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100% Achievements: A Comprehensive Guide
By ErickaUnlimited
An accurate, detailed and complete guide on how to unlock every achievement in FINAL FANTASY III (Pixel Remaster).
Final Fantasy II (Pixel Remaster) is an overhauled version of the original, with remodeled sprites and audio, but the core gameplay that you've come to remember and love is still the same.

That being said, the achievements are not abundant, nor exhausting to complete. Do keep a keen eye out on your bestiary and treasure chests, as there are missable ones in this game that, once skipped, cannot be returned to. If you want more "walk-through" oriented instructions, you can follow the treasure chest portion of this guide, which will detail the chronological order in which you find all missable and collectible content.

General Achievements
"Rookie Treasure Hunter", "Veteran Treasure Hunter" & "Legendary Treasure Hunter"
Collected treasure from 10% of the chests, Collected treasure from 50% of the chests, Collected treasure from 100% of the chests.
There are a total of 367 treasure chests to collect. Some are missable, so follow the treasure chest portion of the guide for a step-by-step walkthrough on how to obtain all of them. The first achievement for collecting them is at 10%, which will trigger on the first floor of the Sealed Cave if you're on track as you should be. You'll complete the 50% marker once you collect all the treasure chests atop the Dragon Spire.

"Apprentice Warrior", "Experienced Warrior" & "Legendary Warrior"
Defeated 100 monsters, Defeat 300 monsters, Defeat 500 monsters.
You'll earn the 100 monsters achievement early on. If you're leveled appropriately, you'll earn it somewhere before or just after the Sealed Cave visit. 300 monsters will come somewhere around your second visit to the Tower of Owen and 500 monsters will happen around the Molten Cave.

"Job Trainee", "Senior Workers" & "Management Laborer"
Leveled up one job to level 10, Leveled up one job to level 50, Leveled up one job to level 99.
You'll earn the level 10 job achievement early on. If you're leveled appropriately, you'll earn it somewhere before or just after the Sealed Cave visit and level 50 will come somewhere around the Molten Cave and, finally, you'll reach level 99 (if someone stayed on one job the entire time) once you reach the Sunken Cave or Ancient Ruins.

"Thrifty Spender", "Smart Saver" & "Moneybags"
Obtained 10,000 gil, Obtained 100,000 gil, Obtained 500,000 gil.
You'll most likely earn this around the Dragon's Peak/Canaan area. Regardless of when you do, these gil-based achievements are calculated on your total cumulative gil, not what you currently have on your person; feel free to spend freely. You'll earn well over 500,000 gil before ending the game, so don't grind for it.

"Field Research- Basic", "Field Research- Advanced" & "Field Research- Professional"
Completed 10% of the Bestiary entries, Completed 50% of the Bestiary entries, Completed 100% of the Bestiary entries.
The first achievement for completing the bestiary is at 10%, which will unlock at Dragon's Peak if you've collected every available monster up until that point. For those looking to avoid missing any of them, follow the "Complete Walkthrough" portion of this guide, which is a walkthrough of finding all missing content (hidden items, treasure chests, locations and your bestiary) in the order it appears.

You'll obtain the advanced field research achievement just before you reach Doga Manor if you've collected everything up until that point in the game. If you don't, I'd recommend looking through the bestiary at the title screen of the game to see which ones you've missed.

Lastly, you'll have to defeat the final boss before unlocking the final bestiary achievement for 100%.

"Summon Master"
Learned all summon magic.
I go into detail on how to obtain all eight summons in the walkthrough, but for a quick reference, check the section "Doga's Village - Summons!". There you can buy five of the eight summons: Escape (Chocobo), Spark (Ramuh), Heatra (Ifrit), Icen (Shiva), Hyper (Titan).

For the other three, they are all found in optional dungeons. Check the following sections in this guide titled: "Bahamut's Lair", "Saronia Catacombs" & "Lake Dohr" for more information on how to obtain these. Once you have all eight summons, equip them to a single party member; leave town if you're in one or enter a random battle if the achievement doesn't unlock.

"Item Detector"
Obtained all hidden items.
There are 61 hidden items in the game, which are all detailed in chronological order of how to obtain them in the walkthrough portion of this guide. I'd highly recommend following along if you want to collect them all.

"Forbidden Weapons"
Obtained all weapons sealed in Eureka.
Towards the very end of the game, you'll enter the Crystal Tower and have a chance to enter Eureka. Among the dungeon are several optional boss encounters that reward the player with weapons and jobs for winning each fight. See the section of this guide titled "Eureka" for further instructions.

"Adventurous Wayfarer"
Traveled to all the map locations.
If you've followed the walkthrough portion of the guide, you'll unlock this achievement after defeating Xande and entering the World of Darkness at the very end of the game.
General Achievements
"Seasoned Hero"
Reached level 50 for all party members.
You should easily obtain this by the time you reach the Crystal Tower or the World of Darkness at the end of the game. If you left the encounters on the entire time and didn't turn them off, you shouldn't need to do any grinding to obtain at least level 50.

"Master of III"
Earned all achievements.
Once you complete every achievement in the game, you'll unlock this final one as proof of such. If you want to earn all of the achievements in one run, I'd recommend the walkthrough portion of the guide below, which covers everything you need to do from start to finish.
Bestiary Achievements
Completed 10% (50% & 100%) of the Bestiary entries.
To complete the beast mastery achievement, you will need to catalog all 128 enemies (boss enemies included). You can view the enemies that you've encountered on the main menu under [EXTRAS]. Doing so will show you what number(s) you're missing and you can cross reference it with the list below to find out what and where you can find those missing enemies.
Unlike the previous installment, there are missable enemies in this game, but don't worry; we'll address them all here so you can catalog them before you reach the point of no return. Included before the list of enemies are all the missable ones, ordered by catalog number. In the numbered list below it, I marked all missable monsters with a "🌟". The list is as follows:
Bestiary Achivements [1-24]
No. 1 - Goblin
No. 2 - Carbuncle
No. 3 - Eye Fang
No. 4 - Blue Wisp
No. 5 - Killer Bee
No. 6 - Werewolf
Altar Cave, Ur, area outside Ur
Altar Cave
Altar Cave
Altar Cave
Outside Castle Sasune, outside Canaan, outside Vikings' Cove
Near Kazus, near Castle Sasune, near Canaan, near Vikings' Cove

No. 7 - Berserker
No. 8 - Red Wisp
No. 9 - Dark Eye
No. 10 - Zombie
No. 11 - Mummy
No. 12 - Skeleton
near Kazus, near Castle Sasune, near Canaan, near Vikings' Cove
Castle Sasune
Castle Sasune
Castle Sasune
Mythril Mines, Sealed Cave
Mythril Mines, Sealed Cave

No. 13 - Cursed Copper
No. 14 - Larva
No. 15 - Shadow
No. 16 - Revenant
No. 17 - Firefly
No. 18 - Helldiver
Mythril Mines, Sealed Cave
Mythril Mines, Sealed Cave
Mythril Mines, Sealed Cave
Sealed Cave
Dragon's Peak
Dragon's Peak
No. 19 - Rust Bird
No. 20 - Rukh
No. 21 - Basilisk
No. 22 - Bugbear
No. 23 - Mandrake
No. 24 - Leprechaun
Dragon's Peak
Dragon's Peak
Near Canaan, near Tozus
Near Canaan, near Tozus
Near Canaan, near Vikings' Cove
Tozus Tunnel
Bestiary Achivements [25-48]
No. 25 - Demonface
No. 26 - Petit
No. 27 - Poison Bat
No. 28 - Lilliputian
No. 29 - Wererat
No. 30 - Blood Worm
Tozus Tunnel
Nepto Temple
Nepto Temple
Nepto Temple
Nepto Temple
Nepto Temple

No. 31 - Killer Fish🌟
No. 32 - Hermit🌟
No. 33 - Sea Elemental🌟
No. 34 - Tangie🌟
No. 35 - Sahagin🌟
No. 36 - Parademon
Inner sea
Inner sea
Inner sea
Inner sea
Inner sea
Plains in South of Floating Continent

No. 37 - Griffin
No. 38 - Lynx
No. 39 - Hornet
No. 40 - Knocker
No. 41 - Flyer
No. 42 - Lizardman
Castle Sasune, near Tokkul, near Castle Argus
Southern plains of Floating Continent
Southern plains of Floating Continent
Near Tokkul, near Castle Argus, near Dwarven Hollows
Near Tokkul, near Castle Argus, near Dwarven Hollows
Near Tokkul, near Castle Argus, near Dwarven Hollows

No. 43 - Gorgon
No. 44 - Red Cap
No. 45 - Barometz
No. 46 - Slime
No. 47 - Tarantula
No. 48 - Cuphgel
Near Tokkul, near Gulgan Gulch, near Dwarven Hollows
Plains of the Floating Continent
Forests on the Floating Continent
Northwestern edge of Floating Continent
Northwestern edge of Floating Continent
Deserts of the Floating Continent
Bestiary Achievements [49-72]
No. 49 - Pugman
No. 50 - Far Darrig
No. 51 - Blood Bat
No. 52 - Petit Mage
No. 53 - Fury
No. 54 - Aughisky
Tower of Owen
Tower of Owen
Tower of Owen
Tower of Owen
Tower of Owen (on the first floor)
Tower of Owen

No. 55 - Bomb
No. 56 - Manticore
No. 57 - Stalagmite
No. 58 - Sea Devil
No. 59 - Merman
No. 60 - Ruinous Wave
Subterranean Lake
Subterranean Lake
Subterranean Lake
Subterranean Lake
Subterranean Lake [B3]
Subterranean Lake, in Gutsco's room

No. 61 - Balloon
No. 62 - Myrmecoleon
No. 63 - Crocotta
No. 64 - Adamantoise
No. 65 - Red Marshmallow
No. 66 - Pharaoh🌟
Molten Cave
Molten Cave [B3]
Molten Cave [B1]
Molten Cave
Molten Cave
Hein's Castle

