Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition

Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition

49 ratings
Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition 100% Achievements Guide
By Nero
It only takes about half of the game to complete, making it a quick and enjoyable platinum. You must complete the main story, the majority of the open-world activities, locate one of each kind of collectible—not all of them—and engage in a few particular side missions that are connected to trophies. Additionally, you have to scan and eliminate each type of machine—just one variation is required for each machine. Because they are quest-related, lack open world spawns, and cannot be repeated, scanning the machines Specter and Specter Prime (the final tale boss) is the only possible missable. Everything else is still achievable in free roam after the story. Open world spawns are available on all other machines, thus you may still perform all.

p.s-This guide is W.I.P, i will be adding a lot more of pictures and refine it more as i play through the game myself :)
Story Related
These are unmissable achievements so they will unlock automatically while playing through the game.

Reached the Daunt
Arrived at the Daunt seeking passage into the Forbidden West.

Secured Passage to the Embassy
Cleared the way to the Embassy and reopened the Daunt.

Attended the Embassy[/u]
Survived the ambush at the Embassy and gained passage into the Forbidden West.

 Established the Base
Secured a base of operations and rebooted GAIA.

Recovered AETHER
Defended the Kulrut and recovered AETHER.

Recovered POSEIDON
Drained Las Vegas and recovered POSEIDON.

Recovered DEMETER
Encountered the Quen and recovered DEMETER.

Recovered Beta
Followed Beta’s distress signal and brought her back to base.

Discovered Faro’s Fate
Survived Thebes and befriended the Quen.

Flew on the Wings of the Ten
Flew into battle and vanquished Regalla.

Discovered Nemesis
Put an end to the Zenith threat and discovered Nemesis.
Side Quests
Chose a Desert Commander
Aided both Drakka and Yarra and chose the better candidate.

This is for completing the following 3 side quests, starting in Arrowhand settlement:
i)Thirst for The Hunt
ii)The Wound in The Sand
iii)The Gate of the Vanquished
Saved the Daunt
Resolved all of the problems troubling the Daunt.

The Daunt is the starting area in north-east of the map, reached during Main Mission 3: To The Brink. It consists of two larger towns “Chainscrape” and “Barren Light”. You must complete 4 specific side quests from those two towns to unlock the trophy:
i)Shadow from the Past
ii)Shadow in the West
iii)The Twilight Path
iv)The Bristlebacks
Aided Kotallo
Helped Kotallo build and test a mechanized arm.

At a certain point in the story, after you’ve got the subordinate function, Aether, Kotallo will ask for your assistance. To initiate this quest, you’ll have to trek back to The Base and speak to him, and then start and finish the quest, What Was Lost. This level 30 quest is a multi-part quest that has you heading back to a previous mission location with a different objective. After you finish that Kotallo will ask for some time. When that time has passed, he’ll get in touch with you to go and test what you discovered in the wilds. When you’ve tested the new equipment with Kotallo, the mission is complete and only then will the trophy pop.
Healed the Land-gods
Helped Zo reboot the land-gods to save Plainsong.

This comes from completing 1 specific Side Quest for Zo: The Second Verse.
Recovered Alva’s Data
Helped Alva retrieve data to help the Quen.

This comes from completing 1 specific Side Quest for Alva: Forbidden Legacy
Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests
Completed 2 quests that required a flying mount.

There are a total of 4 Flying Mount Quests. You only need to complete 2 of them for the trophy. The flying mount is unlocked automatically near the end of the story in Main Quest 16: The Wings of the Ten.
Open World Activities
Completed Arena Challenge Set
Completed 1 Arena challenge set.

The Arena becomes available after Main Quest 9: The Kulrut. It is found near the center of the map, called “The Maw of the Arena” on the map.

Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting Ground
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.

Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting Grounds
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at all Hunting Grounds.

There are 4 Hunting Grounds in all, in Forbidden West, each with 3 trials for a total of 12 Trials, you just need to earn the lowest stripe in all of them for the achievement.
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information.

All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed their information.

To net this trophy you’re going to need to override all the cores at all the Cauldrons, around the Forbidden West. Throughout the entire west you’ll find 4 optional Cauldrons (there are 2 that are part of the story).
First Rebel Camp Completed
Completed key objectives in 1 Rebel Camp.

Defeated Asera
Investigated all Rebel Camps and helped Erend defeat Asera.

Completed 4 Rebel Outposts
Defeated the outpost leader and recovered the tags from 4 Rebel Outposts.

For this trophy you only need to do this for 4 of 17 Outposts. They get marked by blue skull icons on the map when discovered. Can also track them under Quests > Rebel Outposts.

Completed 3 Relic Ruins
Discovered and completed 3 Relic Ruins.

Horizon Forbidden West has 9 Relic Ruins Locations. Relic Ruins are a type of Collectable. You need at least three of them for the trophy “Completed 3 Relic Ruins”. They are puzzle ruins where you must find a relic hidden behind a locked door. To open the door you need a key module and the door code, both of which are found in the ruins and require solving some puzzles.
Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts
Completed all contracts at a Salvage Contractor.

Salvage Contractors are marked by “blue pages” icons on the map. There are a total of 4 Salvage Contractors in the game (Barren Light, The Greenswell, The Stillsands, The Raintrace). For this achievement you must complete all the quests of one single Salvage Contractor.
Won 2 Gauntlet Runs
Won first place in two different Gauntlet Runs.

Horizon Forbidden West has 4 Gauntlet Run Locations. Gauntlet Runs are races using the Charger mount. Winning at least 2 of them unlocks the achievement.
Defeated Machine Strike Challengers
Won a match against 2 different Machine Strike challengers.

Machine Strike is board game / minigame. It’s marked by a “blue cube” icon on the map, found at all big settlements. For trophy purposes you only need to beat any 2 opponents. So head to 2 different Machine Strike icons on the map and defeat the opponent on one board.
Defeated the Enduring
Defeated the Tenakth melee master known as the Enduring.

Complete all 4 Melee Pits, then you can track the quest “The Enduring” to challenge the Melee Master. To play all Melee Pit challenges you must have all melee skills unlocked from the “Warrior” skill tree.
First Tallneck Overridden
Reached the top of a Tallneck and accessed its information.

All Tallnecks Overridden
Reached the top of every Tallneck and accessed their information.
Combat and Machine Related
Performed 3 Melee Combos
Successfully performed 3 different unlockable melee combos.

In the Menu under Skills > Warrior you must buy 3 melee combos from the Warrior Skill Tree. Then use the 3 different combos on enemies.

For the Machine kill achievements, you must defeat one of each type. You don’t need to defeat every sub-variant of these machines, defeating only one of their variants is enough for the trophy. You can keep track of which ones you killed under: Notebook > Statistics > Machines Killed.

All Acquisition Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.

All Recon Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine

All Combat Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.

 All Transport Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.

Rode All Regular Mounts
Rode a Charger, Bristleback, and Clawstrider.

Charger ( override unlocked from the start), Bristleback (override unlocked from TAU Cauldron) and Clawstrider (override unlocked from IOTA Cauldron) are the 3 rideable ground-based mounts. You must first unlock their overrides, then you can walk up to them and hold (button) to override the machine and (button) to ride it.

Stealth Killed 10 Machines
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines.

For this you must sneak up to a machine unseen and press :r1: to perform a silent strike takedown. Stay crouched ( :square: ) to make less noise. Only small machines can be instant-killed with a stealth takedown.

Tore off 100 Components
Detached 100 components from machines.

Every machine has some weak points you can shoot off, such as the sparkers (batteries) on their backs. Shoot off a total of 100 detachable parts throughout the game.

Picked up 5 Heavy Weapons
Picked up 5 different heavy weapons.

Heavy Weapons are dropped by certain large combat-type machines when shooting off their weapon parts. Then you can pick up their weapon and use it against them. They usually carry those weapons on their back.

10 Types of Machine Overridden
Unlocked and used the overrides for 10 different types of machine.

You unlock the overrides for machines by completing the Cauldrons. The best way to go about this is to do all Cauldrons first, then override machines by approaching them in stealth and holding :triangle: .To see if you have the Override for a machine unlocked, check under Notebook > Machine Catalogue > click Machine > left site “Cauldron” > Overrides. If it says “Unlocked” you can override it.

Used all Elemental States
Inflicted every elemental state on an enemy at least once.

