Backpack Battles

Backpack Battles

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Game Basics, Clarifications, Recipes
By Tristin
Backpack Battles is a simple game, where you build your backpack with items to create stronger backpack build than the opponents'.

Randomness is part of the game, where player will be challenged to build using random items sold by the shopkeeper, and then to fight randomly matched players.

This guide will explain basics on how the game works and how it is played.

  • This guide is written with intention to quick-start / fill-in-the-gaps of missing information from other guides or that game have not put-forward on. Information that are obvious(even for first-hand) and surely self-explanatory will not be covered in this guide.
  • You may view more game information here:

  • This guide has been updated for v0.9.33
Battle System
The game is uses asynchronous PvP battle system.
This means that opponent players that you face are not live.
Players' backpack are saved to the server, and it is recalled to face another player for certain time frame.
The time frame how long a build is saved and used in the battles is not specified.

Since the game is not a live PvP, you are able to play the game at your own pace, without any countdown timer.
If you wish to continue the game at later time/date, you can press ESC(or setting) to exit the game and continue later.

Note, however that conceding a ranked game will result in penalty.

Game Mode
Backpack Battle has three game modes:
- Ranked
- Unranked
- Other Game Modes

Ranked Game
Your objective is to win games to climb the ladder.
(At this point, there is no Seasons and Rewards system)
The higher the rank you become, more challenging it is to win the rounds.
As already said, if you concede a game, you will take rank penalty.

The rank tier order is as follows:
‏‏Bronze >> Silver >> Gold >> Platinum >> Diamond >> Master >> Grandmaster >> Grandma

Numbers in the badge is your progress in the rank tier.
Reaching 100 will move you to the next tier in the rank.

Unranked Game
Regular game without rank ladder involved. No penalty for conceding.
You may play at ease to test builds and quit the run whenever you'd like.

Other Modes

Game Phases
There are two phases to the game run: Item shop and Battle.
Game Phase 1: Item Shop
When you start a game mode, you will be taken to Furcifer's shop.
Using the (Gold) s you have, you can buy items.

To buy an item, left click an item, and drag it to your inventory or the storage.
Furcifer may offer sale item at 50% off (rounded up).

To sell an item, left click an item, and drag it to Furcifer's mimic chest (AKA Chestnut).
Resale value of your items are 50% (rounded up).
You could strategically purchase discounted item from Furcifer, and resell it at full return cost.

Shop item appearance probability can be viewed by moving your mouse pointer over the 'Shop' banner, at the top of Furcifer's shop item shelf.

The item rarity probability will shift toward's items with higher rarity over the course of the rounds. This means that you will have low chance to see Common and Rare items later in the rounds. Hence plan ahead strategically. (for specifics, view )

The item sale chance is displayed.

The (Trueasure-item) appearance chance is displayed, along with how many you may have at a time.

Guaranteed Shop Events and Unique Items
  • Round 4 : Unique Skill item(s) offered
  • Round 8 : Unique Subclass items offered
  • Round 10 : Unique Skill item(s) offered
When full skill/subclass item shop is offered, choosing one or rerolling to skip it will return to regular shop.

To reroll and refresh the shop items to another set of random items, click and pull down the Reroll rope.
Note: Unique items are only offered before rerolling, for each round

Item Reserving
You are able to right click on item's price tag or left click on the item in the shop to reserve it.
Reserved item(s) will not be refreshed when you pull down the reroll rope.
Reserved item(s) are retained to next time you visit the shop.

Item Combining
While hovering your mouse over an item, if you see blue line that is linked to another item, it means that those items can be combined together.

When you move those items that can combine next to each other, it will display text of resulting item. It will show thin gold line if all recipes are not yet ready, as you see in the screenshot "Hero Sword 1/2".

Once all the recipes are next to each other, you'll see a thick gold line, as you see in the screenshot "Hero Sword 2/2".
When you return to the shop next round, item will combine to an item.

