Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5

37 ratings
The 10 things every beginner fails at...
By MindShift83
If any Mod reads this, please make it sticky for future Generations!

When you’re reading this, you probably aren’t a new player but maybe experienced at least one of the issues further mentioned. Or you perhaps just want to get rid of your raised temper which is -like mine- close to boiling point and are also absolutely annoyed by the fun-killing gameplay mechanics and easily avoidable beginner mistakes. Even after years have passed since I wrote my last guide - and with now over 700 Coop games on my list - some things still haven’t changed and doubtly ever will…the same mistakes every beginner does.

New players usually don’t post here, unless they encounter difficulties with Uroboros at 5-2 or game crashes.
But if you are in fact a new player, read this carefully and follow the guidelines I gathered here to secure a fun experience both for you and your coop partner!

So here I am, writing the ultimate beginner guide…again…and will edit it with all the uncovered additions in the comment section (but I hardly doubt I missed something).

Let’s get started with

The 10 things every beginner in RE5 fails at:

>1< Starting a game
Yes, failure right from the start. I very often come across games in the lobby that are open for hours, but no one is actually playing, so you wait endlessly when you want to join. Pretty annoying. If you manage to join a game, 5 to 6 out of 10 games are cancelled either in the lobby or after start, because the player that hosts the game you want to join forgot to turn off coop mode at the start! If you see someone switching from “buy” to ”sell” to “ready” back to ”buy” within seconds, it’s a clear sign that player is desperately searching for the exit sign, so stop wasting your time with inventory management as that player is about to quit anyway.

>If you want to play SOLO make sure the game you start is SOLO!<

If you are AFK for hours, then close the game! Seriously wtf? Do you have electricity flatrate? As someone who wants to join a game, it is really frustrating and in addition sucks up easily 20 minutes of unnecessary wasted lifetime to actually join a playable game.

>If you don’t want to play solo, don’t play solo.<

As the top of your screen indicates during gameplay, someone wants to join your game.

So hit „Esc“ -> „Restart“.
Now, not in 5 minutes…stop wasting other player’s time by running to the next Checkpoint you don’t even know when it’s coming (can take up 10-15 Minutes easily since you don’t know what you’re doing) or when the end of chapter is coming.

>If you want to have a coop-partner, then let him in and not wait!<

A warm welcome to your coop partner with a simple „Thanks“ is recommended!

Rule #1: Do not waste other’s time!

>2< Proper communication with your Partner
Assuming you play on PC and are familiar with Keyboard/Controller Setups you might have already tried to customize your controls after the game installation and came along the command/gesture section in the Setup. On Keyboard those are the Arrow Keys. These Commands are very lately introduced by the game itself, in Chapter 2-1, and I have no clue why, plus the clipboard containing the hint how to use commands is even easy to miss. The commands are „Wait“, „Go“, „Thanks“ and „Come on“ , which is surely abused too often.

It is very hard to communicate properly with only 5 Words. When playing solo, your AI partner is able to refuse commands to let you know he/she’s incapable right now, but in coop, for any unknown reasons, it‘s cut out. As in fact, many useful gameplay hints in form of dialogues were cut out in coop-mode. Nuts.

When your coop partner asks you to „wait“, there is a reason for this, so wait. If you have an urgent issue outside the game say “wait” and “thanks” so your partner knows what’s going on.

“Go” means “go in that direction I point at” or something similar like “go to the crank (3-1)”, “go to the exit door (3-2)”, “go the other way (4-1), (4-2)”, “go close to Jill” (5-3), “attack Wesker” (6-3).

“Come on“ can either mean „follow me“ or „come here I want to show you something“. If you play with someone who is obviously more experienced than you, you should follow him/her immediately and not waste your time with loot boxes. Especially in 5-3.

As Sheva, it‘s easier, because her „Taunt“ is actually a clear sign to get to her.

When your partner points with its weapon in a specific direction, you should notice that he/she wants to show you something.

When your partner shows you secrets such as BSAA medals or treasures, say „Thanks“. When your partner saves you from a near death situation you got yourself into, because you try to knife 5 Majinis surrounding you, say “Thanks”. When your partner gives you ammo he collected for a weapon type he doesn’t even carry, say thanks. Say ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ „Thanks“! Just talk! You are not Gordon Freeman! I cannot tell you how much I hate players just staring at you…

If you refuse to be thankful and behave like a ♥♥♥♥, don’t be surprised when your partner kills you with grenades / Rocket launcher. Cause that’s what you get for being a ♥♥♥♥.

