9 Days
71 ratings
9 Days: Full Guide and Everything You Need to Know
By Vina the Caxy
The Guide is up-to-date on all story quests! Will continue to update with more info as time passes!
Introductory Information and FAQ
First things first:

- I am not the developer, I am not on the development team, I have no more sway over the direction, additions, or mechanics of the game than you, the reader, have. Please don't ask me if something will be added, and please don't try complaining to me about things as if I can fix them; I can't. There is only ONE developer on this project, MVR, and he is the only one who can fix or add things.

- If you can't figure out where something is even with this guide, read it again slower, and try again. If you still can't, repeat that process two more times. Still nothing? Okay, come to the Discord and we'll see if it's a bug or if the guide needs fixing.

- As the Dev has stated that 1.06 is the last big content drop, I am updating this guide in confidence. The only changes left should be minor content, small changes, or bug fixes, so I will be keeping this guide up-to-date as promised from now on.

- Read through the ENTIRE section you're looking through before deciding it can't help you. I've had some people read the specific part they're on, get frustrated they can't seem to find it, then bug me about it, only to realize that they skipped a step earlier because they didn't read through properly. Don't be that guy.

With that, let's get into the FAQ. Some answers come straight from the dev, some from my own experience, but all are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Q1: Will there be multiplayer?
A1: Not until the game is in a state the developer is satisfied with, and even then it's only a possibility, not a guarantee.

Q2: How do I get Flight/WarpSpeed?
Q3: Talk to the NPCs, in order, from the very start of the game. They give you directions, quest markers, and the like, specifically to direct you to these things. If you start fresh and talk to every NPC you see, in the order you see them, and follow their directions, I promise you won't miss Flight or Warp Speed.
If you still can't figure out how, go to the "Getting Flight" section of the guide and I'll hold your special little hand through it.

Q3: Will this game be on any consoles?
A3: When the developer has fully finished everything they need to finish on PC, they will look into seeing how to get it on consoles.

Q4: Will there be mods or mod support?
A4: Not planned to be at the moment, but will be considered later on.

Q5: I destroyed [place name] and killed [NPC name] and now I can't complete a quest, what do I do!?
A5: Go to the Fearful Forest section of the guide and follow it to find the Wishing Well. For a number of coins, you can revive all dead NPCs and restore all destroyed locations.

That should wrap up the FAQ.

If you have any more questions, please read through the guide a few times first, then ask in the Discord.
Tutorial and Controls
This section will be split into two categories: M+K and Gamepad. M+K, for those who don't know, is Mouse + Keyboard, or "desktop controls", while Gamepad is any controller, be it xbox, playstation, nintendo, steam, or any generic third-party controller.

If you need this section of the guide, you probably didn't pay attention to the tutorial, or skipped it thinking you wouldn't need it. Well, evidently you do. I suggest playing the tutorial if you can't figure out the controls based on this guide.

M+K controls

- W, A, S, and D will move your character, while moving your mouse will turn the camera, allowing you to move in any direction regardless of where you're looking.
- E will interact with NPCs and Chests.
- Spacebar is the jump button. Press a second time shortly after the first to double jump.
- Left CTRL will toggle on (or off) crouch.
- Crouching, then jumping, will use a Super Jump.
- Shift is Sprint.
- You can sprint, then crouch while sprinting to Slide.
- You can Jump while Sliding to Super Jump.
- You can double jump with a Super Jump to get even higher.
- If you have forward momentum when you land after a high enough fall (including a fall from Super Jump height), you will roll forward on the ground.
- If you have no forward momentum when you land after a high enough fall, you will instead just land flat where you impact the ground.
- Right Click aims your attacks
- Left Click while aiming fires your attacks
- Tapping R just before an attack hits you will parry the attack, allowing you to deflect attacks.
- Holding R will block, protecting you from attacks.
- Hold both R and Right Click at the same time to charge Ki. This also regenerates Health you may have lost.
- the 1, 2, and 3 keys will change your loadouts, allowing you to use different Skills.
- hold the F key to zoom your view in. Aim at an absorb-able object while zoomed in and, if you're close enough, it will tell you what stats will be gained from absorbing that object.
- the TAB key will open your menu. Press TAB again to close the menu.
- press and hold C to make your camera move closer to your character.
- press the Middle Mouse Button to lock on to an enemy. Press again to unlock.
- press G while moving in any direction to Dash in that direction, or press it while standing still to Dash forward.
- Left Click without Aiming to melee attack.
- Dash at the end of a combo to Combat Dash, allowing you to continue the combo by pressing Left Click more.
- Hold Left Click to use a Charged Melee. You can Combat Dash after this as if it were a combo, allowing you to Charge Melee into a Dash into a Combo.
- Tapping F while close enough to an enemy will Throw the enemy back with a strong strike.
- Holding the R key and pressing Left Click (EDIT: May be F instead, I don't play on desktop so try both and see which one works) will Transform if you have a Transformation equipped.

Gamepad Controls
- Left analog stick will move your character
- Right analog stick will turn your camera
- A/X will jump
- B/O will crouch
- X/Square will Dash
- Left trigger aims
- Right trigger while aiming fires
- Tapping Right trigger while not aiming will melee attack
- Holding Right Trigger while not aiming will use Charged Melee
- Left bumper blocks
- Left bumper and Left trigger charges up Ki
- Left bumper and Right bumper Transforms (if you have a Transformation equipped)
- Holding Right bumper Zooms/Scans Elements
- Tapping Right bumper will Throw.
- Up on the D-pad toggles flight
- Clicking Left Analog Stick sprints
- Sprinting while flying toggles fast-flight
- Holding A/X while flying toggles Warp-Speed
- Holding Right Trigger while flying allows you to fly through terrain (ONLY AFTER GETTING THE UPGRADED FLIGHT ON BALU)
- Holding Right Trigger while flying straight down into the ground allows maximum destruction of terrain.
- Crouch + Jump = Super Jump
- Sprint + Crouch = Slide
- Slide + Jump = Super Jump
- You can double jump by pressing the jump button again shortly after any jump/super jump.
- Y/Triangle will interact with NPCs and Chests.

That should wrap it up for controls! Please let me know if I'm missing any!
Video Guide Link [Version 1.07]
Not a fan of reading? Follow along with this video guide then. I'll be doing a video version of the guide text, meaning this will follow the same (or a similar) order of events of the guide.

Until I get the guide fully updated to reflect patch 1.07. Most of this guide should still be accurate! But there are quite a bit of new quests, which are currently only shown in this video.

So without further ado, the full 9 hour playthrough where I 100% the game for you guys in one single, steady run.

Stats and Their Known Effects
The known effects of each stat are:

Increases the health meter, allowing you to take more damage before dying.

Increases the energy meter, allowing you to spend more ki before running out.

Also determines the maximum charge possible with Colossal Blast.

Increases the damage of all melee skills, and the likelihood of health being restored when attacking.

Increases the damage of Spirit-based Skills and the speed at which health regenerates when charging ki.

Increases the damage of Fury-based Skills and the speed at which ki regenerates when charging ki.

Also increases the amount of charge Colossal Blast gains per point of ki drained.

Increases the damage of Dexterity-based Skills and your attack speed, allowing you to strike more in less time.

Increases the damage of Arcane-based Skills and the likelihood of energy being restored when attacking.
List of Planets and Notable Locations (WIP)

Hara is the starting planet. It is home to the following locations:

- Coastlands: A cliffside area between the edge of the mainland and the Guardian Gates, with a single ruined church-like building in it.
- Guardian Gates: The home of the Guardian of Planet Hara, a boss you can fight whenever you feel ready.
- Rocky Canyon: A rocky area home to some animals.
- Fearful Forest: A forested area with a pond that houses a small island in the center. Home to the Aras, Carl, the Forest Witch, and several enemy types.
- Divine Dojo: A training ground with a japanese style to it. Home to the Dojo Clan and Master Muda.
- Crusty Castle: A ruined castle on a cliff. Home to insects, former home of Nepto and her people.
- Ravenous Rock: A valley with the Flight School nestled in it. Home to the Flight School Students, Flight School Masters, and Nepto.
- Council Camp: A series of military bases scattered in roughly the same end of the island. Home to enemy soldiers and the Dajir Leader.
- Tarnished Tribe: A valley with a village and ruins built into a cliff face at one end. Home to Gluto and her people, as well as the Tarnished Chief and his people.
- Hermit Hectare: A valley that leads into a small area surrounded by short cliff faces with a floating island in the center. Home to the Hara Dragon and the Hermit of Hermit Hectare.
- Volley Village: A large lake with a village at one end. Home to the Volley Guard Captain, Spri, Winte, Sarah, the Volley villagers, and the Volley Prison.
- School of the Fox: A ruined school built on the seas in a mass of jagged rocks. Home to Master Grey, Chal, Timber, and various Fox School students.
- Forbidden Fox: A collection of small, rocky islands in the sea. Home to the Cyborg.
- Isle of the Fox: A strangely-shaped island in the sea. Home to various trolls, including the Red Troll.
- Offshore Council Base: A collection of military bases on a series of frozen islands in the sea. Home to the Council Primary Artillery, as well as the friendly Android. Houses Dark Matter and the Guardian Energies in the primary and secondary major buildings.
- Forward Operating Base: A military base on a frozen island in the sea. Home to the Council Secondary Artillery.

The Moon

The moon that orbits Hara. It is home to only two major locations:

- The Moon Base: A small lunar base that you can upgrade by paying coins. Home to your researches and followers, which increase in number as the base is upgraded.
- The Alien Pit: A large crater behind the moon base with four stone structures and a large alien sphincter at one end.

Planet Tunda

- The Forge Village: A small village with the Forge in the middle.
- Twin Dragon Statues: A pair of large dragon statues on a pair of rocky mountains near the Forge Village.
- Council Spires: A set of three Council Spires near the Forge Village.
- Giant Skull: A colossal skull next to a lone Council Spire, past the Council Spires if you're coming from the Forge Village.

Planet Balu

First Quest: Destroy Planet Turno
Before leaving the Tutorial, there is a Quest available from Follo.

Follo is this NPC by the exit:

Talk to him and he will give you the Quest to destroy Planet Turno as punishment for their celebration of your departure.

Fly to the end of the hallway here:

At the end of the hallway is a large open space area with a giant portal and a planet in the distance, as shown:

The planet is Planet Turno. Before flying into the portal, make sure you are on Loadout 1 and aim your Energy Bomb at the planet, then fire. It will destroy the planet.

Once that's done, the quest is complete and you may either return to Follo for some extra dialogue or you may fly straight through the portal and enter the fourth dimension.

Congrats on completing your first quest!
Hara Quest #1: Getting Flight
As soon as you spawn into the Fourth Dimension, you'll be greeted with this view:

The blue circle is an NPC named Depot. Speak to him first and he will tell you to get Flight from the school nearby. The Flight School is the building in the red circle.

The Flight Instructor is in this area of the school, on the walkway.

Before going to the Instructor, when you get to the top of the steps leading into the school, look here:

Go to this area and you will find a chest inside that small tower. Open it to get your first Equipment.

Then proceed up to the Flight Instructor.

You will have this view:

The red circle is the Flight Instructor. Speak to him and he will tell you to fight in a tournament to earn Flight.

Before doing so, go to the white circle. It's an element called Dragonrock. Absorb it, then go into the ruins in the white circle and absorb any other Dragonrock you see.

After that, go back to the Flight Instructor and face the direction he's facing to get this view:

The blue circle is the walkway that leads to the tournament space, the red circle is the tournament space.

Go into the tournament space and defeat all the enemies that spawn, then return to the Flight Instructor. He will tell you to eat the Special Fruit near the Hermit.

The Hermit is located in Hermit Hectare, here:

On the way there, you'll see a treasure chest on the right, just past a small house. Open it for some loot.

There's also an NPC nearby, as shown:

Talk to him in order to get the Creation Skill.

Continue on towards the castle visible in the background of that image, but do not go all the way to the castle.

The castle is the black circle, but that's just so you know the perspective.

Go to the path circled in red.

From here, the path goes straight a moment and then splits into two directions. Take the path on the right, as shown:

Then, from there, go here and stand on top of this small hill:

Go forward until you get to the cliff edge. You should have a view similar to this:

Go to the red-circled area, but be careful. There is a Dragon in that valley, so go around it and avoid him for now.

Once at the large, rocky gate in the red circle, look here:

Go towards the floating island, but stop before getting too close.

Look at the cliff in the red-circled area. You have a few options for how to get up to the island. You can use the Creation Skill to craft your own path, or you can jump up along the rocks on the cliff and then across over to the floating island.

You can also do both, using Creation to turn the rocks into a proper pathway without breaks.

Either way, get up onto the floating island. As soon as you get onto the island from the last rock, you'll have a view similar to this:

Collect the watermelon circled in red. That will unlock the Fly Skill, which you will have to equip by going into your Skills Menu and clicking on the Travel Skill, then clicking on Flight.

While you're here, speak to the man standing beside the house in the blue robe and he will give you the Time Travel Quest. See the Time Travel Quest section for more information on that.

Don't forget to grab the item in this chest. It contains a loot item, as well as the Barrier Boost Skill.

Now that you have Flight and nothing left to do here for now, return to the Flight School. The fastest way to get here is by flying directly in this direction:

Stay low to the ground, but fly over the mountain and you'll have no trouble finding your way back to the school.

Now that you're back at the school, we'll consider the Flight Quest complete!

See the Warp Speed Quest in the next section to continue.
Hara Quest #2: Warp Speed
You should be at the Flight School, if you followed the previous section of the guide.

If you're floating above the school, you should have a view like this, assuming you're close enough for it to all load in correctly:

First, go to the blue circle and collect the loot from the chest in the upper section of that tower. Then go to the NPC in the red circle and talk to him. His name is Master Craft.

He will tell you to collect 5 Green Orbs on the Moon, and that you need to go through the Warp Gate on the highest island in the sky to get there.

Talking to him, you should have a view like this:

The highest island is the one circled in red, with the large tower on it. Fly up there.

You'll see a large purple portal, like this:

Go through the portal. You'll spawn into a large, metal tunnel as shown:

Fly to the end and look to the right, you'll see the moon here:

Fly to the moon, but don't land on it. Fly above it. The green orbs should be visible when close enough, but just in case, this is where they are located:

Collect all five orbs WITHOUT leaving the moon. Stay close to the ground and low to the surface, use the image provided here in order to keep track of where they are. If you go too far, it resets and you'll have to collect them all over again.

After collecting all five, fly back to the tunnel here:

Fly to it, and fly back to the purple portal at the planet-side end of the tunnel. You'll spawn back on the highest island. Fly back down to the school below. Here's a picture of me looking at the school from the island:

Fly down to the school and talk to Master Craft, here:

He will congratulate you and give you Warp Speed, saying you use it by holding Jump while flying fast. Warp Speed on-world will cost Energy, while Warp Speed off-world is free.

