The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

Not enough ratings
How power letter grades, Delay, and other stuff works.
By Focus
If you want to know just how good (or bad) a character move or spell is in the game for curiosity's sake or if you want to make more informed decisions during a battle then this guide is for you.
In this guide I'm going to go over how damage and wait time after actions work. I can be a bit wordy in places so feel free to skip to where all the numbers are if you just want to see the most important information.

The Trails series is a turn based JRPG in which different actions will leave characters waiting for their next turn for different amounts of times. You may have noticed early in the game that the Delay bar will go back farther for some actions than others. The way the bar is displayed doesn't convey as much once your characters have their Speed stat increase enough and the bar crunches in far more but it still functions just the same even if it's less visible.

This guide will cover how those times are calculated as well as how fast actions like casting are. This information should help you make more informed, strategic decisions which can make higher difficulty levels both more manageable and more engaging (or if you like looking at numbers then it might be fun to look at)

The basic formula for calculating this Delay is: Base Delay on the action divided by the user's Speed (SPD) stat when taking that action.

For example: If an action has a base Delay of 150% and the user of that action has 25 Speed (SPD) then the formula (150% divided by 25 here) results in a number of 6. Decimal points will apply when applicable.

The Speed stat is only factored into play when the action takes place. Using Speed buffs on a character waiting for their turn to come will NOT help their turn come any faster. Speed buffs only help if they are active while a turn is being taken. The same goes for speed debuffs.

The amount of Delay directly and proportionately affects how long a character must wait for their next turn. For example if one character takes an action that has 20 Delay another character can take two actions that take 10 Delay in the same amount of time.

This makes Speed a very important stat in this series.

Here are the following base Delay values for universal actions:

- Attacking: 100%
- Defending: 50%
- Using an Item: 80%

Crafts and Arts vary quite a bit and the later sections will cover those in more detail but as a general rule: Higher cost and damage means more Delay.

Letter grades:

D: 100%
D+: 110%
C: 120%
C+: 140%
B: 160%
B+: 180%
A: 210%
A+: 240%
S: 280%
S+: 320%
SS: 370%

Note: These are multipliers for your ATTACK, they are not damage multipliers (this means they're BETTER than damage multipliers)

Basic damage formula:

Attack (or Magic Attack) x 2.5 - defender's Defense (or magic Defense) x1.25

The way arts and character crafts work is they take your character's attacking stat (after including equipment and everything else) and then multiplies it by a number that varies and is represented by a letter grade. After that the defender's defensive stats will come into the calculation.

What this order of operations means is that your damage with a C grade attack will be more than 120% damage compared to a basic attack assuming your target has more than 0 defense. Strong attacks can really punch through hefty defenses.

A couple math examples:

100 attack vs 80 defense:
Basic attack: (100 x 2.5 = 250)
Defender's damage reduction: (80 x 1.25 = 100)

So a basic attack here will do 150 damage (250-100) before damage variance of up to plus or minus 10~%

100 attack using a B+ rank Craft vs 200 defense:
B+ rank Attack:
100 x 2.5 = 250
250 x 1.8 = 450

Defender's damage reduction: (200 x 1.25 = 250)

Final damage: 450 - 250 = 200
Damage multipliers, Difficulty, and Stun
DMG up and RES up

The effects of arts like Forte and Crest are a fair bit different than they were in prior Trails games. Instead of increasing stats during battle they instead apply damage multipliers called "DMG" and "RES". Each stage of DMG increases damage by 10% (this stacks additively with other damage multipliers). You can think of two stages of DMG Up being similar to the effect of a hit count of 10 being added to your damage.

Damage multipliers
These all stack "additively". What I mean by that is that the multipliers simply add together rather than multiply off of one another. For example if you have 3 stages of DMG Up (+30% damage) and a hit count of 20 (+40% damage) these will add to +70% damage. If this hit lands a critical hit (+50% damage) that will also add on and reach a final damage multiplier of +120% damage (or 2.2x damage).

Arts resistances and weaknesses apply damage multipliers that all stack with the above. An enemy with a stated 100 in an elemental weakness applies no changes to your damage multiplier.
For example a 40 elemental value on an enemy will reduce your damage multiplier by 60% (if your multiplier was 140% before then it becomes 80%) and a 170 elemental value will increase your damage multiplier by 70% (if it was 120 before for example then it becomes 190%).

Letter grades being high are NOT damage multipliers and are instead Attack multipliers which stack independently of damage multipliers.

Difficulty setting applies damage multipliers but these apply after all other calculations.
For example player damage dealt is doubled on Very Easy. If you had a damage multiplier from hit count reaching 2.0 damage and it lands a critical (+50%) this 250% damage hit will be doubled to 500% on Very Easy.

Difficulty setting damage multipliers for incoming damage and outgoing damage:

Outgoing player damage:
Very Easy: 200%
Easy: 150%
Normal: 100%
Hard: 90%
Nightmare: 80%

Incoming player damage:
Very Easy: 25%
Easy: 50%
Normal: 100%
Hard: 110%
Nightmare: 120%

Unlike Break in the previous 3 Trails games, the amount of damage the player does has NO impact on how much Stun is delivered by an attack. Instead the value of each attack has its own stun value. Different characters even have different stun values on their basic attacks from each other. The character sections ahead will detail how much stun each attack applies. ALL damage dealing arts apply 15 stun.

Difficulty level impacts enemy stun values:
Very Easy: 50%
Easy: 75%
Normal: 100%
Hard: 110%
Nightmare: 120%

Stun requirements on enemies increase each time they are stunned.
First Stun Requirement: 100%
Second Stun Requirement: 120%
Third Stun Requirement: 160%
Fourth Stun Requirement: 220%
Fifth Stun Requirement: 300%

These value increases are based on the Normal mode values and will apply the same sum increases regardless of difficulty.

