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Build: Spirit Seeker
Por Torack
A tarnished of no renown seeks thy path into the lands between, thy once a sorcerer studious of forbiden death magic, travels this devasted land in search of new spirtis to guide and collect as well as new powers to discover. This build uses death and frost sorceries to deal incredible amounts of damage and stagger bosses. For those who like spirit summons there is a lore friendlies to then and some good options as well as weapons options for when(if) your mana runs out.
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Character Concept

This is a full necromancer themed build for elden ring, aimed to give you the feeling of summoning spirits and those who live in death to aid you in thy quest in the lands between. We have a larg amount of area of effect skills that can easily clean mobs as well as apply frostbite, as well as longe range stagging spells for those bosses that are more mobile and you need to keep away from you. We also have a shield to deal with pressure and a barrier spell to counter long ranged foes. Overall i tried to give this build a little of everything without leaving the theme.

This character can be of any appearance as mages come from various sizes and forms.

Flask distribution
In this build we will be using a lot of mana all the time so most of our flasks will be blue, i like to work with 3 - 7 in the mid game. But at latter stages when we have enought mind we can change this proportion a little, from 30%-70 to 40%-60% not much but gives us a little more flexibility.


Altough this is a death build we will mainly use INT so we can have this build ready at level 150 instead of 200. Because of that we will only put necessary points in faith and use the prince of death staff as a off-hand weapon instead of our main weapon.

We will start with the astrologer class to have instat access to staffs and better stats for our porpurse and at level 150 we hope to have this stats:
This is our secundary stat, although we are a mage build, we don't want to be a glass cannon, so 40 vigor is enought to make us more durable into harder contents.
The 3rd most import stat in our build, the bigger our mind the more spells we can cast and less flasks we need.
This is the minimum value that allow us to use all the itens listed in this build, feel free to add more here after level 150, this stat also helps us keep spamming spells.
Minimum required for our items
Minimum required for our itens if we are not using the spirit sword, if you go with the spirt sword you will need 16 dex to work, dex is a good atribute to level up after level 150 as it decreases casting time.
Our primary attribute/Stat this will be the main source of our damage, there is not really any need to go over 80 but we need to get to 80 as soon as possible, so we have the maximum ammount of damage as early as possible.
If we were to use the prince of death staff this stats would be our second most important, but in this version of the build i want to mainly focus into using INT and sorceries, as so we will use only the required faith for our spells.
Minimum necessary for Aberrant sorceries

Build Stats at 170

For our spells we will be using primarily death sorceries but i also added some frost spells so that we can combo frostbite and some utilities that may aid us more survivability. Also I really tried to use Tibia Summons but this spell just don't work, too long cast time, most time it misses and doesn't deal enought damage to ustify using it, it is a shame because it really looked good.

Spells Overview
Rings of Spectral Light
This spell form the SODET DLC act as a good low cost spammable, it creates varios spectral rings that fly straight towards the enemy, easier to land that Rancorcall and Ancient death rancor, this is the go to low health mob spell.
Ancient Death Rancor
This is our main spell for dealing with bosses, this spell summons a horde of spirits that SEEK the target and stagger on hit, incredible damage and easy to land we firing from distance, this spell can put more mobile bosses at check if used correctly. Warning this is spell is terrible to land at close range and should never be used at meele range.
Rykard's Rancor
This spells has the same vibe from Ancient death rancor but a whole different execution, Rykards rancor SEEK the target at range but it leaves a trail of explosive spirits behind and after some delay it detonates, for smaller targets this is not a good spell but when you are facing huge targets as dragons and giants, especially with low mobility this spells becomes one of the most damages sources in our kit. Every spirit explodes dealing huges chuncks of damage, so in largers targets most of the spirts will land a hit, multiplying its damage by a lot.
Mass of putrescence
This will be our long range area of effect spell, good to deal with masses of units this spell launches a putrescence globle that deals low damage on hit but massive damage on explosion, leaving a ghostflame area behind that applies frostbite. Note that this spells doens't break enemies balance like Haima cannon, so the cannon can be a alternative here if you are finding dificult to deal with masses or need to farm a lot of enemies quickly.
Explosive GHostflame
I mainly use this spell as a reactive solution to enemies that are running in my direction, the explosion trow enemies far and leaves a ghostflame trail behind that damages then and applies frostbite. This saved me in a lot of situations
Glinstone Icecrag
I use Glinstone Icecrag when enemies are in meele range of me, this spells cast time is short and it goes very fast also it applies frostbite giving me oportunity to combo with another spell in the list. Honestly this can be replaced by other utility spells if you are not having trouble ate meele range.
Zamor Ice Storm
This is probably one of my favorite spells in the game, can be used just as explosive ghostflame but it also works well behind walls, whenever you feel like there an ambush behind a wall or in a corner just drop this and see the enemies dying without even seeing you.
Vortex of Putrescence
I mainly use this spell when I need to run from enemies, the cast time is short and it leaves a ghostflame area around you, creating very good oportunities to leave a dangerous situation.
Thops's Barrier
This spell just cancels all magic ranged damage that ains towards you, simply incredible and will save you a lot of time in some game areas.
Terra Magica
More or less 22%(Patch v1.12) increase in all magic damage sources as long as you are inside this rune just works

UPDATE: I added some new spells in the next session that can increase this build potential, at the end of the session will be the spells that i used to finish DLC and platinum the game.
Spell Alternatives
There are some spell alternatives that can work great with this build or some spell that give buffs and more.

Change Frost spells to Aberrant sorceries
The first alternative set of spells is the change from Frost to Aberrant, it fits very well with macabre and non conventional schools of sorceries and gives you access to bloodloss. This set of spell were the ones i used to finish the DLC the games turn into easy mode if you use then. Have in mind that both this sorceries are not optimized in this build as we are leveling up INT and not arcane the bloodloss buildup and damage will not be as efficient as in a arcane build but still hit hard.
Briars of Punishment
This is a direct atack that costs a little bit health and FP to deal a good amount of damage while stacking bloodloss, good for overal content.
Impenatrable Thorns
This is probably the most powerfull spell from the DLC, it deals a huge amount of damage and if you can hit the target with the 3 thhorns at once you can proc bloodloss 3 times for absurd damage numbers. I once did 15k to the last boss of the DLC.

Buffs and utilities
This are some spells that are very handy and can be used to maximize the DMG output of your build or give some extra utility. To use some of this spells you will have to add or a seal or the fingermother staff, with no need to update the weapon since the buffs are fixed values.

Golden Vow
Grants you 15% more damage for all sources and 10% damage negation, this is a must spell if you intent to mim/max your damage.
Flame, Grant me Strength
Grants you with +20% fire damage that goes pretty well with Rykard rancor, +20% physical damage for you meele option and +11.1% stamina recovery speed, overall a incredible spell.
Flame, cleanse me
This is a utility spell that can be usefull on some areas and against some bosses, it cures poison and scarlet rot. Extremely useful on the lake of rot
Cannon of Haima
This spell is a very powerfull projectile that deals damage in area, its ideal to clear groups of mobs, farm or break instances of bosses. Healped me a lot against invasions as it often knocked down the adversary.

Example of build with Alternative spells
This build will work with 1 main staff and shield, as well as a offhand main "meele" weapon and a buff staff. So basically will change our weapons as the battle goes and it's moments, more of this will be explained in Combat session of this guide.

For talismans we are focusing basicaly on MAGIC damage increase, the only utility talisman is the moon of nookstela for more spells available.

Godfrey Icon
Increases the power of carged abilities(ashes of war, sorceries and incantations) by +-15%(PatchV1.12) Most of the spells in this list can be charged and as we aim to atack from afar we will have space and time to charge most of our spells idealy.
Graven-Mass Talisman
Simply increases our sorceries damage by 8%(Patch V1.12)
Moon of Nokstella
Allow us to have 2 more memory slots for spells, without this talisman we would need to cut some spells from the previous list.
Magic Scorpion Charm
This talisman increases all of our magic damage sources by +-12% but also make us take 10% more physical damage(Patch V1.12), this is a core item here, because not only it will increase our sorceries damage, but our secondary weapons as well.
Lord of Blood's Exultation
Only use this if you are using aberrant sorceries: Increase you atack power by 20% if any source of blood loss is near you, when using aberrant sorceries this will be active all the time.
Taker's Cameo
Only use this if you are using aberrant sorceries: This will heal you when killing a enemy, this is probably useless for bosses but healps a lot when cleaning overland mobs as it nulifies the HP cost of aberrant sorceries.

