The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

597 valoraciones
Achievement Portraits
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7 JUL a las 16:59
1 SEP a las 12:40
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Achievement Portraits


Please make sure to download the actual Repentogon here. []
Downloading the workshop item currently will not work!

Achievement portraits is a mod that overhauls the secrets menu, giving it similarities to the checklist system from Kirby Airride or Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Achievements are grouped together into different themes, Isaac achievements, item achievements, Azazel achievements, and many more...

Each group is presented grid, with each and every unlock uncovering a small part of an illustration, hidden behind it.

Work towards specific achievements and uncover all 35 portraits! and get Dead God as well.

Update 1.8

• A few errors in the achievements have been fixed

• Errors in Mod functionality for other mods to add their own portraits have been patched out.

• You can now press TAB or X on your controller in order to switch back to the original achievements menu! This is useful for looking at modded achievements not supported by the mod.

Mod Support for both repentogon mods (absolutely, assuming they use repentogons achievement system) and non repentogon mods (technically) is possible! And people can add their own portraits within their mods now, the way to do it is in the following google doc.

Here it is. []

If anything sounds confusing or something doesnt work, please notify me here in the comments, I've tried this myself and it does work! But I can't promise that my explanation is the most easily understood one.

I am not perfect! And I haven't gotten Real Platinum God in any of my save files, so some achievements could have incorrect information, or a wrong image, if you spot anything like this, please send a message here so I can fix it as soon as possible!

I want to thank all these wonderful people that gave me helpful criticism and great ideas that helped towards the making of this mod!

• SeizedClod22
• Crashington
• Byronlove9
• Meeps!
• Sanio
• cqtgirl
• MuffinTae
• Guharmony
• SupremeMachinery
• slap_my_knuttz
• The Modding of Isaac Discord Server
Discusiones populares Ver todo (2)
2 OCT a las 7:53
18 JUL a las 16:41
Adding New Portraits
179 comentarios
Jitsauce  [autor] hace 18 horas 
select a file, go to the secrets menu, it should be there! if its not, you might have repentogon installed wrong, or not installed in the first place, or something went wrong while this mod downloaded
Nuts) hace 19 horas 
god damn it's right there on the main menu or a good damn game
Nosferatu_Gamer hace 19 horas 
how do you even enter this page to see your progress?
Jitsauce  [autor] 27 OCT a las 21:47 
Once I have more free time, I'll try adding more compatibility for big mods near the future!
cyphis6 27 OCT a las 19:38 
will this mod have compatibility with specific mods like fiend folio in the future? that would be appreciated if you're able to get that working :)
Roland - Black Silence Realized 26 OCT a las 12:33 
yooo this is sick
Homecomin 23 OCT a las 14:25 
This is one of the few mods on here that I would recommend to every single person that plays this game. Going for unlocks with this mod especially on a second or third save file is so much more enjoyable than the 600+ little windows that are impossible to scroll through.
Dear mod team, you made the game objectively better!
The Hunter 18 OCT a las 21:10 
literally it gives you more features, fixes things in the game, makes more mods work and easier to use, and make you have overall better frames with a lot of mods. Why would you not get it?
zero.webm 17 OCT a las 13:46 
never thought id see someone mad at something that makes your game objectively better?? lol
Nuts) 14 OCT a las 14:33 
yeah, its as stupid as refusing to vaccinate, lol