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--->TASK GUIDE<---
By Thys'l
Guide for LOCKDOWN Protocol tasks, along with tips and general gameplay help.
Figured I'd make a simple task guide for those new players still struggling with them. They are listed from what I consider easiest to hardest.
This is a list of rooms and how to identify them. You can at any time during a session, press Q to open your map and task list. The rooms listed below can be found on the map.

Main Areas

Cameras: Indicated by a red color, with a camera icon. Located next to the spawn room. Vents, Alimentation, Delivery, and a Computer task can be found here. Items may/may not spawn here.

Offices: Indicated by a yellow color, with a computer icon. Located at the spawn room, there are two rooms with a big A1 and A2 next to the entrances. Vents, Alimentation, Delivery, and Computers tasks can be found here. Items may/may not spawn here.

Machine: Indicated by a blue color, with a wrench icon. Located next to Storage, near the spawn room. Vents, Vents Filter Washing, Alimentation, Delivery, Computer, and Pressure tasks can be found here. Items for Vents and Alimentation can typically be found in the room at the back of here.

Storage: Indicated by a orange color, with a box/package icon. Located between Machine and Medical. Vents, Alimentation, and a Computer task can be found here. Items for Vents, Alimentation, Delivery, Pressure, Pizzushi, and Botanic can typically be found here.

Medical: Indicated by a light blue color, with a cross/plus symbol icon. Located between Storage and Pizzushi/Restaurant. Vents, Alimentation, Delivery, Scanner, and a Computer task can be found here. Items may/may not spawn here.

Pizzushi/Restaurant: Indicated by a black/white color, with a pizza slice icon. Located between Medical and Botanic. Consists of the restaurant, and a side room on the left past the restaurant when coming from the restaurant towards Botanic. Vents, Alimentation, Delivery, Pizzushi, and a Computer task can be found here. Items may/may not spawn here. One item specific to Pizzushi is created from a machine inside the restaurant to make Salmon, Shrimp (Lobster), Cod, and Tuna. This machine is located to the right when entering the restaurant.

Botanic: Indicated by a green color, with a leaf icon for the plant section, and a microscope icon for analysis. Located between Offices and Pizzushi. This room consists of multiple rooms: Plant, Canister washing, and Analysis. Vents, Alimentation, Delivery, Analysis, and a Computer task can be found here. Items for Pizzushi and Botanic can be located here. The plant room is required for Pizzushi and Analysis tasks, as is the Canister washing room located between the Analysis and Plant rooms.

Notable Side Rooms

Pizzushi Side Room

Botanic Canister Washing Room

Plant Room
Plant Identification

This is simply the plants found in the Plant room located at Botanic. These will be important in a couple tasks later in the guide. To identify the plants in the Plant room, instead of looking at how the plant looks, or trying to identify it by the letters and numbers combinations. It is easier to identify them by color. If the plant letter starts with W, then the plant is White for example. There are 5 in total, W for White, R for Red, B for Blue, Y for Yellow, and G for Green. These are important to remember for completing the Pizzushi and Analysis tasks.
The computers task requires accessing the computer rooms A1 and A2 which are in the spawn room when the game first starts. The computers in each room are in this order from entrance to the back of the room:
  1. Office 1
  2. Office 2
  1. Office 3
  2. Office 4
  3. Office 5

How to complete the task:
When starting Computers, you will want to visit A1 and A2 to find any computers waiting for input. You then need to press the Y button to send a file to a computer in another room entirely. The computer screen will show the room it is sending the file to, such as Medical, Botanical, Machine, Storage, Restaurant, or Cameras. The computer can fail to send the file randomly, if/when this happens, you will need to try again until the screen tells you to verify the file at the room it sent it to. You then need to go to the room that the file was sent to, find the computer, and press Y to verify. This too can fail, requiring you to go back to the computer you sent the file from, and try again. When the file successfully verifies, you then need to go back to the computer you sent the file from and press Y to confirm, completing the task. You will then need to repeat these steps with each waiting computer to fully finish the task.

