Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Ocen: 86
How to Deal With Friendlies Most Efficiently [Casual {+} Certain Community Servers]
Autorzy: Tututerokツ™雨 i 15 innych współtwórców
An actual Steam guide in the sea of irrelevant meme spam to assist real players of Team Fortress in votekicking toxic self-insertive idling griefers where they aren't supposed to be.
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Everyone who isn’t a friendly is tired of friendlies,
hence this guide to aid actual players of Team Fortress to be able to play the shooter in places where only they should be.
Efficient Methods
You may want to start a votekick on your friendly with a different reason stated beforehand and then keep typing/saying “F1 F1 F1 F1” until the vote is over, and ask the enemy team to votekick the enemy friendly for a different valid case of disrupting the game.

They are friendlies/griefers” reasons almost never work.

When you kill the enemy friendlies and you feel like your "teammates" are about to intialize the votekicking procedure you need to be faster to call a votekick on your friendly sympathizer.

Piece of advice.
You're, likely, still going to be votekicked, but hey, you took a griefer with you.

You can disguise as your "teammate" friendly to strike the members of the enemy team down if they fall for your act.

You got the concept,
the rest is your imagination.

if you face a greater amount of friendlies than actual players, which is absurdly common, there is not much room to handle the matter properly, sadly…

But there’s one, kinda meh, solution to avoid being votekicked by friendlies.
The fix is to queue in a party, preferably of six.

Autobalance can get in the way though.
And this might be too complex…

I humbly and subjectively think you should always try to impel friendlies to play the game by any (standard) means. Use every opportunity you have, never give up aiming to free non-friendly servers like official VALVe ones and non-friendly community servers from friendlies.

Ignoring friendlies is not an option, they literally "multiply" (invoke the others to become a friendly) if you do, and they are way worse than any of the cheaters in so many ways, because, for example, they are normalized and harder to kick.

It’s a shooter, not a tea party.

I persynally believe you’re part of the problem by not attacking them in a PvP and acting like they are a non-issue, the choice is still yours ofc-y, but please keep that in mind.

Interesting Statistics from the TF2 Forums
Old Stats 2020[]
Keyword: friendlies
Sorted by relevance - showing 55,436* entries
Sorted by time - showing 183,447* entries

Keyword: cheaters
Sorted by relevance - showing 10,032 entries
Sorted by time - showing 33,957 entries

Keyword: bots
Sorted by relevance - showing 24,256 entries
Sorted by time - showing 75,376 entries

Keywords: cheaters and bots
Total sorted by relevance - showing 34,288* entries
Total sorted by time - showing 109,333* entries
As of January 17th

Keyword: friendlies
Sorted by relevance - showing 64,628** entries
Sorted by time - showing 224,910** entries

Keyword: cheaters
Sorted by relevance - showing 14,377 entries
Sorted by time - showing 46,955 entries

Keyword: bots
Sorted by relevance - showing 42,083 entries
Sorted by time - showing 154,909 entries

Keywords: cheaters and bots
Total sorted by relevance - showing 56,460** entries
Total sorted by time - showing 201,864** entries
As of April 25th
Thank you for potentially reading this,
Komentarzy: 161
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 14 godz. temu 
have a good day :fumohappy:
Boxers 14 godz. temu 
I am in no point to force upon my beliefs to you, have a good day! (just wanted to state my opinion)
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 14 godz. temu 
sry for a bunch of mistakes iamsleepyalrightalwaysam
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 15 godz. temu 
i'm glad we could make up
Boxers 15 godz. temu 
fair enough :P
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 15 godz. temu 
and if u want to "play how you want" minecraft and gmod s&box is right here for you, in fps shooter you have the freedom of shooting how you want, crouchwalking around and spamming emotes is not playing the fps teambased game
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 15 godz. temu 
the same thing could be said about cheaters and it would make as much sense
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 15 godz. temu 
i and other actual players shouldnt go somewhere else because of normalized idling griefers
Tutu💗™💚has #SavedTF2  [autor] 15 godz. temu 
just play a different game if you don't like shooting
Boxers 15 godz. temu 
While I understand that you want to play a fps game without anyone being "friendly" you can swap games, as you can tell many people are swapping over to ahem.. overwatch 2.. and they're playing the game how they want.