Then he will tell you to talk to the Master at the Dojo, as he knows the secret of the Pilgrim Planet and will tell you when you complete his training.

That completes the Warp Speed quest!

Hara Quest #3: Castle Clearing
If you just finished the Warp Speed quest, you'll still be in front of Master Craft. From here, face the direction Craft is facing. You'll have a view like this:

Fly to the small house here. There will be an NPC named Nepto. She will ask you to kill the bugs in the castle nearby. Nepto is here:

Feel free to collect the loot from the chest near her, also in the image.

From her house, look to the end of the valley as shown:

Fly to the castle and kill all of the bugs inside. When they've all been killed, various NPCs will appear in the castle and Nepto will be standing here:

The red circle is Nepto, the blue is a Green-Tier Mystery Chest, and the white circle is a loot chest which contains the Machine Strikes Skill.

Mystery Chests are special chests that can be collected infinitely in exchange for money. The color they glow determines the quality of the loot and the cost. Green-Tier is Common Armor. See the Mystery Chest section of the guide for more information on them.

Speak to Nepto and she will thank you, telling you to go to Mar in the Coastlands and helping her before going to the Dojo.

That completes the Castle Quest!
Hara Quest #4: Bunker Blowout
If you just finished the Castle Clear Quest, and are floating above the castle facing the courtyard with the Green Mystery Chest, you should have a view like this:

Fly to the red-circled area and you'll see this building:

Fly into the building and talk to Mar, here:

Talk to her and she will tell you to kill the Dajir Leader inside the bunker behind the building. There is also a Green Mystery Chest inside the building with her.

The bunker is located behind the building, next to a large tower, here:

Go into the hole and you'll see two paths to take at the bottom, as shown:

Take the path on the right side of the image, going down the stairs. Keep going straight ahead until you reach this area:

In the red-circled door is a chest with some loot. At the end of the hall, in the blue-circled area, is a branch in the path with a left, straight, and right-side pathway.

To the right side is an NPC that starts the Relic Quest. See the Relic Quest section for more information on her.

For this quest, continue straight ahead to the end of the hall and go through the door leading straight ahead. You'll be in this room:

Straight ahead is a staircase leading to the right, with a chest at the top you can collect some loot from. When done with that, follow the arrows down under the walkway. There, you'll see this:

There are two pathways. One leads to the Dajir Leader, circled in red. Take that path, and you'll see this:

The crystals on the right can be absorbed if you like, they give a decent bonus. But the red-circled door leads directly to the Dajir Leader. Enter that room and the fight will begin.

He can block, and he hits relatively hard, as is fitting for a first boss. But time your strikes, make use of the room's space and the central pillar to slow him down so you can charge energy while fighting, which will also heal you if needed, and make use of the combat techniques taught in the tutorial.

When he's dead, make your way out of the bunker (unless you want to do the Relic Quest, see more about that in the Relic Quest section) and Mar will be standing beside the hole leading down to it, right here:

Talk to her and the quest will be complete!

That should complete the Bunker Quest! Continue on to the Relic Quest section now!
Hara Quest #5: Relic Search
If you have just completed the bunker quest, you should still be by the hole leading down to it. Go into the bunker. Remember this picture, the one below?

This time, instead of going through the blue circle, turn right when you get there. You'll see this NPC:

Go up to the NPC and talk to her. Her name is Aras.

The Relic Pendant

She will tell you she won't leave without something, and warn you of a ghost. Go down the hallway she's facing and follow it until you reach this room:

Go through the red-circled door and keep moving forward, until you see a split in the path here:

Take the red-circled path and follow it. You'll find this room:

As a note, the two red circles are staircases leading down, as this is a 2-story room.

There will be a Sand Spirit in here somewhere, either on the upper floor, on one of the stairs leading down, or on the lower floor. Kill it, then go downstairs to the lower floor. There will be a chest. Go ahead and open it to get some loot, then look this way, towards the statue:

There will be a small necklace on the floor in the red-circled space. Pick it up, then return to Aras and she will thank you, telling you to meet her at her hut in the Fearful Forest.

Leave the bunker and fly to the Fearful Forest. If you fly above the Coastland Ruins building, facing the rest of the island, the Fearful Forest (and specifically her hut) is here:

Fly over there. Her hut looks like this, from above:

Go into her hut and she will be standing inside. Talk to her and she will tell you she can help you make an armor set that will allow you to defeat the final boss.

The Relic Head

She will tell you to find the Relic Head first, and says it is somewhere in Fearful Forest. In truth, it's directly outside her house. From floating above her house, just by the front door, it's here:

Fly over and pick it up, then return to Aras. She will tell you to collect the next piece.

The Relic Body

She says the Relic Body is located at the Dojo. To find the Dojo easily, fly above Aras' house so that you are high above Fearful Forest and look at the red circle in the image shown here:

The flattened, square land down there is the Dojo training grounds. Fly to it and you'll see this:

Go to the red-circled area, and you'll find a hole, like this:

Go into the hole, and as soon as you get in you'll see this:

The red circle indicates the Relic Body. Collect it, then return to Aras. She will take it and tell you to find the next, and final, piece.

The Relic Heart

The Relic Heart is located near Volley Village. From above Fearful Forest, look for the giant spiral in the sky, as shown:

Fly towards it, but don't go up it. Stop when near it, and look for the village, as shown here:

Fly to the red-circled area, and you'll see this crystal in the ground:

Either destroy the ground near it with energy attacks or ground pounds, OR absorb the crystal with the Absorption Beam, and you'll gain access to a hole. At the bottom of the hole is the Relic Heart, as shown:

Collect it, then return to Aras. A cutscene will play of her leaving through a portal. For all intents and purposes, this quest is complete, though you can find her again on Planet Balu in the Hidden Bazaar, which you can access when you leave Planet Hara. Ignore Balu for now, as you will be going there anyway later on and you can talk to her when you get there naturally.

Refer to the "Leaving Tunda, Entering Balu" section to find the landmark that indicates the location of the Hidden Bazaar.

The entrance to the Bazaar is here:

Go inside and Aras will be here (did not do her quest on this run as I was speeding through to focus on quests I hadn't already set up guides for, after a reset save due to hitting Day 9, but this is where she will be):

Talk to her to fully complete her quest. Unless it has been changed in 1.06, she claims to give you a Skill, specifically Laserbeam, but this is a leftover dialogue from earlier versions. She does not give Laserbeam, and afaik, does not give any actual reward here.

That's all for this section! Please see the Dojo Quest section for the next step!
Hara Side Quest: Daily Visit
Now that you know where Volley Village is, assuming you made it through the Relic Quest before the end of Day One, go there now.

In the village there is an NPC with a side quest, roughly around this area:

Her name is Sarah and she looks like this:

Speak to her and she will ask you to check on her every single day. You MUST start this quest on Day One, as it takes 7 days of checking on her, PLUS the first day starting the quest, for a total of 8 days checking on her, and if the 9th day arrives she will go into hiding.

So you HAVE to do this on Day One.

Check on her every single day. If the quest is working, she will have new dialogue every single day. If she ever repeats dialogue, the quest has bugged and you will not be able to complete it.

When you check on her on the 8th day, if she hasn't bugged at all on any day, she will thank you and give you an armor piece as a reward.

That will complete the quest. Continue to the next section.
Hara Quest #6: The Dojo
If you just completed the Relic Quest, fly above Fearful Forest and look towards the Dojo as shown:

Fly over to it, but do not land. Float above it and look this way:

Fly to the top of this hill and look into the valley. You'll see this dragon:

Kill the dragon however you please, then fly back to the hill and face the dojo. You should see something like this:

Ignore the quest telling you to "Talk to Muda". See the red circle with the glowing dot? Fly directly into that, as quickly as you can. Don't give it a chance to get away. Collect the orb, THEN go talk to Muda here:

Talk to him and he will give you the Fury Volley Skill. Equip the skill, then stand on the small square in front of the NPCs, near the edge of the arena.

This will spawn several glowing, flying blocks. Fly around and blast them all with Fury Volley before they disappear. When done, speak to Muda again.

He will tell you about an impending threat and ask you to defuse a series of bombs around the island. The bombs are located in the marked areas around the island:

To defuse them, either blast them or absorb them, your choice.

The bombs, in the order I tend to defuse them in, are:

Below the castle next to the Dojo.

On the cliff edge, next to the Tarnished Village.

Right next to the primary Council Base on the island.

Over a pond next to Volley Village.

After defusing all of the bombs, return to the Dojo and speak to Muda next to the Example Bomb on the ground floor of the primary Dojo building.

He will talk, give you the Mana Wave Skill, then a short cutscene will play, and then he will move here:

Speak to him there and he will tell you to go stop his former student.

The former student is located here:

Fly over here, and you'll see this area:

The red circle is where his student will be, the blue circle is a relatively safe spot to hide from him if you need to recharge your energy or regenerate health.

I advise using Fury Volley and Mana Wave against him. Keep a careful watch for his defense, as he will sometimes guard and nullify the damage.

Watch for his laughing animation, if he points and laughs, he's vulnerable and you can damage him with your energy attacks.

Whittle him down until he's dead, making sure to dodge his attacks. He has a few:

- A large volley of energy blasts that generate around him and then fly at you, tracking you.
- A rain of energy blasts that come down all around
- A massive, single ball of energy that he will throw at you
- A rapid volley of blasts

Stay mobile, stay hidden when needed, time your attacks, and you'll be just fine.

When he's dead, you'll unlock the Colossal Blast Skill. After that, return to Muda at the Dojo. He'll be here:

Talk to him and he'll tell you to go to the Pilgrim Planet. For more on that, see the Pilgrim Quest section of the guide.

That concludes this quest! Continue to the next section!
Hara Quest #7: Master Grey
If you just finished the Dojo quest, fly straight up from the Dojo and look for these rocks out in the ocean:

Fly out to these rocks and look for this building, the Fox School, specifically this PART of the building:

Fly there and speak to Master Grey. She's located here:

Talk to her and she will tell you to go hunt down the Red Troll on the island nearby. The island is here:

Fly out there. The Red Troll is located here:

Kill it, then return to Master Grey at the Fox School.

Talk to her and she will tell you the next challenge is to defeat a Cyborg. The Cyborg is located over in this direction:

Fly in this direction until you see this:

Fly to it and there will be an entryway on the lower portion of the major rock formation. Go inside and follow the hallway to a large room.

Kill the cyborg in the room. You can bait his attacks and fast-fly to the other end if you need to charge for a moment.

When he's dead, return to Master Grey and she will tell you that you need to clear out the Offshore Council Base.

Fly back to the Cyborg's rock formation and look this way:

There will be lots of helicopters and tanks around. Destroy them however you see fit. I prefer Fury Volley, but Energy Bomb and Mana Wave work well too. Do not destroy the island, you'll understand why in a moment.

Loot all of the buildings on both islands, they have good armor and good amounts of coins.

When done, look for these buildings at the far back:

The red circle is the main council building, and it has a single Dark Matter inside, which adds +4 to all stats when absorbed.

The yellow circle is the secondary council building. Inside is an Android that will tell you about Guardian Energies. Each time you kill the Guardian of any planet, their Energy will appear inside that building.

Guardian Energies offer bigger stat boosts than normal Energies, so they're worth getting.

Once you've cleared the base out of all enemies, return to Master Grey.

She will then give you the Saber Slash Skill.

That completes Master Grey's Quest! Continue to the next section!
Hara Quest #8: Chal's Quest
If you've been following this guide, you should still be at the Fox School, having just completed Master Grey's quest. Fly above the school and look for this part of the building:

Fly to the circular tower there and talk to Chal, this NPC here:

He will ask you to destroy the soldiers at the Forward Operating Base. The F.O.B. is located in the direction he is looking, so if you fly that way you'll eventually see this:

Destroy all of the helicopters and all of the tanks here, exactly like you did with the other base during Master Grey's quest. Don't destroy the island!

When you're done, search all the buildings for more loot and coins. When done, return to Chal and he will thank you, then give you the Laserbeam Skill.

That concludes Chal's Quest! Continue to the next section!
Hara Quest #9: Timber's Tantrum
If you've been following the guide, you should still be at the Fox School, having just completed Chal's quest. Fly above the school and look for this NPC, inside the school:

Fly down to him and talk to him. His name is Timber, and he will insult you, then challenge you to a fight on the Moon.

If you've followed the guide, or if you have Warp Speed, you should already know how to get to the Moon from the Warp Speed quest. If not, refer to that section to learn how to get there.

Go to the Moon and look for this area, near the Moon Base:

Fly to the red-circled area and you'll see him floating there, above these structures:

Beat him however you like. When he dies, a new enemy will spawn down in the middle of the four structures on the surface. Kill it to complete this step, then return to the Fox School, and find Timber where he first challenged you.

Talk to him and he will concede defeat, giving you the Air Cutter Skill.

That completes the quest! Continue on to the next section!
Hara Quest #10: Gluto's Rescue
If you've been following the guide, you should be at the Fox School. Head back to the mainland and look for the Castle next to the Dojo, as it's the most recognizable place on the island.

From the Castle, look here:

Fly towards that cliff until you see this area:

Fly to the red-circled ruins and go inside the main entrance. Once inside, go here:

There will be a woman named Gluto inside that small room. Talk to her and she will ask you to help her save someone. After she is done talking, leave the ruins. From just outside the ruins, fly straight up so you have a good view of the area, then look for this location:

Fly there and Gluto will talk to you again. When she's done, she will slowly fly along the path, stopping here:

You can talk to her again for a little lore, and then she will continue leading you to the destination. If you don't want to do that, you can fly straight to the destination, ignoring her mid-way stop. The destination is further along the path, shown here:

If you'd like, as soon as you talk to her at the start of the path, you can fly straight here and attack the guards. Doing so will trigger her event, causing her to teleport in, grab their prisoner, and teleport out, leaving you behind to either deal with the enemies or run away from them as you see fit.

Once this is done, return to Gluto's small room in the ruins and talk to her again. She will talk to you, and give you the Solar Arrow Skill.

That completes this quest! Continue to the next section!
Hara Quest #11: Gluto's Execution
If you've been following the guide, you should be in the ruins near her. You can explore the deeper ruins freely, if you like, or you can continue on to the next quest.

Either way, the next quest starts in the Tarnished Village. Step outside of the ruins and look down. This is the Tarnished Village:

Fly down to the largest hut in the village. Land, so that you are no longer flying, and look for one of these small hay/straw structures:

Make sure you're not flying. Approach one of those structures (I had to use Absorption to light it up as night had fallen and I couldn't see lol) and it will spray a smoke cloud everywhere, knocking you out.

You'll wake up in a small hut with bars on the door. There are three ways out;
- Speak to the NPC through the bars and wait ~30 seconds for the door to open on it's own
- Destroy the door with Energy Bomb, Fury Volley, or some other attack, turning all the guards hostile but none of the NPCs
- Tunnel your way out using Absorption Beam or Mana Wave, or ground pound, in order to escape WITHOUT breaking the bars.

