The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter

54 ratings
Planet Crafter Complete Guide
By Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr
A Complete Guide to Planet Crafter

Over going each stage in the terrorforming of this wonderful planet,
explaining different machines and what they do.
blue prints
gold crates
box blues
Video guide - currently in under recording
etc etc

I have created a discord server for all my guides feel free to join and come and chat with people about the games request multiplayer etc etc. Of course you are welcome to ask for help in here if you are stuck at any point. Im happy to help where i can
The Start
At the start of the game you'll want to select a version of the game to fit your play style.

Relaxed - Piece of cake - oxygen, food and water goes down slowly. if you die you lose nothing.
Standard - a bit harder - oxygen, food and water goes down a bit faster. if you die you lose some of whats on you.
Insane - harder - oxygen, food and water goes down faster. if you die you lose everything you have on you
Hardcore - hard as nails - oxygen, food and water goes down really fast. if you die its game over for good your save is deleted. (Would not recommend at all for any players)
custom - this is where you get to custom make your map - where you pick how quickly resources are used by yourself and how easy it is to gain more of them, how well your machines do etc etc.

on the right hand side of the custom setup menu are a few things to bare in mind. bare in mind if you unlock any building plans you will still need the mats to build them. so you may as well wait to unlock them. as for changing out mines at the bottom dont do it it will change everything for you and trust me its get silly. i selected it by pure accident and started again within minutes i had way too much osmium on my map and barely any resources that i needed to start up with so i struggled big time for it. that one do not touch at all.

For a first timer i would suggest Relaxed or standard. Personally i like going for custom builds and here is why.

you can change the setting of how quickly Terroforming is done, how quickly Vitals go down and how much multi player funcations work for terroforming bonus.

Barren Barren - 0 Ti
Blue Sky - 175 kTi
Pressure Clouds - 350 kTi
Rain - 875 kTi
Liquid Water - 3 MTi
Lakes - 50 MTi
Moss - 200 MTi
Flora - 700 MTi
Trees - 2 GTi
Insects - 8 GTi
Breathable Atmosphere - 32 GTi
Fish - 120 GTi
Amphibians - 425 GTi
Mammals - 1.25 TTi
Complete Terraformation - 5 TTi
Beacons & Resource Drop off's
I would highly recommend you to take note of what i am about to say here. You dont want to get caught with your trouser around your ankles and end up dying with loot on you. some game settings means if you die you lose loot and that for us is a big no no.

I would recommend you to build a resource drop off point in key locations. you will be able to use them for resources, and replenishment of vitals like oxygen, food & water. To do this build a 1x1 living compartment, add a door. inside you want storage containers at first small ones and upgrade to the bigger ones. No need to use the clear ones at all coz at that point in the game you can teleport to places on the map. Just remember that i would also suggest adding a beacon for a location marker on screen. Name it and change the colour to something you can notice i use the following.

Green - Mines
Red - Bases
Blue - Resource Drop off points

These hud markers are good for first time navigation of the map, so you dont get lost. but also points out locations on your hud of where to go to on the event of disaster. The bottoms of these resource points i always put resources and build on top add a ladder and at the top smaller storage boxes with supplies for vitals. 3 will do this and fill them up, trust me they is plenty of goodies on the map to do so. But remember Ice soon dies off on the map so remember to take it as early as possible. if you need ice you can always use the recycle machine once unlock to get it. but by that point you should hopefully have water sources on the go with main land water or water based water collection.

Tip - If your ever at the point of dying and have the supplies to build a beacon place one down and die. when you respawn head to the beacon and collect the goods you died with and deconstruct the beacon. This is why i always keep the following on me at all times

2 x Oxygen tanks
2 x Food
1 x Water
1 x Titanium
1 x Silicon
1 x Aluminium

Yes its a pain to keep stuff on you but you'll never get caught out in the open carrying those goods on you. Again dont get caught off guard, later in the game you dont need to take alot as you will be able to upgrade yourself with an air filter and water filter. So they only thing you'll need to keep on you is a supply of food. The water filter allows you to drink from any water source on the map. Air filter soon drops to zero and when breathable kicks in you dont need it at all apart from when swimming.
Hi just to let you know i was a bit quick with opening some boxes and didnt leave the box for the picture i still took them but you cant see either blue or golden boxes but the location markers are still in the images. i will however try to retake these images further down the line and replace them.

If you let me complete the guide first and i will replay it quickly and retake all missing images as a whole group and update them.
Blue/Golden Boxes
Blue & Golden boxes can be found around the map and once open what is inside wont change. i would suggest that you dont open too many as later down the line more valuable items can be found along the way. If you check the sections below i point out the areas of interest that you want to go too and the rest just avoid opening until later. Just explore those locations what your looking for is blue prints until you hit deconstruct tier 2. i would still finish exploring those 8 areas of interest regardless these areas are going to help you get started. The rest of the map Leave be until roughly 700Mti you just simply put dont move from your base of operations and just build up your supplies of resources. In other words just mine the hell out of the surrounding map area and pick everything up that is useful to build with.

When it comes to Blue & Golden Boxes trust me when you open them you'll be thanking me by handing me your tokens. Your loot will go up and what you really want to see inside of them now is fuses. We will need these when it comes to trade, we will sell anything other than power fuses. To build ourselves a bigger balance faster to in a nut shell build a better trade base, have bigger storage, Drones T2s for faster transport of goods across the map and also building ourselves a cookies factory that even Maryland would be jealous of.
Rockets & Map
Okay so you can send rockets into space that can help provide you an increase to certain areas of terroforming. You can also send GPS satellites,map Rockets & drone rockets. Here is a list of those rockets and afterwards ill talk about maps and how you can display one.

Asteroid Attraction
Heat Increased 1000%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 x Super Alloy
  • 3 x Colbolt

Magnetic Field Protection
Pressure Increase 1000%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 x Super Alloy
  • 3 x Silicon

Plant Rocket
Plant seed increase 1250%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2x Super Alloy
  • Fertiliser
  • Lirma Seeds
  • Tree Bark

Seed Spreader
Oxygen Increase 1000%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 x Super Alloy
  • Bacteria Sample
  • Mutagen
  • Tree bark

T1 GPS Satellite
Provides Geo locations to mapping screen
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 x Super Alloy
  • Microchip compass

T2 GPS Satellite
Provides Geo locations to mapping screen
  • Rocket Engine
  • 3 x Super Alloy
  • 2 x Microchip compass

T3 GPS Satellite
Provides Geo locations to mapping screen
  • Rocket Engine
  • Osmium
  • 2 x Microchip compass
  • Super Alloy Rod

T4 GPS Satellite
Provides Geo locations to mapping screen
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 x Circuit Boards
  • Microchip compass
  • 2 x Super Alloy Rod

Map Info Rocket
Provides points of interest to the mapping screen
  • Rocket Engine
  • Microchip Compass
  • 2 x Osmium
  • Super Alloy Rod

Drone Rocket
Provides drone locations on the map
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 x Circuit boards
  • Super Alloy Rod

Mini Map
You do have a chance to have a mini map but its not like it is in other games. you'll need a map screen and to send a rocket into space to display one. Once you do you can launch GPS Satellites so that you can zoom in more on the map screen to see certain locations. If you launch a drone rocket you will see where all your drones are on the map too. It is a good idea to have all of this info as it can provide you quick references to the map. It will display where all of the mining locations are.

Rockets i personally use....
At least 1 of the following rockets for GPS, maps and drones.
5 x Pressure & Heat
1 x Oxygen
1 x Plants
1 x Insects
1 x Animals
Equipment lets go over what things can be used to help you get through the game.

Equipment list
  • Backpacks - Holds more goods
  • Oxygen tanks - More oxygen use
  • Microchip - Tools (check the list below for more info on these)
  • Exoskeleton - Holds more equipment
  • Agility Boots - Walk faster
  • Jet Pack - Fly and movement speed
  • Water Filter - You can drink from water sources
  • Air Filter - Oxygen usage goes down

Back Pack
Oxygen Tank
Agility Boots
Jet Pack
Water Filter
Air Filter

Now that's the basic equipment covered lets talk about all the microchips that can be used.
  • Construction - Allow you to construction buildings
  • Deconstruction - Lets you deconstruct buildings
  • Torch - See in the dark (use on exploring crashed ships)
  • Compass - Allows you to see what direction your facing
  • Mining Speed - Speeds up the process of mining minerals from the floor
  • Map - Grants you access to a map (needs a rocket sending into space also)
  • Blueprint Pinning - Allow you to pin a blueprints to see what needed to construct it

Mining Speed
Blueprint Pinning
A list of Materials and what they look like.....


Super Alloy


Quartz (All versions)




Building Plans - Base Buildings
A list all of Base Building from the build menu

Living Compartment
Living Compartment Corner
Big Living Compartment
Living Compartment Door
Living Compartment Window
Living Compartment Floor
Interior Wall
Street Lamp
Grid Foundation
Building Plans - Machines
Building Plans - Biomass
Building Plans - Furniture
Blueprints - Unlocking
Here is a list of all the items you will unlock from finding blueprints on your ventures. These also appear in no order what so ever it is random.