  • Having a second person go to the computer you are sending the file to can speed up this task significantly, however Dissidents may be inclined to purposefully press N to slow down the task. If a file verification fails repeatedly, then your partner assisting you may be a Dissident.
  • Instead of working on 1 computer at a time, sweep both A1 and A2 for computers that are waiting, and send all files at one time. This can greatly speed up completion of the task, but it does leave computers open to Dissident mischief.
  • This task is best handled by doing other tasks while completing this task at the same time, as most of the time other tasks will lead you to or near the computers you need to go to anyway. Again though, this does leave computers open to Dissident mischief.
Vents are found in all major rooms, as well as many side rooms. Vents are not located in the plant room, hallways, or spawn room. This task is random and therefore requires looking for the vents that need to be handled, which can involve blindly searching at times.

How to complete the task:
To start Vents, you will need to acquire a screwdriver, as this task requires it in order to be able to open the vent filter slot. You will want to look for the light at the top of the vent. If the color is blue/cyan, it can be ignored. If the light is off, the vent currently has no filter in it, which either means someone is already working on that vent, or, a Dissident has removed and hidden the filter. If the color is red, the filter needs to be removed and then cleaned. Once you find a vent with a red light, use your screwdriver on the screws to open the filter slot, stow your screwdriver or drop it, then take the filter. You then need to go to the Machine room (Wrench icon/Blue banner color), insert the filter into the filter washing machine on the left side of the room, press the button on the machine, wait for it to finish, and then take out the filter. Take the filter back to the vent, put it back into the slot, then use the screwdriver to close the vent slot back up. Repeat these steps for each vent with a red light.

  • If the Vent Filter you are working on is close to the Machine Room, it may be best to start the washing cycle, then go look for another vent to work on. This moderately speeds up the task, but does leave filters open to be stolen and hidden.
  • Having a partner assist with running the filters to and from the Machine room will greatly speed up the task, and give Dissidents less opportunities to steal them, but if they are a Dissident then they could very well just steal and hide the filters. So this is a bit of a risky option.
  • Try to identify all the vents that need to be completed while doing other tasks or running items for other players. This way you will already know which vents need to be completed, and it saves time on searching for vents.
  • Carry a screwdriver with you while doing other tasks, so that you can open a vent whenever you discover one that needs to be completed.
  • This task compliments Computers and Alimentations extremely well, as you do not need any tools for Computers, and can work on Vents at the same time. While with Alimentations you can identify the Vents and/or Alimentations that need to be completed at the same time.
Delivery requires finding packages in Storage, then delivering them to the room they need to go to. This task is mostly straightforward, but is a little more difficult to deal with than the previous tasks due to its limitations. Packages cannot be stowed, so if you either switch to a stowed item, or need to check the map, it will force you to drop the package.

How to complete the task:
You will need to go to the Storage room, find a package, and deliver it to the room indicated on the package. The package will have a symbol on it showing which room to deliver it to, when holding the package, inspect it to see the symbol. Next find the room it needs to be delivered to, then find the delivery box with the same symbol on it (it should also have a yellow light). Press the button on the delivery box, insert the package, then press the button again. Repeat for all packages.

  • This task does not couple well with tasks that require carrying multiple items, so avoid trying to complete this task while working on Alimentations. However it does couple well with Computers. Vents are possible, but tedious due to item carrying limitations.
  • This task should be completed relatively quickly, as it is one of the easiest for Dissidents to sabotage.
  • Try using this task as a means to keep an eye on others, as it will have you moving long distances in some cases, which gives you the opportunity to watch for suspicious activity.
  • Do not be afraid to use the packages as a weapon, in many cases it could easily save your life.
  • Try to help with other tasks in the room you are delivering to. If for example you are delivering to Botanical, take an extra canister in your bag slot, then drop them both off at the same time. Not only does this help others in that room, but also gives you another item to use as a weapon if you are caught off guard and forced to drop the package.
  • Avoid sprinting as much as possible when delivering packages, or, sprint in short bursts to conserve stamina. You may be traveling long distances, and running out of stamina during the trip can be the difference between surviving an attack, or not. Packages also use a lot of stamina when used as a weapon.
Scanner is a task that is always located in Medical (Cross Icon/Light Blue Banner Color). When entering Medical, go all the way to the back right side, the room on the right is the scanner room. You generally need two players to complete this task, so I recommend making this task a high priority. It is possible to complete with one player, but it bumps the difficulty up to hard, and I'll explain why/how in the steps.

