The Casting of Frank Stone

The Casting of Frank Stone

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The Casting of Frank Stone Achievements 100%
By Captain B.S.A.A
A complete guide to getting 32 achievements in The Casting of Frank Stone.
1 Achievement
An old tune - play a familiar melody on the piano.

In Chapter 2, playing for Madison, you need to go upstairs. You will enter the bedroom where there is a piano. You need to play it.
2 Achievement
Don't slow down! - Complete 5 reaction checks in a row.

When you fix the generator, try not to fail reaction checks.
3 Achievement
Pixel Hero - set a record on the slot machine.

In Chapter 3, playing as Chris, you will go to the store to buy milk or fix the camera. Go to the arcade machine and score a record.
4 Achievement
The two of you are stronger - Develop Jaime and Chris' relationship to the maximum.

You need to be kinder to each other at every opportunity. Always side with each other, no matter who you are guided by. While at some point you will have to run to keep everyone alive, when you meet again later as Chris, you can choose not to beat Jaime (just fail the action) and you will hug.
5 Achievement
Golden hands - fix all the generators.

Just play and fix the generators (there are 3 of them in the game)
6 Achievement
Kleptomaniac - collect all the trinkets.

After the first pass, you will have access to the "robber's instinct", which allows you to see when a trinket is nearby (there are 12 in total)
7 Achievement
He belongs in a museum! - Collect all the artifacts.

There are 30 artifacts, ranging from collectible documents to the objects themselves.
8 Achievement
Champion - Collect all the artifacts of the champion.

It will be unlocked on the way to achieving "He belongs in the museum!"
9 Achievement
Storyteller - Collect all the storyteller's artifacts.

It will be unlocked on the way to achieving "He belongs in the museum!"
10 Achievement
Deadly Factory - Collect all the artifacts of the deadly factory.

It will be unlocked on the way to achieving "He belongs in the museum!"

11 Achievement
Plangonologist - collect all the relics.

The Hillbilly Relic: Appears in the first chapter when you play as Sam. You will be in storm drains. You will have to explore the room until you find pipes that you can climb over. The collectible is located directly above the pipes near the wall.

Relic Huntress: In the second chapter for Madison, you need to go upstairs. Here you have to play the piano, a secret door will open. Follow the secret door down to another room, where a relic awaits you.

Relic Hunter: To find a Hunter, you need to visit the 3rd chapter of the shop. Walk around until you reach the corner of the store with a lamp on top of the chest, and you'll see a collectible with a glowing white outline.

Ghost Relic: In the storm drains during Chapter 5, you will play as Chris. Exploring the wall, you will find a gap in the wall through which you can squeeze through, and of course, the Ghost is sitting right behind this wall. You can find the Ghost again in Chapter 13 as Sam in the storm drain, if you missed him as Chris in Chapter 5.

The Clown Relic: In Chapter 5, the Clown is hidden next to the foundry. Instead of going through that door, go back to the main corridors and turn right. There will be a wall that you can walk under, and then there will be a clown lying under some junk in the back of the room.

Legion Relic: In 2024, we will return in the form of Madison, trying to open the elevator door. At the very beginning of this chapter, you can go upstairs to a previously blocked place. While you are doing this, go to the left corner to find the Legion.

Nurse Relic: You will have to go through most of the 8th chapter until you play as Linda. When you become Linda and find yourself in the warehouse area, do not rush to watch the movie, instead look at the middle aisle and go down to find Nyursu at the end of the zone.

Doctor Relic : This is one of the most difficult relics, because you will have to find a hidden area, and then open the second hidden area from the inside. When playing as Linda, head for the door and don't go up the stairs. There is only one door that you can use.

The door will lead to the basement, and you need to go through it to find a creepy mural on the wall, as well as a book with the inscription STONE on the front side. The door here will take you back to where you came from (the locked door is now unlocked), but you need to go to the left and move the panel blocking the secret lair. After that, you can pick up the Doctor's relic.

The Twins Relic: The twins are hidden in Chapter 12. Playing as Madison, go down the secret exit to the bedroom, instead of going out through the door, explore the corridors, and you will find yourself in a dead end where the Twins are sitting on the table.

Relic of the Spirit: In chapter 13, playing as Sam, climb into the storm drain through a crack in the wall where a grate could once have been, and walk down the corridor until you see the Spirit on the right.

Trickster Relic: Going to the final location, instead of going left, turn right and find the door. Go through it and you will find the Trickster on the floor.

Relic Frank Stone: You won't be able to miss this relic. Watch the scene after the credits and you will automatically unlock the last 12th relic.
12 Achievement
The main thing is reflexes - pass 10 reaction tests perfectly.

Once you unlock "Don't slow down!", you can restart the chapters to play the chapters in which you need to fix the generator. You need to click on the small white stripe to pass the reaction test perfectly.
13 Achievement
The merciless killer - Madison, Jaime, Chris, Sam and Linda are dead.

