing Touch on his revival pistol, which is a big let down. His drone also can't really support a team that's spread out, or even heal a single person very quickly. His dragon's breath rounds also make his shotgun worse, which is weird for an "upgrade."

  • Tien and Diablo both use primaries that aren't as good as Sztylet's or Cacador's. Diablo needs extended mags badly. Tien's grenades could use a damage buff or a spare magazine.

  • Kurt is basically a step down from Sokol. Extended pistol mags might help, another primary mag, little bit higher damage, or an ability that ACTUALLY WORKS WHEN YOU KILL PEOPLE.

  • Vagabond's ability is not intuitive, and discourages him from seeking headshots. His special gear is cute but not very useful, and his sidearm should be closer to Barreira's in performance, though it still wouldn't be good.

  • Maybe I need more time with Sultan to figure him out, but so far I just don't vibe with him. His special gear is useless in PVE, and his ability is interesting, but hard to use effectively. His rifle is also not great, and he leans hard on headshots. Maybe the jammers could boost move speed when stuck on a person?

Skills Overview (1.0 ✅)
There are four different columns of skills you can ultimately unlock and equip for a given operator. Some are better than others, some are highly situational, and some are must-haves in almost every scenario. You always unlock the first tier at level 4, second tier at level 8, and third tier at level 12. I don't recommend leveling an op past 8 unless you really like the skill or operator.

Some skill descriptions were either shortened or rewritten to better convey the benefits provided. Skills are listed from left to right within their column.

For Physical Fitness:
Sleight of Hand (Ded)
Respiratory Training (Volk)
Advanced Training (Mustang)
Stay Frosty (Koszmar)
Hemostatic Serum (Bourbon)
Shooting Posture (Canglong)
R&R (Zubr)
Enhanced Stimulants (Freyr)
Self-Treatment (Perun)
Treatment Factor (Odin)
Gunpoint (Avalanche)
Fresh Forces (Martelo)
Healing Touch (Spark)
Neurosurgery (Sungur)
To The Max (Saif)

For Protective Materials:
Sealed Materials (Bard)
Anti-Shrapnel Layer (Almaz)
Regenerative Materials (Stern)
Snug Fit (Velour)
Lightweight Protection (Svarog)
Enhanced Protection (Barreira)

For Weapon Systems:
Precision Rifling (Tien)
Quick-Release Mags (Corsair)
Bolt Assembly Modernization (Komar)
Armor-Piercing Rounds (Archer)
Heavy Ammo Pack (Kit)
Thermographic Sight (Diablo)
Flat Trajectory (Schatz)
Tungsten Bullets (Monk)
Heavy Barrel [Faro)
Lightweight Chest Rig (Hagana)

For Combat Tactics:
Spare Syringe (Mikolaj)
Refined Formula (Miguel)
Silent Warrior (Prorok)
Ambush (Kurt)
Blood Rage (Starkadr)
Counterattack (Bastion)
Headhunt (Sultan)
Vengeance (Avant-Garde)
Hidden Movement (Busel)
Shoulder to Shoulder (Fortress)
Personal Priorities (Sly)
Zeroing (Bell)
Physical Fitness (1.0 ✅)
Sleight of Hand (Ded): Applying reserves is 15/20/25% 20/25/30% faster, and the cooldown is 15/20/25% 20/25/30% quicker.
(Very good skill to have if you don't have other options. Supports benefit a fair bit from having it.)

Respiratory Training (Volk): Stamina Recovery increases by 1/1.5/2 SP 2/3/4 SP a second.
(Good on operators that use their ability a lot. Never a bad skill to have on. Less powerful in Onslaught.)

Advanced Training (Mustang): Return to battle with no less than 125/200/275 stamina. Your operator's max HP is increased by 1 for every 120/100/70 max SP they have. Also increases your max SP by 100.
(Given that most operators have 500 max SP, plus the hundred, you'll see anywhere from 6-10 max HP extra. Not a big boost, but you get additional stamina, and it's only a benefit. Not a bad pick.)

Fully Equipped Run (Rein): You sprint 5/8/10% faster with your primary weapon out.
(Also not a bad bonus, but I wouldn't call it a game changer. Also, some ops run faster with their sidearm or special gear.)

Duck and Weave (Plut): You take 9/12/15% 10/15/17% less bullet and explosion damage while sprinting.
(A bit specific for the size of the bonus. Doesn't help you when you're doing anything other than sprinting.)

Stay Frosty (Koszmar): Stunned, Suppressed, Slowed, Trapped, and Stiff effects wear off 20/30/40% faster.
(Not a bad skill, reduces vulnerability. Passive skills tend to be pretty strong.)

Hemostatic Serum (Bourbon): Your operator's max HP is increased by 5/10/15, but maximum stamina is reduced by 100 your incoming healing will be reduced by 15%.
(Still useful on ops that have low health to start with, but it's not a no-brainer like it was before.)

Second Wind (Watson): After being revived, you recover 30/40/50 HP over 2.5 seconds.
(If you're going down, you're likely doing something wrong. Takes the load off medics that can't heal often. OP on Sterling.)

Shooting Posture (Canglong): 2/1/0.5 seconds after aiming, you receive 10/12/15% less bullet and explosion damage.
(Very good skill given by a very good operator. Hard to go wrong with this.)

R&R (Zubr): While over 400/350/300 Stamina, the operator is immune to being Stunned, Suppressed, Slowed, Trapped, or Stiff by hostiles.
(Also a very good skill, since flashbangs are frequent and leave you exposed. Great on ops where being stunned can make or break a defense.)

Enhanced Stimulants (Freyr): Applying Stimulant reserves recovers 60/80/120 more stamina, plus increases damage resistance by 6/8/10% and provides immunity to Fire and Poison for 10 seconds. Cooldown raises to 40 seconds, and activation takes 4 seconds.
(Got moved from Weapon Systems to Physical Fitness, and got buffed all around. Excellent on ops that use their stims a lot.)

Self Treatment (Perun): If the operator drops below 20/30/40 25/35/45% max HP, they will regen up to that value at 2% of their max HP a second. You must not take damage for 5 7 seconds.
(Used to be god tier, then got nerfed hard, now it's brought back to being useful. Consistent form of passive healing that keeps you out of one shot territory between fights.)

Clinging to Life (Sterling): You can crawl 50/75/100% faster and for 20% longer.
(Still not great even after the buff, but it can be useful on some ops like Almaz.)

Treatment Factor (Odin): You receive 20/25/30% more healing from any source.
(You may not always be going down, but you are often being healed by something. This stacks with Vengeance, making the two a great pairing. Very good skill.)

Sixth Sense (Vidarr): Movement speed increased by 8/12/15% 10/15/20%, and immunity to being Slowed when you are Marked.
(Some abilities automatically mark you, like Avant-Garde, Cacador, and Sokol. This could see some great synergy there.)

Cold Blood (Matador): When affected by any debuff, you take 10/12/15% less bullet damage.
(Not necessarily bad in theory, but explosions aren't resisted, and you're not always debuffed.)

Adrenaline Buzz (Eima): When you have less than 30/40/50 HP, your movement speed is increased by 20%, and your incoming healing is increased by 45%.
(50 HP isn't that hard to reach on some Assaults, and they benefit a lot from the move speed bonus.)

Gunpoint (Avalanche): Movement speed while aiming with a primary weapon is increased by 10/15/20%. Your movement speed is faster, and your spread is decreased by 5/10/15% while aiming your primary
(Not a bad skill after the buff. Can be used to make some primaries a lot more accurate, which would stack with Precision Rifling. Could be busted for shotguns.)

Fresh Forces (Martelo): Primary Ability cooldown reduced by 33%, but maximum HP is reduced by 30/25/20%. Your max HP is reduced by 10%, and your ability will cost 40/35/30% more, but it will cool off 15/25/33% faster.
(Some of the HP penalty was exchanged for higher stamina costs. Still a great tradeoff for operators that have long cooldowns, like Freyr and Tower. Stims recommended.)

Healing Touch (Spark): Revived allies recover 15/25/35 more HP.
(Great for medics in general. It helps you bounce back faster when your team is already at a disadvantage. Basically a budget defib. Goes hand in hand with Spare Syringe. It does NOT affect Kit's banner unfortunately.)

Neurosurgery (Sungur): Increases healing that allies receive from abilities and special gear by 10/13/15%.
(Great for medics in general. Helps keep your team healthy and more resilient before having to resort to revival syringes.)

To The Max (Saif): Increases ability duration by 10/15/20%.
(Very good for operators that rely on ability uptime. A few seconds can make all the difference.)
Protective Materials (1.0 ✅)
Sealed Materials (Bard): Fire and Gas (poison) damage reduced by 20/25/30%.
(Not a bad skill to have, especially since fire can easily kill an op, and not all ops are immune to gas.)

Subdermal Meldonium (Voron): Recovers 120/150/210 Stamina over 4/3.5/3 seconds when your armor breaks. Becomes active every respawn, but not after revival. Requires having armor to begin with.
(Meh. Easier ways to regen stamina.)

Anti-Shrapnel Layer (Almaz): Reduce explosion damage by 30/40/50%.
(Highly specific, but i'll be honest, RPGs can kick your ass at the best of times, and kill your team at the worst. Good skill. It will save you from RPG one-taps.)

Subdermal Morphine (Travnik): Recovers 30/35/40 HP over 5 seconds when your armor breaks. Becomes active every respawn, but not after revival. Requires having armor to begin with.
(Better in PVP.)

Regenerative Materials (Stern): Automatically restores the most recently damaged armor plate if you haven't been hurt for 5 seconds, at 2 AP a second. Tier 1 can restore the first (lowest) plate, tier 2 the second, and tier 3 the third plate and beyond. Cannot restore bonus armor.
(Universally considered a must have, and is king of this skill slot. Infinite armor over time? Yes please. Do note: only the bottom most plate can infinitely regen, even if destroyed - all others must remain unbroken for the skill to repair them. The first tier is the most useful.)

Adaptive Armor (Yingzhou): Applies the Shielded effect when your armor breaks. Shield durability is 20/25/30 HP, lasts 5 seconds. Becomes active every respawn, but not after revival. Requires having armor to begin with.

Snug Fit (Velour): While at full armor, or with zero armor, you'll cover 4/6/8 SP a second. You will lose 20 max AP if you have any armor.
(Great on ops like Kaval, Velour, and Tower that can replenish their own armor, or 20 AP medics that are stamina hungry. You don't need armor if you can heal constantly, right?)

Composite Armor Plates (Kaval): Armor plate reserves restore HP 10/15/20 HP over 3 seconds in addition to AP. Cooldown raises to 40 seconds, takes 4 seconds to activate.
(Maybe? Infinite armor and a good medic is preferable.)

Head Protection (Aphela): Headshot damage resistance improved by 15/20/25%.
(Better for PVP, I don't know how often the bots actually hit your head.)

Lightweight Protection (Svarog): You lose 20 max AP but gain 100/150/200 max SP. If your max AP is 40 or less, your primary's recoil is reduced by 8%.
(Potentially handy on ops with 60 or 20 AP. Will need to find some synergies later. This gives Tibet a ♥♥♥♥ ton of stamina.)

Readiness (Yaowang): When an enemy is within 4/5/6 meters, you deal 10/12/15% 9/11/13% more damage with your primary and secondary.
(They basically have to be within arm's reach. This is not gonna be useful in most circumstances.)

Stimulant Medications (Shersheret): Using First Aid reserves restores 70/105/140 SP over 3 sec in addition to the HP. Cooldown raises to 40 35 seconds, and activation takes 4 seconds. it can be used at full health.
(If this was a weapon systems skill it'd be great. Because it's a protective materials skill there's hardly a reason to pick it. Still true after the buff.)

Internal Reserve (Bones): If you fall below 75 Stamina, you will restore 225/300/375 SP over 5 seconds once per round.
(Still useful for Onslaught, but not as important as it once was. It'll give you that extra boost if you run dry.)

Enhanced Protection (Barreira): You gain 20 max AP, but your movement speed is decreased by 30/25/20% 17/15/13% in all cases except when incapacitated.
(Not nearly as bad as it used to be. Can be really good on already fast ops, or ops that can regen their armor like Kaval, Velour, and Tower.)

Extra Layer (Tower): Using an Armor Plate reserve will apply a 15/20/25 HP Shield for 15 seconds. Cooldown will take 20/15/10 seconds longer.
(I still prefer Ammo reserves over armor, but now the Shield will stack with your armor and health, making you tankier in all situations.)

Sturdy Armor (Aslan): Operators with full armor restore HP and take less damage from bullets and explosions. Healing is 0.5 HP a sec, and a damage reduction of 10/15/20%.
(This only works if you are at maximum armor. Excellent on operators that can either replenish their own armor.)
Weapon Systems (1.0 ✅)
Thermal Coating (Strelok): Primary recoil reduced by 10/15/20%. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Meh. Most guns don't recoil hard enough to make this a necessary skill.)

Precision Rifling (Tien): Primary spread reduced by 10/15/20%. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Most weapons aren't inaccurate enough to need this, and the ones that do aren't helped much, but it's not useless. Barreria and Mustang are two ops who benefit from this.)

Quick-Release Magazines (Corsair): Primary and secondary weapons reload 20/30/40% faster.
(Universally considered a must have skill, very useful on most ops, and rarely a bad choice.)

Bolt Assembly Modernization (Komar): Bolt Action Rifles can shoot 0.1/0.15/0.2 rounds-per-second faster, and allows for shooting without exiting the scope.
(There's only a handful of marksmen that can utilize this, but on the ones who can it's very good. Most bolt guns run at 1 RPS or slower.)

Hair Trigger (Vagabond): Secondary rate of fire increased by 0.5/1/1.5 rounds-per-second. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Meh. I see the appeal in DPS but I prefer to increased damage over increased rate of fire when possible.)

Armor-Piercing Rounds (Archer): Primary weapon Armor Penetration increased by 5/10/15%, but spread increased by 20/15/10%. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Finally a nerf to offset the strong upside. You could completely offset the penalty with Gunpoint, or just roll with it. Still useful for changing shots to kill.)

Heavy Ammo Pack (Kit): Ammo reserves replenish 1 charge of Special Gear instead of in addition to primary and secondary ammo. Cooldown increased to 720/480/360 seconds, application takes 5 seconds.
(Extremely useful on operators that use their special gear often. Not so useful on ops that use their Ammo reserve often. Sleight of Hand DOES stack with this, making a 360s cooldown into 270s.)

Thermographic Sight (Diablo): Targets in smoke, and targets that are Invisible are personally Marked for you after aiming for 1/0.5/0.25 seconds.
(Very tactical choice, but great on characters that use smoke. If your line of sight to the target is obscured by smoke, they will be outlined. Doesn't seem to work beyond 60 meters. Possibly works in Spec Ops, and on enemies in Onslaught with the Fog of War mod.)

Expanding Bullets (Sztylet): Damage dealt by Fire, Gas, and Bleeding is increased by 20/25/30% for 4 seconds after hitting the target with your primary weapon. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Virtually useless on characters that can't apply Damage over Time. Could be useful if the damage over time would be enough to kill with the skill on.)

Flat Trajectory (Schatz): Primary headshot damage is reduced by 20%, but effective range is increased by 15/20/25%. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Obviously useless on sniper rifles, but this can be useful on SMGs and ARs that have 25-30m before damage starts to fall off. You will almost always require one more headshot to kill.)

Tungsten Bullet Coating (Monk): Primary headshot damage is increased by 15/20/25%, but effective range is reduced by 15%. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(The mirror image of Flat Trajectory, and ironically more useful on marksman weapons with far or nonexistent dropoff. You will almost always require one less headshot to kill. Also, who coats bullets in tungsten?)

Frugality (Scout): At the end of each round, 1/2/3 all unexploded mines are returned to you. You also plant mines 25/35/45% faster.
(Really a convenience skill. Only useful on ops that plant mines. Personal pick.)

Tech Calibration (Shaowei): Drone special gear health increased by 10/12/15%.
(I would only use this on Shaowei or Bones. Highly specific skill, but it can be helpful.)

Heavy Barrel (Faro): Primary damage is increased by 5/7/10%, but recoil is increased by 50/45/40% as well. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(The damage buff is smaller than Archer's skill, but it's always in effect. It can be useful depending on the op, ones that have low damage/high rate of fire benefit more due to breaking armor quickly. It's not always useful though, so check my shots-to-kill sections.)

Lightweight Chestrig (Hagana): Primary and secondary have 1 less magazine (minimum of 1), but you reload them 10/15/20% faster, max SP is increased by 100/125/150, and Movement Speed is increased by 5%.
(This can be useful on ops like Acai, Bishop, or Barreira where they don't lose much from taking this skill. Also fantastic on ops with lots of mags to spare like Bastion. The buff made this skill really good.)
Combat Tactics (1.0 ✅)
Spare Syringe (Mikolaj): Carry 1/2/3 2/3/4 more Revival kits.
(Very useful pick, but not optimal on most operators. I usually put it on ops with very strong kits, or rear guard types that sit back to pick off enemies. Virtually necessary in Spec Ops. Only got better with the buff.)

Refined Formula (Miguel): Revived teammates get a 10/15/20% Movement Speed boost, and you restore 100/125/160 Stamina over 5 seconds. When you revive a teammate, you will both gain a 10/15/20% speed boost, and recover 100/125/150 SP for 8 seconds.
(Much better than it used to be, and could be useful on Medics that have a lot of revival kits. Will check if Miguel's dart gun is affected.)

Sure Step (Tibet): Sprinting uses 15/20/25% less stamina.
(This is not bad if you use medkits. If you have stims, just use a stim.)

Abseiling Proficiency (Lazootchick): You take 50/75/100% less falling damage.
(There are few maps where this can be useful, and fewer situations where you can't just walk around.)

Silent Warrior (Prorok): While in smoke, you move 9/12/15% faster, and you deal 6/8/10% more take 8/10/12% less bullet and explosive damage with your primary and secondary.
(Good on ops that use smokes, obviously. Pairs well with Thermographic Sight.)

Ambush (Kurt): 1.5/1/0.5 seconds after deploying a bipod, you will become Invisible, but you can still be Marked.
(This went from literally useless to amazing with one patch, and it wasn't even directly buffed. Bots will ignore players acting passively if they're Invisible now, creating a host of opportunities with ops that have bipods. You don't need to be ADS to have the bipod deployed, just facing and touching chest-high cover. Extremely good for lining up your first shot.)

Blood Rage (Starkadr): You replenish 20/25/30 HP, and 50/75/100 SP over 5 seconds upon executing an enemy.
(Once again, we go from virtually useless to absolutely amazing, and the skill itself wasn't even buffed. You can now execute bots from behind, meaning this skill has amazing returns on ops that can go Invisible or flank very easily.)

Counterattack (Bastion): After being shot 5/4/3 times, your weapons deal 8/10/15% 6/8/10% more damage for 8 seconds.
(Never a bad skill, just not always the optimal choice. Better on ops who are definitely getting shot a lot. Only use if the 10% would change your shots to kill.)

Headhunt (Sultan): A headshot kill immediately restores 50/70/90 Stamina.
(Very good skill, great on ops that use their ability often like Canglong or Sokol. Even automatics get headshots occasionally. Pairs well with medkits.)

Vengeance (Avant-Garde): Killing an enemy within 3 seconds of taking damage from them immediately restores 8/12/15 HP.
(Very good self sustain that helps you come out on top in damage trades. If you have this and Regen. Materials, your medic will love you. You can run stims full-time with this skill. Treatment Factor boosts the healing you get too.)

Additional Pouches (Sputnik): Carry 1/2/3 more of each reserve into battle.You can carry 3/4/5 more of each reserve type, and you get 1 additional revival kit.
(Got moved from Weapon Systems to Combat Tactics. I still don't burn through all my reserves, but the extra rez kit is nice.)

Hidden Movement (Busel): Crouched movement speed is increased by 10/15/20%. All sounds, except for shooting, are muffled by 75%. If you do not move for 3/2.5/2 seconds while crouched, you will gain Invisible intermittently until you move again.
(Got moved from Physical Fitness to Combat Tactics. The added Invisibility is amazing after the patch, making it an alternative to Ambush. You can sit in place and drop aggro fairly fast. Very good for healing or getting out of a tight spot without requiring a bipod.)

Lone Wolf (Sokol): For each teammate incapacitated, you gain 3/4/5% damage resistance to bullets and explosions (up to 15%), and recover an additional 1/2/3 SP a second (up to 9 SP/s).
(Still wouldn't recommend this in most circumstances, but the additional stamina is nice to have. Fantastic on ops like Canglong that are very good at being last alive.)

Emergency Aid (Karavai): Reviving is 15/22/30% faster, including with abilities, drones, or on yourself.
(This skill doesn't give you self revival, but when you are reviving somebody, whether it's yourself or someone else, it will be faster.)

Mercilessness (Bishop): You take 50/60/70% less damage from bullets and explosions while executing an enemy. You regain 20 AP after a successful execution.
(Used to be useless in PVE, but now that you can execute bots from behind, this gives you a consistent way to regain AP, and protects you considerably while performing them. Still not recommended though.)

Tough Nut (Buggy): When you have less than 30/35/40 HP, you gain 50% resistance to all damage, but deal 50% less damage with your weapons.
(I get the logic, but there aren't many instances where this is useful. Medics get the most out of this because they need to stay alive above all others, and their weapons aren't great.)

Shoulder to Shoulder (Fortress): You take 10% less bullet and explosion damage and reload your weapons 20% faster if you are within 6/7/8 meters of a teammate.
(Ideal for operators that are encouraged to stay close to other teammates, like Shersheret.)

Personal Priorities (Sly): You gain 3 2 more magazines (up to 7), +15% Armor Pen, +10 meters Effective Range, and +5% headshot damage for your sidearm, but you lose 1 magazine for your primary, and reload it 20/15/10% slower. This skill has no effect if the same weapon is used as primary and secondary.
(Literally nothing but a bonus for ops that can either heal themselves, need to boost their secondary, or their secondary is already very good.)

