Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers

Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers

65 ratings
All Steam achievements explained
By Skipp
A list of all the achievements and how to get them. Short explanations are marked as spoilers so just hover over the one you need :)
List of achievements
Storms Ahead - Read the Paper on the table in the bookshop on Day 1
Mime After Mime - Notice the mime that keeps following the other people around? Come close to the mime and walk slowly towards the cop. Once you get near enough he'll switch to the cop and you'll get the achievement.
At First Sight - Meet Malia during the investigation of the murder with Mosley
Snake Hunter - Use the magnifying glass on the floor while you look for clues on the crime sceen
Optimistic Day One - Complete Day 1
Unauthorized Copy - Tell Mosley you want a picture with him for the book. He'll call that woman cop. Then say you need to check your hair and go out. Take the documents and copy them. Exit the police station through the door to get the achievement. If you exit via a map, You will need to go back to the station to get the achievement.
Voodoo Studies 101 - Talk to Dr. John at the museum about every topic available
Twisty Day Two - Complete Day 2
Stalking 101 - Get Madame Cazaunox's address by calling the pet shop and mentioning her dog's name. (Call Madame Cazaunoux first to hear her call the dog first)
Star-crossed Lovers - Woo Malia
Making An Impression - use the clay mold from the crime scene on the bracelet and give it to the jeweler at the bar
Fortune's Son - Once you meet the fortune teller in the square - wait for her to get up from her post and start dancing. Pick up the vale and return it to her to get a free reading
Advanced Voodoo Studies - try to not fall asleep during the lecture (and fail miserably) :)
Tempting Day Three - Complete day 3
Grandma's Boy - Compliment granny during your conversation. You know she deserves it
Eyes of the Snake - Witness Crash die in the church
Three Dragons - Open the clock in granny Knight attic (remember the german song? put the dragon icon on top and set the clock to 3 o'clock. Then turn the key)
Checkmate! - Help Sam the jeweler to win his chess match by giving him that lucky voodoo oil.
What a Croc! - Buy the aligator head from Willy in the "curio" shop. You get the money by selling your father's painting in the book shop
Frantic Day Four - Complete day 4
Secred Decoder Ring - Translate the voodoo code
Sit Back and Enjoy the Show - once the fortune teller's shop open - talk to her and ask her to dance for you
Compelling Evidence - Bring all the evidence to Mosely to make him re-open the case/
Family History - Once Gunther sends you the family Journal - use the eye and the magnifying glass on it in your inventory
Snake Attack! - Don't get killed by Dr. John's python. Once you get attacked - use the fan switch on the wall to procuce vibrations so the snake runs away... well... slythers away at least.
Feverish Day Five - Complete day 5
Breaking and Entering - Get into Mosely's office once he's gone by picking up the crowbar behind the car and using it on his office window from the alley
Now You're Speaking My Language! - Leave your own voodoo message on the tomb. You need to write "DJ bring sekey madoule"
Keeping the Beat - Use the Rada drum codes book on the drummer in the main square. You find out about the swamp meeting
Coffin Rigger - Put Mosely's tracker in the small coffin in the voodoo museum
Slithering Day Six - Complete day 6
The Shadow Hunters - Talk with uncle Wolfyon the phone and exaust all the topics
A fallen friend - Find "dead" Mosely inside the Gedde tomb. He's inside one of the coffins
Dragon Fire - Complete the Shattenjäger initiation ceremony (cut your hair with the scissors from the bedroom, wash your hands on the window puddle, take the scroll and the basin from the room, take the salt from the entrance of the castle, put the basin on the altair, put salt in it, kneel down, cut yourself and read the scroll)
Solemn Day Seven - Complete day 7
Every Good Castle Has a Secret Passage - solve the Ritter family shield puzzle inside the secret library
Paper Trail - Read the only book inside the secret passage and research the rest of the books by following the leads each book gives you
Enlightened Day Eight - Complete Day 8
Gotta Get 'Em All - Collect all the tiles inside the snake tomb. Just walk around and get the from the floor. You need to put them in the right order by entering them in the slots from 1 to 12 like on the clock
Pitfall Harry Would Be Proud! - once you enter all the tiles and every mummy activates - use the vines on the room where you entered to get pass by the 3 mummies.
Knotty Day Nine - Complete day 9
Express Elevator to Hell - Use the snake rod inside the confessional to start the secret elevator

SAVE YOUR PROGRESS once you get to the secret voodoo hounfour You need to go back to the save if you want both the Strenght in Numbers and Solo Mission achievements. Perfect place to save is the elevator before you put the rod and the tracker underneath the kneeler

Strength in Numbers - Leave the snake rod and the tracker under the kneeler for Mosely (you get the achievement later when the final cutscene activates)
Solo Mission - Do not leave the snake rod and the tracker under the kneeler for Mosely (you get the achievement later when the final cutscene activates)
Mercy is the Better Part of Valor - Try to save Malia at the end of the game
No Mercy - Walk away from Malia a the end of the game (ooops...)
Triumphant Day Ten - Complete Day 10
Novice Schattenjäger - Complete the game with less than 362 points
Master Schattenjäger - Complete the game with all the points
nlbarnet 7 Jan, 2020 @ 4:09pm 
I somehow ended up with 363/362 points. Getting too many points will also only get you "Novice Schattenjäger".
I used a saved game and left the money in the treasury to come up with the 362 points needed.
Feena 29 Oct, 2017 @ 1:54pm 
There is one of the achievments not included here on the list. Southern Charmer
Excessive flirting! < when you flirt with Malia in the 2nd day.
Aeron 12 Nov, 2015 @ 2:18pm 
"Novice Schattenjäger" seems to unlock only if you have less than 362 points AND you do the "Mercy is the Better Part of Valor" ending.
Xander77 24 Jan, 2015 @ 12:52pm 
You don't actually need to save your progress in the Honofour. Do everything you need to do without leaving the rod and tracker, then open Grace's room. There's a checkpoint there. Once you die, you restart right outside that room, and can now go and leave both items in the elevator, then head back to Grace. Mosley moves quite quickly :)
henrywayat 23 Oct, 2014 @ 3:36am 
Thanks for this guide on achievements. Now if there was a guide to get all the points...
Skipp  [author] 23 Oct, 2014 @ 2:32am 
@GRIMland - yes that is true. I'll update the post
GRIMland 23 Oct, 2014 @ 1:38am 
Thank you!

So it seems to get all achievements a second backup save toward the end in the church elevator is neccessary, that way you can/don't leave stuff for Mosely, save/don't save Malia, and get/don't get all points (not getting all the money might work there)