Rule#2: Know manners. Be friendly and thankful!

>3< Inventory Management: Finders Keepers
Your human coop partner is not your personal Backpack! Whatever is in his/her inventory belongs to him/her. If he/she carries stuff around for you, that’s pure kindness! If he/she carries ammo for a type of weapon you need which you both share, you can ask him/her and he/she will give it to you when you’re nice and he/she’s nice. But if you decide to carry around 4 or more Weapons, Grenades and also a Bulletproof West on Amateur difficulty which leaves no space for ammo, you might overthink your life choices. Plus you can not expect at all someone else to take responsibility for your bad inventory choices, so why should someone even pick up ammo for a type of weapon he/she doesn’t even have right now in the first place? You should have noticed by now, that you will run into weapon cases every now and then, right? Does it make sense to carry 4 Weapons with you when you only really need one or two? No. It doesn’t. This is not RE4.

Also: 4 different type of weapons equals 4 different ammo types equals a 75% chance loot will contain ammo for the wrong weapon which means you will run out of ammo for ALL weapons, which already itself is a remarkable achievement in RE5!

On the other hand: If you pick up ammo for a weapon you don’t have but your partner does, it is self-evident that you hand it over to him/her voluntarily, especially when you clearly see that he/she is low on ammo on that weapon…

Also: Don’t mirror your partners actions. If you see him/her picking something up, it is not necessary to run for it like a stray dog and also try to pick it up. Just get to the next crate/wooden barrel…
If you see him/her shoot an enemy, shoot another enemy instead! There's a 90% chance that in this moment one is behind you...

When your human coop partner asks you for an item, give it to him! You accidentally picked up ammo for a weapon you don’t have, but your partner does? Pass him that ammo. You have a red herb and your partner has a green one? Give it to him. Again. Don’t be a ♥♥♥♥. I’ve seen players that are literally so stupid, they didn’t even know how to pass an item over, or gave me pistol ammo when I asked for shotgun ammo although I didn’t have a pistol…sigh..I really wish I would have recorded all of my (bad) experiences…

I even recently got kicked from a game, because I sold 3 grenades and 50 Handgun ammo. I surely wanted to give it to my coop Partner, but with 9 slots full of unnecessary stuff, it was simply not possible.

>When you want your coop partner to hand over stuff to you at the end of a chapter, make sure your inventory has space for it!<

Also: what in fact is your intention to carry around grenades all the time, since you never use them in situations when being useful anyway?

Rule#3: Less is more! Keep your inventory simple!

Bad Inventory choices:
>4< Bad habits: Not using Checkpoints properly
Which immediately leads to the most outraging point for me personally. 99,99% of the players don’t know about this, they just rush through the whole Chapter like a madman, as it is some RPG with endless inventory space and at the same time carry 3 Weapons with a red zero. Which means I have to feed them with ammo from my stock and carry the Rocket Launcher all the way from beginning of 5-2 to the end and the reward is being kicked out for refusing to carry grenades…this is not how it works folks!

>Use Checkpoints for inventory management!<

You can access your inventory management/buy/sell/upgrade screen after every Checkpoint.
„Esc“ -> „Restart“ and you will restart from the last Checkpoint and brought back to the inventory management screen, the one you see at the start of every game session. Use this feature continuously!

What is a Checkpoint? It’s shown on top of the screen when you pass it. If you die, you’ll restart from here. A special type of checkpoint states “saving”. If you exit & save the game, you will restart from there.

Also, if you are dying and your Partner is out of reach or vice versa, hit „Esc“ -> „Restart“ to prevent you or him/her from dying. Hell, you should have already noticed by yourself, that when you die, you restart at the last checkpoint and not at the beginning of the chapter! Aren’t you that smart to put 2 and 2 together that you can also do that manually? Yes, you are, at least now, so no more excuses.

5 out of 10 players (surely frustrated children) rage quit when they die, usually because of a stupid situation they brought themselves into, like using knife on the woman in 1-2…yeah, thanks for wasting my time…

You will come across sections where a sniper rifle is useful or maybe a boss fight is ahead you don’t know about and your coop partner wants to change weapons to make things easier FOR YOU! Since there is no option to communicate this, the only solution is to die on purpose…

Also: If you are ahead and your partner is behind, if you restart at a checkpoint not only does your partner teleport next to you but the enemies before you reached the checkpoint are gone…

Rule#4: Restart the game from checkpoints frequently!

>5< Weapon Choices
Your weapons suck at the beginning of the game. So using melee is often the better solution. Shooting the body is a waste of ammo. Go for the head or the legs and then use melee. If you get a staggering Majini from behind, you can instakill it.

Make sure you have a maximum of 2 Standard weapons (P,SG,MG,SR) with you all the time! Preferably a different type of weapon as your partner. If he/she carries a Shotgun, choose Pistol and MG or (Sniper) Rifle so you don’t need to share ammo. The first weapon of every type you get is also the weakest in the game. So finding a new weapon and switching to it is always a better choice when it comes to simple weapon damage (unless you upgraded your previous weapon to a higher DPS rate, of course).

There is no need to carry a Magnum all the time with you, or Grenades, since you are smart using the restart from Checkpoint option now. Right? RIGHT???

By the way you won’t find ammo for the Grenade Launcher from 4-1 occasionally, only in fixed places and there are less than 10 in the entire game, so…just leave it at home…it’s a special weapon for special purposes which you don’t find out properly on your first playthrough.

And the chances to find Magnum ammo occasionally also are very low!

Rule#5: Focus on 2 weapons to play with!

>6< Faster Weapon Reload
For Mouse and Keyboard players: Use your inventory screen to reload! Drag your ammo and drop it onto your weapon! Use this while climbing a ladder, jump up or down or over any obstacle, when knifing a barrel, opening a chest, or during the animation is played when rescuing your partner, use it whenever you have a free second. Much faster than regular reload! Btw I recommend using the “1” , “2” , “3” keys for your weapon slots, to change faster.

Rule#6: Be smart and use in-game mechanics to your advantage!

>7< Weapon Upgrades
Don’t sell the weapons you’ve already started upgrading! Especially the first weapon of every type you find in the game (Pistol:M92F, Machine Gun:VZ61, Shotgun:Ithaca, Sniper Rifle:S75, Magnum:S&W M29)! Upgrading these 5 weapons to max will unlock other special weapons…

Focus on upgrading damage first. Your fast inventory reload bypasses manual reload, so reload speed is not a necessary upgrade, unless you have spare money.

Tip: Upgrading ammo capacity is best done when your weapon is empty. Gives you extra ammo.

Side note: To upgrade one type of all weapons available in the game at least once to max you need 1.395.000. To have a fully upgraded complete weapon collection you need at least 1.588.000. The value rate from money you collected to treasures is 1 : 3,3. That means that all treasures combined you collect are 3,3 times more valuable than all money you collected (data based on 700 played games, all difficulties combined).

So (unintended) treasure farming is worth it. If you want to farm money, select 3-2 on pro and farm the suitcase at the docks. Exit, save, repeat. 6k in 30 seconds.

Rule#7: Do not sell upgraded Weapons!

>8< Cutscene skipping
If you want to have a proper game experience for the first time, play ALONE! Stop wasting your coop-partner’s time by letting him watch 6 Minutes of cutscenes for the 100th time, only to exit the game after you’ve watched the whole cutscene (especially 2-3 to 3-1)! Seriously WTF…

If you plan to exit the game do it at the END of the Chapter, on the Chapter Summary Screen, not at the START! Don’t be a complete ♥♥♥♥ by continuing to the inventory screen, watching the next cutscene in full length and then quit the game! Seriously, do you like to waste others time that sacrificed theirs to help you? OK, go ahead, but expect a –rep comment in your Profile…

Also: Cutscene interruption showing Zombies appearing is not a single benefit for the game, so why watch it anyway?

Btw I noticed that the amount of underaged Players drastically increases to this R-rated game. How do I know? I have eyes. I can tell by their style of gameplay…

Rule#8: End the game session on the Chapter summary screen!

>9< Buying Weapons
You can obtain almost every weapon throughout the game for free, except the 2nd and 3rd Pistol, the 5 special ones and the stun rod. A new weapon will appear for sale after completing the Chapter it appeared in. So when a new weapon appears for sale which you haven’t, that means you missed it, so simply replay the chapter. The free Rocket launcher in 3-1 takes about 30 seconds to get. You can then simply exit the game and save your stats and inventory. There are a few spots in the game where this feature comes very handy for Money/Ammo farming, which I covered in another guide.

