Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

38 ratings
Potential fixes for different issues. (pre-Patch #5)
By The Spartan
Here are some potential fixes for most of the issues that are affecting our experience with the game so far. (hitching/freezing/stuttering/slow PC/savegame bug/no PS overlay/etc.)
Hey there, fellow samurai!

Welcome to my fifth ever Steam guide which will focus on the amazing masterpiece that you all know and love called:

Our initial suspicion.
The culprit was originally thought to most likely be a major memory leak issue (a possibility that is still circulating a bit here and there) but it has more or less been relatively debunked as multiple people have confirmed that it's not the case.

Though bare in mind that "multiple people" doesn't mean "everyone" so we're only roughly 90%-ish sure it's not a RAM and/or VRAM leak.

Some of the issues found so far.
While I am aware that there are other problems as well, I'm only going to list the more major/common ones and especially the ones for which there are potential fixes, namely:

- hitching
- freezing
- stuttering
- PlayStation overlay error (Failed to initialize PlayStation PC SDK)
- slow PC after a few hours of gameplay and even after exiting the game
- savegames bug where you have no access to any autosaves and cannot manually save either

A few potential fixes to the aforementioned issues.
For the hitching/freezing/stuttering/slow PC and other similar problems:

- try this mod[] which enables High CPU Priority for the game executable via a registry tweak (completely harmless registry modification whose contents can be checked at any time using Notepad or any other similar software)

- exit "Malwarebytes" and/or any other antivirus software that you're using (turning off "Malwarebytes" and switching to Fullscreen genuinely fixed the game for me AND apparently for A LOT of other people as well)

- disable overlays such as the "GeForce Experience" one, the "Steam" one, the "PlayStation" one and so on

- disable Frame Generation ingame

- if you're running the game in Exclusive Fullscreen mode, switch to Fullscreen

- disable fullscreen optimizations and also run the game as an Administrator (both settings can be found in the Properties and Compatibility tab of the game executable)
(also in the Properties > Compatibility tab, change the high DPI settings by selecting Override high DPI scaling behavior and making sure it’s set to Application)

- and last but not least, turn off pretty much all third-party software (not to mention exit resource hog applications such as Chrome and whatnot) that you don't need running in the background as a lot of them eat resources "like it's nobody's business" and maybe you don't need some or most of them while playing this game or any other game for that matter

For the other issues:

Issue - no Playstation overlay. ("Failed to initialize PlayStation PC SDK" error)

Fix - open your game folder ("your path:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT") and run "PsPcSdkRuntimeInstaller.msi" found inside the main folder, then go to "C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\PSPC_SDK\S22\" and run "PsPcSdkAppMgr.exe".
(you may need to unhide your "Windows" folders as "ProgramData" doesn't show up if it's hidden in your system)
(you may also need to do this everytime you start the game or restart your PC, so I suggest creating shortcuts on your desktop for both those files)

Issue - the game is not saving, nor can I save manually. (you have no access to any autosaves and cannot save yourself either)

Fix - hit the Start button, type in Windows Security, go to Virus & threat protection, then down to Ransomware protection (at the bottom), click on Manage ransomware protection and here, if the Controlled folder access button is set to On, simply turn it Off.
(MORE SIMPLE VERSION - hit the Start button, search for "controlled folder access" and if it's On, turn it Off)

Two bonus videos for extra info, frames and performance.
For those of you not too versed/familiar with tweaking your ingame graphics settings, I highly recommend watching:

THIS VIDEO (from Digital Foundry)
as well as
THIS ONE (from BenchmarKing)

These videos will definitely help you gain some extra frames and they will very likely improve your overall performance as well, especially since there are some graphics settings that demand A LOT of resources when set to higher levels.

Please submit your ticket to help speed up the patching process.
Regardless of what is causing all these issues though, while they're not affecting everyone, those that are affected and still cannot find a fix from the ones provided here, should send a ticket to troubleshooting/support.

These problems need to be addressed ASAP because apart from a few issues here and there, the game itself is a masterpiece that needs to be experienced by us PC players in the most polished and optimized way possible.

So please, gamers, if you still haven't found a fix to help you, send your ticket[] and communicate and share as much info with one another as possible regarding any potential fixes while we wait for upcoming patches and updates.

This guide was created on May 19th, before ANY patch/update existed for the game.

Since then and as of the editing of this Guide (June 4th respectively), four patches/updates/hotfixes have been released, fixing some stability, visual, UI, gameplay and matchmaking issues (among other things), and as time passes, it's more than likely that the remaining problems will be addressed via more future hotfixes/updates/patches, so if sometime in the future you stumble upon this Guide and find it redundant, just remember - its initial creation was done before ANY update/patch/hotfix had been released.

The same goes for the videos linked in this Guide which are also subject to change as time passes. Regardless though, I highly recommend those channels in general (Digital Foundry and BenchmarKing) for all your benchmarking needs, since they are hands down the best in this regard.

Consider checking out my other guides.
If you've found this particular guide useful, then consider checking out my other guides as well.

