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1.613 MB
23 juil. à 16h14
24 sept. à 13h17
9 notes de changement ( voir )

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Melting some of the ice on this cold world has finally given it an atmosphere, but it's extremely frigid environment presents a serious challenge for the stationeers.The extreme cold will cause batteries to rapidly lose power, so getting a steady power source and warm location are your priorities.

- Adjusted the terrain noise to be way less spiky.
- Removed terrain lod.
- Added fog.
- Increased amounnt of ore veins by 50%.
- Sky color is now more transparent to make everything less blue.

3 commentaires
Apothicon  [créateur] 30 juil. à 8h15 
@fabian.langnickel Unless I come up with something else that would substantially change the way you play in a way none of the existing planets do, I will probably only be releasing tweaked versions of vanilla planets.
fabian.langnickel 29 juil. à 22h37 
Which more Dwarf planets or moons do you plan
Talvi 24 juil. à 5h45 
This sounds like a perfect update for Europa and fixes my biggest gripes with the planet!