Crime Boss: Rockay City

Crime Boss: Rockay City

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Gloves Hands on: Guide for Singleplayer Campaign
Tekijältä ZG Teliyx
A small Guide meant for newer players.
Some basic Tipps & Tricks to speed up progression and maximizing payout, while stil keeping fun and story at its center.
No gamebreaking Explolits or Bugs. They tend to suck the fun out of games.
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So you just got defeated in your first campaign.
Maybe a daring heist has gone wrong, or maybe you couldnt kill or bribe enough detectives and the authorities have cought up with you.
No matter what, the old Sheriff has taken you out of the game. For now.

Dont worry, Gloves is here to help you plan the next attempt in your Grap for power and wealth.
A new game, a new plan, and Gloves will help you run it smoothly.

In order to win, all you have to do is not lose for long enough. As long as you have enough cash to bribe officials, enough manpower to defend yourself and enough crewmembers to do missions, you will win eventually.
Mission Management
Soldiers will become more expensive the longer the run goes, so each day, the first thing you do, is to hire all available soldiers in the harbor.
Then its off to do

Missions and Turfwar
Both of these get harder the more heat there is, and both generate heat.
So the very first decision is what to do, and when to do it.

General chain of priority is Loud Missions - Attacking enemy turf / doing Missions to weaken them or their territory - silent missions.
Be aware that while bank robberys are generally quiet, there is a Chance that you will be forced into a siege scenario, which makes them loud. Dont go into one alone, or you will lose if that happens - either a lot of the loot or the crewmember you sent, probably both.

Claiming unclaimed turf, and defending yourself dosnt suffer any ill consequenzes from heat, so do it last. Just make sure you have enough soldiers left to do it.

The sheriffs Investigation progress depends on the heat at the end of that day. While almost any action you take increases the heat, it can not get higher than 5. So, you want to do as many missions as possible on any given day.

And just like Turfwar requires Soldiers, Missions require a crew.
Who (or what) to spend your Ressources on
Ressources is Soldiers, Stash and Cash.

Soldiers for Turfwar and sometimes scouting. Defense in turfwar is generally cheap.
If enemy army tier is low, five soldiers and good play is probably enough to defend yourself.
Attack can be done for cheap if you do it first thing in the morning, as no heat means no enemy captains.

Stash is Loot thats not Cash. You can sell it off in your office, but depending on the Price, you may not want to right now. Unless you are straped for Quick Cash, wait until the price is +35% or more.
For Electronics, Luxuries and Drugs, keep some spare. Many of the GOAL-Missions allow you to do the preperations for half the price or less if you can pay a specific comodity.

In general, buy every blue guy you can get your grubby little hands on (ok, you probably wont need more than 10...).
They are almost never a bad deal. Having a few grey quality guys is also recommendable. Purple dudes arent as important. You can make do without them if you must and use specialized blue guys instead. Stay away from green quality, they are not worth the expense.

Most of the time, you will not have to buy new equipment. you can swap gear around between crewmembers, so hiring a new crewmember who has the gear you need gets you two brids with one stone.
An exception can be made for the Bohema. If you want to bring Baker on a risky loud mission, and you dont yet have one, buy it if you can.
It is hands down the best secondary weapon for close to medium range, and you drop enemys faster than with a practical (High-level primary Shotgun).
Also, some Equipment is hard to come by if you want to buy it with crewmembers. Examples are the Sensor Grenade and Shuriken. In any case, these are either upgrades for existing and more common equipment (Shuriken >Throwing Knifes), or basically a way for the player to be lazy.
Your team (Composition)
Having the right crew for the right job can be difficult, but is also crucial for success.
Therefore it helps to categorize all potential teammembers.

Stealthy Infiltrators

Gloves recommends to keep a lookout for people with the perks Swift and Ghost. Toolkit is a nice extra, but no must have. If you plan on doing a mission in stealth, you want one of these guys. Since he is going undetected, one is probably also enough.
Equip with Camera Jammer or a Sensor Grenade.

Muscel & Firepower

So you expect there to be fighting, hmm? Dont worry, Gloves knows who to bring.
What you want, Boss, are guys who know how to handle their guns, arent afraid of using them and can take a few bullets if they have to.

Perks to look for are Resistance, Sturdy and Health. Two of these three, plus ideally either marksman or gun nut. Medic and Vigor are also nice, but not as good.
Generally, any character of blue or better Quality is at least decent-ish.