Priority Target (Cacador): Applies the Marked effect for 3/5/6 seconds to the enemy who incapacitates you.Damage is increased to Marked enemies by 5/6/7%, and the enemy who downs you will be Marked, in addition to blocking their healing for 3/5/6 seconds.
(Still not a great skill, since that extra damage only helps if it puts you over a breakpoint.)

Shared First Aid Kit (Acai): First Aid reserves heal 10 less HP, but every ally within 3 5 meters 12/16/20 HP over 4 seconds.
(It's a neat idea, but can be hard to coordinate. Only useful if your op runs First Aid kits.)

Shieldbreaker (Lumen): Damage dealt to the bonus HP given by the Shielded effect is increased by 20/25/30%.
(Obviously intended as a counter for supports like Almaz, Stern, and Kit. Almost useless in PVE because only the Heavy Fighter in Onslaught uses Shielded.)

Zeroing (Bell): Getting a headshot kill will reduce your weapon spread and recoil, and your movement speed is increased by 10/15/20% 8/12/15% for 5 seconds. If the same weapon is used as both primary and secondary, this skill affects both.
(Got moved from Weapon Systems to Combat Tactics. Still not a great skill, but if your operator has good headshot damage, this will only make it easier to chain headshots together. No longer competes with shots-to-kill skills either.)

First Blood (Tirkesh): Increases damage dealt to operators with full HP using the primary weapon by 5/7/10%.
(This DOES affect the bots in PVE. Most useful on marksmen that can maximize damage on the first shot.)
Enemy Bot HP Values
Al-Thurir Normal
Fighter: 60 HP + 20 AP (can throw frag grenades)
Shooter: 70 HP + 20 AP (can throw stun grenades)
Chemist: 80 HP + 20 AP (is immune to tear gas)
Marksman: 80 HP + 20 AP
Assault: 80 HP + 40 AP
Gunner: 90 HP + 80 AP

Al-Thurir Hard
Fighter: 80 HP + 40 AP (can throw frag grenades)
Shooter: 95 HP + 20 AP (can throw stun grenades)
Chemist: 90 HP + 60 AP (is immune to tear gas)
Marksman: 95 HP + 20 AP
Assault: 105 HP + 40 AP
Gunner: 130 HP + 80 AP

Azimuth Normal
Fighter: 60 HP + 40 AP (can throw frag grenades)
Shooter: 70 HP + 20 AP (can throw incendiary grenades)
Chemist: 80 HP + 40 AP (is immune to tear gas)
Assault: 80 HP + 40 AP (can throw stun grenades)
Marksman: 80 HP + 20 AP
Gunner: 90 HP + 60 AP (is immune to tear gas)

Azimuth Hard
Fighter: 85 HP + 40 AP (can throw frag grenades)
Shooter: 100 HP + 20 AP (can throw incendiary grenades)
Chemist: 95 HP + 60 AP (is immune to tear gas)
Marksman: 90 HP + 20 AP
Assault: 100 HP + 60 AP (can throw stun grenades)
Gunner: 125 HP + 80 AP (is immune to tear gas)

Legion Normal
Fighter: 60 HP + 40 AP (can throw frag grenades)
Shooter: 70 HP + 20 AP (can fire explosive sticky mines)
Chemist: 80 HP + 40 AP (is immune to tear gas)
Marksman: 80 HP + 20 AP (can inflict bleed)
Assault: 80 HP + 40 AP (can throw stun grenades)
Gunner: 90 HP + 60 AP (is immune to tear gas)

Legion Hard
Fighter: 85 HP + 40 AP (can throw frag grenades)
Shooter: 100 HP + 20 AP (can fire explosive sticky mines)
Chemist: 95 HP + 60 AP (is immune to tear gas)
Marksman: 90 HP + 20 AP (can inflict bleed)
Assault: 100 HP + 60 AP (can throw stun grenades)
Gunner: 125 HP + 80 AP (is immune to tear gas)

In addition to more health, Hard enemies (such as on Spec Ops or Onslaught Legend) deal extra damage compared to Normal.
Volk, Perun, and Voron (1.0.1 ✅)
Volk: Russian Assault that carries a high damage assault rifle combined with an underbarrel grenade launcher and a good sidearm. His fired grenades can explode on impact, and his ability will significantly reduce the recoil as well as improve the accuracy of his primary. He can crawl for longer when incapacitated. His primary can do 10% more damage, or have its range extended by 10 meters while the ability is active. His grenades can be modified to bounce before exploding, or to become smokes instead of frags. He can either be immune to being Suppressed, OR being Stunned while the ability is active.

His health and armor are fairly good. His walk speed is good, and sprint speed is almost best in class, only beaten by Lazootchick. The extended mags will make him slower, however. Sprint cost is better than average. His ability and primary allow him to challenge enemies from further away, and he gets lot of versatility through his grenades, being the only Assault with launchable smokes. His immunity to Suppression via his ability makes him great for challenging the Heavy Fighter. His major weakness is having no resistances without Enhanced Stimulants.

I chose 2A, 5B, 6A, 8B, 10A, 11C, 13A, 14B, and 15A as upgrades. His ability is useful and worth leaning into, so we'll want stamina on tap - Stims or Meds are both fine. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating, Precision Rifling, Quick Mags, AP Rounds (if using 10B), Thermo Sight (if using smokes), Heavy Barrel (if using 10B), or Light Chest Rig (if using 30rd mags)
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Blood Rage (if using smokes), Counterattack, Headhunt (if using 10A), Vengeance, Add. Pouches, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing (if using 10A)


Perun: Russian Assault that carries a high damage assault rifle and a good sidearm into battle. He has stun grenades at his disposal, and they can be modified to detonate on impact. His ability changes the rifle's fire mode to single shot or 2 round burst (which also removes horizontal recoil), and pierces through targets while also bypassing their armor. Single shot increases his primary's effective range by 20 meters. Regular kills or headshot kills made while the ability is active can heal him. Kills made with the ability active allow for 50% faster reloads and can replenish stamina. He moves 50% faster with his pistol out.

His walk speed is a bit slow but sprint speed is good, and sprint cost is cheap. Initially rather squishy and not a lot of health to spare. His rifle has a bit of spread to it, so AP Rounds is not recommended. Otherwise, Perun has a strong loadout, a powerful ability, good passives, and can self heal without Vengeance or medkits. His weaknesses are his low health, no resistances, and no explosives. Despite this, if played well, he should be exceedingly difficult to kill without massive spike damage. Use his pistol to move around when not expecting enemies. Use his ability to challenge enemies from afar.

I chose 4A, 6B, 7A, 9B, 11A, 13B, and 14B as upgrades. He can heal via his ability, and it can feed him stamina, so those two aren't as important in his skills. Stims or Meds are both fine. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or To The Max
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating, Precision Rifling, Quick Mags, Flat Trajectory (if using Burst), Tungsten Coating, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing (if using Single Fire)


Voron: Russian Assault who carries a suppressed assault rifle with great headshot damage, and a decent sidearm. At his disposal are Russian Claymore anti-personnel mines he can place, and his ability allows him to drain targets of their stamina with Exhaustion, slow them with a headshot, and extend his Effective Range by 15 meters. He's immune to being poisoned by Gas due to his mask. His mines inflict bleeding - if they don't kill outright. Killing an enemy with the ability active restores 10-55 stamina. The ability can improve his weapon's accuracy by 25% while active.

His walk speed is either decent or great, sprint speed is very good, and sprint cost is either average or fairly cheap. Health is okay to good depending on upgrades, and his armor is decent. His primary has great damage, and headshots are viciously good. His ability allows him to challenge enemies that are beyond his point blank range of 30 meters, which is nice. Weaknesses are the situational nature of his mines and an okay, but not great ability.

I went with 3B, 5B, 7B, 8B, 10B, 12C, 13B, and 15B as upgrades. His ability isn't amazing and his armor sin't high, so I prefer Meds and Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (pair with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer or Regen. Materials
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating, Precision Rifling, Quick Mags (highly recommended), Frugality, Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches, Hidden Movement, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Plut, Koszmar, and Rein (0.24.0)
Plut: Russian Assault that carries a suppressed assault rifle and a decent sidearm. At his disposal are old fashioned frag grenades, and his ability deploys a moving decoy that will attract fire from enemies. Enemies that attack it become Marked. When he's revived he gains 10 more HP. Killing enemies that shoot the decoy regains 40 stamina. His grenades inflict Bleeding. Enemies within 5 meters of the decoy can become Marked, OR if an enemy destroys the decoy Plut gains 25% extra move speed for 8 seconds. Teammates that kill enemies attacking the decoy can regain 50 stamina.

His move stats are fairly good, and his sprint cost is cheaper than average. Health and armor are both solid, but not great. His primary has great headshot damage and range. His decoys are great for trapping corners and acting as motion sensors, or pulling aggro. Don't be afraid to throw one out and run if things look bleak. Weaknesses are no resistances to Fire or Gas. Try to have a method to regen stamina since his ability is pretty handy.

I went with 3A, 5B, 7A, 9A, 10B, 11B, 13A, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. Stims and Meds are both fine. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, and Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating, Quick Mags, Tungsten Coating, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), and Zeroing


Koszmar: Polish Assault that carries a suppressed assault rifle and a decent sidearm into battle. At his disposal is a standalone grenade launcher firing tear gas rounds with great area denial. His ability lets him apply EMP with hits from his primary, which removes all buffs from the target except Shielding and Link, and stuns bots too. He has immunity to being Poisoned by gas thanks to his mask. Thunder can increase the damage enemies take from Gas. He can go Invisible for 3 seconds when firing 10 shots in rapid succession with his primary.

Koszmar has a balanced loadout, good move speed stats, and very cheap sprint cost. He can also get a bunch of tear gas grenades. His ability can lock down obnoxious or dangerous enemies, and his special punishes enemies for camping in cover. His primary weakness is the short range of his rifle. His special trait for going Invisible can also really screw with bots since it will constantly break their targeting, reducing the heat he takes.

I chose 2A, 4B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 11B, 12B, 13A, and 15A as upgrades. Stims or Meds are both fine. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Flat Trajectory, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Hidden Movement, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit (if using meds)


Rein: Austrian Assault who carries a suppressed assault rifle and a decent sidearm. At his disposal are strong frag grenades, and his ability creates an EMP field around him about 25-30 meters wide that lasts for 3 seconds, stunning Bots for the duration. Holding the ability button will create an EMP pulse - destroying mines, ground based drones, and electronics within 10 meters. The pulse can Trap enemies for 3 seconds, OR Mark them for 5 seconds. Teammates that revive Rein get 75 Stamina. If an enemy is affected by his ability, it can boost Rein's rate of fire by 10% for 3 seconds, OR increase his move speed by 20% for 6 seconds.

His walk and sprint speed are both good, and his sprint cost is very cheap, almost best in class. His health and armor are both decent. Primary's fairly solid with excellent headshot damage. Weaknesses are a very limited ability and no resistances. Between Rein and Plut I'd prefer Plut.

I went with 4A, 6A, 8B, 9A, 10A, 11B, 12B, 13A, 14A, and 15C as upgrades. Meds are preferred, but Stims are fine. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Stay Frosty, Hemostatic Serum, Shooting Posture, R&R, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Tungsten Coating, Heavy Barrel (preferred), or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (with Healing Touch), Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Corsair, Sly, and Sterling (0.24.1)
Corsair: American Assault that carries a suppressed assault rifle and and a strong sidearm into battle with him. At his disposal are remote detonated C4 charges that he throws. His ability lets him Mark targets that are hit with the primary. Enemy mines take 1 second longer to trigger. He can Slow enemies in addition to Marking them. He can block enemies from being Healed or Shielded. He can also get 10% damage resistance or move speed when killing an enemy with C4.

Corsair has a decent loadout with lots of ammo, good move stats, very cheap sprint cost, and C4 for setting traps or destroying barriers within about 10 meters. His weakness is a lackluster ability, relatively low health, and lack of resistances. He starts off fairly squishy and easy to kill. His ammo can last a little longer due to having a 6th primary mag.

I chose 2B, 5A, 6B, 7B, 8B, 10A, 11B, 12B, 13A, 14A, and 15B as upgrades. Meds and Ammo are generally what I prefer.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Hemo. Serum, Shooting Posture, R&R, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (use with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds. (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds, Flat Trajectory, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (pair with Healing Touch), Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing


Sly: American Assault that carries a low capacity battle rifle and shorty pump shotgun into battle. She has stun grenades at her disposal, and they can be modified to detonate on impact. Her ability lets her disguise as an enemy target, copying their look and current HP, as well as dropping enemy aggro except when close to the initial target. Her rifle's accuracy is 50% better when crouched. She moves 10% faster with the shotgun out. She can replenish 10 HP when she gets a shotgun kill. She can replenish shotgun ammo when executing an enemy.

Sly has a very specific loadout that dominates close range and creeps into mid range, but her ability can allow her to close gaps easily. Her move speed stats are good, sprinting is cheap, and the ability to drop aggro and heal on command is invaluable. She's tricky to play and has a high skill curve - poor timing will get you killed. Her weakness is dealing with enemies beyond 30 meters, when her ability being on cooldown, or her lack of resistances.

I chose 2B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B, 9A, 11B, 12A, 13C, 14A, and 15A as her upgrades. Make sure she has a way to regain stamina - I prefer Stims, since her ability can heal her. Ammo to stay in the fight.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Duck and Weave, Stay Frosty, Hemo. Serum, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags (preferred), AP Rounds, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, or Personal Priorities


Sterling: Bri'ish Assault who carries an assault rifle combined with an underbarrel grenade launcher, and a decent sidearm. His grenade launcher fires frag rounds, and his ability allows him to self-revive if it is active when he goes down. When he self-revives, it drops his stamina below the threshold for use, forcing you to regain stamina in some way to use it again, but it bypasses the cooldown. He moves 50% faster for 2 seconds after being hit by a bullet. His ability makes him immune to being Slowed, Crippled, or Trapped. He can move significantly faster, and for longer, when incapacitated.

His walk speed and sprint speed are great. Sprint cost is best in class. Health and armor can be a little low. His rifle has extremely good damage, making it ammo efficient. His ability makes him very difficult to put down for good, as long as you put it up whenever you're in danger. Use him to do stupid ♥♥♥♥ nobody else can get away with. Having lots of stamina isn't really important here. Weaknesses are technically no resistances to Gas or Fire, but the man can literally cheat death. He also starts off really fragile.

I went with 3B, 5C, 6A, 7A, 9B, 11B, 12B, 13B, and 14B as upgrades. Make sure he has a way to regain stamina - Stims are fine for this. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Hemo. Serum, Second Wind (literally the only op who can use this well), Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags (doesn't really need much else here)
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing

Lumen, Avant-Garde, and Aphela (1.0 ✅)
Lumen: Bri'ish Assault who carries a flashlight-equipped SMG with extended mags and a strong sidearm into battle. He has incendiary grenades that can Blind enemies upon detonation, and his ability allows him to dial the underbarrel flashlight up to 11, dazzling enemies and Suppressing AI within a radius, reducing their accuracy. He can shoot his sidearm when incapacitated. He is immune to being Poisoned and Stunned. His final upgrade can make his ability work like Volk's, reducing spread by 20%, vertical recoil by 20%, and making his primary reload 30% faster.

Lumen has a decent loadout with lots of ammo, good move speed stats, decent sprint cost, and a lot of variability in his upgrades. His weaknesses would be dealing with enemies beyond 30 meters, and his grenades require pinpoint aim to do damage with, but those trade offs are fine. He's what Aphela wanted to be.

I chose 2A, 5A, 7C, 8B, 9A, 10A, 11C, 13A, 14A, and 15C as upgrades. Give him a way to regain stamina - I prefer Stims. Ammo for sure.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Hemo. Serum, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds),
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds (with 11A), Flat Trajectory, Tungsten Coating, or Heavy Barrel (with 11B)
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The UMP40 (Bones' SMG), the MP5A5 (Bard's SMG), the Hi-Power (Spark's sidearm), or the M45A1 (CST sidearm).


Avant-Garde: French Assault that carries a semi-auto mag-fed shotgun and a micro pistol into battle. At his disposal are tear gas grenades that Stun enemies upon detonation. His ability lets him reflect a fraction of the damage taken back to his attacker, and also provides a Shield that's replenished on enemy kills, or hits. He is resistant to being Stunned. He takes 20% less damage to his limbs.

Avant has a strong close range loadout, good move speed stats, and decent sprint cost. He's good at staying alive in high risk CQB where most other operators would die too quickly. His grenades are also good for brief area denial, and his passives are good.. His weaknesses are anything beyond 20 meters, and if he's caught in the middle of a reload he's toast. He can be difficult to play, but a lot of fun if you master the flow of combat.

I chose 3A, 5B, 6A, 7B, 8B, 9A, 10B, 12A, 14C, and 15C as my upgrades. You can go for 12B as well. He's gonna need stamina for his ability - I prefer Stims for this. Ammo is preferred but Armor is also fine.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Hemo. Serum, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Sixth Sense, Cold Blood, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces (lots of good options here)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials (if using ammo), Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Internal Reserve, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Flat Trajectory, or Light Chestrig (if using ammo)
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The Type 97 (Yingzhou's shotgun), the M4 Super 90 (Miguel's shotgun), the P8 (KSK sidearm), or the Mk25 (SEAL sidearm).


Aphela: Israeli Assault that carries a suppressed assault rifle with extended mags, and a mediocre sidearm into battle. At her disposal is an underslung grenade launcher that fires incendiary rounds (but no explosion), setting fire to a small radius for area denial, and her ability allows her to deal more bullet damage at the cost of receiving more damage herself. She takes half damage from fire. She can make a brief last stand while her ability is active, delaying her incapacitation. Her ability can make her immune to being Stunned, or she can gain bonuses when Burning.

Her move speed stats are good, even great if you don't use the extended mags, and her sprint cost is cheap. Her primary has a lot of ammo with it. She's a fast and mobile assault, well suited to flanking and putting the enemy on the backfoot. Her ability is best used with high ground or good cover with plenty of targets in view to quite literally mitigate Risk. Her pistol is a faster firing, lower damage variant of the Jericho. Her weakness is, ironically, her ability due to its very nature. She also kinda struggles to deal with enemies beyond 30 meters.

I chose 2B, 6B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10A, 12B, and 14B as upgrades. Stims or Meds are both fine. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Hemo. Serum, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Cold Blood, Adrenaline Buzz, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Flat Trajectory, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The G36A1 (Faro's rifle), the L119A1 (Sterling's rifle), the P8 (KSK sidearm), or the M45A1 (CST sidearm).

Faro, Mustang, and Lazootchick (0.23.2)
Faro: Spanish Assault that carries an assault rifle and a decent sidearm into battle. At his disposal is an underbarrel grenade launcher that fires sticky mines, which detonate when enemies get close, and an ability that launches a flare in the direction you aim. The flare marks enemies within a radius, and every enemy Marked confers a 7% bullet and explosion resistance buff to him, up to 28%. It can also ignite enemies if they're hit with the flare. He restores 10 AP after killing an enemy Marked by his ability. He takes 75% less fall damage. Upon vaulting over an obstacle, he gets a 20% move speed boost for 5 seconds. His mines can Cripple affected enemies for 3 seconds.

Faro has a strong loadout, good move stats, and cheap sprint cost. His mine launcher's good for setting traps or destroying barriers, and his primary's headshot damage is not to be ignored. His skill is pretty good and worth grabbing. His weakness is his ability, which can be hard to use effectively, and a lack of resistances. His ability can be good for spotting enemies within a small radius, or for restoring a bit of armor.

For upgrades I went 3A, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8A, 10B, 12B, 14B, and 15B. Stims and Meds are both fine. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Enhanced Protection
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Heavy Barrel, or Lightweight Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Headhunt, Vengeance, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The M4A1 (Aphela's rifle), the ARX160 (Mustang's rifle), the P8 (KSK sidearm), or the Mk25 (SEAL sidearm).


Mustang: Kazakh Assault that carries a high damage assault rifle and a decent sidearm into battle. At his disposal is an undersling grenade launcher, equipped with DART rounds that can penetrate cover or enemies, and a Radar ability to easily find enemies. He has immunity to being Poisoned by gas. He moves twice as fast when crouched. Enemies affected by Radar that are killed can also give you 50 SP back, or increase your rate of fire by 20% for 8 seconds. His Radar can mark enemies for the team if they're below 50% HP. Executing enemies gives you special gear ammo back. You can swap his DART rounds for Gas rounds if you prefer.

Mustang has a great loadout, very good move stats, cheap sprint cost, and a useful ability. He's immune to gas, fast when crouching, and his launcher is good for destroying barriers or punching through cover. His weakness is his primary's harsh damage falloff, but within its point blank distance it rocks.

I chose 2B, 4A, 6B, 9A, 10A, 11B, 12A, 13C, 14A, and 15B as upgrades. Stims or Meds are both fine. Ammo is preferred over Armor.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training,
2nd Skill Slot:
3rd Skill Slot:
4th Skill Slot:

Alternate Weapons: The AK74M (Volk's rifle), the AKS74UB (Lazootchick's rifle), the SR1M (Vympel sidearm), or the MP443 (SSO sidearm).


Lazootchick: Belarusian Assault that carries a suppressed assault rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher, and an awful suppressed sidearm into battle. At his disposal are grenades that explode on impact, and set a small radius on fire afterwards. His ability deploys a smokescreen at his feet, and makes him Invisible - immune to being Marked. He gains 5 SP a second, 400% faster than default. His smokescreen can either refund his stamina cost if he stands in it, or his ability can make him reload his weapons 50% faster. His ability can remove all negative effects that are active once.

Zoot's loadout is fairly decent and designed for covert flanking. His health is lower than average, but his armor is okay. Walk speed is good, sprint speed is fantastic if not best in class, but his sprint cost is expensive. His ability can extinguish fire, which is great. His primary has weird recoil to it. Weaknesses are somewhat low health, situational ability, and a handgun that demands headshots.

I went with 2B, 3B, 4B, 6B, 8B, 9B, 10A, 12B, 13C, and 15A as upgrades.

1st Skill Slot:
2nd Skill Slot:
3rd Skill Slot:
4th Skill Slot:

Alternate Weapons: The AK74M (Volk's rifle), the ARX160 (Mustang's rifle), the MP443 (SSO sidearm), or the GSH18 (22 SPN sidearm).