You can find a list of all Elemental States under Weapons > Inventory. You can keep track of which elemental states you applied under Notebook > Statistics > Combat.
All Machine Types Scanned
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine.

Specter & Specter Prime are missable scans, they only spawn during quests (not replayable) and don’t have open world spawns. Both can be found in the final main story quest Singularity, can be done on New Game+ if missed.
Skills and Equipments Upgrade
Reached Level 20,30,50 and 60.
Reached player level 20,30,50 and 60.

Fully Upgraded a Valor Surge
Upgraded a Valor Surge to its maximum level.

Valor Surges are the equippable passive perks in the skill trees menu. They are the circular icons in the middle of the skill trees that have other skills connected to them.

Skill Tree Learned
Learned all available skills on one tree.

Unlocked 3 Weapon Techniques
Unlocked a Weapon Technique for 3 different weapon classes.

Weapon Techniques are found in the skill tree, the medium-sized icons on the side of each skill tree that say “Weapon Technique” when scrolling over them. These are the active skills that unlock new weapon combos. Each skill tree has techniques for different weapons.

For next three achievements, You find a Workbench at every big settlement and every shelter location. If you are missing the upgrade materials, simply press :triangle: “Create Job” while in the upgrade menu at the workbench. This will create a quest marker on the map leading you to whatever materials you need.

Upgraded 3 Weapons
Fully upgraded 3 weapons.

This is best done by upgrading 3 green rarity (uncommon) weapons. They only have 3 upgrades each and require common materials. You can upgrade your gear at any workbench.

Upgraded 3 Outfits
Fully upgraded 3 different outfits.

This is best done by upgrading 3 green rarity (uncommon) outfits. They only have 3 upgrades each and require common materials. You can upgrade your gear at any workbench.

Upgraded Every Pouch Type
Upgraded the Food Pouch, Potion Pouch, Resource Pouch, Trap Pouch, and any ammo pouch at least once.

You can upgrade Pouches at any Workbench.

Enhanced Weapon with Coils
Equipped a weapon of any tier with 2 coils.

For this you need a Rare (blue) weapon or better. Uncommon (green) weapons only have 1 Coil Slot. Rare (Blue) and Very Rare (Purple) weapons start out with 1 Coil Slot but can be upgraded to 2 Slots at the Workbench. Legendary (Yellow) weapons start out with 3 slots and can be upgraded to 5 slots. You can see how many coil slots a weapon has by going to Inventory > scroll over a weapon > check “Coils” in bottom right. If it shows a “lock icon” on a coil slot, it means you must go to a Workbench and upgrade the weapon first.

Used Dye Flowers
Used dye flowers to unlock and apply a new dye.

As you climb the cliffs of the Forbidden West, keep an eye out for flowers growing out of the cliffs themselves (they usually attract butterflies), as you’ll need these to dye your outfits that you buy or get given as you trek west to the coast. Once you have enough flowers, and have unlocked dye recipes from doing various quests and errands, head to a Dyer, usually found in a major settlement, and then spend the flowers that you’ve picked up over your time in the game to make a new colour scheme for your outfit.

Obtained All Weapon Classes
Obtained 1 weapon from every weapon class.

There are 8 weapon classes in total:Hunter Bow, Warrior Bow, Sharpshot Bow, Blastslings, Tripcaster, Ropecaster, Shredder Gauntlet, Spike Thrower and Boltblaster. The easiest option is to simply buy one of each from Hunter Merchants, found at almost every settlement.
[DLC] Burning Shores
Will be added soon Discovered the Ascension
Located the missing Quen and discovered Londra’s plan to leave Earth.

Unmissable, story-related unlock. This trophy unlocks upon completing Main Quest #3: The Stars In Their Eyes.

Confronted Londra
Uncovered the truth of Londra’s plans for the Quen and rescued Seyka’s sister.

Unmissable, story-related unlock. This trophy unlocks upon completing Main Quest #4: For His Amusement.

Defeated Londra and His Horus
Defeated the awakened Horus and put a stop to Londra’s plans.

Unmissable, story-related unlock. This trophy unlocks upon completing Main Quest #5: His Final Act.

Aided the Quen
Helped the Quen of Fleet’s End recover priceless knowledge and rescue those held captive.