Item Combine Remainder
Above, you saw blue and gold lines for combining items.
Here, you'll see green lines. Green line means that after you combine items for a recipe, there will be item(s) that will not disappear afterward. In below instance, Blood Amulet will not disappear after creating Vampiric Potion.

You'll notice in the Recipes menu and in Items Info, in green font and green background color respectfully.

Item Locking
If you wish to prevent item to combine, you can lock it by right clicking on the item.
You may do this at Battle Phase as well, if you forgot to do so.

Furcifer will give you game tips time to time, or you can click on him.

When you are ready for battle, you can click on 'Start Backpack Battle' banner.
If you accidentally clicked start or wishes to make changes, you can click anywhere (except Furcifer and your character area at the bottom) on the screen to stop the battle from starting.
Game Phase 2: Battle
Battle will be held without any user intervention. Battle is automatic.
Player may change speed of the game using the battle speed bar.

Player may click on 'Open Log', to view the battle log.
You may view battle stats in it, and view each battle actions step by step.

If you've forgotten or wishes to change item lock for recipe combination, you may do it in this phase as well.

Rounds and Survival Mode
Each round consists of item shop and battle.

Each game run gives you
If you lose all Hearts, the run will end as a lost.
Whenever you win a round in the run, you win a (trophy).

Upon surviving Round 7, 1 will refill, before entering subclass item shop.

Once you are able to win 10 trophies, you will be given option to either:
  • Take the win with offered rank points, and end the run

  • Continue as Survival Mode with 1 refilled. In survival mode, you have opportunity to obtain more rank points, at the risk of only being rewarded low amount of rank points if you fail to survive through round 18.

After the run has completed, your trophies will be summed up, and be rewarded to you.
Using the trophies, you are able to purchase your character(s)' cosmetics at Wardrobe.

(Effect)-damage are damages caused by non-weapon, and does not interact with spikes and shields.

buff count is the cap damage that can be returned, in response to opponent's melee/ranged damage that you receive (excluding damage prevented by shields).

have two attributes of RDL (Return Damage Limit):
  • (melee-attack)
  • (ranged-attack)

    Default RDL for
  • is 100%
  • is 0%

With introduction of item Amulet of the Wild, the buff description were changed, referring "100%". This percentage being referred below, is RDL of -damage.‎

-Damage is calculated as:
attackDamage = opponent.attack.attackDamage
RDLpercentage = player.getRDLpercentage(opponent.attack.type)
spikes = player.buff.spikes

RD = Math.ceil(attackDamage * RDLpercentage)

if (RD >= spikes)
returnDamage = spikes

else if (RD < spikes)
returnDamage = RD

Opponent's damage is returned (melee 100%), where return damage is limited to your spikes count.
With Amulet of the Wild, opponent's damage is returned <melee: 100% + (50% per amulet) OR ranged: (50% per amulet)>, where return damage is limited to your spikes count.
This means -- with Amulet of Wild, opponent may receive more returned damage than they inflict. The RDL increase work favorably against opponent attack damages that are lower than your buff count.

All shields have synergy with , but not .
However can be used, if incorporating Amulet of the Wild with items like Moon Shield or Sun Shield

Class Badges
Below shop class item badges does not effect offered subclass items for your starting class.

Stone Badge
Stone Badge generate 1-2 items worth 1 (gold) each. Item being generated is without class restriction.

Friends of the Forest
Friends of the Forest are:
  • Rat
  • Squirrel
  • Hedgehog

Echoing Battlecry
Once all items on its has repeated, this item cease to trigger.

Shovel will generate 1 item that is worth 1-4 s.

Dig Deeper
Shovel will generate 1 item that is worth 3-6 s

List of items that can be dogged up by Shovel and their probability can be found at
(The list uses v0.9.20, without Dig Deeper. NEED UPDATE)

Piggy Piñata
Piggybank will break into 2-3 items that are worth 13-16 s combined, plus 1-2 s.