Starkadr, Shaowei, and Martelo (0.23.2)
Starkadr: Swedish Assault who carries an assault rifle and a decent sidearm with him into battle. At his disposal are a set of throwing axes, and an ability that forces him to use melee only stance, but in exchange he moves 15-25% faster, takes 35-45% less bullet and explosive damage, as well as recovering 30-50 HP per kill. His axes do an absurd amount of damage, killing 95% of all enemies in a single hit save for a Juggernaut, but they're slow and difficult to aim. The ability can currently be canceled early with an upgrade. Allies move 20% faster when within 5 meters of Starkadr.

Starkadr has a decent loadout, and his primary has great range on it with a bit of recoil. His walk speed is great, but his sprint speed is just decent due to his melee nature. Sprint cost is cheap, he good health and armor, and his ability is the star of the show. His axes are helpful for gunners. This guy can be a freaking blast to play. He runs off of highs and lows like Sokol does, requiring kills to extend the time of his ability, up to a cap of ~15 seconds. His weakness is being surrounded with ability on cooldown or running out of stamina.

The key to playing him well is knowing enemy spawns, where they like to cluster, and ambushing them as they come from spawn. He's similar to Avant, but has more reach and heals much more easily. Also, the heals he gets stack in the background, refilling your HP automatically when wounded. None of that extra healing is going to waste.

For upgrades I went 3B, 7A, 8A, 9B, 11B, 12B, 14B, and 15C. Adrenaline Buzz or Treatment Factor. Quick Release Mags or Zeroing. Stims and Vengeance are a must.


Shaowei: Chinese Assault that carries a suppressed assault rifle and a decent sidearm into battle. At his disposal is a remote controlled drone on treads that can follow basic commands like attack, follow, or move to a specific spot. Doesn't pull a lot of aggro to himself, and has a drone to deal additional damage, guard objectives, or pull enemy fire. Xigou, his drone, does best when placed behind or above enemies. His drone will attract Chemist aggro and they will gas it to no effect.

Shaowei has good weapons, good move speed stats, and very cheap sprint cost. His primary has rather good armor penetration. His specialty is his drone, which can provide additional DPS akin to a 5th player, and he only uses stamina to sprint. His drone can bait Chemists, which makes up for not having a gas mask. His weaknesses are if the drone is destroyed and can't be retrieved easily, as well as no resistances or explosives to destroy cover.

I chose 4B, 6A, 8C, 9B, 10B, 12B, 13C, 14A, and 15B as upgrades. Healing Touch and Spare Syringe are nice since he isn't hurt as often. Tech Calibration is very helpful for his drone. He doesn't gain much from AP rounds or Heavy Barrel. I run Medkits.


Martelo: (Presumed) Brazilian Assault that carries an assault rifle, and a decent sidearm into battle. At his disposal is a battering ram he can use to destroy destructible cover, and an ability to instantly execute incapacitated enemies. He is immune to Bleeding. Executing an enemy without using his ability can confer the following benefits: sprinting costs 95% less stamina, you gain a 40 HP Shield, OR your primary does 10% more damage - all last 15 seconds. Killing an enemy with the Ram gives back 100 stamina. Hitting an enemy with the Ram can be modified to Stun the target. Executing an enemy with the ability can confer apply the special effect chosen for Level 6, OR incapacitating an enemy with the ability can give back 30 HP.

Martelo has a good loadout with lots of reach, amazing walk speed, good sprint speed, and average sprint cost. A formidable melee weapon that can destroy barriers is great to have. Plus, beating people to death with a ram is fun. He also has a lot of health and armor for an assault. His skill is great for medics and supports that have long cooldowns for their ability. His primary also has a lot of range to it. His weakness is a very limited ability that's only useful in Onslaught or PVP.

I went 2A, 3A, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11A, 12B, 13B, 14B, and 15C as upgrades. Healing Touch and Spare Syringe if desired, and Quick Release Mags preferably. I run Meds.

Saif (1.0 ✅)
Saif: Turkish Assault who carries a mag fed, semi auto shotgun and a good suppressed sidearm. Instead of carrying special gear, he has the ability to swap the buckshot in his shotgun for tungsten slugs, extending his reach if needed. His ability allows him to launch a little grenade that tags enemies nearby with the Bond effect, causing them to share damage taken between eachother, or become Trapped/Stunned if the Bond ends early. If his HP drops below 30, he will gain 20% more sprint speed. He can either regain 50 stamina by killing an enemy with slugs, or make the slugs inflict a 15% Slow on targets for 1.5 seconds. His ability can bleed the target that breaks the Bond, it can improve the damage the Bonded targets take from bullets and explosions, or it can block healing. His pellets can either inflict bleed or heal Saif as long as 4 of them land.

His HP is pretty good, and his armor ranges from low to decent. His move speed is good to great, sprint speed can be good or great, and his sprint cost is cheaper than average. He leans very heavily on his shotgun to do most of the work. Fortunately, with tungsten slugs, he's not constrained to short ranges to do his damage. He can double as a marksman in a pinch. However, he does not get additional ammo in the form of slugs - it just lets him change ammo types on the fly. His sidearm is also rather good, boasting high damage and penetration for its caliber, plus a red dot sight. His ability is a bit finicky but can help punish a mob of enemies. His weaknesses include a lack of explosives and no resistances to gas or fire.

I went with 2B, 3B, 4B, 5C, 7A, 8B, 9A, 11B, 12B, 14A, and 15C as upgrades. His ability is nice to have but not vital, so I prefer Meds. His armor is low so go with Ammo to keep his gun fed.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Adv. Training, Duck and Weave, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (pair with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Readiness
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Tungsten Coating, Heavy Barrel, or Lightweight Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Vengeance, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit

Alternate Weapons: The VEPR12 (Avant's shotgun), the Type 97 (Yingzhou's shotgun), the Mk25 (SEAL sidearm), or the USP SD (GROM sidearm).

Shots to Kill: Assaults
Damage is calculated by taking the weapon's damage, multiply it by its armor penetration, and then by the body part. A 20/36 damage gun with 75% Armor Pen (0.75) will deal 15 damage to the chest, 12 damage to a limb that doesn't pass through to the chest, and 27 to the head - assuming armor is present. No armor means full damage dealt. Every gun has its own unique headshot damage value.

In general, the trend seems to be: High rate of fire, low armor pen (<50%) weapons do better with Heavy Barrel. High damage, low rate of fire, or high armor pen weapons (>60%) tend to do better with AP Rounds. Short range weapons do better with Flat Trajectory. Tungsten Bullets heavily depends on the gun. Use these results to help form your own conclusions based on your individual needs. Skills are all assumed to be Level 3.

Training Dummy: 80 HP + 40 AP (an Al-Thurir Assault on Normal difficulty)
All tests were conducted within the weapon's maximum damage range. Tests were conducted repeatedly to verify accuracy.

QRM: Quick Release Mags
AP: Armor Piercing Rounds
HB: Heavy Barrel
FT: Flat Trajectory
TB: Tungsten Bullet Coating
PR: Precision Rifling

  • Volk
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • QRM, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (bigger, but tolerable)
  • AP, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (spread? what spread?)
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (recoil is harsh, up, with drift to the right)
  • HB, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (recoil? what recoil?)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (no penalty)
  • FT, with ability: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (no benefit from ability)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • TB, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (same as Quick Mags)

  • Perun
  • PR: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • PR, with ability: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • AP, with ability: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (decent recoil upwards)
  • HB, with ability: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!)
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • TB, with ability: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!)
  • FT: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT, with ability: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Voron
  • QRM: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • FT: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (no effect)

  • Plut
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Koszmar
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)

  • Rein
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!!!) (stiff recoil that goes straight up with side to side wobble)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (no penalty)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Corsair
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (decent recoil upwards with drift to the left)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Sly
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Sterling
  • QRM: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • FT: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Lumen
  • QRM, Supersonic: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • QRM, Shelled: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • QRM, AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP, Supersonic: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP, Shelled: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP, AP (lmao): 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • HB, Supersonic: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB, Shelled: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB, AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • TB, Supersonic: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • TB, Shelled: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • TB, AP: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • FT, Supersonic: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • FT, Shelled: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT, AP: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)

  • Avant
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 shot to the head (2 headshots at distance)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 shot to the head (~2 headshots at distance)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 shot to the head (2 headshots at distance)
  • FT: 2 bodyshots, 2 shots to the head (~3 headshots at distance)

  • Aphela
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • QRM, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • AP, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (upwards recoil with slight drift to the left)
  • HB, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT, with ability: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots

  • Faro
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (decent recoil upwards with drift to the left)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Mustang
  • QRM: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Lazootchick
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (decent recoil up and to the left)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Starkadr
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Shaowei
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (harsh recoil upwards with very slight drift to the right)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Martelo
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Saif (Saif can boost his slugs' armor pen by 15% with 2C)
  • QRM, Buckshot: 2 bodyshots (out to 15 meters), 2 headshots (out to 7 meters)
  • QRM, Slugs: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • QRM, +AP Slugs: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • AP, Buckshot: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • AP, Slugs: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • AP, +AP Slugs: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots (no improvement)
  • HB, Buckshot: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • HB, Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!)
  • HB, +AP Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (no improvement)
  • TB, Buckshot: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshots (out to 5 meters)
  • TB, Slugs: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshots (!)
  • TB, +AP Slugs: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshots (no improvement)
  • FT: No noticeable improvement on hits or range
  • PR: No noticeable improvement on hits or range
Almaz, Svarog, and Sputnik (0.24.1)
Almaz: Kazakh support that wields a weak-for-caliber belt-fed machine gun, a good sidearm, and has a tube-fed smoke launcher at his disposal. His ability applies Shielded to himself, with a considerable pool of bonus HP to draw from, which regenerates over time when not taking damage. He cannot regen stamina with the ability active, but Headhunt still works. He can revive teammates even when incapacitated. He can also crawl for longer, and crawl faster. He can have a 25% resistance to explosions with the ability active. He can sprint with it active once upgraded.

His move speed stats are good, his skill is pretty good and worth grabbing, and he has a unique passive nobody else appears to share. He has a lot of health and armor as well. Almaz is the unmovable object you've heard of in myth and legend - something has to go seriously wrong for Almaz to go down. His machine gun does less damage, but has better armor penetration than most. His weakness is his very high sprint cost that'll drain his stamina fast, and a somewhat limited utility outside of being a caked up chronic smoker that survives through sheer force of will.

I chose 2A, 4A, 6B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12A, 13A, and 15A as his upgrades. He's very stamina hungry, so Stims are a no brainer. You can either lean into his unique revival mechanic, or into his machine gun.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims, Cold Blood (if using 15B), Gunpoint (recommended), Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch (pair with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, or Lightweight Protection (recommended)
3rd Skill Slot: Precision Rifling, AP Rounds (recommended, despite the spread increase), or Thermo Sight
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Sure Step, Silent Warrior, Ambush, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, or Lone Wolf


Svarog: Russian Support that carries a belt fed machine gun and a good sidearm with high cap mags into battle. At his disposal is a grenade launcher firing frag rounds, and his ability allows him to Suppress enemies struck with his primary, reducing their accuracy considerably. He moves 30% faster with his pistol out. Hits from his launcher can Cripple and Slow enemies. When he revives an ally, he gains 150 stamina. His ability allows him and all allies within 4 meters to reload their primaries 50% faster.

His health and armor are both great. His walk speed and sprint speed are both super slow, and his sprint cost is very expensive. His primary has great range and armor penetration - literally Almaz's PKM but better - and carries 25 more rounds than most supports. He also shares 33 round pistol mags with Sokol. You can use his ability to speed up a reload in a pinch, or mess with the Heavy Fighter. Weaknesses include no resistances, a high sprint cost, and a good ability that's difficult to feed. He trades a lot of defensive capability for offensive capability, able to put a lot of hate down range.

I went with 3B, 5B, 7B, 8B, 10A, 11B, 12A, and 15B as upgrades. His ability is good, so Stims are preferred here. Ammo is preferred, but Armor can work as well.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand (if using Ammo), Resp. Training (if using Meds), Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Mats, Comp. Armor Plate (if using Armor), Lightweight Protection, Enhanced Protection (if using Armor), or Extra Layer (if using Armor)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags (for blistering fast reloads) or AP Rounds
4th Skill Slot: Sure Step, Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance (if using Enhanced Stims), Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, or Personal Priorities


Sputnik: Russian Support who wields a suppressed, belt fed machine gun and a decent sidearm. At his disposal are 1-2 rockets he can fire using his launcher, and his ability deploys a little sphere shaped drone that locates, marks, and debuffs enemies within a small radius by following them around. The drone is small and difficult to shoot. He is immune to being Poisoned by gas thanks to his mask. His rockets can be upgraded to leave behind a large carpet of fire for 10 seconds. His drone can be upgraded to inflict EMP on enemies it follows.

His primary is very solid with good all around stats. His walk speed and sprint speed are both super slow, but his sprint cost is cheaper than average. Health and armor are both great. His primary gets 25 more rounds than most supports. His fire rocket is great for area denial or dealing with the enemy payload. Weaknesses are his move stats, limited explosives, and very limited ability.

I went with 2A, 5A, 6B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 13A, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. 14B is also fine. His ability is not that good, so I prefer to lean into other parts of his kit. Meds in this case, and Ammo or Armor are both fine.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand (if using Ammo), Shooting Posture, R&R, Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, or Healing Touch (pair with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Enhanced Protection (if using Armor), or Extra Layer (if using Armor)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds, Heavy Ammo Pack (if using Ammo), Tungsten Coating, or Heavy Barrel
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (pair with Healing Touch), Ambush, Counterattack, Vengeance, or Shared Aid Kit

Kit, Prorok, and Stern (0.24.0)
Kit: Russian Support that wields a drum-fed machine gun, a decent sidearm, and has deployable anti-personnel mines at his disposal. He's immune to being Poisoned by gas thanks to his mask. Firing 7 consecutive shots (less with the short barrel) grants immunity to being Stunned, for up to 3 seconds after you cease firing. He revives with 10 more HP. He can receive 10% damage resistance to bullets and explosions when firing continuously. His ability places a banner that can provide bonus HP in the form of Shielded, as well as revive an operator if they're downed and in the radius. It can also improve stamina recovery by 50% to allies within its radius.

His primary is great and has good range to it. His ability is very unique, offsetting the need for revival kits somewhat. He gets 25 more rounds than most supports. He's also pretty tanky when firing, and can regen ally stamina with his banner on top of (theoretically) infinite revives. His weakness, truthfully, is in his slow move stats, average sprint cost, and dependency on stamina plus ammunition. Kit is considered a top tier PVE support, and perfect if you need to bunker down and not move a damn inch. It's usually preferable to let Kit revive someone with his banner rather than the Medic unless he's busy laying down suppressive fire or they have Healing Touch. Healing Touch doesn't stack with his banner, sadly, but Refined Formula does.

I chose 3B, 7A, 8A, 10A, 11B, 12A, 13B, 14A, and 15A for upgrades. Meds and Stims are both fine, but you need some way to keep his ability fed with stamina. Ammo and Armor are both fine.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Enhanced Protection, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Precision Rifling, Tungsten Coating, or Frugality (quality of life)
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula (stacks with his ability), Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit (with meds), or Zeroing


Prorok: Polish Support who carries a mag fed machine gun and a decent sidearm. He's equipped with a standalone grenade launcher firing tear gas rounds, and his ability throws down a smoke screen in front of him that provides damage resistance to any allies within it - up to 55% - as well as providing concealment and Invisibility. He's immune to being Poisoned by gas because of his mask. He can see enemy outlines through smoke while his ability is active.

His health and armor are both great. His walk and sprint speed are on the slow side, but his sprint cost is average. His primary has great range and accuracy with a bit of recoil. Cheap cost and good kit makes Prorok punch above his weight class. Tear gas is actually lethal after 0.24.0. He also gets 50 more rounds than most supports. His biggest weakness is frequent reloading due to smaller mags. He's a support roleplaying as an assault.

I went with 4A, 6A, 7B, 8A, 9A, 10B, 11A, 12B, 13B, 14B, and 15B as upgrades. His ability is useful, so feel free to run Stims or Meds depending on skill choices. Armor or Ammo are both fine.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self-Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, and Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds, Enhanced Protection, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds, Tungsten Coating, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Silent Warrior, Ambush, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing


Stern: German Support that wields a belt fed machine gun, a decent sidearm, and has a unique wire-guided missile launcher at his disposal. His ability allows him to apply Shielded either to himself, or to an ally. Teammates that revive Stern get 75 SP back. Guardian, his ability, can grant immunity to either: Slowed, Crippled, and Trapped, OR Poisoned, Bleeding, Burning, and Suppressed. He can boost his primary's rate of fire when applying Guardian to a teammate, OR can boost the movement speed of the person Shielded by 10%. His missile launcher can be guided by sight.

Stern's primary has decent range with forgiving damage falloff. His move stats and sprint cost are decent. His ability is where the magic is, allowing for bonus health on tap, plus immunity to Poison and Fire. Actually a very good and well rounded operator, Stern provides a solid basis for the squad's backbone. His shield can get friendlies out of a tight spot, and his launcher can destroy hostile objectives with ease. His machine gun is lethally accurate, and his skill is a must have. Just don't let him run out of stamina.

I chose 2B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8A, 9B, 10A, 11B, 12A, 13A, 14C, and 15B as upgrades. Meds and Stims are both fine, but give him a way to regain stamina. Ammo is preferred over Armor.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Enhanced Protection
3rd Skill Slot: AP Rounds, Heavy Ammo Pack (if using ammo), Tungsten Coating, or Heavy Barrel
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Bourbon, Fortress, and Bishop (0.24.0)
Bourbon: American Support that wields a mag fed or belt fed machine gun, a strong sidearm, and has a sawn off M79 grenade launcher at his disposal. The launcher can be upgraded with explosives that have a time delay fuse. His ability allows him to stun and suppress enemies hit with his primary. Killing an enemy with the ability up can boost teammate speed within 20-30m by 15% for 5-8 seconds, or removes and provides immunity from Crippled, Slowed, and Trapped for the same range and duration. Enemy mines take 1 second longer to trigger. He gets 10 more HP after revival.

Bourbon has a decent primary with excellent range and headshot damage, decent move stats, and decent sprint cost. He's got a lot of health and armor, his grenade launcher's good for destroying barriers, and his ability can help him stay positive on stamina. Timely use of it can help your team move around more quickly. His weaknesses are an ability that is situational and having no resistances.

I chose 5A, 7A, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12A, 14B, and 15B as upgrades. Stims and Meds are both fine. Ammo and Armor are both fine.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, and Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Enhanced Protection, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Tungsten Coating (doesn't really need anything else)
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (if using Sleight of Hand), Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing


Fortress: American Support that wields a drum fed or mag fed assault rifle, and a high caliber, but low capacity sidearm into battle. At her disposal are boxes of incendiary ammo she can dole out for herself and teammates, as well as the ability to spread clusters of mini mines to limit flankers. The mines do decent damage - about 45 damage with 40% penetration, which is doubled on bots - and she can place 5-6 groups of them. Her incendiary ammo boxes can apply Burning to enemies, and will load 80% of the current mag with incendiary rounds, as well as providing additional ammo - up to ~150 rounds. This means she doesn't necessarily have to run reserve ammo if you don't want her to. She's 50% more accurate when crouched. Her mines can Mark or Slow enemies damaged by them.

Fortress is severely held back by a few things: her primary has horrible range and is fairly inaccurate. Her sidearm is okay but limited on ammo, and her sprint cost is very high. On the plus side, she's good at refilling teammate ammo, and she can set down mines that can deal with flankers. She's basically a Support trying to roleplay as an Assault, she just took the wrong gun to be doing it with.

I chose 3A, 5B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12A, 13B, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. Stims or Meds are both fine. Ammo is preferred if you run her with 40 armor or less.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint (preferred), or Healing Touch (use with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer (use with 60 armor), Regen. Materials, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Enhanced Protection, or Extra Layer (use with 60 armor)
3rd Skill Slot: Precision Rifling, Quick Mags (if using 30 rds), Flat Trajectory (preferred), Tungsten Coating, or Light Chestrig (if using 30 rds)
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (use with Healing Touch), Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (if using Sleight of Hand), Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit (if using meds)


Bishop: Irish Support who wields a belt fed machine gun that speeds up as he fires, and a strong sidearm. At his disposal are old fashioned frag grenades, and his ability places down an EMP jammer that both Stuns and Slows enemies that enter its radius. He moves 50% faster for 2 seconds when hit by a bullet. When he's executed, he will drop a grenade at his feet. Executing an enemy gives him 50 rounds back for his primary.

His walk speed is super slow without the upgrade, but pretty good with it. Sprint speed is fairly decent. Sprint cost is expensive though. His primary can gain a 200 round box, eliminating the need to reload. His ability is great for locking down an area, making enemies that enter the radius far more vulnerable and far less lethal. Weakness is primarily having no resistances.

I went with 3A, 5B, 8A, 10B, 12B, 13A, 14C, and 15A as upgrades. Stims or Meds are both fine. Ammo and Armor are both fine.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, or Healing Touch (use with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Enhanced Protection, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Tungsten Coating or Light Chestrig (with 200 rd box)
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (with Healing Touch), Ambush, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Tower, Bastion, and Hagana (1.0 ✅)
Tower: Scottish Support that wields a drum fed light support weapon and a full auto PDW as a sidearm. He has a drum fed, cover penetrating "dart" launcher at his disposal, which can inflict Concussed and Suppressed to enemies hurt by it. His ability applies Shielded to an ally, and when that effect ends it gives them a heal as well. If the Shield is broken, enemies within 7 meters get EMP'd and Confused, as well as dealt 10-35 damage. It has a large area of effect, a fairly long cooldown of ~30 seconds, lasts ~15 seconds, provides ~45 bonus HP and ~30 healing, at the moderate cost of ~55 SP. He can also use the ability on himself to regain armor.