As long as the bars are not destroyed, you will not turn the guards hostile.

Whichever way you choose to do this, make your way to the largest hut in the village, here:

The red circle is your destination, the blue circle is the jail cell you come out of.

Enter the hut and talk to the Chief, here:

Talk to him and he will eventually ask you to kill Gluto. When his dialogue is over, DON'T GO ANYWHERE.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a quest that you can only access AFTER being told to kill Gluto, and BEFORE you actually kill her. DO NOT KILL GLUTO YET. Please stop here, and read the next section, "Hara Quest #12: Skill Crafter", and "Hara Quest #13: Volley Prison", and complete that quest BEFORE continuing this one.

Finished both of those? Good. Continuing onward, return to Gluto. Kill her however you like, the method doesn't matter. You will also be attacked by her Guards, so be ready to face them too.

Once she is dead, return to the Tarnished Chief and speak to him. He will reward you with the Solar Rain Skill.

That completes the quest! Continue to the "Hara Quest #14"!

Finished the Skill Crafter and Volley Prison quests? Good.
Hara Quest #12: Skill Crafter
You should be coming here from the "Hara Quest #11: Gluto's Execution" section, BEFORE completing it. If you have completed that quest without completing this one, you can no longer complete this quest. Assuming you're here at the right time...

Exit the Chief's hut, going into the main village area. Look for this hut, directly outside his:

Walk to the front of this hut and you'll see an NPC named Keyboa, here:

Talk to her and she will offer to make you a special Skill if you get the materials from her friend, Winte, in Volley Village.

When she's done talking, remember the village the Relic Heart was next to? That's Volley Village. If you need help getting there, refer to the Relic Quest section of the guide.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must complete the "Hara Quest #13: Volley Prison" section of the guide to continue. Please complete that Quest, then return here for the next step.[/h2
Done that? Good. Now, Winte will be located inside this house:

Go inside, talk to Winte, and she will begrudgingly give you the materials. Return to Keyboa and she will thank you, then give you the Homing Fury Skill.

That completes this quest! Return to the "Hara Quest #11"!
Hara Quest #13: Volley Prison
You should be coming here from "Hara Quest #13: Skill Crafter". If you're not, you can still do this quest assuming the prisoners have not been killed. This quest is also required for the Assassin's Quest later on.

In any case, you should be in Volley Village. If not, go there now. From above the village, look for these locations:

In any order, go to each of these locations. Closest to furthest makes the most sense, so I'll be doing that for the guide.

At the closer location, look for this statue:

Destroy it with Fury Volley, Energy Bomb, anything that breaks it. Then continue on to the next location and find this statue:

Destroy it as well, then look here:

Fly to this radio tower near the village and look for this hole in the mountain, near the bottom of the radio tower:

Enter the tunnel and fly inside. There will be a collection of NPCs in the room, with a treasure chest at the far back. Talk to each one, collect the chest loot, then leave the tunnel.

That completes the Volley Prison quest! Return to the "Hara Quest #12: Skill Crafter" section to continue!
Hara Quest #14: Assassin's Guild Quest
Let it be known I hate that I had to rename this, but some folks didn't have the common sense to figure out that the old "Assassination Quest" title was an obvious indication that this was a quest about the Assassin's Guild, so I had to change it so that it wouldn't be so impossibly difficult for them to figure out.

This community makes me want to rip my hair out from how absurdly pathetic their logical reasoning skills are.

You should be coming here after completing the "Hara Quest #11: Gluto's Execution" section.

You should be in Volley Village right now. Fly up and return to the council base Gluto led you to. You're looking for this building:

While killing or avoiding the soldiers, enter the building through the bottom right blast door, here:

You'll need to destroy it with Energy Bomb or Fury Volley to get in. Once inside, look left and find this large panel on the wall:

Destroy it with Energy Bomb, Fury Volley, or Machine Blast, or whatever works that you prefer.

Then, go to Volley Village and look for this village gate, specifically looking for this NPC:

Talk to him and he will warn you to lay low. At this point, you are playing a waiting game. Assuming no glitches or bugs, the next time night falls you'll be knocked out no matter where you are on the starting planet.

You'll wake up in a new area. Look for this NPC here:

Talk to him and he will assign you to kill for them. You will have four targets, in this order:
- Carl, in the Fearful Forest
- Spri, in Volley Village
- Rogue Captain, in the Coastlands
- A familiar target in Hermit Hectare

Do not make any assumptions. Follow the guide, as the 4th target does not appear until you have completed the previous steps.

Carl is found here:

Kill him however you please. when his body fully despawns, return to the Assassin Guild. To find the Guild easily, look for this island near the edge of the mainland, and the antenna tower below it:

Fly to the antenna and look for this tunnel:

Go in, talk to the Assassin Captain again, and he'll give you your next target, Spri.

Spri is one of the villagers you rescued from the Volley Prison, so if you haven't done that quest, please go back to that section and complete it, otherwise you can't continue this one.

With that done, Spri should be here once freed from the prison:

NOTE: Spri sometimes will not register as "dead" to the quest. If this happens, try continuing as if he is dead anyway, sometimes it will catch up and fix it this way.

Kill him, return to the Assassins, and they will tell you your next target is a Rogue Captain in the Coastlands. He doesn't seem to spawn until they order you to kill him.

He will be here:

Kill all the enemies in this area, then return to the Assassins. They will tell you the next target is in Hermit Hectare, and instead of telling you a name, they simply say "The target will be familiar to you."

Go to Hermit Hectare, here:

There will be several black-clad assassins in the area that will attack you on-sight.


If they aren't attacking you, leave them alone. Kill all the assassins here.

When all assassins are dead, you will be given the Teleport Skill.

That completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Hara Quest #15: Dajir Leader
Remember that panel you destroyed in the council base? That set free a Dajir Leader, and you should now have a "Find the Dajir Leader at night" quest in your quest log.

On any night after freeing the Dajir Leader, go to the Tarnished Village and, floating above it, look for this area:

Go here at night and the Dajir Leader will spawn in the small arena between the 4 pillars, along with a swarm of smaller Dajir. Kill them all, and the Leader, however you see fit.

When he's dead, return to Volley Village, specifically to the Volley Village Guard Captain that we spoke to at the start of the Assassin Quest section.

Speak to him again and he will give you an armor piece.

That completes this quest!

Hara Quest #16: Forest Witch
Remember the Fearful Forest, where you helped Aras and killed Carl? Go back there, specifically to this location:

Stand in this area and look around. You should be hearing laughter coming from the air around you. Destroy all the standard trees in the area, or focus on finding the one that stands out.

The one that stands out will be obvious; it is a white tree, either aspen, birch, or white oak, I'm not sure specifically which one, I don't know trees that well.

Anyway, it's the only white tree in the area.

This tree is actually a witch in disguise. Blast it, punch it, whatever you like.

It will disappear in a small puff of mist. Look for another puff of mist appearing elsewhere. If you don't see one, blast the area around the pond until you hit someone invisible.

She'll disappear in another puff, and create a second puff wherever she appears, every time she teleports.

She will teleport around, invisible, and if you get her low enough without killing her she may begin teleporting directly to you and kicking you before vanishing again.

Kill her however you can.

When she is dead, you will unlock the Wrath Skill.

That completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Hara Quest #17: The Guardian
If you've been following this guide, you should have completed every quest available to you on Hara (except the Daily Visit quest)

Which means it's time to take on the Guardian.

The Guardian is found in the Guardian Gates area, here:

Be aware, once you enter this area the Guardian will begin attacking you immediately, so be prepared for that.

Here's how his fight works:

His health bar is an indicator of whether or not he is vulnerable to attack. If it's yellow or orange, he is immune to damage. Wait until his health bar turns red before attacking.

He will also try to keep you at a distance. You can either try and force him into melee, if you think you can, or outperform him at range, if you feel more comfortable doing that.

He starts the fight out floating in the air here:

But he can also teleport to these two locations:

Or two locations in this circle (sorry for the lack of precision and the rough screenshot, I was running from him as I took this):

He will teleport all over the arena, taking potshots at you and using his massive AoE attack as well.

The strategy is to play defensive most of the time, but each time he uses his Sniper Shot (the attack that sounds like a gunshot instead of energy attacks, his health will turn red, meaning you can damage him. Bait out his attacks, and when his health bar is red, hit him with everything you can in the time between then and his bar changing colors again.

Play smart, play defensive, time your strikes so you only attack while the bar is red, and take your time with it.

When he's dead, you will have completed this quest and earned the reward: the Machine Blast Skill, as well as spawned the Hara Energy in the secondary council building of the Offshore Council Base.

Congratulations! You've completed all available quests on Planet Hara! Please see the next section to continue the story!
Leaving Planet Hara, Entering Planet Tunda
With the Guardian dead, we can now leave Planet Hara. Our first stop on our journey is Planet Tunda.

To get to Planet Tunda, leave Hara through the portal on the highest floating island, and fly to the end of the tunnel, as if going to the moon. Stop at the end of the tunnel and, instead of looking right, look left. You'll see this:

Fly to the blue planet in the distance, aiming for slightly down and to the right of the north pole. When you get there, you should see something like this:

The red-circled creature is the Tunda Dragon, which also serves as the planet's Guardian. Kill it to acquire the Time Slow Skill, and spawn the Tunda Energy in the secondary council building on the offshore council base on Hara.

Once the Guardian of Tunda is dead, make your way to the black-circled metal ring in the sky. When floating above it, you should see something like this:

The red-circled area is a pair of twin dragon statues. We'll be going there in a moment, but not yet.

Right now, look straight down, and fly towards the ground a little. You'll see this as you get closer:

The red-circled flame is the Forge. You can use the Forge to upgrade any armor you've collected, so long as you're wearing it, in exchange for 1,000 coins per point.

There is also a hidden trio of chests with loot near the village, buried underground, here:

When you're done at the village, go to the twin dragon statues I showed you before. Floating near them, you should see this:

Stand in the red-circled area and begin charging energy. After ~30 seconds to 1 minute, a giant portal will open in the air between the statues.

Fly into the portal to enter the Pilgrim Planet.

That completes this section! Please see the next section to continue!
The Pilgrim Planet
Upon entering the portal, you'll be spawned on the Pilgrim Planet. First things first, the map:

Continue to the next section to begin the first quest.
Pilgrim Quest #1: Saving Private Akel
Start by going to Central, the area here:

Flying above it, you should have a view like this:

Each of the red circles is a quest giver. For now, let's go left-to-right. So go to the far left red circle and talk to the NPC there.

The NPC is named Joro. He will ask you to find his son, Akel. The first step to finding Akel is searching the Strength Zone.

Fly to the Strength Zone and break the ground to burrow into the underground area. Akel's satchel will be here:

Fly down to it and collect it. It will have a journal that states Akel has gone to the Wits challenge.

Make your way to the Wits challenge, looking for this:

Fly into the room the red circle leads into and talk to the NPC in there. She will tell you that Akel has been kidnapped and taken to Cosmo Cove.

Fly to Cosmo Cove, over here:

When you find the cove, there will be a tunnel leading down into the ground that, after a short distance, branches into three possible pathways.

Take the left-side path, as shown here:

Follow that and you will see the Elder Spirit here:

Sometimes he may go immune by surrounding himself with a green energy shield. If he does, just wait him out and he'll be vulnerable again.

He can also conjure two large energy orbs that fire at you periodically. You can shoot these with any ranged attack to destroy them with enough damage.

You may also have to fight another enemy now and then.

Kill the Elder Spirit however you like. When you do, Akel will spawn in a second after the Elder Spirit fades away. He will be here:

Speak to Akel, and he will tell you to meet him back in Central. Return to where you got the quest and speak to Joro again.

He will thank you and give you 5,000 coins.

This completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Pilgrim Quest #2: Spirit Cleanse (Repeatable)
Assuming you just finished "Pilgrim Quest #1: Saving Private Akel", you should be next to Joro and Akel.

From them, look here:

Go speak to that NPC, named Alma, and he will tell you the Spirits are getting out of hand, asking you to clear out some Spirits from a Spirit Zone.

After this, a new label will appear on your map: Spirit Zone. It will be orange instead of the usual yellow. Fly to the Spirit Zone and kill all enemies in the area. When all enemies have been killed, return to Alma in Central and speak to him.

He will thank you and reward you with 1,000 coins and 15 Pilgrim Planet Rep Points.

That completes the quest! Continue on to the next section!
Pilgrim Quest #3: Research Assistant (Repeatable)
If you've been following the guide, you should have just finished Alma's quest. Fly up above Central, and you should see this:

The blue-circled NPC is Alma, so you have a reference point for where this is.

The red-circled NPC is Pluo, the next quest-giver. Talk to him and he will ask you to help him research Spirits. He will ask you to go to a location, which the game will tell you when he finishes talking.

Go to the location given to you, and you will see a large white sigil, like this:

Stay inside the sigil, or within 50ft or so above it. As long as you are in the area, you will see a % indicator which will steadily increase, like this:

Every so often, Spirits will spawn in the area. You don't HAVE to kill them to succeed, your only goal is waiting in the area until the percentage reaches 100. Killing them does offer the possibility of loot drops, coin, and guarantees EXP per kill, so it's still worth killing the Spirits.

When you reach 100%, the sigil will disappear and you will get a prompt to return to Pluo.

Go back to central and talk to Pluo again. He will thank you and give you 500 EXP and 10 Pilgrim Planet Rep Points.

That completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Pilgrim Quest #4: The Three Challenges
Now that you've done the other three minor Pilgrim Quests, it's time to do the main quest. You should be standing near Pluo. Fly up a little, and look for this NPC:[/h2]

Speak to him. His name is Enid. He will tell you that only those who have Strength and Spirit can complete the pilgrimage, and that you must complete the challenges at each of the golden pyramids before you can gain access to The Great Pyramid.

The three golden pyramids are here:

We'll start with the one on the far right, then the far left, and then the middle.

Challenge of Patience

Fly to the golden pyramid on the far right, and you'll see this building:

The red-circled door is the entrance, the blue-circled space is the Trove, which is also where you'll be spawned if you fail the challenge.

The challenge is a hallway with several enemies, and lots of cover to hide behind. You must get from the entrance to the far back end of the hallway without being seen. As soon as any Spirit sees you, you will be removed from the challenge building.

When this happens, you will spawn in the Trove and have to repeat the challenge until you succeed.

At the far back of the hall is a floating orb of energy. Collect it to complete the challenge.

Challenge of Strength

Go to the far left pyramid in the image of the three pyramids above. You should see an area like this:

Fly into the flattened area below the pyramid. You should have burrowed down when you were saving Akel. If you haven't, or if your entryway has disappeared, create a new one by destroying some ground to get under it.

