A Difficult Game About Climbing

A Difficult Game About Climbing

35 ratings
All the information for the first playthrough of the game
By 𝐺 𝐸 𝑆 𝑆 𝑂 𝐿
Basic game theory, complete walkthrough for both achievements.
Hi everyone, this guide is for those who encounter some problems while playing the game.
Here I will try to describe the basic things you need to know to pass this game. Plus at the end I'll leave a full walkthrough of the difficult areas (in my opinion).
We have a total of 7 pools (checkpoints) that we need to pass. From the easiest, to the hardest. If you've gone past a couple pools, you might have noticed that the game gradually teaches you all its mechanics, Pontypants took care of that.
We'll start with the theory, followed by the full walkthrough at the end, WITH SPOILERS! To get the full range of emotions from the game, I advise you to read the walkthrough at the end only if you are completely desperate, or have already completed the game.


Same guide on Russian
Important things you need to remember when going through the game:
1. There are mechanics in the game, something along the lines of "friction". When you fall from a great height and grab a ledge, you roll down for a while while the "friction" works. Each object in this game has a different value of this parameter. Somewhere you are able to cling almost without rolling down, somewhere you will be dragged down anyway until you slow down completely. This can be used to your advantage. In some places, when falling down, you can hold down the RMB LMB and slow down almost completely, thus not falling to the bottom. This is mostly useful in the last location
2. The game does not like sudden movements. If you pass the game as I passed it (keyboard and mouse), then this advice is very relevant for you (I do not know about consoles). Sharp movements most often you make either because of the high sensitivity of the mouse, or when trying to make some kind of jump or spurt. Sharp movements will most often cause you to just roll off the object when swinging. Don't try to go through the game on high sensitivity. Of course, it also depends on the DPI of the mouse, but still, in the game, set the sensitivity from 50% to 75%, preferably keep in this range. Believe me, 100% sensitivity will not help you jump further and pass the game faster.
3. The most important thing you need to master is jumping. Undoubtedly, throughout all levels you will encounter the need to jump. But it will be especially important in the last 2 stages. If you pass the first 5 pools by poor jumps, then in the last two you need to firmly consolidate the skill of jumping.
4. There are enough skips in the game. I will talk about it at the end of the guide to avoid spoilers. It is desirable to use them only as a last resort, otherwise the interest of the passage may gradually disappear.

How to do jumps?
Let's start with the most important thing, how to make jumps.
As mentioned earlier, there is no sense in making sharp movements.
The most important thing you need to understand is how to move the mouse when jumping. Let's look at the most common jump, to the right. Most often at the beginning of the game you can notice such movements.
A - the beginning of the movement
B - the extreme point when swinging to the left
C - the moment of release the LMB
In fact, everything seems to be logical, swing to the left, a strong swing to the right, and at the end release. But as it is not so, in fact you will get something like this.

The correct jump trajectory should look like this:
Swing to the left in an arc, then a quick movement to the right up diagonally. This is the technique that should be followed. Naturally, the higher the green arrow looks, the higher the angle of flight will be, so you can adjust the height/length of the jump.
The most difficult thing in this moment, to understand when to release the left button (we are talking about jumping to the right, performed with the left hand on the wall). Dot C marks the approximate position when you need to release your hand. It looks something like this:
If you release your hand too late, the jump just won't happen and you will fall down.
Same story, if you let go of your hand too soon (point C) just fall down.
You need to feel for yourself at what point you need to release the mouse button, and how to do the swing with your hand correctly. I want to say right away that strong swinging is not necessary in any case! It helps only at rare moments in the game, but it is far from necessary, and often interferes with your process of perception of movement.
The game, as you progress, will still make you learn to jump. But it's better to learn how to do it a little bit beforehand, so that you don't get all wooden on the cliff at the end of the checkpoint, where there's a chance to fall to the start section.