He is immune to being Poisoned by gas. He can draw his sidearm when incapacitated. When he deploys the bipod on a piece of destructible cover, its health is boosted by 300%. He gets a 10% boost to his healing received for every negative effect applied to an enemy. When the bipod is deployed, he can either: take 15% less bullet damage and regen 2 SP/s faster, boost the cover's health by 300% and heal his armor by 1 AP/s (up to 25 AP), or decrease explosion damage taken by 40%. His reserves can have their effectiveness and cooldown increased, or total amount and cooldown decreased.

Tower has a fairly accurate primary that has a medium range with forgiving falloff, and what is now a pretty decent sidearm. His walk speed is good but his sprint speed is garbage. His launcher behaves more like a high caliber rifle with bullet drop, barrier penetration, and no damage falloff - it lets him harass targets buried into cover or targets beyond 50 meters. His ability lets him protect an ally who's out of cover, wounded, or pushing the enemy. He's a great choice if you need an off-duty medic because your team is running a Miguel or something. His weaknesses are his primary's mediocre range, high sprint cost, slow sprint speed, slow heals, as well as no explosives.

I chose 2A, 4B, 5B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 11A, 12A, 13B, and 15B as upgrades. Stims and Meds are both fine. Go with Ammo - he can regen his own armor easily.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Enhanced Protection
3rd Skill Slot: AP Rounds, Flat Trajectory, or Tungsten Bullets
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit (if using meds)

Alternate Weapons: The L110A1 (Bishop's LMG), the Kulspruta 58 (Odin's LMG), the KPOS Scout (Eima's PDW), or the Hi-Power (Spark's sidearm).


Bastion: French support that wields a short range full auto handgun with extended mags, and has a bulletproof shield at his disposal. His ability allows him to reflect incoming damage back at the enemies that shoot his shield. He can move 50% faster while crouched. He takes 20% less damage to his limbs. The duration of Stunned and Slowed debuffs applied to Bastion are be reduced by 30%. He can recover an extra 2-4 stamina per second faster with just the shield out. 9B will make his shield reflect 90-100% of damage taken, acting like a parry. 9C will increase the damage resistance of allies within 4 meters by 25%. Both will make Bastion immobile when using the ability. 15A lets him shoot with the ability active.

His move stats are very slow, but he has a lot of health and armor. His loadout is exotic and takes some getting used to. His pistol is surprisingly accurate if you're stationary and using it by itself, but has steep range falloff, which gets even worse with the shield out. His job is to take ♥♥♥♥ and get hit, while being mobile enough to push the enemy line and possibly a flank. He's great at drawing aggro, but the shield can only do so much - don't get surrounded. His sprint cost starts eye wateringly high, but he regens it fairly fast with just the shield out, and you can make it cheaper. Weaknesses are his sprint cost, no resistances, and no explosives or smokes.

I went with 4A, 7B, 8A, 9A, 10B, 11B, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. Stims and Meds are both fine. Ammo and Armor are both fine. Make sure you have a way to feed him stamina.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Cold Blood, Adrenaline Buzz, or Healing Touch (use with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Enhanced Protection, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Precision Rifling, Flat Trajectory, or Lightweight Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Sure Step, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Additional Pouches, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), and Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: None.


Hagana: Israeli support that wields a mag fed or belt fed machine gun, a mediocre sidearm, and has incendiary grenades at her disposal. Her ability allows her to place an automatic turret on a tripod, with a time limit and a long cooldown. She takes 50% less burning damage.

Her primary has a short range but forgiving damage falloff. She has good move stats, and a devastating turret that does as much DPS as a player. She also gets fire resistance, and can dish it back out with area denial fire grenades. Her kit leans into her turret, and with good reason. It's not exactly mobile, so picking the right spot to place is important. It has trouble looking down if there's cover in the way, but it's virtually unkillable when behind waist-high cover unless RPG'd or flanked. Good PVE choice. Her weaknesses are her primary's limited range, above average sprint cost, and no explosives, just fire.

I chose 4B, 7B, 9B, 10B, 11A, 12B, 13A, 14B, and 15C as upgrades. Stims and Meds are both fine. I prefer Ammo over Armor.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Hemostatic Serum, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), or Treatment Factor
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds
3rd Skill Slot: Flat Trajectory, Tungsten Bullets, or Lightweight Chest Rig (if using smaller mags)
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Counterattack, Headhunt (if using meds), Vengeance (if using stims), Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, or Shared Aid Kit (if using meds)

Alternate Weapons: The Minimi Para (Prorok's LMG), the L110A1 (Bishop's LMG), the USP SD (GROM's sidearm), or the Glock 26 (RAID sidearm).

Matador, Tibet, and Zubr (0.23.2)
Matador: Spanish Support that carries a belt fed LMG and a decent sidearm with him into battle. He has deployable covers at his disposal, which he can throw down at a moment's notice - chest high with the ability to deploy a bipod on them. He also has what is essentially an aimbot as his ability - 7 seconds of merciless fire from the hip with instantaneous target transitions. Matador takes 50% less damage from falling. He can have up to 4 foldout covers that heal to full if he picks them back up before they break. His ability is surprisingly accurate, but it cannot auto-target vehicles specifically.

His move stats are decent and his sprint cost is average. His primary has good range but harsh range falloff. He is surprisingly fun to play, and dominates on maps like Palm Road Point Sweep where you have a LOT of targets who don't really use cover. Weaknesses are no explosives and no resistances.

For upgrades I went 2A, 3B, 5B, 7A, 9C, 10A, 11A, 12A, 14A, and 15A. I prefer Fresh Forces, but Treatment Factor is fine. Flat Trajectory helps extend the range of his primary, but Heavy Barrel is fine too. I run stims.


Tibet: Tibet is a Kazakh Support that wields a semi-auto handgun with extended mags and a bulletproof shield in conjunction. At his disposal is a non-lethal shotgun firing flashbang rounds, inflicting Suppressed, Disoriented, and Slowed on players, or Stunned on bots for 2 seconds. The shotgun affects a 120 degree firing cone and has a range of 8 meters. His ability applies Shielded to all allies within 6 meters (and potentially himself). He takes 50% less damage from Poison gas. He moves twice as fast when crouched. When activating the ability, Tibet can either: become immune to being Stunned and have 20% faster movement speed for 8 seconds, do 15% more damage and take 15% less damage for 8 seconds, or become Shielded and extinguish all negative effects except being Marked.

His health is a little low for a support, but his armor is easily best in class. Walk speed is decent, sprint speed is a little slow, but sprint cost is very cheap and best in class by far. Tibet will sprint with the shield up and in front of him, unlike Bastion. He can do well both at close and mid range, and the shield is less of a focus than Bastion - Tibet's kit is more flexible. The AOE bonus HP is great for a point defense. Weaknesses would be not having explosives, and his primary was significantly nerfed, being both inaccurate on the move and slow to fire.

I went with 4B, 7A, 9B, 12C, 14B, and 15B as upgrades. I prefer Flat Trajectory, but Quick Mags is fine too. Vengeance and Stims or Headhunt and Meds. You can use Anti-Shrapnel Layer and Armor reserves instead of Regen. Materials and Ammo.


Zubr: Ukrainian support that wields a high damage belt fed machine gun, an awful suppressed sidearm, and has smoke grenades at his disposal. His ability roots him in place slows him down considerably, and gives him considerable damage resistance - making him nearly invincible when his bipod is deployed on a piece of cover. He can crawl faster when incapacitated. He can recover stamina 200% faster. He can be immune to Stun while the ability is active, or can heal 30 hp when it's activated. He can destroy destructible covers while the ability is active.

He's got a lot of health and armor to chew through. Walk speed is decent but sprint speed is slow. Sprint cost is now cheaper than average. His primary has a medium range but forgiving damage fall off, and his ability can let him destroy barriers. Increased stamina regen helps a lot. Another strong contender for the support spot, he trades some of Almaz's mobility for more lethality. His machine gun hits like a truck and is very ammo efficient, not to mention fairly accurate with mild horizontal recoil. His skill is also rather good. He's one of the few, if not only, operators who can destroy cover with just gunfire. This dude is a chad. His only noticeable weakness is his high sprint cost, and no gas mask or fire resistance.

I chose 2B, 3A, 5B, 7A, 9B, 11B, 12B, 13A, 14A, and 15B as his upgrades. Standard skills, you can use Thermo Sight because of smokes. I run stims.

Odin, Yingzhou, and Barreira (0.23.2)
Odin: Swedish Support who wields a belt fed machine gun, a decent sidearm, and has a rocket launcher at his disposal. His ability can both Trap, and Mark enemies within a fairly large radius after a short warmup. He boosts the damage resistance of allies within 5 meters by 10%. Enemies affected by his ability can take up to 25% more damage from explosions. He can exchange HEAT rounds for HE Frag rounds in his rocket launcher, which reduce their damage and armor pen, but increase their explosion radius and how many he can carry.

Odin has a great primary with excellent range, great accuracy, but a steep falloff, and a launcher that's equally effective on vehicles, barriers, or people. Lots of armor but not as much health compared to other Supports. His walk speed is decent but his sprint speed is slow. His skill is really good and worth grabbing. His LMG has the same amount of ammo as most other Supports, but he has the ammo split among 4 mags, so he reloads more often. His weaknesses are ammo split among 4 mags, almost nonexistent headshot bonus, and a high sprint cost.

I went 4B, 6A, 8B, 10B, 11A, 13A, 14A, and 15A as his upgrades. Quick Release Mags instead of AP Rounds. Meds and Stims are both fine.


Yingzhou: Yingzhou is a Chinese support who wields a mag fed pump shotgun and a decent sidearm with extended mags. At his disposal is a grenade launcher firing HE rounds that explode after a delay, or on impact with a live target. His ability throws down an EMF generator, creating a 6 meter radius that restores friendly armor by 3-4 AP a second, boosts rate of fire by 7-15%, and reduces bullet damage by 20%. Only one can be in effect at a time, and using the ability again detonates the generator after a delay. He can drop a generator even when incapacitated.

His walk speed is fairly brisk, but his sprint speed is somewhat slow. He skipped leg day, so his sprint cost is exceedingly high - try to walk when possible. His health is good and armor is decent. Yingzhou is the only Support who can regenerate the armor of his teammates, not to mention reduce the damage they take. His slug shotgun offers a lot of reach, though his buckshot is more forgiving at close range. He can lock down an area and is difficult to dislodge.

I went with 2B, 4B, 5B, 6C, 9A, 10C, 11B, 12B, and 14B as upgrades. You can run Anti-Shrapnel or Sealed Materials instead of Regen Mats because he can heal armor. Tungsten is preferred for 1 shot headshots. Vengeance and Stims preferred.


Barreira: (Presumed) Brazilian Support that wields a belt fed machine gun and a revolver as a sidearm. At his disposal are stimulant boxes, to dole out drugs to his teammates, as well as a ballistic shield he mounts his guns into. His ability reduces his firing mode to burst, but allows his shots to pierce cover with a significant damage reduction. He's immune to Bleeding. His stim boxes can provide temporary immunity to Stunned, Slowed, and Trapped, OR Bleeding, Poisoned, and Burning for 30 seconds. His sidearm can receive buffs when getting headshot kills. His primary can become 20% more accurate when the bipod is deployed. His ability, Sieve, can either slow the target when hit through cover, or prevent them from being healed and shielded.

His walk speed is slow but his sprint speed is good, and his sprint cost isn't too high. You can lean into his ability, which lets him threaten enemies buried into cover, or to into his stim boxes, which can support teammates that chose first aid kits. His shield makes it easier to stay alive, and when behind waist-high cover he's nearly unkillable. The spread is atrocious on his primary though. All of his primary's ammo is fed through a 200 round box. Weaknesses are slow speed, poor accuracy, and no resistances if you go for strictly stamina boxes over hybrid boxes.

For upgrades, I chose 2B, 4C, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9C, 10B, 11B, 12A, 13A, 14B, and 15C. He has a lot of variation in his upgrades though. You can run Healing Touch and Spare Syringes, or Treatment Factor and Vengeance if you desire. I prefer Precision Rifling. Personal Priorities if you like his sidearm. I use Meds.

Aslan (1.0 ✅)
Aslan: Turkish Support who wields a belt fed machine gun, a good suppressed sidearm, and a drone launcher at his disposal. The drone launcher deploys drones at 15 meters exactly, acting as aerial mines that will hunt targets that get close to it. You can also use it as a contact explosive if an enemy is too close. His ability will deploy a drone similar to Miguel's that follows either Aslan, or a target designated. It will replenish armor over time at 2-4 AP a second, provide 10-24% bullet resistance, and also destroy up to 2 enemy missiles like Bones' Buddy. It can also provide immunity to Stunned, or provides a 10% Focus with upgrades. It can be shot at if enemies are unable to shoot the person the drone is following. His drone isn't really able to keep up well, so it's recommended to remain stationary for the maximum benefit. If Aslan's health drops below 50, he will become immune to Stunned, Suppressed, and Slowed.

His health is pretty good, albeit not as high as some supports, and his armor ranges from decent to good. He has surprisingly good walk and sprint speed, among some of the better in his class, but his sprint cost is higher than average. He also gets more stamina than most. His primary is very similar to Odin's, and in some ways is better, boasting much better headshot damage in exchange for a little less armor pen. You can use his level 14 upgrades to improve his armor pen, headshot damage, or effective range like Lumen's gun, but I prefer the range improvement. His weaknesses are a lack of fire and gas resistance if missiles get past his drone, and lower capacity mags that demand more reloading,

For upgrades I went with 2B, 4B, 5A, 7B, 8C, 9A, 10B, 12A, 14C, and 15A. His ability is good, so make sure you have a way to feed it with stamina. Stims and Meds are both fine. Armor and Ammo are both fine, but his ability can regen armor so I prefer ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti Shrapnel Layer, Snug Fit, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Enhanced Protection, or Sturdy Armor
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds, Tungsten Coating (if using 14B), Heavy Barrel, or Lightweight Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Additional Pouches, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The Minimi Para (Prorok's LMG), the MK48 (Bourbon's LMG), the Mk25 (SEAL sidearm), or the USP SD (GROM sidearm).

Shots to Kill: Supports
Damage is calculated by taking the weapon's damage, multiply it by its armor penetration, and then by the body part. A 20/36 damage gun with 75% Armor Pen (0.75) will deal 15 damage to the chest, 12 damage to a limb that doesn't pass through to the chest, and 27 to the head - assuming armor is present. No armor means full damage dealt. Every gun has its own unique headshot damage value.

In general, the trend seems to be: High rate of fire, low armor pen (<50%) weapons do better with Heavy Barrel. High damage, high armor pen weapons (>60%) tend to do better with AP Rounds, but not always. Short range weapons do better with Flat Trajectory. Long range, high headshot damage weapons do good with Tungsten Bullets. Use these results to help form your own conclusions based on your individual needs. Skills were max at time of testing.

Training Dummy: 80 HP + 40 AP (basically an Al-Thurir Assault on Normal)
All tests were conducted within the weapon's maximum damage range. Tests were conducted repeatedly to verify accuracy.

QRM: Quick Release Mags
AP: Armor Piercing Rounds
HB: Heavy Barrel
FT: Flat Trajectory
TB: Tungsten Bullet Coating

  • Almaz
  • Thermographic Sight: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!!!)
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (recoil goes up and to the left)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Svarog
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (this + his ability makes his box reloads lightning fast)
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!!!)
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (mild recoil up and slight drift to the left)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Sputnik
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (mild recoil up with drift to the left, minor drift on bipod)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Kit
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (recoil mostly up, drifts on bipod)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Prorok
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (heavy upwards recoil and drift to the right, drifts on bipod)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Stern
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (recoil mostly up, drifts on bipod)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Bourbon
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (recoil mostly up, drifts on bipod)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Fortress
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (harsh recoil mostly up, drifts on bipod)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Bishop
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (recoil is strong, rises up and to the right. drifts on bipod at max ROF.)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Tower
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 7 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (recoil up and to the right)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Bastion
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (recoil goes straight up)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Hagana
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (recoil up and a little to the right)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Matador
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Tibet
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Zubr
  • Thermographic Sight: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (harsh recoil up, drifts on bipod)
  • FT: 5 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots)

  • Odin
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 6 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (mild recoil up and to the right)

  • Yingzhou
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots out to 21 meters, 1 shot headshot out to 7 meters
  • QRM, Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (exceedingly accurate, even when moving)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots out to 21 meters, 1 shot headshot out to 7 meters (no improvement)
  • AP, Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (no improvement)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots out to ~21 meters, 1 shot headshot out to ~7 meters (damage is better, dummy is alive with 1% HP)
  • HB, Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (no improvement)
  • FT: 2 bodyshots out to 21 meters, 2 shot headshot out to ~11 meters (lost the 1 shot headshot)
  • FT, Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots out to 85 meters (3 headshots at 95 meters)
  • TB: 2 bodyshots out to 21 meters, 1 shot headshot out to ~9 meters (small improvement)
  • TB, Slugs: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot out to 37 meters, 2 headshots out to 137 meters

  • Barreira
  • Precision Rifling: 6 bodyshots, 6 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (recoil up and a little to the right, drifts bad on bipod)

  • Aslan (his level 14 upgrade can improve range, headshot damage, or armor pen)
  • QRM, +Range: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP, +Range: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • HB, +Range: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (decent recoil up and to the right)
  • FT, +Range: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB, +Range: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (no improvement)
  • QRM, +AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C, the +Range)
  • AP, +AP: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C)
  • HB, +AP: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C)
  • FT, +AP: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (same as 14C)
  • TB, +AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C)
  • QRM, +Crit: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C)
  • AP, +Crit: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C)
  • HB, +Crit: 5 bodyshots, 4 headshots (same as 14C)
  • FT, +Crit: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (same as 14C)
  • TB, +Crit: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!!!)
Ded, Travnik, and Bard (0.24.1)
Ded: Russian Medic that uses a short range, low damage, suppressed SMG coupled with a good sidearm. He carries smoke grenades with him, and his ability heals a teammate within 3 meters for ~57 HP and 40-70 SP, or himself for 30-40 HP. Cooldown is fairly fast at 7-10 seconds. Stamina cost is low at ~35 SP. Has a decent range, from 6-8 meters. He can crawl faster, and for longer when incapacitated. He can have 30% Burning or Bleeding damage resistance. His ability can dismiss Burning and Bleeding that's on a teammate, or eventually everything except Marked with an upgrade. He can have 8 revival syringes, 2 more than most medics.

Ded has a decent loadout with plenty of ammo, and rather good move stats with an average sprint cost. His skill is also useful on everyone. His health is excellent, being among the most if not the highest, with good stamina too. His primary has good headshot damage. His ability cools off fast, heals for a fair bit, and can get rid of burning. Smokes round out his loadout nicely. His weaknesses are dealing with enemies beyond 25 meters, and the limited range of his ability that requires being somewhat close to allies.

I chose 2B, 5B, 7A, 8B, 11A, 12B, 13A, and 15A as his upgrades. His headshot damage is good, so Headhunt is a viable stamina-regain method, but Stims are also fine. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Fully-Equipped Run, Stay Frosty, R&R, Enhanced Stims, Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Factor, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Heavy Ammo Pack, Thermo Sight, Flat Trajectory, Tungsten Coating, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig (only with Ammo)
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Silent Warrior, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing


Travnik: Russian Medic who uses a short range, low damage, suppressed SMG and a decent sidearm. He carries stun grenades with him, and his ability is a constant heal that focuses on a singular target other than himself. The heal can be applied within 3-4 meters, heals 7.5-17.5 HP a second, self heals for 2.5 HP a second, and costs 7-12 SP a second. The healing stops if the button is released or the ally is no longer in front of you. He moves 20% faster with his pistol out. He can receive 30 more HP when revived by a teammate. He can restore 15 more HP to a teammate he revives, and reviving a teammate can fully heal him.

His walk speed is decent, sprint speed good, and sprint cost is either great or best in class. His health is good but armor is low. As for raw healing, his would be among the best and is very potent on a single target. His weaknesses are low ammo, mild difficulty healing himself, no smokes, and a finicky ability that requires focus on the ally, rather than a fire and forget ability.

I chose 4B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9A, 12A, 13B, and 14B as upgrades. He doesn't have a lot of variance in his upgrade tree. He frequently needs to stay near teammates, so he gets lots of options for stamina gain. I prefer Meds so he can heal himself on demand, and Ammo because of his low armor. He gets so many passives for HP gain when reviving Healing Touch isn't necessary.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using Stims), Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Mats, Snug Fit, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Flat Trajectory, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Refined Formula, Headhunt, Vengeance, Additional Pouches (if using Sleight of Hand), Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit


Bard: Russian Medic that uses a suppressed burst-fire SMG and decent sidearm. At his disposal are smoke grenades, and holding his ability key creates a radius around him that heals himself as well as allies within it. It heals for 6-7% HP a second, lasts for 8-10 seconds, has a 5-7 meter radius, costs ~30 SP, and has a cooldown of 11-14 seconds. If you press the ability key instead, it'll Inspire his allies within the radius, making them ~10% faster, take 25-35% less damage, and it lasts for ~12 seconds. He regains 30 HP when executing an enemy.

His health and armor are both good, just not great. Walk speed is decent but sprint speed is good. Sprint cost is by far best in class. Stamina is higher than average. He and his buddies are difficult to kill if buried into cover. His primary fires in full 3 round bursts, but you can hold the trigger to keep firing. Subsonic ammo reduces his aggro potential. He also gets an optional full-auto firing mode. Weaknesses are ammo problems and threats beyond 30 meters, but he gets more range than most Medics.

I went with 3A, 5A, 6A, 7B, 9B, 11B, 12B, 13B, and 15A as upgrades. I prefer Stims and Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims, Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection (his primary recoils a fair bit), or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating, Quick Mags, Thermo Sight, or Tungsten Coating
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Refined Formula, Silent Warrior, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing

Karavai, Mikolaj, and Schatz (0.24.1)
Karavai: Belarusian Medic that uses a mid range, suppressed assault rifle coupled with a decent sidearm. He carries smoke sticks that can be attached to people, and his ability allows him to throw a bursting med capsule. Area of effect is ~4 meters, heals about ~30 HP, refreshes fast at ~10 seconds, and is cheap at ~30 SP. He can revive teammates 40% faster. Enemies can be Poisoned and Trapped with the capsule. He revives with 10 more HP. Capsules can remove Burning from teammates, and give immunity for 5 seconds. His stamina can regenerate MUCH faster when in smoke, 114 SP over the duration of his sticks.

