Nine Sols

Nine Sols

104 ratings
Achievement Guide: Nine Sols
By ItsJustaBugra
This guide will explain how to get every achievement in Nine Sols.
Hello, this guide will explain all the achievements in the game. While i will try to keep it spoiler free, i recommend that you finish the game at least once before reading. Although, you might want to read the missable achievements section before playing. I tried not to give away any story details while writing them and they can take a really long time to get if you miss your chance to get them on your first playthrough.
Missable Achievements
The achievements in this section have a certain time frame in the story or require you to not do certain actions. I will explain what they are for each achievement. If you miss your chance to get them, you will unfortunately have to do another playthrough.

Use the Fortune teller machine crafted by Shuanshuan.

For this achievement you need to collect every map data chip from the Shanhai 9000 robots around the map without forcefully removing their chip. So, you need to pay them 400 jin for a copy. There are two exceptions to this, The robot in the Transmutation Zone attacks you as soon as you talk to it. You will need to kill this robot by parrying it's laser. And the robot in the Tiandao Research Center is already destroyed when you find it. Once you collect all the map data chips, give them to the robot at your base. If you are having problems finding a robot you can check their location using this Youtube video:
Additionally, you will have to go to the transmutation zone and destroy the bookshelf shown in the picture. You will get an item that you can give to Shuanshuan. After giving it to him, you need to go to the root node and rest 3 times. Every time you rest, you will get new dialogue with Shuanshuan. After resting for the third time, you will find that he has built a machine from the parts of other robots. Interacting with this machine gives you the achievement.

Edit: In the comments section, Axcells kindly mentioned that you need to give the "Vertial Reality Device" and the "Multi-Tool Kit" to Shuanshuan for him to build the Fortune teller machine. If you want to know where you can find these items, you can refer to the video linked in the section for the achievement "Gimme Gimme".

You Bastard...
Obtain map data from Shanhai 9000 by force.

For this achievement you need to obtain a map data chip by forcefully removing it. You will get the achievement after the robot is destroyed.

Sadly, the two achievements above are mutually exclusive, meaning that normally you can't get them both in a single playthrough. However, you can make a copy of your save file by going to "C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\LocalLow\RedCandleGames" and copying the NineSols folder. After this, you can launch the game, forcefully remove a chip, replace your save file with the copy and play the rest of the game without forcefully removing a chip. Alternatively, you can get the "Repurposed" achievement in your first playthrough, create a new save, and play until you reach your first robot.

Fight Through Hardship
Finish Nine Sols on Standard Mode.

This one is pretty self explanatory. You need to finish the game on the standard difficulty. Beware that if you switch to story mode at any point in the game you cannot switch back.

Fight Dirty
Use the Gene Eradicator to fight Jiequan.

In the Factory (Production Area), there is a door you can unlock by hacking into two guards that i've marked on the map. When you enter, there is a machine that when interacted gives you a gene eradicator. When you go to the boss room in Shengwu Hall, there is a machine that you can insert the gene eradicator into. After inserting the gene eradicator, fight the boss and you should get the achievement. Do not kill the boss without inserting the gene eradicator or you will not be able to get the achivement.

Robo Fight!
Defeat Tianshou while driving a robot.

In the Empyrian District (Passages) area, there is a robot locked behind a door. You can use your mystic nymph to hack this door open from the location shown in the picture.

Once you open the door, you can go to the boss room to the left. You can then start the boss fight by hacking the panel above using your mystic nymph. Once you start the fight, run past the boss and enter the robot. Use the robot to kill the boss, the achievement will unlock when the boss is dead. If you kill the boss without using the robot, you will miss your chance to get the achievement.

What Have You Done?!
Break the clay pot made by Shuanshuan.

For this achievement you need to acquire the Guifang Red Clay from the Grotto of Scriptures (East). You can find it in the chest shown in the picture

Go back to your base and give the clay to Shuanshuan. Rest at the root node and go back to talk to him. You will see that Kuafu has built a pottery wheel for him. Rest at the root node once again and you will see that there is a large pot next to Shuanshuan. Attack the pot to break it and the achievement will unlock. If you rest two more times without breaking the pot, Shuanshuan will gift it to Kuafu and you won't be able to break it anymore.
Exploration & Combat Achievements
The achievements in this section are about collecting items around the map and fighting the enemies you come across while exploring.

