Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

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Get 10K EXP in 5 minutes (+ accumulation of in-game resources)
By Assassin
This guide is intended for those who want to quickly raise Aloy's level to maximum (level 60), as well as accumulate in-game resources (metal shards, parts from machines (Glinthawk, Fire Bellowback and Ravager), modifications for Aloy's weapons / outfits, etc.). To use the method of accumulating experience / in-game resources described in the manual, you must fulfill certain conditions (see the guide), the main one of which is revealing the main quest «The City of the Sun».
This guide describes one of the ways to quickly accumulate at the initial stage of the game both experience points for Aloy and in-game resources (metal shards, parts, potions (healing, protective) and other resources that can fall from machines (Glinthawk, Fire Bellowback and Ravager) and people). The method of accumulating experience points (EXP) / in-game resources described in this guide has been tested by the author on game version 1.11.2 (as of 05/31/2024).

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First of all, it should be noted that this method of accumulating EXP / in-game resources is not available to those players who started playing the Horizon Zero Dawn campaign from the beginning of the game (including when replaying in the «New Game +» mode). This is due to the fact that the area of the game world necessary for farming is closed to the player until the completion of the main (story) quest «A Seeker at the Gates».

If you have already opened the main quest «The City of the Sun» (including completing it and moving further through the game’s plot), completed the quest «Cauldron XI» and have a sufficient (depending on your farming needs) number of packs for fast travel or have «Golden fast travel pack»), then the following information from this section of the guide («introduction») is not required for you to read.

So, the necessary conditions for using this method of accumulating EXP / in-game resources are as follows:

1. Unlock access to the biome (part of the game world) where the city of «Meridian» is located. To do this, you need to unlock the task «The City of the Sun» by completing the following main (story) quests: 1) A Gift from the Past; 2) Lessons of the Wild; 3) The Point of the Spear; 4) Mother's Heart; 5) The Proving; 6) The Womb of the Mountain; 7) A Seeker at the Gates. Completing other available quests (both main ones («The War-Chief's Trail» and «Revenge of the Nora»), and additional ones from other sections («Side quests», «Errands», «Tallnecks», «Corrupted Zones», «Cauldrons», «Bandit Camps», «Hunting Grounds» and «Tutorials»)) - at your request.

2. Complete the quest from the «Cauldrons» section called «Cauldron XI». The quest will appear when you reach the southwestern part of the game world (see screenshot). Completing this quest is necessary for the script to appear in the game that occurred when completing the «Cauldron XI» quest - the appearance of a fight between NPCs - cultists and machines (Glinthawk, Fire Bellowback and Ravager) in the excavation area. Now, in the future, when entering and then exiting the excavation area of the «XI» cauldron, a fight will occur between NPCs, but on the condition that between the NPC fights that took place and the future ones, the player has fast traveled to another point in the game world far from this place and back (to the campfire near the «XI» cauldron); more on this in the next section of the guide.

3. The player must have the required number of fast travel packs or the «Golden fast travel pack» resource (gives unlimited fast travel). To obtain 10K EXP and in-game resources (such as metal shards, machine’s parts, etc.), 2 fast travel packs are required (movement to another point in the game world and back, to the campfire near the «XI» cauldron). Note: The «Golden fast travel pack» can be purchased from any merchant (in the «Resources» section; cost: 50 metal shards, 1 fox skin, 10 fatty meat) in locations found after crossing (from east to west) the «Daytower».

At the same time, it is strongly recommended:

1) Stock up on ammunition to destroy at least the first NPC – «Cultist Heavy», since when he is killed, a «Deathbringer Gun» (ammunition - 60 shots) drops, with which you can destroy half of the NPCs participating in the fight, including other «Cultist Heavy» with weapons.

2) Master the «Scavenger» skill (or better yet, «Scavenger +») in the «Forager» branch. This will allow you to get the «Machine Scavenger Box» resource from defeated machines with some probability. When you open this box (you can do this in the game menu in the «Inventory» section, in the «Treasure boxes» tab), random in-game resources (metal shards, machine’s parts, modifications, etc.) will drop out, which will have a positive effect on Aloy's well-being.

3) If you are playing in the «New Game +» mode or have already managed to explore the game world and solve the puzzle in the bunker, having previously found 5 fuel cells, as part of the first playthrough, it is recommended to put on the «Shield-Weaver» outfit. You can get the outfit after completing the «Ancient Armory» quest. Information on completing this quest (including at the early stages of the game) can be found on the Internet.

Having fulfilled all the above (at least the main) conditions, you can proceed to the direct application of the method of accumulation of experience points / in-game resources described below. It should be remembered: the higher the initial level of Aloy, the better her equipment before farming, the easier it will be to deal with enemies.
Description of the method of accumulating experience points (EXP) / in-game resources
As was written in the introduction to the guide, the described method of accumulating EXP and in-game resources is possible due to the presence of a repeating game script that arose after completing the «Cauldron XI» quest - the regular appearance of a fight in the excavation area between warring NPCs - cultists and machines (Glinthawk, Fire Bellowback and Ravager).

It should be noted that the amount of experience points received depends on several factors:

1) The speed of destruction of NPCs that appeared in the excavation area of the «XI» cauldron. Since the warring NPCs (cultists and machines) destroy each other without the player's participation, then, consequently, the more you delay in destroying enemies, the less EXP you will receive (including in-game resources). The following participate in the battle: cultists (5 Cultist heavy and 1 Elite cultist archer) and machines (2 Glinthawks, 1 Fire Bellowback and 1 Ravager);

2) Method of NPC destruction. The additional amount of EXP gained depends on the method of enemy annihilation you choose: if you destroy machines in vulnerable states (Glinthawks - vulnerable to cold; Fire Bellowback and Ravager - to fire), and kill cultists with a headshot, the player receives an additional bonus to EXP. Note: in order to cause vulnerable states for machines, you must: for Glinthawks - use a ranged weapon (bow, sling, «Deathbringer Gun», etc.) to remove the armor from the Glinthawk's chest and inflict some damage to the chillwater sac (see screenshot), then the Glinthawk will receive damage from the cold and fall to the ground; having finished it off, you will receive additional EXP; for the Fire Bellowback and the Ravager - either shoot the blaze container using fire arrows (see screenshot) when the Fire Bellowback and / or the Ravager are near them, or use a ranged weapon (bow, sling, etc.) with the «fire» effect.

The algorithm of actions for obtaining 10,000 experience points and various in-game resources from defeated enemies is as follows:

1. Move to the campfire located near the «XI» cauldron.

2. Reach the entrance to the «XI» cauldron cave. After you have appeared at the above-mentioned campfire, you need to proceed to the «XI» cauldron excavation area and climb the boards to the entrance to the cave.

3. Enter the cave 5-10 steps. At the moment of entry, the game script should be triggered, which completed the «Cauldron XI» quest. You will be able to find out that the script has worked by the presence of sounds of shooting and machines behind you (in the excavation area), as well as by the replica of Aloy. After these signals, you can safely turn around and go back to the exit of the cave.

4. Destroy the NPCs that have appeared in the excavation area. This can be done in two ways: either using the weapon you have (spear, bow, sling, rattler, etc.), or using the «Deathbringer Gun», which drops after the death of the NPC «Cultist Heavy». I recommend using the second method (using the «Deathbringer Gun»), as it allows you to save metal shards (including resources needed to make ammunition). The duration of the battle with enemies depends on your speed and combat skills, and the chosen method of killing NPCs (headshots of cultists, use of vulnerable states of machines) also determines the final amount of EXP received for this run.

5. After you have dealt with all the enemies and examined their corpses / remains, you need to move to another point in the game world that is far from this place (the excavation site of the «XI» cauldron) (for example, to the «Daytower» location or, for example, to the «Pitchcliff») in order to be able to activate the script again. I recommend moving to the «Meridian Village» location (see screenshots), since at this location, a few meters from the respawn point, there is a merchant to whom you can sell the received / accumulated stocks of resources / unused ammunition, and where you can also replenish your ammunition.

6. Having moved to another location, you can either immediately move to the campfire near the «XI» cauldron (see point 1), or, if there is a merchant nearby, sell the received / accumulated stocks of resources / ammunition, also replenish the ammunition, and move to the above-mentioned campfire.

In the future, you will need to perform as many iterations (repetitions of the actions specified in points 1-6) as you need to raise Aloy's level and / or accumulate the necessary in-game resources.

I present to your attention the author's demonstration of the process of accumulating EXP and in-game resources in the specified way:
Earnable achievements
By repeating the steps described in the guide several times, you can get the following achievements on Steam (if you haven't received them before):

  • Achievements related to Aloy's leveling up:

1. Reached level 10 (if you have not previously reached level 10);

2. Reached level 25 (if you have not previously reached level 25);

3. Reached level 40 (if you have not previously reached level 40);

4. Reached level 50 (if you have not previously reached level 50);

5. Reached level 60. In fact, you are reading this guide to get this achievement quickly, aren't you?

  • Achievements related to Aloy gaining skills:

1. All Skills learned. It is necessary to master all available skills from the following branches – «Prowler», «Brave» and «Forager».

2. All Frozen Wilds Skills. It is necessary to master all available skills from the «Traveler» branch.

  • Achievement related to modifying Aloy's gear:

First Modification. Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.

  • Achievements related to the combat system:

1. Tore off 10 components. Detached 10 components from machines during combat.

2. 10 Vulnerable machine kills. You need to destroy either 10 burning machines vulnerable to fire (in this case, the Fire Bellowback and the Ravager), or 10 frozen machines vulnerable to cold (in this case, the Glinthawks).

3. Headshot 30 human enemies. Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them.

4. 3 Strikes From Above. If you have the «Attack from Above» skill, then after killing the 3rd enemy using this skill you will receive the achievement.
I hope this guide helped you quickly level up Aloy to the maximum (level 60), and at the same time increase your stock of in-game resources (metal shards, machine parts (hearts, lenses, cores, etc.), modifications for Aloy's weapons / outfits, ammunition (traps, etc.), consumables (potions, materials for crafting / selling) and other resources).

Thank you for your attention to this guide!