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Location for first base with minimum defence required.
By Belfegor
This is one of the location where you can setup your base, especially first one, with a couple of walls and don't have to worry about defending it.
Base location
Update 07 Mar 2025: It's been awhile seen the last time I logged into the game and this guide was written in earlier version, it might not work as it used to. I included below pictures of the location.

This is the location where I setup my first base. It has its pros and cons but generally is quite suitable for the first base. It's near one of the first spawn point/fast travel so you don't have travel too far. You can jump down from the fast travel.

- Having a bit of everything
2 Rocks, 1 Ores, plenty of berries, a couple of tree, lots of Paldium rocks laying around. Of course this is suitable only for early game and not sufficient later in game but you can have your 2nd base somewhere else for other resources.

- Plenty of starting pals
There are lots of low level pals for you to farm

- Minimum defence required
You only need some defence walls/gates put on the 2 sides of the lake and your base is safe.

Raid attackers can come from both uphill and downhill but from my experience so far they only go through the bridge.

If you only have walls by the bridge, they will try to breach the walls. But when you have walls on both side of the lake, they will get into the lake and stuck there.

You can either ignore the attackers and they will leave when timeout or get a flying pal to farm or catch them. They can also be stuck on their way out.

I'm on level 40 now but aside from those walls I have no other defence. Also it's super easy to catch these pals as they often can't attack you,
- Not flat
If you like a flat location to setup your base, this is not. A bit difficult as there's a rock in the middle.

- Pals get stuck
Same for the raid attackers can get stuck, your pals will also get trapped in the lake too and collapse from hunger. So keep an eye on them. Be sure don't have any machines/structures by the lake to avoid pals coming to work and falling into the lake.

- Flying attackers
Flying attacker pals won't get trapped in the lake. But for some reasons, could be a glitch, if the flying pals come with other pals that get stuck in the lake, the flying ones won't attack you, except you attack them first. I will update on this when I see any changes.
Belfegor  [author] 7 Mar @ 12:23am 
There was once a picture of the location but I'm not sure why it's gone. I logged back into the game to uploaded the picture back. Please note this guide written over a year ago, things might not work as it used to. I will come back to play this game again to put some more updates but it's not now :Comfortable:
Crystle 1 Mar @ 8:27am 
yeah i want to find this base location
Around999People 20 Jan @ 3:04am 
I’d suggest adding a screenshot of the map to show where it’s at! Maybe even two, one further out and one closer. Remember, multiplayer has multiple spawn point options so the description doesn’t help too much.