For example if a foe has 130 Stun HP on Normal it will go to 156 (+26) after one Stun on that difficulty. If instead this happened on Hard the foe will start at 143 Stun HP and then go to 169 (+26) after one Stun.
Arts Data Part 1 (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind) - cast times, damage, weakness calcs, etc
Weaknesses and resistances to various elements will apply a damage multiplier. These stack additively with other damage multipliers in the game like the hit count damage multiplier.

The numbers that you see in game on enemies are divided by 100 then that number is used as the damage multiplier.

For example: If a foe has a 20 rating in Earth then Earth arts will do 0.2 times your normal damage and a rating of 150 will mean your damage will be multiplied by 1.5.

For the above examples if there is a hit count of 50 currently: 2x damage, (or +100%) then this will be added. 20% Earth damage will become 120% with the hit count bonus and 150% Earth damage will become 250% with the hit count bonus.

In practice this means that if you have a high enough outside damage multiplier helping you out (like from a high hit count) then it may be worth using a stronger art even if it's heavily resisted over a weaker art that hits a weakness.

The stun value for ALL offensive arts is 15
All offensive arts will hit the full hit count for each foe hit (this is not the case for many crafts)

With that out of the way here are the arts in the game.

Earth Arts

Earth Breaker:
Cost: 15 EP
Attack: D (100%)
Cast Time: 45%
Delay after: 45%
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Cone (45°) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 3 per foe
Misc: Range of 8

Acid Cloud:
Cost: 60 EP
Attack: C (120%)
Cast Time: 50%
Delay after: 50%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 4 per foe
Misc: Chance to Rot for 2 turns

Umbra Cracker:
Cost: 135 EP
Attack: B+ (180%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Cone (45°) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 4 per foe
Misc: Range of 10

Thanatos Jail:
Cost: 375 EP
Attack: A+ (240%)
Cast Time: 65%
Delay after: 65%
Total Time: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Misc: Chance to Rot for 2 turns

Cost: 10 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target ally
Misc: RES Up (1 stage) for 3 turns

La Crest:
Cost: 80 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - From target ally
Misc: RES Up (2 stages) for 3 turns

Earth Guard:
Cost: 60 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target ally
Misc: 1000 HP Shield to allies

Aegis Shield:
Cost: 240 EP
Cast Time: 25%
Delay after: 95%
Total Time: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - From target ally
Misc: 3000 HP Shield to allies

Water Arts

Hydro Cannon:
Cost: 15 EP
Attack: D (100%)
Cast Time: 45%
Delay after: 45%
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Line (2 width) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: None

Icicle Hammer:
Cost: 60 EP
Attack: C (120%)
Cast Time: 50%
Delay after: 50%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target foe
Hit Count: 4 per foe
Misc: Chance to Freeze for 2 turns

Cataract Wave:
Cost: 135 EP
Attack: B+ (180%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Cone (15°) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 11 per foe
Misc: None

Crystal Eden:
Cost: 375 EP
Attack: A (210%)
Cast Time: 65%
Delay after: 65%
Total Time: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (7.5) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 3 per foe
Misc: Chance to Freeze for 2 turns

Cost: 20 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Single Ally
Misc: Heals 500 + ATSx0.5

Cost: 60 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Single Ally
Misc: Heals 1500 + ATSx1.5

Cost: 180 EP
Cast Time: 23%~
Delay after: 87%~
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Single Ally
Misc: Heals 4500 + ATSx4.5

Cost: 40 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Single Ally
Misc: Cures status. Applies Ailment Resist Up (3 turns) Heals 200 + ATSx0.2

Fire Arts

Fire Bolt:
Cost: 15 EP
Attack: D (100%)
Cast Time: 45%
Delay after: 45%
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle Radius (1.5) - From target foe
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: None

Abyssal Flame:
Cost: 60 EP
Attack: C (120%)
Cast Time: 50%
Delay after: 50%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Cone (45°) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Misc: Chance to Burn for 2 turns. Chance to Blind for 2 turns. Range of 9

Flare Squall:
Cost: 135 EP
Attack: B (160%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (4) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 5 per foe
Misc: Chance to Burn for 2 turns. Appears to deal damage before final hit

Regulus Caliber:
Cost: 300 EP
Attack: A+ (240%)
Cast Time: 60%
Delay after: 60%
Total Time: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - From target foe
Hit Count: 12 per foe
Misc: Chance to Burn for 2 turns

Cost: 10 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target ally
Misc: DMG Up (1 stage) for 3 turns

La Forte:
Cost: 80 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - From target ally
Misc: DMG Up (2 stages) for 3 turns

Wind Arts

Spark Edge:
Cost: 15 EP
Attack: D (100%)
Cast Time: 45%
Delay after: 45%
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle Radius (1.5) - From target foe
Hit Count: 3 per foe
Misc: Chance to Seal for 2 turns

Aerial Dust:
Cost: 60 EP
Attack: C+ (140%)
Cast Time: 50%
Delay after: 50%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 10 per foe
Misc: None

Plasma Sphere:
Cost: 135 EP
Attack: B (160%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - From target foe
Hit Count: 6 per foe
Misc: Chance to Seal for 2 turns. Appears to deal damage after only 4 hits?

