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Thor Battlemaster Guide
By TheDeadDude

Hi i decided to write up a guide for thor since i've only seen a few thor players which is weird because he is extremely badass at keeping your party alive and controlling crowds. Thor isn't as versatile as the valkarie but his brute strength/health regen and killing capacity more than makes up for his lack of defense. He is even invunerable while using whirling death attack (spacebar).

I've played thor starting from Hard and ending with unfair on all stages. He's really hard to play at first and seems rather useless but give it time and he becomes a killing machine worth having in the party.
2. Table of Contents
1. introduction
2.Table Of Contents
3. Skills
4. general gameplay guide
5. Masteries you WANT
6. Relics
3. Skills
Cleave: A quick low damage attack that hits a huge 180 area infront of the character, it stuns lesser opponents you hit for a second allowing you to control the crowd. This skill is amazing bunched together with whirling death for absolute crowd control and slaying, watch out for monsters that get behind you though.

Pros: good crowd control
Cons: You can get back stabbed easily if your not careful, low damage

Bull rush: Charges through a swath of enemies in a straight line and KO's any undead skeletons except skeleton shield users. Amazing for KOing skeletons and running away or taking out that pesky mage/archer in the middle of a huge crowd. Can be upgraded into a rush and jump attack after you get the gold bull rush achievement/skill buff.

Pros: Good for retreating and/or taking out that one mage/archer far out of the reach of your party, invunerability to lesser mobs and projectiles (no invunerability on bosses).
Cons: You have to charge this move up... wtf?

Execute(Right click): Probably the hardest skill to use in the game, when this hits it hurts like a truck vs anything you use it against. Save this attack for mages/archers/towers/giants.
-With some testing if you back up 1 step before using this move or attack from 1 step away it hits more often.

Pros: High damage, insta kill trash mobs, stuns medium mobs
Cons: Hard to aim/use, poor aoe

Whirling Death: This skill kills everything around you and a good distance infront of you instantly and while spinning your invunerable. This is the main reason why you would pick thor, your just a total badass!

Pros: short invunerability, high damage/insta kill most trash mobs, great aoe
Cons: somewhat slow c/d
4. General Guideline
General Guideline to playing thor:
As thor you should use hit and run tactics while your whirling death attack is under c/d and execute (right click) towers or mages whenever your close to them for that extra damage in a party, or to quickly take down mages/towers solo. If you see any archers or mages take them out asap because those mobs are the main reason why thor or your party dies. If you need to run away make sure the monsters are a good distance away from you before you bullrush so you can charge up bullrush or you will die. With any character in gauntlet i believe you need to become really skilled at dodging/running away in order to survive because in unfair difficulty it's so easy to get overwhelmed beyond belief.

Don't forget your whirling death attack is also your safety net don't spam it if your going to need it to evade a big incomming hit such as fireballs from flying imps/globe demons or lizard boss/spider queen charge or lich ice ray etc, list goes on. Spam it for trash mobs and use it wisely for tough battles.
5. Masteries
Masteries that make thor really HARD to kill.

Bull rush - Gold charge 50 enemies
Charge + jump attack combo unlocked

Whirling death - Gold kill 12,000 monsters with it
15% faster c/d

Hardened Champion - Gold take 15,000 damage
Health regen below 30% hp this skill is amazing and if you play right you can live forever in any difficulty off this skill alone

Explosive exit - Gold die by AoE damage from any source
15% aoe resistance

Embracing the end - Die while carrying an active explosive barrel
15% aoe resistance (30% total combined for above for amazing survivability in temple/mummy boss)

Suddenly Skewered - Honestly if you get hit by spike traps your doing something wrong, such as charging in behind an ally over the spikes. For that extra defense get yourself killed by the spike trap for damage resistance vs spike traps and the mastery.

Seriously Severed - This is pretty useful because there are a few levels that have this trap and it deals alot less damage if you have this mastery (Circular blade spin and horizontal blade spin).
Die by the circular/horizontal blade spin for damage resistance vs blade traps. The temple level with the lava mechanism to raise bridge has an easily accessable trap to kill yourself with.

Monster Slayer - Gold kill 50,000 monsters
25% increased damage
This and the mummy/skeleton/grunt/orc/cultist/demon slayer mastery puts the death in whirling death skill.
On a side note if you don't have those masteries all at least silver rank or higher whirling death doesn't 1 shot everything.

Tomb/Cave/Temple Crasher
beat 3 levels with out dying in act 1, 2 and 3 for 15% more movespeed. This is actually really helpful but not needed.
6. Relics
Relics Worth using

Chaos amulet
summons a black crystal spike that attracts all enemies and explode's when it's health hits zero.
This relic is super cheap and super effective for act 1 get this if you are having trouble progressing through (i started the game in unfair difficulty from the get go couldn't beat act 1 with out this)

Siren's Lute
This item may seem crappy at first and super expensive, when this relic is maxed out you can beat any stage in the game with ease. You can also heal your entire party while it's playing music for around 30% hp per player (everyone at once). Don't rely on this relic too much though i can see a nerf hammer coming in soon since this item makes unfair > easy mode.
(Bug): There is a chance that this item doesn't work as intended monsters may still attack you while it's still in effect. Use at your own risk or just use Tornado trinket for CC in place of this relic.

Ring Of Mirrors
This item is probably one of the most effective relics to use to wipe out towers/giants suuper fast, most effective on valkarie and mage as they just clean the map. Archer and thor are still really good with it too though just not as OP.

Tornado trinket
This item is actually really good i did alot of testing with this, it kills skeletons instantly and damages anything that stands on top of the tornado. Really good support CC/dps item in one.

Boots Of Ranadem
An interesting alternative to the artifacts above, this item can be used to quickly push your way through heaps of mobs and take out towers really quickly. Has a similar effect as ring of mirrors except you control how much damage you do and what you hit. This artifact requires some player skill to make the most of it.
TheDeadDude  [author] 10 Nov, 2014 @ 12:06pm 
LOL there is a guide called BRO thor that sums up you're opinion very well. Thor is underpowered right now but if you're skilled you can solo any difficulty. That is what my guide is about, "Bro Thor's" Guide is about being the "meat" and party character.
Muse 9 Nov, 2014 @ 11:05pm 
Well its a great guide, but you could have sumed it all up like this: "Dont play Warrior solo because he completely sucks alone." I really wish they woudl ahve given him the ol' Throwing, Bouncing axe. I miss that.
Blando 21 Oct, 2014 @ 4:53am 
Good guide, thanks.
TheDeadDude  [author] 5 Oct, 2014 @ 7:27pm 
If your Questor (archer) fire boots will have more uses. Being a front line warrior standing infront of your opponent 80% of the time running away to set fire everywhere defeats the purpose. Choas stone or ring of mirrors are infinetely better or even boots of ranadem for the increased movespeed/attack speed and AoE slow.
otter 4 Oct, 2014 @ 10:56pm 
fireboots are really good
Mr. Stimpson 30 Sep, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
Very nice! Unfortunatly I don't have much time to play, but I did get some time to update my guide with some videos today. I'm looking forward to seeing your updates!
TheDeadDude  [author] 30 Sep, 2014 @ 1:01pm 
Well, i hit mastery level 57 with thor yesterday i only need to make 4 masteries gold. I bought everything i could spend gold on and i'm going to test all the relics that i max out. Atm relics section will be a WIP
Mr. Stimpson 30 Sep, 2014 @ 11:02am 
I've ran into issues with Siren's Lute activating, but not working also. I can confirm that there's an issue with it, but I'm not sure why. I replaced it with Chaos Amulet and haven't looked back.
Judge Scrubb 29 Sep, 2014 @ 7:49am 
Perhaps the Lute currently works better for the game host.
I can't wait for a patch though. I still think Thor needs a buff; practice can only help so much.
TheDeadDude  [author] 28 Sep, 2014 @ 11:55pm 
? Siren's lute works everytime for me? I know of the bug your talking about but i've yet to come across that bug more than once in duo/trio of players. Never once in solo. Thanks for the heads up though i'll edit that the siren's lute can bug out sometimes.