Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare

195 ratings
Human Health System (HHS) Medical Guide
By WhiskeySim
This guide gives a quick overview on the Human Health System (HHS) in Gray Zone Warfare.
Understanding your health in Gray Zone Warfare

Please note, this guide is a work in progress and will be updated with medical items and stats as soon as I have more time.

In Gray Zone Warfare, they've created the Human Health System or HHS for short. It doesn't rely on traditional HP (hit points). Instead, it employs a detailed simulation of various body parts and vital pools like blood and hydration. When your character experiences health issues, they're signaled by distint symptoms, each indicating a specific problem. In Gray Zone Warfare, you don't survive by treating symptoms, but instead tackling their root causes.
Identifying Issues

Types of Health Effects
  • Wounds (red marker): Result from projectile or melee weapon hits that bypass protective gear. Categorized as Light, Medium, or Severe based on bleeding severity. Light wounds heal over time, while others require treatment.

  • Bruises (purple marker): Occur when projectiles are stopped by protective gear, causing pain. They heal naturally after a while.

  • Treated wounds (green marker): Follow treatment of Medium or Severe wounds, causing temporary discomfort before healing.

  • Damaged/Organ damage: Key organs like the brain, heart, lungs, and liver can sustain damage, visible as color changes on X-rays. Destruction of vital organs like the heart or brain results in immediate death.

  • Damaged bones: Arm and leg bones can be damaged by impacts or falls, displayed similarly to organ damage.
Other Health Factors

Additional Health Factors:
  • Blood loss: Losing blood leads to negative symptoms, with severe loss resulting in coma. Blood naturally regenerates unless hydration and energy are critically low.

  • Intoxication: Increases with stimulant use, gradually decreasing or requiring treatment.

  • Radiation: Accumulates in irradiated areas, necessitating treatment to prevent lethal levels.
Temporary Health Status Effects
Sore Arms
  • Diminished weapon handling
Until arm stamina increases above 40%
  • Melee Attacks
  • ADS
  • Diminished weapon handling
Until arm stamina increases above 1%
  • Melee Attacks
  • ADS
  • Audible heartbeat
  • Prevents stamina regeneration
Until leg stamina increases above 40%
  • Sprinting
  • Jumping
  • Climbing
  • Prevents sprinting
  • Prevents Jumping
  • Prevents Climbing
Until leg stamina increases above 1%
  • Sprinting
  • Jumping
  • Climbing
Out of Breath
  • Prevents stamina regeneration
Until the player stops running or jumping for 3 seconds
  • Sprinting Excessively
  • Jumping Excessively
  • Climbing Excessively
Vision Black-Out
  • Completely blinds the player.
2 seconds
  • Flashbangs
Blind Spot
  • Obscures vision with white spots.
4 seconds
  • Flashbangs
Light Bleeding
  • Causes Blood Loss.
Until Bandaged
  • Being wounded by Knife or Bullet.
Medium Bleeding
  • Causes Blood Loss.
Until Bandaged
  • Being wounded by a Bullet.
  • Causes vision to show double images and appear hazy.
Until underlying effects are healed.
  • Being struck in the helmet with a projectile.
  • Plays an audible coughing sound.
Until healed
  • Being shot.
  • Damaged Lungs.
  • Minor screen effects
Until Blood above 5,000ml or energy/hydration is brought back up.
  • Being shot.
  • Running out of food or water.
  • Causes vision to show double images and appear hazy.
Until underlying effects are healed.
  • Liver Injury.
  • Radiation Exposure.
  • Medicine Intoxication.
  • Indicates your character is in pain
Until character is not wounded or uses painkillers.
  • Wounds.
  • Bruises.
  • Indicates your character is in major pain.
Until character is not wounded or uses painkillers.
  • Excessive Wounds.
  • Excessive Bruises.
  • Causes the player's weapon to shake.
Until character is not wounded or uses painkillers.
  • Pain/Suffering.
Treatment Options

Different types of treatment options and what they do

  • Bandages: Treat wounds but not bruises.

  • Tourniquets: Stop bleeding but doesn't treat wounds.

  • Splints: Repair damaged bones.

  • Surgery kits: Restore damaged or destroyed organs.

  • Blood bags: Replenish lost blood.

  • Pills: Varied types treat pain, intoxication, or radiation; details provided in item descriptions.