Tyrant Storm:
Cost: 360 EP
Attack: A (210%)
Cast Time: 65%
Delay after: 65%
Total Time: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (5) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: Chance to Seal for 2 turns

Cost: 50 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - Set anywhere
Misc: Heals 400 + ATSx0.4

Aura Breath:
Cost: 200 EP
Cast Time: 23%~
Delay after: 87%~
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (4) - Set anywhere
Misc: Heals 1200 + ATSx1.2

Refreshing Veil:
Cost: 80 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - Set anywhere
Misc: Cures status. Applies Ailment Resist Up (3 turns)
Arts Data Part 2 (Time, Space, Mirage)
Time Arts

Shadow Spear:
Cost: 100 EP
Attack: C+ (140%)
Cast Time: 50%
Delay after: 50%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Cone (45°) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: Chance to Deathblow. Range of 8

Obsidia Ray:
Cost: 180 EP
Attack: B+ (180%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set anywhere from user
Hit Count: 6 per foe
Misc: Delays turn of hit foes. Chance to Blind for 2 turns.

Pluto's Nova:
Cost: 380 EP
Attack: S (280%)
Cast Time: 65%
Delay after: 65%
Total Time: 130%
Targeting: Entire battle arena
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: Chance to Deathblow

Chrono Drive:
Cost: 20 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle radius (4) - From target ally
Misc: Quick (3 stages) for 3 turns

Chrono Break:
Cost: 20 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Circle radius (4) - From target ally
Misc: Slow (3 stages) for 3 turns

Space Arts

Saint Arrow:
Cost: 100 EP
Attack: C+ (140%)
Cast Time: 50%
Delay after: 50%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Line (2 width) - Set anywhere form user
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: Chance to Mute for 2 turns

Lost Moebius:
Cost: 180 EP
Attack: B+ (180%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (4) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: Pulls movable foes to middle of art

Ark of El Dorado:
Cost: 380 EP
Attack: S (280%)
Cast Time: 65%
Delay after: 65%
Total Time: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: DMG/RES Down (1 stage) for 3 turns.

Cost: 40 EP
Cast Time: 17%~
Delay after: 73%~
Total Time: 90%
Targeting: Single Ally
Misc: Revives and heals 800 + ATSx0.8

Cost: 120 EP
Cast Time: 23%~
Delay after: 87%~
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Single Ally
Misc: Revives and heals 2400 + ATSx2.4

Cost: 600 EP
Cast Time: 30%
Delay after: 120%
Total Time: 150%
Targeting: Entire battle arena
Misc: Revives and heals 100% HP

Mirage Arts

Argent Thorn:
Cost: 140 EP
Attack: B (160%)
Cast Time: 55%
Delay after: 55%
Total Time: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - Set anywhere
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Misc: ART DMG Down (1 stage) for 3 turns

Jabberwock Arm:
Cost: 380 EP
Attack: S (280%)
Cast Time: 65%
Delay after: 65%
Total Time: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - From target foe
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Misc: ART RES Down (1 stage) for 3 turns. Chance to Fear for 2 turns

Crescent Eye:
Cost: 60 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - From target ally
Misc: Insight for 3 turns

Ideal Force:
Cost: 60 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - From target ally
Misc: DMG/ART DMG Up (3 stages) for 3 turns

Zodiac Sign:
Cost: 60 EP
Cast Time: 20%
Delay after: 80%
Total Time: 100%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - From target ally
Misc: Crit Up (3 stages) for 3 turns.
Character Crafts Part 1 (Van)
I will include characters here starting with the core cast and then including guest characters afterwards. This is a work in progress since I am very busy at the time of writing.

Characters will be included in the order which you obtain them as to minimize potential spoilers and also anything not available the first moment you have access to combat will be spoiler tagged.

Van :
Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Stun Slash :
Cost: 30
Attack: C (120%) (Physical) (156% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 115%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: Impedes. Side Attack Bonus x1.3
Opinion: This is a solid but not especially remarkable Craft. Worth using for damage and the impede but nothing character defining. Handy to have even just for proccing the "Excel Craft" bonus during battles from the Side Bonus.

Magna Slash
Cost: 30
Attack: C+ (140%) (Physical) (182% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 115%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 14
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 6
Learned: Level 29
Misc: Impedes. Side Attack Bonus x1.3 Replaces Stun Slash when learned.

Opinion: Pretty much the same as Stun Slash but slightly better.

Aerial Buster
Cost: 50
Attack: B (160%) (Physical) (208% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target foe
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 4
Learned: Level 8
Misc: Back Attack Bonus x1.3

Opinion: Okay damage Craft when hitting from behind, but S Crafting is generally preferable when spending a lot. Not really recommended without the Back Bonus.

Raging Buster
Cost: 50
Attack: B+ (180%) (Physical) (234% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target foe
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 4
Learned: Level 54
Misc: Back Attack Bonus x1.3 Replaces Aerial Buster when learned.

Opinion: Similar to Aerial Buster but this make a much better case for using sometimes when you don't want to or can't S Craft. Still not really recommended unless you're getting the Back Bonus for the most part.

Coin Bullets
Cost: 20
Attack: D+ (110%) (Magical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Cone (15°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 4
Hit Count: 1-5 (Hit count appears reduced on low HP foes. Cannot exceed 5 hits total. Can hit 5 normally on a single healthy foe.)
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: DMG Down (1 stage) for 3 turns on foes. Hate up on user for 3 turns. Appears to deal damage before final hit
Opinion: Fantastic Craft. It racks an okay hit count. It draws enemies towards Van. It's a low cost way to throw some magic damage out there early game. Very versatile and useful.

Heavenly Halter
Cost: 70
Attack: A+ (240%) (Physical)
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 16
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Range: 8
Learned: Level 41
Misc: Slow (1 stage) for 3 turns on foes

Opinion: A little overpriced, but it IS strong and can rack hits okay with enough foes. If you're in a spot to spend this much I'd generally prefer just waiting to S Craft instead.

