Nightmare Frames

Nightmare Frames

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Nightmare Frames 100% Text Walkthrough
By stranger1982
A quick. spoiler-free text walkthrough guiding you through the game while making sure you get every achievement.
Hello and welcome!
This will be, as always with me, a concise and no spoilers walkthrough to guide you through the game while getting 100% completion.
There's tons of extra objects and people that you can look and interact with in the game and you'd do so cause it'll give you lots of background info or funny references: still to make this walkthrough short we're only interacting with the important stuff.

Please note I've found their standard text speed too fast for my liking so as soon as I had access to the menu I've changed it to slow, see how you like it during the intro and go from there.

Move the girl left by clicking on that side of the screen, you'll get a scene and then be allowed to exit to the docks.


Once you're in control of the protagonist click on the pile of books on the red sofa to get your Wallet and on the box on the right, below the window, to get 3D glasses.
Leave by using the door.

On the taxi pick Peter Evan's Mansion as your destination.


Here, after some grim news, you'll get a Letter from Flying Saucer Productions which will add it to your list of destinatons, go there right away.

Speak with the guy in yellow and exhaust al options. Once done interact with the taxi sign to hop back on a taxi and head for Ruskin Productions.


Speak with the guy on the bench, Neil Gordon, exhaust all options until you can talk about Glenn Bishop and agree to speak to Ruskin on his behalf in exchange for information.
Now use the doors to get inside, be sure to talk to Pam and ask her about new messages to unlock Astounding FX as a destination.
Once done use the door on the right to enter Ruskin's office, speak with him about Neil Gordon and, before you leave, interact with his desk to get a Bottle of cologne.
Go outside again and tell Neil you've done what he asked, you'll get a new destination for Glenn Bishop and that's where we're heading right away!


After the one-sided conversation with Bishop you'll have a new task ahead of you, but before you leave let's get an achievement out of the way.
See this umbrella stand?
Simply click on it a few times to cycle through all the movie posters , once done you'll get an achievement called THE NAME OF THE GAME.

We're done here for now so leave and go Joe's Diner.


We can get another achievement out of the way here, see the TV on the top right? It's broadcasting video clips and they change whenever you enter this location, what you need to do is simply keep exiting and entering Joe's diner until you get to see them all.
You'll know you have when the achievement called THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES ON TV pops up, took a total of three visits for me.

With that out of the way speak to Vicky and ask her about being an actress to unlock a new destination, Vine Street.
Don't go there right away though, let's visit Astounding FX first.


After a funny scene snag the Dry brush from the can near the Lunatic model Mark showed you.
Before you go we have another easy achievement here,, go left to see Crunchie the doll.
Click on it several times (about nine for me) until you hear all its lines, this'll unlock the SCARY MONSTERS (AND SUPER CREEPS) achievement.

We can now head to Vine Street.


Enter the door on the far right, under the "clinic" sign.

Talk with the old patient dressed in pink, ask her if she's allright and "what they're for" to get some Chewing gum then exit.
Go towards the photo studio, get inside and talk to Barry, that didn't go well...
Outside there's a red mailbox to the left of the door, examine it.
Open your inventory and left click the chewing gum to get...Chewed gum obviously, heh. Combine this with the brush to get Brush with chewing gum. Use this on the mailbox to get Photographs.
Now WAIT!, we're using these for an achievement so leave Vine Street and go back to Peter Evans' mansion.


Try handing the photographs to the police agent here for the GIRLS ON FILM achievement.

And with that done let's head back to Vine Street.
Get back to Barry and say you've found something to get Vicky's book.
Now go to Ruskin Productions.


Speak with Jack to the elft of the bench and ask if he'd like to direct again. Try giving him the cologne we got earlier but that's not enough.
Enter the doors here and use the cologne on the water cooler that's left of Pam's desk to get Filled-up bottle of cologne, go outside and give it to Jack. He'll be happy and give you Mug with coins.
We can use these coins for TWO achievements so let's get them now. Head to the diner.