Buildings Menu
Base Buildings
  • Living Compartment Corner
  • Big Living Compartment
  • Interior Wall
  • Fence
  • Recycling machine
  • Shedder Machine
Information Screens
  • Screens - Mapping
  • Area Lamp
  • Space Suit
  • Display Case
  • GPS Satellite (all)
  • Information Rocket
  • Drone Rocket
Crafted Items (Equipment)
Craft Station T2
  • Agility Boots - All
  • Microchip - Mining - All
  • Microchip - Compass
  • Microchip - Torch - T2 & T3
  • Microchip - Map
  • Microchip - Construction Menu Filter
  • Microchip - Deconstruction - T2 & T3
  • Microchip - Blueprint Pinning - T2 & T3
  • Microchip - Torch - T2 & T3
Advanced Craft Station
  • Jet Pack - T2 & T3
Biolab Items
  • Explosives
  • Flare
Oxygen Explained
Now oxygen is made by plants at first then going onto biomass. once high enough you'll be able to make trees and what i do is use all my lirma seeds to make tree's with as for the rest of your plant seeds leave them until you get to the animal stages. use them to make interesting animals....

place your tree spreaders in areas where you dont plan to build and if tree's grow in areas you do as long as they fully grown if you remove the tree seed and delete the tree spreader the tree's will disappear. always keep in mind to upgrade them all at this point in time so know where your spreaders are so you can upgrade to better ones.

T1 spreaders need to be placed on water, T2s and 3s will be on land. I Personally use the space by the aluminium mine for T1's. As for T2's and T3's use the space behind the crashed ship in the dessert, They is a greeny sort of area with a water fall that is the best place to build them. This avoids missing any plant seeds along the way, also the area with the other waterfall once that area opens up. You could also build them in the area behind the second osmium mine too as nothing grows they at all.

Power Setup
Power can be a bit expensive and a pain to setup and take in mind you will need to be on your toes with power at all times. having a power screen and checking it from time to time will ensure that you will never lose power. If you plan your builds power machines along with a machine optimiser T1 with 5 power machines or 8 with an optimiser T2. Using Grid Foundations make a 3x3 grid The middle of the grid should be an optimiser and around the edges should be your power. If you need more grids space just double up. so 6x6 the 4 in the middle being the optimiser.

Nuclear Generators.......These are the best and give a whopping 1400 Plus power per gen, if you place 8 with a optimiser with 3 fuses your power is going to huge. 8 Nuclear Gens with 1 optimiser with 3 fuses grants you around 28k of power.

Biolab Explained
Biolab what can i say about this now, this is about the only thing you will be hammering the most during the game. If you plan your home base properly you can run it all from a single BIolab connected to a 2 x 2 room with storage boxes for everything but the kitchen sink and under it. Everything else you need to power it with. Insect growth, Tree growth and Animals need a biolab to produce Seeds, larvae and eggs.

They are also many other uses for it too crafting pulsar quartz that we need for power as well as opening doors to distant places. Fabric so we can use furniture (which personally i didnt bother with) and higher end food supplies. Check the list below for details and a video will be up later to watch with my Biolab Setup

Biolab Items List
  • Bacteria Samples
  • Bioplastic Nuggets
  • Fertiliser T1
  • Fertiliser T2
  • Explosive Powder
  • Mutagen T1
  • Mutagen T2
  • Mutagen T3
  • Mutagen T4
  • Flare
  • Explosives

More to come soon
EP 1 - The Landing
Once you have landed come out of your pod and hunt for the minerals needed for you to get some essential items to help you get started.

T1 Backpack
  • 2 Iron
T1 Oxygen Tank
  • 2 x Colbolt
  • 1 x Iron
  • 1 x Magnesium
Microchip - Construction
  • 2 x Silicon
  • 2 x Magnesium
Microchip - Deconstruction
  • 1 x Silicon
  • 1 x Magnesium
Total Count
  • 3 x Iron
  • 2 x Colbolt
  • 4 x Magnesium
  • 3 x Silicon

From here you want to head up the slope to your right and head for the peak rocks. Then build a base at next set of rocks.

From here we want to build a 1x1 living compartment and a door next to those rocks. Once inside we want to build 2 tables with the following screens.

Terroformation (which goes on the wall)
Blueprint & Power on top of the tables
Like so

if you need any resources while doing so they are plenty of them on the floor near where you are building. you may need to venture into the iridium mine to collect some iridium so you can build heaters.

From here you want to find the few Blue crates and a golden crate in this area before doing anything else.

Landing Zone Crates
Blue crate 1
Blue crate 2
Blue crate 3
Blue crate 4
Blue crate 5
Blue crate 6
Blue crate 7
Golden crate 1

Video Guide
EP2 - Build Site & Iridium Mine
So we start out by looking for the boxes in the build site first.

Gold box
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4

After which we will make some upgrades to our terroformation before heading out to our iridium mine to find the 3 boxes inside the mine

Upgrade the veggie tube to T2's and have 3 of them and add the 3 golden seeds inside of them. then add Heaters T2's to the same numbers as the 3 veggies tubes. then go outside and add Drills T2's to bring those numbers to the same as the rest. you may need to upgrade your enegry along the way so make sure you upgrade using the solar T2's

Blue Box 1
Golden Box
Blue box 2

Once done we will build a 1x1 Living compartment inside of it and a door and start clearing the area of resources. leaving them inside the living compartment at this point we will have had unlocked an upgrade for the locker storage which allows us to store 35 resources instead of 15.