Heated Roar
Cost: 40
Delay: 0
Targeting: Self
Learned: Level 18
Misc: Temper and 10% HP regeneration for 4 turns on user.
Temper explained:
Deal more damage based on remaining turns of Temper
4 turns left: +25%
3 turns left: +50%
2 turns left: +75%
1 turn left: +100%
These damage bonuses work on all of Van's damage including arts cast.

Opinion: Good Craft. Can be used after moving with no Delay in order to move a second time and the HP Regen can be nice if Van is luring enemies far away from the group. The extra damage is really great if you have the Craft points to spare, but it has to be weighed against just S Crafting twice at 200.

Take the Grendel
Cost: 200
Delay: 0
Targeting: Self
Learned: Special Event
Misc: Lasts 3 turns. Grants 100 Craft Points. HP+100% Offensive and defensive related stats +40% Changes form to Grendel

Opinion: Amazing. Use it as often as possible. Unlike Spirit Unification this is actually worth the cost. The 100 Craft Points you get back can also crit and give 150.

S Craft
Vandalize Raid
Cost: 100
Attack: S+ (320%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle Radius (8) - From target foe
Stun: 20
Hit Count: 11 + 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Special Event
Misc: None

Opinion: Excellent S Craft. Good hit count, strong damage and hits in a big area. Use frequently.
Character Crafts Part 2 (Van cont & Agnes)

General features:
Normal Attack: N/A
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 20
Stat increase:
HP +100%
Damage related stats +40%
When picking multiple Crafts with different Delay amounts only the highest amount is applied for that turn

Rapid Onslaught
Cost: 0
Attack: C (120%) (Physical)
Delay: 100%
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1
Range: Equal to movement stat
Learned: Default
Misc: RES Down (1 stage) for 2 turns. Can be picked repeatedly. Targeting range increases with higher MOV but does not move the user when used.

Opinion: Fantastic all around Craft. It gives 10 Craft Points per hit just like normal attacks do and you can use this multiple times. Great for generating Craft Points and doing damage.

Heavy Spike
Cost: 10
Attack: C+ (140%) (Physical)
Delay: 105%~
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1
Range: Equal to movement stat
Learned: Default
Misc: ART DMG Down (1 stage) for 2 turns. Can be picked repeatedly. Targeting range increases with higher MOV but does not move the user when used.

Opinion: Adequate filler option before getting Grendel's S Craft and absolutely obsolete once you do.

Savage Blade
Cost: 20
Attack: B (160%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 0?
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: Heals 10% of damage dealt as HP.

Opinion: Adequate filler option before getting Grendel's S Craft and absolutely obsolete once you do.

Mortal Raid
Cost: 30
Attack: A (210%) (Physical)
Delay: 112%~
Targeting: Circle radius (1.5) - From target foe
Stun: 16
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Range: 3
Learned: Special Event
Misc: ART RES Down (1 stage) for 2 turns.

Opinion: Sometimes decent filler option but I'd generally recommend just going for S Crafting more when in Grendel or building towards S Craft with Rapid Onslaught. Still it makes a far better case for use than a lot of other overshadowed options due to low cost and high damage.

Oblivion Fist
Cost: 50
Attack: S (280%) (Physical)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 20
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Range: 8
Learned: Special Event
Misc: Slow (1 stage) for 2 turns.

Opinion: Very strong but you could be S Crafting more if you don't use this. Not really recommended unless you're sitting on 50 or 150 Craft Points or so. Still better than most Grendel Crafts.

Howling Roar
Cost: 100 EP
Attack: B+ (180%) (Magical)
Delay: 115%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 6
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 8
Learned: Special Event
Misc: Impedes. Hate up on user for 3 turns.

Opinion: Hate Up is fantastic on Grendel and it doesn't cost any Craft Points. Use when you want Hate Up (which is probably often).

Limited Blaster
Cost: 160 EP
Attack: A+ (240%) (Magical)
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Line (5 width) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 6 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Special Event
Misc: DMG Down (1 stage) for 2 turns

Opinion: Doesn't cost Craft Points, racks hits well, and does good damage. Solid option.

Cost: 0
Delay: 0
Misc: Ends Grendel early

Opinion: Struggling to think about how many stars need to align for this to be worth using. Don't.

S Craft
Regal Beatdown
Cost: 100
Attack: SS (370%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - From target foe
Stun: 28
Hit Count: 23 + 22 per additional foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Special Event
Misc: None

Opinion: Strong case for best C raft in the game. It does incredible damage and racks hits like crazy; especially against multiple foes. With the stat boost Grendel gets you can think of this as being a 518% Attack Craft rather than only 370%. All this is why I argue against the use of most of Grendel's Crafts because it means using this less.

Normal Attack: Hits: 4 Stun: 4
Support Attack: Hits: 5 Stun: 8

Etoile Ray
Cost: 60
Attack: B+ (180%) (Magical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Line (2 width) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 6
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Level 21
Misc: ADMG Down (1 stage) for 3 turns

Opinion: Fine if you want immediate okay damage in a line, but generally not recommended due to the high cost and overall mediocre result.

Pleiadas Ray
Cost: 60
Attack: A (210%) (Magical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Level 57
Misc: ADMG/ARES Down (1 stage) for 3 turns. Replaces Etoile Ray when learned.

Opinion: Basically the same as Etoile Ray. Slightly better but not enough to change anything.

Glow Hammer
Cost: 20
Attack: D+ (110%) (Physical) (143% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - from target foe
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Level 4
Misc: Heals 10% of damage dealt as EP. Back Attack Bonus x1.3

Opinion: Okay at giving Agnes some EP back without using EP Charges or other sources especially later on when she can do enough damage with it for a meaningful return. If this sounds appealing to you then go for it.