Joe's Diner Quiz Answers

Use the mug of coins with the arcade machine on the left and pick Horror movie quiz, you need to answer every question correctly, Here's the answers:

1 Day of the Dead

2 Altered States

3 The Fog

4 Inferno

5 Salem's Lot

6 Betamax

7 He Who Walks Behind the Rows

8 Captain Howdy

9 Terror Train

10 Evil Dead

11 The Book of Eibon

12 An Ashtray

13 Halloween III

14 Madman Marz

15 Evil Birthday

16 Michele Soavi

17 Fangoria

18 Flying Piranhas

19 Peter Vincent

20 An American Werewolf in London

If you get everything right you'll unlock the SCREAM AND SHOUT achievement.


Good, now use the mug on the arcade again and pick the music quiz for the other achievement.

Here's the answers:

1 Nick Rhodes, Simon Le Bon and Roger Taylor

2 Electric Guitar

3 Ghostbusters

4 Mötley Crüe

5 Heaven 17

6 Hall & Oates

7 Mr. Mister

8 Jermaine Jackson

9 Eddie Van Halen

10 John Foxx

11 Janis Joplin

12 Andy Warhol

13 Tobe Hooper

14 Cindy Lauper

15 Men Without Hats

16 Hugh Anthony Cregg III

17 Joe Dallessandro

18 A Night Like This

19 Runaway

20 George Alan O'Dowd

Doing this quiz perfectly will net you the YOU'RE THE BEST achievement.

We're done here so head back to Glenn Bishop to continue the story.

Hollywood, continued

Speak with Bishop to advance the story and get a new destination, Chalon Road. Head there when you're ready.

Speak with the butler and examine the painting, that'd be enough to have Helen appear and start talking with you, simply exhaust all options.
Once done go to Astounding FX.


Speak with Mark and then Wayne about Keller, exhausting all options, then head to the diner.


Vicky has left for the movie part we got her but Karen has taken her place, talk to her and pick all three options before leaving the conversation to unlock the SHE'S SO UNUSUAL achievement.

Talk to the guy on the right stool, Mac, and ask him about Eliza to unlock the NBS Studios as a new destination.
We can now head there to continue.


Speak with the guy on the bench and exhaust all options.
Right beside the exit you came from there's a standee.
Interact with it to find a panel, use the panel twice to have a light turn on then use the 3d glasses from your inventory on the light.
Next simply talk with Eliza about everything to unlock a new place, Sigma Omicron, let's head there right away.


Enter the house, go right for a small scene then interact with the cabinet to your left to get Scissors and the book just to its right to get Recipe.
Exit and take the taxi to Vine Street.


Go to the clinic on the far right and use the recipe you've just found on the receptionist, you'll be allowed to talk to the doctor and get a new task.
Go to the Site.


Talk with the guy in yellow again and try to get some drugs, only to find out about the cop.
Use the photographs in your inventory on the cop for a scene and to obtain the Cocaine you need.
Head to Ruskin Productions.


Head inside and on the next door to go into Ruskin's office again, there's a plant on the far right, near the posters. Use your scissors on it to get Bamboo leaf and return to the clinic.


Give both ingredients to the receptionist to get a Syringe, leave and go back to Sigma Omicron.


Enter the house and use the syringe on the leader, you'll fund out about a new place, the Church of Mother Earth.


Speak with the security guard about gaining entrance, if you've been talking to everyone you'd have an idea who we need now.


Go inside and talk to James, the blonde guy next to Pam, about joining the cult. Once he leaves go back to the church.


Simply sit through the scenes and dialogue, you'll unlock yet another destination, the Luxury Theater. Go there right away.


There's a ticket book on your right, speak with the person in there.
Ask for a ticket to get, duh, an Entry ticket and the WELCOME TO THE PLEASURE DOME achievement.

Inside talk to the old guy in a black suit on the far right, second from the top, exhaust all dialogue and enjoy the scenes.
Once done simply exit your apartment and we're done here, time to travel to Serena.

As the scene ends you'll automatically get another achievement, this one's BUT NOT TONIGHT.

Head left and, once you enter the town, keep heading left for a scene.


Use the door to leave the room you're in and then exit left.
Exhaust all options when talking to Rick, once you're alone again there's a few things we need to do.
Let's get an achievement out of the way first use the phone on the desk to your left and call Joe's Diner to unlock I JUST CALL TO SAY I LOVE YOU.

Then use the bulletin board to get the a map of the city and the hanger on the right to get a jacket, we're ready to leave. Exit the station and head right, then choose Gordon Daggett when prompted.


Pick up the Piece of bread from the dog bowl outside then interact with the door for dialogue and two new destinations, the bridge and river.
Interact with the carcass in front of you and examine the belly, nails, muzzle and stone: once done return to Dagget's house, knock on the door and tell him you're done then go to the bridge.


Head left and examine the remains, then keep going left for some dialogue and to unlock the church as a destination, when prompted choose the bridge again.
Speak with Robert here to unlock another place, the Serena Gazette, let's head there right away.


There's some debris just to your right, click it to get a Gas can.
Then go inside to, uhm, reach the basement.
Check the desk on the left for a Key and use it on the file cabinet to its right. You'll unlock Bill Eastman as a destination after a cutscene, then use the sewer grate on the floor.


Go right, interact with the clothes and you'll find a Screwdriver, give them a look too for some grim info btw! Go left and use the screwdriver on the red electrical panel to get, another Screwdriver? Ok I guess...a bit disappoointing, now go left.
Here use the screwdriver on the grate to obtain a...Screw then enter the grate itself.
After a cutscene use the screw on the pots and pans sitting on a box on the left, by the red drum, exit right when you can.

In the next room grab a Water bottle from the green bottles on your right then use it on the drum in the middle of the room for a cutscene.


Whew, that was pretty intense!
We've also added this location to our list of available destinations so that's good. For now just go left to exit and visit Bill.


Let's get another easy achievement right away, see the records on your left?
Keep interacting with them, around 14 times iirc, until you've examined them all and you'll be granted I LOVE ROCK'N ROLL for being so nosey.

Then use the radio to the left of Bill to get a phone number and grab that can of Insecticide from the table. We can now return to Main Street.


Go right and use the insecticide on the occupied telephone booth. We can't use this phone tho, so go back to the police station.


Go inside and use the phone on the desk to call the radio station, we can now go talk to Bill and get some information.


Simply talk to Bill about everything and go to the church when you're done.


Head inside, after the dialogue interact with the toolbox just to your left to get some Pliers and grab the red Bible on the left, use the bible in your inventory to get a Crucifix.
Now talk with the priest about everything to unlock the cemetery and Marsh family house as destinations then go back to Main.


There's someone new here, speak to him until you get a Can.
Enter the drugstore, grab the weight near the scale and check the magazines on your right.
Keep interacting with the magazines until you've seen them all, there's three, and you'll get the HORROR BUSINESS achievement.

We're done for now, leave and go to the cemetery.
(NOTICE: btw if you've been following this guide this is the last missable achievement, the last two are simply for playing throguh the story so feel free to skip the rest if you'd rather figure out things yourself!)


After the creepy conversation simply use the can with the parterre on the right, near the tree, to get a Can full of worms, yuck, let's go give it back right away.


Use the can full of worms on Tommy and you'll unlock a new location for Robinson, head there now.


Interact with the door twice, once inside use the first-aid kit to the right of the door twice to get an Empty bottle of pills and go back.


Enter the drugstore and use the empty bottle of pills on the person there and then talk to him and ask "who's the other person taking Omexyprazole" to know where to go next.
Back outside go left past the hardware store and use the door at no. 75.

Inside click on the garbage bags on the right, where the two cats are, to get some Detergent.
Head to Marsh Family House.


Go inside, see that projector on the table? It's connected to a green generator to its right, use your gas can on it then your crucifix on the cabinet that appears. You'll get a Key for your trouble and, after some scenes, an Iron rod. Go to the river next.


Use your bread on the river then interact with the box, if you can't see it I don't blame you, check the screenshot.
Anyway, clicking it will net you a Metal box, let's go open it.


Go back to where your cell was, see that metallic press on the washing machine? Use your iron rod on it to fix the thing then use the metallic box on the press to get some Spool and hook.
Time to go to the bridge to get that teddy bear!


Open your inventory and combine the weight with the spool and hook, then use the resulting Spool and hook with sinker on the rocks in the middle of the river to get our coveted Teddy bear.

It's fithy tho, obviously, so open your inventory again and combine the bear with the detergent to get...Teddy bear with detergent. Now we just need some clean water and you might know where it is if you've been clicking on everything...


There's a window to the right of the entrance door, use your pliers on it to distract the priest.
Head inside and use the teddy bear with detergent on the baptismal font to wash it and get a Clean teddy bear.
Jesus will remember this btw.
Oh well, let's go give it back.


Enter the house at no.75 again and give the woman the teddy bear to finally get the Oxymeprazole. Now we just need to use it.


Simply head inside and use the Oxymeprazole on Patrick, talk to him about everything.


Go to the far left and examine the clothes in the metallic sink.

Serena, continued and finale

Use the door to the right of the baptismal font.
After the scenes interact with the desk just to your left for A bunch of keys and use them on the person to your right.


Head all the way right and, when you're at the last door, use the key from your inventory on it; you'll also get a Razor when you enter.

Here click on the coffin and then on the body inside.
In the close-up click the body once to get Cufflinks then two more times to get a Tie and a final time to open the shirt. Now you can use the razor on the body to snatch the Film we've been loking for.
After some scenes you'll need to use the film on the door.

Ok, now go to the grate on the right.
Open your inventory and combine the tie with the cufflinks to create a Magnetic tie, then use it on this grate to get several scenes.


Simply give the film to the person here to continue the story, you'll get the achievement MAN OF TWO WORLDS after several cutscenes.



Nice place hm? Exit left.

After a small scene grab the squirming Creature on your left and interact with the ? hotspot on the railing to grab a Piece, then go left again.

There's an elevator here, call it and take it to floor -1.

Once you exit the elevator head left and interact with the pile of jars to get some Chloroform.
There's a sink to the left of the jars, use it to get another Piece.

Left some more there's a big trash can, use it to get yet another Piece then get back on the elevator and to floor 0.

Head left to a dark area with terminals, you can examine the pieces in your inventory to know what's what, use Helen's one on the right terminal and David's on the left terminal. If done correctly two doors will be available to you, use the one on the left.

We need that blue trunk, to do so interact and look with the crib and everything in this room. Talk to the person here and select the "I think there's something wrong..." option (it took me a few tries to have it appear, so much so I thought I was stuck, not sure what finally unlocked it for me tbh) to create a distraction and use the trunk to get a Towel.
Leave here, go back to the terminal room and enter the door on the right.

This one's simple at least, simply use the green plant next to where you start to get a Dagger, then leave and exit right.

Here combine the towel with the chloroform to get a Towel with chloroform and use it on the person on the left of the elevator door to get a Key then go right twice.

There's a slot on top of the skull on the right, use the piece that says "part of a mechanism" on it.

Use the lever you've just created then click on the fountain to get a Baby bottle.

Head left twice and take the elevator to floor -1, use the key on the chained refrigerator and interact with it twice to get Milk before getting back up to floor 0. Exit left and use the leftmost door.

Inside the room with the baby simply combine the bottle and milk to get Milk bottle and give it to the person to swap it for a Crowbar.
Once done go back to the elevator and take it to floor -2.

Here combine the dagger with creature in your inventory, then use the crowbar on the tank in the middle of the room. Exit right and go to floor 0 then left to the terminal room, enter the only door that's left.


Check on the person nearby and head left,

Keep running left until you get a small dialogue and are taken back then enter the door right to your left.

Interact with the desk to get a Lighter and the projector to get some Film then combine them both in your inventory to get your last achievement, THE EVIL DISPOSER.


And that's it, congrats on finishing the game with every achievement done!

Thank you and a request
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If you spot any mistakes or wrong info please lemme know in the comments.

Also follow this link for my other guides, maybe one of em will catch your fancy:

Stay safe and happy gaming.