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Alternative / goth female character preset
By mio Dio
I figured I would share my step by step character preset of my dark haired woman (aka alternative goth baddie). Enjoy!
This is a step by step guide, just follow along in the same order.

Info for the different image formats:
The wide screenshots (16:9) are for orientation in the menus. It means that we are now in the next menu category. They always have a caption with values because they are hard to read in this image format.

The square screenshots (1:1) mostly do not have captions with values, because they are well readable in this image format.

Update> Very slight changes for Version 2, the values can be found at the end of the guide.
Version 1 screenshots
Version 2 screenshots
If you are not at the start of your game and want to change your appearence
Travel to the Roundtable Hold and find the room with the bed inside. If you enter this room, there is a mirror right ahead of you. Here is a screenshot from a different perspective
Cosmetics_Version 1

If you change the Apparent Age to some higher value, it also looks good I think. I suggest playing around with that slider after you are done with my guide.

Hair 21
Luster 80
Root Darkness 60
White Hairs 0

Brow 12
Brow Color black

We do no change values for facial hair

Eyelashes 3
Color black

Alternative setting: Clouding color of the eyes to make the eyecolor pop a bit more. Set the slider of eye clouding to your personal preference

Pores 0
Skin Luster 180
Dark Circles 160

Eyeliner 108
Eyeliner Color black
Eyeshadow (upper) 110
Eyeshadow Color (upper) black
Eyeshadow (lower) 205
Cheeks 60
Lipstick 140

Eyeshadow Color (lower)

Cheek Color

Lipstick Color

Face tattoo 15 is just personal preference. I thought it fits with the eye make-up

Pos vert. 165
Pos horiz. 127
Angle 130
Expansion 90
Flip ON

Alter Body is up to you but here is mine:

Head 158
Chest 121
Abdomen 125
Arms 108
Legs 195
Body Hair 0
Musculature Standard
Cosmetics_Version 2
Simply follow the guide for Version 1 and then just change following values:

Adjust Face Template
Apparent Age 125

Face Structure -> Eyes
Eye Slant 185
Eye Spacing

Face Structure -> Nose Ridge
Nose Ridge Length 174
Nose Position 112

panzerfart 12 Feb @ 2:23pm 
this is NOT goth :GDNormal:
WormMojo 3 Feb @ 9:27pm 
frog woman
DeathGun 30 Oct, 2024 @ 3:51pm 
ну и жаба бля