No. 67 - Lemur🌟
No. 68 - Lamia🌟
No. 69 - Demon🌟
No. 70 - Dullahan🌟
No. 71 - Anet🌟
No. 72 - Mermaid🌟
Hein's Castle
Hein's Castle
Hein's Castle
Hein's Castle [3F]
Outer sea on the Floating Continent
Outer sea on the Floating Continent
Bestiary Achievements [73-96]
No. 73 - Seahorse🌟
No. 74 - Sea Serpent🌟
No. 75 - Cockatrice
No. 76 -Poison Toad
No. 77 - Twin Heads
No. 78 - Roper
Outer sea on the Floating Continent
Outer sea on the Floating Continent
Cave of Tides
Cave of Tides [B2]
Cave of Tides
Cave of Tides

No. 79 - Agaliarept
No. 80 - Darklegs
No. 81 - Gigantoad
No. 82 - Twin Liger
No. 83 - Stroper
No. 84 - Black Flan
Cave of Tides [B3]
Sewers, Forest area near Amur

No. 85 - Hellgaroo
No. 86 - Vulcan
No. 87 - Dracrocotta
No. 88 - Magician
No. 89 - Lost Gold
No. 90 - Gold Eagle
Plains near Amur
Desert area of the Surface World
Desert area of the Surface World
Forest area of the Surface World
Goldor Manor
Goldor Manor

No. 91 - Gold Warrior
No. 92 - Gold Bear
No. 93 - Gold Knight
No. 94 - Nightmare
No. 95 - Hellgaroo Mage
No. 96 - Needle Monkey
Goldor Manor
Goldor Manor
Goldor Manor, Saronia
Goldor Manor
Plains of the Surface World, Dragon Spire
Forest area of the Surface World, Dragon Spire
Bestiary Achievements [97-120]
No. 97 - Catoblepas
No. 98 - Sorcerer
No. 99 - Sand Worm
No. 100 - Frostfly
No. 101 - Simurgh
No. 102 - Harpy
Desert area of the Surface World, Dragon Spire
Forest area near Saronia, Dragon Spire
Desert area near Saronia, Dragon Spire
Sky near Doga's Manor
Sky near Doga's Manor or sky west of the Syrcus Tower
Sky near Doga's Manor

No. 103 - Gargoyle
No. 104 - Chimera
No. 105 - Demon Horse
No. 106 - Rock Gargoyle
No. 107 - Bovian
No. 108 - Dread Knight
Sky near Doga's Manor
Sky near Doga's Manor
Dalg Continent, Cave of the Circle
Cave of the Circle
Dalg Continent, Cave of the Circle
Cave of the Circle

No. 109 - Flyer Mage
No. 110 - Noggle
No. 111 - Abtu
No. 112 - Sea Dragon
No. 113 - Kagura
No. 114 - Charybdis
Cave of the Circle
Underwater in the Surface World
Underwater in the Surface World
Sea on the Surface World
Underwater in the Surface World
Underwater in the Surface World

No. 115 - Dozmare
No. 116 - Sea Witch
No. 117 - Killer Hermit
No. 118 - Ologhai
No. 119 - Kelpie
No. 120 - Aegir
Sunken Cave
Sunken Cave
Sunken Cave
Sunken Cave
Sunken Cave
Sunken Cave
Bestiary Achievements [121-144]
No. 121 - Kyklops
No. 122 - Boss Troll
No. 123 - Fachan
No. 124 - Cenchos
No. 125 - Balor
No. 126 - Dira
Doga's Grotto, Saronia Catacombs
Saronia Catacombs
Saronia Catacombs
Saronia Catacombs
Saronia Catacombs
Temple of Time

No. 127 - Chimera Mage
No. 128 - King Lizard
No. 129 - Pterodactyl
No. 130 - Wyvern
No. 131 - Behemoth
No. 132 - King Seahorse
Temple of Time
Temple of Time
Temple of Time
Temple of Time
Temple of Time
Temple of Time

No. 133 - Dragon
No. 134 - Pyralis
No. 135 - Silenus
No. 136 - Gaap
No. 137 - Azrael
No. 138 - Eater
Temple of Time
Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
Falgabard Cave, Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins, Sunken Cave

No. 139 - Ouroboros
No. 140 - Plancti
No. 141 - Sea Lion
No. 142 - Remora
No. 143 - Grenade
No. 144 - Drake
Lake Dohr, Saronia Catacombs
Lake Dohr
Lake Dohr
Lake Dohr
Bahamut's Lair
Bahamut's Lair
Bestiary Achievements [145-162]
No. 145 - Greater Boros
No. 146 - Sabertooth Liger
No. 147 - Queen Lamia
No. 148 - Zombie Dragon
No. 149 - Death Claw
No. 150 - Hellish Horse
Bahamut's Lair
Bahamut's Lair
Bahamut's Lair
Ancient Ruins, Sunken Cave
Cave of Shadows, Fargabaad Cave, Sunken Cave
Cave of Shadows

No. 151 - Chronos
No. 152 - Valefor
No. 153 - Haniel
No. 154 - Vassago
No. 155 - Peryton
No. 156 - Ogre
Cave of Shadows
Cave of Shadows
Cave of Shadows
Cave of Shadows
Doga's Grotto, Sunken Cave
Doga's Grotto

No. 157 - Cyclops
No. 158 - Nemesis
No. 159 - Humbaba
No. 160 - Death Needle
No. 161 - Liger
No. 162 - Aeon
Doga's Grotto
Doga's Grotto
Doga's Grotto
Forest area near Crystal Tower
Area near the Crystal Tower
Saronia Catacombs, Area near Crystal Tower, Cid's basement
Bestiary Achievements [163-186]
No. 163 - Minotaur
No. 164 - Iron Claws
No. 165 - Greater Demon
No. 166 - Unei's Clone
No. 167 - Thanatos
No. 168 - Bone Dragon
Grassland area near Crystal Tower
Ancients' Maze
Ancients' Maze
Ancients' Maze
Ancients' Maze
Ancients' Maze

No. 169 - King Behemoth
No. 170 - Abaia
No. 171 - Sleipnir
No. 172 - Haokah
No. 173 - Acheron
No. 174 - Oceanus
Ancients' Maze - Fifth Floor
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka

No. 175 - Gomory
No. 176 - Bluck
No. 177 - Doga's Clone
No. 178 - Azer
No. 179 - Platinal
No. 180 - Qumqum
Crystal Tower [1F]
Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower

No. 181 - Shinobi
No. 182 - Shadow Master
No. 183 - Kage
No. 184 - Dark General
No. 185 - Yellow Dragon
No. 186 - Green Dragon
Falgabard Cave, Crystal Tower
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower [Floor 5]
Crystal Tower [Floor 6]
Bestiary Achievements [187-197]
No. 187 - Red Dragon
No. 188 - Glasya Labolas
No. 189 - Yormungand
No. 190 - Thor
No. 191 - Hecatoncheir [Boss]
No. 192 - Hydra
Crystal Tower [Floor 7]
Crystal Tower
World of Darkness
Crystal Tower, World of Darkness
Cave of Shadows
World of Darkness

No. 193 - Queen Scylla
No. 194 - Garm
No. 195 - Twin Dragon
No. 196 - Land Turtle [Boss]
No. 197 - Djinn [Boss]
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
Altar Cave
Altar Cave
Bestiary Achievements [198-215]
No. 198 - Nepto Dragon [Boss]🌟
No. 199 - Giant Rat [Boss]
No. 200 - Medusa [Boss]
No. 201 - Gutsco [Boss]
No. 202 - Salamander [Boss]
No. 203 - Hein [Boss]
Floating Continent - Bay of Nepto
Nepto Temple
Tower of Owen
Subterranean Lake
Molten Cave
Hein's Castle

No. 204 - Kraken [Boss]
No. 205 - Goldor [Boss]
No. 206 - Garuda [Boss]
No. 207 - Odin [Boss]
No. 208 - Leviathan [Boss]
No. 209 - Bahamut [Boss]
Cave of Tides
Goldor Manor
Saronia Castle
Saronia Catacombs
Lake Dohr
Dragon's Peak, Bahamut's Lair

No. 210 - Doga [Boss]
No. 211 - Unei [Boss]
No. 212 - Titan [Boss]
No. 213 - Ninja [Boss]
No. 214 - Amon [Boss]
No. 215 - Kunoichi [Boss]
Doga's Grotto
Doga's Grotto
Ancients' Maze
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Bestiary Achievements [216-225]
No. 216 - General [Boss]
No. 217 - Guardian [Boss]
No. 218 - Scylla [Boss]
No. 219 - Xande [Boss]
No. 220 - Xande's Clone [Boss]
No. 221 - Cerberus [Boss]
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Forbidden Land Eureka
Crystal Tower
World of Darkness
World of Darkness

No. 222 - Two Headed Dragon [Boss]
No. 223 - Echidna [Boss]
No. 224 - Ahriman [Boss]
No. 225 - Cloud of Darkness [Final Boss]
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
World of Darkness
╔Complete Walkthrough
Here is the start of a complete walkthrough of the game. We'll be covering how to obtain every achievement as they come, find every treasure chest, every monster, every hidden item and where to go to visit every location on the map.

For those looking for just certain bits of information, each area is listed below in chronological order of when you traverse the game for easy reference. If you follow along, you'll find everything you need. Spoilers galore!

Anyway, let's get started:
- Altar Cave
When you first start the game, you'll land in Altar Cave through a sinkhole. There are 7/14 treasure chests in this first portion. Once you exit and assign everyone their desired jobs, circle back and head inside to collect the second half of the treasure chests. Do this before heading south to Ur Village just so you have it out of the way (and to collect needed gear).

Altar Cave - 1st Visit

  • Location - Altar Cave
  • Treasure Chests: 14
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 14/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 0/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Altar Cave - 2nd Visit

  • Location - Altar Cave
  • Treasure Chests: 14
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 14/367
  • Hidden Items: 0/61

- Ur Village
Now that you've finished the Altar Cave, head south to the village of Ur. There are no treasure chests, but there is one hidden object inside of the inn (bar area). The inn is the first building to your right as soon as you enter the town. You'll find it in one of the pots on the side.

Hidden items are, well, hidden and don't appear on your map, so make extra sure you're collecting them all. When you're in a direct tile to the item, you'll see a red "!" in a white text bubble (as shown below). Once you collect it, the "!" will be grey, indicating you've found it already. I'll be detailing all of them as we continue on our adventure, so pay close attention.

Ur Village

  • Location - Ur Village
  • Treasure Chests: 8
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 22/367
  • Hidden Items: 6
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 6/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you collect that one, head upstairs to the right-most pot in the first room for the next hidden object, then outside in the northeastern corner of the town is another.

Head up and around to the left side of the town to find another hidden object in the trees, then head into the building just above you to find the last two hidden items.

Before you leave, check the candle to the right to trigger a secret door to open up.

A little scene will play out and a passage will open up to the right. Head inside and up the staircase to find five treasure chests, ripe for the looting.

The last area you need to visit is to the right of the inn. Head back there, then past the treeline and into the well next to the lady. Here, you'll find three more chests.

That will be everything for Ur Village. Before you go, Make sure you stock up on items and gear before heading out once again. Also, make sure to equip the spells you now have to the appropriate character. Exit the city and head south to find the village of Kazus.

The adventure continues!

- Kazus Village
Kazus Village

  • Location - Kazus Village
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 22/367
  • Hidden Items: 5
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 11/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

When you first arrive in Kazus, speak to the man by the fire to learn of the fate befallen the citizens; it's a literal ghost town. The shops are closed given the circumstances, but we can still find some hidden items in the area for the time being.

First, locate the hidden path in the treeline for three items found here:

Next, go to the unmarked building above the inn for another hidden object, then the inn itself (around the false walls shown in the gif) to collect the final hidden object in the city.

Talk to Cid inside the inn and he'll ask you for help and offer you his airship in return for freeing him from the Djinn's curse upon the village. Exit the city (do not go into the Mythril Mines yet, you'll be killed) and go to the small desert just next to Kazus to find the airship.

Before embarking on the next location, collect the nearby monsters into your bestiary and gain a few levels in the process:

- Castle Sasune
Castle Sasune - 1st Visit

  • Location - Castle Sasune
  • Treasure Chests: 13
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 35/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 11/61 (Castle Sasune's item, the canoe, is story-based and does not count towards the total)
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you gain the airship, head west to Castle Sasune. Upon entering head to the west side and into the west tower. Make note of these new monsters to collect for your bestiary log:

Head up to the top of the west tower, but be prepared to fight a strong griffon guarding the treasure chest at the top. If you still have the Zeus' Wrath item, it'll make short work of the griffon, otherwise just stay healed and you should be okay.

Ascend the east tower next and collect the five treasure chests within. Feel free to use the bed at the top to rest and regain HP/MP as well. Next head to the center of the castle and up the stairs to the throne room to speak to King Sasune to learn about the curse and how to lift it.

Before you go, we need to collect the rest of the treasure chests and the hidden object. Follow the red arrows on the map below to find a secret passage on second floor of the castle.

Once you have obtained all 13 treasure chests, we'll forgo the hidden object for now and make our way to the Sealed Cave up north. We'll get the hidden object as part of the main story later on.

- Sealed Cave
Sealed Cave

  • Location - Sealed Cave
  • Treasure Chests: 5
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 40/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 11/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Take the airship up north, over the lake and enter the Sealed Cave. There's no hidden items and only a handful of treasure chests inside. There is one rare monster (Revenant) that is a pain to find; head to the 3rd floor of the cave for the best chance at finding them. Make note of the following monsters for your bestiary as well:

Inside you'll find two treasure chests on the first floor, one on the second floor and two more on the third floor. The cave is very straightforward, as there are no real hidden passages to find out-of-the-way chests. Collect all five to complete this area.

Head to the Sealed Cave and use your canoe to pick up the airship, then go to Kazus and speak to Cid. He'll mention that giant boulder blocking the footpath; a blacksmith in Kazus has the key to removing it, so speak to the one above the inn.

As you descend the cave, when you reach floor two, examine the skull to reveal a hidden passageway. At the end of the third floor, you'll find the Djinn. Defeat him, then Princess Sara will warp the party back to the wellspring in the castle, lifting the curse.

Upon speaking to King Sasune again, he'll give you the canoe, the lone item marked in Castle Sasune, completing this area.
- Mythril Mine
Mythril Mine

  • Location - Mythril Mine
  • Treasure Chests: 2
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 42/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 11/61

Once you lift the curse of the Djinn and return to Kazus, go to the cave entrance in the northeastern corner of the village to enter the Mythril Mine. Enter the mine and go to the top of the first floor and press the button on the wall to open a passage deeper into the mine. You'll find some monsters that you should have on you bestiary. If not, collect them here:

On the second floor will be two treasure chests containing mythril swords. Collect them and exit to complete this small area.
- Canaan - 1st Visit
Canaan - 1st Visit

  • Location - Canaan
  • Treasure Chests: 12
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 54/367
  • Hidden Items: 3
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 14/61

Once you destroy the boulder, your airship will receive extensive damage and crash in the mountains; you'll have to travel to Canaan on foot. On the way, you'll have a few new monsters to catalog in the meantime:

Make your way down south to find the city of Canaan next to the mountain range.

Before we do anything else, let's collect the hidden items and treasure chests. The first one is to the right on the small grass island with the ladder. Head to the top of town to the ladder leading down into the water and follow the path to it.

Weirdly enough, traversing the small waterfall area in the middle injures the party, so don't be near death.

Next, head to the building attached to the inn (not the inn itself) and examine the pot next to the fireplace and the area by the beds for a secret passage to the third and final hidden item.

Now, for the treasure chests! Before that happens, bring that elixir to the northwestern most house and speak to Cid. You'll want to use it to heal his wife. Use the elixir on her to restore her health, then talk to Cid. He'll move and tell you to pull down on the handle to open a secret passage.

Down there will be all 12 treasure chests in Canaan, completing the town of all collectibles.
- Dragon’s Peak
Dragon's Peak

  • Location - Dragon's Peak
  • Treasure Chests: 3
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 57/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 14/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Make your way just outside Canaan to Dragon's Peak for a small cutscene. Time to trek up the mountain to find Desch and see what's going on!

As you traverse the rocky mountains, please note the following monsters to collect for your ever-growing bestiary log:

The route through Dragon's Peak is pretty straightforward and only contains three chests (all in the first area), so you shouldn't have any issue locating them on your mini map as you make your way to the top.

Enemy Rukhs are the rare encounter of this area, so it might take a few battles to locate one. I recommend doing so before facing Bahamut, but you can return later regardless if you forget.

There are no hidden items to collect in this area. Once you head to the top, you'll be picked up by Bahamut and dropped into the dragon nest. Examine the bit of hay that is moving in the back to find Desch.

Bahamut will attack; you cannot win this fight. Bahamut is level 45 and boasts 34,000 HP! Like King Arthur against the Rabbit of Caerbannog, you better "Run away! Run away!".
- Healing Copse
Healing Copse

  • Location - Healing Copse
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total treasure chests at this point: 57/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Total Hidden Items at this point: 14/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you run away from the dragon's nest in Dragon's Peak, you'll end up a ways away from where you started. Head to the small, round area next to you to reveal this hidden location and drink some of the healing water before you go.

There are no treasure chests or hidden items here, so once you're done, it is time to press on.
- Tozus

  • Location - Tozus & Tozus Tunnel
  • Treasure Chests: 2
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 59/367
  • Hidden Items: 4
  • Hidden Items: 18/61

After leaving Healing Copse, head south to see another clearing in the forest. To enter, cast "Mini" on everyone and enter, taking you to the gnome village of Tozus. Head to the northeastern house by the well to collect all four hidden items contained in these bookshelves:

After collecting the four items, speak to the sick villager in the bed and give them an antidote to heal them up. They will give you access to the tunnel outside of town to the other side of the mountains. Head down the stairs and collect the only two treasure chests there; you've now completed Tozus.

Follow the tunnel and collect the next two beasts on your log:

They only appear in the tunnel so collect them now. Head outside the tunnel into the forest west of where you entered Tozus.

- Vikings' Cove
Vikings' Cove

  • Location - Vikings' Cove
  • Treasure Chests: 6
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 65/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 18/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 1

Just north of where you exited the tunnel under Tozus, you'll find your next destination: Vikings' Cove:

You'll see the first treasure chest as you just come in. The wall next to it is hollow, so you can walk right to it without trouble.

Head into inn through the door if you need supplies or to rest, then make your way up the stairs to the left. You'll find a hidden passage shown in the map below: follow it. You'll find a staircase heading down that will lead to two more treasure chests and a spring to revive KO'ed party members.

Make your way back to the staircase and head right, then go between the gap where the two piles of cannonballs are to find the second hidden path and the three remaining treasure chests. Collect these to complete the area.

Once you reach the exit of Vikings' Cove, you'll have two pathways; jump on the Enterprise that is in the water, despite everyone telling you the Nepto Dragon will eat your face if you venture out to sea. This counts as bestiary log No. 198 and is very much missable!

As soon as you encounter the monster, run away. If it gets an attack off on any one character it will kill you, as its melee damage dealt is well over 500HP.

- Nepto Temple
Nepto Temple

  • Location - Nepto Temple
  • Treasure Chests: 3
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 68/367
  • Hidden Items: 2
  • Hidden Items: 18/61 (The two items are the Dragon's Eye and Fang of Water, both story-based and do not count towards the total)
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you had your fill of the Nepto Dragon and escaped with your faces intact, venture north to the Nepto Temple on the peninsula. There will be more monsters to catalog in your time here, so make sure you track one of each down. The poison bat is best found on the second floor, otherwise the others are fairly common encounters.

The problem with Nepto Temple is you need to enter it while under the effects of the "Mini" spell, making everyone's physical attacks useless. Switch your party to nothing but mages and equip them with a nice assortment of offensive and defensive spells from Vikings' Cove.

I recommend doing this in two parts: first part is collecting the bestiary logs for each monster, minus the Giant Rat (that's the boss), then returning to Vikings' Cove to heal, then returning again and make a mad dash to the boss to complete your objective.

When you first enter the temple, follow the path to the end; there will be two holes in the ground. Take the left one first. Afterwards, I'd recommend leaving to heal, then returning and jumping down the second hole, which will lead to the final treasure chest in the temple.

Here is where I'll point out that once you defeat the Giant Rat and restore the eye of the temple dragon statue, you CANNOT OBTAIN THE NEPTO DRAGON BESTIARY LOG, so if you have not encountered it, hop in the Enterprise outside of the Vikings' Cove and encounter, then run away to log it in before continuing.

Once you're ready, face off against the Giant Rat.
- The Open Seas (Overworld Map)
The Open Seas (Overworld Map)

  • Location - The Open Seas (Overworld Map)
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 68/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 18/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 5

Once you return the Nepto Dragon to its peaceful slumber, you'll gain access to sailing the high seas with your new ship, The Enterprise. Something to remember, you won't always have access to sailing, so we need to collect five ocean-based monster logs now so we don't forget later on.

All five of these are missable after awhile, so collect them all near the area of the temple:
- The Living Woods
The Living Woods

  • Location - The Open Seas (Missable Location)
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 68/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 18/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you've collected all the sea creatures for the bestiary achievement, head west to The Living Woods. This location is temporary and can be missed, so visit it now to catalog it.

Enter the woods and you'll come into contact with a group of fairies. There's nothing remarkable to discover and the one item mentioned is a story item, so it will not count towards your total. Once you're done, exit and board The Enterprise once more and sail north until you reach the tower and water cyclone blocking your path.
- The Tower of Owen
The Tower of Owen - 1st Visit

  • Location - The Tower of Owen
  • Treasure Chests: 9
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 68/367 (None are obtainable at this time)
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 18/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you leave the Living Woods, you'll head north and come across a cyclone blocking your path and a tall tower: The Tower of Owen. Upon entering, you won't be able to do much, so exit and head west.

You'll find some new enemies in the area to catalog:

- Chocobo Woods #1
Chocobo Woods - Northwestern Continent

  • Location - Chocobo Woods - Northwestern Continent
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 68/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 18/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

This hidden area is not missable if you don't add it to your map, but I'd suggest heading here next to mark it for future use. While nothing of note is there (for now), you can talk to one of the chocobos to ride one on the overworld map if you'd like.

We'll come back here much later in the game, so we'll continue on south from here.

- Gulgan Gulch
Gulgan Gulch

  • Location -Gulgan Gulch
  • Treasure Chests: 3
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 71/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 19/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

From the Chocobo Woods, head south around the mountain until you find a cave entrance. Head inside to enter Gulgan Gulch, home of the Gulgan people.

Enter the cave and head down the stairs. Speak to the man there to receive "Toad". Directly south of him is a crack in the cave's wall, leading to three treasure chests you need to collect. This will complete this area.

Once you do, this will complete the Gulgan Gulch area. Now you can head back to the Tower of Owen.
- The Tower of Owen
The Tower of Owen - 2nd Visit

  • Location -The Tower of Owen
  • Treasure Chests: 9
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 80/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 19/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now that you have the "Toad" spell, add it to your arsenal and enter the tower. There are nine treasure chests in the tower, as well as six new monsters to identify and defeat. Look out for:

Something to note, the enemy "Fury" only shows up on the water-filled basement floor where the frogs are. The bestiary says the Tower of Owens first floor, but that is very misleading. Furies are uncommon spawns, so you might have to grind out a few battles before you find one.

- The Open Seas (Overworld Map)
The Tower of Owen - 2nd Visit

  • Location -The Tower of Owen
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 80/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 19/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 4

Once you teleport out of the Tower of Owen, the cyclone will have disappeared like Desch promised. Hop onto your ship and sail past the once-blocked straight and into the ocean beyond. There are four new sea monsters to catalog before we move forward.

These are missable later on in the game, so collect them now!
- Dwarven Hollows - 1st Visit
Dwarven Hollows - 1st Visit

  • Location -The Tower of Owen
  • Treasure Chests: 16 (cannot obtain any just yet)
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 80/367
  • Hidden Items: 1 (cannot obtain it just yet)
  • Hidden Items: 19/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you register the new sea monsters for your registry, head inside the Dwarven Hollows located on a small island northwest of the cyclone's former location.

Enter the hollows and down the stairs. There, you'll find shops to resupply, an inn and two staircases: one at the bottom left and one at the bottom right corner. The one on the right leads to the treasury, but your travels are hampered by a giant boulder blocking the path, so take the left stairs first.

Exam the pool of water; you'll need to cast "Toad" on everyone to enter the Subterranean Lake. Once you do, jump on it!

- Subterranean Lake
Subterranean Lake

  • Location - Subterranean Lake
  • Treasure Chests: 7
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 87/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 19/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Dive in the lake after casting toad on your party. There will be seven treasure chests you can collect down here. First, take note of the enemies you'll encounter on your journey through the underground lake:

When you arrive on the other side of the lake, follow the narrow pathway to find your first treasure chest and a hidden passage.

Continue down the stairs to the next floor and collect the treasure chests along the way as shown below:

The next floor contains two more treasure chests:

Once you've collect your bestiary entries (though you can do so after fighting Gutsco as well), speak to him. Once defeated, you'll acquire the missing Ice Horn, which will now awkwardly follow you around until you place it on the altar back in the Dwarven Hollows.

Once you do, you'll trigger a trap, losing both Ice Horns, deflating the progress you just made. Time to get them both back! To the Molten Cave to the north!

- Molten Cave & Chocobos!
Molten Cave & Chocobo Woods #2

  • Location - Molten Cave & Chocobo Woods #2
  • Treasure Chests: 7
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 94/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 19/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

The Molten Cave is, literally, just on the other side of the mountain range on the very island the Dwarven Hollows are, so make the quick ride to the entrance; make sure you've healed, have new gear and have plenty of supplies, as the Molten Cave is one of the more difficult areas in the game.
Before going in, make a quick detour to the woods in the middle of the island for another Chocobo sanctuary to check off on your quest to seeing every location in the game.

We're going to be on the lookout for the following new monsters in the Molten Cave:

The monsters here have strong, physical attacks, the Balloons can self-destruct leaving you with severe damage and the others are HP sponges that take a beating to take down; make sure you're not under-leveled.

Blizzard will be your best friend down here, along with a certain blade found on the second floor. Stay healed; everything packs one hell of a punch.

Equipping the "Flame Mail" will protect you against the lava tiles so your party doesn't take continuous damage traversing through them. On the first floor, there will be two treasure chests:

Head down to the second floor and south of the lavafall, you'll find a treasure chest carrying an extremely useful item: the Freezing Blade. Make sure to equip it.

Before heading down to the third floor, collect the treasure chests north and south of the staircase:

Upon reaching the third floor, go left at the fork to collect the next chest, then north for the final one, then examine the rock-like-switch to reveal the chamber where Gustco is hiding out. He's...a bit different than last time.

Gustco, now Salamander, will hit hard with their "Flame" attack, striking all four party members at once for significant damage. Make sure you stay healed fully with a combination of portions, hi-potions and healing spells. Once they're defeated, examine the crystal.

You'll earn four new jobs that you can change to, should you desire. Exit the Molten Cave using the teleportation pad behind the crystal.
- Dwarven Hollows - 2nd Visit
Dwarven Hollows - 2nd Visit

  • Location - Dwarven Hollows - 2nd Visit
  • Treasure Chests: 16
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 110/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 20/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Return to the Dwarven Hollows for a short encounter with a citizen of the city of Tokkul. With this in mind, continue inside and speak to the dwarf (for treasure!) here:

Before heading down, speak to the dwarf above him to collect a "magic key" and this area's only hidden item.
Go down the stairs to the bottom-right where the vault is located to collect all 16 treasure chests, completing this area. Stock up on supplies as needed, then head to your ship outside.
- Tokkul - 1st Visit

  • Location - Tokkul
  • Treasure Chests: 2 (cannot obtain any just yet)
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 110/367
  • Hidden Items: 5 (cannot obtain any just yet)
  • Hidden Items: 20/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Leave the Dwarven Hollows and head all the way south of the Tower of Owen to the city of Tokkul. Before you enter, save the game at some point.

Once you enter the city, you'll be ambushed by four soldiers and taken captive. You'll awake in a dungeon cell with King Argus and his subjects.
- Castle Hein
Castle Hein

  • Location - Castle Hein
  • Treasure Chests: 11
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 121/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 21/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 5

Once you awaken, talk to your new cellmates to learn what is going on, then examine the vase in the corner to fully heal your party, then speak to the only soldier not walking around for the castle's one and only hidden item, the spell "Mini".
Exit on the other side and return everyone to their normal size. Heed this notice:


If you miss a treasure chest or bestiary recording, you will need to reload your previous save and do it all over again, otherwise you will not complete all the achievements at the end of the game. There are five missable monsters:

The first treasure chest is located right when you escape your cell. Go left of the egg in the center of the room to find a passageway to the next area. Grab the second treasure chest, then go up the stairs. Here, there are several doors. There are six treasure chests in total, two per doorway.
Once you clear out these three rooms, you need to locate a Dullahan, on this floor. I found one in the small treasure rooms, so they do spawn on this level.

Exit through the north door and grab the treasure chest just beside you, then head left.

Ascend the stairs when you do and pick up the one treasure chest on floor four and then the lone treasure chest on floor five. Once you have all 11 treasure chests and have cataloged the monsters, speak to the boss to engage in a fight to save the Elder Tree. Upon defeating him, you'll be returned to the surface world; Castle Hein is no longer available for the duration of the game from this point on.

You'll be dropped inside the Living Woods, in which the Elder Tree will need to heal for the next 1,000 years. You can no longer enter this location.

- Tokkul - 2nd Visit
Tokkul - 2nd Visit

  • Location - Tokkul
  • Treasure Chests: 2
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 123/367
  • Hidden Items: 5
  • Hidden Items: 26/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you've been evicted from the Living Woods, walk back to Tokkul. We have a couple treasure chests to locate and several hidden items. The building in the north has a false fireplace that you can enter to find a secret room.

The two treasure chests inside are the only ones in this town.

Next, there are five hidden items around town. They can be found in these locations:
- Castle Argus
Castle Argus

  • Location - Castle Argus
  • Treasure Chests: 21
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 144/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 27/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

With King Argus safe and his subjects returned to Castle Argue, let's go pay him a visit. He's castle is just north of Tokkul, here:
Head up the staircases until you reach King Argus and his men sitting at the round table. Speak to him to about the "Wheel of Time". This item allows your ship, once given to Cid, to fly. This opens up a whole slew of new locations to explore, treasure to collect and monsters to defeat!

Before we head out, let's find all the treasure chests in the castle and the hidden item. The first two can be found right next to King Argus, inside a passage that takes you to a secluded section on the fourth floor. Take the right side between the treasure chests to find a hidden passage to a third chest.

Retrace your steps and go back to the second floor. You'll notice one torch is gold; examine it to reveal a false wall.

Follow the footpath to find three treasure chests. The path is on the south wall in the corner, hidden like the rest. Collect those three and then head up the stairs.

You'll find six more treasure chests here, as well as yet another staircase. This should bring you out here:
Take either the right or left path and you'll find two doors, both locked. Hope is not lost, though! Change any party member to a thief.

Any will do. Once you do, have the thief interact with the door to unlock it. Sneaky!
The right door contains six more treasure chests and the left door three and your hidden item. Speak to the mage inside the left door for a pair of elixirs and then press the button on the side of the wall to access the three remaining treasure chests.
This concludes this location. Leave and return to Canaan to speak with Cid. Time to speak to a man about a flying boat.

- Canaan - 2nd Visit
Canaan - 2nd Visit

  • Location - Canaan - 2nd Visit
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 144/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 27/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Return to Canaan and speak with Cid, who is inside his home in the northwestern corner of town. He'll retrofit the Enterprise into a convertible airship (alarmingly quick I might add). You can only land on the open ocean, but this still allows you to travel to new places.

- The Sky (Overworld)
The Sky (Overworld)

  • Location - The Sky (Overworld)
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 144/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 27/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now that we can fly, lets explore the outer rim of the continent to find some elusive monsters for the bestiary. First, head up north to the lone desert shown below. Here, you can find the following enemies: the Red Cap, the Tarantula and the Cuphgel. They appear in and outside of the desert tiles. Once you have collected all three, head all the way southeast to the forest in the corner.

Inside the forest shown below, you can find a few new enemies, as well as some that overlap if you're having a tough time finding the tarantula in the desert. Either way, make sure you catalog all of them.You can find the Slime, Tarantula, Barometz, Red Cap and sometimes the Cuphgel here.

Lastly, head a bit more west from the forest, to about the center of the field as shown. Here you can find the last two enemies we're looking for: the Hornet and the Lynx.

Once you've collected all eight creatures, we'll move on to a new area.
- Gysahl

  • Location - Gysahl
  • Treasure Chests: 1
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 145/367
  • Hidden Items: 5
  • Hidden Items: 32/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Since we're in this area already, let's make a quick stop to the town of Gysahl for a few hidden items and a quick treasure chest collection. The magic shop also has an array of deadly and useful spells, so make sure to stop by and pick everything up for the road ahead.

Next, head to the small house just past the sheep flock to find two hidden items inside some pots.

Three more are in the southeastern corner of the town.

Inside the store that sells the magic keys, you'll find the hidden path to the treasure chests behind the counter as soon as you enter the store. Enter the door, don't move forward, but instead take a left around the wall. Collect the treasure chest, which contains a Shuriken.


That concludes this area. Return to the Enterprise.

- Chocobo Woods #3
Chocobo Woods #3 - Southwestern Continent

  • Location - Chocobo Woods #3 - Southwestern Continent
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 145/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 32/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before heading to the next town, make a stop at the third Chocobo Forest since it is next door. You can ride a Chocobo if you'd like, but otherwise there isn't anything to do here.
- Village of the Ancients
Village of the Ancients

  • Location - Village of the Ancients
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 145/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 33/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Next to the Chocobo Forest is the Village of the Ancients. There are no treasure chests here, but there is one hidden item. Just past the inn, examine the tree to the east to collect the hidden sword.

- Wrecked Ship
Wrecked Ship

  • Location - Wrecked Ship
  • Treasure Chests: 2
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 147/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 33/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

For the first time ever, you need to leave the floating continent. Jump back into the Enterprise, take to the air and exit any side of the map. You'll now be outside the land and among a vast, endless ocean. You'll see a tiny island in the northwestern corner of the map. Head there and board the ship.

There are only two chests to collect and no enemies to record. Go below deck and speak to the man, who informs you he and the girl in the bed are the lone survivors from the massive earthquake that sunk the continent. Provide the girl with an antidote to learn more.
- Temple of Water
Temple of Water

  • Location - Temple of Water
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 147/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 33/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now that Aria has joined the party, you need to bring her to the Temple of Water. That is on the larger island to the south. Use the two ponds inside to heal if needed, then collect the shard. Exit the temple.
- Cave of Tides
Cave of Tides

  • Location - Cave of Tides
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 147/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 33/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Head to the cave directly above the Temple of Water: the Cave of Tides. Once again, there are no treasure chests or items to collect, but this time around there are monsters to face. Here you'll find a few:

Follow the path down to the bottom of the cave. Aria will unseal the doors as needed until you reach the water crystal. From there, defeat the boss, experience a cut-scene and awake in the town of Amur.
- Amur & the Amur Sewers
Amur & the Amur Sewers

  • Location - Amur & the Amur Sewers
  • Treasure Chests: 5 (Amur Sewers)
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 152/367
  • Hidden Items: 7
  • Hidden Items: 40/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before we go on, let's collect everything in Amur as far as hidden items go. To get started, head to the house shown below and speak to the man inside. Since the Enterprise isn't accessible right now, we need to figure out how to continue our adventure.
This will allow us to access the sewers and areas where hidden items are located. Head directly above the gate to collect the items within the turnip fields. There are four Gysahl Greens in the patch that you can take.

Next, you'll find three more items here:
Once you've collected all seven, I'd recommend checking out the shops, as they have a plethora of new weapons and armor for your current classes and newly acquired ones. Once you're all set, enter the sewers from the bottom-right waterway in town. Here you'll find four new monsters:

Make sure to collect the three treasure chests inside the sewers:
On level four, there is a hidden wall hiding the other two treasure chests. You can enter it through the corner shown below. This was the only place I could find Stroper monsters, so if you're having trouble, try to trigger some fights in these hidden areas.
Exit the area and then go to the oopposite corner to find two more hidden in a similar fashion:
Once you enter the bottom room of the sewers, you'll be teleported back to the entrance of town. If you didn't collect all the bestiary entries, you should go back now.

- Overworld Map
Overworld Map

  • Location - Overworld Map
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 152/367
  • Hidden Items: 7
  • Hidden Items: 40/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before you run off to your next location, roam around new Amur to find some new monsters to add to the bestiary. Just outside, you'll find a couple new faces:
- Goldor Manor
Goldor Manor

  • Location - Goldor Manor
  • Treasure Chests: 12
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 164/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 40/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you've collected all the new monster bestiary entries, head south and follow the mountain range until you come across a gold-colored building: Gold Manor. Here you can find some new enemies:
.png]When you first enter, head directly to the staircase at the top of the room to take you to floor two. Here, you can find all 12 treasure chests, which, oddly enough, contain almost a dozen golden swords. Upon inspection, you'll see that the swords themselves appear useless.

Go back to the first room where you saw the four locked doors just as you entered the manor. The one in the upper-right corner leads to the next level through a crack in the wall. The other three locked doors lead to dead ends, so feel free to ignore them.

Wind around the path to the third floor. If you've already checked off all of the bestiary entries, feel free to engage the boss on floor three, though you can afterwards should you still need a few of them.
- Duster

  • Location - Duster
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 164/367
  • Hidden Items: 2
  • Hidden Items: 42/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now that the curse has been lifted and the key to the Enterprise's chains have been removed, we can take to the sky once again. We need to visit a few places before advancing the main story. Head to the island in the middle of the sea to find the town of Duster. On this island, you can find a few new enemies to add to your bestiary:
Once you have them acquired, hop back in the Enterprise and roam the sea until you find monster #112 - Sea Dragon.

While you can find the monsters on the island with the town of Duster, the Sea Dragon, once you advance the plot further, can almost never be found again.

If you travel too far northwest, you'll encounter a vast kingdom protected by walls, aerial defense systems using massive cannons and a huge army of soldiers. If you fly the Enterprise near the castle, you will be shot down and the Enterprise will be destroyed.

If that happens, then the only way to find a Sea Dragon for the achievement is to find one in the rivers using the canoe, but doing so is tedious; the spawn rate of Sea Dragons in the rivers is extremely low.