We will use Staff + shield whenever possible and change to Staff _ staff if in a good spot, change it to perfume bottle+shield if pressured. Should go as follow:

Core Items
Carian Regal Scepter
This is the biggest pure INT scaling in the game, so as we are not leveling up faith we will be using this as our main source of damage and casting spells, as it will be the biggest scaling available. We will mainly use this in our right hand so we can pair it with a shield
Chiling Perfume Bottle
This weapons creates a perfume area in front of you that deals only MAGIC damage without consuming mana, this will be our weapon if we got into any pression or are not able to cast spells for whatever reason.
Great Turtle Shield
Sometimes we need time or space from a boss or enemy and a shield can give us that space, allowing us to survive some miscalculated atack and preventing us from dying. So I always go with a shield under pressure. This shield has a very good skill that makes us "tanky"
Prince of Death's Staff
This is the greates dual stat scaling staff but in this build we will use it as a source of boost for death sorceries. It gives +-10%(Patch V1.12) damage boost for this school of sorcery, considering that we will be primarily using this school is a pretty welcome boost.
Staff of the Guilty
This staff increases the damage of thorn sorceries by 20% and will help us with aberrant sorceries.
Staff of the Great beyond
This staff works with int and faith just like the prince of death staff but this staffs allow us to use incantations with staff.

Spirit Sword
This sword scales primarily with intelligence and has a skill that allows it to atack in quick sucession at the same time that creates spirits to chase foes. This is a good alternative for the chilling perfume bottle both in theme as well as in utility.
Sword of St. Trina
St. Trina is a emblematic lore figure that is associated with the ethernal slumber, this swords fits the build thamticaly but doen't have the best intelligence scaling. It comes with a skill that allow your hits to put enemies to sleep.
Silver Mirrorshield
Sometimes we need time or space from a boss or enemy and a shield can give us that space, allowing us to survive some miscalculated atack and preventing us from dying. So I always go with a shield under pressure. This shield has the asthetics for our build as well as a good intelligence staling.
Ghostflame Torch
Light source that can frostbite enemies, no big deal here.

For clothes there is no clothes that directly increase our damge or defense, but we should aim to go for something darker and robes. I personaly use Lord of blood robes(altered) as follows:

Here is my character fashion choices:

Fashion suggestions
Lord of BLood's Robe(altered)

Fia's Robe

Perceptor's Long Gown

Prophet Blindfold

Snow Witch Hat

This one actually boost our frost spells.

We will go about some usual situations that can happen in combat and what i think is the best solution to those. Remember if you are runing buffs apply then before entering the boss arena.

Long range small boss/elite enemy targeted and no enemy pressuring you
This is the best case scenario, change to Staff(prince of death)+ Staff(Carian regal) to get the most damage available. Buff yourself with terra magica and spam Ancient death rancor. This spell already deal a lot of damage with the boots will be a truck hiting the enemies with the additional benefit of having stagger potential.

Long range small mob target and no enemy pressuring you
Almost the same as before change to Staff(prince of death)+ Staff(Carian regal) to get the most damage available. Buff yourself with terra magica and spam Rings of spectral light, They are cheaper and have more range than Ancient death rancor so ideal to small enemies.

Long range group of mobs target and no enemy pressuring you
Almost the same as before change to Staff(prince of death)+ Staff(Carian regal) to get the most damage available. Buff yourself with terra magica and charge cast Mass of Putrescence, this will sure clear most if not all the enemies in front of you.

Big elite enemie any range, like dragons or huge bosses
You will go with shild + Staff(carian regal) make sure to be always alert for incoming atacks and to raise your shield if necessary. You will try to circle the enemy while casting, charged if possible, Rykard's Rancor, Big enemies will get full damage from this spell allowing you to deal 10k damage in no second if you can cast 4 times and all those hit.

Close range small boss/elite enemy targeted and enemy pressuring you and you want to get distance
You will go with shild + Staff(carian regal) make sure to be always alert for incoming atacks and to raise your shield if necessary. You will try gain distance from the enemy running and will cast one of the follow: Explosive ghostflame, this will launch the enemy far, Zamor ice storm, will leave a area behind you dealing frostbite and slowing the enemy or Vortex of Putrescence will be the faster cast and will elave a frostbite hight damage area behind.

Close range small boss/elite enemy targeted and enemy pressuring you and you want to fight
You will go with shild + Staff(carian regal) make sure to be always alert for incoming atacks and to raise your shield if necessary. You will try gain distance from the enemy while casting Glinststone Icecrag with enought procs the enemy will receive frostbite and be stagged creating a opening for better spells.

Meele range small boss/elite enemy targeted and enemy pressuring you
You will go with shild + Chilling perfume bottle make sure to be always alert for incoming atacks and to raise your shield if necessary. You will try gain distance from the enemy running and auto atacking whenever possible, THe objective here is to stay alive and look for a oportunity to increase distance to close or medium range so we can cast any of our reactive spells.
1 comentário(s)
Vlad 27/jun./2024 às 16:58 
Good build, bro! I'll try for sure.