Also: Weapons cannot be exchanged or passed over when playing with a human coop partner, so keep that in mind when you decide to leave a new found weapon behind you refuse to pick up bc your inventory is full…remember: Every Weapon you find is a slightly overall better version of the Weapon before. Pistol&MG: More damage, SG & Rifle: Faster shooting.

Rule#9: Take your time to check the environment!

That’s all for basic gameplay mechanics. Pretty much all of it is common sense, right?

Now off to the hot sauce:

>10< Boss Fights Pt.1
It’s Resident Evil dude, not Left 4 Dead! Didn’t you already learn that Boss fights work DIFFERENTLY and bullets alone won’t do it? The game itself provides you with everything you need to kill a Boss within the Boss fighting Area, so be smart and check out the environment first and get yourself out of that delusional idea you’re some kind of superhero that can solve every problem with bullets only.

Side note: „E“ is my Action/Interact Key and „Q“ is my Partner Action Key

Anyway here is how to do it:

The Uroboros Bosses in 1-2 and 5-2 are vulnerable to fire. Their orange parts mark their weak spots.

The easy way:
Turn around after the cut scene, run back into the room, turn left and lure Uroboros into the fire Chamber, run through it and pull the lever, watch your timing. Doesn’t give you a reward, though.

The intended way:
Run back, throw the red gas tank to the floor, wait until Uroboros picks it up, shoot it, shoot Uroboros while it’s down on the floor, repeat, then shoot it’s orange weak spots on the arms or use incendiary grenades. Once it’s finished it will leave a Ring as a reward behind.

The fast way:
No need to retreat, 10 M3 or Hydra shots (fully upgraded) will do it

The fastest way:
Rocket launcher

The speedrunners way:
Having any weapon equipped, pressing right mouse button and left mouse button at the same time while switching to rocket launcher will skip the aim animation for rocket launcher and will fire it immediately.


The intended way:
Run to the left and knife the barrels, pick up Landmines. Loot everything in the Area first before you advance. Once you have everything you need, simply put a Mine on the ground and let it fly/walk over it. Run then to the right side of it and shoot its belly. 5 Hydra Shots (Fully upgraded) are enough.
As the sound you hear indicates, it’s armor is too thick for bullets. You can kill it with a Magnum though.

The fast way:
One Rocket launcher shot will bring it down, the second one will finish it.

The speedrunners way:
2 Precisely timed simultaneously fired Rocket launcher shots.


Have your quicktime event keys ready.

Seen this in almost every fight so: DON’T.SHOOT.THE.MAJINIS!

You don’t want a 3-Cycle of this Boss Fight so always keep your fire focused on the head and then on the weak spots. If you did it right, he will stumble just before your weapon overheats. If you really have to, shoot the Molotov Majini on the left and the Crossbow Majinis on the right BEFORE all of the small weak spots (2 in the first Phase, 4 in the following Phases) are gone NOT when it’s big one on the head is revealed! Every single bullet you fire must hit the big weak spot otherwise you won’t get a 2-Cycle! It is highly unlikely you will survive a 3-Cycle on Vet or Pro!

Also: DON’T.SHOOT.THE.BARRELS! (unless it’s necessary!) Wait until Ndesu picked up the stone, then shoot the Barrel. If there is no barrel left, shoot the rock. Wait until Ndesu is just about to or already grabbed the wooden pole, then shoot the barrel (Chris must do this quickly, as he has no delay when firing).
Besides Jill getting killed in 5-3, this made me the most rage quit. Absolutely pure waste of time this Chapter.


The Intended way:
Use the Turrets to shoot it’s weak spot on the head. The rest is self-explanatory. It‘s really hard to hit it with the Rocket turret though. Have your quicktime event keys ready. There’s also a First Aid spray on the boat. When the fight starts, turn around, run immediately to the rocket turret on the right, hold left and right mouse button at the same time, a shot is directly fired precisely on it’s head. After that, you have to guess where it will hit.

The Advanced way:
Any strong weapon deals more damage than the Gatling turret in the last Phase of the fight. It always seems to me that Gatling in this game is firing in slow-motion.

The Fastest way:
Infinite Rocket launcher

The Speedrunners Way:
2 insanely precise shots from the Rocket launcher.

Popokarimu the 2nd

The intended way:
There’s a Mine in a crate opposite of the Room where the Statue that has one Chain on the right side is (the one on the lower level). Before you activate the Red Statue, place the Mine centered on the small hill just before the Red Statue. You know what to do next.

