Blair Witch

Blair Witch

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Blair Witch Starting Problem on Steam: A Quick Guide
By Kei
If the game won't launch for you, and/or you experience a similar issue with other games, it's likely due to the Unreal Engine being incompatible with 10th and 11th gen Intel processors. Fortunately, the fix is quick and easy. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue. This method has worked for multiple games with similar problems.
1. Open System Properties
Press WinKey + R to open the Run window.
Type SystemPropertiesAdvanced and press OK.
2. Edit Environment Variables
In the System Properties window, click on Environment Variables....

In the lower frame titled "System Variables," click on New.

Enter the following values:

Variable Name: OPENSSL_ia32cap
Variable Value: ~0x20000000
Press OK and close the Environment Variables window.
3. Restart Your Computer
Restart your computer to apply the changes.
4. Launch the Game
Try to run the game now. This should resolve the issue.