1,385 ratings
By Coleone and 5 collaborators

Neste Índice, contém a listagem para todos os guias referentes as conquistas do PAYDAY 2.

Guias estes que contém passo a passo sobre como fazer cada conquistas, bem como dicas úteis para facilitar sua vida.
Sempre que sair uma DLC nova, ela será adicionada aqui.

Informações Gerais e Equipe de Colaboradores.
  • O motivo de criação deste índice, foi que o Steam começa a bugar o guia quando ele fica gigantesco (como era o caso deste). Como solução para esse problema, e uma melhor organização, decidimos fazer um guia para cada DLC/Evento/Atualização que contenha conquistas do jogo.
    Com isso, logo abaixo está o link para todas as conquistas e seus respectivos guias.

  • Se o guia lhe foi útil, por favor, avalie, favorite e compartilhe para seus amigos, nada recompensa mais o nosso trabalho que a demonstração de que lhe fomos úteis.

  • Esse guia NÃO é a tradução de nenhum outro guia, ele foi feito a partir de nossas experiências de jogo afim de fazer 100%.

  • Sobre a equipe de colaboradores, somente o DonColeone , Valentine e o Droppy estão ativos, adicionando e organizando o guia. Os outros estão aposentados, seja do guia ou do jogo em si.
Conquistas Originais/Sem DLC
Coming in Hot Fish A.I. F in Chemistry Caribbean Pirate Short Fuse Painting Yourself Into a Corner Big Deal I Wasn't Even There! I Knew What I Did Was Wrong Doctor Fantastic Diamonds Are Forever Let's Do Th... Yeah He's a Gold Digger I'm Going All-in! Shoot the Glass! Lord of War Guessing Game The First Line King of the Hill You Shall Not Pass! Cappuccino to Go, Please Bullet Dodger They See Me Baggin', They Hatin' Tip the Scales How Do You Like Me Now? Man of Iron Would You Like Your Receipt? Armed to the Teeth Fully Loaded Weapon Collector Masked Villain No One Cared Who I Was... I Got It, I Got It! No Turning Back I'm a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer Spend Money to Make Money Going PlacesYou Gotta Start Somewhere Guilty of Crime Smooth Criminal Armed and Dangerous Career Criminal Most Wanted
Halloween - 2013 Event
Like an Angry Bear! I Am the One Who Knocks Full Measure Afraid of the Dark Witch Doctor It’s Alive! IT’S ALIVE! Pump-Action No One Can Hear You Scream The Pumpkin King Made Me Do It! Christmas Came Early From Russia With Love First Nightmare Second Nightmare Third Nightmare Fourth Nightmare
Armored Transport DLC
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat But Wait - There's More! If You Liked It You Should Have Put a Ring on It I Do What I Do Best, I Take Scores License to Kill Let Them Watch I'm Not a Crook! I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Bulldozer Fool Me Once, Shame on -Shame on You. Fool Me - You Can't Get Fooled Again Affordable Healthcare Heat Around the Corner
Gage Weapon Pack #1 DLC
Wanted 3000 Miles to the Safe House Commando Public Enemies Inception Hard Corps Above the Law Guns Are Like Shoes Fire in the Hole! Share the Love
GO Bank Heist
Sewer Rats Is Everything OK? Upside Down All Eggs in One Basket We Are All Professionals Eco Round Dead Presents Reindeer Games Merry Christmas!
Infamy Update
Becoming Infamous Becoming Disgraceful Becoming Wicked Becoming Notorious Becoming Vicious
Gage Weapon Pack #2
Doctor Miserable Cloak and Dagger The Eighth and Final Rule Killin’s As Easy As Breathing They Drew First Blood, Not Me In Town You’re the Law, Out Here It’s Me Don’t Push It HOLY SHI- I Ain’t Got Time to Bleed Are You Kidding Me?
Death Wish Update