His primary has a lot of different upgrades that can be applied via attachments. It also has decent range when subsonic rounds aren't applied, but more recoil. His move stats are decent, sprint cost is not bad, and he has more stamina than most medics. His passives are also pretty decent too. Fairly good medic choice. His weaknesses are limited range with subsonic ammo, no resistances, and an ability that can miss its target. Ded became fairly competitive, and in some cases is preferable over Karavai.

I chose 2A, 5B, 7B, 9C, 10B, 12B, 13A, 14A, and 15B as upgrades. I prefer Stims, but Meds are fine if you give him a stamina regen method. Ammo preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Enhanced Stims (if running stims), Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating (if running with subsonics off), Quick Mags, Thermo Sight, Flat Trajectory (if using subs), Tungsten Coating, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Silent Warrior, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder or Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing


Mikolaj: Polish Medic that uses a short range pump-action shotgun and a decent suppressed sidearm. He carries stun grenades with him, and his ability places down an AOE radius of healing that depletes as allies are healed. Can heal about ~120 HP in total before depleting. Lasts a long time, has about a ~3 meter radius, cools off in about ~25 seconds, but is costly at 70 SP. He carries one less revival syringe than other medics at 5. He takes 50% less Poison damage. His ability can help revive teammates 50% faster, OR help them reload 30% faster if they're in its radius. Enemies hit with 2 shots by his shotgun slow them for 2 seconds. His special gear can return 75 SP to him for every enemy affected by it.

His move stats are pretty good, but his sprint cost is expensive. He has a fair bit of health and armor. Weaknesses are severely hampered range, stuns instead of smokes, and a weaker version of Buggy's ability. Make sure to use Heavy Barrel to improve his shotgun's effectiveness in all conditions. Use Buckshot if you want more consistency over range.

I chose 4B, 6B, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11A, 12B, 13B, 14A, and 15B as upgrades. Stims are generally preferred. Ammo or Armor are both great options.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Readiness, Internal Reserve, or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Heavy Barrel (gains 1 shot bodyshot), or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Refined Formula, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, or Personal Priorities


Schatz: German Medic that uses a short range SMG and a decent sidearm. He carries stun grenades with him, and his ability allows him to throw little medkits that teammates or himself can walk over. The dressings apply significant healing over time, and can apply other effects too. He can have two in reserve, and two on the field at a given time. Can heal about ~50 HP, the dressings exist for up to a minute, they cool off in ~18 seconds, and are fairly cheap at ~40 SP a piece. He can have 7 syringes for revival, 1 more than usual. Teammates that revive him gain 75 stamina. Dressings can temporarily block Bleeding, Burning, and Poisoned for 30 seconds. When he's downed, he drops a dressing for a teammate to pick up.

His move stats are pretty good and his sprint cost is cheap. He can throw his dressings surprisingly far, and the resistances are amazing. His skill is also useful on almost all medics. Schatz is a fairly good medic choice. His weaknesses are a 25 meter effective range, and somewhat long ability cooldown. His dressings also need to touch a person to heal them, meaning you can miss a throw and no healing is applied if they ignore it, creating a skill curve.

I chose 3B, 6B, 7A, 8A, 9A, 10B, 12B, 13B, 14B, and 15B as upgrades. Stims are preferred but Meds are fine if he has another way to regen stamina. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds, Flat Trajectory, Tungsten Coating, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Monk, Bones, and Watson (0.24.1)
Monk: American Medic who uses a suppressed SMG and a very strong sidearm. He carries smoke grenades with him, and his ability is a ranged heal in the form of a med dart. The heal can be applied within 10-40 meters, heals for 40-64 HP on an ally or 32-44 on a self heal, heals over 8 seconds, cools off in 12-20 seconds, and costs 50 SP.

Enemy mines take 1 second longer to trigger. Allies injected can crawl for longer, move faster, and are revived faster - effect lasts for 16 seconds. Enemies can be injected to make them more vulnerable to attacks. Allies can get a 25% move speed boost when injected. His sidearm can inflict Bleeding after 3 hits.

His move stats are good, his sprint speed is absurd when he injects himself, and his sprint cost is among the best when upgraded, or average when not. His health is great and he has decent armor. His healing seems to have forgiving aim, not requiring a spot-on hit. Weaknesses are a somewhat long cooldown, weak primary, and no resistances.

I chose 2A, 3A, 7B, 9B, 10B, 11C, 12B, 13B, 14B, and 15A as upgrades, but he has a bit of variance available. He'll need some way to regen stamina, so I prefer Stims. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Thermo Sight, Flat Trajectory, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Silent Warrior, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing


Bones: American Medic who uses a high-caliber SMG and a high-caliber, low capacity sidearm. At her disposal is a four-legged companion drone that heals allies with 3-4 meters for 2.5-5 HP/sec. It can follow Bones, follow an ally (even through walls), or be sent to a specific spot. It can run through destructible cover if desired, but it will take damage. Enemies will shoot at Buddy if they have no alternative targets. Buddy will dance if left idle.

Her accuracy is 50% better while crouched. She can order Buddy around while incapacitated. Buddy can either revive operators for 50% of its health, OR improve its healing by 1.5 HP/sec, and block enemy explosives that get within range. Allies within its radius can take 20% less damage, or can be healed 0.5 HP/sec faster. She only has 4 syringes, 2 less than most medics.

Her walk speed and sprint speed are both pretty good. Sprint cost is average. Her stamina's only useful for sprinting, which isn't a bad thing. Health's great but armor is low. There are two ways to play Bones and Buddy: you can lean into her ability to revive teammates from afar, and essentially infinitely as long as you can retrieve Buddy. Alternatively, you can make her into a more mobile Buggy, blocking explosives on the move and making it harder for nearby teammates to go down. Her weaknesses are a limited set of syringes, high recoil on her primary, a sidearm that demands headshots, ammo problems, and difficulty engaging targets beyond 25 meters.

I went with 2B, 5B, 7A, 9B, 10B, 11A, 12A, 14B, and 15A as upgrades. Meds are preferred because she doesn't need stamina. Ammo is preferred because her armor is low.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats. (9A), Anti-Shrapnel Layer (9A), Regen. Materials
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating, Quick Mags, Flat Trajectory, or Tech Calibration
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (recommended), Refined Formula, Counterattack, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit, or Zeroing


Watson: Bri'ish Medic who uses a slug-fed pump-action shotgun and a strong suppressed sidearm. At his disposal are throwable laser tripmines, and an ability that will slow down an ally to heal them within a small radius. The ability lasts 5 seconds, heals ~70 HP to both the medic and the target, costs ~20 SP, and cools off in ~15 seconds. In addition, it will Inspire both Watson and the ally being healed, providing ~65% damage resistance, as well as immunity to Bleeding, Poisoned, Suppressed, Stunned, and Burning. He can move 50% faster for 2 seconds when struck by a bullet. Headshots with his shotgun can either Suppress or Trap the enemy struck. He carries 7 revival syringes, 1 more than usual.

His health is great and his armor is good. His move stats are average, but sprint cost is cheap and stamina is high. He has no problem dealing with distant targets. Excellent medic choice all around. His weakness is attempting to heal multiple allies, healing himself with nobody around, or when allies walk away from his healing.

I went with 3A, 4B, 6B, 8B, 10B, 11A, 12B, 14A, and 15C as upgrades. He'll need a way to regen stamina, so I prefer Stims. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Clinging to Life, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Regen. Materials, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Precision Rifling, Quick Mags, Heavy Barrel, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (if using Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Spark, Velour, and Shersheret (1.0 ✅)
Spark: Bri'ish Medic that uses a short range, suppressed bullet hose SMG and a good sidearm. He carries a defibrillator with him, which can seriously harm an enemy, or bring a downed teammate back with a lot of health if charged up. His ability is a chain heal in the form of a projectile he casts, and it can bounce between teammates or harm enemies within a given radius. His heal has a long cooldown at ~20 seconds, heals others for anywhere between 30 to 60 HP, and heals himself for 30 HP over time. It can bounce between 2-4 targets, first target being up to 10-15 meters away, and the following targets being up to 7-10 meters away. Costs ~60 SP.

He has immunity to being Poisoned by gas. He can use his sidearm when downed. His ability can allow downed teammates to move for an additional 5 seconds, OR give 50 stamina to allies. His reserves can have their effectiveness and cooldown increased, or total amount and cooldown decreased. He can carry an absurd amount of revival kits, up to 7 + 1 defib charge, or 5 syringes + 2 defib charges. He's immune to Burning for 5 seconds after revival. Killing an enemy with the defib can replenish all of its charges.

His walk speed is really good and sprint speed is fairly good, sprint cost is also very good. Health is good but armor is low. The bolt carrier mod makes the gun horribly inaccurate, don't use it. Weaknesses are engaging enemies beyond 30 meters and ammo issues.

His upgrade tree is very diverse and has multiple branches. I chose 2A, 4A, 5A, 7C, 8C, 9B, 10A, 11B, 13A, 14C, and 15A as upgrades. Make sure he has a way to replenish stamina - I use Stims. His armor is low so I use Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Heavy Ammo Pack, Flat Trajectory, or Heavy Barrel
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Refined Formula, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The P90 (Velour's SMG, sidegrade), the MP5A3 (Buggy's SMG, upgrade), the M45A1 (CST sidearm, sidegrade), or the P8 (KSK sidearm, sidegrade).


Velour: French Medic who uses a large capacity, short range, suppressed PDW and a micro compact sidearm. He carries a grenade launcher that fires smokescreen rounds, and his ability allows him to deploy a bag full of medication and armor plating, with 2-3 able to be placed. The bags heal ~25-55 HP, provide 20 (or up to 100) AP, and allies with full health can use the bag to gain bonus AP, between 20 to 40 extra. He takes 20% less damage to his limbs. He can crawl for significantly longer when incapacitated. He's Stunned and Slowed for half as long.

His move stats are good and his sprint cost is cheap. He also has a lot of armor, coupled with an ability that will replenish that armor. Velour can go a few ways: you can boost his healing up to the maximum, you can boost how much white armor he replenishes, or boost how much blue armor he can give on top of the white. I went for 46 HP, 100 AP, and 20 BA bags as a nice middle ground. Weaknesses are his mediocre weapons, lack of fire/gas resistance, and mild ammo problems.

For upgrades I went 2B, 5B, 6C, 8B, 10C, 11A, 13B, 14C, and 15A. Make sure he has a way to replenish stamina - I use Stims. Ammo is preferred because he can replenish his own armor.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti Shrapnel Layer, Readiness, or Enhanced Protection
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Thermographic Sight, Flat Trajectory, or Lightweight Chest Rig
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Silent Warrior, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The MP7A1 (Schatz's SMG), the UMP40 (Bones' SMG), the P8 (KSK sidearm), or the Mk25 (SEAL sidearm).


Shersheret: Israeli Medic who uses a low damage, intermediate carbine and a decent sidearm with low cap mags and high penetration. At her disposal are bags of ammo she can deploy, with the ability to choose whether it replenishes 50 bullets for the primary and secondary weapons, or 1 special gear charge. If you choose the special gear type, using the bag as Shersheret just gives back the 2 charges, essentially picking it back up. Her ability creates a chain with a teammate, healing them over time in exchange for stamina. She heals 6-10 HP a sec, has a range of 8-10 meters, a cooldown of 9 seconds if the chain breaks, and takes 10 stamina for every tick of healing. She can also self-heal for 30 HP. She takes 50% less Burning damage. The teammate you're linked with will take 10-20% less bullet and explosion damage. She gains 20 more HP when revived. She can either gain 50 stamina for every kill the linked ally makes, OR she can automatically heal when linked to somebody for 50% of her normal healing rate.

Her move stats are great: boasting fairly brisk walk, fairly good sprint, and cheap sprint cost. Her health is great but armor is low. Syringes are normal at 6. Stamina is above average at 600. Her ability is a stamina hog, requiring the operator to watch it as they deal with threats. Her primary is fairly accurate, with good range (better than most medics), allowing her to play bodyguard with an assault and engage the same threats. It doesn't benefit as much from skills like AP Rounds or Heavy Barrel, encouraging greater variety in her Weapon Systems choice. Her 14C doesn't require the ally be wounded for her to heal, which is fantastic. Essentially a better Travnik, she pairs best with independent allies like Sly and Canglong she doesn't have to babysit, with a beefy support she can act as a butt-buddy for. Weaknesses are having no explosives or smokes, difficulty juggling multiple healing targets, and limited special gear charges.

I chose 4A, 6B, 8B, 9A, 11B, 13B, 14C, and 15B as upgrades. Make sure she has a way to regen stamina - I prefer Stims. Ammo since her armor is so low.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment (if she doesn't have 14C), Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Heavy Ammo Pack, Flat Trajectory, or Lightweight Chest Rig
4th Skill Slot: Refined Formula, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The P90 (Velour's SMG), the MP7A2 (Monk's SMG), the USP SD (GROM sidearm), or the M45A1 (CST sidearm).

Miguel, Buggy, and Kaval (0.23.2)
Miguel: Spanish Medic who uses a semi-auto shotgun with optional dragon's breath rounds, and a decent sidearm. At his disposal is a pistol that fires revival syringes at a distance, which also provide additional HP for the revived ally. His ability deploys a drone that will follow operators, and heal them automatically if they're hurt. It provides about ~18 HP over a 4.5 second interval. It has 55 HP, moves at 7.5-8.4 mps, lasts for 50 seconds, costs 65 stamina, and takes 25 seconds to cool off. Retrieving it before it expires will reduce the cooldown period by ~60%. It can be ordered to follow allies without line of sight. He takes 75% less falling damage.

His health is good and his armor is great. Walk speed is decent but sprint speed is a little slow. Sprint cost is cheaper than average. He has 4 revival syringes, but 3-4 more are supplied by his injection pistol. His primary is actually very good, and does consistent damage out to 20 meters with good accuracy using buckshot, which is similar to most other medics with automatics, and better than most shotguns that aren't using slugs. His dragon's breath makes the gun considerably worse though. The drone doesn't heal very quickly, but it is mobile and autonomous, which means Miguel can focus on fighting. He does better with teams that can hold their own and don't need carrying.

I went with 3B, 6A, 9A, 10B, 11B, 13A, 14C, and 15B as upgrades. Healing Touch doesn't affect his revival pistol, just his regular syringes. Use Quick Mags or Tungsten Bullets, and ditch the dragon's breath rounds. Personal Priorities for extra reach, or Vengeance for better survivability.


Buggy: Kazakh Medic that uses a mid range SMG with deployable bipod and a good sidearm. He carries with him a unique Iron Curtain system, which comes in the form of 2 deployable devices that block enemy explosives within a certain radius, about ~6 meters. They can block an infinite number of explosives, but are fairly fragile and require careful placement. His ability is a healing grenade that creates 4-6 meter radius, heals 6 HP a second, lasts for about 16 seconds, and cools off in ~20-30 seconds.

He has good walk speed and great sprint speed. His sprint cost is also best in class and is very cheap. His healing ability is among the best for healing the team, and he has a unique special gear that denies enemy explosives. His health is also good and he has a lot of armor for a medic. He moves twice as fast when crouched. Hard to go wrong picking this guy - Buggy can easily be considered the king of medics for PVE. His weakness is a difficulty dealing with enemies beyond 30 meters, which most medics have issue with anyway.

I chose 4B, 5B, 7A, 8A, 9B, 10B, 11A, 12B, 13B, 14A, and 15A as his upgrades. Fresh Forces can be used instead of Healing Touch. Flat Trajectory or Quick Release Mags are fine. Counterattack or Personal Priorities are good too. He doesn't benefit as much from AP Rounds or Heavy Barrel. I run stims.


Kaval: Belarusian Medic that uses a short range, suppressed SMG and an awful suppressed sidearm. He carries concussion grenades with him that can be modified to detonate on impact, and his ability allows him to not only heal, but provide fresh armor to himself and teammates. His ability has to be used within 3-6 meters, heals ~30 HP to allies or to himself, restores 30-40 AP, has a quick cooldown of 5-10 seconds, and costs a moderate 55 SP.

He carries 7 revival syringes, 1 more than usual. He is immune to being Poisoned by gas. He regenerates stamina faster than normal at 3 SP a second. He has an unusually high stamina pool at ~700 SP.

His walk speed is great and his sprint speed is good, sprint cost is also great now. He gets a lot of stamina for a medic, not a lot of health but decent armor. His ability heals less but cools off quicker than Velour's. Weaknesses are his weak guns and limited ability range. It's possible to have him run 0 armor with certain upgrades chosen. Now impossible to be armorless.

I went with 3A, 5A, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 12A, 13B, 14B, and 15A as upgrades. Anti Shrapnel Layer or Snug Fit (because he can give himself armor). Flat Trajectory or Quick Release Mags. Headhunt and Meds or Vengeance and Stims..

Freyr, Yaowang, and Acai (0.23.2)
Freyr: Swedish Medic who uses an assault rifle and a decent sidearm. He carries a set of biostims that not only provide stamina over time, but also boost his move speed by 25%, and his revival speed by 100%. His ability is a map-wide heal, healing all allies (except himself) for 30-45 HP over 5 seconds. Holding the button does a self heal instead, healing for 30 HP and giving allies 100-175 SP, not counting the biostim's special trait. Cooldown is fairly long at 28-38 seconds. If any negative effects are present on allies when the heal is used, it will "extinguish" those effects, but not provide immunity to them. His biostims can boost his team heal OR his team stamina boost if used while buffed.

He gets 7 revival kits, 1 more than usual. Teammates within 5 meters of Freyr will regen stamina at 3 SP a second, 200% faster than normal. His walk speed is good but sprint speed is a bit below average. Sprint cost is average. Health is good but armor is low. His primary has good range, low recoil, good accuracy, and good headshot damage. The freedom to be anywhere and heal allies is a serious boon that cannot be understated. His weaknesses are no resistances, no smokes, long ability cooldown, and fragile with Fresh Forces on.

For upgrades I went 3A, 4B, 6B, 8A, 9A, 10A, 12B, 13B, 14A, and 15A. Fresh Forces is a must. Zeroing or Quick Release Mags are both good. Headhunt and Meds is preferred.


Yaowang: Chinese Medic that uses a high capacity, low damage, short range SMG, and a semi-auto sidearm with extended mags, an optional burst mode, and ability to view around corners. At his disposal are EMP grenades that detonate on impact: inflicting EMP, Slowed, and Stiff to the target. His ability allows him to attach plates to himself, or allies over distance, that distribute healing over time. They administer 32-44 HP and 80 SP, or last 120 seconds before expiring - whichever is sooner. They can be applied within 7-10 meters, he can hold up 4 plates, and can apply up to 4 plates. Each charge cools off in 18-22 seconds. He can apply his plates to allies while incapacitated. You can stack up to 4 plates on a person if they require more healing. The plates administer healing within 1.5 meters, so the healing stacks if you're close enough. The plates are a physical object that can block bullets.

His walk and sprint speed are both decent, being distinctly above average. His sprint cost either a little above or a little below average depending on upgrades chosen. Syringes are above average at 7. Health is great and armor is decent. His primary has obscenely short range, about half the distance as his sidearm. You can use your swap shoulder button to change which side the sidearm utilizes. His plates have a lot of nuance for their relatively low healing. His weaknesses are no resistances, limited healing, and difficulty adapting to sudden damage spikes dealt to the team.

I went with 4B, 6A, 7B, 9B, 11A, 12B, 13B, and 14B as upgrades. Fresh Forces for better uptime on his plates, or Healing Touch for reviving folks. Vengeance and Stims or Headhunt and Meds.


Acai: (Presumably) Brazilian Medic that uses a short range, double barrel shotgun and a good sidearm. He carries a dart launcher that can heal teammates or poison enemies within a small radius, and his ability is a self heal that also provides more ammo for the dart launcher. The healing delivered is pretty good at ~8 HP a shot, can be applied within ~2 meters if shot at the ground or a piece of cover, and carries 2 mags of up to 9 shots a piece. His self heal is for 30 HP, and costs a moderate 70 SP to use. It cools off in ~17 seconds. His healing darts can also poison enemies from afar or when buried in cover.

He's immune to both Bleeding and being Poisoned by gas. His shotgun can apply Bleeding to enemies, and can return 30 SP with enemy kills. Every dart applied to a downed ally allows them to crawl for 3 more seconds. 2 darts can remove Burning from a teammate. He can either provide 10 SP to allies for every dart applied, OR reload 30% faster for 3 seconds after killing an enemy.

His walk speed is great but his sprint speed is a little slower than usual. His sprint cost is decent, and he's very healthy. What makes him great is his healing dart launcher, which is incredibly flexible in its versatility and healing potency. A very fun medic to play, Acai makes it very easy to apply healing over distance. If you can see your ally, there's a good chance you can heal them - as long as drop is accounted for. His weakness is dealing with multiple targets at once, and healing himself is timegated.

I chose 3B, 4B, 6B, 8B, 10B, 11C, 12A, 13A, 14B, and 15A as his upgrades. I use Treatment Factor to boost his self heal. Quick Release Mags or Expanding Bullets, and Personal Priorities to boost his sidearm. I run stims instead of medkits.

Sungur (1.0 ✅)
Sungur: Turkish Medic that uses a mid-range SMG with steep falloff and a good suppressed sidearm. At his disposal are revival devices that can be used to revive himself or downed allies for 25-40 HP that can also be retrieved (essentially deployable syringes), and his ability deploys a little drone that follows targets around, either healing allies or bleeding enemies. If any ally gets below 50-60% HP with the drone following them, or its duration expires, it explodes - delivering a spike of healing within 3-4 meters. It will always explode if told to follow an enemy. If Sungur drops below 30 HP, he becomes immune to Poisoned, Burning, and Bleeding. The drone can replenish stamina in addition to healing, or slow enemies in addition to bleeding. It can also remove Bleeding and Burning if it explodes on an ally. His drone heals 3-5% of max HP every 3 seconds, explodes for 35-40% over a few seconds, lasts 20-30 seconds, cools off in 12-22 seconds, and costs 35-60 SP. He can only have two drones on the field at a time.

