Please, Touch The Artwork 2

Please, Touch The Artwork 2

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Please, Touch The Artwork 2 - Missable achievements: "Pet the dog", "Please, Touch the artwork" + "Play piano"
By Balgayn
Short guide for the missable achievements on "Please, Touch The Artwork 2".
"Pet the dog" achievement

In order to get this achievement, when you are in the Epilogue part, and once the last task has been revealed to you, head to the door on the floor just below the one at the top.

Once you enter the room, click on the dog that is sleeping in the foreground in front of you. You will then unlock the "Pet the dog" achievement.

"Please, Touch The Artwork" achievement

At the menu of the game, just click on the "Please, Touch The Artwork 1" link and you will be redirected to the store page of the first game, unlocking the achievement.

Bonus: "Play Piano" achievement

Not really a missable achievement, but if you are struggling with remembering the sequence of the piano notes, it is the following:
  • BCD
Farewell and thank you
Thank you for reading this, it is my first try writing a guide, please let me know if I can improve it in any way!
captainsuckass 5 Jan @ 9:06am 
It looks like the menu screen was changed and the link to the first game was hidden in the About section. Took me way too long to figure it out lol
HrlQwinn 18 Oct, 2024 @ 6:57am 
tysm for ur guide, it's very well made (*^▽^*)