Wedding Crashers Came in Like a Wrecking Ball Becoming a Regular Blood on the Dance Floor Like a ♥♥♥♥ing Sputnik! Who Let the Doge Out? If You Can’t Take the Heat... Into the Lion’s Den High Way to Hell Making Crime Into an Art Form Changing the World... … For Better or Worse Snatch and Grab Tough As Diamonds Cash in Before You Cash Out! Because That’s Where the Money Is Striking Gold Cash Is King Yes Hello, I’d Like to Make a De-paws-it At a Crossroads Downtown Madness Shipment and Handling A Walk in the Park It’s Always Foggy in Washington D.C. Long-Term Relationship Tough Act to Follow Shi♥ Just Got Real Completely OVERKILL! OVERKILL Salutes You! With an Iron Fist I’m a Firestarter Breaking Bad Special Delivery Moonlighting
Election Day Heist
A Vote for Change I Invented the Internet I'm a Swinger Storage Hunter Master Detective Murphy's Law Death Wish Swinger Hot Lava 2.0 Yes We Can! Ghost Riders
Gage Mod Courier DLC
Praying Mantis Bull’s-Eye My Spider Sense is Tingling Eagle Eyes Like A Boy Killing Snakes There and Back Again High Speed, Low Drag Point 'n' Shoot Mall Ninja Russian Operator
Gage Sniper Pack DLC
Build Me an Army Worthy of The Man With the Golden Gun Lord of the Flies Arachne’s Curse Pest Control Seer of Death Far, Far Away Last Action Villain Triple Kill Maximum Penetration Dodge This Surprise Motherf♥cker Didn’t See That Coming Did You? A Taste of Their Own Medicine You Can’t Hide Double Kill Public Enemy No. 1
Shadow Raid Heist
I Will Fade to Dark I Will Pass Through Walls I Will Take With Impunity I Will Walk Faceless Among Men I Am Ninja I Will Die and Die, and Die Again
Big Bank Heist
It Takes Two to Tango It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig Sweet Sixteen 12 Angry Minutes Don't Bring the Heat Backing Bobblehead Bob Entrapment You Owe Me One Don't Forget to Floss Funding Father
Gage Shotgun Pack DLC
Police Brutality Lock, Stock & Eight Smoking Barrels Swing Dancing Seven Eleven Shotgun 101 Knock, Knock Everyday I’m Shovelin' Clay Pigeon Shooting Shock and Awe Bang for the Buck No Heist for Old Men Four Monkeys
Gage Assault Pack DLC
Precision Aiming Big Bada Boom Army of One So Many Choices Artillery Barrage Unusual Suspects Not Today Hammertime Rabbit Hunting Tour de Clarion
Hotline Miami Heist
Wrong Number Walk Faster Do You Like Hurting Other People? Overdose Sounds of Animals Fighting +1 (786) 519-3708 Phew!
Crimefest - 2014 Event (Hoxton Breakout, Art Gallery e Halloween)
State of the Art Why Don’t We Just Use a Spoon? No Bars Can Hold Me Havoc in the Streets Cavity Fifth Nightmare
Gage Historical Pack DLC
Death From Below Special Operations Execution Wind of Change So Uncivilized Bullet Hell
White Xmas Heist
Vlad's Little Helpers Stealing Christmas Cancelling Santa's Christmas Claustrophobia Like Turkeys Voting for an Early Christmas Riders On the Snowstorm Impossible, It Can't Be. Is It?
The Diamond Heist
Devil of a Job Cat Burglar Culture Vultures Smoke and Mirrors Honor Among Thieves Diamonds in the Rough Tabula Rasa Knockout!
The Bomb Heists
Derailed A Pine in the As♥ Beaver Team Pump It Up Oppressor Maiden Voyage Fisherman's Fiend Sneaking With the Fishes Breaking Dead I've Got the Power Done in 60 Seconds
The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack DLC
OVE SAW 72000 Hey Mr. DJ $1.8M Speedrun Here Comes the Pain Train The Wolf Lures You to Your Grave The Turtle Always Wins Private Party The Collector
Infamy 2.0 Update
Becoming Villainous Becoming Abominable Becoming Fiendish Becoming Heinous Becoming Mean Becoming Dangerous Becoming Fearless Becoming Nefarious Becoming Disreputable Becoming Fearful Becoming Opprobrious Becoming Shady Becoming Savage Becoming Abhorrent Becoming Sly Becoming Crafty Becoming Shameless Becoming Diabolical Becoming Ferocious Becoming Monstrous