Acorn Ace
Acorn Collar's perimeter increases by 1.

Li'l Chestnut
"Trade offer" here refers to unique dialogue from Furcifer, offering to exchange one of your item for another item with equivalent [or +1] value. Drop the item into Chestnut to trade.

Item received is without class restriction.
s leftover from previous round is accumulated into the item being received.

Note, in case you have item like Piggybank, that "Shop entered" effect triggers in the order item has been added to inventory. Move it to storage, and place back to inventory to change trigger order.

Amulet of Feasting
Food being restocked is without class restriction.

"Cleanse effects" here refers to ONE debuff cleanse from an item's trigger that would do debuff cleanse.
It does not refer to <debuffCountBeingCleansed> * <25%ChanceForAdditionalToBeCleansed>.

Other tips
Other Shop Phase Interactions:
Buy item (another method)
ctrl + left click
Move single inventory item to storage (another method)
ctrl + left click
Single click move
right click item/bag and hold, let it go on desired location
Multiple item selection
left click background and hold, drag to select multiple items
Multiple bags selection
right click background and hold, drag to select multiple bags
Rotate selection(s)
with selection(s) in mouse, right click or press key R / E
ctrl + z
ctrl + y
Save inventory state
ctrl + <0 to 9>
Revert to inventory state
respective <0 to 9>

Other interactions and options can be viewed in game Settings.

Quality in increasing order: chipped, flawed, regular, flawless, perfect

When gemstones are socketed, it does not directly interact with other items; it does not get influence of item starred effect.

Recipe Quick-view
Either in shop phase or battle phase, pressing Alt while hovering mouse over items will popup items' involved recipe list.

Noodle Rope
Right-clicking the reroll rope activates the 'noodle rope' mode. While noodle rope is activated, interactions with it will make it flop around in rather annoying manner. Playing around with it will likely cause it to reroll, spending .

Quick-view Item Rank Achieved
At 'Items' menu page, pressing Alt key will popup items' respective reached ranks on displayed items, without needing to click 'Item Info' individually.

Item recipes are by default grayed out inside the game 'Recipe's menu.
Its just little fun for playing game as vanilla or for first timer.
Whenever you combine items to discover the recipe, the recipe item in recipe page gets updated, and will no longer grayed out.

You may play blindly to figure out recipe yourself.
Or, you could view recipe at any of the following:

- 'Item' index menu >> click 'Item Info'

- Other guide(s) with graphical item recipe list

- my recipe list thread (single-page text based), maintained since demo.
This thread is constantly updated as soon as I could, when new recipe is introduced in the game.
I won't be making any fancy graphical recipe image, as other players have already made it. You may find them in other guides or searched on browser.

- You can also view from Community Wiki, that game itself linked in its title page.
Tristin  [author] 5 Feb @ 9:10pm 
The guide has been updated for v0.9.32d.
Comments' recommendation to edit the guide were taken accounted for.

Star and green diamond icons on items are not explained in this guide.
Please note this guide's overview: "This guide is written with intention to quick-start / fill-in-the-gaps of missing information from other guides or that game have not put-forward on."
The said information is already provided with every item that uses the star and green diamond icons, therefore is not included in this guide.
Rikolus 11 Nov, 2024 @ 6:37pm 
Thank you for the guide. In honesty, after a few runs, perhaps the most confusing thing to me is the Blue Stars and Yellow Stars. I have tried to figure out their meaning but no idea. Some items have blue stars jutting out 3 or 4 squares away! Why? What does it all mean?
awsdawsda 11 Jul, 2024 @ 5:58am 
you should add info about storage system in shop phase:
items inside storage will be inactive, but will be preserved between battles
it's a good idea to buy discounted items(if you have spare monay) that might be useful later(good stats/recipes), even if you dont have resources(space/stamina/mana) to use them, since you can resell them at the same price, if you need quick cash
sometimes its better to have less weapons, so dump less efficient to storage, if you need to