Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty | Welcome To Swampton | A Walking Tour | #medievaldynasty #games #walkingtour #town
e_m_goes 17 Feb @ 3:53pm 
Joseph GonMar 5 Jan @ 5:00am 
Perfect! Incredible. I just did the part about dropping the baskets and filling them, and also, thinking as much as you did, a building on a slightly higher hill. The rest is just a matter of trying. Thank you very much and sorry if something didn't sit well with you, it wasn't my intention. Your work is very meritorious. Greetings ;)
PampaPampa  [author] 5 Jan @ 3:00am 
Hi, the only 'mod' I'm aware of for the game is editing the config file to increase the building limit which I don't use because I haven't needed to so far. Otherwise I'm playing the same game everyone else is playing.

You can't build anything in houses but you can drop items like planks, wicker baskets, plants etc. which is what I've done, stacking them on top of each other to create 'furniture'.

For the 'tall buildings' I've just used the incline of hills to my advantage to make them 'taller'. If you check out my YT channel I'm doing a series 'How to Build a Beautiful Town' if you watch episode 3 - The Builder and tip no. 4 I explain exactly this. Hope that helps!
Joseph GonMar 4 Jan @ 10:58pm 
You can't build anything inside the houses, how do you put those wicker baskets and fill them with plants on top? And tall buildings?
Joseph GonMar 4 Jan @ 10:54pm 
Let's see... It's truly incredible! Everything is very well built, distributed, a lot of work done, from thinking, farming what is necessary, and building it, it has a lot of merit. But... are you sure you don't use a tool "option in the game" that is not in said game?, because I am also very detail-oriented and I like everything to have an almost real environment. But there are moments in the construction that it doesn't let you do because the spaces overlap, they get in the way, and you can? Explain it to me or explain it to all of us, because it surprises me. Now then, be that as it may, it has a lot of merit and I greatly admire the work you did, without a doubt, many and many hours of play. Pay attention! I'm not criticizing okay? On the contrary, I really value what I see, but... is it possible with the options of the same game? And do you have something that the rest of us don't have? Greetings. I LOVE THE VIDEO, I LOVE THE MANY HOURS YOU DEVOTED TO IT. Blessings King!
Sir Thricelight 30 Dec, 2024 @ 6:39am 
Incredible and inspirational. Just started playing and this is just so encouraging seeing what';s possible with such masterful creativity and ingenuity. Very well done! :)
Sorsha 29 Dec, 2024 @ 3:57pm 
OMG I love this one :steamhappy:
Deliciousott 29 Dec, 2024 @ 5:56am 
Stunning village! Can't imagine how much wood this took haha
PampaPampa  [author] 29 Nov, 2024 @ 11:53am 
Thank you! Can't say I've ever really noticed any of that, not really the kind of stuff that bothers me to be honest so don't really pay attention to it to notice!
Neon Ninja 28 Nov, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
Also, as someone considering buying this game, are the items inside the village homes interactable? Can the NPCs use the items in their houses for cooking and such?