For now, avoid the castle and surrounding area. Once you've collected all the monster entries, head to Duster. We have two hidden items to collect inside. You can find them both here:
- Replito

  • Location - Replito
  • Treasure Chests: 1
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 165/367
  • Hidden Items: 4
  • Hidden Items: 46/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you finish up in Duster, head north, then west, making sure to avoid the castle and its guns. You'll find a small town on the other side called Replito.
When you first enter the town, examine the tree to your left for the first hidden item:
Move up north and make your way through the hidden path in the trees to find the next two hidden items. They are both right next to one another in this small opening.
The fourth one can be found through the trees on the east side of town, next to a man named Gulgan:
Lastly, follow the hidden path behind the house shown to enter a rear entrance. Examine the torch candle on the right to open a hidden path to the lone treasure chest in the town. Collect it, go south and talk to the man for hints to an otherwise unknown trove of hidden treasure.

That concludes everything collectible within Replito.
- Chocobo Woods #4
Chocobo Woods #4

  • Location - Chocobo Woods #4
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 165/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 46/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before we leave the area after completing the town of Replito, head just outside to the small area with no trees just on the other side of the river to locate the fourth Chocobo Woods area. There isn't much to do here just like the others, so head out for the time being.
- Southwestern Saronia
Southwestern Saronia

  • Location - Southwestern Saronia
  • Treasure Chests: 11
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 176/367
  • Hidden Items: 2
  • Hidden Items: 48/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you're ready, fly over the kingdom of Saronia; the Enterprise and company will get shot out of the air. You'll end up between two warring armies. If you try to go towards the castle, you'll be turned away. Instead, leave the area and head to the southwestern corner of Saronia. Upon entering, go north and speak to the main standing in front of the door to a nearby building.

He'll mention something about a prince and then move away from the front door; enter the building. From this point forward, we need to be very particular in how we go about events.
Once you enter, you'll have a man named Alus join your party. This marks a portion of events that allow us to collect certain missable items in the game.

First, go south and then make your way to the building on the east side of town. Inside is a man who will summon a storage Chocobo if you'd like to store some items or pick some up. Otherwise, follow the hidden path on the west wall to find all 11 treasure chests for this area.
Next, with Alus in tow, talk to the man in green in the middle of the streams on the small platform and the man in the southwestern corner of the map. They both have one of the hidden items, but they ONLY give it to you if they see you with Alus. Exit this area of the kingdom and go to the southeastern corner next once you've obtained the items and treasure chests.

- Southeastern Saronia
Southeastern Saronia & The Dragon Spire

  • Location - Southeastern Saronia & The Dragon Spire
  • Treasure Chests: 12
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 188/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 48/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you leave the southwestern area, head east with Alus to locate the Dragon Spire. The enemies here will be the same that we fought outside the town of Duster on the island, so don't worry about clocking in additional monster entries at the moment. However, we need to collect some of the treasure here within the Dragon Spire, so charge right in!
Climb the tower to find all twelve treasure chests containing an entire loadout for two dragoons if you have any in your party. Once you collect them all, you're free to leave the area unless you need bestiary entries still. In collecting them all, you should get the achievement marking the halfway point of collecting all the treasure chests in game!

- Northeastern Saronia
Northeastern Saronia

  • Location - Northeastern Saronia
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 188/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 49/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you've cleared out the Dragon Spire, head north to the northeastern block of Saronia. Upon entering, visit the tree shown below for the singular hidden item in this area.
Next, we need to prepare to fight Garuda. To do this, it is highly recommended to kit out four Dragoons. You'll need to utilize their "Jump" ability, coupled with, preferably, "Wind Spears" to maximize your damage output, though "Thunder Spears" can work in a pinch.

Garuda boasts a huge hit point pool and can deal fatal lightening strikes to singular party members on relentlessly. So you either need to use your Dragoons, or have at least two full-time healers keeping everyone at max hit points. Keep in mind that this alternative route will be tedious due to Garuda's massive amount of health.
- Northwestern Saronia
Northwestern Saronia

  • Location - Northwestern Saronia
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 188/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 49/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Head to the northwestern part of Saronia to register the location for the achievement. There are a few shops to buy needed supplies or an inn to rest. The only building of worth is the library, but it is blocked off by a Saronian guard who tells you to get lost.

Once you've ready, head directly to Castle Saronia with Alus.

- Castle Saronia
Castle Saronia

  • Location - Castle Saronia
  • Treasure Chests: 20
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 208/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 49/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

When you're ready to enter Castle Saronia and face off against Garuda, make your way to the entrance and you'll be granted an audience with the king tomorrow morning and given a room to stay in for the night.

While trying to sleep, the king and Minister Gigametz will enter your room and try to have the prince killed.
Your party will protect the prince and the fight with Garuda will begin. As mentioned prior, make sure to keep your party fully healed and utilize your Dragoon's "Jump" ability and wind spears to make short work of him. Garuda hits for devastating amounts of hit points and has plenty himself.

Once the battle is over, Alus will take the throne as king. Time to find some loot! Before leaving the room you defeated Garuda in, enter the hidden passage between the two red chairs. Down here will be 12 treasure chests; venturing further down will yield six more.
Has you head towards the exit, take a quick right into the Saronian Engineer Corps room to pick up a brand new airship for travel (since yours exploded).
Before boarding the Nautilus, we have two more treasure chests to collect. Head outside the Engineer Corps' room and go left into the Mage's room. Push the button on the wall to reveal the last two treasure chests. This will complete the castle.
Before taking to the skies, venture to the shops around the kingdom, as they've now opened. There's some quality gear and new spells that may be of use to you in your travels. Once you're done, board the Nautilus!

- Doga's Manor
Doga's Manor & Cave of the Circle

  • Location - Doga's Manor & Cave of the Circle
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 208/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 50/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Your next stop is going to be Doga's Manor, south of the castle. Before entering the manor, you should collect some new flying monsters that will attack you as you move through the narrow passage:

Once you're ready, enter the manor and you'll be confronted by Doga, who will explain that the Earth Crystal that was destroyed by Goldor was a fake and that the real one is still intact.
I'd recommend farming some gil outside the manor to have enough money to pick up the plethora of new spells that are in the manor's mage shop. They have some truly wonderful offensive and defensive spells for your party, but they cost a great deal. Once you are ready to move on, head to the room on the north end of the manor and examine the bookcase for the one hidden item in this location.

The pots to your left will heal any party members and the other will revive them. Once you're ready, examine the torch in the center of the room.
Before entering the small passage, switch everyone's job to magic-based, as your physical attacks will do next-to-nothing. Once you're ready, proceed inside and take note of the following enemies:

Once you've made it out the other side, you should re-adjust your party, unshrink and then board the Nautilus. While over water, land to enter your new underwater mode. While underwater, collect the following enemies for your bestiary:
- Doga's Village
Doga's Village

  • Location - Doga's Village
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 208/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 50/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before we head off to find Noah's lute, let's stop off for supplies, new magic spells and other goodies, as well as marking another area to visit for the achievement. Doga's Village, shown below, is only accessible using the Nautilus' new submarine ability to traverse a narrow tunnel under the mountains.

There are no items to collect here, so once you're fully stocked, we can continue on our adventure.
- Temple of Time & Unei's Shrine
Temple of Time & Unei's Shrine

  • Location - Temple of Time & Unei's Shrine
  • Treasure Chests: 10
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 218/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 50/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Once you're ready, head to the location shown and dive under the water to find the submerged Temple of TIme. Time to find Noah's lute!
There are a whole slew of enemies to find and defeat in the Temple of Time. You'll need to look for the following:

Things to note is that the Pterodactyl will only appear in the same room as Noah's lute; this monster does not appear anywhere else in the temple, so keep that in mind when looking for everything. For now, I'll focus on collecting the treasure chests, which can be found in the following locations:

When you first enter, head to the locked door shown here and use your thief or a magic key to unlock it. There is one treasure chests behind it. Go to the door next to it, do the same and you can access the second treasure chest in the temple.
Make your way around and to the stairs to access the next floor; grab the treasure chest in plain few to obtain the "Defender" sword.

On the next floor, use your thief or magic key on the door to your right to locate the fourth treasure chest.
Enter the water and choose the left door, unlock it and collect the two treasure chests from within. Exit and take the far right door afterwards.
Upon entering basement level 3, head south, then climb back up the waterfalls on the right side until you find a crack in the wall. Follow this hidden passage. At the end, collect the three treasure chests on the platform.
Go back the way you came and head south past the waterfalls. Take the left door and unlock it. Collect the "Diamond Shield", then leave and unlock the right door to progress.

Here you will find Noah's lute, which is the area I mentioned above that is the only place to encounter a Pterodactyl, so do so before you leave! Don't worry about the one item listed on the location's inventory; Noah's lute is the item.

Now we should go use the loot, so leave the Temple of Time and head north to Unei's Shrine. You can find the entrance below. Make your way to the sleeping Unei and use the lute. Talk to Unei, who will then join the party and give you the Fang of Fire.
- Sunken Cave
Sunken Cave

  • Location - Sunken Cave
  • Treasure Chests: 19
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 237/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 50/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now it's time to head to the Sunken Cave for more treasure, new monsters and other goodies! You can technically go to the Ancient Ruins first if you'd like, but we should be high enough level to deal with everything here and I wanted to get it out of the way first, but either way works. I'd recommend the Sunken Cave purely for the fact that the enemies down there can give you enormous amounts of experience points, so it is well worth the visit.

