Limbus Company

Limbus Company

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Rupture, And You
By Ekimmak
I didn't see anyone with an actual guide for this status, and I recently went through a lot of calculations to figure out how lucky you have to be for the LobCorp EGO Sinclair opening, so here. Some basics on the status.
How Rupture Works
Rupture is very simple. When a person suffering Rupture takes any sort of hit, they take damage equal to the Potency, and lose one Count. If Count reaches Zero, then Potency is reset. There's only one way to mitigate this effect, and that's Rupture Protection. Which is only owned by two IDs in the game, the Molar Boatworks duo. I haven't seen it on the enemy yet.

In a way, statuses could be considered to be at 0:0 until you apply it, but the game is kind enough to give you +1 of whatever you're inflicting. If you inflict +1 count, then it applies +1 potency, and if you apply +1 potency, it gives you a free count. Keep in mind that if the Rupture hits Zero Count, then it will reset potency, even if this hit was going to give more count. This makes hitting 1 Count a very risky endeavour... or at least, potentially going to slow down your clear time.

Spark Discharge

This is one of the two statuses that can help out with Rupture. Exclusive to Gregor's AEDD EGO, when he hits someone with this, it will inflict a large amount of Spark Discharge. This has two effects, both benefiting the attacker. On hit, it will give 1 charge count to the attacker, which is nice for charge IDs. But if it was a Gloom skill, then it will also apply 1 rupture count. The description is kind of confusing, but I'm pretty sure that the count for Spark Discharge goes down for every time someone hits it, not just gloom.

Dimensional Rift

And this is the other one. Dimensional Rift is available to three different sources. W Corp Yi Sang, and both versions of the Dimension Shredder EGO.

Hong Lu's Dimension Shredder will always inflict Dimensional Rift. If it Corrodes while he has 10+ Charge, then it inflicts extra.

Yi Sangs Dimension Shredder will only inflict Dimensional Rift if he has charge. So he either needs charge support, or to be on W Corp ID in the first place if he wants to stick it down. On the upside, both of them will start earning charge after using the EGO, so they can start affording to maintain those rifts.

W Corp Yi Sang is the only ID capable of getting this effect down, and it's kind of a long term goal. His Skill 3 can consume 10 or 15 charge on use, for extra coin power. If it's 15, then he gets +2 coin power, inflicts +3 rupture count BEFORE attack (maintaining potency), and finishes with inflicting 2 dimensional rift.

Dimensional Rift is basically a pretty way of saying "Add Rupture Count at the end of this turn". This can be quite handy. If you stick down a Dimensional Rift at the start of the turn, and then ensure that the final hit leaves a big, juicy potency on the target, then the Rift will add the count on top of it, greatly increasing the power of that attack. Of course, if the dimensional rift attack already stuck a lot of potency down, then that's it's own reward...
All the Rupture ID
So, Rupture is pretty cool. Sinking does something similar sometimes, but that's always Gloom element. If the enemy is weak to Gloom, they take more. If the enemy resists, they take less. Rupture is much better, right?

... Well, the thing is, not all Rupture is equal. Some ID have Rupture effects, but that doesn't make them good at it. The idea of a rupture build is to stack the potency up to ridiculous levels, and keep the count high enough it'll never disappear. That's kind of tricky, when it goes down on EVERY hit.

It's usually just a nice little bonus. It takes dedicated IDs to build a team for getting those massive super damage numbers on the target.