There are some key elements that you must complete in order to achieve this achievement:

1. In Chapter 5, playing as Jaime, try to help Chris when Frank Stone appears.
2. Make sure that the pendant is kept by Madison, the only way she can die.
3. Sam has plenty of opportunities for failure, and towards the end he may be consumed by Frank Stone.
4. Playing as Linda in Chapter 14, fail the reaction test, and Frank Stone will kill her.
5. Send Chris back to 1980, after she breaks the lever and goes after another fail the reaction test, Stand will come to help her. Don't help Stan, Chris will go back to 1980.
14 Achievement
Entity is disappointed - everyone survived.

15 Achievement
Camp - complete the story.

16 Achievement
All-seeing - open all the plot branches in the editing room.

To get this achievement, you must unlock all 224 actions. This means that you have to kill everyone, save everyone, and choose every action throughout the game.
17 Achievement (Hidden)
Easy money - Jaime accepts a bribe from Sam.

In chapter 1, Sam must fail all checks at the factory, then a dialogue with Jaime will open and He will offer money for a broken camera.
18 Achievement (Hidden)
The hitchhiker - Madison picks up the hitchhiker.

At the beginning of Chapter 2, while playing as Madison, stop to pick up the Linda.
19 Achievement (Hidden)
The thief - Jaime steals money from Bonnie.

20 Achievement (Hidden)
In good health - it turns out that Tom stopped drinking thanks to Sam.

In the prologue, when Sam is about to open the grate and go into the depths of the factory, be kind to Tom and ask him to call for help. Later, in 1980, when you return home to view the news articles (after Chris invites Robert with the band), there is a cassette on the next table. Take it and put it next to the record player, which is opposite on another table. You will hear from Tom how he stopped drinking thanks to Sam's kindness.
21 Achievement (Hidden)
Sim-sim open up! - Open the gate with the puzzle.

You will not miss this achievement.
22 Achievement (Hidden)
Quartered - Stan is torn apart in the room of the astrological clock.

Refuse to send Chris to 1980, after that the ring will fly at Stan, fail the reaction test.
23 Achievement (Hidden)
Back to... the past - Chris successfully returns to 1980.

During the scene where Chris enters the year 2024, you have to send her back to her time.
24 Achievement (Hidden)
Yolshorp... goes to dasan - Chris in 1980, but something goes wrong.

Send Chris back to 1980, after she breaks the lever and fails another reaction test, Stan will come to her rescue. Then Stan will fall on the edge of the platform, Chris will run to his aid, then fail the reaction test again, Chris will not be able to pull him out and choose not to help Stan, Chris will go to 1980.
25 Achievement (Hidden)
Bad doggie - find Merlin's collar.

In Chapter 9, as Linda, after leaving the room that blocks you with steam, you will find a collar in the corner next to the lights off and a small amount of mesh fencing.
26 Achievement (Hidden)
Escape Master - get Jaime off the hook.

In Chapter 13, as Sam, you need to find Jaime in the storm drain and free him. But you'll have to fend off Frank with the camera.
27 Achievement (Hidden)
Memento mori - Frank Stone rips Jaime's jaw out.

In Chapter 13, as Sam, find Jaime in the storm drain. You have to fail the meeting with Frank Stone (with the camera) and he will kill Jaime. Also, make sure that you escaped in chapter 5 for Jaime.
28 Achievement (Hidden)
Nothing personal- shoot Augustine.

29 Achievement (Hidden)
Fire on your own - Sam shoots Madison.

Make sure that Madison KEEPS the pendant, and also, when playing for Linda, you should not take Sam's gun, but should take his diary. In chapter 14, when Madison is hypnotized, Sam has to shoot Madison. Don't shoot Frank Stone.
30 Achievement (Hidden)
Phagocytosis - Frank Stone hypnotizes Madison and absorbs her.

Make sure that Madison gets the pendant, and then fail the reaction check so that Frank Stone absorbs Madison in chapter 14.
31 Achievement (Hidden)
Fear of the camera - Ward off the killer with an 8mm camera.

32 Achievement (Hidden)
The savior - Sam stops Frank Stone.

During the 1st chapter, you need to shoot Frank Stone. Use the track as a path and don't fail any reaction checks.
The end
The guide will be updated as all artifacts, relics and trinkets are found. The conditions for completing all achievements will also be supplemented. I really hope that the guide helped you !!
Astra ☾ 7 Sep, 2024 @ 7:24am 
♣️คгครん♣ 6 Sep, 2024 @ 8:10pm 
Great :lis_steph::LoveBetrayal:
ℑ𝔩𝔲𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔯 6 Sep, 2024 @ 6:43pm 
SATANA 6 Sep, 2024 @ 5:17pm 
Great guide! :MSCaptain:
Miranda 6 Sep, 2024 @ 3:51pm 
Nice guide!:mortimer1: