Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare

42 ratings
Fighting AI efficently.
By Hunter98
On today's guide we will talk about how to effectively put the God tier AI in the dirt quickly.

1) Ammo; Ammo plays a gigantic part in the gameplay, when it comes to PVP and PVE. What i have found to work best so far are these ammo types.
For 5.56, bare minimum should be M193, I have tried HPBT which expands more upon impact, but even against starter enemys, it takes 3 to 4 shots. While m193 5.56 seems to work really well against unarmored, and slightly armored enemys, the best 5.56 you can get is m855A1 which seems to be a well rounded high pen round.
For 7.62x39, i'd honestly wait to use any gun type, using this round until you unlock Artisan, or Turncoat level 2. Which you'll get access to the 7.62x39 PS rounds, which do really well against most enemy's, except the bullet velocity will limit your capability at Mid-Long ranges, 7.62x39 AP rounds will be the most versatile.
5.45x39 PP and BT, will be youre best bet for early on rounds, when you unlock turncoat.
The only 2 sniper rifles are the mosin, and m700, which any rounds you use, will put any enemy down with a well placed head shot.
Now ive recommended these rounds, because of their high velocity's, and high penetration, not round expansion. What i have found is that its better to over penetrate your enemys, leading to a higher likelihood to hit vital organs, or even hit multiple if you get the right angle.

2) Shot placement; Shot placement plays a major part in putting enemys down quickly, I know with the AI it can be buggy, or not as effective as it should be. But shots the the center of the chest, a side angle of the chest, or high mid of the back. Depending on the armor the enemy has, and the ammo, one to a couple well placed shots should do the job, if you can aim for the head more than likely itll only take one shot.

3) Relocating; When fighting the AI its important to constantly shoot and move. When the AI engages you, they will track your movement, and if you break line of sight, they will suppress your last known location, thats why its important to try and find solid cover that they cant shoot through. Bushes, walls made from rotting 2x4's, doors, and tarps will not stop bullets, do not hide behind them if AI are suppressing you, the bullets will go through an hit you. Hard cover such as trees, rocks, cement, concrete, cars, steel walls will stop most bullets from AI. So take your time, scout the area, and find possible hard cover through out your surroundings that you can you to increase your survival.

4) Teamwork; Team work is a very important late game, End game locations like Midnight Sapphire, Fort Narith, and Tiger bay, will be extremely hard to solo, either because of the sheer quantity of the AI, or the Gear that they have. If you have buddies make sure in these areas you coordinate, and communicate. If your solo, try and find a group to run with, even if its one other person. That way you at least have one other to watch your back, or your body.

5) Honestly, i cant think of anything for Number 5, so have fun, dont die, and kill some locals.
Fox1911 13 Jul, 2024 @ 6:03pm 
Ruthless Rackles, dude you must have hit a leaf or twig, zoom in on that screen shot buddy! :-D
ThatHorseSlayer 4 Jun, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
I have only had a few circumstances where I died and thought it was sketchy. Overall, it seems pretty realistic to me. I agree with your post, but I would say if you can't get your shot placement with good ammo, then flip on automatic and spray them in the upper torso and head. They go down pretty quick. I usually go to Tiger Bay, Fort Narith, Blue Lagoon with 600 rounds of A1 and I don't have any issues dropping them. I also don't shoot unless I'm within 50-100 meters and I know I can hit well.
Major Colton™ 27 May, 2024 @ 6:59am 
M855A1 AP Rounds ( Black Tips ) are the way to go people
Mazataza 27 May, 2024 @ 12:51am 
M193 has been removed, we can't buy them from gunny
'Ruthless'Rackles 25 May, 2024 @ 7:08pm 
Shadow Dream 25 May, 2024 @ 4:19am 
Silencer is almost a must if you can afford one. Without one after your 1st engagement the whola town will know where you, your familiy, all of your loved ones and even your dog live. but with a simple silencer if you headshot a dude infront of another one, he will start at his fallen brother-in-arms confused for a few secounds before returning to his patrol route. Before using silencers are always tried to no get into a gun fight with the AI but after buying one, I can take out most of them before they even know where I was shooting from.
Larsen 20 May, 2024 @ 3:40am 
I have seriously found the HPBT to nearly one-shot any enemy in the first town. I also just ran with it for Ban Pa and Hunter's Paradise, because neck or head-shots just about guaranteed kill. You might add that experience differs a bit, so a new guy don't just discard the potential right away.
xTGN DustinWS 20 May, 2024 @ 12:34am 
xTGN DustinWS 20 May, 2024 @ 12:34am 
the M855A! ammo is better sadly you dont get it untill t3 rep with gunny for the 5.56 rifles
warlordjjj 19 May, 2024 @ 10:35pm 
use controlled pairs when shooting instead of dumping full auto you conserve ammo and reload less keeping you in the fight longer. If in a team don't be scared to suppress the enemy the same way they do to you while teammates manuver on the enemy