The Slackers
IDs that "have" rupture, but clearly aren't meant to utilise it, and are just throwing it in for extra damage. They will eat through your count, and don't even provide that much potency to compensate.
  • LCB Hong Lu (2 potencies, no count)
  • LCB Sinclair (1 potency, no count. 4 potencies at UT4)
  • LCB Outis (1 potency, no count. 2 potencies, 1 count at UT4)
  • 7 Yi Sang (3 potencies, 1 count)
  • Lobcorp Faust (2 potencies, no count)
  • W Corp Quixote (2 potencies, no count)
  • 7 Ryoshu (1 potency, no count)
  • W Corp Mersault (3 potencies, no count)
  • W Corp Hong Lu (1 potency, no count)
  • R Corp Heathcliff (3 potencies, no count)
  • Sunshower Heathcliff (4 potencies, no count)
  • Sloshing Ishmael (4 potency, no count. Notably, quite a few tied to losing clashes at UT4, but you generally don't want to lose clashes)
These guys all have rupture potency somewhere in their kits, but they'll be taking count faster than they'd be worth it. For the most part, they prefer to be elsewhere.
If they do get the Thunderbranch gift in a mirror dungeon, then things change a bit. Any time you inflict potency, you inflict count, so you can actually see those numbers start to add up if you're careful... but they have other teams they'd rather be in.

The Leechers
These guys are more designed for rupture teams. They have skill effects that enjoy having rupture on the target... but they have inefficient rupture count generation. Adding too many of these to a dedicated rupture team will mean none of them get their bonuses.
Note that I'm not saying they're BAD for the team. Just not to use only them in a dedicated rupture team.

  • LCB Gregor (1 potency, 1 count)
  • K Corp Hong Lu (2 potencies. Count up to 3)
  • Red Sheet Sinclair (All potency. 1 count)
  • 7 Outis (1 potency, 2 count)
  • G Corp Gregor (1 potency, no count)
  • Dead Rabbit Mersault (3 rupture, 1 count)
The LCCB IDs are kind of weird.
LCCB Ryoshu can inflict a lot of potency and count on her S3, but to be worth it, she needs a crit. It takes a lot of work to get her to crit when you need it, and it'll be 4 count for a 3 coin skill. Generally not worth it.
LCCB Ishmael, however, I have actually seen work, though, even though it's a tremor ID. Her S2 is Gloom, so it works well with Spark Discharge. Her S3 inflicts a heck of a lot of count, and her S1 is a single coin, so it won't eat too much in exchange. She'd rather be on a tremor mirror dungeon team, but she's still worth mentioning.

The A Team
These guys deplete very little count versus what they generate, so they'll have a fun time escalating that rupture potency.
  • W Yi Sang (6 potencies, 2 count, dimensional rift)
  • 7 Faust (3 potencies, 2 count)
  • L Corp Quixote (3 potencies, 3 count)
  • 7 Heathcliff (7 potencies, 3 count. It's a lot)
  • Rosespanner Gregor (4 potencies, 2 count)
Special mention to Rose Gregor being a bit unconventional. This is a Tremor/Charge ID, but with a side focus in Rupture. The closest we could get to a TLA Robot. He uses his Skill 1 and 2 to build charge, his Skill 2 to build Tremor, and then bursts the tremor for Skill 3, inflicting count equal to his charge. Rather finicky to work with, since the good tremor EGO are tied to characters that have no business being on a rupture team. But if you're bringing LCCB Ishmael, then the two balance each other out quite nicely.

Backup team
Just because they're not on the field, doesn't mean they can't contribute. There are some passives for specifically rupture, and that can help in speeding things up.
  • 7 Ryoshu gives 1 extra rupture to the lowest max HP ally
  • W Mersault gives 1 extra rupture to the slowest ally
  • Sloshing Ishmael gives out rupture when the fastest ally triggers tremor burst. Highly situational, but it is there.
  • Talisman Sinclair gives out 4*highest resonance talisman to the highest HP ally (Critical to MD runs with Dimension Shredder)
These are characters you won't really field, because there are better rupture sinners to use. But every little bit helps, and better here than in MD teams that aren't so focused into Rupture.
If you need to pull more allies back, or haven't caught these guys up in levels, then there's also
  • W Yi Sang will increase the damage dealt to targets with rupture, by the highest charge Ally.
  • 7 Faust boosts the fastest ally's damage on targets with rupture, when hitting with weak/fatal damage.
  • Dead Rabbit Mersault will give the fastest ally an offence level down effect when hitting highly ruptured targets (it's not bad, but it's also not much compared with extra rupture)
  • 7 Heathcliff gives +1 rupture from skills to the highest HP ally, when hitting with fatal damage. An extra +1 for other 7 fixers.
  • Rosespanner Gregor gives +1 rupture to the lowest speed ally, when they hit targets with Tremor.
All the Rupture EGO
Yeah, there's EGO too. Things that would be very nice to have on a Rupture team.
  • Gluttony EGO

Yes, ALL Gluttony EGO are good. There's a certain trick that wants to have as much gluttony resonance as possible, so the more you squeeze onto your team without compromising something important, the better. That said, I'll still list everything that stands out.

Yi Sang Dimension Shredder
Even though it inflicts Dimensional Rift, this is a bit weird. Before attack, it consumes all charge to boost damage. If it did consume charge, it inflicts 3 Dimensional Rift.
But following that, the corroded version inflicts an additional 6 rupture, before doing what's essentially a "Rupture Burst". It deals bonus pride by the rupture potency X 10%, up to 100%, and then consumes 5 count. If you've hit a point where you simply can't get enough hits in, and the count is overflowing, this can be worth using for that. But the main draw is this passive.

After hitting an enemy with lower speed, inflict +1 rupture count. This means that unless Yi Sang picks up another skill slot, he cannot deplete rupture on the target. He also gains +4 charge for remaining untouched. Using dimension shredder early might mess up early count application, but he makes up for it by being able to jam a bunch of potency in there for free.

Worth noting: if you have an abundance of gluttony and sloth, but no pride, this attack does not cost pride. You can use it to inefficiently build up your pride reserves.

Don Quixote Telepole
Joke entry. If she uses the Corroded version of this attack, she gives out 12 charge to everybody, 10 charge to herself per target hit, but pays for it by giving away 10 rupture potency and 5 fragile as well. It's only on allies... I guess that's what you pay for being one of the only attacks to not target randomly or indiscriminately when corroded.

Hong Lu Dimension Shredder
An attack with unusual targetting. Hong Lu will aim this attack at the very last enemy in unfocused encounters. It either gains 5 charge and haste, for 1 fragile and 4 rift. Or, corroded, it consumes 10 charge for +2 fragile and rift. And then applies 1 fragile and 4 rift anyway.
This is beloved by K Corp Hong Lu, because it gives him +1 charge for hitting enemies with status effects (caps at 4 per turn), and will consume all his charge to revive himself at 0 HP. It only happens once per battle, and can't go above 25% of his max HP... but he has a pretty high Max HP.

Hong Lu Effervescent Corrosion
This was going to be a Teth. But people complained, and almost immediately, it got changed to HE before we even got to see what it did.
They really shouldn't have. Because it's a Rupture EGO that's now competing for Dimension Shredder's HE Slot.

So, it's an AOE that gains attack weight as our health drops. On hit, it inflicts Bind and Rupture potency by the gluttony resonance. The awakened version will then inflict Gluttony Fragility, whereas the Corrosion will heal by damage dealt.

The passive is that while under 50% HP, he inflicts rupture on anyone getting a hit off, based on the highest gluttony Absolute resonance. This is a pretty bad passive, given that it's A-Resonance, so you have to line up your cards right to trigger a +1 potency. It's not depleting count, but it's not adding to it, either.

The reason you'd take this over Dimension Shredder is if you need different sin resistances for tanking, or desperately want that gluttony fragility. Even then, it's a hard sell.

Heathcliff Holiday
A Zayin that's decent just for getting rid of his lust weakness, but it also has potential beyond that. On a heads hit(UT4 makes on hit), he randomly selects a negative status effect and applies it next turn. As many as 5(7) times, depending on Gluttony Absolute Resonance. If it's a kill, then it gives away a positive status to two random allies. UT4 will give it an Atk Weight of two.