The Spartan  [author] 28 May, 2024 @ 10:08am 
If you followed every single instruction to the letter and it still doesn't work, then I'm afraid I'm completely out of ideas, except for one - first and foremost, before continuing down this post, try disabling the Steam overlay. If it doesn't work, then proceed down this post.

The only thing I can recommend is to pay very close attention to ALL the solutions found in this Guide (regarding EVERYTHING from antivirus software to Frame Generation to overlays etc.) AND to the potential solutions posted here in the comments and follow them 100% one last time.

And don't be afraid to try and combine multiple potential fixes. I mean one of them should eventually work, unless you are very, VERY unlucky.

Also, nothing is supposed to happen when running "PsPcSdkAppMgr.exe" since that just starts the PlayStation overlay and its Steam link in the background. It's not an installer or anything like that.
Mooldenau 28 May, 2024 @ 9:57am 
Hi there !! Thanks for the answer. I did this part "Go to your game's main directory ("your path:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT") and run "PsPcSdkRuntimeInstaller.msi", then check to see if you can access the "PSPC_SDK" folder inside "C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc".

If you can, then continue until you reach "PsPcSdkAppMgr.exe" found inside "C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\PSPC_SDK\S22\" and run that file."

Then when i click on "PsPcSdkAppMgr.exe" it does nothing...... so i don't know what to do :(

When i enter the game. The Games stays black and just stops and appears the Playstation report Page.

The Spartan  [author] 28 May, 2024 @ 9:53am 
Aaand "speak of the Devil" - another Patch was released roughly two hours ago.

Granted, it's just another small one, only addressing some stability issues for AMD Radeon GPUs as well as various problems regarding Legends co-op multiplayer stability and matchmaking, but still, this is testament to the fact that not only are they listening to the community, but they are doing their best to improve the port overall.
The Spartan  [author] 28 May, 2024 @ 7:28am 
You are very welcome!

And yeah, patience is key here because eventually, as has been the case with all of the aforementioned released ports, this game will not be an exception and will receive the proper "treatment" via patches/updates which will address many (if not all) of the current issues to ultimately make it playable for everyone.
johnpaul 28 May, 2024 @ 7:22am 
I appreciate that info. I figured I might have to wait for updates and/or patches. Super look forward to playing it when I get to. Thanks again for that!
The Spartan  [author] 28 May, 2024 @ 7:04am 
The main things to understand here are the people/studios involved in the PC ports which in turn implicitly concerned and affected both system requirements as well as overall launch port performance/optimization in the end products:

- "Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition" was ported by "Guerrilla Games B.V." in-house, with the help of "Virtuos"
- "God of War" was ported by "Santa Monica Studio" in-house, with the help of "Jetpack Interactive"
- "Days Gone" was ported by "Bend Studio" in-house
- "Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT" was ported by "Nixxes Software B.V."

So as you can see, different games/ports, different companies, hence the difference in system requirements and optimization/performance.

Also, all those titles came out a long time ago and already have patches and updates behind them that ultimately made them what they are today, while "Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT" only came out 12 days ago and only has one small patch released so far.
johnpaul 28 May, 2024 @ 6:40am 
What I don't understand is: I have a few PS games like zero dawn, days gone and god of war. And both zero dawn and god of war have higher system requirements and they run really awesome. But I can't keep this game from CTD, even though when I first ran it no problem until I decided to poke around the video settings. Now, no dice. Days gone is the only one that asks less of my PC.
The Spartan  [author] 27 May, 2024 @ 9:52am 
First of all, you're more than welcome!

Second, regarding your issue, I think you need to install and activate your PlayStation overlay and its link to your Steam account. Now the fact that you don't have that folder in "ProgramData" is weird but there may be a solution.

Go to your game's main directory ("your path:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT") and run "PsPcSdkRuntimeInstaller.msi", then check to see if you can access the "PSPC_SDK" folder inside "C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc".

If you can, then continue until you reach "PsPcSdkAppMgr.exe" found inside "C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\PSPC_SDK\S22\" and run that file.

If you still don't have the files and folders mentioned above even after running "PsPcSdkRuntimeInstaller.msi", then let me know and I will archive and upload my own "Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc" folder and give you a link to it as in theory it should work.
Mooldenau 27 May, 2024 @ 9:36am 
Hi!! Thanks for this Guide!! It helped me a lot, but i have a problem.... When i click to enter the online game mode I get " Ps cant connect" something like this. I came here to see your solution to that problem and i noticed that i dont have any folder inside of C:\ProgramData\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\..... What do i do now? Can you help? Thanks again for this guide !!!!:)
The Spartan  [author] 26 May, 2024 @ 5:34pm 
I'm sorry but you're going to have to explain your situation in a more elaborate manner.

HOWEVER, before that, check the potential solution provided above in this Guide regarding any antivirus software (especially "Windows Defender") that may be blocking permissions for savegames.

Also, check this link [] as the game's Documents folder where the savegames are stored may be blocked for your user account type.

Another solution might be to turn on File System Access by checking this link [] which works for both "Windows 10" and "Windows 11".

Give these a try, again, starting with the fix provided in this Guide above. (hit the Start button, search for "controlled folder access" and if it's On, turn it Off)