108 ratings
Beardmo's EDF6 Equipment Farming Tool and Inventory Tracker
By Beardmo
A spreadsheet tool that will tell you exactly what mission to play to get the piece of equipment you want! Includes an inventory tracker that keeps track of what missions still have loot available in them. Customizable to class or difficulty.
Link to the tool
You can find the tool here: EDF6 Equipment Farming Tool and Inventory Tracker[]

In order to work the tool, you need to make a copy of the workbook first, just select File>Make a Copy. After you do, you should be able to make changes.
Tool Features and Tutorial
Basic Features:
  • An Equipment Finder that will tell you what missions to play to find a specific piece of loot.
  • An Inventory Tracker to tell you what missions still have uncollected loot in them.


Equipment Finder:
To use the basic Equipment finder, you simply need to fill out the dropdown menus from top to bottom. As you make your selections, the next drop-down will update based on the selection in the one above. Fill out all 4, and the sheet will work out the rest. Don't change the value in the weapon level section, as that's used for calculation.

Inventory Tracker:
To use the inventory Tracker, simply scroll down to the weapon tables, and tick next to every weapon you have already collected. There are 2 tick boxes next to each weapon. The left one is to show you own the weapon, and the right one is to show you have the max level (star) for the weapon.

There are 3 Options above the weapon tables. Difficulty, Class, and Collected vs Full Star. These options control the logic behind the Mission tables above. Simply select the options you prefer, and once you have ticked all the equip you own, the mission tables will update to show what missions are still viable for looting.

For instance the image below would allow the mission tables above to show you what weapons are left to upgrade to Full Star for Fencer in Hard mode.

Changing the last selection to 'Collected' will show you what missions have weapons you still haven't found.

Once complete, missions without loot will be struckthrough and red as below.

Another neat feature is that once any equipment has been ticked off as fully upgraded in the inventory tracker, it will no longer show up in the Equipment Finder.

Mission Loot Table Tool:
A simple tool that will allow you to select a difficulty, a class (or all classes), and a mission number. It will then present you with a list of every piece of equipment left to collect in that mission based on filter parameters. It will display results as below:

As you mark weapons as full star in the inventory tracker, they will be removed from both this loot table, and the equipment finder.
Current version
Last update was on 16/09/2024. If you're using a version with any other date on the front page, I recommend updating to the latest version.
Blackmagemasher 7 Jan @ 7:55am 
It seems to not work correctly with alot of the DLC weapons... Tries to tell me they are in basegame
Monarch 4 Jan @ 6:42am 
the e2 series of shock coptor isnt on the equipment finder list
Reffy 14 Oct, 2024 @ 5:35am 
I'm confused at the loot tables. Mission 80 on normal gives lv52 to 76 weapons, and inferno also gives those same weapons. Changing difficulty doesn't seem to do anything in this excel sheet.
Jumpen 22 Sep, 2024 @ 6:49am 
Fencer seems to have the previous issue for all mission with multiple instances of the -1 airreader item. In some I have 5-10 instances which makes reading the drop table very unreadable.

Still a great tool overall and I love it.
Jumpen 20 Sep, 2024 @ 1:52am 
Bug report:
The mission loot table for Inf, Fencer of DLC1-18 Shows me an unnamed -1 air raider item between the lvl 87 and 90 entries despite having selected fencer.
Beardmo  [author] 16 Sep, 2024 @ 12:40pm 
The Inferno difficulty for DLC weapons will be tough, and may take some time to work out due to how the formulas all work. I'll get it fixed in time, but unfortunately that's not something I have a ton of ATM.
Beardmo  [author] 16 Sep, 2024 @ 12:35pm 
Update 10: 16/09/2024 - Fixed an error where the tracker wasn't taking into account all weapons for Fencer, and would incorrectly show that no missions had loot left when some gear was not collected.

Thanks again Roland.
rolandoftheeld 11 Sep, 2024 @ 2:05pm 
Bug report (Also on previous version):

The Inventory Tracker mission chart DLC mission column is always set to Inferno difficulty regardless of the dropdown menu.

To reproduce:

Check all boxes in Column A
Set chart dropdowns to Normal, Fencer, Collected
Uncheck A84 (Vibro Roller FE collected)
---- Chart should set DLC1-1 and DLC1-2 to YES but does not

Sorry for reporting on an older version but I haven't updated. And thanks for making this chart in the first place, it's a lot prettier than the one I was making for myself.
rolandoftheeld 11 Sep, 2024 @ 1:53pm 
Bug report (Disclaimer, on previous version):

The chart on the Inventory Tracker sheet that shows what missions still have loot available does not seem to be scanning the Fencer column from Row 338 downward.

To reproduce:

Check all boxes in Column A (Fencer equip collected)
Set chart dropdowns to Normal, Fencer, Collected
Uncheck A337 (Deflect Cell A2 collected)
---- Chart correctly sets missions 55-93 to YES
Re-check A337 and uncheck A338 (Barricade System 2 collected)
---- Chart *should* set missions 123-147 to YES but does not
Beardmo  [author] 8 Sep, 2024 @ 12:21pm 
Update 9: 08/09/2024 - Still alive, sorry about the radio silence. After much faffing about, I have removed DLC2 weapons from DLC1 and vice-versa. To do so, all DLC2 weapons had to be listed as weapon level 1106 instead of 106, but it gets the job done. As per usual, you'll need to take a new copy before it will work for you. Let me know if I've broken anything in the comments of the Steam guide.

Thanks to rolandoftheeld for the information. May your Ka-tet stay strong, brother.