How to complete the task:
When entering the scanner room, there will be a desk with a monitor on the right of the entrance, and a open square area at the far end. One player needs to look at the monitor, while the other stands in the center of the open square area (noted by the yellow and black spots on the floor). The player on the monitor will need to tell the other player where to look, and the player in the square will need to look in the direction they are being told. The monitor player needs to guide the looking player to the circles on the monitor until they are all filled in black circles. Once all the circles are filled in, the task is completed.

This task can be completed with one player, but the way it is completed in that situation is different. When looking around while standing in the square, you will hear the monitor making beeping noises. It takes practice, but listening to those beeps while looking around can clue you in on how close you are to a circle. If the beeps are slow, you are not near a circle, if they are speeding up then you are close to a circle, and if they are very rapid then you are on a circle. You will know if you completed one of the circles if the rapid beeping stops after about 1 second. The best way I've found to complete this task solo, is to look around in a circle from your lowest/highest view angle, then move slowly around in circles while looking up/down gradually with each circle, while listening for the beeps to speed up. If the beeps increase in speed, then as stated, you are near a circle. Repeat this process until you have filled them all.

Alternatively if you are solo, check the monitor. the sides, bottom, and top of the monitor correspond to the view angle. So if a circle is in the center of the monitor, then it will be at the vertical center of your view when in the square. If a circle is above the horizontal center line of the monitor, then it will be vertically up from the center of your view. If the circle is below the horizontal center line of the monitor, then it will be vertically below the center of your view. Hope that makes sense.

  • If you have a partner with you while doing this task, it is a good idea to have a third person watching, as Dissidents can easily capitalize on backstabbing you while you are looking around. Alternatively have your partner do the looking instead to limit their opportunity to kill if they might be a Dissident.
  • If you are completing this task Solo, have some form of weapon with you, and listen for footsteps. Additionally check the window and door occasionally for anyone acting suspiciously.
  • If you are completing the task Solo, check the monitor if you are having difficulty locating a circle. Remembering the last circle you've completed and where it was, can help with orienting yourself properly.
  • An effort should be made to complete this task first if it is available, as completing this task Solo can consume a large amount of time in the event of you being the only player left alive.
Pressure seems simple at first, but small mistakes and misunderstanding it can not only lead to wasted time, but also potentially death. It should be treated with caution, and is best handled with a partner. Pressure is located in the Machine room, right side as you enter. You will find two machines with slots for gas canisters, and two buttons at the back of each one.

How to complete the task:
To get started with the task, you will need to go to the Storage room first (Box icon/orange banner). In Storage, you'll find Yellow, Red, and Blue gas canisters with the numbers 1 (Yellow), 2 (Red), and 3 (Blue), on them. The gas canisters are always in this room, save for ones that are already connected to the machines. There are only 8 gas canisters in total, so if one is missing, then it has been stolen/hidden by a Dissident. While not explicitly explained ingame, the color and number match the maximum pressure the gas canister can handle. Yellow is the lowest, Red is in the middle, and Blue is the highest. The machines operate by pressing the up button to increase pressure after inserting 4 canisters in it, and pressing down to decrease pressure. Pressure increases in 2 stages: Half Pressure and Full Pressure.

It is important to understand that Yellow Canisters are the only ones that can fail at Half Pressure, and Red Canisters can only fail at Full Pressure. If you have a partner on this task, have them watch for red blinking lights. If a Yellow Canister blinks at Half pressure, replace it with a Blue Canister. If a Yellow Canister blinks at Full Pressure, replace it with a Red Canister. If a Red Canister blinks at Full Pressure, replace it with a Blue Canister. Additionally be sure to test any Red Canisters you started with by replacing it with a Yellow Canister to ensure a Red Canister is required at Full Pressure. Then use the remaining 4 Canisters on the second Machine, repeating the same steps.

If you are completing this task Solo, DO NOT check for blinking lights. Instead, wait for the Machine to explode while staying in the button area of the Machine, and DO NOT peek around the side of the Machine with the Canisters. If there is an explosion at Half Pressure, replace the Canister that flew off with a Blue Canister. If there is an explosion at Full Pressure, replace Yellow Canisters that fly off with Red Canisters, and replace Red Canisters that fly off with Blue Canisters. Again, be sure to test any Red Canisters you started with by replacing them with a Yellow Canister to ensure you are using the lowest pressure Canister in that slot. Repeat the same steps with the remaining 3 canisters on the second machine.

