鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

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From Hedious to Devine, a Deconstruction of Character Creation Charisma
By DevDev
An in depth overview of how the choices in your character appearance affect your charisma.
A few disclaimers before getting into it:
  • This guide was written using the game version
  • I have no real sense on how charisma actually impacts the game, but I like collecting data and presenting it.
  • This does not account for anything relating to stats, this is purely based off the appearance editor.
  • This was written to be present how the game scores beauty not my opinion.
  • Whilst the info collected and observations are mine, I had ChatGPT clean up a lot of the guide.
  • Lastly here is a link[docs.google.com] to my Google Spreadsheet with all the raw data
Understanding Beauty
Please see the wiki[tale-of-immortal.fandom.com] on a brief overview of charisma.

Having fully tested out the creator, I noticed the wiki was slightly off on it's Charisma points necessary to reach X level of charisma. Here is the values I had come up with

Level Charisma
Charisma Point
x < -120
-120 <= x < 0
0 <= x < 100
100 <= x < 250
250 <= x < 450
450 <= x < 650
650 < x

A whole bunch of observations
    1. Gender Differences in Charisma Extremes:
    • Females: Charisma ranges from -460 to +1030.
    • Males: Charisma ranges from -300 to +770.
    • Women can reach higher charisma extremes (both positive and negative) compared to men.
    2. Scoring Differences Between Genders:
    • Certain items have vastly different scores for males and females.
    • For example, Headwear #15 is rated +80 for females (one of the highest), but -10 for males (one of the lowest).
    3. Combination Potential:
    • Females: 96 perfect combinations and 108 horrific combinations.
    • Males: 864 perfect combinations and 252 horrific combinations.
    4. Key Influencers on Male Charisma:
    • Front Hair, Eyes, and Outfit have the most significant impact, with a range of 130 points each.
    • Headwear has the least impact, with only a 40-point range.
    5. Key Influencers on Female Charisma:
    • Eyes and Facial Features have the largest effect, with a 180-point range each.
    • Back Hair and Mouth have the smallest effect, each affecting charisma by only 80 points.
    6. Outliers:
    • For females, Front Hair #2 has an unusually high score (+150 charisma), 70 points higher than the next best option.
    • The Dagger+Sword option has an unusually high score (+80), 54 points higher than the next best option. Removing this would result in the range of scores from 100 down to 46.
    • Weimao headwear all around scores very low (-10). Which is rarely matched by any other headware.
    7. Eyes:
    • Simple, gender-affirming eyes tend to score better.
    • For males: Plain eyes without embellishment score well.
    • For females: Eyes with subtle makeup score highly.
    8. Nose Options:
    • Nasolabial folds (creases around the nose) are scored low across the board.
    • Smaller noses generally result in higher charisma scores.
    9. Face Shape:
    • Sharper, cleaner faces tend to score much higher. Avoid round faces and facial hair.
    10. Facial Features:
    • Blemishes like scars, tattoos, and freckles heavily reduce charisma.
    • Jewelry however usually boost Charisma.
    • Moles, however, have little to no impact on charisma.

Best and Worst Options
Best Options
  • Headware: 9, 13
  • Front Hair: 33
  • Back Hair: 1, 2, 8
  • Eyes: 2, 3, 17
  • Eyebrows: 11, 16, 17
  • Mouth: 5, 17, 18, 19
  • Nose: 2
  • Face: 1, 10
  • Back: 16
  • Outfit: 31
  • Facial Feature: 10, 18, 36, 39
Worst Options
  • Headware: 5, 10, 15
  • Front Hair: 1
  • Back Hair: 5
  • Eyes: 16
  • Eyebrows: 3, 7
  • Mouth: 16
  • Nose: 6
  • Face: 9
  • Back: 14
  • Outfit: 76, 77, 78
  • Facial Feature: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20
Worst Options
  • Headware: 14, 15, 21
  • Front Hair: 2
  • Back Hair: 14, 15
  • Eyes: 18, 19
  • Eyebrows: 13, 14
  • Mouth: 15, 23
  • Nose: 11
  • Face: 2, 7
  • Back: 16
  • Outfit: 46
  • Facial Feature: 36
Worst Options
  • Headware: 11, 19, 25
  • Front Hair: 15
  • Back Hair: 11, 12, 13
  • Eyes: 15
  • Eyebrows: 1, 5
  • Mouth: 4
  • Nose: 8, 9
  • Face: 6
  • Back: 14
  • Outfit: 31, 32, 33
  • Facial Feature: 20

Female Worst (-460 Charisma)
Female Best (+1030 Charisma)
Female Worst (-460 Charisma)
Female Best (+1030 Charisma)

Male Worst (-300 Charisma)
Male Best (+770 Charisma)