You can find the Sunken Cave here:
Inside you can find the following enemies:

When you enter the cave, head directly to the second floor; there will be three treasure chests out in the open to collect. Head down to the next floor to find small fortune of treasure chests: 16 to be in fact! Twelve are out in the open and four are obtained through the hidden wall on the left side of the cavern. These four are, in fact, Monsters-in-a-Box. When you open them, you'll be attacked, so beware.
- Chocobo Woods #5
Chocobo Woods #5

  • Location - Chocobo Woods #5
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 237/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 50/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before running off towards the Ancient Ruins, make a quick stop at another Chocobo Woods in the north to claim it on the map as a visited destination. For now, you can't do anything here, so leave once you do. You can find it here:
- Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins

  • Location - Ancient Ruins
  • Treasure Chests: 5
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 242/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 50/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

You'll need to land the airship elsewhere and use the canoe to reach the Ancient Ruins, as you cannot land directly outside it due to the type of terrain. Enter the cave and look out for four new monsters:

Head inside and you'll run into three trapped scholars. Go south and let Unei destroy the rocks blocking your path further into the ruins. You'll come across two doors: the first one contains one treasure chest, while the second door to a small junction with a few shops, which will offer a nice reprieve from battle a chance to stop up on items.
I highly recommend picking up the white and block robes for any mages on your team, as they do great work boosting their respective defensive abilities. If you visited the Sunken Cave prior to this, you should have quite the stockpile of gil to spend.

Once you're done shopping, head further down and you'll come across four doors and stairs leading further into the ruins. Each door leads to one treasure chests, so visit all the rooms before going to the third floor. Make your way all the way down to the bottom to find the Invincible, a massive battleship with a shop, bed, chocobo storage; the works!

It dwarfs the Nautilus in size and utility.

- Cave of Shadows
Cave of Shadows

  • Location - Cave of Shadows
  • Treasure Chests: 9
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 251/367
  • Hidden Items: 1
  • Hidden Items: 51/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

The neat trick with the Invincible, aside from its mobile shops, is that it can scale small mountain ranges. We'll use that to our advantage and access a few unobtainable locations before progressing the main story. First, the Cave of Shadows!
]Inside you'll learn that the monsters multiply when attacked by normal swords (physical attacks), so ready up your mages and dark knights (equip the "Kotetsu" to avoid dividing enemies) and look out for new enemies:

Before leaving the entrance, take a right and you'll find a hidden passage directly east of the person you just spoke to. Continue onward and talk to the next person you see to receive a special blade; collect the chest nearby and then proceed.
On the next floor, make sure to open this hidden treasure chest before moving on to the next floor. You should be able to see it from the mini map. Head north and take the left passage to find another treasure chest before taking the south to the next floor.
Descend the stairs and take a left at this junction; follow the path to another treasure chest at the end of the passage, then backtrack to the way you came.
Make your way to level 4 and take the second path to reach the next level in this labyrinth of a cavern. What an annoying place to be...
In the next area, you'll only have one path that leads further on and a treasure chest will be in plain view, so grab it as you continue deeper into the cave. Take the below path to collect yet another out-of-the-way treasure chest before moving to the next floor.
When you reach floor 8, immediately go right to collect the next treasure chest before heading south. Take the left-most entrance and call it to yet another set of stairs leading even further down. This cave never ends...
When you reach the small waterway and the bridge over it, go south right away to collect another treasure chest:
At long last, you'll reach the very bottom of the cave and find something worth all the headache this place has been: the Fang of Earth! Before you pick it up, heal up and prepare for a fight!
- Falgabard & Falgabard Cave
Falgabard & Falgabard Cave

  • Location - Falgabard & Falgabard Cave
  • Treasure Chests: 4 (Falgabard Cave)
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 255/367
  • Hidden Items: 5
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Next, head west to another otherwise inaccessible area: the town of Falgabard!
Heal up and get ready for a fight! Go north and follow this hidden path to find an old man sitting alone. Speak to him and you'll face off with Shinobi. While he doesn't have much for HP, he can one-shot weaker party members, as well as inflict blind and poison, so stay healed and you should be fine. Upon winning the fight, you'll earn a hidden item.
Before leaving the waterfall, go south along the waterway to the small island in the middle down south. Atop the grassy area are the four remaining hidden items. You've now collected everything in Falgabard!
Once you have acquired all five hidden items and defeated Shinobi, head north inside the town to find Galgabard Cave. There are no new enemies to be found, so don't worry about marking off any in your bestiary. Just remember, these enemies divide upon receiving physical damage, so plan accordingly with dark knights and magic-based attacks to make things easier for you.

When you first enter, you'll see a treasure chest just south of your position, so pick that one up right away. Next, enter the top passage of the two, follow it all the second right and then right for two more treasure chests, then backtrack and take the next passage down for another treasure chest.
That concludes this area and the town, so rest up and exit when you're ready.
- Chocobo Woods #5
Chocobo Woods #5

  • Location - Chocobo Woods #5
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 255/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Just like the four Chocobo Woods before it, make a quick stop at this one just east of Falgabard before you leave the area. There is nothing to do here yet, so just mark it on your map and exit.
- Ancient's Maze
Ancient's Maze

  • Location - Ancient's Maze
  • Treasure Chests: 15
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 270/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now that we have all the crystals but the Earth Crystal, we can destroy the towers blocking access to the Earth Crystal. Head northeast and walk between each of the towers to destroy them for good.
While you're outside the tower, collect some new monsters while you're at it:

They start spawning as soon as you pass the first tower. When you're ready, enter the Ancient's Maze and through the doorway to find the Earth Crystal. Short mage, eh?

Before you examine it, prepare for a boss fight against the Titan. Casting earthquake, flare and having a substantial health pool, the Titan can pose quite a threat to underleveled parties. Stay healed, use the best-of-the-best attacks and you should prevail. Once you collect the final crystal, you'll be given three new job titles.

The devout is an upgraded white mage, magus is a direct upgrade to the black mage and the summoner is a direct upgrade to the envoker, so use those instead of their previous jobs if you have them in your party.

Before you leave, exit the room and take a left to go up and around the room. Take note of the following enemies in the area for your bestiary:

There are 15 treasure chests in the room ahead, but before you go there, take a right and collect the one treasure chest outside the door, then go left in the door above the Earth Crystal room.

Here is where the name comes from, as this area is a windy maze full of dead ends. Utilize the mini map to locate the treasure chests and beware the king behemoth! With 45,000HP and devastating physical attacks, plus a nasty area of effect meteor strike, even appropriately leveled parties will struggle with fighting them. Make sure you stay fully healed, otherwise it'll make a quick halt to your exploration!

At the end of the maze, you'll see an exit into the overworld and two treasure chests on either side. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE! If you do, teleport will not take you to the entrance, but the exit of the maze on the opposite side. Once you've completed the bestiary in this area, teleport out and heal up at the Invincible. We'll be back soon, but the treasure has some nice gear I didn't want to pass up so I collected it now.
- Doga's Grotto
Doga's Grotto

  • Location - Doga's Grotto
  • Treasure Chests: 6
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 276/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0


Before you can find and enter the grotto, head back to Doga's Manor in the Nautilus (the Invincible is too slow to enter). You'll be greeted, as your return was expected.
You'll be teleported to an underground tunnel. Make your way through it, noting the following four new monsters as well:

On the second floor, collect the two treasure chests in plain view.
Descend the staircase to enter a floor with three doors. The first door on the left is empty, so ignore it. The second door on the left contains three treasure chests and the singular door on the right continues deeper into the cave. In the next area, grab the one treasure chest, then head down the stairs once again.
Once you reach the end of the floor with the waterfalls, enter the door to face off against Doga and Unei in battle to prove your worth. While everything is missable in this area, you can still collect any missing treasure chests and bestiary monsters, but once you leave, you can no longer enter for good.
- Saronia Catacombs
Saronia Catacombs

  • Location - Saronia Catacombs
  • Treasure Chests: 13
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 289/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Before we face off against Xande, we have a few optional places to check off on our list and several more monsters to find! Board the Nautilus and dive underwater to find these underwater catacombs.
As always, a new area means new monsters! Keep your eyes open and make sure you gather the following critters:

Make your way from floor seven to floor five, which will contain five treasure chests in total. You'll come to a fork when you first enter the room. The right side contains three and the left side contains two and the door to floor four.

Floor four contains a staircase to your left, but there is a hidden passage on the right-hand wall that contains an additional eight treasure chests. This will be the last bunch, so no need to worry about looking for more. Keep in mind, they are all monster-in-a-box chests, but they only contain one enemies each so it isn't anything to worry about.
Climb the stairs to arrive...back in the castle?! Talk to the strange fellow in the room, who will call himself Odin and attack you.

How rude...

Keep your party healed and use "Protect" to mitigate damage from Odin's sweeping physical attacks that will hit everyone at once. He has a decent health pool, but with sustained healing and some strong physical attacks of your own, he shouldn't be too difficult unless you're severally under-leveled.

You'll be rewarded for your troubles; defeating Odin will net you the single item in this area and conclude the catacombs. You're free to move on now.
- Bahamut's Lair
Bahamut's Lair

  • Location - Bahamut's Lair
  • Treasure Chests: 13
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 302/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Now let's do some backtracking! Head back to the floating continent in the Invincible to access two areas we couldn't, but saw a long, long time ago. First, we're going to go see our good friend Bahamut and punch him in the face for what happened at the beginning of our quest. To his lair!
Right when you enter, you'll have four treasure chests on the first floor; they'll be plain view so collect them before diving deeper into the lair. While in here, note the following new monster entries:

Floor two will contain five more treasure chests, all along a narrow passage, so you should easily see them as you pass by to floor three. Floor three contains four treasure chests that almost block your path, so collect them and then head out towards the opening. Once you head out, it's time to fight Bahamut!

Bahamut will either physically attack a single target, or, more than likely, cast "mega flare", which will devastate under-leveled party members. Stay fully healed to avoid being wiped out in a single attack and lay on your most powerful abilities. Even then, Bahamut can take a beating before going down.

Once defeated, you'll have completed this area and can move on. To Lake Dohr!