White Heal
Cost: 40
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (5) - from user
Learned: Default
Misc: Heals 30% of max HP. Cures ailments. Cures stat down
Opinion: Fantastic character defining Craft and the main reason to bring Agnes. Removing stat down is far more useful and common of a desire than in prior games too.

Innocent Heal
Cost: 40
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (8) - from user
Learned: Level 43
Misc: Heals 40% of max HP. Cures ailments. Cures stat down. Replaces White Heal when learned.

Opinion: A buff to one of the best Crafts in the game. It's amazing.

Jibril Guard
Cost: 70
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - from user
Learned: Level 32
Misc: Grants 2000 HP Shield. 10% HP regeneration for 4 turns.

Opinion: Extremely not worth the cost. Comically worse than other Shield Crafts. Don't use this over saving for White Heal or S Craft

S Craft
Brilliant Halo
Cost: 100
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Entire arena
Learned: Special Event
Misc: Revives. Heals 100% of max HP. Applies 10% HP regen for 4 turns.

Opinion: Fine panic or pinch option. Can be helpful to bring Agnes in just to use this after a near wipe.
Character Crafts Part 3 (Characters #3 and #4)
Normal Attack: Hits: 5 Stun: 6
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Rapid Burst
Cost: 20
Attack: D+ (110%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Cone (60°) - Set from user
Stun: 6
Hit Count: 5 + 1 per additional foe
Range: 7
Learned: Default
Misc: Slow (1 stage) for 3 turns
Opinion: Kind of unremarkable Craft. The low cost lets it sometimes be useful, but I'd still mostly avoid it.

Rapid Eruption
Cost: 20
Attack: C (120%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Cone (70°) - Set from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 5 + 1 per additional foe
Range: 8
Learned: Level 40
Misc: Slow (1 stage) for 3 turns. Replaces Rapid Burst when learned.

Opinion: Slightly better than Rapid burst but not meaningfully different. Still wouldn't really use.

Heat Edge
Cost: 50
Attack: B+ (180%) (Physical) (234% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Line (2 width) - Set from user
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 15
Learned: Default
Misc: Moves user to target location. Burn for 2 turns. Side Attack Bonus x1.3
Opinion: Adequate damage Craft when the Side Bonus is present. Can also be used to move around potentially more than regular movement allows. Solid option overall.

Infernal Edge
Cost: 50
Attack: A (210%) (Physical) (273% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Line (3 width)
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 15
Learned: Level 55
Misc: Moves user to target location. Burn for 2 turns. Side Attack Bonus x1.3. Replaces Heat Edge when learned.

Opinion: Solid damage Craft that competes with her S Craft in terms of damage when the Side Bonus is present and the cost is reasonable. Worth using.

Bulwark Blade
Cost: 60
Attack: B (160%) (Magical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (4) - Set anywhere
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 8
Learned: Level 31
Misc: RES/ARES Down (1 stage) for 3 turns.

Opinion: Not good. The cost and Delay are too high and this doesn't really do anything special.

Flaming Prayer
Cost: 40
Delay: 70%
Targeting: Circle radius (5) - From user
Learned: Level 10
Misc: DMG/ADMG Up (1 stage) for 3 turns. Craft Point regen (10 per turn) for 3 turns.

Opinion: Great Craft. Giving characters 40 Craft Points over time is really good and the damage up is okay. The low Delay also makes it easy to quickly swap her in and use this then swap her back out if you aren't using Feri as one of your main attackers.

S Craft
Ignis Rampage

Cost: 100
Attack: S (280%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 8 per foe* (first 7 attacks cannot exceed a hit total of 21 against many foes?)
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Burn for 2 turns
Opinion:Solid S Craft if a bit weak. The hit count stacking is quite good against multiple foes and this makes it a nice choice on Sepith turns. Being able to freely set it is also nice. Other than these benefits though the overall damage is low by S Craft standards.

Normal Attack: Hits: 3 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Myriad Slash
Cost: 40
Attack: C+ (140%) (Physical)
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Cone (80°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 6
Hit Count: 5 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay (S) *Deals damage before final hit?*
Opinion: Great at racking hits against multiple foes. The delay is okay too. Great on Sepith turns against multiple foes too. Otherwise a little unremarkable.

Blazing Slash
Cost: 40
Attack: B (160%) (Physical)
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Cone (80°) - Set anywhere from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 6 per foe
Range: 6.5
Learned: Level 41
Misc: AT Delay (M) Replaces Myriad Slash when learned

Opinion: Better than Myriad Slash in ways that matter. Very solid Craft. All the previous benefits of Myriad Slash apply.

Falcon Talons
Cost: 50
Attack: A (210%) (Physical) (273% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 2
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: Seal for 2 turns. Back Attack x1.3
Opinion: Strong Craft but only hits a single foe. A fine option when you don't want to hit multiple things if you're getting the Back Bonus. Generally not worth it over saving for his really strong S Craft.

Talon Barrage
Cost: 50
Attack: A+ (240%) (Physical) (312% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 3
Range: 5
Learned: Level 59
Misc: Seal for 2 turns. Back Attack x1.3

Opinion: VERY strong single target Craft when the Back Bonus comes into play. Great for boss fights when there's only a single foe available. Lets you save boost for other characters to S Craft with while still doing great damage.