You will be in an area filled with Spirits. Kill them all, until absolutely nothing is left alive down there. When all Spirits, including the Master Spirit, have been killed, the challenge will complete and you will get a prompt letting you know it's done.

Challenge of Wits

Fly to the middle pyramid in the image of the three pyramids above. You will see a building like this:

Enter the building through the hole in the red circle, OR scroll down to see the final answer at the bottom of this section.

Still with me? Cool. Inside the building are a series of likenesses that match the golden orbs outside the building.

Each likeness is made of silver orbs. On each likeness is a single golden orb. The golden orb on a likeness indicates which orb is correct.

The likenesses are found as you walk through the halls of the building, embedded in the walls, as well as one likeness on the outside of the building, on the back wall.

The likenesses, in order, are:

This means the correct answer is:

Shoot these orbs in order to complete the challenge.

That completes the quest and unlocks The Great Pyramid! Continue to the next section!
Pilgrim Planet Quest #5: Astrodrone Assistance
Back at Central, find this NPC:

She will tell you she needs help with some research regarding the Astrodrone, but spirits are too dangerous for her. You'll be instructed to meet her at Cosmo Cove, so fly there now. She'll be here:

Talk to her and she'll say to meet her at the ruins, then instructs you to make sure you take the tunnel on the right side first.

She means here:

So follow the right-side tunnel, and you'll eventually see this:

Talk to her there and she will say you need to defend her while she works. She will begin channeling energy, and spirits will spawn after a moment. Fight, and kill, every Spirit that arrives until she is done, then speak with her again.

She will tell you to meet her outside of Cosmo Cove again. Get to the entrance of the cove however you like, then speak with her there. She will tell you to meet her at the Astro Drone. Go there now. She'll be here:

Go in through the circled doorway then turn left, she'll be in the back corner. Talk to her and she will offer some lore, then explain that she needs to study more. As thanks, she will give you the Long Dash skill, which allows you to rapidly move far away in a straight line.

This completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Pilgrim Quest #6: The Great Pyramid
Now that you've completed the three challenges, it's time to enter the gigantic pyramid in the middle of the map.

Enter the pyramid and you will face three trials, as follows:

First Challenge: Defeat Spirits without using Energy.

You will have your Energy bar completely emptied, and the game will check every second to see if you have Energy, emptying the bar again if you do. It is not impossible to use Energy, but you would need to be fast to do so.

Kill all the Spirits on this floor to complete the challenge, then fly up to the second floor to start the next one.

Second Challenge: Defeat a powerful Spirit without using Flight.

You will have to defeat a greater Spirit without flying. You can charge energy and use any attacks you please, but you will not be able to fly at all.

Kill the Spirit to complete the challenge, then fly up to the third floor to start the next one.

Third Challenge: Endure.

This challenge calls for you to survive a massively powerful, prolonged attack. You will stand on a platform and be blasted by energy for a long time.

In order to survive, you MUST charge energy constantly in order to regain as much lost health as possible. This is only possible to pass if you have high enough Spirit that your ki charge regenerates health faster than, or equally as fast as, the damage drains it.

Survive the full brunt of the beam long enough, and you will automatically undergo a transformation.

When you've transformed, you will have unlocked the Omnipresence Skill, which means you have completed the challenge.

Congratulations on completing the Pilgrim Quests! Continue to the next section to continue the story!
Leaving Pilgrim Planet, Entering Balu
Leave the Pilgrim Planet through the portal you came in through. You will spawn back on Planet Tunda. From here, fly up so you're floating in space above the planet.

Look for this planet:

This is Planet Balu, the only planet in the system that has rings.

Fly over to Balu. Notable locations are below, with images to help find them:

- Red Circle: Balu Royal City. Home to the Royal Family and the Royal Chef.
- Blue Circle: Rebel Ruins. Home to the Rebel Leader and his people.
- Purple Circle: Council Camp. Home to a branch of Council Soldiers.
- Black Circle: Oasis Monument. Home to the Oasis.

More notable locations:

- Red Circle: Abandoned Council Building. Home to the Flight Upgrader.
- Purple Circle: Game of Realms Entrance. Home to the various Mercenaries you can hire, and the portal you use to access the Game of Realms.
- Blue Circle: Terracotta Head. Landmark for finding the Hidden Bazaar.

More notable locations:

- Red Circle: Guardian Monument. Home to the Guardian of Balu.
Balu Quest #1: Worm Hunting
Start off by going to the Rebel Ruins. Near the front gates (the end furthest away from the Royal City) is an NPC named Janu, as shown below:

Talk to her and she will tell you about a Giant Worm that needs to be killed. The worm's location should be visible as a waypoint, but just in case, it's in this direction:

Fly in that direction, staying low to the ground, until you see this:

Land at the end with the tiny pillars, not the large arch, and wait. Eventually, the worm will spawn here as shown:

Kill it however you like, then return to Janu and she will thank you, giving you 1,000 coins.

That completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Balu Quest #2: Ruins Revenants
In the Royal City is an NPC next to a set of ruins, as shown below:

NOTE: THIS QUEST IS CURRENTLY BUGGED AND CANNOT BE COMPLETED. Destroying the statues does not spawn enemies, and even after destroying them it will still allow you to interact with the statues that are no longer there, making it impossible to complete.

Her name is Ember. Speak to her and she will warn you of dangers in the ruins behind her. When she's done, you'll have the quest to investigate the ruins.

Walk inside and you'll see this room:

There are statues of anubian jackals on each side of the room. Most have false eyes, but some have real eyes. This is the difference, with false eyes on the left and real eyes on the right:

Destroy the statues with real eyes one at a time. Doing so will spawn Spirits. Kill them, then move on to the next statue, until there are no statues with real eyes remaining.

This will prompt Ember to enter the ruins. Speak to her again and she will reward you.

This completes the quest! continue to the next section!
Balu Quest #3: Murder Mystery
This is an optional quest, but can be completed at any time.

Start by going here:

Talk to the red-circled NPC. He will tell you about a murder, the victim being named Zambini, and ask you to help solve it. The suspects are Shopus and Ukolo.

Behind him is the crime zone, which has evidence. It's located here:

The evidences are:

Red Circle - Knife: A knife with blood on it
Black Circle - Cooking Pit: some serious cooking was going to happen here
Blue Circle - Iron Pot: A pot that seems to have been thrown
Green Circle - Chair: A bloody chair, indicating an attack from behind

Next, talk to Ukolu. He's found here:

He will tell you he had a heated argument with Zambini last week, about a disagreement over a feast. He thought it would worsen things, and came to apologize and support Zambini's plan. He claims he arrived to see Shopus standing over Zambini, and Zambini was dead.

Next, talk to Shopus. He's found here:

Talk to him and he will tell you Zambini was his friend, and that they were preparing for a feast together, to unite everyone. He claims there's blood on him from slaughtering an animal for the feast. He will say he left for a time, then came back to see Zambini dead on the ground, and that he saw someone running away and so it must have been Ukolu. He also offers to pay you 1,000 coins for saying it was Ukolu.

Their stories are not all the evidence.

Talk to the guards behind them. One will tell you that the last message from Zambini's wife was that the last time she saw him, she gave him 1,000 coins for the food supply.

So the stories are:

Ukolu says he argued with Zambini, disagreed on the feast, then came to say sorry and help him, but saw Shopus standing over his corpse.

Shopus says he and Zambini slaughtered an animal for the feast and that's why he's bloody, and that he can pay 1,000 coins for us to say it was Ukolu.

Zambini had 1,000 coins from his wife, to pay for the feast supplies.

There is no animal on the cooking station.

So, based on this we can infer two things:

Shopus has the exact amount of money Zambini's wife gave Zambini, just sitting in his pocket.
Shopus is lying about the animal they slaughtered, as there's no animal in the crime zone.

With these two points, it's safe enough to assume Shopus killed Zambini for the money, and is hoping nobody will call out his animal lie.

To choose Shopus, approach the desk with the paper in front of him and interact with it. Then, talk to all of the NPCs present to get their thoughts on your decision.

Leave the area and come back. All the NPCs will be gone except for the Investigator. Talk to him and he will tell you that Shopus turned out to be guilty after all. He was jealous of Zambini's potential rise in status with the royal family, and the feast was the last straw.

Finish talking to him.

That completes this section! Continue to the next!
Balu Quest #4: Council Note
Start by going to the rebel ruins and look for this area:

Talk to the NPC there, named Sli, and he will tell you to investigate the council camp for a note left by the Universal Order. The camp is found here:

Be aware the soldiers will attack you on-sight.

The note you're looking for is found here, on the lower rooftop of this building next to the turret:

Collect the note, feel free to loot the camp, and when you're done, return to Sli.

Talk to him and he'll tell you a little lore.

That will complete the quest! Continue on to the next section!
Balu Quest #5: Shadows of the Throne
In the Royal City, the smallest pyramid, shown below, is the royal abode which houses the king, queen, and royal chef:

Fly up to the base of the pyramid, between it and the building in front of it, and you'll see the entrance here:

Speak to the king, circled in red, and he will tell you to talk to the Queen. The Queen is found here:

Talk to her and she will tell you to track down a rebel leader. The leader is in the Rebel Ruins, here:

Talk to him, then return to the Queen and talk to her. She will reveal she knew all along where they were, but needed to blame you for their deaths. She will then tell you to talk to the king.

Talk to him and he will tell you more about the situation, then claim to reward you and offer more work if you speak to him again. In reality, he does not reward you here. However, talk to him again and he will give you more information, eventually telling you to talk to the Queen again.

She says the two of you will meet a Council Representative for a material exchange. Finish talking to her, then fly in this direction:

Eventually, you'll see this area:

Go to the red circle and talk to the queen. She will ask you to deal with the Council's hidden soldiers in the ruins there. DO NOT ATTACK THE ONE SHE'S CLOSEST TO, THAT IS THE DIPLOMAT.

Walk past the diplomat standing near her with his arms crossed and slowly make your way through the ruins, killing every Council Soldier you find in there.

When done, return to the Queen and talk to her. She will tell you the meeting went well, and then tell you there are two more meetings. The next meeting is on Planet Tunda. When you're done talking to her here, fly to Planet Tunda, and go to the Forge.

The Queen will be here:

Talk to her and she will tell you that the representative is missing and to ask the locals. Enter the hut here:

Talk to the NPC inside, named Cook, and they will tell you they saw a man in Galaxy Armor take the representative away. Now go back to the Queen and let her know. She will say she knows who it was, and to meet her on Planet Agi.

When she's done talking, fly straight up through the metal ring and, floating above Tunda, look around. This is Planet Agi:

Fly there and look for the giant metal ring, somewhere around the north pole of the planet.

Note: Agi has very little on it, but there will still be a section specifically for Planet Agi, for those interested.

She will be here:

Land on the large arena and talk to the queen. She will tell you the Tunda representative was bait, knowingly leading you into a trap so he could broadcast everything to the planetary leaders.

She will ask you to kill the 5th Dimensional Being that the representative is with, and encourages you to go get a transformation before doing so, specifying the pilgrim planet or the black hole as options for where to get one.

When ready, step onto the raised platform in the arena to begin the fight. Kill the man in Galaxy Armor however you like, then talk to the queen.

She will thank you, declare Tunda must pay double to continue their alliance, and reward you with a 5th Dimensional armor piece before asking you to meet her back on Balu. Return to the Royal City and meet her in the Royal Pyramid, where she was when you first met her.

Talk to her there and she will tell you the truth of her nature, and inform you she has one last meeting in the 5th Dimension, which she will attend alone.

When she is done talking, go and talk to the King. He will talk a little, and then grant you the Annihilation Skill.

That completes the quest! Continue to the next section!
Leaving Balu, Entering Agi
Planet Agi is home to very, very little, but this is for those curious:

Beneath the giant metal ring is a small settlement consisting of a single Council building, a bedroll, storage chest, campfire, wishing well, and a small arena.

The wishing well, circled in black in the image above, allows you to skip ahead to the 8th day if you happen to be on Day 7 or earlier.

There is also a Guardian here on Agi, located in this direction:

He may rush you before you actually find his spawn location, so don't be surprised if he finds you first. Kill him to spawn the Agi Energy in the secondary Council building on the frozen island in the sea on Planet Hara.

Killing him also unlocks the Staff Melee Skill.

That's all there is on Agi! Continue to the next section.
Leaving Balu, Entering the Oracle Planet
From Balu, flying above the planet, look here:

- Red Circle: Oracle Planet, our destination
- Yellow Circle: Hara, starting planet
- White Circle: Tunda, forge planet
- Black Circle: Balu, royal planet

Go to the Oracle Planet and enter the portal visible here:

Once inside, you'll spawn here:

The red-circled NPC is Mindo. Mindo tells you the correct path to take in order to find the Oracle.

The path is left, straight, right.

The black-circled NPC is Light. Light gives you the Lightning transformation because you are unable to fly, and will take too long to get to the Oracle without rapid movement.

Using Lightning, you can use the Attack button to "fly" by aiming up into the air when you press the button. Flying with Lightning, follow the path until it branches into three.

Take the left path.

Follow that until it branches into three again.

Take the middle path.

Follow that until it branches into three again.

Take the right path.

Follow it until you see the Oracle's house, shown here:

Walk through the archway circled in red, behind the statue in the circle. The Oracle, named Astraeus, will be standing on an overhang, looking into the sunlight.

Talk to her and she will ask what you want, and tell you that if you'll bring her a delicacy from the Royal Chef on Planet Balu, then she will give you the information you need.

After this, she will grant you the ability to fly in her world. At this point, you can leave her home. Jump off of the path and allow yourself to fall, it will instantly teleport you back to the portal at the very start of the path. Go through the portal to return to space.

From here, go back to Planet Balu and return to the Royal Pyramid.

Go behind the king's throne and look right. The royal chef will be here:

Talk to him and he will tell you he needs a special fruit for the delicacy the Oracle wants. He says the fruit can be found in the Oasis nearby. Refer to the "Leaving Tunda, Entering Balu" section for instructions on finding the Oasis.

Once there, the fruit will be found here:

Destroy the ground around the base of that tree and the fruit will be there, as shown here:

Collect it and return to the Chef. He will give you the dish, and you can leave Balu.

Return to the Oracle Planet. You can now fly, so skip the path and fly straight to the Oracle. Be aware, there is treasure at the end of most of the other pathways, so if you would like to get that, feel free to now that you can fly.

When you get to the Oracle, give her the dish and she will thank you, then explain how access to the 5th Dimension works.

After her explanation, you will need to fight a boss to gain access to the 5th Dimension.

The boss is somewhat tricky, as the actual Boss is not what seems most obvious.

The large red circle indicates the illusion while the small red circle indicates the Boss.

The illusion will attack you with large, powerful attacks, but takes no damage, no matter how much you hit it. The only way to damage it is to attack the Boss hiding inside of it.

Kill the Boss however you see fit, and you will unlock the understanding needed for the 5th Dimension access.

Talk to the Oracle again. When she's done talking, you will be completely done here. Feel free to leave at any time.

That's all for this section! Continue to the next one!
Leaving the Oracle Planet, Entering the Black Hole
As you leave the Oracle Planet, look here:

Ignore the green wormhole for now. Focus on the red-circled red dot. Fly towards it.

As you get closer, it will be easier to see. It's a black hole, nestled between the Oracle Planet and Planet Hara.

When you get closer, it will look like this:

Fly into it, and you will be spawned into an area called the Plane of Existence.

In here, you will see a collection of different colored Stars, one of which is a massive blue star, larger than any other here. Be sure you have at least one empty Energy Slot. You can do this by going into the Energy Menu and Relinquishing as many elements as you want.

The stars in the black hole respawn each time you exit and re-enter the Black Hole, so you can farm them infinitely, and with the Energy Zoom feature you can see which stars are best for your build, allowing you to focus on the ones you need and ignore the rest.

Every star grants +6 to one stat. Refer to the "Energy Types" section for specific information on Stars.

Go towards the massive blue star directly in front of where you spawn. About halfway there is a tournament arena, as shown:

You can use this to fight powerful opponents whenever you like, but for now we're skipping past it.

Continue on until you're close to the star and fire Absorption at it until it completely explodes. As soon as it starts to explode, you should get a new Element in your Energy Menu from it. But, more importantly than that, the blue star will leave behind a small portal, which looks like this:

Fly into the portal and you will spawn into the Divine City. From here, follow the path until you see this area on the left:

Jump down onto the lower path on the left and follow the carpet up to the red circle at the top of the stairs on the right. Open the chest and you'll get the Black Hole Skill.

Feel free to grab the chest in the red circle on the left as well, it has loot too. From the Black Hole chest, go to the path leading left and right, and go to the right.

You'll see a space like this:

The red circle atop the stairs on the left leads to the Boss of the Divine City, while the blue circle leads to the Bazaar.

The Divine City has one of each color of Mystery Chest, and they all cost 100 coins less than they do anywhere else, so if you'd like to buy plenty from them, this is the place to do it.

When ready, go up the stairs with the red circle until you find an open area with a hostile NPC.

Play it smart, you can't fly here so you'll need to be agile and light on your feet in other ways.

Kill him however you like. When he dies, you'll unlock the Omen Skill. With that done, you can leave the Divine City, as there's nothing else to do here unless you want to go shopping.

Once you've left the Divine City, turn your back to the blue star and you'll see a waypoint called "Exit Plane of Existence". Fly to it and enter the galaxy-like portal in order to leave the Black Hole.

That completes this section! Continue to the next one!
Leaving the Black Hole, Entering the Past
Return to Planet Hara and go to Hermit Hectare. There will now be a blue portal near the hut on the floating island. Enter it.

This will put you in The Past. Time still progresses outside of the Past, but differently. You can exit the Past at any time to see how much time has passed in the main timeline.

Continue to the next section.
Entering the Past
To enter the past, once you're done in the 5th Dimension, leave it through the green wormhole to return to the main Space system.

Return to Planet Hara, the only planet with a proper moon orbiting it visible from space, and the large metal tunnel between Hara and it's moon.

Once on Hara, find your way to Hermit Hectare. You should remember where it is, from the Assassin Quest, but just in case, since you have Omen now, you should see a "Time Travel" waypoint leading you right to Hermit Hectare.

Once there, go to the house on the floating island. The same island you got the watermelon from when you did the Flight Quest.

Talk to him, and he will tell you about the Hamians of the past, including Razul, the most powerful Hamian ever.

He will instruct you to enter the portal, and tell you that only a few hours will pass here while you're in the past.

With that, enter the portal to travel back in time.

That completes the section! Continue to the next!
The Past: Day One
You'll spawn into this area, with some huts and a bedroll, with an NPC in front of you, as shown:

There are a few other NPCs scattered around here, as well as some houses, but the only one that matters is Adara, the black-clad woman in the left side of the screenshot.

She will tell you to help Idris and Mustafa, while the other woman, Leila, will tell you the General is ruthless and the other two may need your help, lamenting the fact that Razul is not there to help.

Head down the path and you will see three people. Two of them are Hamians, dressed in simple outfits, while the third is The General, in a large green suit of armor. They will talk a while, then The General will attack.

Kill him however you like, then return to the camp you spawned at.

A new Hamian will be there named Razul. He will ask if it was Mustafa or Idris that defeated the General, and they will tell him neither, it was you. He will explain that the Oracle gave him a prophecy twelve days ago:

In fifteen days, a great monster with no remorse will appear in the city, and destroy their people.

It's been 12 days since he was given the prophecy, meaning there are only 3 days left, and he has just returned from The Oracle, who claims their chances are slim.

He hopes you can turn the tide in their favor and save the world, and asks for a friendly sparring match to test your power.

Follow the waypoint that says "Meet up with Razul".

Once there, he will ask you to transform. If you transform into any form OTHER THAN Omen, he will compliment it, but say it is not the form he's looking for. He will ask you to transform into your Omen form instead.

When you do, he will try to read your markings, claiming they indicate the bloodline you're from, but say that your markings are corrupted and he cannot read them.

He'll show you his Omen form, then take it a step further and show you a transformation EVEN FURTHER BEYOND Omen.

After showing you this, he restricts your Flight, telling you it's part of your training, making sure you stay grounded and connected to the Hamian's roots.

Return to the campsite and talk to Razul. He will ask you to accompany one of the children to school tomorrow. When you're ready, approach the sleeping bag and interact with it to begin the next day.

The Past: Day Two
You will wake up to find Amira has already left for school.[/h2]

Follow the waypoint to find her at the School. I would advise using Lightning and Time Slow to speed your progress up getting there.

Once at the school, follow the waypoint into the classroom and talk to the teacher, Gegan. He will instruct you to make your way to the top of the floating rocks behind the school, grab the yellow orb, and return to him with it.

You can use the Air Dash from the Lightning Skill to skip most of the platforming, or you could use Creation to connect all of the platforms so that you can simply walk up them, or you can use a mixture of jumps, super jumps, phase dashes, and such to climb up as intended. It's up to you.

Either way, collect the orb and return it to Gegan. He will tell you he'll let Razul know it went well, and that Amira went home early without you. Return to the camp in whatever fashion you please.

Once there, talk to Amira and she will tell you about a secret meeting happening at night time in the school, saying she might go.

After that, talk to Razul. He will congratulate you based on Gegan's report, and promise to return your ability to Fly on the next day. He then warns you that Idris may be a good training partner, but that he has his own motives as well.

Finally, talk to Idris to progress the story. He will ask if you're ready and tell you to meet him, spawning a waypoint. Follow it to the Training Spot.

He will begin training when you are ready. Here is the strategy I used to beat him easily, even with poor stats:

- Only bother attacking when his health bar is red, don't even try when it's yellow/orange, as he's immune to damage during those times.
- Watch him, and wait for him to attack. When he fires his beam, activate Time Slow and move out of the way of the beam.
- Use Solar Arrow, firing at his head every time he's vulnerable at range.
- When he tries to rush in close while his health bar is red, activate Omen, then use Time Slow, and hit him with as many melee attacks as you can, re-activating Time Slow every time it runs out until he backs off, or until his health turns yellow.

Repeat until he's dead. I was able to beat him in 45 seconds using this strategy, with these stats:

So you should DEFINITELY be able to beat him.

Once you've beaten him, return to the campsite and talk to Leila. She will say that she wants to go into the city with you tomorrow.

Next, talk to Amira. She'll tell you to meet her back at the school, and it will change to night time. Leave camp and head for the school again, following the waypoint.

Once there, she'll be inside the first room of the main entrance, near a wall. If you look left as soon as you walk in, you'll see her. She'll tell you students are here to see a creature in Building 2. Talk to the other students and you'll be urged to go look for it. Go down the left-side hallway and up the stairs on the left at the very end.

Take the stairs all the way up, then go right all the way to the left-turn skybridge connecting the two buildings. Turn right and go down the hall to the room the creature is in. You can't get in, but you can look at it through the classroom window until it disappears.

When it does, return to Amira and talk to her. She'll thank you for making her seem cool and tell you to head back to the campsite. Go back, and talk to Adara and she will reveal they knew Amira was going, but let her because Razul sensed you with her and knew she would be safe.

Talk to Amira and she will talk a moment. When she's done, go to your sleeping bag and end the day.

That concludes this section! Continue to the next!
The Past: Day Three (and City information!)
When you wake, several people will be missing from the campsite, including Leila, Adara, Amira, and Razul.

Follow the waypoint that leads to Leila in the city. You can fly now, so feel free to get there however you like. She will be floating above this building:

Talk to her and she will welcome you to Magnus, the name of the city. She tells you the city is controlled by the Council, and that as you explore it, there will be various encounters with good and bad people. You can choose how to handle them, either doing good or contributing to the chaos.

Too much chaos and the law enforcement will turn hostile. The intended goal is to side with good and protect the innocent.

No matter how much time you spend in the city, it will only be time to go to sleep when you return to camp.

Spend as much time as you like in the city, completing various missions, exploring, memorizing the area, however you like. When done, return to the camp.

The available missions in the city change on a timer, with new missions starting every 2 to 2.5 minutes, replacing the missions currently available.

Possible Events in Magnus

- Defeat Mafia Mob: A group of gun-toting gangsters are attacking civilians. Kill the gangsters to complete the mission...Or kill the civilians and add to the chaos. Completing the mission grants +1 Energy Capacity.
- Destroy Meteors: A meteor shower is hitting the city. Destroy as many meteors as you possibly can before they hit the city and hurt anyone...Or let them fall and watch the fireworks. Completing the mission grants +1 Energy Capacity.
- Flight Taxi: Pick up a citizen, flying them to their destination and dropping them off. Completing the mission grants +1 Citizen Hitting the Griddy
- Help Civilian: A civilian has need of assistance with a task. Help them with it to complete the mission...Or let them deal with the problem without you. Completing the mission grants 1,000 coins.

When ready, return to the campsite and talk to Amira. She will mention a dream about someone named Muzaya, and ask if you know of them.

Talk to Razul next, and after that, rest in the sleeping bag to end the day.

That completes this section! Continue to the next one!
The Past: Day Four
You will wake up almost alone, the only people on the ground at the campsite will be Omar and Adara. Talk to Adara and she will assure you the kids will be okay, and that they must survive for the sake of the Hamian race.

Above the campsite however is a collection of NPCs:
- Leila
- Mustafa
- Idris
- Gegan
- Razul

When ready, fly up to them and talk to Razul. He will say it's time, and for everyone to fly together.

They will lock into a formation, with you at the lead. Follow the waypoint to the city and be ready for a fight.

When there, you will all split up to look for the enemy. You must search your section of the city.

After searching your area for a time, Gegan will say he's found them, and ask you to come as fast as you can. A new waypoint will appear. Follow it.

You'll find Gegan defeated by two men in black outfits, with Razul and Mustafa watching. Razul will order Mustafa to take Gegan to Leila for healing. After Mustafa leaves, Razul will interrogate the two men, who introduce themselves and explain who they are and what they're doing.

Then, they will declare a fight. Defeat the Black Suit challenger however you wish. When he is dead, the other will appear where you found them with Gegan, beaten by Razul. He will talk, then disappear.

Razul will order you and Mustafa to hunt him down while Razul checks the campsite to ensure their family is safe.

Follow the waypoint to the next area, a small island in the ocean.

You'll find Mustafa watching the Black Suit, who summons two members of the Universal Order: Proton and Electron. Proton will declare the Black Suit an "Elite Warrior", which means he classifies as a target under the rules of engagement they've set, before killing him.

Mustafa will warn you against fighting the two, only for them to rush you and declare no escape. Mustafa will offer himself as a distraction so you can go and get Razul. As soon as he starts the fight, you will be teleported to a spot near the campsite. Fly to it now, following the waypoint.

Razul will talk about the circumstances a while, then Leila and Adara will explain Ascension. After, Razul will be Ascended and he will vanish, leaving to clear his mind to best use the new powers.

You will be told to go to the Oracle's house. Use the waypoint to find your way there so that she can unlock your True Protector form, a pre-requisite for Ascension.

Upon finding the Oracle, she will be talking with Adara, saying she recognizes you due to having met you in another reality. It turns out the Black Suits, Proton, and Electron are not the entities referenced in her prophecy, and that the single entity she foresaw has already surfaced and is quietly slipping under our radar.

She explains we already have the power of a True Protector, but have forgotten how to use it. It will reveal itself in the heat of a deadly battle, such as the kind we would get from Proton and Electron.

Follow the Waypoint to the next area.

When you've almost arrived, the city will be rocked by a massive explosion and your waypoint will change to direct you to investigate.

Get to the waypoint and you'll find Idris standing off with a new person; Atom. She will ask if you are Muzaya, and what you're doing here, then chat with Idris a while longer.

Afterwards, she'll leave, with Idris explaining his new power to you before taking off to find her, encouraging you to stay behind as he believes he can win alone.

Follow the waypoint and you will find Idris challenging Proton and Electron. They will attack after talking, with you fighting Electron. Beat him however you like.

When he's beaten, Proton and Idris will reappear, and Proton and Electron will merge into one being: Neutron.

After a short battle with Neutron, where you must try to kill him, he will stop the fight and Idris will appear, half-beaten and kneeling.

Neutron will talk, then Atom will arrive, offering Neutron a chance to join forces. Neutron will decline, and Atom will attack Neutron, eventually winning and merging with them. She will give you one day to train, promising to take over all of reality if you fail to beat her tomorrow.

Return to camp when Idris says to, and he will be offered Ascension but turn it down, disappearing to train. You will be told to find Razul.

Follow the waypoint to the next area.

You'll find Razul meditating. He'll tell you that Muzaya is his descendant and that he cannot control Ascension yet, so he wants you to fight first, with him as a last resort. Return to camp when he is finished speaking, talk to any NPCs you wish, in any order, and then sleep at the sleeping bag.

That completes this section! Continue to the next!
The Past: Day Five
You'll awaken while it's still dark./h1]

Speak to Razul and he will tell you it's time, and to go face Atom. Follow the waypoint to the battle.

When you arrive, Atom and Razul will talk for some time, then Atom will attack you. Fight her however you wish. After dropping her health to about halfway, she will transform and regain a large portion of health.

When you reduce her health further, at a certain point you will hear Muzaya's voice in your head, proclaiming the true power of their race. When he says this, you will unlock the True Protector form.

Equip it immediately and transform into it for a large boost, then focus on killing Atom however you like. When you beat her, she will complain and fade, while Razul, Mustafa, and Idris watch.

After Atom's tantrum, the trio will talk, with Razul commenting on your new form, Mustafa explaining his survival, and Idris vowing to surpass you. When done, they'll disappear, inviting you home. Follow the waypoint back to the campsite.

There will be some chatter, and then you'll be told to talk to Amira. She will offer you Ascension, and after granting it to you, will tell you of the meditation table.

Go to the table and it will allow you to put Ascension Skill Points into various perks that increase one of the following:

- Red: Strength
- Rainbow: Fury
- Yellow: Spirit
- Green: Ki Control

Strength, Fury, and Spirit obviously increase the benefit to those stats while active, but Ki Control increases the energy efficiency of the form, allowing you to stay in it longer and use less Ki while in it.

When you're done, sleep at the sleeping bag to end the day.

That completes this section. Continue to the next!
The Past: Day Six
You will wake up with a prompt stating you've completed the Hamian History, and Razul will speak to you.

After a moment of him talking, Idris will state he wants to test the full power of his Omen form on you, and Razul will echo the desire to test his abilities against you. He will tell you that you can train with them at any time, may return as you please, and are always welcome in their home as it is yours too.

If you wish to train with Idris or Razul, you can challenge them by going to the place you fought Atom, past the Oracle's House here in the past. Defeating either one will earn you a Skill Point for your Ascension form.

Amir also states, if you speak to her now, that you can earn Skill Points by winning fights in the Tournament in the Black Hole in the present. Remember that tournament platform in front of the blue star? That's the tournament stage, where you can challenge powerful enemies. If you wish to fight someone other than Idris and Razul, you can go there and still earn Skill Points.

Whenever you are ready, exit the past by entering the portal to the present behind Amir.

Don't worry, you can return here at any time by going through the portal in Hermit Hectare, just like you did to get here the first time.

That completes The Past! Congratulations! Continue to the next section!
The 9th Day
On the 9th Day, time stops. No matter how much time passes, and no matter where you are, or what planet you're on, time will not pass. It will remain the 9th day until you kill the final boss on Planet Hara.

If you are not on Planet Hara on the 9th day, go there.

Assuming you, like me, had to go back to Hara, you'll be on the highest island in the sky, with the portal to space. Look out towards the island, like this:

See the black circle? Go there to start the boss battle.

I won't spoil the battle here, but when you've lost your body, check back here okay?

Lost it? Cool, let's continue then.

Go to the Dojo. To get there, follow this path:

Your goal is to get to Muda at the far end of the training area at the Dojo. He will send you to the Plane of Existence. Once in there, go straight forward towards the bright light ahead of you.

When you get close enough, you'll see a body floating under the light, near your height level. Fly into it to progress.

You'll respawn on Hara. Fly back to the boss fight area and you'll begin the final battle.

Some things to note about this fight:

- After dealing enough damage, he will summon two more enemies to fight you on his behalf. Kill them both before trying to fight him anymore.
- These additional enemies will be copies of you, with your equipped powers and abilities.
- He will disable Flight, meaning the entire fight takes place on the ground.
- He is not limited to the ground, and some of his attacks will take him up into the air, but he will always come back down after.

Once you reduce him to zero health, he will kneel on the ground and, after some time, disappear in a fiery explosion.

Beating him unlocks the Extinction Attack Skill, and a cutscene begins to play.

After the cutscene ends, congratulations...

You have now beaten 9 Days, and may play free-roam to your heart's content. Though, should you like...There is always New Game Plus. ;)
The Unknown Disturbance
After completing The Past in it's entirety, leaving the portal to return to the present day will spawn a new waypoint over by the Coastland Ruins.

Fly there and talk to this NPC:

He will tell you he's been tracking a mysterious being, and that you should check the Fearful Forest. Fly over there, to the marker. Talk to this NPC, sitting down on the ground, here:

She tells you the creature said something about the offshore council base. Go there now. Go to this back building:

Go inside. You'll see this area:

Fly to the middle of the computer desks there and you'll start hearing dialogue. When it's done, you'll have a new waypoint that says "Find Atom". Fly to it. Wait under it for a moment and you'll be teleported high above the offshore base, with Atom flying nearby.

Go to her and talk with her. She will tell you some lore, and, as soon as she's done talking, she'll attack.

Kill her however you like, and you will unlock the Colossal Absorb upgrade for the Colossal Blast Skill.
Game of Realms
The Game of Realms entrance is found on Balu. Please see the "Entering Balu" section for more info on finding it.

It looks like this:

There is a large purple portal, and several small pedestals with NPCs next to them, as shown here:

Starting in the bottom right corner and going counter-clockwise, the pedestals are:

The Council - Hire three soldiers equipped with Assault Rifles to assist you in the games.
Cost - 800 coins

The Dojo - Hire Muda, Tala, and their greatest student to assist you in the games.
Cost - 500 coins

The Forest People - Hire the Forest Leader and two other Forest People to assist you in the games.
Cost - 400 coins

The Tribal Warriors - Hire the tribal leader and two of her guards to assist you in the games.
Cost - 600 coins

You can only hire one group at a time. When ready, enter the purple portal.

You'll spawn into a random place within the Game of Realms. You'll be standing next to a floating yellow brick, glowing with energy, which pulses now and then. This is your Essence.

It will look like this:

Every couple of minutes, this brick will be attacked by waves of enemies. This is what the hired help is for; they protect your Essence for you, defending it whether you are there or not.

Your goal is to find two enemy bases, kill all of the enemies there, and then fight waves of enemies on an arena platform.

The possible locations of these enemy bases are a set of four castles and one council base.

The four castles are found here:

Red Circle - The Tournament Stage, location of the final battle.
White Circles - The four castles

The council base is found here:

Red Circle - Tournament Stage
White Circle - Council Base

You need to be very close for it to render, in my experience.

Two of these locations will have enemies every time you enter the Game of Realms. When a castle has enemies, there will be 15 you need to kill. If there are enemies at the council base, you only need to kill 13.

Each castle will also have a chance of spawning treasure chests atop the walls, including the long wall in front of the one out in the flatlands.

Collecting all of the loot and dismantling anything you don't need is an excellent money farm, as the loot value increases with every Realm Level. By Realm Level 16, you can be making upwards of 10k-11k coins per run even without leveling up the Games anymore.

When you've killed off all enemies at both active bases, the attacks on your Essence will stop and a bright light will appear above the tournament stage.

Head over to the stage and your mercenaries will be waiting there. A wave of enemies will spawn, followed by more waves for several minutes. Kill all enemies that spawn until they all stop spawning.

When they stop spawning in, and the last enemy is killed, a moment will pass and then you'll get a notification stating that your Realm Level has increased.

At this point, you need to leave the Game of Realms through the purple portal, which looks like this:

The portal will spawn in a random location each time you enter the Game of Realms, so keep an eye out for it while searching the bases and on your way between them.

Also of note, there is a weather cycle in the GoR, and each time you enter it will randomly choose between, in order of greatest visibility to least visibility:
- Clear weather
- Cloudy weather
- Rainy weather
- Snowy weather

If you don't like the weather conditions you get, you can just leave and re-enter to generate new conditions.

But that's all you need to know!

This completes this section! Continue to the next!
The Tournament
The tournament is an extra game mode available inside the black hole that sits between the Oracle Planet and Planet Hara.

You enter the tournament by standing on the small raised square in the center of the tournament stage. Here's how the tournament works:

- The entire Plane of Creation is your battlefield. No matter how far you go from the tournament stage, it will not disqualify you or end the fight. I still advise staying close, simply for convenience, as you'll need to step on the small raised square again after each fight.
- The tournament has three rounds, one enemy per round. Each time you defeat an enemy, you will need to step on the raised square to start the next round.
- After beating three enemies, three treasure chests will spawn with your tournament rewards inside. Open all three to collect your reward items, which are incredibly powerful and, as far as I'm aware, the best rewards in the game.

Amira, from The Past, also states that winning the tournament earns you Skill Points to use for Ascension, and as the Tournament is far easier than Hamian Training, this may be the best way to farm Skill Points for Ascension.

After you've completed a Tournament, you must leave the black hole and re-enter it in order to participate again.

Possible Tournament enemies include:
- General of the Council
- Haytham, Prince of the Fifth
- Vult - Psychotic Brawler

Enemy Movesets and Notes

General of the Council
- Tracking Volley: A quick volley of basic energy orbs. They fly quickly and track to you, meaning even if you parry them, unless they collide with something first, they will simply loop back around to you again. Can easily be avoided by flying to the side, or parrying a blast into another blast.
- Laser Gun: Raises his gun and fires a short-range laser from the end of it. Easy to avoid, simply fly sideways, up, or down, or you can parry or block it, as it doesn't do much damage.
- Gun-kata: A short melee combo with his gun, along with some shots fired from it mid-combo. Can be difficult to parry due to the explosive effects on the shots making it hard to time your block, but can be blocked as normal with ease.

Notes: He's not shy about blocking, so be on the lookout for his defensive stance and don't bother attacking until he drops his guard. His attacks are simple and easy to bait, as well as easy to avoid. He is, overall, somewhat weaker than the other two despite having more health than Vult, but don't underestimate him just because of that. Against a slacking opponent, he's just as dangerous as Haytham or Vult.

Haytham, Prince of the Fifth
- Scythe Swing: He teleports to you and swings his scythe at you once. Easy to block, and his swing comes out a half second after the teleport, giving you plenty of time to block, or dodge if you have Time Slow.
- Scythe Waves: Swings his scythe in various ways while standing still. Fires crescent waves of energy in various directions, which then turn and home in towards you. Easy to avoid, as the tracking is not pinpoint and they can miss more often than hit.
- Scythe Slash: Fires two Scythe Waves, then does a verticle slash that fires an orange slash of energy directly at you. Easy to block, and has enough time between the waves and the slash that it's hardly a problem to avoid.
- Barrier Beams: Summons a series of large orbs of energy which fire beams out in alternating directions, arranged in a line to form "bars" with the beams. These bars alternate between high and low, but have very short range and are incredibly easy to avoid as they do not turn or move.

Notes: Highest health of the three possible bosses. He doesn't seem to guard much, if at all. In all my fights against him, he's never once gone immune or guarded, so he may not be able to. Abuse this all you like.

Vult - Psychotic Brawler
- Fierce Fox: Will teleport to you, perform a rapid series of strikes that have the same attack speed as the old Fox Rush combo (now called Saber Slash), but he will teleport again at the end of the combo, ending his rush with an identical finishing move to the final hit of the old Fox Rush moveset (similar to the ending hit of Saber Slash, but without the energy streaks and without the roar)
- Fierce Slams: Will make a downward palm strike, as if to slam you into the ground.

Notes: This is a very fast, agile enemy, though he has the lowest health of the three possible bosses. Even Slow-Mo has less effect on him, and his teleporting will happen whether he is slowed or not. Don't underestimate him, and stay agile, don't sit still for too long, and don't rely on your regen to save yourself. His strikes can outmatch it at lower levels and even gain ground on mid levels. Be cautious, be aggressive, be smart about which you choose to do and when.

Tournament Rewards

The tournament rewards are armor and coins. While I can't confirm this for a fact, in my experiences so far, your rewards are based on who your third opponent is.

So far, when Haytham has been my last fight, I get 5th Dimension gear themed around Haytham, while killing General last seems to get me more Council-esque armors, and so on.

While I could list the armors and stats I have gotten so far, it wouldn't matter much as stats are randomized around a base number (every armor has a "base" value for every stat, which is then run through a randomizer that keeps the stats within range of the base, but can lower or raise them as well) and therefore are never the same twice.

Just know that your gear will likely be different based on who your third fight happens to be.

That's all for this section!
Hamian Training
There are two Hamians that you can train with: Razul and Idris. Defeating either one of them grants you one skill point to improve your Ascension with at the Meditation Table. It randomly chooses one of them to fight each time you enter the combat zone.

Regardless of which you fight, there are some things that happen with both:
- They begin the fight in their base forms.
- At half health, they will become immune to all damage and deliver a line of voiced dialogue before transforming into their Omen forms.
- When they reach 0HP, they will enter a kneeling position and deliver a line of voiced dialogue, then idle like that for a moment before disappearing to recover from the battle.

After each fight, you will need to leave the area and return to fight them again. If you fly to the Oracle's House at the edge of the field then come back, it is enough to start a new fight.



Phase One Attacks
- Melee Strike: Razul will rush you and deliver a powerful melee strike. Easy enough to guard against.
- x10 Kamehameha: Razul will fire a red energy wave after charging for a second. Can be blocked, though it will still damage you somewhat, or it can be parried and deflected.
- Energy Volley: Fires a series of energy blasts. Can be blocked or parried, but they're easy enough to dodge as well, especially with Slow Mo.
- Teleporting Volley: Fires three powerful energy blasts in quick succession. He will teleport away, become immune to damage, fire a blast, teleport to another location, fire the second blast, teleport again, and fire the third. When his attack is done, he'll be vulnerable again.

Phase Two Attacks
- Fierce Strikes 2.0: Delivers a powerful flurry of melee attacks, similar to the Fierce Strikes moveset but without the launching attack at the end of it.
- Teleporting x10 Kamehameha Volley: Fires a x10 Kamehameha, then teleports elsewhere and fires another one, then teleports again and fires a third, then teleports one last time and fires a fourth. The fourth one is a prolonged beam.
- Super Energy Volley: Charges up blue energy as if to fire a beam, then blasts a single orb of energy and teleports, firing another. He will teleport seven times, firing one ball each time he appears after teleporting.
- Instant Transmission Kamehameha: He will begin charging green energy for a moment, then teleport three times before suddenly rushing you, firing an energy beam at you from point-blank range.
- Massive Strikes: Rushes you with a powerful punch that deals heavy knockback. Can be blocked to reduce or negate damage, but will knock you away regardless. He will be immune during these.
- Super Kamehameha: Charges up for a long time while immune to damage. He will mention he's putting his all into this attack, and then fire a massive blue beam of energy which deals significant damage. Can be parried or blocked, but is best if dodged. He cannot be damaged until the attack is over.


Phase One Attacks
- Energy Wave: Charges up for a second, then fires a red beam of energy at you. Easy to block or deflect, also easy to dodge.
- Vanish Kick: Teleports to you and delivers a powerful spinning kick which knocks you back. Can be done back-to-back rapidly.
- Vanishing Strikes: Teleports to you and delivers a flurry of rapid punches. Can be done back-to-back rapidly.
- Final Flash: Charges red energy in both hands for a moment, then brings them together to fire a powerful energy beam at you.
- Vanishing Rapid Volley: Charges up for a moment, then fires a rapid volley of blasts, teleports elsewhere, fires another rapid volley, then teleports again and fires one last volley.

Phase Two Attacks
- Super Rapid Strikes: Performs three sets of Vanishing Strikes back-to-back, following them up with a strong strike.
- Vanishing Energy Waves: Fires an Energy Wave, then teleports 4 times, firing a new energy wave each time. Immune until he fires the fourth wave, and the fourth energy wave is prolonged.
- Super Vanishing Volley: Performs a single Vanishing Rapid Volley, but seven times back-to-back.
- Colossal Blast: Charges up a powerful Colossal Blast and throws it at you.