Filler, Packmule & Gunfooder

These guys are only there to provide security in case something goes wrong, or to help you carry all the Loot you just secured. If you ever find yourself in the situation where a clean getaway isnt possible, sacrificing one of them to ensure the survival of valuable specialists is an option.

Since they dont have to do any of the heavy lifting, these guys only need to fulfill one criteria: being cheap. Teamcut of 1%, at most two. You dont really care about any skills they may or may not have, but you do care about your profit margin after all. Any grey quality guy will do.


Of course some people can do more than one thing. Most Blue guys fit nicely into at least one specialist role whilst also being affordable. Gloves recommends them as your staple crew.

Most purple Quality guys are great in one specialisation and at least decent in the other, but they arent cheap. They are high quality, multipurpose tools, and you pay the price. Only bring them if the risk requires their employment, or the payout isnt huge in monetary terms.

The "not worth it"
Most of the green quality guys. Usually to expensive to be Filler, not good enough Fighters or Sneakers. You may want to pick one up if you really need the extra pair of hands right now or if you just plain like the looks of the character.

A well Good team is 12 or more guys strong. Most of them should be blue, two or three purple dudes if you can afford them (More is generally not necessary). A few grey guys to use as Filler.where desired.
How to use Baker
Using this guy is the epitome of risk and reward.
Depending on what mission you play, he gives much more than just +50% Loot, because the crewmember cuts are calculated only on the cash payoff of a mission. If the Loot consists to a large part of goods, then that will get amplified, but no cuts are given.

Generaly, you want to use him for the most rewarding missions, in which case you should always consider to throw in at least one extra member.
Dont want the Boss to die just because you cheaped out, eh?
Most Missions can be categorized, and therefore Gloves has recommendations for each of them.

Loud missions

Armored Trucks, Money Transports, Gas Station on high heat, etc are always loud. Bank robbery can be loud. Going for the full 4 guys is advised. Bring at least two fighters, more if you have them, otherwise use filler.

Silent Missions

Jewelry Store, Bank heist, Store Robbery, (Gas Station on low-medium heat,) Harbor Compound and Warehouse Missions. A single Infiltrator will suffice, but depending on the risk and expected Duration of the Mission, you will want to bring more than just one Backup-guy.

For most Missions, a single Filler is enough Backup, for Bank and Compound, definitly bring more.

Enemy Gang missions

Always stealthy, so an Infiltrator will do wonders.
Consider equiping them with a throwing knife or a silenced pistol. There is no penalty to killing gangsters, unlike policemen. Bring one Filler for Backup in case stuff goes horribly wrong.

Alternatively, since there isnt much monetary reward to beginn with, bring out the elite purple guys and have some fun.

Exception for Defending warehouse, and to a lesser extend, to defending buisiness.
Losing this Mission hurts like Hell, but winning dosnt pay anything, and any percentage of Zero is stil Zero. There is no option to remain full stealth, so you may not want to bother at all.
Bring all the Firepower you have for this one, its worth it, and depending on the enemy army tier, you will definitly need it.
Tipps & Tricks
Your Teammebers will not use things like Grenades on their own, so swap around between teammates to make full use of all the utility you have if things get hot. Throwing 2 Grenades, one Flashbang and one C4 is a whole lot more effective than just one Grenade.

Some Lootitems take more space in a Bag. You can "superpack" Lootbags if you fill it to 90% and then grab a last, big piece of loot, like a painting or a child-sized statue.

Similarly, you cant carry more than two Bags.
You can, however, drop a bag, pick up some more loot without filling a full bag, and then pick up the bag you just dropped, allowing you to carry around 2.5 or more bags of Loot.
Combine with superpacking, and you can get in one run what would otherwise take two or even three runs.

Buying Soldiers is a Nobrainer. You probably will never have enough of these guys.
Thank gods they are stil affordable enough to use as expendable Ressource.

A niche Trick is that you can "defend" yourself from an Attack by cutting off the line of attack.
If a turf of yours is getting attacked and the enemy has only one lane of aproach to it, then taking the turf where the attack is launched from out of your enemys controll in whatever fashion (conquering or neutralizing it) will automatically cancel the attack on you.
In the screenshot below, you can see a good example. the red circle points at everything important, my territory in the south is getting attacked.
Since the dragon only has one territory from which to launch that attack, i can take that territory and save myself the hassle (and potentiel soldiers lives) of defending my territory.

2 kommenttia
Uncle Wolfie 24.2. klo 2.45 
Thanks for the time and advice!
WildMan 1.2. klo 23.19 
Thanks for the information.