Video Guide

EP3 - Crashed Ship Landing Zone
So carrying on with where we left off we will leave the iridium mine and head to the very back end of the landing zone towards the crashed ship. Along the way we will find our first of 2 boxes

Blue box
Golden Box

outside the crashed ship we want to build a 1x1 living compartment and door and inside a few locker storage boxes. Then we will head inside the crashed ship and empty the blue boxes and items inside.

Blue box 1
Small Blue box & Heater
Blue Box 2
Blue boxes 3 & 4
Blue boxes 5, 6, 7

in the same room as this you will see a space suit box too in the corner. Then head Into the next room you come across a t2 heaters. from they head to the back and in the corner is 2 blue boxes that i dont have images for.


Blue boxes 8, 9
Small blue box

Video Guide

EP4 - Crashed Ship Building site
So leaving the base and heading towards the labyrinth we see a ship outside build a living compartment and door and a locker box outside and then head inside.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2 & small blue box
Space suit box
Blue box 3
Heater T2
blue boxes 4 & 5 and small blue box

Video Guide

EP5 - Aluminium Mine
Okay so carrying on with where we left off we are going to walk out of our base turn right and head towards the silver rocks area. Which is the aluminium mine you will find the following boxes in these locations. Make sure to build a resource drop point on the outside of the area for ease for dropping resources when full up

Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
Blue box 5
Blue box 6
Blue box 7
Golden Box
Crashed Ship
Blue box 1, 2, 3 & 4

After the crashed ship you will go to the very back end of the area and to the right to find the following.

Outside The mine
Solar Panel 1
Solar Panel 2, Blue boxes 1 & 2
Solar Panel 3
Blue boxes 3
Golden Box 1

Video Guide

EP6 - Crashed Ship In Labyrinth
So carrying on with where we left off we are going to head out the door and to the labyrinth area which is by the crashed ship in front of our base. Once inside we will find the following boxes we will also make a resource drop point at the very back end of this area by the ship. You will come across super alloy in this area so make sure to collect it.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
Golden Box 1

While we are Looking for this blue box below we will hunt and look for Super Alloy on the floor.
Blue box 5
After we have hunted all the super alloy we will head inside the crashed ship for the following.
Crashed Ship Labyrinth
Small Blue Box 1
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue Box 3
Blue box 4
Small Blue box 2
Blue box 5

Video Guide

EP7 - Hunting for Osmium & Sulfur
So carrying on with where we left off we are now going on the hunt for osmium so we can setup 5 drills. 2 drill in the aluminium mine and 3 outside of our base so we can gather the well needed resources to build our water base.

They are 2 areas we can gather osmium and sulfur in for now the first is close by the crashed ship in the landing area. the 2nd is located at the very back of the aluminium mine where The spikes rocks are go towards that area near to where the golden box they is they is a cave entrance close to the spikes.

Osmium Mine 1
Osmium Mine 2
Blue box 1

After this we head home and build 3 ore extractors on our build site then 2 by the resource drop point we made in the aluminium mine. Once done we will then clear all the resources in the landing zone area and bring it home. We do this to gather the well needed resources to build our massive base with. we can stock pile it in the back of our base in the 2x2 living compartments we made. every 10 minutes or so we will empty the ore extractors and fill locker storage boxes with resources. to make this easier we could name them and store them separate or just dump them in but i prefer to keep them separate we need around 400 iron to build our base and about 100 of each of the rest but keep stock piling anyway once over trust me these resources will come in handy for something further down the line.

Video Guide
EP8 - Crashed Ship Dessert
We carry on with where we left off by leaving our base and go towards the crashed ship after the iridium mine. But before we head they we have a few places in mind to go to first.

They is a rock we are looking for and behind it on the sand floor is a ladder go down the ladder and into the bunker.
Plant seed
Locker Storage box

Empty those and go back outside and once outside we will head to the very back of the crashed ship once at the back you will see that you can walk under it to find a blue box
blue box 1

after this head to the front of the ship and build a 1x1 living compartment used as a drop point for everything inside the ship.

now head back toward the back end of the ship again and this time we will head up to the tower at the back of it. notice at the very end of that tower if you look up they is a broken window. use your jet pack to climb through the window.
once inside go down the stairs and you'll find another locker
Locker storage box
after this head to the front of the ship empty anything you have to go towards the group of rocks close by for the next blue boxes you find one by a group of rocks and the other is behind you by the crashed remains on a hill.
Blue box 2
Blue box 3 (they is a blue box here i didnt get to take the image in time before deleting the box)
Now head back towards the ship and head inside through the cockpit up the stairs and turn to the left and down towards the ladder. once down turn around to see the shelfs after you collect whats on the shelfs turn back and head to the right. clear the right then come back and head down the middle. if you need to empty off head outside and back in again.
Right side
Middle side

Now we have emptied the left side its time to head right and clear that side of the ship too. Keep heading forward and you'll come across a box on the floor and some seeds after this head to the very back end to the shelfs and then turn around to see the opening walk down and to the left to see more seeds on the floor then head up the ladder to the room in front. once inside clear the room out.