Shuangxing Huangren
Cost: 60
Attack: B (160%) (Magical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Line (2 width) - Set from user
Stun: 4
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Level 22
Misc: Mute for 2 turns. Impedes

Opinion: Maybe the worst Craft you'll still sometimes want to use. It can come in for the clutch impede sometimes and it can hit far but you'll probably never be happy with paying the 60 cost for this.

Cost: 30 + 30% of Max HP
Delay: 65%
Learned: Default
Misc: Strait and Insight for 3 turns
Opinion: Kind of niche. It lets Aaron do more damage for a brief time but the Craft Point cost makes it hard to S Craft twice during this buff which is the real cash out you want from this. The Insight can let him dodge more to stay at low health easier but I find this mostly not worth seriously considering or building around over other options.

S Craft
Phoenix Dance

Cost: 100
Attack: SS (370%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 4 per foe
Range: No Limit
Learned: Default
Misc: None
Opinion: Very strong S Craft with reasonable hit count stacking against multiple foes. Being able to put it anywhere is really helpful too. Great option. Use often.
Character Crafts Part 4 (Characters #5 and #6)
Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 8

Silent Slasher
Cost: 50
Attack: B (160%) (Physical) (208% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set from user
Stun: 2
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: Chance to kill foe instantly. Back Attack Bonus x1.3
Opinion: If you like the prospect of rolling for an instant kill then you might like this. It even works against some things you might expect to be immune. However most of the time you'll want this to kill instantly it wont and then you're left with something expensive that doesn't do enough damage (even with the Back Bonus), doesn't rack hits, and doesn't hit a big enough area. Not recommended.

Edel Snipe
Cost: 20
Attack: C (120%) (Magical) (156% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Line (2.5 width) - Set from user
Stun: 4
Hit Count: 4 + 1 per additional foe
Range: 15
Learned: Default
Misc: Side Attack Bonus x1.3
Opinion: A very adequate cheap Craft. Unremarkable but usable. One of Risette's better options on Sepith Turns.

Sonic Chaser
Cost: 60
Attack: B+ (180%) (Physical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 5
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: Quick (2 stages) for 3 turns. (Reminder that this craft will NOT benefit from Quick on the turn it's used) *Deals damage before final hit?*
Opinion:Really cool looking Craft. A shame it's terrible. The cost and Delay are both really high and in exchange you get middling damage against a single foe and some Quick AFTER using the Craft. If you want Quick just use Chrono Drive. Technically her best option on Sepith turns if a single foe is present, but I'd usually rather use Edel Snipe and get one less Sepith hit for saving 40 Craft Points. I actively recommend avoiding this Craft.

Lightning Chaser
Cost: 60
Attack: A (210%) (Physical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 5
Range: 5
Learned: Level 44
Misc: Quick (3 stages) for 3 turns. (Reminder that this craft will NOT benefit from Quick on the turn it's used) *Deals damage before final hit?* Replaces Sonic Chaser when learned.

Opinion:Slightly better than Sonic Chaser but still terrible. Do not use.

Cobalt Curtain
Cost: 30
Delay: 65%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere within range from user
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: RES/ARES Up (1 stage) for 3 turns. Grants Shield (2000 HP)
Opinion:One of the best Crafts in the game and character defining for Risette's role in the party. It is absurdly overtuned from the low cost to low Delay and high impact. Use frequently if you want an easier time with the game.

S Craft
Radiant Seeker

Cost: 100
Attack: S (280%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (10) - Set anywhere
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Chance to kill foes instantly
Opinion:Low damage for an S Craft and doesn't rack hits well. At least the area it hits is huge. If you have the resources to burn you an use this after a high hit count or to end off a fight but I'd otherwise not recommend this. Technically the large area makes it an okay option for the achievements involving killing multiple foes at the same time.

Normal Attack: Hits: 8 Stun: 2
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Optical Cannon
Cost: 50
Attack: C+ (140%) (Magical) (182% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Line (2 width) - Set from user
Stun: 4
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Freeze for 2 turns. Side Attack x1.3
Opinion: Similar to Etoile Ray. It's usable if you want immediate magic damage but not really all that recommended. The bonus Side damage makes it not too awful and the Freeze has niche application if you want it.

Procyon Fang
Cost: 70
Attack: A (210%) (Physical)
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target foe
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 8
Learned: Special Event
Misc: DMG/ADMG Down (2 stages) for 3 turns

Opinion: Too expensive for what it does. It's a high cost small area Craft that can increase party damage for a bit with its debuff. You know what else increases party damage for a bit and doesn't need an RNG chance to work? Cataract Wave or Aerial. Any art with lots of hits on it. Heck, just attacking with Quatre hits 8 times and standing next to Agnes makes it 13. Don't bother with this overpriced Craft.

Satellite Cure
Cost: 40
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - From user
Learned: Default
Misc: Restores 30% of Max HP. Grants 30 Craft Points
Opinion: Battery Crafts like this tend to be really good and this is no exception. it's a little less silly than similar Crafts in previous games because you cannot JUST S Craft at 100 anymore, but this is still exceptionally useful and probably the main thing you'll want to do on Quatre's turns.

Laplace Code
Cost: 60
Delay: 80%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - Set anywhere within range from user
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: DMG/ADMG Up (1 stage for 3 turns) Grants Shield (4000 HP)

Opinion: A very solid Shield Craft. 4000 Shield is no joke. The Delay is low on this too. I still usually prefer Cobalt Curtain for my Shield and Satellite Cure is a little too appealing for Quatre's turns but this Craft still has its place.

