Murky Divers

Murky Divers

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A small guide to being efficient with the sonar reader (avoid using the references).
By Parma United
Hi all. As the person who is always designated the sonar reader in the group. I thought I would share some tips to identifying what reading means what without having to navigate through the references (as it is more efficient if we dont have to use the reference). Here is my thought process on how I achieve this (as I use common patterns in lieu of remembering every single sonar reading).

These are the following checks I make to easily identify which item it is without using the references:
Check 1: Is there a single line in the leftmost column?
This is an easy one. Only police related items have a line in the leftmost position. So when you see that appear on your screen you can immediately call out police. The specific police type (submarine, squad or ship) is irrelevant as they will all increase your wanted level anyway
Check 2: Is there a group of 3 lines in the rightmost position
If so then it can only be a kracken, simple as that.
Check 3: Are there three groups of 2 and no other lines?
This one is a pretty easy one to spot out at first glance, plus it is the only one of its type. This means it is the shoal of fish.
Check 4: Is there a "1 line, space, 2 line" type grouping?
Refer to the image below on what I mean by this (as it is kinda hard to describe), but this is a unique pattern that can only be found on the loch ness monster.
Check 5: Is there only a group of 3 lines followed by a group of 2 lines (total of 5 lines)?
Little bit more complicated one as out of all three of these possible items, 2 are bad outcomes 1 is good. The way I determine which one it is is if the 3 groups are bundled together, then its either a dolphin or whale (further distinguishment is irrelevant as the both take a little bit of your money on contact). If the group of 3 lines are spaced out, then it is waste.
Check 6: Are there a group of 2 lines in the centre?
The 2 lines in the centre mean that is is either a leviathan, experiments or pile of experiments. The easiest way to distinguish it from here is to count the total number of lines in the sonar, if it is 5 (or 3 extra lines from the centre two) it is a leviathan, if there are 6 total lines (or 4 extra lines from the centre two) then it is either a pile of experiments or experiments (further distinguishment isnt required).