That's all for this section!
Moon Base
On the moon is a large council-style building which is the Moon Base. There are two wings to the Moon Base: the Armor Research Wing and the Skill Research Wing.

The Armor Research Wing is on the right, while the Skill Research Wing is on the left.

Upgrading takes time, as you can only upgrade once per in-game day, and it costs 1,000 coins, but it's worth it. Tier 3 of each wing, the final upgrade, will allow you a daily chest that can drop Quest-Exclusive Skills and ANY piece of Legendary Armor.

The chests are located in their respective wings, and can drop things that are normally locked behind specific requirements, such as Tournament rewards.

You also get a nice throne to sit on, at max upgrade~
Entering the 5th Dimension
When you are done with everything else, look for the giant green wormhole in space, seen here:

Fly into the green wormhole to enter the 5th Dimension.

That completes this section! Continue to the next section!
5th Dimension: Liberty Faction
There are two major factions on the 5th Dimension; the Universal Order, and Liberty.

You can perform contracts for one or both of them as you see fit.

Their buildings are shown here:

The blue circled building is Liberty, which believe in liberating planets from oppressive or tyrannical rulers, while the red circled building is the Universal Order, which believes in destroying

In this section, we'll go over the Liberty faction, so fly to the Liberty building. Don't skip this just because you aren't interested in Liberty; The Universal Order will function almost identically, so I won't be repeating most of this in the Universal Order section.

Entering the Liberty building, you'll be greeted with this sight:

The NPC inside will tell you a little about the faction, and that you can be rewarded with coin and armor for helping them. To do so, enter the portal behind her.

You'll spawn into a space like this:

The massive object in front and center is a black hole. That will be important in a later section, so remember it.

Circled in red are the Contract Details. The objective tells you what your goal is and how to find it, while Challenges will update as you play in the Contract Space. Completing Challenges is important, so don't neglect them.

When you've completed your Challenges and tracked down the oppressor of the planet you're there to save, your Contract will be complete and you can leave the Contract Space whenever you're ready.

Completing contracts can earn you rewards, and they can be repeated infinitely.

That completes this section! Continue to the next!
5th Dimension: Universal Order
While this faction functions almost identically to Liberty, I thought it best to at least include screenshots of how to navigate it.

When you enter the Universal Order building, it will look like this:

Enter either of the doors with a colored circle to find a portal. Both portals lead to a contract, so it doesn't matter which you take. The door at the back simply leads outside.

That completes this section! Continue to the next!
5th Dimension: The Queen
Remember how the Queen of Balu said she had to attend a meeting in the 5th Dimension?

When you are at the spawn area, with the green wormhole, you can find her in the area shown below:

She may not be in that exact location for you. She wanders around between the four pillars visible in the image, so keep an eye out for her outfit; a flowy white robe, regal and befitting her stature as the Queen of Balu.

Talk to her and she will be shocked you found her, but quickly come to understand. She will tell you that Muzaya, one of the greatest 5th Dimensional warriors, has vanished. She will also tell you a special secret...

That completes this section. Continue to the next to learn the secret.

5th Dimension: New Game Plus
The secret imparted by the Queen is how to access New Game Plus.

In order to access New Game Plus, or NG+, you must have beaten the final boss on Planet Hara, then enter ANY of the Contract spaces in the 5th Dimension. The faction doesn't matter.

While in there, remember that massive black hole I directed your attention to back in the Liberty section of the guide?

Yeah...Destroy that with a Colossal Blast. Specifically the blast skill CALLED "Colossal Blast".

You can either fly super far away (until you can see both ends of the far edges of the black hole's rings without panning your camera) OR you can fly INTO the black hole (make sure you have Ascension first, if you do this! See "The Past" section for that, OR make sure you have high enough health regen while charging that you can counteract the black hole damage)

Whichever you choose, aim for the dead center of the black hole and charge up a Colossal Blast. When ready, fire the blast into the dead center of the black hole, then wait about 5 seconds. If absolutely no change has happened, try again, and adjust your aim so you hit the exact center.

The black hole, when hit, should begin to shrink for several seconds, then a bright white light will pour from the collapsed black hole; a White Hole.

It should explode, destroying the universe and resetting it.

When all is settled, you should be back at the very beginning of the game, spawned directly in front of the 5th Dimension soldier standing by the Flight School.

Unlike last time, however, you haven't forgotten anything. You keep all of the Skills, Stats, and Armor that you've collected so far, allowing you to play from the beginning of the game with your full power.

All items and loot respawn, as do all bosses and enemies, and any Realm Levels you've built up in the Game of Realms will be reset to 0.

All enemies will also have increased HP, Defense, and Attack stats, but all loot becomes worth more, meaning armor you collect in NG+ will dismantle for more coins and more EXP.

If you're looking for a greater challenge, greater rewards, or both, give NG+ a chance.

Things you lose when entering NG+

Warp Speed (You can skip the flight quest, just go straight to the Advanced Flight Instructor and start the Warp Speed quest)

All Quest Progress (all quests are reset, so any quests you didn't complete before entering NG+ will now be reset to zero progress and you'll need to redo them from scratch to complete them)

Progress in The Past (like any other quest, the progress here is set back to zero)

Game of Realms level (no matter how high it was before, NG+ sets it back to level 1)
Pilgrim Planet Treasure Keys (TO BE WRITTEN LATER)
Aura Statue Locations and Costs (TO BE WRITTEN LATER)
Energy Types (Constant WIP!)
Note that because of how many Energy Types there are in the game, this section will be under "WIP" status until I can verify with 100% certainty that ALL available energy types have been found and listed.


There are six types of star in the game. The types and their benefits are listed below, and all absorbable star types can be found in the Black Hole, where they spawn infinitely, as well as spawning at random in the Game of Realms, with Realm Level increasing the chance of one spawning.

Effects when Absorbed
Description of Star
Arcane +6
Large green star
Black Dwarf
Vitality +6
Small black star with an orange outline
Blue Giant
Spirit +6
Small black star with an orange outline
Neutron Star
Energy +6
Small white star with massive wisps of blue energy radiating outward from it.
Red Giant
Fury +6
Large reddish-orange star
Strength +6
Large purple star
White Dwarf
Dexterity +6
Small, bright white star

Hara Energy Types

Mystery Chests (WIP)
Mystery Chests are a special chest type that can be looted infinitely as long as you have the money to use them. There are four types of Mystery Chest, listed below:

- Green Mystery Chest: Common Armor only. Costs 250 coins, except in the Divine City, where it costs 150 coins.
- Blue Mystery Chest: Rare Armor only. Costs 500 coins, except in the Divine City, where it costs 400 coins.
- Purple Mystery Chest: Legendary Armor only. Costs 1,000 coins, except in the Divine City, where it costs 900 coins.
- Red Mystery Chest: Skills only. Costs 1,200 coins, except in the Divine City, where it costs 1,100 coins.

Known Green Mystery Chest Locations:
- Crusty Castle, in one of the courtyards
- Coastland Ruins, inside the building on the cliff
- Volley Village, in the central area near the Red Mystery Chest
- The Divine City, in the Bazaar section of the city with all the other Mystery Chests

Known Blue Mystery Chest Locations:
- In the Dojo area, at the front of the bottom of the secondary building.
- Volley Village, in one of the side streets
- The Divine City, in the Bazaar section of the city with all the other Mystery Chests
- Rebel Ruins on Planet Balu

Known Purple Mystery Chest Locations:
- Volley Village, in one of the side streets
- The Divine City, in the Bazaar section of the city with all the other Mystery Chests

Known Red Mystery Chest Locations:
- Volley Village, in the central area right next to the statue in the middle of town
- The Divine City, in the Bazaar section of the city with all the other Mystery Chests
Melee Skills
NOTE: This section is not designed to be a guide on how to get each skill, this section is a list of what skills are in the game and where they come from. To get a full, in-depth guide, please go to the relevant Quest in the guide contents list!

Melee Skills

Fierce Strikes

Obtained: Starting Melee Skill, obtained by beginning the game.
Description: Five-hit combo, must press attack consecutively to pull a full combo. Last strike can be aimed with directional buttons.
Aux Effect: Can grant Ki on hit.
Base Damage: 5

Machine Strikes

Obtained: From a chest in the ruined castle that Nepto asks you to clear the bugs from.
Description: Rapid strikes with slightly lower damage than average. No Heavy attack available, but makes up for it by dealing significantly faster damage, rather than significantly harder damage.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: 3

Energy Sword

Obtained: From a chest on the cliffs near the Tarnished Village. Go to the Tarnished Village and, from the center of the village, face the largest hut at the very back of the village, then look to your right. The first cliffs you come to going that way are where the chest is.
Description: Creates energy sword or swords for your attacks. Must press attack consecutively to pull a full combo.
Aux Effect: Can recover HP with every strike, % chance to recover HP increases along with Strength stat.
Base Damage: 5

Saber Slash

Obtained: Complete Master Grey's quest at the School of the Fox to obtain this Skill.
Description: Slower strikes than Machine Strikes, but faster than Fierce Strikes. Must press attack consecutively to pull a full combo.
Aux Effect: In-game description notes "Percentage scales with STRENGTH" but does not state % of what. I assume Saber Slash also has a chance to regenerate HP, but will not guarantee it until I hear for sure or have tested and proven it myself.
Base Damage: 5

Air Cutter

Obtained: At the School of the Fox, speak to the flexing man in the white skirt on the lower level. He will tell you to fight him on the moon. Go beat him on the moon. When you return to the School of the Fox to talk to him again, he rewards you with this Skill.
Description: Volley of air strikes that can hit enemies from far away. Must press attack consecutively to pull a full combo.
Aux Effect: Costs Ki to use.
Base Damage: 20. Scales with Strength, Spirit, and Dexterity, gaining 7.96 damage per Strength point, 0.5 damage per Spirit point, and 0.05 damage per Dexterity point.

Earth Smash

Obtained: By killing the Guardian of Planet Balu.
Description: Create earthquakes to attack enemies on the surface of the ground from under the ground.
Aux Effect: Costs Ki.
Base Damage: 10

Staff Attack

Obtained: By killing the Guardian of Planet Agi.
Description: Creates a magic staff with medium melee range. Must press attack consecutively to pull a full combo.
Aux Effect: Another attack which states "Percentage scales with STRENGTH" in-game. Will test to see what Strength impacts, if anything besides damage.
Base Damage: 15

Hamian Hammer

Obtained: By making progress in the storyline "Hamian History" in The Past.
Description: Similar to Air Cutter, swing your hand like a blade and send out an X-shaped slash of energy in the direction you face. Unlike Air Cutter however, this ability has a proper combo moveset.
Aux Effect: None known.
Base Damage: 5
Blast Skills

Energy Bomb

Obtained: From the Chest right in front of the house you spawn at when you first leave the Tutorial, or any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Launches a ball of energy for relatively significant damage. This attack has homing properties, allowing it, to an extent, to track enemies when it's close enough.
Aux Effect: Can also destroy planets and moons while in space.
Base Damage: 30, scales with Spirit.


Obtained: From the Chest right in front of the house you spawn at when you first leave the Tutorial, or any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Absorb a natural element (see Energy Types section) to integrate it's benefits into your Stats.
Aux Effect: None
Base Damage: None

Machine Blast

Obtained: From a chest on the Starting Planet (no guaranteed source known, seems to change per playthrough), OR from any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Launch a barrage of precision energy blasts in a straight line. Must hold to keep firing.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: Game lists base damage as "N/A", scales with Spirit.


Obtained: By talking to Merc, the NPC at the bottom of the earthen spiral leading up to Flight School, or the chest on the island in the middle of Fearful Forest, or any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Create new terrain, but only if building off from existing terrain. Always creates outwards and away from the user, so be aware of that.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: None.

Fury Volley

Obtained: Reaching Step Three of the Dojo Quest, where Muda asks you to use Fury Volley to destroy the flying blocks, or any Red Mystery Box.
Description: A rapid series of Ki Blasts with the same homing properties as Energy Bomb. Must press Attack consecutively to keep firing.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: 15, scales with Fury.

Rapid Volley

Obtained: From a Chest on the starting planet, or any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Same as Fury Volley, but without the tracking and instead of pressing Attack repeatedly, you simply hold the attack button.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: 15, scales with Fury.

Mana Wave

Obtained: By talking to Muda after defusing all of the Bombs during the Dojo Quest, or from any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Fires a beam of energy in the direction you face. Cuts through terrain like butter, and deals extremely rapid damage to enemies. Must keep holding Attack to keep firing.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: 15, scales with Arcane.

Solar Arrow

Obtained: From completing Gluto's quest to save her brother.
Description: Fires precision arrows from an Energy Bow.
Aux Effect: Can target specific limbs and deal massive critical damage when hitting headshots.
Base Damage: 10, scales with Dexterity.

Homing Fury

Obtained: By completing the Tarnished Village Skill Crafter's quest AFTER obtaining the Tarnished Chief's quest, but BEFORE killing Gluto.
Description: Place Ki Bombs in the air. When an enemy comes close enough to them, they will start to track towards the enemy, dealing relatively decent damage if they hit. Can be spammed to create large webs/nets of Bombs to maximize the damage.
Aux Effect: Float in place, unmoving, until enemy is near.
Base Damage: 15, scales with Fury.

Solar Rain

Obtained: By killing Gluto after accepting the "Execute Gluto" quest from the Tarnished Chief.
Description: Designate a target by aiming at them and pressing the attack button, and they will be assaulted by a volley of arrows.
Aux Effect: None
Base Damage: 25, scales with Dexterity.


Obtained: From the man standing in the circular tower on the side of the Fox School after completing his quest.
Description: Fire a highly precise laser from your eyes.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: 20, scales with Fury.

Colossal Blast

Obtained: From killing Muda's former student at the end of the Dojo Questline.
Description: Create a ball of energy overhead that grows continuously.
Aux Effect: Size of attack and damage dealt increases infinitely so long as you have energy, but constantly drains energy as you charge it.
Base Damage: Based on energy consumed while charging.

Black Hole

Obtained: From a chest in the Divine City. From the entrance, stay on the left side and when you see a walkway below, jump onto it. Follow the carpet up the stairs and you'll find a chest with this Skill inside.
Description: Create a miniature black hole that draws enemies in and keeps them there. Enemies with high agility or greater strength can break free of the gravity.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: None.

Time Slow

Obtained: By killing the Guardian of Planet Tunda.
Description: Slow time down for everyone and everything. Effect is significantly less drastic on the user.
Aux Effect: Literally slows down time. Timed events such as the enemy spawns near your Essence in the Game of Realms can have time between waves DRASTICALLY reduced by using this Skill.
Base Damage: None.

Extinction Attack

Obtained: By beating the boss battle on the 9th day.
Description: Lift a hand into the air and call down lightning strikes on one enemy within the attack's range. Does not require the enemy to be visible on the screen. If initial target dies, lightning auto-targets a new enemy for as long as there are enemies to target. If cast when no enemy is in range, will not target new enemies even if they enter range.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: 30, scales with Spirit.