Cooking With Style I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Oh, That’s How You Do It We Are Rockstars On This Job Reputation Beyond Reproach House Keeping 120 Proof Boston Saints Bring Your Cop To Work Day Wasteful
Spring Break - 2015 Event
Speedlock Holmes Nothing Out of the Ordinary Situation Normal Keep the Party Going It's Getting Hot in Here Cooking By the Book Tag, You're It! A Dish Best Served Cold Silent But Deadly Gone in 240 Seconds I'm An Avenger! High Octane Pink Slip
The Butcher's BBQ Pack DLC
The Butcher's Western Pack DLC
Meltdown Heist
The Alesso Heist
We Built This City on Electric Progressive House Music Sound of Silence Even Steven ♥♥♥♥ It, We're Walking M.F. Stev
Golden Grin Casino Heist
How the ♥♥♥♥ Can You Grin? Blind Eye in the Sky City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears High Roller Hail to the King, Baby
Gage Ninja Pack DLC
Names Are for Friends, so I Don't Need One Swiss Cheese Shuriken Shenanigans Fugu Fighter
Gage Chivalry Pack DLC
Heisters of the Round Table Skewer Their Armor Is Thick and Their Shields Broad Black Knight
Crimefest - Event 2015
400 bucks Aftershocked Hidden Hostages Original Heisters 1337 Cloaker Fear CVL+ OVERDRILL Au Ticket But How? Pyromaniacs Dead Meat Making a Statement Not Hard Enough Pork Royale I Want to Get Away Bunnyhopping I Never Asked for This Jump! Jump! Jump!
The Point Break Heists
Hall of the Mountain King Clean House Commando Crew Juggernauts No Scope The Sky is the Limit Pinpoint Landing No Blood on the Floor 11... 2... 3... JUMP! Black Tie Event
Santa's Workshop Heist
On the Seventh Try on Death Wish, My True Bain Gave to Me Santa Slays Slackers Euro Bag Simulator Pumped Up and Jolly Only Santa Brings Gifts
The Goat Simulator Heist
Coffee Stain Goat in 60 Seconds Hazzard County BAAaa...*BANG*...aaAAH Farmer Miserable Pro Goat
Wolf Pack
Under pressure Dr. Evil Cutting the Red Wire Basement Dwellers Crowd Control In for a dime, in for a Dollar Not Even Once Keep Clear of the Windows The Saviour Blow-Out
Hardcore Henry Packs
Blackout Ghost Run The Pacifist No Witnesses Janitor Red Snow The Ground Is Too Cold Crazy Ivan When in Russia... Do as the Russians Do Megalo-Mania
PQX_BR 21 Jan @ 6:26am 
não gostei nota 0 eu olho a conquista que ta faltando na minha steam que esta em PTBR digito aqui no ctrl+F e não acho, pois todas as conquistas do guia em português estão em inglês.
Valentine  [author] 24 Jul, 2019 @ 6:17pm 
@darthrock69 Compre o Ultimate Edition ou entra/siga a comunidade do jogo:
Sempre que possível, procure ser mais específico e objetivo na próxima vez que estiver com um problema. Bejão.
darthrock69 22 Jul, 2019 @ 6:01pm 
como desbloquea a shotigun special por favor responder
Goel.B  [author] 18 Aug, 2018 @ 10:42am 
Estou reinstalando o jogo e comprando as novas DLCs. Breve estarei voltando a atualizar este guia. Se alguém quiser me ajudar no jogo ou diretamente no guia, pode me avisar.

Vlw rapaziada.
Valentine  [author] 10 Sep, 2016 @ 10:24am 
Ultima vez que o guia foi atualizado: ''Atualizado em 6 de jun às 12:27''

Lançamento da DLC: ''Data de lançamento: 16/jun/2016''

O guia tá bem largado, só que eu nao acho o jogo tão legal como era antes, há vagas para colaboradores. Desculpe a falta do uso da palavra ''Ultrapassado'' (Outdated), isso pois o jogo mudou bastante e etc. Vou ver com o Don sobre isso depois.
乂卂丨 10 Sep, 2016 @ 9:33am 
faltando Biker fazendo uma falta tremenda...
DonS 3 Jul, 2016 @ 9:31am 
Ótimo Guia, obrigado
Coleone  [author] 6 Apr, 2016 @ 10:32am 
Nossos colaboradores estão meio enrolados... por isso o atraso das ultimas DLCs.
Mr. Apoka 6 Apr, 2016 @ 8:23am 
cade a goat simulator heist? tirando isso ta pfta
Radio Punheta FM - 69.1 FM 17 Oct, 2015 @ 8:02pm 