  • Stimulates: Alter HHS behavior with benefits and drawbacks, effects detailed in descriptions.
Healing your fellow contractors
How do I heal someone?
The system for squad healing is not intuitive right out of the gate. When healing a fellow contractor the medical items must be placed in one of three places.

  • Tactical Rig
  • Tactical Belt
  • Pockets

These locations are also marked on the left hand side with a little lightning bolt.

Steps to heal.
  1. Go up to player having their medical crisis.
  2. Examine player using the interaction system.
  3. If the player has ailments, you should see everything that requires intervention. Please note, if you don't get anything after examining the player. They have no medical issues that require attention.
  4. Put medical items in one of the slots as listed above.
  5. Run the medical intervention on your comrade.
  6. Get back into combat soldier!
Medical Items
Medical Containers:
These items are used to hold medical items in a smaller inventory profile. These are essential for keeping inventory space compact.

Editor Notes: You must pull items out of these medical bags to use on yourself or your squad mates.

Designed for quick and seamless access to essential medical supplies, this first aid kit incorporates a quick-release mechanism that allows for swift opening and deployment, ensuring immediate access to supplies during critical moments. The quick Release First Aid Kit is particularly well-suited for situations where time is of the essence, such as emergencies and field operations.
  • Container Size: 4

A compact, multi-use first aid kit designed to hold essential equipment for treating traumatic injuries.
  • Container Size: 2

Used for healing Wounds (red marker). Make sure you carry at least 2 of these for any deployment.

The Advanced Rescue First-aid bandage is designed for quick and effective hemorrhage control. This compact and sterile dressing provides essential pressure to manage wounds, making it an indispensable addition to medical kits and first aid supplies.
  • Wounds Healed Per Charge: 3
  • Charges (uses): 4/4

A basic medical supply commonly used for wound care and dressing.
  • Wounds Healed Per Charge: 2
  • Charges (uses): 3/3

Used for healing broken/fractured limbs. Keep at least one of these in your medical kits at all times.

A compact and strong splint crafted to provide support and immobilization for injured limbs. Designed to be lightweight and easy to apply, it will fit almost any fracture.
  • Charges (uses): 5/5

A lightweight and adaptable medical device used to immobilize and support injured limbs, particularly in emergency situations or in the absence of professional medical care.
  • Charges (uses): 3/3

Used to stop bleeding, these are a vital piece of kit when in an emergency situation and blood is needed to be stopped before combat continues.

The Combat Tourniquet is a battle-tested medical device used by virtually every military organization worldwide. It's easy to use, even with one hand, and incredibly effective.
  • Charges (uses): 5/5

The Multipurpose Fast Application Tourniquet is made of a solid vulcanized rubber core with a nylon sheath and a unique locking mechanism. Fast, east to use; and works on all limb sizes (Besides Caseoh).
  • Charges (uses): 3/3

A specialized medical device designed to control blood flow in emergency situations, particularly during medical procedures or trauma care.
  • Charges (uses): 1/1

Surgery Kits
Used to fix and heal vital organs. You should always keep one of these in your secure container. However you won't always get the chance to use it!

A comprehensive medical package containing essential tools for minor surgical procedures to treat organ injury. It includes surgical instruments such as scissors, forceps, and needle holders.
  • Charges (uses): 6/6

A compact and portable medical package designed for suturing purposes. It includes a selection of sutures, needles, and basic instruments required for stabilizing injured organs.
  • Charges (uses):3/3

Used to replace the main life pool in Gray Zone Warfare. These are needed to replace lost blood (Hit Points) from an injury.

A one-liter bag of universal donor blood. This critical resource serves as a vital tool in emergency medical situations, allowing the operator to quickly administer much-needed blood transfusions without the need for blood type matching.
  • Blood Per Charge: +500ml
  • Charges (uses): 2/2

A half-liter bag of universal donor blood. This critical resource serves as a vital tool in emergency medical situations, allowing the operator to quickly administer much-needed blood transfusions without the need for blood type matching.
  • Blood Per Charge: +500ml
  • Charges (uses): 1/1

Used to relive pain from injury and bruising.