Seeds and Blue box
More seeds on the floor and a small blue box
Up the ladder and into the room
by the table is a small blue box
Blue Boxes
they are a few more boxes inside this room but i must of missed taking the images.
now they is a walkk you can deconstruct here and behind is 3 more blue boxes

After this head home with the goods and upgrade terroforming to around 2000 a piece except for biomass. you want roughly 10 to 12 spreaders and build a biolab. You also want to send 2 rockets 1 heat and 1 pressure to get your numbers to around 2000 to 3000 a piece. This will push us forward more for the next level of terromforming.

Video Guide
EP9 - Crashed Ships in Canyon & Dessert Dune
So to carry on here we need to head towards the canyon area which is past the labyrinth. if you head out your base and to the side of the labyrinth to the right and head up the hill you come towards what looks like a small grand canyon. You may want to build a resource drop point outside the crashed ship in the sand dune area

While in the canyon area we are looking for these
Canyon Area.
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3 & Small Blue box
Golden Box
Blue box 4
Blue box 5
Blue box 6

After which we will head inside the cave to get more osmium and sulfur
Osmium Cave

Then head towards the sand dune past the canyon and have a look about for these locations
Sand Dune Area
Blue Box 1
Golden Box
Blue box 2

Then once we are done with all of them head inside the crashed ship and then head home with everything we found.
Crashed Ship Sand Dune
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
Heater t2
Small Blue box
Blue box 5
Space suit locker
Blue box 6

Once home we want to build a biolab if we havent done that already and 4 algae collectors in some water. Then we will start to stock pile on supplies from the biolab to help get us started with our massive base build.

Video guide
EP10 - Base Prep
We are going to prepare to build our base and in order to do so we need to require some items along the way.

Video guide
EP11 - The Hunt For Uranium
So carry on with where we left off we need to hunt for more uranium. so head to the spiky area on the map again the one by the osmium mine. near where the building is a short cut to the back of the sand dune. go through the rock cut and head to the group of rocks where the first of 2 Uranium mines can be found. outside the cave is a blue box open it.

Walk way between the Cliffs rocks

Blue box 1 (sadly no box in image)
Cave entrance
Blue box 1

Now from here we need to head towards the aluminium mine drop off anything we have already collected at our drop zone on our build site and then head towards that big ship in the dessert. from here we want to press forward and we will come to a strange place that looks very much like a garden area. they will be a group of rocks to the side of it and now some water. looking at the rocks you will see in the distance some glowing green uranium. head towards that, thats going to be your second uranium mine. clear it of uranium and come home. do not collect and open any boxes in this location we will leave them until later

Cave entrance

Video guide
EP12 - Building Our Water Base
Okay so we are finally here and its time to build our water base on our newly filled landing zone filled with water.

What you want to build is a grid platform at least 2 high to give us room to build under the base. we can build some stairs that leads us up. I would highly recommend to watch the video here so that you can get things right.
EP13 - Turning on Terraforming
In this section we will cover what to do next after building the base as well as turning back on terraforming. So we turnt it all off so we could build our base and now we need to turn everything back on after we turn everything else on we will move all of our stuff into our bigger base from our little one.
EP14 - Sulfur Mine Area
So carrying on with where we left off we leave our main base and head through the iridium mine to get to the sulfur mine. But before we head further make sure to build 2 iridium ore extractors by your old resource drop point. Then head further to the very back where they used to be a ice bolder in the way this has now melted giving us access to the sulfur mine area.

Here you want to build another resource drop point and build 2 sulfur ore extractors. Once done inside this area we will find. use this to drop anything you find in the area before heading home with your new loot.
Blue box 1
Blue box 2

After the sulfur mine we will head further forward to the sand falls area where we will find the following
Golden box 1
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Golden box 2 (this one will be found on the sand falls hill)

Right under the sand falls you will find on the out shirts of it super alloy laying on the floor use your flash light to see it. it can be hard to see due to the dust after this head to near the centre and find the cave entrance which is another Osmium cave inside it you will find the following

Osmium Cave
Blue box 1

Video Guide
EP15 - An Old Abandon Base
So carrying on with where we left off we want to head to the osmium cave where the spikes are and head all the way through it. you will now see that the area is open to access since the ice bolder is now melted. In the cave they is another blue box to be found and its on the rocks so we will need a jet pack to get it.
Blue box 1

After this we will head outside the cave to a new area from here we want to head further forward but first lets head left of the cave end to find 3 blue boxes.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3

Now from here we want to keep pressing forward to see a large group of rocks from here keep going forward and in time you will come across what appears to be an old abandon base to your left. you will know the place if you see this.