His HP is surprisingly good for a medic and his armor is decent. His primary has a bit of recoil to it and is slow to reload, but can carry quite a few mags. His secondary is excellent and even gets 4 mags. His walk speed is good and his sprint speed is decent, even good, with average to good sprint cost. He starts with 5 syringes, one less than usual for medics, due to his revival devices. Some kind of bug? He starts with 6 ingame. The enemy bleeding doesn't seem worth it, so lean into the healing on his upgrades. He can't revive himself with the revival device if he doesn't go down near it and can't deploy them if he goes down, so prepare them in advance. His PRDs also don't benefit from Healing Touch, kinda like Miguel. They can be placed on allies in advance, if you want. Ironically he doesn't benefit from his own skill, Neurosurgery, very much at all. Weaknesses are mostly range related and maybe a lack of smokes, otherwise he's very well rounded. This guy is cracked out.

I went with 1A, 2B, 3A, 4B, 5C, 7B, 8B, 9C, 11C, 12B, 13C, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. Make sure he has a way to restore stamina, but Meds and Stims are both fine. Ammo is preferred, but Armor is fine if you take 14C.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Second Wind, Shooting Posture, Clinging to Life, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or Healing Touch (for his syringes)
2nd Skill Slot: Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Readiness, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), Enhanced Protection (pair with 14C), or Extra Layer
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Heavy Ammo Pack, Flat Trajectory, or Lightweight Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe, Refined Formula, Blood Rage, Counterattack, Headhunt, Vengeance, Additional Pouches, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The UMP40 (Bones' SMG), the MP7A1 (Schatz' SMG), the MK25 (SEAL sidearm), or the USP SD (GROM sidearm).

Shots to Kill: Medics
Damage is calculated by taking the weapon's damage, multiply it by its armor penetration, and then by the body part. A 20/36 damage gun with 75% Armor Pen (0.75) will deal 15 damage to the chest, 12 damage to a limb that doesn't pass through to the chest, and 27 to the head - assuming armor is present. No armor means full damage dealt. Every gun has its own unique headshot damage value.

In general, the trend seems to be: High rate of fire, low armor pen (<50%) weapons do better with Heavy Barrel. High damage, low rate of fire, or high armor pen weapons (>60%) tend to do better with AP Rounds. Short range weapons do better with Flat Trajectory. Tungsten Bullets heavily depends on the gun. Use these results to help form your own conclusions based on your individual needs. Skills are all assumed to be Level 3.

Training Dummy: 80 HP + 40 AP (an Al-Thurir Assault on Normal difficulty)
All tests were conducted within the weapon's maximum damage range. Tests were conducted repeatedly to verify accuracy.

QRM: Quick Release Mags
AP: Armor Piercing Rounds
HB: Heavy Barrel
FT: Flat Trajectory
TB: Tungsten Bullet Coating

  • Ded
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (harsh upwards recoil)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Travnik
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!!) (mild recoil up and to the left)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Bard
  • QRM, Burst: 3 bursts to kill, 2 bursts to the head
  • QRM, Auto: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP, Burst: 3 bursts to kill, 2 bursts to the head
  • AP, Auto: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB, Burst: 3 bursts to kill, 1 burst to the head (!) (recoil is from waist to head at 25 meters)
  • HB, Auto: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (recoil is hilariously bad)
  • FT, Burst: 3 bursts to kill, 2 bursts to the head (no real penalty)
  • FT, Auto: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB, Burst: 3 bursts to kill, 1 burst to the head (!)
  • TB, Auto: 8 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Karavai
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (recoil up and to the left, subsonic reduces horizontal drift noticeably)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Mikolaj
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots out to 12m, 1 headshot out to 4m
  • QRM with Buckshot: 2 bodyshots out to 16m, 1 headshot out to 6m
  • Precision Rifling: 2 bodyshots out to 13m, 1 headshot out to 4m
  • PR with Buckshot: 2 bodyshots out to 16m, 1 headshot out to 6m
  • AP: 2 bodyshots out to 13m, 1 headshot out to 4m
  • AP with Buckshot: 2 bodyshots out to 16m, 1 headshot out to 6m
  • HB: 1 bodyshot out to 9m, 2 bodyshots out to 14m, 1 headshot out to 4m (!)
  • HB with Buckshot: 2 bodyshots out to 18m, 1 headshot out to 6m (!)
  • FT: 2 shots out to 13m, no more 1 shot headshot
  • FT with Buckshot: 2 shots out to 16m, no more 1 shot headshot
  • Tungsten Coating: 2 bodyshots out to 13m, 1 headshot out to 4m
  • TBC with Buckshot: 2 shots out to 16m, 1 headshot out to 7m

  • Schatz
  • QRM: 9 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (harsh upwards recoil and drift to the right)
  • FT: 9 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 9 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!!)

  • Monk
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (recoil is decent, up and to the right)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Bones
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Watson
  • QRM: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshot
  • AP: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshot
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (!)
  • FT: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshot
  • TB: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshot

  • Spark
  • QRM: 10 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 9 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)
  • HB: 9 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!) (recoil is decent, almost all up with side to side wobble)
  • FT: 10 bodyshots, 7 headshots (!)
  • TB: 10 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Velour
  • QRM: 10 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 10 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 9 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!) (decent recoil mostly upwards with side to side wobble)
  • FT: 10 bodyshots, 7 headshots (!)
  • TB: 10 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Shersheret
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots (decent recoil that goes up and with side-to-side wobble)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 7 headshots (!!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)

  • Miguel
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • QRM, with Incendiary: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots up close (damage over distance got considerably worse and less consistent - AP, HB, and FT with ability get same results)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • FT: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (spread is too wide to assist FT in carrying damage over distance)
  • TB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (!) (consistent 1 shot headshot out to 7m, which is where the spread becomes larger than the headbox)
  • TB, with Incendiary: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot up close (!) (1 shot headshot stops being possible at about 5m)
  • Expanding Bullets, with Incendiary: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots up close (no noticeable difference from all the other skills)
  • Precision Rifling: 2 bodyshots, 2 headshots (didn't seem to dramatically help with 2 shot distance, capped out at about 23m)

  • Buggy
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots

  • Kaval
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 9 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • HB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)

  • Freyr
  • QRM: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • AP: 7 bodyshots, 5 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (decent recoil straight up, hits above the dot)
  • TB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • FT: 7 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!)

  • Yaowang
  • QRM: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 7 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!) (high recoil up and to the right)
  • FT: 8 bodyshots, 6 headshots (!!)
  • TB: 8 bodyshots, 4 headshots (no difference)

  • Acai is skipped because Quick Mags suits him far better.

  • Sungur
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (harsh recoil almost straight up)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 5 headshots (!)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!)
Strelok, Sokol, and Komar (0.24.1)
Strelok: Russian Marksman who carries a suppressed automatic DMR and a good sidearm. At his disposal are low pen, high frag impact grenades, and his ability allows him to Mark all enemies within a 25-35 meter radius. He can crawl for longer when incapacitated. After he kills an enemy, he reloads 50% faster. He restores 60 stamina when executing an enemy. He can throw his grenades deceptively far. His ability can cool off twice as fast if it doesn't spot anyone, or it can make him invisible to drones for 5 seconds.

His walk speed is decent but sprint speed is a little slow. Sprint cost is a bit above average. Health and armor are both good. His primary has great headshot damage for an automatic. Stamina is surprisingly good for a Marksman. Weaknesses are limited effectiveness of his ability, subpar move stats, no bipod, as well as no resistances. He's a marksman roleplaying as an assault - he shares a lot of similarities with Scout.

I went with 3A, 5B, 7B, 9C, 11B, 13A, 14B, and 15A as upgrades. I prefer Meds since his ability isn't vital. Ammo is fine.

1st Skill Slot: Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Enhanced Stims (if using Stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces (if you want to spot enemies more often), or Healing Touch (if running Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, or Regen. Materials
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating (to reduce his horizontal recoil), Precision Rifling (not the most accurate marskman), Quick Mags, or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (if using Healing Touch), Headhunt (for his ability), Vengeance, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing.


Sokol: Russian Marksman that carries a magnum caliber bolt-action rifle and a good sidearm with high cap mags. He's equipped with anti-personnel mines that he plants himself, plus an ability to significantly boost his rate of fire and reload speed with both weapons. He can move 20% faster with his pistol out. With his ability active, he reloads 50% faster, is 50% more accurate, and headshots can extend the duration.

Good move speed stats and cheap sprint cost. His mines are also exceedingly lethal. Sokol is a sniper of extreme highs and lows - he is a frightening headshot machine when his ability is active. Weaknesses are his 5 round mags, a reliance on headshots, somewhat fragile, and no resistances. His ability can run essentially infinitely as long as you string headshots together quickly enough.

I chose 3B, 5B, 7B, 8B, 9A, 12B, 13B, 14A, and 15A as his upgrades. Stims are fine if you don't use Headhunt, otherwise go Meds. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Hemo Serum, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if you use Stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Sixth Sense (if you don't use the Thermal Tape upgrade), Cold Blood (if you don't use the Thermal Tape), Adrenaline Buzz, or Fresh Forces (if you chose 14B)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit (instead of Headhunt), Stimulant Meds, or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Bolt Mod (for shooting when his ability is on cooldown, his ability gets it for free), Frugality (quality of life), or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Headhunt (if not using Stims, Snug Fit, or Resp. Training), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, or Personal Priorities


Komar: Russian Marksman who carries a quick-to-cycle bolt action rifle and a decent sidearm. He's equipped with a recon drone - thrown like a paper airplane - that Marks targets for him, and his ability allows him to penetrate light cover with his rifle. His drone can restrict an enemy's Healing and disable their Shielding, or it can Exhaust them and drain their stamina. His ability can Mark targets in addition to other benefits. His ability can also increase the damage his primary deals by 20% while the ability is active.

His health ranges from good to great, and his armor is good too. His move stats are great, with an above average sprint speed and cheap sprint cost. His ability allows for full damage dealt to the target unlike Barreira, with the limitation that it can only penetrate one piece of cover at a time, and only about 1 meter in depth (the giant HESCO cubes are too deep to penetrate through). Extended mags help reduce reloading. Weaknesses for him are a reliance on headshots, no resistances, no explosives, and no passives. The damage bonus his ability can get opens up potential to reduce shots to kill on certain targets.

For upgrades I went 3B, 5B, 6B, 8A, 10B, 13A, 14B, and 15A. His ability is pretty good, but not vital, so Stims or Meds is your choice. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand (if using Meds), Resp. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using Stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, and Fresh Froces (if desired)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats, Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds (if using Meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Bolt Mod (highly recommended), AP Rounds or Heavy Barrel (only if using 13B), Tungsten Rounds (if doing Spec Ops often), or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (if using Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit, or Zeroing

Tien, Sztylet, and Kurt (0.24.1)
Tien: Russian Marksman that carries a suppressed semi-auto rifle and decent sidearm with extended mags. He's equipped with a 6 round rotating-drum grenade launcher, and the ability to significantly increase his primary's rate of fire by up to 25%, movement speed by up to 25%, cut his sprint cost in half, and go Invisible. His ability can decrease his primary's spread by 20% while active. He gains 10 more HP when revived.

He's fairly healthy and has good armor for a marksman. Move speed stats look slow and his sprint cost looks expensive, but his ability helps both dramatically. His grenade launcher can destroy covers rather efficiently after 0.22.2. Tien plays like an assault who's been given a DMR with extended mags. He wants to go fast and blow ♥♥♥♥ up. The added Invisibility on his ability messing with bot aggro potentially jumped him up a tier too. Weaknesses are suboptimal shots to kill with his primary, and no resistances.

I chose 3B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 9B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14A, and 15B as his upgrades. Stims or Meds are both fine, but his ability is great so have a way to regen stamina. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Fresh Forces
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Lightweight Protection, Stimulant Meds (if using meds), or Internal Reserve
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Personal Priorities, or Zeroing


Sztylet: Polish Marksman that carries a suppressed semi-auto rifle and a decent sidearm. He's equipped with a shorty-shotgun using breaching rounds for destroying cover. His ability allows him to apply Bleeding to targets hit with his primary. He has 50% resistance to Poison gas. He can move 15% faster with his shotgun out.

Move speed stats are pretty good, and his shotgun makes them even better. Sprint cost is expensive, but his ability isn't make or break anyway. His primary is amazing, able to double-tap most enemies with AP on, and high cap mags minimize reloading. Plenty of health and armor. His ability lets you tag most weak enemies and let them bleed out, making it quicker to target transition. For how cheap Sztylet is, he's a force to be reckoned with. His weaknesses are a lackluster ability and his sprint cost, but are they really weaknesses? Ironically, Expanding Bullets makes his ability worse compared to AP rounds.

I chose 4B, 5B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 12B, 13A, 14B, and 15A as his upgrades. Meds and Ammo are preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, and Healing Touch (if using Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds (preferred), Tungsten Rounds (single headshot on regular gunners), or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (use Healing Touch), Ambush, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing


Kurt: German Marksman who uses a bolt action rifle with optional ironsights, and a decent sidearm. At his disposal are a worse version of Scout's claymores, and an ability that will Mark any target he hits with his primary, plus any targets within 8 meters of the first. Teammates that revive Kurt gain 75 stamina. Hits while the ability is active can inflict Crippled and Slowed for 6 seconds. Killing an enemy raises his move speed by 20% for 3 seconds. Enemies near the initial target affected by the ability can either take 30% more damage for 3 seconds, or will be Slowed by 30% for 3 seconds (his ability does not work if you kill the target in one shot).

His walk speed is super slow and his sprint speed is fairly slow. Sprint cost is a little cheaper than average. Health is great and armor is good. Using his ironsights can make him faster, but they look awful. His ability is clearly designed as crowd control, and it does that fairly well. It makes it easier to pick off large clusters of enemies at distance - wound one then single-shot the rest. Plentiful mines help watch flanking routes, and can be used to destroy cover. Weaknesses are an ability with a weird skill curve, no resistances, slow move stats if he isn't killing, and his mines are situational by nature. He's essentially a worse Sokol.

I went with 4B, 6A, 8A, 9B, 11B, 13B, 14B, and 15A as upgrades. I prefer Meds since his ability is very situational. Ammo is preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, R&R, Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (if using Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Bolt Mod, AP Rounds (to one-shot Shooters), Frugality (quality of life), or Heavy Barrel (to one-shot Shooters)
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (use Healing Touch), Ambush, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), and Zeroing

Scout, Avalanche, and Archer (0.24.1)
Scout: American Marksman that carries a full-auto DMR and a strong sidearm. He's equipped with Claymore anti-personnel mines he can lay down, and his ability allows him to throw a flare that automatically Marks enemies that get within its ~10 meter radius. His secondary does 20% better headshot damage. Enemy mines take 1 second longer to trigger. A headshot with his primary restores 3 SP. Enemies take increased bullet and explosion damage when they're within the flare's radius, up to 10%.

Move speed stats are good, bordering on great. Sprint cost is obscenely expensive for some reason. Sprint cost is average, but not great. Health isn't great but his armor is decent. His primary is very strong, boasting good damage per bullet and armor pen but small mags. His claymores are absolutely lethal, easily killing most enemies outright. His ability leaves a lot to be desired. Short duration, long cooldown, moderate cost, and a small radius at 9-11 meters. The upgrade that lets you pick it back up only restores 20 seconds. Weaknesses are his frequent reloading, no resistances, and a weak ability that struggles to find usefulness.

I went 4B, 5A, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10A, 12B, 13B, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. Meds and Ammo are both preferred.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Stay Frosty, Hemo. Serum, Shooting Posture, R&R, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (use with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Lightweight Protection
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, AP Rounds, Tungsten Coating, Frugality (quality of life), or Heavy Barrel
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (use with Healing Touch), Ambush, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Personal Priorities, Shoulder to Shoulder, Shared Aid Kit, or Zeroing


Avalanche: American Markswoman who carries a semi-auto DMR with optional red dot, and a high caliber, low capacity sidearm that can penetrate cover. At her disposal are high explosive rounds she can fire from her lightweight mortar, which have a steep trajectory and a 5 second travel time. Her ability gives her and her allies a 20% move speed boost for 7-10 seconds, with no range limit. They also become immune to being Marked, Slowed, or Stunned. She's 50% more accurate when crouching. Her primary does 20% more headshot damage for 5 seconds after chaining together 3 hits. Her sidearm can potentially penetrate cover with an upgrade, but will cap out at 1 mag regardless of Personal Priorities. She can inflict Bleeding on targets hit with the mortar.

Her walk and sprint speed are both rather good, made even faster with her red dot equipped. Sprint cost is higher than average. Health is not great, and is shared among the lowest within marksmen. Armor is decent. She's highly mobile, and offers more versatility compared to Vidarr. She provides that mobility to her team too, and is fantastic for modes like Onslaught where there's a lot of movement between objectives. Her sidearm allows for harassment of targets behind cover, and her mortar will destroy objectives from range. Her weakness is no resistance to Fire or Poison.

I chose 4A, 5B, 6B, 8B, 10A, 11B, 12C, 13B, 14B, and 15C as her upgrades. She really shines in Onslaught, which refreshes stamina every round, so I usually prefer Meds. Ammo is preferred too.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Hemo. Serum, Shooting Posture, R&R, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags or Light Chestrig
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities (with 10B), Shared Aid Kit, or Zeroing

(Choosing a revolver over the desert eagle gives her additional cylinders to play with, minimum of 3, instead of the single mag if you choose 10A.)


Archer: Bri'ish Marksman that wields an anti-material bolt-action rifle and a strong, but low capacity sidearm. He's equipped with deadly tear gas grenades, and the ability to use exploding bullets to inflict damage within in a small radius. He moves 50% faster for 2 seconds when he's been struck by a bullet. He can either have 30% faster bullet velocity, or his ability can destroy destructible covers. He has 50% resistance to Poison gas.

Move speed stats are not good, but his sprint cost is cheap. His rate of fire is slow, but the sheer damage per bullet allows him to kill everything but a Heavy Fighter in a single shot. Beware the slow bullet speed of his rifle that gives Archer his name. Decent health but low armor. His ability can be helpful for destroying cover, replacing explosives. Weaknesses are dealing with multiple targets, slow move stats, and frequent reloading due to low cap mags.

I chose 3A, 5B, 6B, 8C, 9B, 11B, 13A, 14A, and 15A as his upgrades. I prefer Meds and Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Hemo. Serum, Shooting Posture, R&R, Treatment Factor, Cold Blood, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch (use with Spare Syringe)
2nd Skill Slot: Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, or Stimulant Meds
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, or Bolt Mod (recommended)
4th Skill Slot: Spare Syringe (use with Healing Touch), Ambush, Vengeance, Add. Pouches (with Sleight of Hand), Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit

Bell, Vagabond, and Eima (1.0 ✅)
Bell: Bri'ish Marksman who carries a full auto/burst fire DMR and a great sidearm with extended mags. He's equipped with a welrod pistol that fires booby-trapped marking rounds, acting like explosive mines that detonate when shot. His ability lets him intimidate enemies, or Hasten and Inspire allies within a small radius in front of himself.

He is immune to Poison gas. He can draw his sidearm when incapacitated. He can use 35-50% of his max HP to revive someone if he has no syringes left. He can gain 20% reload speed, 15% recoil reduction, OR +1 RPS if using full auto. He can gain 15% headshot damage, spread reduction, OR +0.5 RPS if firing in burst. His marking rounds can be retrieved with an upgrade. His ability can extend the duration an ally can crawl for by 5 seconds, OR he can reduce the cost of his blood transfusion to 35%.

Bell has a lot going on with his upgrade tree. The ability seems of somewhat limited utility due to the short duration, short reach, and long cooldown. His welrod is very efficient at destroying cover and barriers with the damage upgrade on it. He's the only operator I know of who can spend HP to revive people, essentially giving him infinite syringes. His rifle is good, but takes a while to reload without quick release mags. The rifle seems more consistent in burst, being easier to control and a lot more accurate, but more ammo efficient in full auto. Health is a little low but armor is good. Move speed stats are good and his sprint cost is average. Weaknesses are lackluster ability, and low capacity mags.

For upgrades I went 2C, 4B, 5B, 7B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13A, 14B, and 15C. I run Meds to feed his blood transfusions. I prefer Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, or Healing Touch
2nd Skill Slot: Anti Shrapnel Layer or Regen. Materials
3rd Skill Slot: Thermal Coating (full auto) or Quick Mags
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Blood Rage, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Tough Nut, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, Shared Aid Kit, or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: An AK417 (Vidarr's rifle), the MK17 (Scout's Rifle), the M45A1 (CST sidearm), or the Hi-Power (Spark's sidearm).


Vagabond: Danish Marksman who carries a high caliber bolt action rifle and a unique revolver. He's equipped with a little wheelie drone that hunts enemies down to shock them, and his ability causes hits with his primary to fragment and strike other enemies within 10-16 meters. The ability cannot pass through walls - it requires line of sight from target to target. The damage dealt is reduced by armor and is treated as a body shot. He takes 20% less damage to his limbs. He stays Stunned and Slowed for half as long.

His health is good but his armor is low. His walk speed is pitiful, but his sprint speed is decent with an upgrade. Sprint cost is average. His ability is great, in theory, for dealing with crowds, but behaves a little strangely in practice. Works well for softening up clusters of enemies that are out in the open, but not in cover. Weaknesses are mostly his sidearm and limited use special gear.

I went with 2B, 3B, 5B, 6B, 7C, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12A, 14A, and 15A as upgrades. Having a way to regen his stamina for the ability is good - I prefer Headhunt and use meds, Stims are also fine. Go with Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), Treatment Factor, or Gunpoint
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds)
3rd Skill Slot: Bolt Mod, AP Rounds (for his ability), or Heavy Barrel (for his ability)
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit (if using meds)

Alternate Weapons: The G22 (Kurt's rifle), the TRG42 (Sultan's rifle), the Raging Hunter (Barreria's sidearm), or the Desert Eagle (Avalanche's sidearm).


