205 ratings
All DS1 Plants
By Mothman
I shall review all DS1 plants accompanied by a closeup image of the plant.
Now the wall leaf/vines are pretty solid and I believe are a good 8/10. It all looks nice together except for the colors blending a bit much.

The basic simple grass is a good classic. 5/10 honestly as it looks pretty good except for some raggedy edges.

The ferns are a good 6/10 due to the fact of them standing out a little too much but have nice design.

The thick grass I believe is another 8/10 similar to the basic grass. It gives a bit more texture to the ground and is pretty solid.

The small leaf plant is a 4/10 for the fact of it being really dark compared to the rest of the area and greenery. It doesn't fit in too well and i believe should've been a bit less vibrant.

Statue vines are a 3/10 because of the sheer low quality. It looks alright from afar but when examined closely does not look appealing.

The thin grass on top of walls and such are a solid 9/10 for the crispiness of the textures and how it adds more character to the ruins.

Big leaf plants (hard to get pictures of so my apologies) are a good 8.5/10 since they look nice in the environment though i have not been able to find many.

Tall bushes are a good 7.4/10 since they add more detail to the shrine but look like they belong in darkroot garden much more than the shrine.

Long leaf plants are a solid 9/10. There is good detail and they aren't discolored or out of place.

Normal trees are a good 5.5/10 since they work well as background trees but once you look closely there is not much detail.

Bushlike leaf plants are a good 8.9/10 since the design is very nice and they flow well in the enviroment. Unfortunately there isn't many of them together making them stand out.

Wall/ground ferns are a good 9/10 since they look well in the environment and add texture. Though they do have a decent amount of yellows or oranges on them at times which makes them seem a bit out of place.

The grass is very similar to thick grass in firelink though it feels much better in darkroot so I believe its a 10/10. I don't see a fault to this grass texture here.

These tiny little flower plants are adorable and give the garden a bit more life to it but are very hard to see naturally when playing so I give it a 7.4/10

This strange little plant has parts of red on the ends and are more common than the flower plants. Still very small and hard to see but give the garden new textures gives it a 6/10

This whiteish yellow flower plant lightens up the garden due to the colors being brighter and are a unique design which I believe gives this a 9.7/10

The shrub trees add more interactive to the garden since you are physically able to break them. Though they seem a lot brighter than the area itself so it ruins a bit of the immersion. 8/10

These little shrub vines that hang off cliffs and ledges give the gardens more realism I believe and are a nice addition. My only issue is the textures being extremely similar to the shrub trees. 7/10

These are leaf plants that hang off vines occasionally throughout the forest and give it more detail. Though when examined closely they aren't the prettiest plants. 6/10

The classic glowing flowers are probably the most beautiful plant in the game and guide the player in the correct directions. There is not much wrong with the flower other than it being a bit out of place due to the glow. 9.8/10

Tiny pine trees are some I haven't seen a lot but noticed the design is very good compared to the big trees or shrub trees. Unfortunate how there is so little. 6.4/10

So i found this uhhh THING while near the hydra and i have no clue what this is other than some sort of plant but i love it. 8/10
Wall vines that seem to be in large sheets. For this area it looks quite nice and there isn't much fault. 9/10

This small leaf plant looks nice while adding some simple decoration to the area. Though the color is a bit off compared to the rest. 8.5/10

This leaf plant is very similar to the previous plant except it has more details and is much brighter in color. It seems to fit in a bit better 9/10

This very tiny patch of grass looks a bit cute but there is only a few in the area which makes them look very out of place. 4/10

This small leaf bush looks pretty decent for the area. Seems good but not perfect due to the way the bush flows around. 5/10

The ferns seem exactly the same as the ferns in other areas but feel much more vibrant and saturated for the area. 6.7/10

Tall grass looks beautiful in terms of color and flow especially in this area. 10/10

These little white/orange flowers are scattered about the altar which make it feel much nicer and gives cute detail. 10/10
These strange light plants have always confused me though they are pretty. I believe they stand out a bit too much though 6/10

The ferns in this area I believe are the best ferns in the game since they blend very well and are scattered throughout the entire area. 10/10

These are the white/yellow flowers from darkroot and seem to fit in here quite well. Though it doesn't feel as appealing in this section. 6.4/10

The trees in this area are textured very strangely and look very out of place. They are also almost too vibrant or saturated for the area. 2/10

These little red flowers are very pretty and designed very well but are extremely rare and only seem to be in Kalameet's boss arena unfortunately. 8/10

This grass texture looks nice for the areas but some pieces are floating and spawn in very strange spots. 4/10

The flower Ciaran left for Artorias itself is a very cute flower and there isn't much at fault. 10/10

These little plants look quite interesting and have many more colors than the other plants though I do believe it looks alright. 5/10

These grass textures look alright for texture detail. though since they are flat they don't flow with the environment. 4.5/10

Completely forgot these orange flowers in a field before artorias. one of the most pretty spots in the game I give it a solid 10/10.
Thick tree is pretty solid. It has the snow on the branches with gives nice detail and had good textures. 10/10

The dead tree is also pretty good since you can see the snow on the branches better though it is a bit plain. 8.5/10

The skinny trees seem a bit beter than the dead trees but they seem too compacted together. 9/10
Kapucyn_0 18 Oct @ 9:54am 
WeeBong 29 Sep @ 7:36pm 
phenomenal guide. Crucial reading.
xKommandant 8 Sep @ 9:13am 
unhinged. This is what I imagine a nanny is fantasizing about when they let a stroller roll downhill onto a busy highway.
Back559 23 Aug @ 7:36pm 
you missed the flower near the hatch Oscar drops you the body in undead asylum
Tartempion 17 Aug @ 1:50pm 
Excellent and very informative guide. A must have before you start your journey. Although the writer is (probably) not a leaf, I still review this 10/10.
liquidaigis 12 Aug @ 4:41pm 
i love plants, especially marijuana
GriffHomie 11 Aug @ 11:38pm 
thank you man! I needed this
SpaZzyTh3Dragon 3 Aug @ 5:12pm 
Honest to god ive been waiting on a proper review like this. The plants of Dark Souls is prob the only reason why i play Dark Souls so now i can appreciate these plants in high definition screenshots from steam, thank you so much
Lord Valis 13 Jun @ 7:46pm 
Darkroot definitely has some of the best plants
aryeh77 11 Jun @ 2:33pm 