Old abandon base

Empty out the living compartments and drop pod and then build a resource drop point by the ladder to the bunker and then head down the ladder use this to drop off items you collect

Living compartments 1
drop pod
Living compartments 2

Blue box & ladder

at the bottom of the ladder turn around deconstruct the doors and go down the ladder

Room 1
Blue box 1
Fake wall (needs to be deconstructed)
Locker storage

Now head back up the ladder drop off if needed and then press forward to come too the following
Locker & seeds on the table
more doors that need deconstructing and another ladder going down
3 blue boxes at the bottom of the ladder

Now head home with your loot

Video guide
EP16 - Zeolite & Mushroom City (secret 1)
So carrying on with where we left off we want to head to the Zeolite Fields & Mushroom City which is the first of 4 secret locations. They are 2 ways of getting into it but ill take you to the easiest one as its just simply a straight line. So head out the back of the osmium cave by the spikes and instead of turning left and going forward we want to turn right and head through a strange looking field of rocks. at the very back of these rocks we come to a nice opening with lots of large rocks and a water fall to our left. If you look forwards and just to the right is a large rock head towards that go around it and you will find an opening if you look at it you will see some strange looking mushroom trees. This is the mushroom city

Zeolite Fields Blue Boxes
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
Blue box 5
Blue box 6
Now head home with our goodies

Mushroom City Entrance 1 (Straight line)
Mushroom City Entrance 2 (Zeolite fields)

From here we want to look for a big tree and in front of it will be a statue with some numbers on it click on it and collect the key.
Statue 1

From here we want to press forward to the next statue at the very back and add the key we found to it. A door will open head inside and we come out into a room with pillars turn left and head down the hall to find a 3rd statue. collect the key and head back into the mushroom garden.
Statue 2

A door will open head inside and we come out into a room with pillars turn left and head down the hall to find a 3rd statue. collect the key and head back into the mushroom garden.
Statue 3

Now we have the option of collecting 4 blue boxes so you may want to make a resource drop point and come collect the goodies.
Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
missing image this one is by a big tree on the right side of the exit if you go from the straight line route.

Now head home with our goodies and collect 8 zeolite in the fields before we head home to build 4 gas extractors under our base so we can make upgrades to our blue print pinning chip.

Video guide
EP17 - Ancient City (secret 2)
To carry on we need to head out of our base with the wardens key we found from the prevous location. Head towards the iridium mine but instead of going inside go around the outside it and almost towards the ship. follow the rock wall up and towards the hill and on the side you will see some strange looking rocks

Once inside ignore the blue boxes and head towards the golden door you will see a statue add the key to it and the door will open

Once inside follow the path down and you will come across a door way follow the path left and come to the next statue collect the key

From here back track and turn left again to follow the path to a yellow bridge. across that bridge and head forward and you will come across you next statue collect the key.

Turn you head to the left and you will see a build with an opening head towards it

follow the path inside and you will come across a walk way that leads up keep following the path up to come across a golden box open it and move on

Come back out to the statue and instead turn to your right and see the next building go towards it and up the path to the right that leads you to another walk way leading up. keep following that path way down and be careful not to slip off the edge. if you keep pressing forward you will come across another statue with a tablet keep pressing forward you come to another building roof top go around it to the front to see the last statue on the edge.

now head back outside and head home with the 3 keys and then come back to open to the 2 blue boxes inside the super alloy cave.
Blue box 1
Blue box 2

From here if you hit 700 Mti its time to go back into the iridium mine and look for a vine. If you havent hit 700Mti on terroforming head home and wait and then continue with the guide. But by now you should of hit that target if you followed what ive told you.
Head up the vine to come to a garden top with Zeolite a newly formed crystal white in colour. Inside this place you will find some and you want to collect it as well as find 3 blue boxes and then return home.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3

Video Guide

EP18 - Ore Extractor
So to carry on from here we now want to upgrade once we hit 365 mpa on pressure to unlock out new ore extractor T2. Which will allow us to mine the following minerals

Super Alloy

We want to firstly add 2 Osmium ore extractors and then press forward with uranium. why osmium will allow us to build more of them and uranium gives us the well needed resources to build more power. From here we want to go for Super alloy next since we need super alloy rods which need 8 super alloy and 1 aluminium to craft. Then we want to add 2 zeolite ore extractors as a last and dont worry yet about obsidian we will sort those later down the line.

From here we want to then upgrade all other ore extractors that we have setup while building more nuclear generators for power. doesnt matter which ones you upgrade first as long as they done but you may want to have 4 for sulfur since we will need more of that for our biolab. as long as in must places we have at least 2 we should be good to rock and roll. id suggest maybe 4 in uranium & osmium 4 sulfur for everything else 2 is fine and of course 4 on our build site.

After this we want to push all our other terroforming numbers closer together apart from biomass dont worry about those numbers yet just get oxygen, pressure and heat as close to each other as possible. we now need to push for 2gti for our next secret location to unlock as well as the push towards 32gti for our last. we also want the back of our home site the wall to open up so we can easiesy get to the water falls area.