Eima: (Presumably) Israeli Markswoman who carries a bolt action rifle and a full auto PDW with high cap mags. She's equipped with TUGS radar devices she can place down to Mark enemies within a 15 meter radius. Her ability allows her next shot to either Suppress, or Stun an enemy with her primary depending on the sight she has installed. She takes half damage from Burning.

Her move speed is good but not great. Sprint cost is expensive. Average health and low armor. Most of her upgrades revolve around with Suppressing with her scope, or Stunning with her red dot. Her spread with the red dot is very small. Her spread is much higher on the scope, but it's easier to get headshots with. She can really dominate a hallway. Weaknesses are a reliance on headshots, no mags for her primary (single round loading), and no explosives.

For upgrades I went 4A, 6B, 8A, 9A, 10A, 11A, 12B, 13C, 14A, and 15C since I prefer a Suppressing shot. I prefer Meds over Stims, use Ammo.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims (if using stims), or Treatment Factor
2nd Skill Slot: Anti Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, Snug Fit, Readiness, or Stimulant Meds (if using meds),
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Bolt Mod, AP Rounds (for fighter 1 shots), or Heavy Barrel (for fighter 1 shots)
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Blood Rage, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities (recommended), Shared Aid Kit (if using meds), or Zeroing

Alternate Weapons: The G22 (Kurt's rifle), the FRF2 (Vagabond's rifle), the MP5K (Tower's PDW), or the Jericho 941F (Nesher sidearm).

Diablo, Sultan, and Busel (0.23.2)
Diablo: Spanish Marksman who carries a low caliber, semi auto DMR and a decent suppressed sidearm. He's equipped with a single shot grenade launcher firing frag rounds, and his ability allows him to set enemies on fire when struck with his primary. He takes 50% less damage from falling. His ability makes him immune to Burning. Headshots increase the damage dealt by his ability. Jumping from objects makes him 20% faster for 5 seconds. Enemies he sets on Fire can also set other enemies on fire by touching one another.

His health is good and his armor is fine. Walk speed is good but his sprint speed is slow. Sprint cost is higher than average. Use his ability if you get set on fire. Weaknesses are low cap mags, reliance on headshots despite a semi auto primary, and basically being an inferior Sztylet.

I went with 4A, 7A, 10B, 12B, 13B, 14B, and 15C as upgrades. Healing Touch or Treatment Factor, AP Rounds is preferred, and Spare Syringe or Headhunt. I run Meds.


Sultan: Kazakh Marksman that carries a high caliber bolt action rifle and a full auto PDW. He's equipped with EMP jamming devices he can stick onto people, and an ability that keep enemies from: Healing, Shielding, and blocks those effects. He can move twice as fast when he's crouched. His ability, if active, can either provide 20% damage resistance to allies within 20 meters for 10 seconds, OR heal 10 HP to allies within 10 meters for every headshot he makes.

Walk speed is good but sprint is a little slow, and sprint cost is average. Health and armor is a little higher than average. His skill is great to have. His ability conceals some useful team support, but it takes practice to use effectively. He's the only marksman that can heal his team, I think. Weaknesses are a reliance on headshots, no explosives, and no resistances.

I chose 4B, 6B, 8B, 10B, 12A, 13A, 14A, and 15C as his upgrades. Shooting Posture or Treatment Factor are fine. AP Rounds, Zeroing, or Bolt Assembly. Personal Priorities or Vengeance. I run meds.


Busel: Belarusian Marksman that carries a high caliber bolt action rifle, and an awful suppressed sidearm. At his disposal are ballistic knives he can launch at enemies that do massive damage, killing everything short of a Heavy Fighter or Hard Gunner with a bodyshot. His ability gives him a brief period of bonus HP, Shielding him until depleted or time runs out. Killing an enemy with a knife can give him back 150 stamina. He regenerates 3 stamina a second, 2 more than most operators. He has a special set of ironsights for his rifle, increasing hipfire accuracy and rate of fire by 0.3 rounds per second.

His walk speed is decent but his sprint speed is a little slow. Sprint cost is more expensive than average, but his stamina regen offsets this. Health is between decent and great depending on upgrades, and his armor is decent. For the power his rifle offers, he can cycle it remarkably fast, giving Komar a run for his money. His knives are good for quick stamina regen, and his ability is unique among marksmen, letting him make risky moves other ops may not get away with. Weaknesses are no resistances, no explosives, and small mag size.

There is some variability in his upgrades, letting you choose if his ability lasts longer, or cools off faster. I went with 3B, 5B, 7B, 8A, 9B, 11B, 12B, 13A, 14B, and 15C. Treatment Factor is preferred. Bolt Mod or Quick Mags will make the rifle feel more responsive, Heavy Barrel and AP Rounds let you bodyshot normal fighters. Headhunt and Meds is preferred. You could also lean on his ability to tank damage and do Healing Touch + Spare Syringe instead.

Vidarr, Canglong, and Cacador (0.23.2)
Vidarr: (Presumed) Swedish Marksman who carries a full auto DMR and a decent sidearm. At his disposal are explosive homing drones he can throw, which then hunt down targets that are roughly in front of them. His ability Marks enemies that hit Vidarr, boosts his damage by 10% for every downed ally, and if his allies are all downed then the enemy team is marked for him. Allies deal 15% more damage with their primaries when within 5 meters of Vidarr.

Health is anywhere between good and great, and his armor is decent. Walk speed is a little slow, but sprint speed is average. Sprint cost is fairly cheap. His primary is excellent, being the highest damage automatic for all Marksmen. His drones allow him to destroy cover, kill anything short of a Hard Gunner or Heavy Fighter, as well as harass Snipers, Chemists, or Grenadiers. His ability is interesting, potentially making it easier to bounce back if the team is mostly down. It pairs well with Vengeance, immediately notifying you which enemy hit you. He melts through a crowd like a hot knife through butter. Weaknesses are no resistances, no bipod (Strelok has it worse than Vidarr does), and limited utility outside doing damage. He plays a lot like an assault does.

I went with 3B, 5B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 12B, 13A, 14A, and 15A or 15B as upgrades. Healing Touch + Spare Syringe or Treatment Factor + Vengeance. AP Rounds is preferred, but Flat Trajectory is fine. I run Meds.


Canglong: Chinese Marksman that wields an anti-material semi-auto rifle and a decent sidearm. He's equipped with throwable anti-personnel mines, and his ability is an optical camo that makes him invisible to all enemies outside of 5 meters, or enemies that haven't been damaged by him yet. His optical camo can last for 100 seconds. Moving drains the battery faster, however. He also gets an upgrade to his rifle that lets him load in bullets that will pass through cover, if the fire button is held for ~2 seconds. You will hear a click once it's loaded, and swapping to your pistol will leave it chambered in the rifle.

Move speed stats are rather good, and sprint cost is just below average. Health is a little higher than average. Just like Archer, his primary's bullets travel slowly, but he gets an upgrade early that helps make them fly faster. Although completely shedding aggro can put his team in danger, he makes up for this by being able to control objectives and lines of sight all on his own. His mines are lethal, and can help destroy cover if desired. His ability is the star of the show, making him nearly unstoppable for almost two minutes. Weaknesses are having 5 round mags, and if he doesn't kill an enemy in one shot they will shoot back. This man is the PVE king of the Marksman class and is overkill for Point Sweep, but great for Spec Ops.

I chose 4A, 5B, 7B, 9A, 10B, 12B, 14B, and 15A as his upgrades. I use Healing Touch, AP Rounds or Quick Mags, and Spare Syringe as his skills. I don't run meds because invisibility and good aim is what keeps him alive.


Cacador: (Presumed) Brazilian Marksman that carries a semi-auto DMR and a revolver as a sidearm. He's equipped with a net launcher he can use to Trap and Slow foes caught in the nets, and an ability that Marks enemies within his field of vision.

The nets can be retrieved if they don't trigger. He is immune to Bleeding. His nets can inflict Bleeding upon foes caught in them, OR trapped enemies can receive 15% more bullet and explosion damage for 5 seconds. He can boost his own movement speed by 5%, or his allies move speed by 10%, for 10 seconds if he spots 3 or more enemies with his ability. He can reload 50% faster for 3 seconds after killing an enemy.

His walk speed is good, and his sprint speed is great compared to other marksmen. High health but low armor. The 5 round mags reduce mag capacity by 15, but improve move speed stats by 20%, reduce spread, reduce recoil, and the bullets become hitscan. I prefer the 20 round mags and use him like Sztylet with higher DPS. His weaknesses are a suboptimal sidearm, no explosives, and no resistances.

For upgrades, I went 3A, 5A, 6B, 7B, 8C, 10A, 11A, 12B, 13A, 14B, and 15A. Healing Touch + Spare Syringe + Meds, or Treatment Factor + Vengeance + Stims. AP Rounds is preferred.

Tirkesh (1.0 ✅)
Tirkesh: (Presumably) Turkish Marksman who wields an anti-material bolt-action rifle and a good suppressed sidearm. At his disposal are cluster-munition grenades that will explode once, distribute 3 little bomblets, and then detonate. His ability allows him to throw a turret that will stick to surfaces, and fire on enemies that get within range of it. The bullets it fires inflict Bleed on the enemy, and enemies will generally ignore them to their peril. He gets a passive called Eagle Vision, that kicks in after aiming for a couple seconds - either increasing his bullet velocity by 30%, allowing a homing effect for his bullets, or allow his rifle to fully penetrate, going from 75 to 100% AP. It can also increase the damage of his shots, from 10 to 16%.

His HP is decent, and his armor ranges from low to decent. His walk speed and sprint speed are decent, if a bit on the slow side, but his sprint cost is anywhere from average to cheap depending on upgrades. His secondary is excellent, and gets 4 mags like the rest of the POH operators. He has a lot of overlap with Archer, the two behaving in a very similar fashion. They both utilizes AoE grenades, both good at area denial, both wielding great sidearms, and both wielding high power rifles that can often one-tap enemies.

There's a ridiculous amount of freedom in how you choose to build his Eagle Vision, allowing you to focus on particular aspects. He rewards patience, with his turrets able to deal with threats while buried in cover, and making sure every shot either finds its mark, or does maximum damage. His homing passive is great on weaker targets that are standing still or moving towards you, but the travel time of the bullet means strafing targets are likely to be missed. His AP passive ensure that anything short of a Heavy Fighter will go down in one bodyshot. He's a force to be reckoned with.

1st Skill Slot: Sleight of Hand, Resp. Training, Adv. Training, Stay Frosty, Shooting Posture, Enhanced Stims, Self Treatment, Treatment Factor, Cold Blood (if using the homing passive), Adrenaline Buzz, Gunpoint, Fresh Forces, or To The Max
2nd Skill Slot: Sealed Mats., Anti-Shrapnel Layer, Regen. Materials, or Stimulant Meds
3rd Skill Slot: Quick Mags, Bolt Mod (recommended), Hair Trigger, or AP Rounds (if using 16% eagle vision, not recommended)
4th Skill Slot: Ambush, Headhunt, Vengeance, Hidden Movement, Lone Wolf, Shoulder to Shoulder, Personal Priorities, or Shared Aid Kit (if using meds)

Alternate Weapons: The M95 (Archer's rifle), the QBU-10 (Canglong's rifle), the Mk25 (SEAL Sidearm), or the USP SD (GROM sidearm).

Shots to Kill: Marksmen
Damage is calculated by the weapon's damage, multiplied by its armor penetration, and then by the body part. A 20/36 damage gun with 75% Armor Pen will deal 15 damage to the chest, 12 damage if to a limb that doesn't pass through to the chest, and 27 to the head assuming armor is present. Every gun has its own unique headshot damage value.

In general, the trend seems to be: High rate of fire, low armor pen (<50%) weapons do better with Heavy Barrel. High damage, low rate of fire, or high armor pen weapons (>60%) tend to do better with AP Rounds. Short range weapons do better with Flat Trajectory. Tungsten Bullets heavily depends on the gun. Use these results to help form your own conclusions based on your individual needs. Skills are all assumed to be Level 3.

Training Dummy: 80 HP + 40 AP (basically an Al-Thurir Assault on Normal)
All tests were conducted within the weapon's maximum damage range. Tests were conducted repeatedly to verify accuracy.

QRM: Quick Release Mags
AP: Armor Piercing Rounds
HB: Heavy Barrel
FT: Flat Trajectory
TB: Tungsten Bullet Coating

  • Strelok
  • QRM: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots (mostly up and a little drift to the left)
  • FT: 6 bodyshots, 4 headshots (!)
  • TB: 6 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Sokol
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshots (will 1 shot fighters AND shooters to the body)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshots (will 1 shot fighters AND shooters to the body)
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshots (will 1 shot fighters but NOT shooters to the body)

  • Komar
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (cannot 1 shot to the body)
  • QRM, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (cannot 1 shot to the body, can 1 shot headshot a hard gunner)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (cannot 1 shot to the body)
  • AP, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot a fighter to the body, but not a shooter)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (cannot 1 shot to the body)
  • HB, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot a fighter to the body, but not a shooter)

  • Tien
  • QRM: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • HB: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • AP: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • TB: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots

  • Sztylet
  • QRM: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshots (!) (cannot 1 shot headshot a gunner, sliver of health)
  • HB: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshots
  • TB: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshot (!) (can 1 shot headshot a normal gunner, but not a hard gunner)

  • Kurt
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot a normal fighter but not a shooter. 1 shot headshot on everything except a Heavy Fighter)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot normal fighters and shooters to the body)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot normal fighters and shooters to the body)

  • Scout
  • QRM: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (ability makes it a 2 shot headshot)
  • HB: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots (!) (ability makes it a 2 shot headshot, recoil is harsh and upwards with muzzle brake)
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!) (3 shot headshot on normal gunners)

  • Avalanche
  • QRM: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (3 shot gunner/fighter body shot on normal, 3 gunner headshots)
  • QRM, with trait: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (2 headshots normal gunner, 3 on hard)
  • AP: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (3 shot body shot, 2 headshots normal gunner)
  • AP, with trait: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (3 headshots hard gunner)
  • HB: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (3 shot body shot on normal, 2 gunner headshots)
  • HB, with trait: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (3 hard gunner headshots)
  • TB: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (2 headshots normal gunner, 3 headshots hard)
  • TB, with trait: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (2 headshots on any gunner)

  • Archer
  • 1 bodyshot ALWAYS, even on a Gunner, regardless of difficulty (Use Quick Mags or Bolt Assembly instead)

  • Bell
  • QRM: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • HB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • TB: 5 bodyshots, 3 headshots

  • Vagabond
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (cannot 1 shot a normal gunner)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (improves the damage of his ability, from 38.5 to 49) (can 1 shot headshot a normal gunner, but not a hard gunner)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (improves ability damage from 38.5 to 42.35) (can 1 shot headshot a normal gunner, but not a hard gunner)
  • TB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot headshot a normal gunner, but not a hard gunner)

  • Eima
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (cannot 1 shot a fighter to the body, can 1 shot headshot a hard gunner)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot a fighter to the body, but not a shooter)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (can 1 shot a fighter to the body, but not a shooter)

  • Diablo
  • QRM: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • QRM, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot
  • AP: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!)
  • AP, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot
  • HB: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • HB, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot
  • TB: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • TB, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot
  • Expanding Bullets: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • EB, with ability: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot

  • Sultan
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 shot headshot (cannot one shot bodyshot a fighter, cannot 1 shot headshot a hard gunner)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 shot headshot (will 1 shot a fighter, can 1 shot headshot a hard gunner)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 shot headshot (will 1 shot a fighter)

  • Busel
  • QRM: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (1 shot headshot normal gunner, 2 bodyshot fighter and shooter, 2 headshot hard gunner)
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (1 bodyshot normal fighter but not shooter, 1 headshot hard gunner)
  • HB: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (1 headshot hard gunner, 1 bodyshot normal fighter but not shooter)

  • Vidarr
  • QRM: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • AP: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!!!)
  • HB: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots
  • FT: 4 bodyshots, 3 headshots (no penalty)
  • TB: 4 bodyshots, 2 headshots (!)
    (Vidarr gets a stacking bonus to damage due to Payback. The stacks are tricky to single out in training, but 1 stack didn't help bodyshots with QRM, like HB. 2+ stacks gets it to 3 bodyshots, and 2 headshots. With AP on it can't reduce bodyshots on the assault dummy, but maybe a gunner.)

  • Canglong
  • QRM: 1 bodyshot on all normal enemies and hard SMG assaults - hard shotgun Assaults and Gunners (IE Spec Ops and Onslaught Legend) require a headshot
  • AP: 1 bodyshot on everything EXCEPT Hard Gunners, which require a headshot
  • HB: 1 bodyshot on everything EXCEPT Hard Gunners, which require a headshot

  • Cacador
  • QRM: 3 bodyshots, 2 headshots
  • AP: 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot (!)
  • HB: 3 bodyshots, 1 headshot (!)

  • Tirkesh
  • QRM: 1 bodyshot on all normal enemies. 1 bodyshot on hard enemies except: Gunners, Assaults, and Azimuth/Legion Chemists. 10% Eagle Vision did not help with Gunners or the Shotgun Assault, but it helped with the Chemists. 16% Eagle Vision did not help with Gunners, but it did help with the hard Shotgun Assault. AP Eagle Vision does kill the hard Gunner in one shot.
Callsign Trivia, part 1
  • Volk means Wolf in Russian. Aggressive in battle but protective of his friends, suiting of his namesake.
  • Perun is the Slavic god of thunder, lightning, storms, and the sky, the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus. He's friends with Svarog.
  • Voron means Raven in Russian. He published a novel dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe.. name checks out.
  • Plut effectively means Rogue, Rascal, or Swindler in Russian. He's known for his decoys, so this checks out.
  • Koszmar means Nightmare in Polish. His squad was ambushed and executed, he was tortured and left to hang, barely surviving. This and his poison gas means he's gone Scarecrow.
  • Rein means Pure in German. Going into the military cleaned up his act, and his EMP effect suits his namesake, wiping the slate clean.
  • A Corsair is basically a pirate or a privateer, a sea man going to war for plunder and riches. Corsair is a SEAL, which is a part of the US Navy.
  • Sly - also means cunning, crafty, clever. She is known for impersonating people. Friends with Eima.
  • Sterling is a form of currency - usually in the form of silver. British connotation. It also means conforming to the highest standard. "Sterling has always been passionate about following the rules - albeit of his own creation."
  • A Lumen is a measure of light output, a unit of luminous flux, measuring the perceived power of a visible light. The man literally has a Mag-Lite strapped to his gun - I'll give him this one.
  • Avant--Garde means Vanguard in French. A Vanguard is the tip of the spear, first into battle, and with his shotgun this checks out.
  • Aphela closely means Darkness in Hebrew. It's also a genus of beetle. Need to look into this one.
  • Faro means Lighthouse, Beacon, and Headlight in Spanish. Quite literally a source of light. His signal flares mark opponents from up high, so this checks out.
  • A Mustang is a breed of wild horse. More accurately though, Mustang's callsign comes from him driving a Ford Mustang into a pole at a colleague's wedding.
  • A Lazootchick, loosely translated, means Spy or Infiltrator in Russian. Lazutchik is more accurate. It's also mentioned in his bio.
  • Starkaðr means Strong, or Strengthened. In Norse mythology, he was an eight armed giant, and the grandson of said giant. A great warrior who performed many heroic deeds, and many crimes. Name checks out.
  • Shàowèi is a form of lower officer in the Chinese PLA, also meaning Second Lieutenant. This one needs more research I feel. His drone, Xigou, is a breed of dog in China.
  • Martelo means Hammer in Portuguese, which Brazil predominantly speaks. The man wields a battering ram, and is basically a Brazilian Punisher - i'll give him this one.
  • Shalnoy means Crazy, Wild, or Madman in Russian.
  • Saif means Sword, or Scimitar in Arabic. It can also mean protector. Name checks out.