  • Dissidents may often mess with the canisters to try to get players killed, try to keep a mindful memory of where canisters were placed before turning a pressure machine on.
  • Try to isolate all canisters to the Machine room to avoid them being stolen, they also make fairly good weapons, albeit slow.
  • Try not to leave this task after starting, Dissidents can turn the machines off before they are both completed, and then remove the canisters, which can force you to need to completely start over if you don't remember the order they were in.
  • If you suspect a Dissident, do not be afraid to weaponize the machine, as in most cases Dissidents aren't likely to try to attack you when threatened with insta-death.
  • Be sure to test yellow canisters in each slot first, before trying red or blue. If a slot requires yellow, and you slot in a red, it will still work, which can cause confusion when attempting to work on the second machine.
This task is not particularly difficult, but it has a few moving parts that make it a little more difficult to understand at first. Everything you need for this task is located in Storage, the Restaurant, the Restaurant side room, and Botanic. You need Rice and Canisters for this task. You will also need items from the Fish vending machine located to the right of the entrance to the Restaurant. Rice can be found in either Storage or the Restaurant side room to the right, down the hallway on the left when leaving from the Restaurant.

How to complete the task:
To start this task, you will need to find 1 or all 3 of the Rices located in either Storage or the Restaurant side room: White, Brown, and Black. White Rice is a Black and Red bag item, Brown is a Brown bag item, Black is a Darker Brown bag item with a shrimp depicted on it. After finding the Rices, you will then need to find at least 2 empty canisters. You need the canisters for Rice, as well as Plants from the Plant room in Botanic. In the Restaurant is a "Kitchen" area that consists of 4 machines: 3 Rice Dispensers, and the main Pizzushi assembly machine. On the tables inside the Restaurant, you will find place mats that have a yellow light at the top, these are the recipes for the Pizzushi that needs to be made and placed there. If a place mat asks for White Rice, Salmon, and WX2, then you will need to gather those ingredients to make it. I will use that same example recipe to further explain how to complete the task. Refer to the Plant Identification section at the top of the guide for help with this.
  1. Slot the Rices in any one of the 3 Rice Dispensers, and press the button to make the dispenser ready.
  2. Slot a clean, empty, Canister in the Canister slot for the Rice Dispenser of the Rice you need (In example, that would be White Rice). Then press the button on the Rice Dispenser. Wait for it to finish, then take the filled Canister.
  3. Slot the filled Rice Canister into the first Canister Slot from the left side of the Assembly Machine.
  4. You then need to go to the Fish Vending Machine, use the top two buttons to select the Fish you need. Then press the lower button to dispense the selected Fish. Take that Fish back to the Assembly Machine, and slot it into the middle part of the machine.
  5. You then need to take a clean, empty, canister to Botanic, and from there go to the Plant room. Find the plant you need (In example, WX2 will be the White highlighted plant because it starts with W), use the Canister on it, then go back to the Restaurant "kitchen". Slot the plant filled Canister into the Canister slot next to the right end of the Assembly Machine.
  6. After all these ingredients have been gathered, press each button in sequence from left to right, waiting for each process to complete before pressing the next button.
  7. After pressing the last button on the right end of the machine, you will have a packaged Pizzushi, which you then need to pick up, and slot onto the place mat of the table it needs to go to.
  8. Repeat these steps until all tables are completed. If you cannot find empty Canisters, you can clean Canisters at the Canister washing machines located in Botanic. Dirty Canisters are black on the inside.