Do Re Mi So La
Unravel the mystery of the Daybreak Tower's music sheet.

In the Lake Yaochi Ruins, there is a section with 5 bells. Next to the bells there is a Solarian that your character automatically talks to when you get close. After talking to them, you get an Ancient Sheet Music. Give the music sheet to Shuanshuan. You then need to kill the Sol responsible for the Agricultural Zone (Goumang). After you kill them, go back to your base and talk to Shuanshuan again. After talking to him, you will get a new item. The item's description has 5 symbols on it that match the symbols on the bells. Hit the bells in that order and a door will open. You can open the chest inside and the achievement will unlock.

The Cavalry's Here
Rescue the people of the Peach Blossom Village.

At some point during the story, Shennong will appear in your base and ask you for poison. You can find poison by either exploring or buying one from Chiyou (the scholar robot). After a certain section in the story where you escape from prison, talk to Shennong again. He will tell you that the Peach Blossom Village is under attack. If you choose to help them, Shennong will give you the Abandoned Mines Access Token. Go to the location in the picture and insert the access token.

Once You insert the token, the door will open which leads to the location where you start the game. Go right until you reach the end of the village, and you will have to fight a mini boss. After you kill the boss, go to the right and save the Apemen. You will then get your achievement.

Gimme Gimme
Establish a deep relationship with Shuanshuan.

You get this achievement by gifting Shuanshuan artifacts you find. I'm not sure what the exact amount required is but keep giving him gifts and you will eventually get it. If you want to know the location of an artifact, you can check the video below.

Across Time and Space
Bid farewell to Lear.

For this achievement, you need to find the 3 murals around Grotto of Scriptures that i have marked on the map.

Once you enter the murals, you will find that there are parrying challenges inside. Successfully complete the challenges for all 3 murals and the door to the Tomb of Lear will unlock. You will find a mini boss at the entrance. Once you defeat the boss, you can go in. Inside, there is a recording of the declaration of inaction. Walk past that to the next room and you will find a root node and a chest with a Rhizomatic Bomb inside. Interacting with the root node will take you to Lear. After you talk to him, the achievement will unlock.

Magical Bean
Help Shuanshuan unlock the true potential of agriculture.

For this achievement, you need to first find the unknown seed in the Greenhouse area. You can acquire it by breaking the pot shown in the image. Once you get the seed, go back to your base and give it to Shuanshuan. He will then plant the seed and water it.

You then need to find the two gm fertilizers, one in the Factory (Great Hall) and the other in Sky Tower, as shown in the pictures. Bring them back as well. After giving the fertilizer, rest at the root node and you will see that the tree has grown. After you give both fertilizers, the tree will grow to its maximum size and you will get the achievement.

One Man Army
Defeat every optional miniboss.

This achievement explains itself as well. If you want to know the locations for every mini boss, you can check the video below.

Blessed Messages
Discover the message board for blessings upon the Departure of New Kunlun's Voyage.

In the Empyrian District (Living Area), there are 5 bells and a large door that is locked. To open this door you need to look at a painting that is to the left of the bells. The painting shows the order you need to hit the bells in, which is 2,5,4,1,2.

Once you get in, you will see a panel you can interact with. After you interact with it, the writing on the monitors will change to English, and you will get the achievement.

I'm Yi, I Have a Drinking Problem
Drink all the wine brewed by Shennong.

This achievement requires you to give Shennong all the poison items in the game. For every two poison items you give, he brews a wine you drink that increases your maximum health. The achievement unlocks once you increase your health to the highest amount. Most poison items can be purchased from Chiyou (the scholar robot), the rest can be found exploring. If you are struggling to find them, you can check the video below.
Exploration & Combat Achievements (Cont.)

Passing on the Torch
Help Shennong become the leader of Peach Blossom Village.

This achivement has a lot of requirements and will take a while to achieve. Firstly, you need to give Shuanshuan the Fusang Amulet. It can be found in the Apeman Facility (Depths) area from the chest shown in the picture.