  • Almaz means Diamond in Russian. Given how hard this man is to crack, i'd say it's a suitable callsign.
  • Svarog is the Slavic god of fire and blacksmithing, the equivalent of the Greek god Hephaestus. He's friends with Perun.
  • Sputnik means Satellite in Russian. A former aircraft propulsion engineer - a space nerd, in other words. He's the brother of Bard.
  • Kit means Whale in Russian. With his canonical age, living legend status, and his reputation for being the thing enemy waves break upon, his callsign makes sense.
  • Prorok means Prophet in Polish. His reputation for coming up with contingency plans and the ability to see through smoke suit his namesake. He's friends with Karavai.
  • Stern means Star in German. He's the brother of Schatz. Not sure what the context of his callsign is.
  • Bourbon is a form of American whiskey. He's also from Chicago. You put two and two together. He's acquainted with Avalanche.
  • A Fortress is a military stronghold, otherwise known as a Castle or Citadel. She's also a social recluse and extremely reserved, locked up in her mind.
  • A Bishop is a high ranking member of the Christian church and a clergyman of authority. Bishop served as a chaplain in his earlier days, also going by Holy Joe.
  • A Tower is a tall structure, often taller than it is wide. Some of the earliest known towers are in northern Scotland, which Tower hails from. He's friends with Spark.
  • A Bastion is a form of stronghold, or a structure projecting outward from a fortification wall. A bastion helps defend the wall from being assailed by providing covering fire.
  • Hagana essentially means Defense, or Protection in Hebrew. Also a Zionist paramilitary organization at one point. Name checks out.
  • Matador means Bullfighter, or Killer (more loosely) in Spanish. Also means "to break someone's back." His portable shelters provide the curtain for the proverbial bull to run into.
  • Tibet is a region in East Asia that also contains Mount Everest, Earth's highest mountain. His bio also refers to him being a mountain, so this checks out.
  • Zubr means Bison in Russian. Strong, stubborn, relying on physical strength like Almaz. Name checks out.
  • Odin is a widely revered god in Norse mythology, the god of gods, known for wisdom, war, victory, and combat. Considered a leader and well respected among his colleagues, the callsign checks out.
  • Yíngzhōu is one of three fabled mountain islands in the Eastern sea, home of immortals and the source of immortality. Damage resistance and healing armor could be considered a form of immortality.
  • Barreira means Barrier in Portuguese. He has a shield on his arm - pretty self explanatory.
  • Klim got his nickname from the Kliment Voroshilov series of tanks he typically drove. Also a localized version of Clement, or Clem for short.
  • Aslan means Lion in Turkish. Given he is a very defensive support that keeps enemies at bay and replenishes his team's armor, i'd say it works.
Callsign Trivia, part 2
  • Ded means Grandfather in Russian. He's getting into his 40s, tried to retire once, and is a legend among soldiers, riddled with scars. Name checks out.
  • Travnik means Herbalist in Russian. His bio even mentions this, having bandaged a friend's leg, then giving him chamomile tea while out on a hike.
  • Bard plays guitar and writes poetry, encouraging his allies, knowing that a healthy spirit is the key to staying in the fight. He's the brother of Sputnik.
  • Karavai means "a loaf of bread" in Russian. His grandma was known for her bread, and Karavai delivered it to people, who cheered: "Look here! Karavai is coming!" The nickname stuck. He's friends with Prorok.
  • Mikołaj means Nicholas in Polish, with some connections to Santa Claus, or Father Christmas. Mikołaj is a common Polish name. In Greek, it means "the people's victory." Not truly a callsign, just his first name.
  • Schatz means Treasure, Sweetheart, or Darling in German. He's the brother of Stern. He's a medic, so this checks out.
  • A Monk is someone who practices an ascetic and monastic lifestyle, someone who chooses to live away from society and contemplate their life - a hermit, basically. The male version of a Nun. Born in a San Francisco hippie commune. Friends with Scout. His first name is Woof, funnily enough.
  • Bones is born to a family of doctors, and leads around a Big Dog drone named Buddy. Makes sense.
  • Watson, as a character, is the companion to Sherlock Holmes - a doctor by trade. Other than that, no idea why his callsign is Watson besides British connotation.
  • A Spark is an incandescent particle or an abrupt electrical discharge. He uses a pair of defibrillators, which use an electric charge to restart the heart. Pretty on the nose there.
  • Velour is a plush, knitted form of fabric, similar to velvet, originating from France. Other than that, not sure what the story is here.
  • Shersheret means Chain in Hebrew. A little on the nose, but alright.
  • Miguel is essentially Michael in Spanish. Same as Mikolaj, basically a first name basis. He's brothers with Diablo.
  • Buggy gets his namesake from the vehicle of the same name - quick and responsive. Not much else to it.
  • Kaval means Blacksmith in Belarusian. His ability to patch armor back up to working order makes sense.
  • Freyr, literally Lord in Old Norse, is a widely revered god in Norse mythology. He's known for kingship, fertility, peace, prosperity, and good harvest. Very well associated with Sweden. His ability references Iðunn, a Norse goddess of apples and youth.
  • Yàowáng essentially means "Medicine King" in Chinese, which has origins in Buddhism, or Guardian Spirit. Fond of traditional Chinese medicine, his knowledge came in handy when his squad crash landed and were cut off from modern medical aid. His ability sticks around on his teammates, so the callsign checks out.
  • Açaí is a common fruit and staple food native to Brazil. It's promoted as a health food. The connections don't seem very deep.
  • Polundra is borrowed from Dutch, and essentially means "Ahoy!," "Get down!," or "Watch out!" Polundra, in this case, is a sailor.
  • I believe Sungur means Falcon in Turkish, which would be funny since he's not a marksman, but fitting given his kit. His drones and primary's great range allow him to stay towards the rear of the squad formation.

  • Strelok means Shooter, or Gunner in Russian. A little on the nose, but fair.
  • Sokol means Falcon, or Hawk in Russian. Known for being the best at what he does, striving for the apex, a bird-of-prey being his callsign makes sense.
  • Komar means Mosquito, or Gnat in Russian. Pretty funny when you think of the connotations here. An Eleron is a form of Russian recon drone.
  • Not sure about Tien. This one needs more research, nothing clear cut. Apparently Tien (Ten) means Shadow in Russian. Finally, the name checks out.
  • Sztylet means Dagger, or Stiletto in Polish. He has fascinations with scalpels making fine, precise cuts.
  • Kurt essentially means Courteous or Polite in German. Can also mean Counselor, or Advisor. It's also his first name, like Mikolaj and Miguel.
  • A Scout is a soldier sent ahead of the main force to gather information about the enemy, or to search for something. His preference for an automatic weapon, being close to the enemy, and his spotting flare lend the callsign credence. Scout is friends with Monk.
  • An Avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a slope, like a mountain. Kind of ironic given she's from Reno, Nevada. A flurry of semi-auto 7.62x51 and mortar shells raining on your head might give the callsign credence though. Avalanche is acquainted with Bourbon.
  • Archer is likely given his callsign by the notoriety of the English and their use of longbows, known for powerful ranged attacks. Given the travel time of his .50 caliber bullets, i'd say it makes sense. His M95 was purchased with his own money, explaining the atypical appearance in a pool of L-designated British service weapons.
  • A Bell is a hollow object, often made of metal, that sounds a clear musical note when struck, usually with a clapper inside. Literally a choir boy, he's known for his impressive vocal range. He mostly stays silent, but can snap with vicious ferocity. According to Spark, "his signature battle cry can reach even the infrasound range."
  • A Vagabond is a person who wanders from place to place with no real home - a vagrant in other words. Born as Oliver Retersen, changed his name to Raymond Pesson, moved from Denmark to France to receive social benefits for serving in the Foreign Legion. His callsign might be a nod to or a reminder of this.
  • Eima is Mother in Hebrew. She watches over her allies, protecting them from harm, and unleashes violence upon those that threathen them. She's friends with Sly.
  • Diablo is Devil in Spanish. He's known for arsonistic tendencies. At one point he was captured, tortured, and escaped, leaving the enemy complex aflame. He's lost a few screws since then. He's brothers with Miguel.
  • A Sultan is an Arabian position of power, very similar to a king, but with an inherently Muslim connotation. The callsign was self chosen.
  • Busel means Stork in Belarusian. Following a trend of the Marksmen being named after birds - and in this case, one known for its long reach and sharp beak, like his knives.
  • Víðarr means Wide Ruler in Old Norse, and is a god of vengeance in Norse mythology. His ability says plenty. His drone means Predator in Swedish, which is fitting.
  • Cánglóng, as far as I can tell, means Hidden Dragon in Chinese. He's got an invisibility cloak.. it's really on the nose.
  • Caçador means Hunter in Portuguese. Also mentioned in his bio. Pretty easy to guess how he got the callsign.
  • Ptitsa means Bird, Fowl, or Flyer in Russian. It's also his last name.
Unit Foundation Dates
All of the special forces units in the game have a foundation date, though not all are readily known. The devs celebrate these foundation dates with freebies, usually 50k Credits and a day of premium. It's worth checking on the game around these days to help you progress faster. Here's a list of dates I was able to compile:

Seals: Jan 1
Arystan and EZAPAC: Jan 13
BOPE: Jan 19
SSO RB: Feb 27th
Nesher: April 1st?
TFB and AMF: July 1st
GROM: July 13th
22nd SPN: July 24th
Alpha: July 29th
Vympel: Aug 9th
KSK: Sept 20th
RAID: Oct 23rd
Caliber's Birthday: Oct 27th
CST: Nov 1st
Jiaolong: Dec 18
Easter Eggs

April Fool's Loading Screen Hints
Obviously not an exhaustive list.

  • "If you can see this message, give me 10 push-ups."
  • "Can't see Canglong? Don't worry, he can see you."
  • "Recruit doesn't participate in Ranked Battles. He's above that."
  • "Caliber has no cons, only a plus." (lmao)
  • "Velour was wearing a mask long before everyone was required to, and he still is!"
  • "If they kill you, they were cheating. If you killed them, that's just skill." (true)
  • "We have no plans at this time. Follow the news."
  • "Recruit was too hot to handle, so he got fired, and burned out. Buy bard and get the Sealed Materials skill for free!"
  • "If you catch 777 Starkadr's axes with your head, you'll unlock a secret cutscene."
  • "We wanted to make a joke about 2D scopes, but it fell flat."
  • "Miguel's drone first heals the ones it likes the most."
  • "All the worst matches begin with "Rush Mikolaj!"
  • "#1: To kill the enemy, shoot them until they are dead. #2: If the enemy is still alive, see #1."
  • "Shoot the red, heal the blue. Job done."
  • "Secret #51: The blueprints for Acai's Epic Outfit were obtained during a raid of the famous American military base in 2019."
  • "Your questions on social media are answered by the Neural Interconnection of Caliber Kreators, or simply N.I.C.K."
  • "Execute a RAID operator 100 times to get a croissant Emblem."
  • "Welcome to the Jurassic Polygon!"
  • "Running is like walking, but faster."
  • "Useless Fact #69: If you read the callsign "Faro" backward, you get "Oraf."
  • "Your mic was on during the previous round, and we heard everything."
  • "Due to popular demand, the art department is already working on optimizing the game."
  • "Aphela is a mushroom."
  • "Lazootchick's real name is Pimen. You got a problem with that?" (it actually is)
  • "Useless fact #27: names for all Outfits and Camos are invented at the last moment before release."
  • "The player who dies first has the unconditional right to blame others for a loss." (also true)
  • "Secret #322: all profanity in patch notes is censored."
  • "Thick mustaches offer decent gas protection."
  • "Every Buddy dreams of working at Evergreen Group when they grow up."
  • "Had a bad round? Missed an Assault? Dealt 80 damage and didn't kill anyone? Don't you worry! Just blame it all on the Medic!"
  • "The sale of Bourbon is prohibited in Muslim countries and to people under the legal age."
  • "The testers are the GOATs. Not a single bug slips past them. Even the LOCALE_WORK_INPROGRESS_QA_1 will be the LOCALE_WORK_INPROGRESS_QA_2, especially in the LOCALE_WORK_INPROGRESS_QA_3!"
  • "Ded may be over the hill, but he's not buried under it yet."
  • "It's not the Medic that should run after teammates, but the teammates after the medic."
  • "You are on the Dam, I am in the Emir's Residence. We are on different levels."
  • "The Marksman's accuracy increases when prone. But not always."
  • "You know what goes great with beer? Matador!"
  • "The tip texts go here. Don't forget to delete this string before exporting, Mike."

Update 0.23.0 Primer

Mikolaj is getting a buff to his field hospitals. Nice! Will it save him from being tied with Miguel for worst medic? Maybe. He still needs slug rounds imo.

Corsair is getting an HP buff. Thank the lords above!

Kit's revival banner takes longer to rez allies. Fair trade.

Monk will get to apply a heal-in-waiting to a teammate, which is cool. Also potential buff to his healing via an 11C upgrade. Hot stuff.

Fortress is getting an HP buff. I'm not sure if that's what she needed...

Bones will take longer to rez allies with Buddy. Fair trade.

Bastion's ability will last longer by default, reflect more damage via an upgrade, his sprint cost is getting 20% cheaper, and an optional 9th level upgrade that sharply reduces the duration in exchange for much higher damage reflection, and another that makes him significantly tankier and faster in exchange for less damage reflection. They're removing the ability default slowdown, and 10B gives him an extra mag instead. ♥♥♥♥ yeah.

Shersheret will be able to match her healing target's speed and the ability will persist briefly after losing line of sight. Nice.

I can't speak for Tibet, but i've heard he's not great, so it's good to see he's getting buffs. His pistol's getting significant buffs. He also didn't skip leg day this time, so his sprint cost is cheaper. Excellent.

Zubr will get to move during his ability, and his sprint cost is getting cheaper. Based.

Kaval's getting a buff to his ally heal, self heal, heal range, and a small damage boost. I didn't think he needed it, but fair.

Yingzhou's slugs are getting a nerf. I don't have him, but to be fair, I've seen him one tap enemies pretty frequently. Might be warranted. His pellets will have more range, which is good. His ability's getting a nerf, which.. to be fair, 40% damage reduction is a lot. 20% makes sense.

It frightens me to think bots prioritized players that had Yaowang's healing plates on them. I never noticed. Might be why all Yaowang players spread the plates out equally. Primary's getting a buff, which is good. 14 damage per bullet is really low.

Barreira's getting a 15 HP nerf. The boi has a shield. He can live with the nerf. (He's an overrated crutch anyway)
Update 0.23.0
Bots now attack robots and turrets that shoot them, instead of attacking the operators who deployed them. (You know what, this explains a lot. We'll have to keep an eye on Hagana and Shaowei, see how fast their robotics die.)

Mustang, Monk, Schatz, Yàowáng, Kaval: improved 3D scopes. The bullets could previously fly a little over the reticle. (Good to see. I think Freyr and Cacador suffer a little from this too.)

Miguel: Medical Drone ability: improved the movement system. The drone is now able to fly over obstacles, including vertical ones, but only in places where bots can pass. (Sick. This probably contributed to the drone's reputation for falling behind.)

[/b]Diablo: Inferno ability: fixed a bug that caused the target to burn for a shorter amount of time than intended after hitting them with a body shot. The bug appeared when upgrade #15-2 was active.[/b] (I noticed this bug when playing around with Diablo, but even with it fixed, it doesn't make 15B a good upgrade.)
Update 0.23.2 Part 1

Crossing is coming back to Onslaught.

On Crossing and the new map coming to Onslaught, there will be kamikaze/suicide drones that attack you, similar to what the Officer throws out on some maps such as Amal Harbor.

The payload round that you have to destroy, and the bots have to defend will now move automatically - it does not need bot escort to move.

Bots won't aim for the scanner after the objective is completed. They used to target it despite it being pointless for them.

Some field bonuses are getting tweaked:

Some icons are changing:

New field bonuses:

Drop system tweaked:

The Explicit Threat modifier is changing from a constant Marked status to a periodic one, similar to Eima's spotting beacon special gear. "Right now, it continuously applies the Marked effect to bots, which seems unfair towards the AI. In the new version, the Marked effect will be applied periodically instead."
Update 0.23.2 Part 2

EMP will now stun bots for 1.5 seconds. This affects: Koszmar, Rein, Bishop, Tower, Spark, Odin, and Yaowang. (Heavy Fighter is immune)

Suppression will dramatically reduce the accuracy of bots, making them unlikely to hit you. This affects: Svarog, Archer, Eima, Lumen, Bell, and Watson.

Volk's primary has 25% less recoil. His special gear can reach 33% further, and does 20 more damage. He'll gain a #6-2 upgrade, which lets his primary reload 20% faster while the ability is active. He gains #11-2 and #11-3, which change how his grenades behave: sticky smokes or bouncing frags. Bouncing grenades come with 2 more, deal 40 less damage, and gain 1m area of effect. His smokes give him 3 more grenades, they reload 50% faster, and can stick to people. #2-2 now reduces ability cooldown by 3 seconds. #5-1, #5-2, and #5-3 affect his reserves and how they behave. #6-1 now reduces his ability cooldown by 5 seconds. #10-1 now increases the primary's damage when the ability is active by 10. #10-2 now increases his primary's range by 10 meters when the ability is active. #12-2 became #12-1. #13-2 got buffed by 100 SP. #14-2 gives him 1 more grenade instead of more damage. (Overall, Volk sounds broken as ♥♥♥♥ now.)

Almaz's primary is 10% more accurate. #2-2 moved to #12-2 and got a 50 SP buff. #2-2 now reduces the stamina cost to regenerate his Shield by 1/sec. #11-1 is now #8-2. #8-3 gives him an extra revival kit. #10-3 lets him revive teammates 50% faster. #6-1, #6-2, and #6-3 now change how his reserves behave. #11-1 now has the 10 HP upgrade instead of #6-2.

Ded's healing is now 45 HP instead of 34. The area of effect is now 6 meters instead of 3. The ability to restore stamina is now default, and can restore 140 when fully upgraded. It can also be used on a teammate with full health. His self healing is also 200% better, from 10 to 30 HP. He's 10% more accurate hipfiring, and has 10% less recoil with his primary. #8-3 and #11-2 now increase his heal's range by 1 meter a piece. #6-1 now removes Bleeding and Burning from teammates. #15-2 will remove all negative effects on a teammate except Marked. #15-3 increase the stamina restored by 70. #2-1, #2-2, and #2-3 now change how his reserves behave. #5-1 moved to #7-2, and now #5-1 reduces Bleed damage by 30%.

Strelok gets 550 SP by default instead of 500, but his sprint costs 1 SP more. He has 5 more HP. Primary has 10% less recoil, and 25% less vertical recoil after the first shot. Ability costs 10 SP less. Enemy mark duration lasts 10 seconds longer on bots. His RGO grenades do less damage further away from the explosion's center. #9-3 increases his ability duration by 1.5 seconds. #1-1 got a 25 SP buff. #3-2 increases his ability's range by 2 meters. #5-1, #5-2, and #5-3 change how his reserves behave. #6-1 now gives him one more grenade. #11-1 increases his sprint speed by 0.2 m/sec. #11-2 now increases his ability's range by 5 meters. #15-1 will shorten his ability's cooldown by 50% if it failed to Mark an enemy. #15-2 will now remove the Marked effect from teammates. #15-3 will make him invisible to drones and turrets for 5 seconds when using his ability.

Sterling can no longer self revive without penalty. Each subsequent revival will cap his max HP by 20 HP, down to 40, but it resets upon a new round. His short barrel no longer makes him 10% faster. His special gear does 10 less damage. #12-2 increases his special gear's damage by 20 instead of 30. #14-2 is now a 25% explosion damage reduction instead of 20%.

Tibet's Shield was nerfed by 15 points. Upgrade #12-3 also won't apply to himself anymore, just his teammates.

Bishop's jammer now inflicts a 1.5 sec stun on bots every 5 seconds. (This could make him really good.)

Faro's special gear damage was reduced from 85 to 70.

Avalanche's ability got nerfed by 2 seconds. Her hip fire spread and recoil is increased by 20%, and her base special gear ammo was reduced by 1. Her #4-1 ability duration bonus got nerfed from +3 seconds to 2.

Miguel's spread with regular ammo was increased by 30%.

Freyr's primary weapon damage went from 16 body, 24 head to 17 body, 28 head. It also has 10% more recoil while aiming. (This did change his shots to kill!)

Mustang's ability now lasts 5 seconds longer on bots. #6-2 now increases its duration by 4 seconds instead of 2. His special gear's armor pen was reduced from 40% to 20%. The darts now only travel 3 meters after penetrating an object.

Martelo's ability got a big buff. It does 10 more damage by default. Any execution, even without the ability, apply #6-1 through #6-3. #15-1 now boosts his ability's damage by 15. It may now do enough damage to kill fighters outright.

Acai's #8-1 now increases spread by 30% instead of 50%.

Cacador's ability got a buff. By default, it now Suppresses bots affected by it. With upgrade #13-1, he will benefit from the speed boost now in addition to his teammates. Upgrade #13-2 now also gives Cacador Focus for 10 seconds if 3 or more enemies are spotted with the ability, reducing recoil and spread by 50%. (He sounds especially broken now.)

Bell's sprint cost was reduced from 13 to 10, making it much cheaper. His ability works through walls now. #10-1 will now increase his movement speed instead of Marking enemies when tapping the ability button. (Does his ability finally have a use now?)

Tower's special gear now has 75 velocity instead of 50, 70/84 damage instead of 60/72, and has 30% armor pen instead of 20%. #12-2 got buffed by 5% additional armor pen. His primary has 60% armor pen instead of 50%. Secondary now has 40% armor pen instead of 35, and its rate of fire was boosted to 10 shots/sec. He can also replenish his own armor - 20 points - by holding the activation key.

Perun gets 20 more armor by default. #9-1 now restores 15 HP instead of 11. #9-2 now restores 10 HP instead of 8. Perun's ability now starts in single-shot mode, and #6 gives him an optional 2 round burst mode.

Svarog now applies Suppressed to bots on the first hit of his ability.

Sokol's #10 now makes his ability 30 SP more expensive, instead of 50.

Voron's primary now has 55% armor pen instead of 60. His ability now lasts 5 seconds instead of 8. #12-1 got nerfed to +1 second ability duration instead of 2. #12-3 got nerfed from 50% spread reduction down to 25%. #13-1 got nerfed from +3 second ability duration instead of 2.

Bard's primary weapon has more recoil now on the 2nd and 3 shots.. He also can't apply Inspired to himself anymore.

Koszmar's ability now applies Stunned for 1.5 seconds for every 3 consecutive hits from his primary, literally stunlocking any bot except the Heavy Fighter.

Rein's ability now stuns bots for 1.5 seconds, and increases the damage enemies take by 20%.

Kurt's #15-1 got buffed: now his special trait increases the damage bots take by 30%.

Corsair's #5-1 got buffed: his ability now slows bots for 70% longer.

Bourbon's ability now stuns bots on the first hit.

Monk's ability range upgrades got buffed significantly: #2-1 went from 2 to 5, #12-1 went from 5 to 10, and #15-3 went from 8 to 15. That's a lot of range for a healing dart!
Calza  [author] 14 Jan @ 3:15am 
Aha! That makes sense. No wonder it had an issue translating.
◣ ◢ℛussia◣ ◢ 14 Jan @ 3:06am 
Fun fact
Back in the very old day Karavay's callsign story was that he put a gas grenade into a karavay. If i remember correctly it was at a wedding of some terrorist or something like that. I am not sure at all, just for a fact, i remember that it had to do with Karavay doing something with a gas grenade in a karavay. (Also a karavay is not really a loaf of bread but rather a round, usually decorated bread. These are common on weddings and other really old holidays.

Tien (Ten') Means shadow
His special ability makes his "mark" invisible, as well as it also increases his speed. Fair enough in my opinion.
Calza  [author] 23 Apr, 2024 @ 4:55am 
Thank ya. Happy to help <3
>i2rd 19 Apr, 2024 @ 11:39am 
I'd love to give you a like for this guide, but since I can't due to a block on my account, I'll just have to give you a unicorn reward. I have to say that this guide is perfect for all players who play pve to take a look at.:dsheart::dsheart:
Calza  [author] 25 Jan, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
Blood Meridian 24 Jan, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
I can tell this guide is very high caliber