Jumping is the hardest part of this game, once you learn how to do them, consider all roads open to you. Of course, doing them all the time without mistakes is almost impossible unless you're a speedrunner, so by no means get discouraged, and practice!
Again, you should not do anything abruptly! Quickly and smoothly, but not abruptly!
How to grip
Now let's talk about snagging on distant objects.
There are a decent amount of obstacles in this game that are seemingly a decent distance away from where you hooked into.
In case you're playing on a keyboard, try the W button. Personally, I pass these moments by pressing W, and just try to point the mouse at the desired pixel, with this scheme there is no need to additionally lead the mouse up, and you can focus only on taking it to the right place. The main thing in this case is to point accurately and press the LMB/RMB in time. I can't advise you anything here, it will come gradually as you learn to feel the game and the mouse. It is important to always start the movement with your hand diagonally. If you need to reach the upper right object with your hand, the movement should start with the hand on the lower left and vice versa. The more diagonal distance the leading hand travels, the higher your character will be able to reach.
Another important point here is that if you don't reach the object and start to fall, there is a chance of slipping with the leading hand. To avoid this, you can make the downward stroke of the NEEDED hand smoother. To do this, when "falling" simply press W repeatedly until you smoothly slide down.
Next, "SPOILERS!" will walk you through the main areas that I think may be difficult for a beginner player, or raise questions.
Checkpoint 1
Here everything is quite simple. But as I have already shown earlier on the screen before, there is a small cut at the very beginning of the game, it helps in passing by shortening part of the road through the left, and is not mandatory.

Immediately after it, our very first jump awaits us, which does not have to be done with the correct technique, in most cases even with a simple swing it is possible to get caught there.

Since this is the beginning of the game, doing such things is forgivable for now, the main thing is don't get used to it later.
Next we have the standard climbing, just climb slowly and smoothly, you will get to the rock above the second checkpoint. Right above this rock there are bushes, which you can safely reach with your hand. It is much easier to climb here than from the second pool checkpoint below.

Thus we climb to the top, reaching up to the log.
Checkpoint 2
If you do find yourself in the water for some reason, it's a bit more difficult. Here you may have problems with the log, to get it from the rock a little problematic, but quite doable. The easiest option is to hook with a swing.
If this option for a long time does not work, you can try to make a jump with a small swing, this option is a little more difficult. In any case, you have a small bush at the bottom, which at some point can save you from falling, if you successfully catch yourself. The main thing at this location is not to get caught on the waterfall, in almost 90% of cases it leads to a fall. Next, the path is as follows. On the left is a little more difficult, on the right the path is easier.
Then there is another place where many people as I have seen try to do these jumps marked in red. This is not the way to do it, blue is the easiest way.

If you slip when you do the first blue arrow, try to get caught between two rocks and press W, that way you won't slip off the bottom rock when you go down.
Then everything is quite simple, the main thing is to do everything smoothly.
We get to the gear. There is a skip right to the 3rd column, but it is difficult to do it the first time.

Checkpoint 3
Here you will have to make one more jump, from the first column to the second, using the theory presented earlier, practicing. You do NOT need to jump from the 2nd column to the 3rd, from the 2nd column you can go straight to the top.
Next it's a matter of practice and timings, hit it a couple times and you'll pass. The hardest part is probably jumping on the column every time. Further in this location up to the roof there are no jumps. Here I advise you not to try to cling to the top gear, it is too fast. Reach quite possible and from the bottom.

Then we pass through quietly. You don't have to jump at this point if you quickly let go of the leading hand.

At the end, there may be problems with clothes on the dryers. After the dress you can go through the clothes and further, but the fastest way looks like this: Grab in the middle of the skirt, swing with two hands, fly.
Checkpoint 4
The next difficulty may arise with the steering wheel. You simply cling to the bottom of the rudder with one hand and the top with the other, keeping your balance. Then just press W and cling to the wood on the mast.

The most difficult moment in this location is the beam, which you need to swing, and when left side look upwards hook onto the anchor. I won't tell you how to do it correctly, because I did it intuitively every time. Here's a tip - you don't have to walk from edge to edge to swing the beam, you can swing it in the center at the rope. Ju by going from side to side.
Checkpoint 5
Here everything is easy, if you have passed all the stages before you will be able to pass here, for sure. If you are still afraid to jump keep in mind, these boxes can be passed without jumping.

I strongly advise you not to do this nonsense, but to pass the crates by jumping. It's easier and safer.
Then everything is the same, we pass bags, thin pipes, climb up to the upper pool.
Cheсkpoint 6
Congratulations! From the bottom, you've reached the hardest part. This is where you have to learn how to jump correctly. There are a total of 5 jumps in this location. The first three jumps are the most difficult.
In this location there is no option to pass for free, here you need to learn to pass yourself. On the first stones I marked the places from which it is best to start making jumps.

These locations are the optimal locations in my experience.
This is what it should look like for the first two jumps.

Lifting here with a bit of a catch, dont try to lift your arm vertically upwards, you have to do it in a REALLY SMALL CIRCLE so the character doesn't hit his head. Don't worry if you don't succeed on the first try, you just need to get the feel for it.

The wheel jump is no different from the previous jump, you just need to take a small swing. The logic is as in the above picture in the theoretical block, everything is the same. Swing on the circumference, smooth but fast spurt on the diagonal. Then from the rudder jump is not necessary, just swing and grab the rock.

On the lanterns, the most important thing is NOT to grab the very edge of the lantern, there is a great chance of slipping when swinging up, it is much safer to grab a little to the left. Then, unfortunately, you have to make another jump. The most important thing is the MINIMAL swing, then everything will be fine, since you have reached here, you are already experienced.

You don't need to jump from the last lantern onto the cliff, you can cling on as it is.
Then very slowly and smoothly climb to the top, it is easy to fall from these small rocks, so everything is done under control. At the end of the location you are waiting for one jump, which compared to the previous ones is the easiest.
Next, carefully climb the sign and jump to the right. Even if you screw up the jump, most likely you will get into the water. But I do not advise you to test your fate.

Checkpoint 7
Congratulations! You've passed the hardest part. Now you have enough experience to pass last location on your own. Apply the experience gained earlier and you will succeed. I will show you probably the most difficult moments in this location.
Here you need to make a jump to the right, preferably from the bottom of the stone to be less inertia. Grab on with both hands, then begin to press repeatedly LMB/RMB leading the mouse to the right. Do the so-called "cockroach". With your right hand you must catch on the stone, left hand on the ice (ideally both hands on the stone, but this is rare). The main thing is to learn to catch the moment when you need to start clicking the mouse buttons, and be sure to lead the mouse to the right!
Then above will be a fairly easy spot, but it is also important to know how to pass it, inertia should be here the minimum, on the trajectory of the left hand, let go of the right, and almost immediately press the LMB and RMB, ideally it should be so:

If you don't get hooked, no big deal, just hold down both mouse buttons and slowly roll down.
Next comes one of the most difficult jumps, because there's almost no way to save yourself from falling. The logic is the same, do with the swing jump, in flight as you feel that you start to go down, immediately start spamming the LMB/RMB and lead the mouse to the left. I did not get it right away, be patient.

At the top, the same action awaits you, only the jump is to the familiar, right side. This is the last difficult jump in your path. Do the jump, roach and successfully cling on. If you see that you do not fly, just press the LMB/RMB and do not twitch the mouse, under the place you want there are stones at the bottom, try to cling to them, they should save you.

The last, not so difficult action, is to swing on the hook. Here everything is done with two hands, there should be no problems. If you do miss, just press LMB/RMB to slow down. Somewhere to catch yourself so that you do not fall to the bottom.

Then just climb up.

True ending
Congratulations, you made it through the game! Not as difficult as it initially seemed, eh?
The real ending is simple. From the hook under the present swing, grab the roof.
Then onto the chimney, from the chimney to the antenna. Then grab the clouds.
Next you'll be greeted by a jump between two clouds. Your arms are long enough to linger between the clouds, so it is possible to pass this point without jumping, but I don't see any point in it. After the 6th location, I think you are already an Olympic champion in jumping in this game

Then we go upstairs, and there and the final credits!
As of the release of the guide, our numbers on accomplishments are as follows:

Let's improve the achievement scores!
I hope this guide helped you with your playthrough of the game! It took me longer to write it than the first playthrough of the game, so I'd love your support.
Good luck everyone and don't get discouraged! It's always hard to learn something new, you will definitely get through it. Enjoy the game!

Madara 23 Sep @ 2:32am 
thank you
𝐺 𝐸 𝑆 𝑆 𝑂 𝐿  [author] 20 Jul @ 11:44am 
CallMeNif 18 Jul @ 3:23am 
MVP <3 thank you
𝐺 𝐸 𝑆 𝑆 𝑂 𝐿  [author] 3 Jul @ 6:07am 
glad it helped!
spooky foxgirl gaming 2 Jul @ 3:20pm 
thx for the jumping strats really helped me figure things out from there :)
𝐺 𝐸 𝑆 𝑆 𝑂 𝐿  [author] 14 Apr @ 6:46am 
Bird Person, the only cosmetic u can unlock is crown after u beat the game. Other skins only by mods
Bird Person 13 Apr @ 5:41pm 
how do you unlock the red skin and top hat?
𝐺 𝐸 𝑆 𝑆 𝑂 𝐿  [author] 13 Apr @ 2:30pm 
Лёлик, :heart:
Лёлик 13 Apr @ 2:26pm 
Just great!:happy_creep:
BaldMonkey9326 6 Apr @ 2:36am 
Alright i'll try it out