Secondly, you need to complete the requirements for "the Cavalary is Here" achievement. You can read that section to learn how to complete it. Once you save the Apemen, come back after a while (Shennong will tell you that there is trouble at the village again once you give him enough poison) and you will see that one of the villagers is poisoned. Shennong will show up and ask you to kill the large yellow worm that poisoned the villager and bring back its venom sack. He will make an antidote using the venom sack which you can bring back to the poisoned villager.

Thirdly, you need to exhaust all of Shennong's dialogue. This requires that you get the "Magical Bean" and "I'm Yi, I Have a Drinking Problem" achievements. You can read their respective sections to learn how to get them.

After you complete the above requirements, rest at the root node and Shennong will disappear from your base. Shuanshuan will tell you that the village is under attack again. Go back to where the villagers are, you will find Shennong wounded. You will then need to fight waves of enemies. After you kill all of them, you will get a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will get the achievement.

The Warrior Within
Master all skills in the skill tree.

Another self explanatory achievement. You need to fully unlock your skill tree. You don't really need to worry about experience, just go through the game normally and you should have enough skill points to unlock most if not all skills by the end.

Well Prepared
Collect every Jade.

Again, the achievement explains itself. A lot of Jades are purchased from Chiyou and the recycling machine at your base. The rest, you need to find throughout the map. Check the Youtube video below if you are struggling to find one.

My Most Trusted Friend
Max out the ammo capacity of the Azure Bow and obtain Cloud Piercer X, Thunder Buster X, and Shadow Hunter X.

There are 3 arrow types that you collect throughout the game. You get the Cloud Piercer after defeating Yingzhao (The boss in the Power Reservoir) and talk to Kuafu at your base, the Thunder Buster after defeating Xingtian (The robot you fight after Yanlao distracts you by talking), the Shadow Hunter after defeating Jiequan (the boss in the Transmutation Factory area). You can upgrade these arrows by giving Kuafu a Dark Steel and some Jin, you need to upgrade each arrow type twice. If you are struggling to find Dark Steel, you can check the video below.
Apart from upgrading your arrows, you also need to buy Azure Sand Magazines from Kuafu. There are 3 of them.
Once you acquire all the items mentioned above, you should get the achievement.

Recycle Shuanshuan's coin.

For this achievement you need to first acquire the Tiandao Academy Periodical from the Research Center. You need to break the shelf shown in the image to acquire it.

Go back to your base and give the item to Shuanshuan. Rest at the root node to get new dialogue. After the dialogue, rest again and you will find Shuanshuan next to the recycling machine. He will tell you that he made a new blueprint for the machine. Interact with the machine and you can craft a coin for 100 Jin. The achivement will unlock after you recycle this coin.

Treasure Hunter
Find all resources and information marked by Shanhai 9000.

For this achievement you need to collect every collectible item in the game, and have the map data chip for every area. I won't be listing every item's location in this guide but they are pretty trivial to find. Just teleport to the area you are missing items in and systematically walk through the whole map starting at the root node. It doesn't take more than 5 to 10 minutes and you most definitely will find the missing collectibles.

Discover a tremendous secret.

When you reach Tiandao Research Institute, follow the path and you will eventually reach a panel that you can hack into. You can watch two video recordings here. Walk past it to the left until you reach a climbable wall. climb to the top of it.

Walk to the right and you will see a place you can grapple up to. Grapple and walk right until you reach the wall. There is a panel in the wall that you can hack into using your mystic nymph.

After hacking it, go back to the panel where you watched data entries, and there will be a new entry. Watch it, and the achievement will unlock.

Found You
Help Shanhai 9000 find Chien.

For this achievement you need to find all the map data chips and bring them to the Shanhai 9000 at your base. You can use the video below if you are struggling to find one.
After bringing all the chips, you have to play through the story until you talk to Eigong for the first time, and she steals all the Sol Seals. After the cutscene go back to Tiandao Research Center (you will have to fight waves of enemies to get there). Go to the location shown on the map and a cutscene will play out. After the cutscene kill the enemy in the room and pick up the item it drops. The achievement will unlock.