S Craft
Digamma Driver
Cost: 100
Attack: S (280%) (Magical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Line (6 width) - Set from user
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Special Event
Misc: High chance of freeze for 2 turns

Opinion: Very underwhelming S Craft. Only a single hit and only S rank damage. The Freeze chance is pretty high but a better way to prevent the enemy from moving is to reduce their HP to 0 which this S Craft struggles more at contributing to.
Character Crafts Part 5 (Characters #7 and #8)
Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 4 (8 Stun as Grimcat)
Support Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 8

Twilight Kiss
Cost: 60
Attack: B (160%) (Magical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Cone (15°) - Set from user
Stun: 2 (4 as Grimcat)
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Removes buffs from foes. Chance to Bewitch for 3 turns.
Opinion: Expensive but the chance at Bewitch for a whopping 3 turns is a nice potential payoff. if you like gambling with your options then this is not a bad one. Otherwise the removal of buffs is a genuine niche that very little else has and I'd say this is often worthwhile for that buff removal.

Swift Larceny
Cost: 20
Attack: C (120%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Single Foe
Stun: 0? (8 as Grimcat)
Hit Count: 1
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: Heals 10% of damage dealt as HP. Grants Sepith on hit.
Opinion:I'm always on the lookout for ways to get more Sepith and this game is the one I'm most Sepith starved for in the whole series. And in spite of that this Craft is still awful. It only hits a single time so the Sepith you do get is paltry. Likewise for the HP this thing heals: it doesn't matter in the slightest. Don't bother with this thing at all. It doesn't even deal any stun outside of Grimcat mode.

Criminal Beaut
Cost: 70
Attack: A (210%) (Physical) (273% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - From user
Stun: 6 (12 as Grimcat)
Hit Count: 2+* per foe (bugged, see below)
Learned: Default
Misc: Pulls movable foes to middle of Craft before hit. Side Attack x1.3. Ailment Resist Down (3 turns)

Hit count bug: There are two hits on Criminal Beaut. The second hits each foe once. The first hits each foe squared. For example: the first hit hits one foe once, two foes will net 4 hits. three will net 9 hits, four will get 16, etc.

Opinion: Pretty strong for a regular Craft with the Side bonus but it's really expensive. If you want ailment resist down you have this and her S Craft but at least this doesn't cost any boost. The hit count bug can potentially make this VERY good for hit racking in situational spots but having a good opportunity for this when it matters is probably not going to be that common. Decent craft all things considered.

Go! Go! Grimcat!
Cost: 50
Delay: 5% (yes you're reading that right)
Learned: Default

- Lasts for the entire battle or until KO'd
- Adds a second damage packet to the following attacks: Normal attack, Twilight Kiss, Swift Larceny, Criminal Beaut.
- - Extra damage packet is Magical (90%) (could call it E rank) and hits enemy ARES
- - Extra stun is applied to affected attacks as listed above
- - Extra damage packet will critical whenever the regular attack/craft criticals and will benefit from critical damage enhancing effects
- - If main attack causes stun the extra magic damage packet will benefit from the bonus damage against stunned foes
- - For some reason despite being treated as magic in most ways the extra damage packet increases through stuff like Forte and boosts that increase physical damage and not by magical ones
- - - Things that boost ATS during battle WILL affect how much damage this does

Opinion: If you're fielding Judith this is a fine option for making her better during bigger encounters. In most regular battles this is too much of an upfront cost for too little payoff to be worth it. Overall the effect is pretty minimal though but at least it lasts for the rest of the battle.

Cost: 0
Delay: 5% (yes you're reading that right)
Learned: Default
Misc: Ends Grimcat transformation
Opinion: Hilariously this was one of the most helpful Crafts for my own internal Delay testing. You can use this alongside Go! Go! Grimcat! and the Macho Belt to roll for turn bonuses I guess or if you really want to put Judith at a specific place in the turn order thanks to the really low Delay. You can also use the above strategy to get rid of ailments on Judith by spamming turns at low Delay (this is a fair bit less Delay than simply using a Curia Balm). All of that really requires the Macho Belt being on Judith though and that is pretty far from being recommended. But hey it can be funny.

S Craft
Grimnight Waltz

Cost: 100
Attack: S+ (320%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Entire arena
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Blind for 2 turns. Ailment resist down for 3 turns.
Opinion: Hey it's one of the few S Crafts in the game that hits the entire battle arena and the only one that isn't on a guest character! Other than that it hits once per foe and does fine damage. I don't think the secondary effects are worth writing home about. Pretty okay S Craft all things considered.

Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 6
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Titus Hammer
Cost: 50
Attack: B (160%) (Physical) (208% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - Set anywhere within range from user
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay (M) Back Attack x1.3
Opinion: The cost is pretty high for the only decent damage it does. The radius is okay but meaningfully hitting more than one thing in the Back is not going to happen much. Unremarkable but okay Craft.

King of the Beasts
Cost: 70
Attack: A+ (240%) (Physical)
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Circle radius (1.5) - From target foe
Stun: 16
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 2
Learned: Default
Misc: RES/ARES Down (1 stage) for 3 turns
Opinion: Really expensive and this almost might as well be a single target Craft. It's the same cost and damage as Van's Heavenly Halter but with a much worse targeting area and arguably worse secondary effect and it's fewer hits. And I already think using Heavenly Halter is a questionable choice.This still isn't awful but it's not exactly super good either.

Lion's Roar
Cost: 30
Attack: D+ (110%) (Magical)
Delay: 115%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set from user
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 7
Learned: Default
Misc: DMG/RES Up (1 stage) for 3 turns. Applies Vigor for 3 turns.
*Vigor applies up to a 50% damage bonus based on how close Bergard is to Max HP
Opinion: Vigor is incredible if you're already running a lot of damage. This has a lot of potential.