Video guide
EP19 - Lost Paradise (secret 3)
We will continue the game by leaving our base with the 3 keys we found from the previous location and 4 water bottles 2 oxygen and 2 food. we want to upgrade ourselves with the air filter as well which is a new craft able that decreases our oxygen usage. heading back out to the super alloy cave. From they we want to head towards the area where the uranium mine 2 location is. But instead we want to head up the mountains at the very back ignoring all the boxes and plants along the way. You will come across another statue add the 3 keys to it and watch the door open up.

Please Note you may come across Volnus plant seeds along the way they is a section on all the locations ive found for them. in a different part of the guide check that out to see them.


From here head inside and you will come across a massive building head towards the first set of steps, we need to find 5 keys in order to open the door. turn around and you will find the first statue behind you.

Statue 1

From here head up the step to the right jump up and walk along the wood platform turn right and head to the back to find the 2nd statue

Statue 2
From here go back to the place you where and go to the very left and youll see the 3rd statue.

Statue 3

From here we want to look for a wooden walk way by some tree follow that path around until we come across the build at the building in the middle if you turn around is the 4th statue.

Walk way & building

Statue 4

From here run and jump onto the build and slow walk around the outside of it and jump down when you see the other side of the building. following the wooden path up =to come across a vine climb the vine turn around and you'll see the 5th statue.

Statue 5

From here head down carefully not killing yourself with the drop. and this time head up the stairs to the 2 statues in front of you. add the 5 keys to this statue and head inside

Building and 2 statues

Walking inside the newly opened door way and youll come across 2 golden boxes
2 golden boxes

Now head outside and build a 1x1 living compartment to store all your stuff in, we will now venture the area to find those blue boxes, A golden box, a satellite and a bunker.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
Golden Box
Blue box 5
Blue box 6 & Bunker
Blue box 7 - this one was not covered or found in the video but covered in hunting for quartz video.

Locker storage x 3
Locker Storage 4

Video guide
EP20 - Stock Piling Biolabs
In this chapter of the game we will stock pile on biolabs items and start setting up everything to do with crafting items for it. you will need to stock pile on items needed to craft them all as well as craft all the items itself. So we need water collectors under our base to start with get 2 then increase to 4 when you can and do the same for the algea generators too. you'll also need gas extractors 4 of them under your base for both oxygen and nitrogen gas. you'll need sulfur, silicon, and iridium. you might want to also upgrade your food growers when you get the chance too and T2's for faster food growth.

Biolab Items
Bacteria samples
Bioplastic nuggets
Fertiliser T1
Fertiliser T2
Explosive Powder
Mutagen T1

Video guide
EP21 - Tree Seeds
In this section we will cover everything we need to do with tree seeds and how to make them.

More to come soon in this part.

Video Guide
EP22 - Larvae Farming
In this section we will cover how to farm for larvae and start growing our insect numbers.

More to come soon on this part.

Video Guide
EP23 - The hunt for Quartz
In this section we will cover hunting quartz for fusion power, not only can it be found but they is also a single asteroid that is louder in sound. that gives 10 pulsar quartz once it hits the ground or water. Sometimes you might have to wait for the rocks to clear before being able to collect it all so dont move and wait for them to clear before heading out anywhere.

EP24 - Crashed Ship Waterfalls
In this section we will carry on from where we left off and leave the base at the very back end and head through the new opening in the rocks. along the way collect some blue boxes and build a resource drop point in front of the ship. once they head back and collect all these following boxes.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2
Blue box 3
Blue box 4
Blue box 5
Blue box 6
Golden box 1 - this one is found just after 6 if you head to the rocks and go into the water
Golden box 2
Blue box 7
Golden box 3
Blue box 8
Blue box 9

Once done head inside the ship and head straight down to the end of the hallways to find your first box
Blue box 1

now turn around and head back and then turn right half way down you will see two openings head left first. you will go into a room where you need to deconstruct some beams to clear a path. and head then up stairs making sure to open any blue boxes along the way.
Blue box 2
Blue box 3 & Space suit locker
Blue box 4

Now head back out to where you came and this time go right path instead. into the next room doing the same thing as before.
Blue box 5
Small Blue box
Blue box & Space suit Locker

Now head back to the same place you started and head to the very back of the hallways and turn left
Small blue box
Locker Storage

Back out to where you came and this time walk over to the computers and deconstruct them to clear the path way.
Blue boxes 6 & 7

Now head back outside and take all your goodies home with you at this point you should have had the trade station rocket unlock and if so when you get home you want to build one on the land in front of your base and sell any oxygen & plant fuses to earn terra tokens. hopefully you have earnt enough to buy the T2 locker storage and T2 drones. if you havent dont worry too much those are the first items we wish to buy.

Video guide

EP25 - Crashed Ship Lava
We will carry on with where we left off and start by going back to the crashed ship by the waterfall. once they deconstruct our building and head to the lava by heading straight forward keep following the path way all the way down until you come across then crashed ship and build a living compartment outside. but before we head inside we will need top find some blue boxes and explore the bunker first.

Blue box 1
Blue box 2

Bunker Ladder

Once inside you will come across a blue box and ladder open the box and go down to the next room
Blue box and ladder
Locker storage
Now venturing forward turn around deconstruct the doors and open the blue box
Blue box 2

Turn around and head forward leave the computers we will get to them later
Locker storage

Now head back out drop off anything you have and head for the cockpit of the ship

EP26 - Circuit Boards - Ships/Bunkers
When we finally have deconstruct 2 microchip we will head out the door and go on the hunt for circuit boards in these following locations.

Crashed ship - Landing Zone
Circuit boards 1
Circuit Boards 2

Crashed Ship Build Site
Circuit Boards 1
Circuit Boards 2

Crashed Ship Aluminium mine
Circuit boards 1
Circuit boards 2

Crashed Ship Dessert
Circuit boards 1
Circuit boards 2
Circuit boards 3

Abandoned Bunker
Circuit boards 1

Crashed ship waterfalls
Circuit boards 1
Circuit boards 2
Circuit boards 3 - these will have been taken when we cleared them to get into the room during our first time here.
Circuit boards 4

Lava Bunker
Circuit boards 1

Crashed Ship lava
Circuit boards 1
Circuit boards 2
Circuit boards 3
EP27 - Biolab Auto Crafting
In this section we will cover the 6 most basic items and how to auto craft them.

More to come soon in this part.

Video guide
EP28 - Creator & Warden Den (4th secret Location)
More to come soon
EP29 - Teleporters
more to come soon
EP30 - Tree Seeds T3
More to come soon
EP31 - Fusion Cells
more to come soon
EP32 - Drone T2's & Trade
more to come soon
EP33 - T3 Ore Extractors
EP34 - Insect Upgrades
more to come soon
EP - Warden Key Locations
More to come soon
Plant Seeds
we will be covering this topic over the next coming episodes but i waned a section for the sites ive located them in to help you get them as well.

2 new plant seeds are now going to appear on your landscape. Volnus and Orema

Volnus plant seed
This one is a black ish colour
Orema plant seed
this one is pinkish in colour

These 2 seeds now grow in the wild in 2 areas of interest of the map. Volnus is found on the left side of the map while the other is found on the right. anything behind our base in the water is a no go zone for plant seeds.
Volnus Plant seed locations
All the Locations are the ones I've found for this type of plant


All of these will be featured in different Episodes of the Video guide, i will try and put in here what video they where found in.

1-5 will feature in EP19
6-8 Will be featured in EP21
Orema plant seed locations
All the Locations are the ones I've found for this type of plant


All of these will be featured in different Episodes of the Video guide, i will try and put in here what video they where found in.

1-3 where found in EP21 video
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 10 hours ago 
Episode list has been updated due to slightly changed some episodes have no numbers as they not confirmed will be adding the writing to some sections tonight after i finish recording the last few episodes.
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 21 hours ago 
Morning I've added some new sections and edited the ones from before and changed they names slightly. I have also added some new ones that i plan to write and record videos on today. I do however need to uploading the video's on youtube. I also need to add images and videos to other sections that are now completed in the guide. i have 26 videos from the series completed the rest i need to finish recording and uploading into youtube.

Many thanks i should have this done by the end of today for you.
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 7 Sep @ 5:52am 
22 Episode of the video series is nearly online im currently uploading videos now so bare with me. im also in the process of recording the next 6 episodes today possibly more depending on timing.
Reggie 7 Sep @ 12:16am 
Nice !
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 5 Sep @ 1:40am 
First 11 Episodes of the video guide have been added to the guide. I have also changed some sections of the guide due to making changes to how i now play the game out. I will update those when i get the chance too
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 4 Sep @ 10:09am 
The First 9 Videos are on my channel on youtube and before i finish up tonight with recording and uploading any videos that are completed upload wise will be added to the guide. until then please bare with me.
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 3 Sep @ 5:49am 
First 6 Episodes are now uploading to youtube it may take a while to finish so please bare with me i will however in the mean time try to record more videos towards this new video series of mine. if you can head over give me a follow on youtube id be very grateful

Many thanks Oswuld
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 2 Sep @ 5:20pm 
Video Series is under way with the first of many new episodes to come shortly. Please bare in mind this takes a lot of effort to do and at the same time i will be updating the guide and adding new sections to it. many thanks guy maybe give me a thumbs up on the guide.
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 2 Sep @ 9:28am 
So starting tonight at some point i will be launching the update to this guide with the new expansion to the rover. the video series will be following it as well and with the New DLC map coming shortly yes i will cover this in the guide as well once released.
Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr  [author] 1 Sep @ 5:44am 
cheers Reggie im running through a quick playthrough of the new expansion on beta testing so cant wait to bring the updates to the guide. The base ive built has been updated too to make room for something bigger. so taking notes etc etc and then ill be able to take everyone over the new stuff once its released with a big video series.