To level up, deal damage with initial casting. Holding the attack does not gain XP per instance of damage, instead it gains XP per casting, meaning if you hold the attack for 8 seconds and kill 5 enemies with it, you will only gain 1 XP, but if you tap the attack 8 times and kill 5 enemies with it, you will gain 8 XP, one XP per initial cast.

At level 4,


Obtained: From completing the full King/Queen questline from Balu.
Description: Take a stance, covered in Ki while charging the attack, then cross your wrists over your head and fire a volley of blasts for as long as you hold the button, or as long as you have Ki, whichever stops first. The blasts curve inward toward a central point but arch out in all directions first.
Aux Effect: Damage seems to scale weirdly. It has the potential to deal anywhere from a hundred or so damage, all the way up to the hundreds of millions in damage points. Will test more to understand it.
Base Damage: Listed only as "?", scales with Fury.
Dodge Skills
Phase Dash

Obtained: Starting skill when making a new save, AND any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Perform a short-range half-teleport-half-dodge in a horizontal direction you choose.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: None.

Light Roll

Obtained: A chest on the starting planet, unsure if guaranteed or unique per-playthrough, OR any Red Mystery Box.
Description: Roll in a direction you choose.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: None.

Flash Dash

Obtained: A chest on starting planet, unsure if guaranteed or unique per-playthrough, OR any Red Mystery Box.
Description: A rapid lunge forward.
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: None.


Obtained: Completing the Assassin's Guild questline.
Description: An instant teleport in a direction you choose (can be vertical, horizontal, both, teleport follows the direction your camera is aiming)
Aux Effect: None.
Base Damage: None.
Boost Skills
There are six Boost Skills in the game. They are:


Barrier blocks the next three hits you would be damaged by, and lasts indefinitely until then, but costs ki on initial use.

Barrier can be found in the chest on the floating island between the dragon valley and Volley Village. It's the same island that the old man lives on.


Wrath drastically increases your Melee Damage and lasts for 15 seconds, but costs ki on initial use.

Obtained by killing the Laughing Witch in the Fearful Forest.


Omen drastically boosts your movement and attack speeds, as well as your Strength stat, draining Ki. It drains Ki 1 tick every second until you reach 0 Ki, at which point Omen is turned off. You can still charge Ki, making this a potentially permanent form if you manage your Ki consumption well.

Omen is acquired by defeating the Champion of the Divine City.


Lightning increases your speed, with scaling based on both Dexterity AND Strength. It lasts for 15 seconds, but only costs Ki on the initial casting. It also replaces the player's Melee attacks with a long-distance lunge that propels the player forward in the direction of the camera.
NOTE: Combining this with Time Slow can result in MASSIVELY improved speed and distance on the lunges.

Lightning is given by the second NPC along the path on the Oracle Planet.


Omnipresence massively increases Spirit and Strength. It drains Ki 1 tick every second until you reach 0 Ki, at which point Omnipresence is turned off. You can still charge Ki, making this a potentially permanent form if you manage your Ki consumption well.

Omnipresence is acquired by completing all three Challenges AND the three trials of the Great Pyramid, all of which are found inside the Pilgrim Planet, accessed by charging energy for 30 seconds in front of the Dragon statues on Tunda.


Ascension increases Fury, Spirit, Strength, and has a unique leveling system. Unlike other forms which have set level up benefits as you use them, Ascension remains exactly as-is until manually upgraded at the meditation table in the Hamian Campsite in The Past.
You can upgrade any of it's qualities: Strength buff, Spirit buff, Fury buff, or you can increase the energy efficiency by improving it's Ki Control. To do this, you need to spend Skill Points at the meditation table, which are gained by defeating Idris or Razul in Hamian Training at the Atom Battlefield past the Oracle's House in The Past, or by winning fights in the Tournament in the Black Hole.
The base stats are similar to Omen's buff, but stronger, and the Skill Points improve these stats even further.
Leveling up Blast Skills and Transformations
Most Blast Skills can be leveled up, as can all transformations. In this section, we'll go over how to do that for each Skill, and what the known effects of increasing the level are.

Energy Bomb
How to Level: Land hits. Does not gain more XP for more damage, it will only ever gain 1 XP per hit.
At Higher Levels:
Level 0 - Fires a single projectile, which tracks to the nearest enemy.
Level 1 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.
Level 2 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.
Level 3 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.
Level 4 - Fires three projectiles instead of 1, each of which will track individually, allowing you to hit 1 enemy UP TO 3 times, or UP TO 3 enemies once each. May also improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.

Fury Volley
How to Level: Land hits. Does not gain more XP for more damage, it will only ever gain 1 XP per hit.
At Higher Levels:
Level 0 - Fires a volley of blasts, one blast per press of the attack button.
Level 1 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.
Level 2 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.
Level 3 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.
Level 4 - No visible change, may improve damage, scaling, or ki efficiency.

Solar Arrow
How to Level:
At Higher Levels:
Level 0 -
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Level 2 -
Level 3 -
Level 4 -

How to Level:
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Level 4 -

How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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How to Level:
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The Lore of 9 Days: Main Storyline (SPOILERS! Duh...) [Part One]
9 Days has a story?
Yes! It does. If you're interested, this section explains the main storyline, specifically focusing on the major canon events and facts presented in-game. There is no speculation in this section, only what has been made clear in-game and the basic facts that happen as consequence of those events.

Who are we?
In the tutorial we are addressed as some form of ruler. This is because during the tutorial we play as Muzaya, Emperor of the Fifth Dimension. His enemies are at his gate, and he's forced to flee the Fifth. Why?
Because his end-goal is to destroy the Universal Order, and he can't do that if he's busy fighting a war. He needs to lay low and hide so that the Order will lead him right to them.

And so he flees the Fifth and binds his soul to our body, under the impression that he has created us to be his proxy, his homunculus, a false Hamian for the sole purpose of protecting his spirit until he has a chance to find the UO.
And so he puts us right where he wants us: on Hara, a planet chosen by the UO for destruction. He gives us enough time to get strong enough to survive, and bides his time.

Which brings us to who WE are. I mentioned Muzaya believes he has created us. More on that later. We are a false Hamian. We are not a true, born-and-bred Hamian. But one that was created through artificial means. We have all of their powers, and thanks to Muzaya's spirit inhabiting our body, we have some instinctive knowledge of how to use his abilities, though we still need to realize we CAN use them, which is where "unlocking" our powers comes into play.

Once we've landed on Hara, one of Muzaya's most trusted soldiers greets us, informing us we must get stronger in the 9 days leading up to the UO attack on the planet. He encourages us to get flight, and to meet him on the moon when we can.

In the process of obtaining flight, we meet the Hermit, an old man who studies Hamian history as a passion, and in the hopes of discovering a secret that could save Hara. In his studies, he's learned of a powerful transformation available to Hamians called "Omen Form", and recognizes you as a Hamian. Knowing this, he tells us to seek the Champion of the Divine City to obtain our Omen Form, and to return when we have it.

Once we've obtained Flight, we must get Warp Speed to travel off-world, and in seeking that power we find ourselves on the Moon. Speaking with Muzaya's trusted once again, he reveals he's recruited two spacemen to help rebuild our Empire, our clan. All that's needed is the funds. And so we can offer our coin to them to fund research and expansion efforts.

While our Empire is being rebuilt, we obtain Warp Speed and make our way to the black hole, home of the Divine City, where we face their Champion and obtain our Omen Form. With the power of our race now made our own, we return to the Hermit. He tears open the fabric of time and space, sending us through a portal to a parallel history, one like our own past, but disconnected from our timeline.

We meet Mustafa and Idris, facing off against the General of the Council. It's here that, in our timeline, they were killed. However, with our intervention and the power of our Omen Form, we kill the General and save their lives. Returning to their camp, we learn Razul, history's most powerful Hamian, is waiting for us after seeking council with the Oracle.

He learns of us and tests us, asking to see our Omen Form. It's here that our first hint at the truth is given; Hamians all bear markings in their Omen Form which show their family history, their lineage. But ours are corrupted, and Razul can't read them. We are Hamian, but not.

Razul challenges us, testing our power, and asks our help, revealing that 11 days ago, they were given a warning that in 15 days time, a great threat would arrive in the city. With mere days left before this world-shattering threat arrives, and the problem of the Hamians being too weak even to defeat the Council, Razul asks we help train for the impending battle.

We agree, and during our stay with them, we train with Razul, Idris, and a human ally of theirs that teaches at the school. During our time in the past, they address us as Muzaya. This is because they sense his energy, and as ours is so very close to his, it blends together and confuses them. They believe we are Muzaya, even though we aren't.

After training for a few days, we take to the city to find and confront the threat to our people. During the search, the teacher is nearly killed and Mustafa takes him back to be healed. We help Razul face down two council warriors and kill one of them, interrogating the other. Idris is nowhere to be found during this time.

Mustafa then tracks the council warrior back with us, and we see him call two new warriors. Warriors from the UO named Proton and Electron. They dispatch him and face us, with Mustafa offering to distract them before warping us to safety near the Hamian camp. After explaining the situation to Razul, we make our way back, only for an explosion to rock the city nearby.

Investigating reveals it was caused by Idris and a newcomer: Atom. Idris has obtained Omen Form, and after a brief conversation, Atom leaves, with Idris doing the same.

We face Proton and Electron alongside Idris, beating them handily and forcing them to fuse together into a new super-warrior: Neutron. After a fight with Neutron which leaves Idris battered and beaten, Atom interrupts, absorbing the super-warrior and obtaining their power.

Idris abandons us in a fury, bitter at his weakness, and we return to camp where Razul, the only Hamian currently in command of the ultimate form, True Protector, a form that can only be obtained by a Hamian with sincere desire, and desperate need, to defend the lives of their peers, is given Ascension, a power that fully unlocks the strength of his Protector form. However, he loses his mind and warps away to keep us safe from the subsequent rampage.

We are offered it in kind, but lacking Protector form, we cannot gain Ascension. We speak with the Oracle about this, learning that our body already knows how to enter it, that we need only remember, and a dire enough battle will cause that.

We return, and Razul asks us for help again, this time in facing Atom. We track her down alongside Idris and Razul, informing her we will be her sole opponent, as Razul is considering himself a last resort due to his lack of control over Ascension.

We battle with Atom, and as we slowly begin to lose, Mustafa arrives, revealing his battle with Proton and Electron very nearly left him dead and gone, but his Omen Form awoke and revived him. He encourages us, and as the battle with Atom reaches it's apex, Muzaya gives in and awakens our Protector form. With this new power, we kill Atom, who claims we are the monster the Oracle warned of, despite her prophecy and our arrival not matching in the slightest.

After the battle we reunite at camp, and learn that Muzaya is a direct descendant of Razul, and as such, Razul's daughter Amira grants us Ascension, teaching us how to empower this new form in the process.

With the history of our race fresh in our minds, a timeline saved from the council's expansionist efforts, the UO prevented from gaining a foothold on Hara in that timeline, and that timeline's Atom dealt with, we return home to our own present era.

After sharing our knowledge with the Hermit, we take our leave. As we were once told that the Dojo Master knows some valuable information, we seek him out, meeting Muda. After proving ourselves by defeating a dragon, he sets us to his lessons; speed training by chasing an orb of rapid-flying energy and accuracy training by destroying a set of moving cubes, he takes us aside and asks that we absorb the bombs placed around the island, set to explode when Afran, the UO's destroyer, arrives.

See next section for continuation.
The Lore of 9 Days: Main Storyline (SPOILERS! Duh...) [Part Two]
Continuing on from Part One...

After absorbing the bombs and telling Muda of our success, he teaches us the Mana Wave technique, just before an explosion rocks the island. He explains it must be his former student, the best he'd ever trained prior to us, and asks us to deal with him. We take him down and obtain the Colossal Blast technique from watching him use it.

We report back to Muda, who tells us to take the Pilgrimage, a special journey on a world known as the Pilgrim Planet. He explains it is hidden, and we'll need to activate a portal on planet Tunda. After teaching us how, we head for Tunda, opening the portal and entering the Pilgrim Planet.

We complete the trials, obtaining the Omnipresence form in the process. After leaving the pilgrim planet, we make our way back to Hara, gathering our power and, on the 9th day, facing Afran.

However, we're interrupted. Muzaya has awoken and takes control of our body, replacing it with his own and casting ours into the plane of existence. With our usefulness outlived, Muzaya casts our spirit out as well. He needs to face Afran and defeat him so he can use him to find the location of the Universal Order.

But as a spirit, we make our way to the dojo, where Muda has realized what happened and casts our spirit to the plane of existence to reunite with our body. Once we have, we warp back to the dojo on Hara, then face Muzaya ourselves, finding that he's beaten Afran handily.

A battle of titans, of gods, ensues, and we eventually defeat Muzaya. But before we can kill him, he flees. Muda talks to Afran, invites him to stay and train, explains that his connection to the UO has been cut, and that thanks to the return of Muzaya and the animosity that the UO holds towards Hamians, and Muzaya especially, we now face Universal War.

After warping away with Afran, we are left to our own devices, to travel and train as we see fit...

That's the end of the canon story.

All else is player choice. No other activity in the game is canon to the story, as literally everything else is entirely disconnected from the main events of the game.
Donny_TsunamiYT 11 Mar @ 4:28am 
Extremely informative and helpful guide. I honestly wouldn’t have mare it though “Travel to Past” missions. And I played the game all the way till 9th day boss and missed so much and was wondering why my skill tree was empty on the 9th day😓
lacrosselover69 8 Mar @ 11:40am 
Is there anything on the armors of the game? ex: the best armor and where to find or how to get?
Vina the Caxy  [author] 1 Mar @ 1:41pm 
Yeah, I do. Just haven't updated yet, sorry. I'll get on that some time tonight.
Boxxnturtle 1 Mar @ 10:40am 
The leveling up blast skills and transformation area is completely blank outside of the energy bomb, fury volley, and solar arrow. Do you have the stats for those?
Vina the Caxy  [author] 20 Dec, 2024 @ 4:11pm 

What do you mean the assassin captain is not in the tunnel? He doesn't go anywhere else.
Bougie player 18 Dec, 2024 @ 9:34pm 
Stuck on killing Spri. The Assassin Captain is not in the tunnel. Idk what to do. This starts to annoy me a lot...
Sandvich Slayer 9 Dec, 2024 @ 9:37am 
Vina the Caxy  [author] 14 Nov, 2024 @ 10:07pm 
@DeerHopper, what do you mean a bit more tutorial?
DeerHopper 14 Nov, 2024 @ 10:03pm 
great guide but can you please give a bit more tutorial to entering new game
Raskolnikov 4 Nov, 2024 @ 1:42pm 
You did a incredible work, thanks for it