Exploration & Combat Achievements (Cont.)
Rest for the Wicked
Help Chiyou bring peace to Xingtian.

There are 2 requirements for this achievement. First one is that you need to purchase every item Chiyou sells. Secondly, you need to kill two mini bosses that i put the locations of in the pictures below.

After you purchase enough items, Chiyou will ask you to bring him the items that drops from these bosses. You can kill the bosses before he asks you for the items. After you hand over the items, you need to play the game until you reach the cutscene where Eigong steals the Sol Seals from you. After the cutscene, go to the location in the picture below. you will find Chiyou wounded. Tell him that you will kill his brother, and he will die. Kill the boss inside, and you will get the achievement.

Story Achievements
The achievements in this section can be unlocked by progressing the story. Be warned that the descriptions contain spoilers. You can't miss these achievements, so don't feel like you need to check their requirements. However you should know that there are two endings for the game. Once you finish the game, loading your save file returns you to a previous point before the finale of the game, so you can get both endings on a single save file. For one of the endings to unlock, you need to do the requirements for the achievements "Gimme Gimme", "the Cavalry's Here", "I'm Yi, I Have a Drinking Problem", "Passing on the Torch" and "Across Time and Space".

My Revenge Starts Here
Defeat Baichang.

After you save Shuanshuan and enter the Apeman Facility, follow the path until you reach your first boss, Baichang. The achievement unlocks after you kill the boss.

I'm Coming for You, Old Friend
Defeat Yingzhao.

In the Power Reservoir (Central) area, you come across a Shanhai 9000 robot. If you talk to it, you learn that you need to activate a backup generator below you. Activate the generator and you will be able to enter the Radiant Pagoda. Inside is a boss fight against Yingzhao. Killing him gives you the achievement.

Reap What You Sow
Defeat Goumang.

In the Grotto of Scriptures area there is a section where Goumang traps you in a cage and his minions hit you down a large drop. You drop into the greenhouse area and need to hack 3 consoles to stop water streams, which opens a drop to the next area. Drop down and go to the right. Get on the boat ride and you should reach an elevator. Go up the elevator and you will reach Goumang. Finishing her boss fight unlocks the achievement.

You Should Respect Your Elders
Defeat Yanlao.

In the Inner Warehouse there is a large elevator that you need to restore power to. After restoring power, go down. You will meet Yanlao. He will talk to you to stall for time. After talking to him, you need to fight Xingtian. Defeat him and continue to the left. Go down and left again, and you will reach a door. Enter the door to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene go through the rooms where Yanlao fires a laser at you repeatedly. After you exit on the other side, go to the right and up the elevator. You will reach a boss fight where you fight against a metal claw. Finishing the fight will give you the achievement.

Jail Break
Successfully escape from prison.

After you defeat Yanlao, you get a call from Jiequan. He tells you that he wants to fight you and that you should come to the Factory (Great Hall). When you get there, you get into a fight with him. Unfortunately this fight cannot be won. When your health reaches 0, your character passes out instead of dying. Jiequan takes you to his prison and tortures you. After the cutscene, you break free and have to go through the prison without being noticed by the guards. This section is pretty linear. Keep going until you reach a root node and then a boss fight. After you defeat the boss and hack into the device to kill them, you will get your achievement.

No Pain, No Gain
Defeat Jiequan.

In the middle of the Factory (Production Area), there is an elevator at the highest floor that takes you to Shengwu Hall. When you get to the Shengwu Hall, there is a transmutation crucible to the left that Jiequan is in. Opening the crucible starts the boss fight. If you want to make the fight easier, you can read the requirements for the Achievement "Fight Dirty". After you kill the boss, the achievement will unlock.

Wake Up From My Sin
Defeat Lady Ethereal.

After you acquire Jiequan's Sol Seal, Abacus calls you and asks you to come back to base. Go back to your base and talk to him. He will mark a location on your map. Go to that location and you will find a door that you can enter. You will enter Lady Ethereal's Soulscape. There are platforming challenges inside that you have to complete. After you complete all of them, she will kick you out. Abacus then calls to inform you that you need to enter again for her Sol Seal. Get back in to do a boss fight with her. Once you defeat her, the achievement will unlock.

