The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter

152 ratings
By PhoeNiX
This guide is prepared for Planet Crafter players who cannot complete the end-game achievements, cannot find the exploration paths, and do not have enough time for the achievement exploration.

This guide contains many spoilers for the end game.

I will try to answer any of your questions about the endgame with pleasure. <3

Thank you Miju Games for giving us such a beautiful game. We love you!
Before you start
You can earn 3 achievements in a single save file. To do this, save the game before making your choice to finish the game. When the achievement is earned and the game ends, you can open your save file again from the menu and make your new selection.

Important: You can only get these 3 achievements after reaching the "Complete Terraformation" stage

1. Barren-----------------------------------------0 Ti
2. Blue Sky-----------------------------------175 kTi
3. Clouds--------------------------------------350 kTi
4. Rain---------------------------------------- 875 kTi
5. Liquid Water ---------------------------------3 MTi
6. Lakes-----------------------------------------50 MTi
7. Moss----------------------------------------200 MTi
8. Flora-----------------------------------------700 MTi
9. Trees-------------------------------------------2 GTi
10. Insects----------------------------------------8 GTi
11. Breathable Atmosphere-------------------- 32 GTi
12. Fish-----------------------------------------120 GTi
13. Amphibians--------------------------------425 GTi
14. Mammals----------------------------------1.25 TTi
15. Complete Terraformation-------------------5 TTi

Subjection Achievement


1. Use the Large Explosive Device to detonate the anomaly the wardens are hiding.

Note; After reaching a Terraformation Index of 5 TTi (Complete Terraformation Stage), the player will be sent a message from Sentinel Corp. Concerning a detected anomaly, along with the recipe shown above, to create the means to remove it.
"Large Explosive Device" blueprint cannot be obtained by any other ways

Location Map Link:

2. Build "Extraction Platform"

3. Select first option and finish the game.

Subversion Achievement


1. Find "Warden Key Dedector" blueprint in Cenote Biome.

Location Map Link:

2. Craft and Activate dedector in your tool inventory and find this locations(no need to remove other tools)

Hidden Warden Key Chests Location Map:

13 Keys Coordinate

1. 1895 : 75 : 266
2. -1433 : 118 :555
3. -1328 : 91 : 1325
4. -382 : 28 : 1495
5. 2375 : 97 : 1009
6. 1435 : 75 : -758
7. -925 : 88 : -627
8. -303 : 84 : 614
9. 1586 : 51 : 560
10. 714 : 67 : 1709
11. 1316 : 7 : 1503
12. 1536 : 22 : 2219
13. 1257 : 17 : 249

  • If you want to find out for yourself, just wander around the various biomes at random.

3. Add keys to inventory in Extraction Platform. (There should be 10 keys)

4. Select third option and finish the game.

Subservience Achievement


*If you check the last message in your inbox , it tells you not to trust Sentinel Corp and that the smugglers will take you on their ship under certain conditions.

Rliey's Message:
Note: I don't know exactly when the message arrived. Maybe it is in the "Complete Terraformation" stage or after Sentinel Corp's last message arrives.

1. Collect 250.000 Terra Tokens.***

You must have earned and unspent tokens available.

***With the game update, the fee was reduced to 250.000 tokens. Thank you for making our job a little easier.

2. Find 5 Solar Quartz.

3. Add 5 Solar Quartz to inventory in Extraction Platform.

4. Select second option and finish the game.

A_Newt! 13 Mar @ 2:47pm 
i already have over 100k terra tokens so the other 150k shouldnt be that hard -_-
Erebus 9 Jan @ 12:28pm 
@Wiawyr Thank you should have read the beginning :tgrin:
Wiawyr 8 Jan @ 6:03pm 
@Erebus Read the very first sentence in the guide.
Erebus 8 Jan @ 3:06pm 
Do I have to beat the game 3 time to do all the achievements or can I reload a world and do all of them?
Herr Oberstein 2 Nov, 2024 @ 2:20pm 
Hey Guys. I just got these three Achievements. The smuggler option is quite tricky. Just like Black_Brine said it can be achieved without the email from Riley. For me, even I saved more than 250000 Tokens and the second option never showed up. I just blowed up anomaly and went back to the Extraction Platform, then I put five Solar Quartz, and there are Option One and Two.
PhoeNiX  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 1:36pm 
Zesty; After the updates I never finished the game again. After finishing the game, can't it be opened again from the save file? Can you please share your experiences?
PhoeNiX  [author] 21 Sep, 2024 @ 2:56pm 
Black_Brine; I haven't had the chance to play much since the last updates. Updated content may have changed the path. Maybe it is necessary to interact with all of Riley's messages. Thanks for sharing your experience. <3
Black_Brine 20 Sep, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
Thanks for the guide. Even not receiving the message from Riley, I was able to achieve the third end, having just the tokens and the 5 solar quartz.
PhoeNiX  [author] 19 Aug, 2024 @ 2:04pm 
FireWaran; thanks. It would be good if I gave information about the explosive as you said.
FireWaran 18 Aug, 2024 @ 3:47pm 
Thanks for the guide!
Maybe mention that the large explosive is not to be found in the lab - where you build the normal explosives. Instead it is a building in the construction (default: Q-key)