S Craft
Celestial Impact

Cost: 100
Attack: SS (370%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere
Stun: 20
Hit Count: 7 + 1 per additional foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: None
Opinion: A really strong S Craft comparable to Phoenix Dance. Highly recommended.
Guest Character Crafts (spoilers)
Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 6
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Cost: 40
Attack: B (160%) (Physical)
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - Set anywhere in range from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 3 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay. Quick (1 stage) for 2 turns

Kaleido Fencer
Cost: 70
Attack: A+ (240%) (Physical)
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Circle radius (1.5) - From target foe
Stun: 6
Hit Count: 5 per foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay DMG Up (1 stage) for 2 turns

Silvery Cross
Cost: 30
Attack: D+ (110%) (Magical) (143% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set from user
Stun: 4
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Seal and Mute for 2 turns. Side Attack x1.3

S Craft
Knights of Asteria

Cost: 100
Attack: SS (370%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (6) - Set anywhere
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 7 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: None

Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 4
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Cost: 30
Attack: B (160%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Circle radius (3) - From target foe
Stun: 4
Hit Count: 4 + 1 per additional foe
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: impedes

Mirage Raid
Cost: 40
Attack: B+ (180%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Line (3 width) - Set from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 15?
Learned: Default
Misc: Quick (2 stages) for 3 turns. Applies Stealth BEFORE doing damage (this means this will always critical).

Glimmering Flash
Cost: 60
Attack: A (210%) (Physical) (273% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Circle radius (2) - Set anywhere within range from user
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 4 + 2 per additional foe
Range: 4
Learned: Default
Misc: Seal for 2 turns. Back Attack x1.3

S Craft
Azure Greon

Cost: 100
Attack: S+ (320%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Entire arena
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 3-5? + ? per additional foe (hit count is very odd)
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: None

Normal Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 2 Stun: 8

Heralding Fist
Cost: 40
Attack: B (160%) (Physical) (208% when attacking from the Back)
Delay: 120%?
Targeting: Circle radius (1.5) - From target foe
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 2 per foe
Range: 2
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay Back Attack x1.3. **Bug?: Forces targeted foe to face user (does NOT stop Back bonus from working)

Thundering Kick
Cost: 50
Attack: A (210%) (Physical)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - From target foe
Stun: 16
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: 4
Learned: Default
Misc: Seal for 2 turns

Cost: 30
Delay: 70%?
Learned: Default
Misc: Heals 40% of Max HP. Applies DMG/RES Up (3 stages) for 3 turns.

S Craft
Arhat Palm Strike

Cost: 100
Attack: SS (370%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Circle radius (6?) - From target foe
Stun: 24
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: RES/ARES Down (1 stage) for 3 turns

Normal Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Phoenix Moon
Cost: 30
Attack: C (120%) (Physical)
Delay: 115%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set from user
Stun: 6
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay (M)

Flame Talisman
Cost: 40
Delay: 70%
Targeting: User
Learned: Default
Misc: Quick (3 stages) for 3 turns. Applies Craft Point regeneration (30) for 4 turns

Flying Swallow
Cost: 60
Attack: A (210%) (Physical)
Delay: 130%
Targeting: Circle radius (3.5) - From target foe
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 5 per foe
Range: 4
Learned: Default
Misc: None

S Craft
Paraselene Pirouette

Cost: 100
Attack: S+ (320%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Entire arena
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Extremely high? chance to Bewitch for 3 turns.

Normal Attack: Hits: 3 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Cost: 20
Attack: C (120%) (Physical)
Delay: 110%
Targeting: Line (4 width) - Set from user
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: Removes buffs. AT Delay. Always hits?

Raging Blizzard
Cost: 50
Attack: B+ (180%) (Physical)
Delay: 125%
Targeting: Circle radius (2.5) - Set anywhere within range from user
Stun: 10
Hit Count: 3 per foe
Range: 3
Learned: Default
Misc: Freeze for 2 turns. Always hits?

Silver Winds
Cost: 80
Attack: A+ (240%) (Physical) (312% when attacking from the Side)
Delay: 140%
Targeting: Circle radius (5) - Set anywhere within range from user
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 12 + 8 per additional foe
Range: 4
Learned: Default
Misc: Side Attack x1.3 Always hits?

S Craft
Zeroth Gleam

Cost: 100
Attack: SS (370%) (Physical)
Delay: 150%
Targeting: Entire arena
Stun: 16
Hit Count: 1 per foe
Range: No limit
Learned: Default
Misc: AT Delay

Normal Attack: Hits: 3 Stun: 8
Support Attack: Hits: 1 Stun: 8

Ark Dominator
Cost: 80
Attack: B (160%) (Magical)
Delay: 120%
Targeting: Single foe
Stun: 8
Hit Count: 1
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: All stat down (1 stage) for 3 turns

Exceed Rain
Cost: 80
Attack: A (210%) (Physical)
Delay: 135%
Targeting: Cone (100°) - Set from user
Stun: 12
Hit Count: 4 per foe
Range: 7
Learned: Default
Misc: Impedes. Ailment resist down for 3 turns

Cost: 40
Delay: 120% (0 when used on self)
Targeting: Single ally (can self target)
Range: 5
Learned: Default
Misc: DMG/ADMG Up (3 stages) for 3 turns. AT Advance. *If used on self this action and the next one have 0 Delay*
Tock 5 Mar @ 4:25pm 
Thanks for this, and thanks for spoilering all of the character names.

Regarding stun: Is the Stun amount applied per attack or per hit? Would Vaan apply 8 or 16 with a Normal attack?
Cool Guide, just want to point out that Van's Self Buff has a weird hidden attribute whereby the long you have the Damage buff, the stronger the potency of the buff, refreshing the buff also resets the damage buff to the initial amount