- Lake Dohr
Lake Dohr

  • Location - Lake Dohr
  • Treasure Chests: 19
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 321/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Remember that shadow roaming the lake while you were first starting your journey on the floating continent? Well, now it's time to see what that was all about! Fly over the mountain ridge and take your canoe and give it a poke. We're going to need a bigger boat...
There are three new monsters to collect and one boss to fight. You'll encounter all of the following:

When you first enter the dungeon, you should see eight treasure chests on the mini-map. Collect those before venturing down further. The second floor contains five more treasure chests to the north of the passage and the third floor contains six more still. Floor four will contain nothing of note, so head directly towards the center of the room.

Here, you'll see the Leviathan. Once you're ready, step forward and have at it. The Leviathan is quite weak to thunder-type spells, but can and will cast protect/haste to bolster its efficiency and defense. If you invested in the "Erase" spell, well, now is the time to use it.
Once defeated, you'll earn the ability to summon Leviathan using your summoner class. If you've collected all the monsters here and all 19 treasure chests, feel free to leave using teleport. You can still return if you need to, so don't worry.

- Chocobos!
Chocobo Woods

  • Location - Chocobos! (13 Locations)
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 321/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

With Leviathan defeated, you've now collected every summon there is in the game. With that in mind, remember how we kept visiting all those Chocobo Woods, but could never do anything at any of them? Welll, we haven't visited them all just yet and we need to do so for the achievement.

By now, you should have five checked off, but we still have more to go. For now, you should have the three on the floating continent. If not, they can be found here:
Leave the floating continent and you need to register ten more Saronia We've found some already, but just in case you didn't visit them during this walkthrough, all ten can be found in these locations:

- Doga's Village - Summons!
Doga's Village - Summons!

  • Location - Doga's Village - Summons!
  • Treasure Chests: 0
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 321/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

You might have already done this, but if you haven't bought all the summons for the achievement, head back to Doga's Village through the underwater tunnel using the Nautilus and visit the various mages there to buy the remaining summons you're missing. You have to equip all eight to a single party member.

You can only have three spells per tier, so if you're full, remove them in the menu under "Magic" for the character that is going to learn all eight. Since we already have the ones that cannot be bought, you should have them all after this visit.

Exit the town and enter a random battle if the achievement doesn't unlock once you assign all eight to your party member.
- Ancients' Maze - 2nd Visit
Ancients' Maze - 2nd Visit

  • Location - Ancients' Maze - 2nd Visit
  • Treasure Chests: 15 (should already have them if you followed this guide)
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 321/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 56/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Here we need to make sure we have all missable items mentioned above. You should make sure you have the following:

  • Bestiary: Monsters 1-169 documented. You should also have: 181, 191 and 196-212. You can find your bestiary at the start menu, under "Extras". This should give you a total of 188/225 monsters.
  • 56 hidden items documented to this point.
  • 321 total treasure chests opened.
  • All eight summons.
  • All 13 Chocobo Woods visited

If you do, head back to the Ancients' Maze.
When you first enter, go left and around the door at the entrance and take the left path at the fork. Enter the door and make your way around the winding passages to the other side. We're now at the foot of the Crystal Tower.
- Eureka

  • Location - Eureka
  • Treasure Chests: 19
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 340/367
  • Hidden Items: 5
  • Hidden Items: 61/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Enter the Crystal Tower, but DO NOT CLIMB IT. We want to visit Eureka first to obtain all the goodies using the Eureka Key we got from Doga and Unei. When you first enter the Crystal Tower, go straight and enter the room just north of the entrance. Interact with the mirror in front of you.
Use the key to enter Eureka. On the first floor there will be four treasure chests to pick up, as well as the following monsters to catalog on your journey into the Forbidden Land of Eureka.

On the second floor, enter the passage marked by the crack in the wall for a hidden treasure chest:
Inside will be a Ninja monster-in-a-box, as well as a "Ribbon" that acts as high quality protection. Equip it right away. Ultimately, we want to collect all of them to help every party member. These negate all status ailments to the party member wearing them.

Next, there are two rooms with doors. Make sure to enter both to collect four additional treasure chests (one on the left door, three on the right door). Next, you should see two staircases leading down to floor three. Take the left one for another treasure chest by a pond.

Return to floor two, then up and around to the staircase on the right side of the room this time. Collect the treasure chest to the left before moving onward.
Collect the two additional chests before making your war to floor four. Here you'll come across a room scattered with bones. Interact with the orb for a boss battle with Amon.
You'll obtain the first of five hidden items, the Moonring Blade, a fantastic boomerang for those able to wield it! Continue to floor five to find a cross-like path.

The left side contains a treasure chest, while the right side contains another hidden item and boss battle against Kunoichi to obtain the Masamune, your second hidden item. Both items so far are great weapons for any dark knights in your party. Once you're done, head to the south path, collect the chest next to the stairs and descend to the sixth floor.

Go right at the fork and follow that bridge to a sword lodged in a stone for yet another boss fight with General this time. As a reward, you'll earn your third hidden item: Excalibur. Equip this to any knight in your party, the proceed to the seventh floor.

On the seventh floor, there will be two more boss fights: Scylla to the left (go here first) and Guardian to the right. Go left first! Defeat Scylla to obtain the "ninja" and "sage" job titles. The ninja can dish out insane damage using the "Throw" ability with the Shurikens you've gathered, but keep in mind how many you have; they aren't unlimited.

Change your healer to a sage if you want; I'd recommend it for better healing. Now that you have defeated Scylla, go right and defeat Guardian. Once defeated, you will have unlocked the achievement for collecting all the weapons in Eureka and for finding all 61 hidden items. Well done!

Head through the door and visit the two springs to heal up and restore your magic points, then talk to the two sages and buy up the end game spells they offer. It'll be worth it!. Once you're done, interact with the button on the wall for a hidden sage selling Shurikens. You should have enough money to buy some and buy some you should. The damage they dish out will be extremely helpful for the end boss. Throw all your money into them and the crystal armor!
Once you're done, teleport out; time to climb the Crystal Tower!

- Crystal Tower
Crystal Tower

  • Location - Crystal Tower
  • Treasure Chests: 23
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 363/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 61/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

Here you will find a lot of new bestiary monsters to fight. You'll find the following:

Some notes on how to find all these enemies, as some are very difficult to run into. Gomory, Bucks and Azer will be found on the first two (sometimes third) floors, Platinal and Qumqum start appearing on the second floor, the Dark General and Glasya Labolas can be found on the fourth or higher floor and Thor starts from six and above.

Now, the dragons are exceedingly rare and only appear on one floor each. The Yellow Dragon is on the fifth floor, the Green Dragon is on the sixth and the Red Dragon is on the seventh.

With that said, enter the first floor of the tower; this floor contains eight treasure chests. Look for the cracks in the walls to access all the treasure chests.
The second floor is a bit of a maze and contains three additional treasure chests. Once again, spot the cracks in the wall on the mini map to help guide where you need to go. On floor three, go up and around to either door on the south end of the room. This will lead you to a closed off area on floor four that contains two treasure chests:
Loop around the other side and return to floor three. Make sure to collect all four chests on floor three before entering the staircase to floor four. Here you just need to go up the staircase in the center of the room to ascend to floor five.

There are no treasure chests on the fifth floor, but make sure to catalog the dragon here! Once you defeat one, head to the next floor. Floor six contains two more treasure chests and another dragon (Green Dragon) to look for before moving on.

Floor seven contains another four treasure chests and another dragon to encounter (Red Dragon). Once you have logged the final dragon, enter the next floor, floor eight. Before examining the mirror, you should have:

  • Treasure Chests 363/367
  • Bestiary logs 1-181, 184-188, 190-191 and 196-218 (210/225 monsters)
  • You also should have unlocked the achievement to obtain all summons and all weapons from Eureka.

If you're ready, examine the mirror, watch the cutscene and you'll eventually reach floor nine of the Crystal Tower. Follow the only path forward and confront Xande.
Upon defeating Xande, the Cloud of Darkness will appear and lay waste to your party in one single blow. You're meant to lose the fight, so don't worry about it.
- World of Darkness
World of Darkness

  • Location - World of Darkness
  • Treasure Chests: 4
  • Total Treasure Chests at this point: 367/367
  • Hidden Items: 0
  • Hidden Items: 61/61
  • Missable Monster Encounters: 0

After defeating Xande, dying to the Cloud of Darkness and then being resurrected, you'll enter the final dungeon in the game: World of Darkness. As usual, note the following new enemies in the area:

You'll see four staircases in the first room. Enter them in any order you wish. Each room contains a treasure chest with a ribbon and one of four Dark Crystals with a boss you must defeat.

This first room contains one treasure chest, which contains a very helpful ribbon. After collecting the ribbon, enter the staircase to come face-to-face with a Dark Crystal. Once you walk up to it, you'll encounter a boss unique to each one. After each fight, examine the Dark Crystal to restore your party to full HP/MP.
Defeat all four bosses guarding each of the four Dark Crystals and you'll weaken the final boss enough to stand a chance. Head back to the main room where you first were teleported into, take the door in the center and examine the green fire to face off against the ultimate foe.
Story Achievements
"Hope of the Wind"
Received power from the Wind Crystal.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"Crushing Force"
Smashed the boulder and cleared the path.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"Hope of Fire"
Received power from the Fire Crystal.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"Hope of Water"
Received power from the Water Crystal.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"Waking from Dreamland"
Awoke Unei with Noah's Lute.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"Hope of the Earth"
Received power from the Earth Crystal.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"Enter the Darkness"
Defeated Xande and entered the world of darkness.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.

"A Vision of Hope"
Defeated the Cloud of Darkness and restored peace to the world.
This achievement is story-based and cannot be missed.
ErickaUnlimited  [author] 26 Jul @ 7:06pm 
Thanks for letting me know. It has been changed.
ElOhTeeBee 26 Jul @ 6:59pm 
Excellent guide, but I caught a small error - your section labeled Bestiary Achievements [79-96] should actually be [73-96].