The fast way:
Infinite Rocket launcher.


The intended way:
You need 3 Grenades, either get them from your inventory management screen or collect them. One is right at the start after exiting the door from the Licker fight before entering the platform, next to Shotgun, MG and Pistol ammo on a shelve (you can exit&save here for ammo farming), the 2nd is in the inner Ring on the platform and the last on the outer Ring, hard to see. After dodging its first attack, don’t move but turn immediately left and shoot the red weak spot on the leg, immediately press „e“ after the cutscene to feed it with a Grenade. Repeat. The first 2 Phases can be done within 10 Seconds. The small flying Mosquito like Minions U8 will reveal in Phase 3 of the fight will drop Shotgun Ammo and a Grenade.

The fastest way:
Rocket launcher straight to its head.

Uroboros Mkono

The Intended way:
Tough to do solo. Newbies have a hard time on this. Run around, grab everything and wait until the Flame Thrower is fully loaded. Grab it. Throw down a Gas Tank and wait until Uroboros picks it up. Fire your Flamethrower then. The Gas Tank explodes and it will reveal its weak spots for about 3 Seconds. Immediately set Uroboros on Fire with the Flame thrower to exceed the time. Watch your distance! Make sure you hit it with the Flamethrower as it doesn’t have that much of a range. Your Partner must shoot the weak spots, so give him a strong weapon, not an MG or a weak Pistol. You can also use the Flamethrower to shoot at the weak spots. Just make sure you won’t stop firing. Or vice versa, let your Partner use the Flame Thrower, but command him/her to wait until you’re ready to shoot the Gas Tank as your AI Partner will immediately run towards Uroboros and starts firing. As soon as the weak spots are gone, reload the Flamethrower as you don‘t do any (noticeable) further damage. Use Incendiary grenades if the 3 Gas Tanks are not enough. There is one before entering the Boss arena and 3 inside it. Other than in 1-2, Uroboros‘ Body is invincible to Bullets. You can only defeat him with the Flamethrower, which takes an insane amount of time, or by shooting its 3 Weak spots. Shooting off its Arms or Head is useless.
This is the longest Boss fight in the Game and can last up to 30 minutes and it’s easy to be screwed up.

>>>Make sure you set your FPS to 30 for this fight!<<<

You can use the Boss Arena for farming Ammo/Grenades/First Aid Spray. Loot. Exit. Save. Repeat.

The Advanced way:
Grenade Launcher with Incendiary Grenades, let your Partner shoot the Weak spots. Credits to SweScorpio

The fastest way:
Rocket Launcher (get it from 3-1)

>10< Boss Fights Pt.2
Phase 1 Jill & Wesker

The intended way:
Run to the right and interact with the door. You see a short cutscene. The Person that is NOT seen kicked through the door should immediately take a step back after the cutscene, otherwise Wesker will kick him/her to the ground. Run through the door upstairs. Ignore the Vases. No time for loot. In the small Vase on the upper right when entering the Room is a Gem. Then go left, open the Coffin, get the Hawk Magnum and the 2 Gems. Wait until Wesker gets upstairs. Often he doesn’t’. Hide in a Doorway. Once he’s distracted, shoot him from behind. If you shoot him Face to Face, he will dodge any bullet. He will also dodge bullets in his back when not being distracted. You will have time for 3 or 4 Shots until he storms at you. Dodge the attack and counter it (QTE: “A”+”D” or “Q”+”E”). You need to run around the room to get Wesker from behind. Watch the Minimap to see which direction Wesker is going.

The Sequence to fight Wesker in close Combat is E,E,Q,E,E+Q. Once he goes down on his Knee, the fight is over and he rushes to the spot on the Balcony. Make sure to get out of his way or he will attack you.
Since you followed the storyline properly, you know that Jill is your Partner, right? So killing her is no Option, right? I mean, why should you anyway? Grab her and let your Partner throw her to the Ground. She will be knocked out for a Minute.
You can either wait until the time is up or try to defeat Wesker, this is the only way to get the Heart of Africa.

The easiest way:
Repeat the steps above, but use Rocket Launcher to shoot Wesker in the Back. Again: He must be distracted or he will dodge it. When he grabs the rocket, shoot it. If he’s strumbling instead of going down on his knee, finish him with close combat.