  • Before starting this task, partner with someone, and have them check the tables in the restaurant for the Rice needed. If you only need one or two types of rice, this will save you time instead of needing to find all three types of Rice. Alternatively if you are completing this task Solo, find all three types of Rice before focusing on anything else, and ensure they are in the Dispensers so they can't be can't be stolen by Dissidents.
  • After ensuring the Rice is handled, secure 2 Canisters from Storage or Botanic. More do help, but 2 are the minimum I recommend for this task. Missing Canisters will impede progress in this task, or, potentially slow it down enough to make completing it very slow.
  • Instead of progressing the Assembly Machine after all ingredients have been obtained, press the first button immediately upon entering the "kitchen". Repeat this for every ingredient obtained, as the machine takes time to complete each process. Allowing it to work while you gather the other things needed, helps waste less time waiting.
  • Avoid working on more than one recipe at a time, unless you have an abundance of canisters. This helps avoid mistakes, and decreases the chance that any one ingredient might be stolen.
  • If you see someone completing Vents or Delivery tasks, while risky, asking them to obtain ingredients, and/or, clean canisters can help reduce the workload on yourself.
  • Having a partner for this task makes it go much faster, but risks partnering with a Dissident. However this task makes it easier to confirm a Dissident, as there is very little room for them to sabotage things once the Rice is collected.
  • If you notice canisters and ingredients going missing when you have a partner, then it is likely they are a Dissident.
Analysis isn't particularly difficult, but can be particularly confusing to new players, and it is easy to make mistakes causing you to waste time. It is also an easy task to sabotage, and is isolated enough for Dissidents to claim kills more easily due to all the moving parts of the task. Analysis is located in Botanic, specifically the Analysis room identified with the Microscope icon. Inside the room you will find 3 machines. From left to right, the first machine is the Analysis Machine, followed by the Extraction Machine, and finally the Mixing Machine. Which machines are required to complete each Analysis task depends on the Plants needed from the Plant room. Most Analysis tasks only require 1 Plant, while others will require 2 Plants. You can confirm which plants are needed by looking at the Monitor next to the Analysis Machine. Refer to the Plant Identification section at the top of the guide for help with this.

How to complete the task:
Upon entering the Analysis room, check the monitor to the left of the Analysis Machine for the list of plants needed, including any Plants that need to be combined in the Mixing Machine. If a block shows only 1 Plant, then it only requires that 1 Plant to complete the task. If a block shows 1 Plant + 1 other Plant, then you will need both Plants, and the Mixer Machine, to complete the task. If the block shows something like WX2, then you need a White Plant from the Plant room for example. If the block shows something like WX2+RU2, then you need both 1 White and 1 Red Plants from the Plant room. To gather Plants, you will need atleast 1 Canister, but I recommend 2 Canisters for the sake of saving time. Canisters can be found in Storage, Pizzushi (Including side room), Analysis, Canister Washing, and the Plant room. Often Canisters are scattered around these areas, so it is highly recommended to take 1 and stow it to either use for the task, or drop off at Botanic for those working on the task.
  1. Check the Analysis Monitor for the plants needed.
  2. Take a Canister, and go to the Plant room. If you need WX2 for example, you want to find the White Highlighted Plant. If you need RU2 for example, find the Red Highlighted Plant. If you need WX2+RU2 for example, then you will need a canister for each, or, gather each one at a time. (Gathering one at a time is slow, and involves gathering, extracting, cleaning the canister, and repeating.)
  3. Take the Plant you gathered to the Extraction Machine, and then slot it in. Press the Button, and it will produce the extracted plant. For single Plant blocks, you only need to Extract, then Analyze. For two Plant blocks, you need to extract, mix both, then analyze.
  4. After extracting a Plant, the Canister will turn Black inside, indicating a Dirty Canister. These must be cleaned at the Canister Washing room located between the Analysis and Plant rooms. Take the Dirty Canister to the Canister Washing room, slot it on one of the two Canister Washing Machines on the left as you enter the room, then press the button and wait for it to finish. It will pop out the Clean Canister, which can then be used again.
  5. Repeat these steps until all Analysis blocks are completed.
  • I recommend having 3 Canisters on hand for this task, this ensures you always have atleast 1 Canister available at all times for gathering Plants while other Canisters are being washed.
  • Having a partner assist with this task saves time on gathering plants, allowing one player to extract, mix, and analyze, while the other gathers and cleans Canisters. Also while it may be tempting to switch between Analysis and Plant gathering, try to wait for your partner, unless you suspect them of being a Dissident. Try to keep an eye on their movements and behavior using the window between Analysis and Plant.
  • Focus mixing blocks first, as these are the most time consuming, and most hindered by missing Canisters. This also helps to free up needed Canisters in case Pizzushi needs them.
  • If you are with a partner, and working on Analysis, tell your partner to focus on gathering and washing, and have them confirm what plants to gather by looking through the window while you point at the plant needed on the right wall of the Analysis room. If you are working on gathering, always check through the window on entering and exiting the Plant room, both to confirm Plants needed, and watch for Dissident behavior.
  • Try to memorize the first letter of each Plant needed as a list of colors, this helps with speeding up the task. If you need WX2, WX2+RU2, and RU2, then you only need to memorize 2 White, and 2 Red for example.
Again not a difficult task to complete, but it has a lot of moving parts to it. This task requires extensive traveling between multiple rooms, and sometimes requires visiting all rooms in a given session, therefore making it the longest task to complete, and the easiest of all tasks for Dissidents to sabotage. This task can also be very confusing for new players. This tasks requires Batteries and Fuses. Batteries can be recharged as needed in the Machine room, on the wall opposite from the Filter Washing Machines. Both Batteries and Fuses can be located in Storage and the back room of Machine. However Fuses are special in that all fuses are different. A Fuse will have 1 of 3 solid colors, or, color combinations. The three Fuse colors are as follows:
  • Solid Color (Yellow/Yellow, Red/Red, and Blue/Blue)
  • Yellow/Red and/or Yellow/Blue
  • Red/Yellow and/or Red/Blue
  • Blue/Yellow and/or Blue/Red