You will unlock this achievement on your way to All Quests Completed, specifically for completing the side quests “The Splinter Within” and “In His Wake”. Both of these quests can be started at Fleet’s End.

 All Quests Completed
Completed all main and side quests in the Burning Shores.

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores features 5 new main quests and 3 side quests.

All New Skills Learned
Learned all new skills in the Burning Shores.

Horizon Forbidden West: The Burning Shores DLC features 18 new Skills (12 Skills and 6 Valor Surges), all listed at the bottom of each respective tree. To unlock this trophy, you must buy them all for a total of 72 Skill Points.

Used Brimshine
Used Brimshine to purchase 1 outfit and 1 weapon.

Brimshine is a new and quite rare lootable yellow crystal found all over the Burning Shores, needed to buy legendary weapons and outfits. To be able to purchase one outfit and one weapon with Brimshine, you need a total of 16, 8 for an outfit, 8 for a weapon. Once you have 16 Brimshine, head over to the Hunter and the Stitcher at Fleet’s End to purchase a legendary weapon and outfit that require Brimshine.

Equipped an Elite Coil or Weave
Equipped an elite coil on a weapon or an elite weave on an outfit.

Elite Coils and Weaves are new types of loot that can be respectively equipped on your weapons and outfits to increase Aloy’s stats. You can simply buy these from merchants and sometimes they are dropped by enemies.

Specter Gauntlet Upgraded
Fully upgraded the Specter Gauntlet.

The Specter Gauntlet is a new weapon automatically obtained during Main Quest #3: The Stars in Their Eyes. To find and craft its one and only upgrade you need to complete side quest “In His Wake”, which you can start by talking to Otosu at Fleet’s End.

Cauldron THETA Core Overridden
Reached the Core of Cauldron THETA and accessed its information.

Cauldron THETA can be found in the eastern side of the map (see map location screenshot below).

All New Machines Scanned
Encountered and Focus scanned every new machine in the Burning Shores.

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores DLC features 4 new machines: the Bilegut, the Stingspawn, the Waterwing and the Horus. Each new machine can be encountered during main story quests and are all unmissable.

Completed the Dino Digits Quiz
Recovered all Pangea Figurines and completed the Dino Digits quiz.

Recovered the Delvers’ Trove
Recovered all Delver Trinkets and unearthed their trove.

Recovered All Aerial Captures
Discovered and completed all Aerial Captures.

Used Grapple Strike on Machines
Used Grapple Strike on 5 unique machines.

You must unlock the Machine Grapple Strike skill from the Hunter tree (costs 2 Skill Points).

Killed Machines While Gliding
Killed 5 machines with the Specter Gauntlet while gliding.

To unlock this achievement, you first need to play through and complete Main Quest #3: The Stars In Their Eyes. Once you’ve unlocked the Specter Gauntlet, you must buy the Glide Targeting skill (costs 2 Skill Points) from the Hunter tree to be able to use it while gliding. Then, equip it from your Inventory menu. Then, you need to find a location with weak enough machines to go down relatively quickly. A great spot where you can unlock this trophy is the Charger Mount Site south of Chainscrape (main game’s map), a very small and weak machine that will stand no chance against your Specter Gauntlet.

Killed Bileguts and Stingspawn
Killed 5 Bileguts and 50 Stingspawn.

Bileguts and Stingspawns are two machine types uniquely found in the Burning Shores regions. You will first encounter these machines halfway through main quest To the Burning Shores.
Illum1nus 14 Mar @ 6:16am 
Amazing 👊
Biohazard 13 May, 2024 @ 3:05pm 
Sapphirahh 30 Mar, 2024 @ 4:52am 
Perfect :luv:
233 22 Mar, 2024 @ 4:52pm 
Espieglerie 22 Mar, 2024 @ 7:54am 
no shit, I mean good shit.
хөөрхэн 21 Mar, 2024 @ 3:40pm 
.lich 21 Mar, 2024 @ 12:40pm 
Bars ♌ 21 Mar, 2024 @ 12:25pm 
233 21 Mar, 2024 @ 9:30am 
A Cement Hive 21 Mar, 2024 @ 9:29am 
I think you're a little to late, friend.
There's already 2 fully finished achievement guides published for this game ^^"

The intention is much appreciated, though!