The fast way:
Right after Start get behind Wesker and Shoot him in the back 2 times with the Hawk, approach him and use close Combat. Go backwards. When Wesker approaches you, your Partner shoots a Rocket into his back. Wesker will grab it. Shoot it and he will go down on his knee. 30 Seconds.

The Speedrunners way:
Rocket Launch right from the Start in a Spot where Jill can’t be hit, then step aside so he misses you while rushing, quick turn around and shoot Wesker with a normal Weapon. 10 Seconds

Phase 2 Jill

Warning: rage quit guaranteed!

Again: I’ve seen this too many times. Jill is your Partner, if you kill her, you loose.
I REALLY can’t outline enough how annoying it is to get a kill jill +1 counter on your account although your partner did it…

The Intended way:
Turn left and run to the end of the upper Hallway and grab the Gem from the Vase. Wait until Jill has finished firing and jump down. Between the 2 Stairs and the 2 green herbs lies the Heart of Africa. If you play as Chris, get close to Jill and continuously hit „e“ to entreat her. Safer way is, Chris follows Jill while Sheva gets the Gem (coop). Once she is distracted (she will hold her head and shake it), grab her. Your Partner will shoot the brooch on her Chest and throw her to the ground. Make sure you stay downstairs to have enough space. If Jill is too close to a wall, your Partner can’t shoot the brooch. Jill will immediately get up after the first time she‘s thrown to the ground, the following times she will lay down for a few seconds. When she gets up, walk sideways to prevent her from kicking you. Run after her. When she jumps on the upper level and shoots, hide beneath her. Repeat. You can stunlock Jill by spamming „e“ and walking sideways in circles around her. The brooch has a high amount of HP. Shooting Jill’s Brooch 5 times is more efficient then trying to rip it off her chest everytime and it‘s easier to avoid her counterattack this way. If your Partner grabs Jill and you have to shoot her Brooch, be very careful and precisely. Take your time. Do not use MG or Shotgun! Use Magnum, Pistol or Rifle. You will notice electrical sounds coming from Jill the more damage her brooch takes. You will be ready to rip it off when the electrical sounds almost have no breaks between them. Jill will make a different Animation when her brooch is hit, bending her knees and throwing her arms to the air, that’s the sign the brooch has taken enough damage and is ready to be ripped off.

The fast way:
When your partner grabbed Jill, shoot the brooch, then switch to Grenade Launcher, and shoot a Flash Grenade immediately afterwards on the floor to stun lock Jill, then switch back and shoot her brooch. Repeat 6 times. 60 seconds

The Speedrunners way:
Follow Jill downstairs. Use an unmodified VZ61 or any other low Damage MG to precisely shoot Jill alternately into her leg and then onto her brooch. 20 Seconds

Uroboros Aheri

Intended way:
Nothing Special here. Let your partner use the Satellite Laser while you shoot the black crouching Mini-Uroboros. Stay on the lower Deck.
Good for farming Ammo/Grenades/Herbs

Fast way:
Hawk and Rocket Launcher or Grenade Launcher with incendiary Grenades and Rocket Launcher. 20 Seconds

Speedrunners way:
2 precisely timed simultaneously fired Rocket launcher shots and a third one to finish. 15 Seconds

>10< Boss Fights Pt.3
Wesker Part 1

Intended way:
Immediately run to the left corner to avoid Wesker shooting you, knife the glass and grab the Rocket launcher. Turn around, run to the opposite section and pull the lever to turn off the lights. Wait until Wesker is distracted (cutscene) and shoot the rocket into his back. He will grab it. Shoot it with any other weapon. Get the second Rocket from one of the crates, and turn all 3 levers to make sure you fight in the dark.
If 2 Rockets aren’t enough or you miss, there are more upstairs. Once Wesker is down, run towards him and inject the Serum.
You can also use close combat as in 5-3 but it takes more time.
Again: Shooting him while he faces you has no effect. He will dodge it and storm at you.

The fast way:
You and your Partner need to get Wesker in between you. The one who faces Wesker’s back shoots him. Magnum or Rocketlauncher. Use close combat to bring him down. Needs 2 times before the Serum can be injected, so skip the first try. When he loses his glasses he’s ready to get injected.

The speedrunners way:
Shoot a Rocket on the floor so that Wesker storms at you, walk sideways to dodge him, turn around and shoot his back, then grab him so that Sheva can inject him. 5 Seconds

Wesker Part 2 - Endgame
99,99% of the Players do this wrong. I’m so grateful that it is now possible to skip QTE here…playing as Sheva was a pain…

The intended way:
Sniper Rifle for Sheva recommended. Right from the start you see a brown pillar to the right side of the uphill/bridge in the near distance, not the one far away on the very right. Shoot it from where you start. Don’t get too close to it as it will trigger the beginning of the fight. It will collapse and create a platform on the lava Chris needs to jump over to get the last gem in the game. You have only one chance to do this, that is right after the bridge collapses under Chris. Only Chris can get the gem. Once the bridge collapsed, do NOT jump straight forward. Instead, turn left and jump over the gaps, get the Diamond Marquise, jump back. To avoid Wesker hitting you, jump back over the gap the same time he jumps towards you. Then jump on the bigger island. Chris then needs to run up the hill and wait there. Wesker needs to be shot in the back by Sheva when he reveals his weak spot while he walks halfway up the hill (cutscene). Chris can also try to shoot it from the upper platform, but it’s a difficult angle. When his weak spot is shot, Wesker will jump towards Sheva. If Wesker does not jump towards Sheva, Chris will die. You have only a few seconds to shoot Wesker in the back, as long as he is walking upwards the hill.
When Wesker approaches Sheva, she needs to turn around and run until the bridge collapses, meanwhile, Chris needs to go down to push the rock into the lava (hilariously ridiculous). When the rock is in the lava, Sheva needs to run down the path and jump over the gap. Both need to run back on top of the platform then.
Then the real fight begins. Shoot Wesker’s weak spots on the front and back to make him stumble. After Wesker does his Tornado thing with his arms, Chris then needs to get close to his back to grab him while Sheva needs to get close to him from the front to knife him (QTE).
You can also continue to shoot his weak spots, but that takes much more time.
Note that if you play solo with Sheva, Chris won’t go for the gem. Only human player as Chris can get the gem.

The fast Way:
As Chris: Remove Shevas Weapon so Wesker does not Jump to her. As Sheva&Chris: Rocket launcher when Wesker reveals his weak spot on the back the first time while he walks up the hill. Must hit the weak spot, not Wesker himself. He will stop walking though when hit by a rocket.

The Speedrunners way:
After the bridge collapses Chris can move even he’s not seen on screen. He needs to turn around and get up the small ledge and gets back down to have invincibility during this animation while Sheva shoots Rocket at Wesker. Alternately Chris aims for Wesker’s foot with the Rocket Launcher. 10 seconds

So, that’s it. I think I covered all issues when playing with newbies, but let me know in the comments if I need to add things that aren’t mentioned. I did not go into detail about the speedrunner’s mechanics, but you’ll find plenty of YT Videos. Note that especially the Wesker fights need an additional round for Pro difficulty.

If you want to do a coop pro run, add me.

Thanks for reading and see you out there!
Bonus Fails
idc anymore 4 Jan @ 4:13pm 
Naa you gunna watch those cinematics and you're going to enjoy every second of those 6 minutes.

In all seriousness though

Don't a gatekeeping dickhead. Let new players enjoy the game they spent their own money on the way they want to. This is not what the Resident Evil community is about. So don't start being that guy.

I personally absolutely love playing RE5 with new players. It is such a great time.

As a speedrunner of games myself, this isn't that deep man. Don't be that group of people that only end up turning new players off from a game, just don't. We don't need global saturation of this attitude to new players.
twistino 30 Dec, 2024 @ 9:18am 
♥SarahLuvs2GameTTV♥ 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:39pm 
Lots of PTSD Seeing that one Chris Bum Rush the reaper. X_X
Jin (じん) 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:35pm 
Who let this guy cook? :eaglederp:
Pachi 19 Dec, 2024 @ 9:24am 
Progibator_2023 11 Nov, 2024 @ 11:55am 
Well said:Heartyou:
Starlafire 19 Jun, 2024 @ 11:55am 
Going to play for the first time, thank you for the guide :)
Raven Branwen 9 Jun, 2024 @ 8:55pm 
"Just talk! You are not Gordon Freeman!"

neat lil pfp you have there...hmmmm...
Jokes aside this is a pretty nice guide! I feel like some parts were a bit rude but then again I haven't been stuck in loading screen hell too many times as I'm a solo player. overall 10/10 guide along with your money/herb guide.