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is prescribed to manage pain and inflammation.
  • Duration: 600s
  • Efficiency: +33%
  • Charges (uses): 4/4

Civilian-grade painkillers for treating pain, fever, and inflammation. Since they dilute blood, they are not recommended to be used by armed forces.
  • Duration: 300s
  • Efficiency: +33%
  • Charges (uses): 4/4

A porous substance that undergoes a special activation process to enhance its absorption properties. Known for its ability to trap and absorb toxins, chemicals, and gases in the digestive system, its often used to address cases of poisoning or drug overdose.
  • Intoxication per Charge: -10
  • Charges (uses): 5/5

Potassium iodide is a chemical compound that serves as a protective measure against radioactive iodine exposure, a byproduct of nuclear accidents or incidents. When taken orally, potassium iodide floods the thyroid gland with stable iodine, effectively blocking the absorption of radioactive iodine isotopes.
  • Radiation per Charge: -4
  • Charges (uses): 3/3


This compound leverages advanced bio-engineering to accelerate the natural healing process of damaged bones. The bio-active growth factors within ORI-12 are carefully selected to mimic the signals released during bone healing. These growth factors stimulate nearby bone-forming cells, encouraging them to increase their activity and generate new bone tissue.
  • Regenerates up to 50% of all bones at the cost of increased intoxication and pain.
  • Duration: 60s

A highly toxic alkaloid compound derived from the seeds of the strychnos nux-vomica tree. Historically, it has been used as a pesticide and in small doses as a stimulant and performance enhancer due to its convulsant effects.
  • Blocks body stamina drain at the cost of fully drained arm stamina.
  • Increased Intoxication.
  • Increased Energy Drain.
  • Pain.
  • Duration: 60s
Additional Notes + Helpful Tips
Helpful Tips:
  • Pressing H (default) will result in your character using the correct healing item if in an available slot.
  • You can quickslot medical items by pressing 4 -> 0 and assigning that medical item.
  • Items must be removed from medical bags to be used for healing.

Dealing with Coma:
Players have a limited time to save a comatose character by addressing the underlying causes—usually blood loss or organ damage.

Nausea can stem from various factors like liver injury, radiation exposure, or intoxication. Given the likelihood of liver injury, utilizing a surgery kit becomes imperative to address the issue effectively.

Final Thoughts
Remember, understanding your health status and utilizing appropriate treatments are vital for survival in GZW. Stay vigilant by monitoring your Health Panel in the menu for real-time updates on your condition. And never forget, in Gray Zone Warfare, Every Move Matters.

Originally posted by GrayZoneWarfare:

Splynn 20 Oct, 2024 @ 12:58pm 
hurtta_ 18 Jul, 2024 @ 2:27pm 
(also right now there's an apparent bug/issue that tourniquet also removes bleeding effect from torso or neck/head area which is impossible in real life, so enjoy while it lasts)
hurtta_ 18 Jul, 2024 @ 2:27pm 
Another tip for bandaging versus tourniquets: the application speed/duration of a bandage is always slower, so if you're in a pinch it's quicker to use the tourniquet to stop the blood loss/slow it down and keep fighting and bandage when you can. Tourniquet leaves you with the pain causing problems in aiming stability, so one tactic is to use pain killers before entering combat, then using tourniquets while in combat and patch things properly when the situation is calm again.

Another tip for the H quick heal menu: you can long-press it (default configs) and use mouse wheel to pre-select which item you will use when you just press it shortly; this allows you to select bandage/pills/tourniquet before you actually need it. This combined with the tip above makes for quick tourniqueting bleeding, keeping up combat-ready better.
hurtta_ 18 Jul, 2024 @ 2:22pm 
If you update this, mark to the chart that light bleeding will heal over time but you lose blood slowly during that period.

In general this is missing the Rank 3 healing items sold by Lab rat, namely the best bandage and pain killer.

An additional note: bleeds can stack, meaning that you can have several light bleeds going on if you're shot several times, but the quick view icon in the top shows only one - in these cases you should pay attention to the speed of blood loss occurring or check how many holes you actually have, and bandage asap.
Hamoudi 15 Jul, 2024 @ 5:35am 
thanks for such a great guide! hope it will be updated soon.
Alexxiso 30 Jun, 2024 @ 3:41pm 
WhiskeySim  [author] 17 Jun, 2024 @ 7:59pm 
Update coming soon.
ZombieBillyMays 27 May, 2024 @ 7:14pm 
Besides Caseoh made me laugh so hard
NorseHeritic 27 May, 2024 @ 2:13pm 
There is one more not listed on here, dazed, its treated by using a surgical kit on yourself.
WhiskeySim  [author] 20 May, 2024 @ 8:57am 
@Shade1982, I meant that to be a subpoint under Multiplayer Healing. Unless something changed, when tested. Items had to be pulled out of these to be used for team healing.