It is important to make the distinction between the different Fuse colors, as they will need to be mixed and matched in order to complete Alimentation tasks. Alimentation tasks can be found in all areas of the map just like Vents and Delivery.

How to complete the task:
You do not need any tools to get started with this task, however you will need to collect Batteries and Fuses as needed while working on Alimentation tasks. Alimentation tasks can be identified by the open panels showing a blue or red square light at the top left of the panel. Blue lights indicate the task is completed, or, do not need work done and can be mostly ignore. I'll explain why they can be mostly ignored later in the tips. If the light is Red, then the task needs to be completed. On the panel you will have a Battery slot on the left, and two Fuse slots on the right. Additionally you will see two colors to the left and right of the Fuse slots. These colors will be explained in the steps with an example. Lastly you will have two "Charge" indicator bars, one to the right of the Red light, and one below the Battery. The one to the right of the Red light indicates how much charge is needed to complete the task. The one below the Battery shows the charge level of the Battery. The charge is indicating by a solid white bar, think of it like a loading bar, turning white as it increases, and black as it decreases. For the steps, I will use Blue to Red for the sake of example.
  1. Find an Alimentation panel, then check the left and right sides of the Fuse slots for the colors you need (Again we will use Blue to Red for example).
  2. Check if there is a Battery already in the Battery slot, and then check the remaining charge of the Battery. If the Charge is low, take the Battery out and recharge it at Machine, or, replace it with a known charged Battery (especially if there is no Battery in the slot already).
  3. Then you will need to find the Fuses needed for the task in Storage or Machine. In this example, we would require one of these Fuse combinations:
    ----Blue/Yellow -> Yellow/Red
    ----Blue/Red -> Red/Red
    ----Blue/Blue -> Blue/Red
  4. After finding the Fuses you need, slot them into the correct positions on the panel, then wait for the charge indicator next to the Red light to fill up. It will then turn Blue, indicating it is finished. You may also need to reuse Fuses for other panels, so keep that fact in mind. Once a panel is completed, the Battery and Fuses can be re-used on other panels.
  5. Repeat these steps for all panels that need to be completed.
  • Despite a panel being completed, it is a good idea to take either both Fuses, or one of the Fuses and the Battery with you to recharge the Battery, and drop off the Fuse at Storage or Machine. Doing this makes it harder for Dissidents to sabotage the task, although most often Dissidents will steal the batteries as they are always needed while a Fuse may or may not be needed.
  • Dissidents may use completed panels as a method of hiding Fuses, as it takes longer to locate a Fuse connected to a panel over hiding it somewhere else, and most often other players may not think to check a panel over looking around the floor and other obvious hiding spots.
  • Always have a full Battery on hand while completing this task, and always have at least 2 Batteries charging at the same time. This lowers the chances of running out of Batteries due to Dissidents hiding them, and saves on travel time.
  • Many of the panels are located in secluded or otherwise obscured areas. It is a good idea to watch for suspicious behavior while completing Alimentation, as Dissidents can claim sneaky kills at these tasks while your back is turned.
dxn 20 Mar @ 9:17am 
thanks for the full guide
robot2642 13 Nov, 2024 @ 12:56pm 
thanks for the guide
Thys'l  [author] 14 Aug, 2024 @ 11:13pm 
Images added to help with identifying things.
Maglina 11 Aug, 2024 @ 8:37am 
if you add screenshots from the game it's perfect