Corroding it causes it to target whoever has the most SP, remove 10 SP from them, and inflicts the same problem as UT4 awakening. It also has 2 Atk Weight instead of one, where UT4 will give it another Atk Weight on top of that against a 15 SP target.

The passive increases the potency of status effects he throws around while he's afflicted with them, but also increasing poise and charge gain from skill efffects

Keep in mind, this is an expensive ZAYIN. If you pick this up, you can chain Gluttony much easier, at the cost of having no SP drainless way of winning hard clashes.

Heathcliff AEDD
Gloom Fragility and Paralyse. Gain haste, and gain charge for missing HP. Deal bonus Gloom damage on corrosion.
Passive is that when hit, spend charge to heal himself. At low health, he also gains charge from this effect, up to 10 per turn.

7 Heathcliff isn't a tank, but this is nice for the effect of Gloom Fragility and guaranteed paralyse. A lot of rupture IDs also use a lot of gloom, and we already like gloom attacks for Spark Discharge. Not necessary, but convenient to have.

Branch of Knowledge
This is rough. On heads hit, it inflicts 12 rupture, but costs 10 extra SP (and gains attack power up next turn at UT4). On tails hit, it restores 10 SP and at UT4, 1 protection next turn.

12 rupture is a LOT. And it's gluttony. So where's the problem?

His passive. If a skill's coin hits with a different side from the previous coin, then it costs 5 SP and gains 1 damage up, for up to 3 times per turn. This will utterly screw over any Sinclair that isn't N Sinclair (in which case, he'll be screwing over the team). And if this EGO pushes him to -45, the SP restore won't prevent corrosion.
Only use this if you're certain you're going to be doing nothing but spamming EGO, or have a very good SP restore in plan, because Talisman Sinclair has a lot of skill coins to cause this to backfire.

Sinclair Lantern
Awakening will inflict 3 rupture on heads hit, and heals the 2 allies with the most missing HP by 10%. Corrosion will target the units with the most HP, inflict 2(3) rupture count on tails hit, and heal by damage dealt. UT4 corrosion will also inflict defence level down.

This attack has 3 Atk Weight, but at UT4, being low on health will add extra Atk Weight. The passive will heal him for killing enemies that target him at the start of combat... by 3% of maxHP + gluttony A-Reson.

Not too impressive, but it gives us a gluttony EGO that doesn't tank his SP.

To Pathos Mathos
Just inflicts 4 rupture. It's not the greatest, but it has a good floor, and gives Outis +1 damage per turn as long as she remains untouched.

Outis Sunshower
This is more a Poise EGO. It gives her 6 or 7 poise count before attack, and inflicts sinking and bind on hit. If it's a crit, it triggers Tremor Burst and inflicts Sinking Count.

The corrosion will add rupture to anywhere it has sinking, and rupture count anywhere there's sinking count. The passive gives her poise potency for winning clashes, and protection/poise for being staggered.

If you're running a mirror dungeon and got poise gifts, this can be cool. If you have the resources to burn to corrode it, it can also be cool. If you have neither, it's still nice, because gluttony chaining.

The Rest of the Rupture EGO
Suddenly, One Day
This will randomly inflict a negative status on hit. There's nothing that prioritises Rupture, and frankly, Legerdermain is better in almost every way.
I only bring this up because of sin resources that matter more for Burn Teams than Rupture Teams. This costs 3 lust and 1 gloom to use a sloth attack. This means if you lack in sloth, but have plenty of lust and gloom, you can inefficiently convert them like so.
And it rolls 14-28. That's the only advantage.

Gregor Lantern
Heals him on hit. On corrosion, inflicts 5 rupture as well. Gains Atk Weight with UT4, and passive heals him for Gluttony A-Reson on killing enemies with rupture.

Technically rupture EGO. But usually will be trying to stay SP stable, or using other EGO. I don't use it much.

Gregor AEDD
A pretty important keystone in rupture teams. Inflicts 10(15) Spark Discharge on hit. That's 10(15) charge across the team, and potentially 10(15) rupture count. It also gives him 7(10) charge on use. UT4 even gives Atk Weight to the corrosion form (which indiscriminately targets people with charge).
There's a little bit of a catch, though. It sounds good for Rosespanner Gregor, someone very key for Rupture Teams. However, the passive causes him to lose charge on a heads coin. 2 charge, to give the charge possessing ally with the lowest charge +1. He might find it tricky to hang onto that charge for his S3 after using this... but the high amount of rupture count it can hand out can absolutely make up for it.

Outis Ebony Stem
Of course, I intentionally skipped over something that pushes any Outis ID into the territory between "Leecher" and "A Team". Ebony Stem is a very wide range attack that inflicts rupture, bleed and Gluttony Fragility on hit. Given how much Rupture Teams love gluttony, they'll love this. But the passive is where it really shines.
1 pierce DMG up at the start of the turn. When hitting with a heads coin, inflict 1 bind and +1 rupture count next turn. As long as the rupture count is high, all of her heads coins will maintain the count. So just keep in mind that she might deplete the rupture entirely if it's too low, and this can easily keep her spot in the team.
Putting it all together
So, passing over an undetailed description of all the ID, and a more detailed description of all the EGO... what to do now? Well, having a team that mainly focuses on giving more rupture count than they spend, with maybe one or two leechers to force the potency up quickly, that's a good place to go.

I mainly see it boil down for focused encounter strategies into two different methods: Sinclair focused, and Hong Lu focused.

Sinclair focused is for taking advantage of how Red Sheet's kit works.

It took me a long time to decide whether to hit UT4. It becomes a lot easier to overshoot with skill 2 in a rupture team, but given how little use he sees outside this strategy, probably worth it.

You do a bit of save scumming to ensure you have S2 on turn 1, and S3 on turn 2. Incidentally, the odds of this happening are slightly below 25% (or maybe exactly and I just hate dealing with thirds)

On turn 1, he uses his S2 to hit anyone who hasn't been hit yet (very important, otherwise someone else's rupture will throw him off). Avoid triggering his passive with 3XGluttony resonance.
On turn 2, he hits the main target of the fight with his S3.
From now on, any time someone hits that target, they recieve 5 rupture. With how much rupture count you'll be throwing around, that potency will skyrocket very quickly. But any clash you lose, you take 5 rupture, so keep an eye on your health.

Downside is that it's RNG dependant. if Sinclair doesn't get the setup, then it's going to be very difficult to get that 5 talisman count (although if he reaches 4, triggering his passive means his S3 can still work. The talisman is gained before it checks whether the first coin works.)
Also, he's not very good outside this one use, so you have to do some babysitting, or let him throw his EGO around.

Hong Lu focused is a lot more reliable, and I think what people use for mirror dungeons so they don't have to keep swapping him around... and ironically, still relies on Red Sheet.

When you achieve 4X gluttony resonance, Sinclair gives out gluttony ResonaceX2 talisman to whoever has the most HP. This is usually K Corp Hong Lu.

This is useful knowledge. If he uses Dimension Shredder this turn, then not only is he sticking down 4 Dimensional Rift, but he's also going to apply at least 8 Rupture on them. If they didn't get the rupture stack depleted, then that's going to be a lot of rupture with count. K Hong Lu being mainly a drain on rupture count is mostly made up for this quick start rupture trick.

Just don't bring K Corp Lu as a passive, if you're bringing him at all. His passive gives out 2 K Corp Ampules to whoever is missing the most HP on 4XGluttony resonance, and four of those will instantly kill you.
Standard Rupture Composition
So, if you're in standard content (IE: Not Mirror Dungeons), then you can't rely on EGO gifts to patch up any weaknesses in the team, like sin generation or rupture count maintenance.

This means whatever goes in, is what comes out. The standard rupture teams tend to include:

W Corp Yi Sang (slight count deficiency, goes positive with Dimension Shredder)
7 Faust (slight count deficiency, but still a good Faust)
Lantern Don Quixote (slight count efficiency, unless below 50% HP)
7 Heathcliff (slight count deficiency, but the S2 is worth it.)
Rosespanner Gregor (Slight count deficiency, but AEDD is worth it, and the S2 can maintain balance.

Final spots can vary.
7 Outis with Ebony Stem can almost remain stable.
LCCB Ishmael to help Gregor with his S3.
Red Sheet Sinclair's Talisman can be used to skyrocket Rupture
K Corp Hong Lu can Dimension Shredder with Sinclair Support for great rupture application.

And they don't have to be totally exclusive. You could pull someone back so you can field Sinclair and Hong Lu at the same time, for Dimension Shredder + Boss Talisman. Just experiment, and see what works.

Chances are, standard unfocused encounters won't feel any different to regular ones, and it's just the focused encounters where you have to start being tactical. Talisman Sinclair only works well with single single bosses, that have a beefy body part to rack up all that count on. 7 Outis won't like it if SP is drained a lot. Blunt is a very common team weakness, and as nice as it is, sometimes you just can't "Never get hit". So use some strategy, or just try to get lucky.

I certainly did, with that 73 turn RR3 clear.
The Pro-Rupture situation
IE: Mirror Dungeons.

This will probably go out of date when they release the next tier, but for now, it's current. And Mirror Dungeons make all sorts of builds a lot more viable than they usually would be. I got the hang of Rupture Teams from the "Mirror Dungeon Deep Dive Strategy" guide, so go look at that if you want someone that knows what they're doing for speed clears.

You get to choose an EGO Gift or two (or three) to start your run, so you can get a good head start on putting together a real face-wrecking rupture team. For better starlight yields, should probably have a set of 6 that you cycle through, but it's not mandatory.

Some of the EGO gifts are all around nice. I'm going to look at ones that are have benefits for Rupture Teams specifically. Other teams can enjoy them, but we get the most benefit.

Talisman Bundle
Whenever an ally deals X HP damage from a skill, inflict Y rupture on the target. If the skill is Slash, inflict Z instead.

This is just a free extra bit of rupture, so any team enjoys it. But Rupture teams will love it, because they're already sticking down a lot of count. Now it's going to stack for more than one hit.

But enhancing it is where it starts to convert Slackers into Leechers, and Leechers into A Team. When it's fully upgraded, Talisman Bundle will trigger off of any damage, for 3 rupture potency. But when it's Slash, it adds Rupture Count as well. So any single coin slash skill is going to maintain count. And if it already inflicts rupture, then it's going to build count on someone with no rupture. Very nice stuff.

Standard Duty Battery
When hitting an enemy with a Skill, inflict 3 Rupture Potency on target.
If Envy, 5 rupture potency instead.

This is gated behind New Discovery, Rupture branch. It is very good. Every hit building potency means a good 3/5 damage just for hitting a target, it's like giving away Sinclair's talismans, without the HP backlash for overstocking. Even more fun when you have effects to maintain the count, like Spark Discharge, or... just using Rupture Count skills in the first place.

Everyone loves it, but not as much as Rupture Teams.

Crown of Roses
Inflict X Rupture Potency on Y random enemies (or all abnormality parts)
When activating Gluttony Absolute Resonance, inflict Z rupture potency on all enemies at combat start.

Not as cool as other Rupture gifts, but still a nice way to boost potency without triggering count. And this is a Rupture Team, Gluttony Absolute resonance isn't too inconvenient to get.

Barbed Snare
At Turn End, inflict Rupture Potency on all enemies equal to (current speed + X)
When activating Lust Absolute Resonance, apply Y rupture potency and Z rupture count to a random enemy at combat start.

Crown of Roses' cooler older brother. While the amounts vary in effectiveness between the two, Barbed Snare adding count, even if it's just after triggering resonance, is technically better. But Lust Resonance is trickier to cause in a Mirror Dungeon, let alone Abs Resonance.

Broken Revolver
Enemies with Rupture have Offence Level reduced by 3 for the turn.

... So, this is nice. 3 Offence Level is equal to 1 clash power, and in mirror dungeons, 1 clash power can mean the difference between a dominating and a chance for failure. Or the difference between having a chance, or no chance at all. And since it's a rupture team, they'll always have rupture, so they'll always have that -3.

Fluorescent Lamp
At turn end, if there are enemies or abnormalities with rupture, apply X damage up or/and X haste to a random ally next turn. Repeat (number of victims)+Y times.
Giving out damage buffs for what we're already doing is nice. It's the ++ version that changes from "or" to "and"

When inflicting with Rupture Potency skill effects, inflict X Rupture Potency and +1 Rupture Count on Target.

Yes, I do always choose to water the tree.
This is absolutely busted. Any time you see "inflicts rupture" on a skill? Now it inflicts +1 count. So if they started with 2 count or more, then it won't reset. It'll just keep climbing. Suddenly, the stability of the count is way better than it was before. It won't affect the likes of Battery or Talisman Bundle directly. But they'll combine in such a nice way that you'll barely notice, the potency is already going so out of control. Even teams that only tangentially deal in rupture will love to have this and Talisman Bundle together, getting small bursts of true damage tossed out.

Fusion Gift
Remind me to fill this in when I've actually seen it. It's hard to justify throwing away good EGO gifts for one that's just okay.

But believe it or not, there's actually a few gifts we'll like to add, even though they aren't part of the rupture set.

Nixie Divergence
First Turn of an Encounter/wave: Inflict X tremor Potency and X tremor count to all enemies or abnormality parts. When hitting an enemy with Envy, inflict Y tremor potency on target.

Rosespanner Gregor has the Rupture count problem, but for Tremor. See, whenever you add a status count, you're starting from zero. So something that says "1 rupture count" (7 Outis' S2), is going to stay at 1 for depleting it, but dip to zero for a second, and lose all potency. Meanwhile, hitting someone with no rupture will just put them at 1.

On his S2, it adds 2 Tremor Count. But without LCCB Ishmael around, that's going to be at zero until he uses it, so the moment he applies a tremor count, he has to use the same skill a second time next turn, to keep it from vanishing into the ether. His S3 is pretty hard to use properly.

Enter Nixie Divergence. It gives him an easier time maintaining tremor on the target, if they already start with it. It doesn't even take that much investment: Just the + version is for each wave, should this team be in MDH.

Oscillating Bracelet
When hitting an enemy with a skill, inflict X tremor potency next turn.
If wrath, inflict Y tremor potency instead.

There's a very interesting gimmick with "on next turn" effects. Both the potency and the count are added to this turn's potency and count. And while this Gift only creates potency, it has 1 count baked in by system limitations.

This means that if the target already has enough tremor count to maintain it, then it'll start to skyrocket, provided the target gets hit at least once per turn. Combined with Nixie Divergence adding tremor count at the start, Gregor won't be losing any count on his targets until he's good and ready for them. And if any party members have tremor burst, they'll be enjoying the benefits too.

Turn Start: inflict (X+current turn x2) tremor potency, and Y tremor count on all enemies or abnormality parts.
Turn End: trigger 1/2 tremor burst on all enemies or abnormality parts.

Rare as hen's teeth. But Gregor really likes it. Not even S2 ID can reduce the tremor count that fast.

Portable Battery Socket/Employee Card/Lightning Rod/Material Interference Force Field/Charge-Type Gloves
The main team usually has two or three ID (counting Hong Lu's dimension shredding abilities) that enjoy having charge count. So, gifts that give it out, either start of the fight or over time, are nice to have. It helps amp them up faster, although much less reliable than dedicated charge teams.

But out of charge gifts, be cautious of Nightvision Goggles. It will not care that Yi Sang wants all 15 charge for his S3, it will take it anyway. This has caused W Corp Ryoshu problems in the past. If you get enough of the charge building gifts, feel free to take other gifts that buff you for having high charge, as well. The RNG isn't always nice enough to give us the full rupture set, so compensate where you can.

The Auto-Win
Ruin the enemy's day.

Wait, that's the abridged version.

Turn Start: Inflict X rupture potency and +3 Rupture count on all enemies (or all abnormality parts)
Turn End: Inflict (Rupture PotencyXCount) Gluttony Damage to all enemies with +3 Rupture Count (For abnormalities, each part is considered individually), then reduce Rupture Count by Y.

So. This puts rupture on everyone we don't like. And then "bursts" the rupture that's left over, provided it wouldn't reduce it to zero. Until we get the ++ version, where it decides to not reduce count at all.

This is an auto-win button for challenge runs of "don't ever attack", even letting people get solo clears on abnormalities that would be otherwise impossible. For a rupture team lucky enough to find this, they are going to wreck shop.
But why Rupture?
It's just more damage, after all. Why not throw together teams that can just roll big, high numbers?

Yeah, that does work. But the thing about rupture, is that it is True damage. It can only be mitigated by Rupture Protection, and that's ludicrously uncommon. Some enemies will enforce mechanics by having high resistances, or lots of protection stacks.

Rupture will bypass it. As will Burn, but burn is triggered once per turn, so it's capped at 99 unless you use Magic Bullet Outis (and if you're using a burn team without Magic Bullet Outis, then you have my condolences for failing at Walpurgisnacht gacha). Bleed activates a lot more, but it can be tricky to get the potency to stick, and Canto 4 introduce a lot of bleed resistant enemies.

Rupture is triggered on hit. Built correctly, you'll be dealing 99 damage per hit on whatever unlucky boss decided to try and tank you with something like "resistance" or "protection". You can get a lot of hits off, and proceed to laugh all the way to the bank.

This is a game. It's all about what's fun. And having a fallback team for when the enemy refuses to die, is pretty fun in my books.

PS: Remind me to come back later and put in a bunch of pretty pictures.
Ekimmak  [author] 16 Sep @ 4:31am 
Really should have updated it for W Corp Outis and her Dimension Shredder. But I guess Delivery Rodion will be a good time to catch up.
XfarisGamerX 16 Sep @ 3:05am 
time to update the guide for the new rodion id
RoyalGuardian7 29 May @ 9:56pm 
bruh i missed your ruina guide. but here we are again.
Ahab, captain of pequod 29 May @ 6:43am 
Great vegetables:steamthumbsup:
DEMOPLS 29 Mar @ 1:36am 
Dead rabbits meursault when alive rabbits meursault walks in
Ekimmak  [author] 28 Mar @ 5:27pm 
I added a Backup Passives section to the Rupture ID section.
Also added Dead Rabbits Mersault. He's definitely in the Leecher category.
Sergalius 25 Mar @ 2:14am 
Rupture cultists.
Embrace the bleed and poise
Reject the Warmaster.
Ekimmak  [author] 6 Mar @ 2:51pm 
@Borderlined You can use it, yeah. I don't mind.
silversnow 6 Mar @ 2:48pm 
actually im working on charge i just procrastinate a lot
i cant wait to write 20 paragraphs saying "dont use tremor outside of the dungeon"
Borderlined 6 Mar @ 12:48pm 
Hey, mind if I link this guide in my Mirror Dungeon guide? I already got Bleed and Sinking there, and we were originally going to go and make some more guides (I think silver has Tremor next on their list, and I have Burn or Poise maybe?)