Story Achievements (Cont.)
Come, Sweet Death
Defeat Ji.

In the Grotto of Scriptures (Entry), there is a section to the right that you need double jump to reach. Once you go up and to the right, you will find the Solarian that you have been seeing throughout the game. She will read your future and tell you to come to her palace. You learn that this character is the Sol Ji. Go to the room in the top left of the Grotto Of Scriptures (West). You will fight Ji there and defeating her will give you the achievement.

We Have Each Other
Defeat ♥♥♥♥ and Nuwa.

In the Empyrian District, you will find a Sol Seal. After taking it, Sol Nuwa will call you. She will tell you that they are having a banquet and tell you to not disturb them. You will find them in the room to the top left of Empyrian District (Sanctum). Inside you will get a boss fight against ♥♥♥♥ and Nuwa. Defeating them will give you the achievement.

Learned From the Best
Defeat Eigong.

After defeating ♥♥♥♥ and Nuwa, you will get a serum. Take this serum back to your base and Kuafu will use it to make a device for you that can destroy mutants. Go to the Tiandao Research Center with this device. You will find a large cage in the air at the center of the map. destroy the mutations to drop the cage and jump down the hole it makes, to progress. Go to the right to reach an elevator. Go down the elevator and keep following the path. You will find panels you can hack into. Hacking them will give you Recordings that you can watch. Keep going until you reach a machine that you can connect to. Inside you will find Eigong. She will steal all your Sol Seals and leave you there. You get out after a cutscene. Shuanshuan will call you to tell that your base was attacked. You have to fight through waves of enemies to get back to the elevator you came from. Get out and go back to your base. You will find it in ruins. Go to the right side and you will have a cutscene again. After the cutscene go left and talk to Kuafu. The dialogue options you choose here will determine the ending of the game. Check the two achievements below for info on these endings. After this dialogue, get out of your base and walk left until you reach the large tree structure. Go inside and follow the path until you reach Eigong. Defeating her will unlock the achievement. You should know that she will have either 2 or 3 phases to her fight depending on the ending you chose.

Home Sweet Home
Return to the home world of Solarian.

This achievement is for the normal ending of the game. If you don't do the requirements i listed above for the other ending or choose the dialogue option "No, now that i think about it, the Solarians are a more pressing issue..." while talking to Kuafu at the end of the game, you will get this ending.

Shooting Star
Witness the end of New Kunlun.

This achievement is for the good ending of the game. If you've done the requirements i've listed above and given the Rhizomatic Bomb you found at the Tomb of Lear to Kuafu, you can choose the dialogue option "I've thought it through... I want to help the Apemen survive." while talking to Kuafu at the end of the game to get this ending.
Mr D 15 Mar @ 10:28pm 
This is amazing and has been so much help! Thank you so much!
Thank you very much!
ItsJustaBugra  [author] 28 Jan @ 11:51am 
You can. In fact, that's what i did to get that achievement. You can get every achievement except Fight Through Hardship on story difficulty
Can I get the achievement (Repurposed) by playing the game on the story difficulty level?
ロレンゾ 5 Jan @ 7:52am 
Thank you so much!
ItsJustaBugra  [author] 4 Jan @ 8:22pm 
Yes there are missable achievements. Though if you read the section i wrote about them and don't miss any of them, you can get all the achievements except for one which should be the one about destroying one of the map robots to take their data chip. Then for the last achievement you can start a new run and you only need to play until the first map robot (which should only take 30 minutes to an hour). So ideally you wouldn't even need two runs for 100%.
ロレンゾ 4 Jan @ 5:47pm 
How many runs for 100%? there are missable achievements?
CorbinDanger7 21 Dec, 2024 @ 10:14pm 
Im playing on xbox and i think they renamed the you bastard to cold blooded
Blynu valgytojas 12 Dec, 2024 @ 3:36am 
Thank you good sire, this guide really helped with the all achievments run.
ItsJustaBugra  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 3:28am 
Thank you for sharing. I updated the guide to include this information. If there is any other information you feel should be mentioned, feel free to comment. :steamhappy: