249 ratings
Builds for every Snowbreak character (2.6 UPDATE)
By aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawunao
Easily find out how to build your operatives correctly, use this guide only as a suggestion, not everything in this is 100% a fact.

Last updated: March 20th
Thanks for the awards, the +300 favorites and over 200 ratings! I love y'all
Also we've reached a 5 stars rating! Thanks for all the support! :D

Hello Adjutant, I made this guide as an easy way to check how to build every operative in the game, it includes stuff like neuronics priority, recommended manifestations, weapons logistics sets and team composition for all of snowbreak's operatives! If you want more information on how to build your operatives, please check other guides such as Flux Kairos's[], which has more info about builds and an operative tierlist so i recommend checking that one out too if you want more info!

Just as it says in the guide's description, this isn't meant to be used as a 100% fact guide, just as a suggestion for more easily check what builds are best for each operative. I may not know about a better build/logistics set for a specific operative, if you do, let me know and i'll probably add it to the guide!

Do keep in mind that to unlock some of the stages/operations required you have to have completed most of the Main Story missions, so some of these builds may take some time to get if you're just starting out.

If you're wondering on which operative to get: First listen to your heart, to your desires. Who do you like the most? Then focus on which operatives are meta and whatever, you don't need the absolute best for most of the content unless you want to be competitive on neural simulation.

And if you find this helpful, don't forget to like this guide and favourite it to reach more people! It'll help me find motivation to keep updating it regularly :D
Before you start reading!
Before you start reading, there is some info you need to understand what certain terms mean, as well as some recommendations along the way.

They're passive buffs to your abilities, their leveling order depends on each operative, top ones buff their Standard skill, center ones their support skill, and bottom ones their ultimate skill. Everytime you unlock 2 neuronics their deiwos (basically passive ability) is upgraded. You can refer to the image to see the upgrade order that'll be used in this guide. The materials needed to upgrade them can be farmed on operations or bought at the shop. Most efficient way to get them is from the Event shop.

RECOMMENDATION: To save in resources, try to unlock at least 4 neuronics on dps characters, and 2 for supports at the very least. And of course, unlock all 6 for the operatives you use the most to upgrade their deiwos passive to max level.

These are phases for each character which upgrade their abilities in some way, they're unlocked using shards which can be obtained by getting copies of the operative, or farmed in "Personal File" operation. For 5* characters, you can only farm 2 shards per day for each operative. In the image you can see how long it would take to farm each Manifestation level. 4* characters don't have this daily limit so their fragments are easier to farm.

For this guide, the 3 most important operations are Raining Fire, Mind Refinement, and Arms Hub. The first 2 is where you'll farm logistics, and the 3rd one is for 4* event weapons that you can exchange in the shop. Always do these missions in the highest difficulty possible.

Daily Shop
It's the shop where you can spend your silverbucks, it's contents refresh daily so if you're looking for a specific weapon don't forget to check it. Do keep in mind 300000 is kinda expensive, so don't buy them if you're short on cash.
Look out for these weapons that can used by supports:
Prismatic Igniter, Deep Sea's Call, Lapis Lazuli, Strawberry Shortcake, Frigatebird

Event Shop
The shop from the event which is currently running, it has a limited tab for resources and an unlimited tab where you can get logistics/event weapons for the operatives that are in the limited gacha in the current update

IMPORTANT: If you're going to farm a logistics set/event weapon for a 5* limited operative, check if they're available on the event shop first, it's more efficient to farm them from the event than from the operations tab.

Gacha system
Through this guide, you'll see some terms like "Limited" and "Standard" gacha, these refer to the gacha system the game has, which you can access from the "Echo" tab in the home screen. There are 4 type of banners in this game:
  • Special-Limited (100% guaranteed): Here you have to roll 100 times to guarantee an operative, and 80 times for a guaranteed weapon. There's a 0.1% chance of getting a 5* roll
  • Standard-Limited (50/50 system): Operatives need 80 rolls, and weapons 60 rolls. There's a 0.7% chance of getting a 5* roll, and only a 50% chance of getting the one in the banner.
  • Duty's Command: Standard banner for operatives, has 50/50 system.
  • Hearth of Midgard: Standard banner for weapons, has 50/50 system.

I recommend rolling in the Special-Limited (100%) banner for both operatives and limited weapons, 50/50 for weapons is ok too, most operatives can use 4* weapon alternatives just fine. Also do not spend digicash on the standard banners, you can get tickets to roll on those banners just by completing certain tasks and from events.

About Logistics
This section is all about logistics, read it to learn how you can get and upgrade them properly. (All of this info will apply mostly to Orange-Rarity logistics only.)

Level up logistics correctly
One important thing about logistics, all 3 have main stats that can be upgraded, each logistic agent brings a different 3rd main stat, which will be Max HP Boost, ATK Boost or DEF Boost respectively, this stat gets maxed out at level 12, so I recommend upgrading your logistics to this LVL most of the time. Only reserve LVL 15 for your main dps operatives to help save your resources, or when you get a god-like roll in the substats (S ATK and S Alignment Index for example). Unlocking their 3rd substat at LVL 15 is a luxury because of the high cost in resources.

You can use an already leveled up logistic to upgrade another, you don't lose any EXP and will only have to pay some silverbucks.

What exactly are substats (or talents)
Apart from their 3 mainstats (HP, ATK and DEF), all logistics have 3 substats (or talents), the 1st and 2nd are random, and only one can be changed, so its recommended to get at least 1 good substat then re-roll the other. The 3rd substat, which unlocks at LVL 15, can be changed using "Revision Application" and has unique talents different to 1st and 2nd.
You can see what substats are available in a chart after this section.

How to reroll/change the substats (or talents)
For the 1st and 2nd talent, you need to use two resources: 1 "Revision Limit" (obtained from the Supreme Battleground gamemode, which is an event mode that seems to reset every 14 days, or bought from the logistics officer shop (resets monthly)) and 50 "Personnel Limit" (Can be obtained by recycling gold logistics, and by obtaining all rewards in gigalink (resets each week)).
As you can see, you can only re-roll one of the substats, so make sure you choose the right one before using them.

In update 2.5, they added a pity system to re-roll a talent, you can obtain one "red thingy" every 12 times you change talents on ANY logistics.

After obtaining one "red thingy", you can press the icon next to the talent you want to change, then select the substat you want it to change to.

After that your logistic should have the substat you wanted (the % is still random though)

For the 3rd substat, you need to upgrade the logistic agent to lvl 15, then select "Special" and there you can use 1 "Revision Application" to change it.

Logistics priority
This is the most important question for most people. Who should I farm first? How many logistics sets should I get? And who needs their logistics upgraded the most? For these questions, read these tips:
  1. It's more efficient to farm logistics in the Event Shop. So if the set it's available there, farm currency for the event to buy them.
  2. DPS Characters really benefit from substats, as well as having their 3rd substat for more damage. So upgrade them to LVL 15 if you have the resources.
  3. Support Characters don't need the 3rd substat that much, so you can leave their logistics at LVL 12 most of the time.
  4. Don't waste your stamina rerolling for the perfect substats, most characters are ok with at least one decent substat roll (unless you really want the best for 1% Neural Simulation).
  5. Don't use up your resources on logistics with mediocre substats, always save them for good logistics.
  6. Try to always get all time-gated resources from the event if you can. To make leveling up your operatives easier.

Where to find "x" logistic set?
You may struggle to find where a specific set is, here's a handy list to help you find them easily:
  • Raining Fire (Operations Tab): Dharma, Thebes, Fenya, Moira, Koffman, Amano-Iwato, Twilight, Xinye
  • Mind Refinement (Operations Tab): Mingyi, Akitsu, Amarna, Hjartagard, Eli, Lux, Dziady, Areca, Scarab, Nova, Reverie, Chaya, Aileron, Vector, Insight, Halo.
  • Underground Purge (Shop > Event Exchange): Navigator, Mizuho, Usha
  • Event shop (unlimited tab): Couplet, Zephyr, Alieron

PD: To obtain currency to buy logistics in the Underground Purge shop, you need to complete the "Jotun Tunnel" mode, which resets every 2 weeks.
The logistics in the event shop are for the characters in the banner. So they change with each new update.

Can the same logistics set stack?
If you have 2 supports with the same set, the buff will NOT stack. This applies to all sets so always have all operatives with a different set in your team.

Substat table is down below (this section is too long lmao).
5* Logistics substat / talents chart
Max HP
Crit DMG
Crit Rate
S-Energy Recovery
U-Energy Recovery
Alignment Index
Skill Haste
Chaos DMG (LVL 15 Substat)
Electrical DMG (LVL 15 Substat)
Frost DMG (LVL 15 Substat)
Kinetic DMG (LVL 15 Substat)
Thermal DMG (LVL 15 Substat)
Heal Bonus (LVL 15 Substat)
Shield Efficiency (LVL 15 Substat)
Aux. Units Strength (LVL 15 Substat)
5* Characters
IGNORE TAGS: how to build, snowbreak guide build, snowbreak all characters build, logistics, team, 5 stars operatives build, limited operative build, best weapon for, best logistics for, neuronics priority, manifestation priority, acacia kaguya build, bubu the geomancer build, chenxing ethereal cloud build, chenxing jade arc build, cherno enigma build, eatchel the cub build, enya exuvia build, enya tempest build, fenny coronet build, fenny starshine build, fritia hush build, fritia turbo build, haru absconditus build, katya blue bolt build, katya dawnwing build, lyfe infinite sight build, lyfe wild hunt build, marian riptide build, marian swift build, mauxir shadow ka build, siris ksana build, tess the magician build, vidya agave build, yao nightglow build, yao winter solstice build

DISCLAIMER: Most weapon comparisons shown in this guide are asumming characters are at M0, the difference between their 5* signature weapon and other alternatives can drastically increase the higher their manifestation level is. For more in depth analysis, ask on the Snowbreak discord server, go watch ArchiveRisen videos or go to
‎ ‎ ‎ Acacia - Kaguya
Kaguya is a limited banner universal support character, she's one of the best supports character as using her skill gives you 24% damage shred (when at max level), basically enemies take 24% more dmg from all sources which helps in basically every team you can think of. The best generalist support for real!

Standard skill: Spawns blades that spin around your character, dealing dmg and slowing down enemies. When upgraded, can also freeze enemies and you get 3 charges to use.
Support skill: Spawn a blade on an enemy, shredding their resistance to all-type dmg. With upgrades, can pull enemies together and the blade will follow the target. The resistance shred is also increased (up to 24%)
Ultimate skill: Spawns a tornado that damages enemies and slows them down. Upgrades make it pull enemies and increase its duration

Deiwos passive: Increases dmg dealt to enemies inflicted with Movement SPD reduction by 2.5%/5%/7.5%/10% (Increases 1% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-6 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Mid priority, increases area of effect, and increases dmg shred to 33.6% when you use Pine Aurora/Aye, Aye, Captain!)) If you don't have those weapons then she's ok at M0.
  • Elemental Damage: Frost DMG


Found In
5* Pine Aurora
Limited gacha
4* Prismatic Igniter
Daily shop and gacha
4* Aye, Aye, Captain!
Daily shop and gacha
3* T5 Muddy Snow

From best to worst, your options are: T2 Pine Aurora > T5 Prismatic Igniter > T1 Pine Aurora* > T1 Prismatic Igniter > T5 Aye, Aye, Captain!** > Muddy Snow.
*Better than T5 Prismatic Igniter once Kaguya reaches M2
**Goes up a tier if your main dps is frost dmg.

Logistics sets
  • Amarna (Support): Its buff effect has almost 100% uptime with Kaguya
  • Twilight (Support): If your main dps does frost dmg (Wild Hunt, Blue Bolt, Dawnwing)
Substat priority
Skill Haste (19.3) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%) = Alignment Index (106). Consider ATK (10%) when using Prismatic Igniter.
3rd substat can be Frost DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Acacia - Kaguya
Any Operatives
Thanks to her resistance shred, she can fit in any team, so if you're missing a specific support for your dps, feel free to use Kaguya as an alternative.
‎ ‎   ‎ ‎
  Frost Ops
She can be a great support to frost dmg operatives like Wild Hunt, Blue Bolt and Dawnwing. Works especially well when using Twilight logistics.

‎ ‎ ‎ Bubu - The Geomancer
The Geomancer is a limited banner ballistic dmg dps, she's able to shoot nonstop thanks to her auto-reloading abilities, and her bullets are able to ricochet to multiple enemies, so she's really good for mobbing too. Overall a really good operative which you won't regret getting.

Special: Bubu can perform a quick 3-shot burst called "Arcane Shot", in her normal state, it triggers every third shot. If bullets in magazine are less than 3 when activated, she automatically reloads her weapon. Arcane shots deal a bit less dmg than normal shots.
Bubu uses S-Energy (the blue bar at the bottom left) to add dmg and a ricochet effect to her shots, and she can't generate S-Energy by shooting or passively.

Standard skill: Hold this skill to generate S-Energy
Support skill: Create an area in front of Bubu, enemies inside this area take dmg when shot. If upgraded, they also take damage over time.
Ultimate skill: This ability doesn't consume U-Energy, instead, it uses "Divine Seals" which are obtained by shooting, triggering an Arcane shot, and, if upgraded, when stunning/paralyzing an enemy for the 1st time. You can hold up to 3 "Divine Seals".
Use her ultimate to consume 1 "Divine Seal", Bubu will reload her weapon and enter a state where all shots are "arcane shots", have 100% crit chance and increased crit dmg, and also have reduced S-Energy consumption, also Bubu can automatically reload after dodging. Skill animation plays only the 1st time this ability is used.

Basically use her ultimate whenever you can -> Keep shooting to gain Divine Seals -> Regenerate S-Energy when low -> Repeat

Deiwos passive: Each burst shot bullet dmg decreases to 45%/50%/55/60% and Destructible Object DMG decrease to 30%. (Increase Bubu's ATK by 5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-1, 6-5 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Increases DMG and grants Bubu CC immunity in her ult state).
  • Elemental Damage: Thermal DMG


Found In
5* Gilded Blaze
Limited gacha
4* Plum Blossom
Arms Hub Exchange
3* Halftorch

Difference between 5* Glided Blaze and T5 4* Plum Blossom should be about 25-30% dmg.
Both of her 5* and 4* weapons are able to stun enemies every 40/60 shots respectively.

Logistics sets
  • Halo (DPS): Her exclusive logistics, increases Bubu's overall dmg.
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): When using this set, you need to always ADS when shooting. Harder to use than Halo, but very similar damage.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%) > Alignment Index (106).
NOTE: Prefer Index if you miss weakspots often (this doesn't matter in her ult state, as she has 100% crit rate for its duration).
3rd substat should be Thermal DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Bubu - The Geomancer

As Nightglow can buff ballistic dmg and crit dmg, she can pair amazingly with Bubu, especially in her ultimate state. Allowing her to do insane dmg

After using Starshine's support skill, Bubu's shots will have increased dmg, and she'll also gonna be able to do the burst without reloading as often.

Shadow Ka
Similar to other ballistic dmg dps, Bubu also benefits a lot from having a static target, and also really benefits from Shadow Ka's buffs.

If you unlock Bubu's 5th neuronic, you'll be able to get Divine Seals (ult charges) when you stun enemies (once per enemy), so you can use Eatchel's support skill to quickly gain charges. And as Eatchel constantly heals you, you won't have to worry too much about dying.

‎ ‎ ‎ Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud
Ethereal Cloud is a limited banner ballistic and skill dmg dps character, the first limited dps ever released in fact, she can deal damage to multiple units at once, this ability is especially useful against bosses like Hela or Fiends. So she performs good in most situations, and excels against bosses with multiple parts basically.

Standard skill: Hold the skill button to enter ”scan mode”, look to mark enemies and their parts, then release the button to launch slips and mark them. Shooting enemies with slips in them, makes them share dmg with other marked enemies and parts.
Support skill: Can paralyze up to 5 enemies for 2 seconds, if they get shot in their weakspot, they all receive some dmg.
Ultimate skill: Starts bombarding an area, which strikes 15 times and knocks enemies up. With upgrades it also resets the duration of the slips, and increases the ballistic dmg they receive for the skill duration.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with an Electrical weapon, shots have 50% chance of increasing their dmg by 8%/16%/24%/32% (Increases 8% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-1, 5-6 and 4-3
  • Manifestation level: M3 (Low/mid priority, increases dmg and marks duration) She's still does ok dmg at M0
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Anti-Evil Ward
Limited gacha
4* Wild Leer
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Ender

Difference between T5 Wild Leer vs 5* Anti-Evil Ward is about 20% dmg. Also Wild Leer has a lower ammo capacity (25 vs 30 bullets) so rotations may be a bit slower.

Logistics sets
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Strong buff when hitting weakspots, remember to always ADS.
  • Mingyi (DPS): If you don't like to ADS use this, is about 5% less dmg than Amano-Iwato overall.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%) > Alignment Index (106).
3rd substat should be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud

Both work incredibly well, Exuvia boosts EC skill dmg, and EC triggers Exuvia's support skill dmg. Equip Exuvia with Twilight for the best results

Similar to Coronet's case, Starshine allows Chenxing to shoot nonstop, which saves a lot of time in reloading, and improves her dps quite a bit.

 Shadow Ka
When you spawn Shadow Ka's mummy, you get another target to apply your marks, which also boosts the dmg the boss receives.

‎ ‎ ‎ Chenxing - Jade Arc
Jade Arc is a limited banner ballistic and skill dmg dps, she's the first bow user in the game. Her weapon shoots different to other operatives as you need to charge before shooting to deal the most dmg. She's good mobbing as well as bossing thanks to her abilities. And with enough time she's able to deal an absurd amount of damage. She really feels like an anniversary unit lol.

Special: Enemies hit by fully charged shots receive a stack called "Embedded Arrow", the number of embedded arrows is shown in the skill icon (center of screen), up to 50 can be in a single target and 200 overall can exist.

Standard skill: Shoot a barrage of tracking arrows towards any targets in front of Jade Arc. Its cooldown is reduced with succesful hits, so you can reactivate this skill as long as you keep hitting multiple enemies. If upgraded, can add 1 embedded arrow to enemies.
Support skill: Spawns a cloud that rains down projectiles in an area, these leave puddles which continuously deal dmg, if upgraded, can paralyze enemies for 1 second.
Ultimate skill: Costs 0 U-Energy. Can be activated when an enemy has at least 1 Embedded arrow, if used Jade Arc will extract the Embedded arrows from the enemies, reloading her bow and dealing dmg depending on how many were extracted from the enemy.

BASIC USAGE: Standard skill > 3 Normal shots > Standard skill > 3 Normal shots > Standard Skill > 3 Normal Shots > Ultimate to recover arrows > Repeat

Deiwos passive: After using standard skill, gain 3 tracking arrows that have 60% faster charge rate, and 110%/120%/130%/140% increased final dmg, but have decreased U-Energy Recovery and Destructible Object DMG to 70%. For each 100 Alignment Index, increases Crit DMG by 8%
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 6-5 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High Priority, increase ultimate damage by 30% if enemy has 4 or more embedded arrows). All her manifestations are good for more dmg, maybe stop at M2 or M3 depending on how much you use her.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Skybreaker
Limited gacha
4* Hidden Hero
Arms Hub Exchange
3* Combat Rite
Limited Gacha (Skybreaker's)

Difference between T1 5* Skybreaker and T5 4* Hidden Hero is about 25% damage.

Logistics sets
  • Couplet (DPS): Increases the ATK, Crit DMG and Ultimate skill damage of Jade Arc after dealing crit dmg.
  • Dharma (DPS): Increase ballistic damage for 5 seconds after using standard skill (this buff also affects her skills). Make sure to not ADS when using this set.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) = Crit DMG (10.6%) > Alignment Index (106).
NOTE1: Crit DMG is better with her 5* signature weapon, while ATK% is better on her 4* event weapon. Both together are ideal either way.
NOTE2: 100 Index = Crit DMG (8%)

3rd substat should be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Chenxing - Jade Arc

Nightglow's ballistic and crit dmg buffs are capable of increasing Jade Arc's dmg, allowing her standard skill and ultimate dmg deal even more damage.

As Jade Arc's standard and ultimate skill receive ballistic dmg buffs, Starshine can buff her damage by a quite a big amount
 The Magician
Thanks to Tess's damage boost after using her ult, she can add quite a bit of damage to Jade Arc's output. (IMPORTANT: If your squad has Nightglow and Tess together, you should use Tess's ult to buff and build U-Energy before using Nightglow's ult.)

  Shadow Ka
She can buff Jade Arc damage, and the enemy will also take increased damage thanks to the mummy's dmg transfer. Keep in mind, the target doesn't receive an extra embedded arrow when using standard skill. And when Shadow Ka's skill ends, all Embedded arrows the mummy had will dissapear

‎ ‎ ‎ Cherno - Enigma
Enigma is a limited banner skill dmg dps character, she does huge burst of dmg using her standard skill, which allows her to do some crazy stuff like skipping phases from bosses from the massive dmg she does. She's the reason new bosses have invunerability phases, this should tell you she's just on another level, I highly recommend getting her. As she's one of, if not THE best dps in the game (at least when fully invested).

Special: When dealing dmg to an enemy, they have a “moon” counter which fills with “Enmity stacks”, the more of these they have, the higher the DoT and Detonation dmg will be.

Standard skill: Spawn up to 3 orbs that deal dmg, pulls enemies, and do damage over time. You can hold the skill to detonate the orbs that are on the field, dealing dmg and clearing all Enmity stacks and orbs from the field. (Try to always detonate them at full enmity stacks)
Support skill: Slows and knocks ups enemies in an area in front of Enigma.
Ultimate skill: Summon an attack that deals dmg, slow and inflicts enemies with 100 stacks of Enmity. If there are less than 3 orbs on the field, spawns them around the target.

Deiwos passive: Deal 15%/20%/25%/30% of Cherno’s ATK + 0.1% x number of Enmity stacks as dmg to enemies, counts as standard skill dmg (Increases 5% of Cherno’s ATK for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 5-6 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Mid/High priority, gives more DMG per burst with your standard skill the more orbs are near the enemy when they explode)
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
5* Uninvited Adieu
Limited gacha
5* 100 Battle Veteran
Standard gacha
4* Halo of Hope
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Tension Headache

Uninvited Adieu is about 30% better than T5 Halo of Hope, and 100 Battle Veteran is only slightly better than Halo of Hope (10-15% difference). It's highly recommended to get her signature weapon.

Logistics sets
  • Dziady (DPS): Best logistic set for Enigma, as it was made for her.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) >> Alignment Index (106).
NOTE: Alignment Index only increases DoT damage.
3rd substat must be Chaos DMG (8.5%).
Thebes CAN'T COMPARE to Dziady, only use Thebes if you don't have any other options.

Team Composition for: Cherno - Enigma

As Enigma builds stacks by shooting and using her skill, it charges and triggers Exuvia's support skill dmg. Who also buffs Enigma's skill dmg.

Acacia can increase Enigma's burst dmg if she uses her support skill before Cherno makes her spheres explode.

As long as you bring her on your team, Cherno's standard skill dmg will be increased. Riptide will get charges a bit slower compared to other operatives.

The Magician
Tess uses her ultimate to quickly generate U-Energy, then Enigma uses hers and her dmg will increase thanks to Tess's buffs

‎ ‎ ‎ Eatchel - The Cub
Eatchel is a limited banner healer and support. I'd say she's the best generalist in the whole game, as she can do decent dmg, has enough healing power to survive almost any attack, and buffs your team's ATK, she can fit in any team and also she's really cute. She guarantees your squad's survival. If you want the best healer in the game. Make sure to get her

Special: Eatchel grants your team a healing circle which passively heals your operatives. She also has “Icebound Claws” which buff your whole squad’s ATK passively, these are obtained after dealing dmg with her ultimate skill and go away overtime or when your deployed operative takes dmg.

Standard skill: Pulls enemies infront of Eatchel and grants her 2 special shots that can pierce enemies.
Support skill: Deals dmg, stun enemies and heals nearby operatives in an area. When skill is on cooldown, Eatchel’s passive healing disappears.
Ultimate skill: Clears all “Icebound Claws” and launches an ATK that knocks up and deals dmg to enemies. The more dmg you deal, the more Icebound Claws you get, up to 5. And the more U-Energy you consume, the longer these Claws will last

Deiwos passive: Increase Healing Bonus by 12.5%/15%/17.5%/20% (Increases 6% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-4, 5-6 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority for her signature weapon) and M3 (Low priority, increases the ATK buff your claws give).
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Blitzing Fangs
Limited gacha
5* Tiny Grains
Standard gacha
4* Lapis Lazuli
Daily shop, gacha
4* Rock Python
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Knock Knock

Her signature weapon gives your whole squad a 1080 ATK buff, and 1800 ATK when at T2. She can buff your operatives by just existing which is really cool!
Tiny Grains can also be used as an alternative to Rock Python, as it provides more healing.
For 4* alternatives use Lapis Lazuli for an ATK buff, or Rock Python for more healing at M1.

Logistics sets
  • Lux (Support/Healer): Her best set, it increases her healing and the dmg buff she provides.
  • Amarna (Support): Gives your main dps a dmg buff after using her support skill.
  • Navigator (Support): Stunning with her support skill, she can reduce the enemy's resistance.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106). Consider Skill Haste (19.3) when equipping Amarna logistics or using on-field.
3rd substat should be Healing Bonus (10.6%).
The buff her claws give depends on her ATK and Healing stats.

Team Composition for: Eatchel - The Cub
Any Operatives
Being healthy is always useful, using Eatchel will make completing any gamemode a breeze thanks to her healing and ATK buff, she works best when at M1 and with her signature weapon, she can fit in any team.

 The Magician
Along with Tess, you can quickly use Eatchel's ultimate to get her claws stack to max at the start of battle, giving you a big ATK buff and also more healing

‎ ‎ ‎ Enya - Exuvia
Exuvia is a limited banner support and sub-dps, she specializes in buffing character that do dmg using skill damage, such as Enigma, Wild Hunt, Agave, etc. Her use is a bit limited but she's really good in the right team. Remember to shoot every once in a while inside her circle!

Standard skill: Throws a electric wall which charges forward, deals dmg and paralyzes any enemies it hit. (this paralyzed doesn’t affect bosses)
Support skill: Spawns a circle that grants some cc-immunity and boosts the skill dmg of operatives standing inside it, also has a green hexagon that can be charged by shooting, and its stacks are consumed when dealing skill dmg, which deal extra dmg to the enemy. Try to shoot every once in a while to make Exuvia deal dmg and activate your logistics buffs.
Ultimate skill: Make your deployed operative enter a Pod, where they’re invulnerable and are healed. The pod deals dmg around it, and when it explodes, paralyzes nearby enemies. It can explode early if you press the skill button again.

Deiwos passive: Full squad’s skill dmg increases by 6%/8%/10%/12% (Increases 1% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-4, 5-6 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Low/mid priority, increases dmg made by dps operative), M3 is also good if you use her sig/event weapon.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Abyssal Light
Limited gacha
4* Tribute of Rose
Arms Hub Exchange
4* Prismatic Igniter
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Skywall

5* Abyssal Light is 10-25% stronger than T5 4* Tribute of Light depending on your main dps. It works best when Exuvia's paired with units that deal dmg with their skills.
After reaching M3, prefer using Tribute of Rose over Prismatic Igniter.

Logistics sets
  • Amarna (Support) Used with Exuvia, you can have Amarna's buff with 100% uptime.
  • Areca (Support/Sub-DPS): Use it if you already have another support with Amarna, or if Exuvia's using an Electrical DMG pistol.
  • Twilight (Support): It's an option if your main dps deals Electrical DMG.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) > Skill Haste (19.3) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%).
3rd substat should be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Enya - Exuvia

Enigma quickly charges Exuvia's support skill thanks to her constant shooting, and Exuvia buffs Enigma's skill dmg.

Ethereal Cloud
Same situation with Enigma, EC shoots, and deals dmg, while Exuvia buffs EC's marks dmg, and also deals dmg.

Skill DMG Ops
Basically, any operative that do dmg with ther skills, this includes: Ksana, Absconditus, Dawnwing, Infinite Sight, Agave, Wild Hunt, Jade Arc, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎*Enya - Tempest | ON BANNER
Tempest is a limited banner skill dmg dps, she serves as the newest, and craziest AoE damage operative yet (as long as you're near the enemies lol), she might struggle a bit against solo enemies if she doesn't have any U-Energy battery to help her. Otherwise she's a solid dps with great mobbing capabilitites. And an insanely overpowered ultimate in the right circumstances.

Special: Tempest can generate "Wind Power" by hitting enemies with her vortex skills, can have up to 100 charges (represented by the icon in the middle of the screen). Consuming these charges grants a stack that reduces damage taken.

Standard skill: Turns Tempest into a vortex that knocks up, vacuums and deals damage to targets in an area. Depending on how you use the skill, the effect will be different.
Press: Medium size, generates S-Energy, U-Energy and "Wind Power". It lasts for 8 seconds or until no more S-Energy left.
Hold: Requires 50 Wind Power to activate, bigger size and damage. Consumes 30/25 Wind Power per second of usage.
Dodge: Small size, it generates Wind Power and S-Energy. After defeating a target, her next dodge within 15 seconds won't consume stamina.
Support skill: Creates a tornado that allows operatives to stand on top of, while knocking away enemies that get too close.
Ultimate skill: Unleashes a cyclone that deals instant dmg to all enemies within the area, the damage will increase depending on the number of enemies (less enemies means more damage) and the amount of U-Energy consumed when used. For every enemy defeated, decreases cooldown by 2 seconds.

BASIC USAGE: Use her "press" Vortex to deal dmg, after defeating an enemy use her dodge to reposition, generate S-Energy and repeat, with enough Wind Power use her "hold" Vortex to deal more dmg. And when a high health enemy is left alone use her ult to destroy them.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with Kinetic weapon, if her skills hit less than 5 targets, increases final dmg of skill by 30%/32.5%/35%/37.5% for every 1 target less than that. For each 100 Alignment Index, increases ATK by 5%.
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 5-6 and 4-3.
  • Manifestation level: M1 (Increase skill dmg and Wind Power gained from skills). If you use her often, M3 can be a good stopping point.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Amethyst Thorns
Limited gacha
4* Swamp Snapper
Event Shop
5* Tiny Grains
Standard gacha
3* Knock Knock

Difference between T5 4* Swamp Snapper and T1 5* Amethyst Thorns seems to be 25-30% damage.
T1 5* Tiny Grains can be better than T5 4* Swamp Snapper if you take damage constantly to activate its buff.
From best to worst: T2/T1 5* Amethyst Thorns > T2 Tiny Grains > T5 4* Swamp Snapper = T1 Tiny Grains > T1 4* Swamp Snapper > T5 3* Knock Knock

Logistics sets
  • Gleam (DPS): Increases Tempest's skill dmg after using any vortex skills.
  • Thebes (DPS): Worse than Gleam, but can work ok with Tempest.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) >>> U-Energy Recovery (14.1%).
NOTE: 100 Index = 5% ATK
NOTE 2: You could consider U-Energy, but it's unnecessary if you already have a battery support.
3rd substat should be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Enya - Tempest

The Magician
As Tempest's ultimate dmg depends on how much U-Energy is consumed when used, she pairs perfectly with Tess who grants that U-Energy, and also buffs the damage Tempest will do after using her ultimate. Which can deal a ridiculous amount of damage to a single enemy. Works even better if Tess is at M3.

As most of the damage will be coming from spamming your standard skill, Riptide can work amazingly with Tempest, the latter is able to charge Riptide's Kraken Shots way faster than any other operative before (which might be better or worse depending on the situation). Prefer Riptide over Tess on longer fights.

  The Cub
While in a vortex, Tempest resists CC effects, but can still take damage, so it's recommended to bring a healer like Eatchel to help her you know, not die while spinning. Eatchel can also buff the team's ATK passively if she's with her signature and M1.

‎ ‎ ‎ Fenny - Coronet
Coronet is a standard banner ballistic dmg dps, she is probably the best option for the 5* selector you get in the early game, as she doesn't require many resources to do big dmg, and she's still in the meta today thanks to Starshine's support, if you didn't get her in the selector you'll eventually get her so don't worry too much.

Standard skill: Enter a state where the more you shoot, the higher your fire rate will be, these stacks decrease when you stop shooting. In this state, Coronet deals less dmg to destructible parts.
Support skill: Increase the firerate of the deployed operative.
Ultimate skill: Spawns an area around Coronet that follows her, deals dmg and paralyzes enemies hit by it.

Deiwos passive: Each shot has a 25% to fire an extra pellet, and Crit Rate increases by 7%/14%/21%/28% (Increases by 4% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-1, 5-6 and 4-3
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, increases standard skill duration when shooting). M3 can be a good stopping point if you use her a lot.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Sunny Payback
Standard gacha
4* Discordance
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Malbec

You can use Discordance until you eventually get spooked by Sunny Payback while rolling in the weapons banner :P (I don't recommend getting duplicates for Discordance, dmg increase is too low)

Logistics sets
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Remember to ADS when shooting to use activate the buff.
  • Mingyi (DPS): If you prefer to hipfire, works best when paired with Starshine so the buff isn't lost when reloading.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%).
3rd substat should be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Fenny - Coronet

Starshine allows Coronet to shoot nonstop, while also buffing her dmg. You won't stop shooting when pairing these two lol.

Shadow Ka
With Shadow Ka at M1, she makes all shotgun shots have 100% crit chance, and she also ignores any resistances the enemy has, so you can just melt the enemy by shooting Mauxir's mummy.

‎ ‎ ‎ Fenny - Starshine
Starshine is a limited banner ballistic dmg support, she removes the need of reloading, which allows operatives to shoot non-stop, this helps operatives like Coronet which were held back by the time they needed to reload to become meta in modes like neural sim. I highly recommend getting her.

Standard skill: Depending on your movement when using this skill, it grants Starshine different kind of magazines:
Sideways: Increases bullet dmg.
Forward: Grants AOE to bullets, decreases fire rate.
Backwards: Increases S-Energy recovery from shooting.
Support skill: Grants your deployed operative a special magazine and increases their ATK, these cannot stack with other special clips effects (Ex: Little Sunshine’s support skill or Winter Solstice ultimate)
Ultimate skill: Fires a laser that deals Kinetic dmg and restores S-Energy after being used.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with a Kinetic Weapon, increases squad’s Ballistic DMg by 6%/8%/10%/12% (Increases by 1% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 6-5 and 2-1 (prefer 2-1 over 6-5 if you want to use her on-field).
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, gives buff depending on main dps's weapon). All of her manifestations are useful, M2 can be a good stopping point.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Heart Hunter
Limited gacha
4* Pixel Era
Arms Hub Exchange
4* Strawberry Shortcake
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Discipline

T1 5* Heart Hunter is 20-30% better than T5 Pixel Era depending on who's your main dps.
For 4* alternatives, Pixel Era and Strawberry Shortcake have similar performance at M0. When at M1, prefer using Pixel Era.

Logistics sets
  • Reverie (Support): Gives a buff when using her support skill, unlike Amarna, only Starshine can use this set.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) > Skill Haste (19.3).
NOTE: If Starshine's support skill goes on CD too much, prefer Skill Haste over Index
3rd substat can be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Fenny - Starshine

Infinite Sight
IS doesn't need to reload thanks to Starshine, so she can trigger her dodge shot very quickly by constantly shooting the enemy

Coronet won't need to reload anymore! So just spam click and watch the enemy's health deplete in seconds

All of Bubu's dmg is ballistic, so Starshine can boost her dmg by quite a bit with her support skill.

 Ballistic Ops
This includes other characters that benefit from not having to reload, this includes: Ethereal Cloud, Wild Hunt, Lionheart, Turbo, Jade Arc, etc. As well as Blue Bolt who benefits from the dmg buff

‎ ‎ ‎ Fritia - Hush
Hush is a standard banner ultimate skill dmg dps, her damage comes from her ult which is a big laser that does more dmg the longer you use it, she needs a lot of resources to be usable, so i'd recommend building her only if you like her (just like I did). She works best with Tess, a support that generates U-Energy, if you have both. You could consider building them to beam enemies.

Standard skill: Throws a chain that stuns, burns and brings nearby enemies closer.
Support skill: Grants deployed operative stacks that reduce the dmg they take.
Ultimate skill: Shoot a laser that increases its dmg the longer it hits an enemy. It consumes more U-Energy the longer its used. In this state Hush cannot move.

Deiwos passive: Increase squad’s Max U-Energy by 20, decreases Hush U-Energy consumption by 3.5%/7%/10.5%/14% (Decreases by 2% for each 100 Alignment index)
  • Neuronics priority: 6-5, 2-1 and 3-4.
  • Manifestation level: M3 (High priority, increases her ultimate duration and dmg), M4 is also good, but M3 can be a good stopping point.
  • Elemental Damage: Thermal DMG


Found In
5* Lava Bones
Standard gacha
T5 3* Warhammer

Hush is only good with her signature weapon, if you really want to use her, T2 Lava Bones is highly recommended.

Logistics sets
  • Thebes (DPS): Only use this set if you have Tess on your team, better than Fenya.
  • Fenya (DPS): Gives your ultimate a boost for 10 seconds. Made for Hush.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106).
3rd substat should be Thermal DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Fritia - Hush

The Magician
Provides the fastest U-Energy Recovery in the game, can burn enemies with her support skill, and buffs dmg when using ultimate skills, when Tess reaches M3, allows Hush to generate U-Energy while using her laser, which makes it last longer and do more dmg.

  The Cub
Provides healing to survive boss's attacks while Hush's using her laser and buffs the squad's ATK passively, especially if Eatchel is using her signature weapon

 Shadow Ka
For very mobile bosses, Shadow Ka's mummy ensures Hush's laser will hit the enemy.

If the enemy has a shield, Swift can easily dispose of it, while also generating U-Energy quickly when she deals dmg, an alternative if you don't have Tess yet.

‎ ‎ ‎ Fritia - Turbo | Coming Mar 26th
Turbo Hare is a limited banner ballistic dmg dps, she specializes in fast movement and stationary aimbot attacks, despite using a sniper rifle, she's good in both close ranged and long ranged encounters, which makes her really fun to use to quickly explore and beat most stages in the game which require going to one place to another. You're never gonna stop moving when using her (except when you need to shoot lol) Fritia gotta go fast!

Special: When dodging, Turbo enters a running state where she charges up to 3 “Supercharge" stacks, which are used by her Standard and Ultimate skill. In this state, she can dodge again to dash to a direction, and keep the running state active for longer. PD: Use standard skill for single targets, and ultimate skill for mobbing.

Standard skill: Turbo stops moving, and enters an “aim assist” mode, where it’ll automatically target the enemies spot nearest to your crosshair. The number of shots you get depend on how many stacks of "Supercharge" you had while running. Make sure to shoot their weakspot.
Support skill: Turbo runs towards an enemy, deals dmg in an area and jumps backwards.
Ultimate skill: Uses up all of your "supercharges" and shoot an extra charged shot that damages enemies in an area, the more stacks of "Supercharge" it consumes when used, the higher the dmg will be.

Deiwos passive: For each 1 ammo capacity of equipped weapon, increases Chaos dmg by 1.5%/2%/2.5%/3% up to 20 stacks. (Increase 0.5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-5, 1-6 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M1 (Mid priority, increases standard skill dmg), all her manifestations increase her dmg a little bit, maybe stop at M2 or M3 depending on how much you use her.
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
5* Sonic Flash
Limited gacha
4* Dream Weaver
Arms Hub Exchange
5* Chocolate Filling
Paradoxical Labyrinth Rewards
3* Steel Birch Forest

Difference between 5* Sonic Flash and T5 4* Dream Weaver is about 25-40% dmg, it's very recommended to get her sig if you're gonna use her as a dps in your team.
With her signature, her stamina almost never runs out, so you can keep using her skill combo almost indefinitely.
5* Sonic Flash and 4* Dream Weaver have less stamina consumption when dodging, this alone makes them better options than T2 Chocolate Filling, which is a bit better than T5 4* Dream Weaver, but you'll run out of stamina sooner.

Logistics sets
  • Insight (DPS): Increases the dmg of her standard and ultimate skills, also increases crit dmg.
  • Dharma (DPS): Increases ballistic dmg when hipfiring, works with her standard skill aimbot. Less dmg than Insight overall.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%) > Alignment Index (106).
3rd substat should be Chaos DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Fritia - Turbo

As Turbo's skills use up her ammo, Starshine can help her shoot and use her skill without having to stop and reload! Fritia's dream of auto-loading weapons finally came true.

 Shadow‎ Ka
As shooting Mauxir's mummy increases all dmg, it increases Turbo's dps by quite a bit, and also makes shooting enemies even easier.

‎ ‎ ‎ Haru - Absconditus
Absconditus is a limited banner skill dmg dps, she's mostly used for mobbing as her skills allows her to defeat huge groups of enemies in a few slashes from her standard skill. She's only good for Fiend bosses, and she's a bit worse in multiplayer as lag makes you use your skills slower. Regardless, she's fun to use.

Standard skill: Create slashes in front of you, dealing dmg to multiple enemies at once. Each successful hit reduces the skill cooldown and generates a bit of S-Energy.
Support skill: Does a slash in front of you, that deal dmg, knocks up and stun the enemy.
Ultimate skill: Does a big slash in front of you, and makes you enter a state where you get 50 stacks, which are consumed when you spam both your standard and ultimate skills. When in this state, if you use your ultimate skill when the icon is glowing, you can get a few stacks back after hitting enemies with it.

Deiwos passive: When enemy doesn’t have a shield, and its health is lower than 16%/24%/32%/40% of Haru’s ATK. You deal true dmg equal to the targets current HP (Threshold increases by 10% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-1, 6-5 and 4-3.
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Mid priority, increases Absconditus's ATK when using skills) She's ok without any manifestations though.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Psyche-16
Limited gacha
5* Star Ocean
Standard gacha
4* Wild Wasp Stinger
Arms Hub Exchange
4* Yojimbo
BP Box Weapon Selector
T5 3* Hammer Hit

Star Ocean is a good option for Haru, the problem is the firerate makes it unreliable to generate enough S-Energy to spam her skill. Regardless it's a good alternative.
From best to worst: Psyche 16 > Star Ocean > T5 Yojimbo > T5 Wild Wasp Stinger > T1 Yojimbo > T1 Wild Wasp Stinger.

Logistics sets
  • Thebes (DPS): Good for mobbing, better than Akitsu for bosses
  • Akitsu (DPS): It's good for mobbing too, slightly worse than Thebes when fighting bosses.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%).
3rd substat should be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Haru - Absconditus

As Haru uses her standard skill very often, you can generate Riptide's support skill charges quickly, which allows her to get on-field when Haru's skill is on cooldown. If you pair these two, prefer spamming the E button over holding it. As RIptide's ability requires you to press an ability button for it to charge.

Thanks to Exuvia's buff, Absconditus skill dmg is increased, she also triggers Exuvia's support skill dmg sometimes. But not as often as Haru doesn't shoot too much.

Acacia's support skill gives resistance shred, and also brings enemies closer together, perfect to slash them all together with Haru's skills.

‎ ‎ ‎ Katya - Blue Bolt | ON BANNER
Blue Bolt is a limited banner ballistic dmg dps, her arrival marked a before and after in Snowbreak, i'll leave you to investigate what I mean by that.
She's unique as being the only operative that uses crossbows, that have the advantage of never having to reload, making her a good dps option for most players as her usage is really simple, just shoot arrows until the enemy is defeated.

Special: Blue Bolt’s crossbow has infinite arrows and has 2 fire modes, normal arrows and explosive arrows (has slower fire rate, but gains AoE), these can be swapped by reloading. The enemy will be frozen if Blue Bolt shoots them enough times.

Standard skill: Use it to dash and enter turret mode, where you have increased fire rate. The duration depends on how much S-Energy (the blue bar at the bottom-left) you have.
Support skill: Shoot an arrow that freezes enemies in an area.
Ultimate skill: Spawns a barrage in an area, which deals dmg. It also tracks the enemies as they move.

Deiwos passive: Shots have a 20%/25%/30%/35% chance to deal 35% of ATK + 200 as additional frost dmg, this extra dmg increases further when shooting a frozen target. (The ATK% increases by 7% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 5-6 and 4-3
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, increases rate of fire), M2 and M3 are also nice to have but not priority.
  • Elemental Damage: Frost DMG


Found In
5* Neptune Nova
Limited gacha
4* Alpine Gentian
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Burbank Sky
Limited gacha (Neptune Nova's)

Crossbows are kinda hard to come by, so 4* Alpine Gentian is you only option unless her banner comes around.
T1 5* Neptune Nova is about 25% better than T5 4* Alpine Gentian. Also Neptune Nova allows you to be in turret mode longer.

Logistics sets
  • Eli (DPS): Blue Bolt's logistics set, the buff can be easily mantained as long as you keep shooting.
  • Dharma (DPS): It works with her, just make sure to keep dodging + using skill, and don't ADS.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) >>> Crit DMG (10.6%) > Crit Rate (5.3%).
3rd substat should be Frost DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Katya - Blue Bolt

These two work really well together, especially if Kaguya is using her Frost dmg support build, shreding enemies overall resistance, and increasing BB's frost dmg.

Shadow Ka
With Shadow Ka's mummy, it makes shooting the enemy easier, and also increases the dmg they receive.

‎ ‎ ‎ Katya - Dawnwing
Dawnwing is a limited banner skill dmg dps, her damage comes from the crystal she spawns with her standard skill. Compared to old Katya this one uses an Assault Rifle which is a shame, but oh well she's most likely the strongest Frost dps character in the game now anyways. She does seem to require quite a bit of investment to do big dmg, so keep this in mind. Overall she seems good against single target enemies rather than mobbing where she struggles a bit. Her skill is kinda hard to understand please forgive me for the yapfest below.

Standard skill: Use this skill to dash and spawn a crystal that deals dmg where it spawns, if you hold the button, or press it again while dashing, you spawn 2 extra crystals, but these won’t have the spawn dmg. You can have up to 12 crystals on the field, in the middle of your screen, the skill icon will fill up overtime and when shooting. When it’s full, if you shoot a target they’ll get shot by 3 of the crystals on the field, these crystals will disappear after shooting. Always try to have at least 6 crystals on field at all times.
Support skill: Jump backwards and shoot 2 times towards a target. Dealing dmg and freezing the enemy.
Ultimate skill: Do an attack that deals dmg and freezes enemies, if you have crystals on field, up to 6 will also shoot whoever is hit by your ultimate first. And after using it you replenish all standard skill charges.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with a Frost weapon, increase Dawnwing’s ATK by 1.5%/3%/4.5%/6% for each Crystal on the field, up to 6 stacks. (ATK increases by 1% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 6-5 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M3 (High Priority, increases your crystals dmg shots) Is required to reach the dmg of meta units. Otherwise her dmg is still ok for most content at M0.
  • Elemental Damage: Frost DMG


Found In
5* Aurora Sands
Limited gacha
4* Tornado
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Icey Dunes

5* Aurora Sands passive buff is easier to mantain than 4* Tornado. Which helps making your crystals dmg be more consistent overall.
Difference between T1 5* Aurora Sands and T5 4* Tornado is about 25-30% DMG.

Logistics sets
  • Vector (DPS): These logisics directly buff Dawnwing's and her crystals damage.
  • Eli (DPS): Worse than Vector, but can work. Remember to not hit any weakspots.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) >> Skill Haste (19.3).
3rd substat should be Frost DMG (8.5%). Auxiliary Units Strength DOESNT WORK on Dawnwing crystals

Team Composition for: Katya - Dawnwing

With her Frost dmg support build, she can increase Dawnwing's dmg, especially her crystals dmg.

The Magician
Allows Dawnwing to quickly use her ultimate skill, while also buffing it's dmg. And also can freeze enemies thanks to Tess's support skill

As Dawnwing will spawn her crystals very often, Riptide's skill will charge really fast. And also the crystals dmg will increase thanks to Riptide's passive

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Lyfe - Infinite Sight
Infinite Sight is a limited banner ballistic and skill dmg dps, she has the highest sustained dps numbers in the game, which allows her to just melt enemies and bosses in a matter of seconds, she's just, amazing. Also her kit and abilities are really smooth and fun to use. She's one of the best dps in the game. If you see her rerun coming, you better get her. You won't regret it.

Special: Her skill icon will fill up when shooting or after using her standard skill, when its full, dodge to unleash a barrage of bullets to any nearby enemies. The shooting + dodge combo is where most of her dps comes from. It deals less dmg if IS has less than 10 ammo when performing the dodge shot.

Standard skill: When used, IS will dash, dealing dmg around her and marking any enemies hit. When they’re marked, they receive more dmg from Lyfe’s dodge skill. Some bosses can have multiple marks on them, so you deal even more damage when using dodge shot.
Support skill: Do a piercing attack infront of you, that deals dmg and stuns enemies.
Ultimate skill: Makes IS start spinning and deal dmg in a big area around her. Really good for mobbing, the more enemies are marked by your skill, the lower the U-Energy cost will be.

Deiwos passive: When doing the dodge shot, and having more than 10 ammo when using it. Final dmg will increase by 100%/112/124%/136% of normal shot dmg. (Increase by 10% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-1, 6-5 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M2 (High priority, huge boost to her dmg and speeds up rotation). Her manifestations are all good up to M5. But M2 is a good stopping point
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Nightborne Crown
Limited gacha
4* Revolving Glow
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* General Formula
Limited gacha (Nightborne Crown's)

Just like crossbows, dual smgs are rare, 4* Revolving Glow is you only option until her banner comes around.
T1 5* Nightborne Crown is +30% better than T5 4* Revolving Glow, it's highly recommended to get it if you can.

Logistics sets
  • Nova (DPS): It's Infinite Sight's logistics set, so of course it's gonna be the best.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) >> Crit DMG (10.6%). Consider Skill Haste (19.3) if not paired with Fenny - Starshine.
3rd substat should be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Lyfe - Infinite Sight

Infinite Sight goes brrrrrr

 Shadow Ka
IS can mark Shadow Ka's mummy, which in turn, increases her dmg output when using dodge shot.

Thanks to Kaguya's resistance shred, it can greatly increases Infinite Sight's dmg output

‎ ‎ ‎ Lyfe - Wild Hunt
Wild Hunt is a standard banner ballistic and skill dmg dps, without upgrades she's pretty underwhelming, but once you invest some resources on her, she turns into a really good sustain dps if you manage to keep her skill active. Especially against enemies that get frozen such as titans, really fun to use. And she can be a pretty decent support too!

Standard skill: This skill uses Snow stacks, as your drones shoot these stacks will be consumed, it duration ends when you run out of stacks. When at M1, when you shoot you regain some of these charges, hitting weakspots makes you regain stacks faster.
Support skill: Does a slash that damages and freezes enemies in front of you
Ultimate skill: Does an attack in a big area in front of you, dealing decent burst dmg and freezing any enemies it hits.

Deiwos passive: DMG dealt to frozen targets increases by 150%. Wild Hunt’s skill dmg increases by 3.5%/7%/10.5%/14% (Increase by 3% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 5-6 and 3-4 (For support build use 3-4, 5-6, 1-2)
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, makes skill last way longer if you hit your shots). The rest upgrade her skill dmg and duration so are optional. If used as a support she's good at M0.
  • Elemental Damage: Frost DMG


Found In
5* Stardust Memory
Standard gacha
5* Alloy Truth
Limited Gacha
4* Frigatebird
T5 3* Safety Line

There are no 4* options for dps Wild Hunt, I don't recommend using her unless you get her at M1, preferably with Stardust Memory as 3* weapons are just bad even at T5.
If you use her as a support, use 5* Alloy Truth or 4* Frigatebird.

Logistics sets
  • Thebes (DPS): As long as you keep your skill active, the logistics buff will basically last forever.
  • Twilight (Support): Spam your support skill to freeze enemies and reduce their Frost dmg resistance.
  • Amarna (Support): Buff your team after freezing enemies with her support skill.
  • Navigator (Suport): Works well if the enemy can be frozen, otherwise prefer other options.
  • Eli (DPS): Worse than Thebes, but it works, do not hit any weakspots using this set.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) > Skill Haste (19.3) > Crit DMG (10.6%).
NOTE 1: Skill Haste is priority in support builds.
NOTE 2: For DPS build, prefer Index over SH if you can keep her skill always active.
NOTE 3: For support build with weapon Alloy Truth. consider HP% instead of ATK
3rd substat should be Frost DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Lyfe - Wild Hunt
Wild Hunt shoots to keep up her skill active, this makes her have great synergy with Exuvia, as it allows her support skill to get charges, and deal dmg

Similar to other Frost dmg dealers, Wild Hunt benefits a lot from a Kaguya with a Frost dmg support build

You bring Riptide on your squad for her passive buff, which increases Wild Hunt's standard skill dmg, you won't be able to use Riptide as a subdps too much, as WH doesn't spam her standard skill like other operatives.
  *Frost Ops
*Wild Hunt can also be used as a support for frost dmg operatives, works especially well if you pair her with Blue Bolt or Dawnwing

**Any Operatives
**In a support build with Amarna, you can keep the buff with almost 100% uptime if you have enough skill haste. Another option would be Navigator, its buff would only activate when enemies can be frozen.

*This only applies to a Wild Hunt using a support build.
**Applies when Wild Hunt uses support build with Amarna. Or Navigator squad and enemies are vulnerable to frozen effects.

‎ ‎ ‎ Marian - Riptide
Riptide is a limited banner sub-dps and standard skill dmg support, she seems to work well with operatives that spam their standard skill, and acts as a extra dmg that can help you finish off enemies with her big dmg special bullets. She can passively boost your operative's standard skill DMG and also grants a bit of resistance shred, overall a decent operative. She's meant to rotate in, shoot, then rotate out. She works well for most content. Especially if you don't have any other 5* supports for your main dps.

Special: When Riptide is not on the field, her skill gains charges passively and when your on-field operative uses their standard skill, up to a max of 4 charges. Her passives buff your on-field operative’s standard skill dmg, and grants a bit of resistance shred.

Standard skill: Grants Riptide a “Kraken shell” which does extra dmg and improves your fire rate. When dealing dmg, this skill’s cooldown gets reduced.
Support skill: When it’s used, Riptide turns into the on-field operative, and gains Kraken Shells, the number depends on how many skill charges you had before using this skill. If you use it when you have 4 charges, you gain an extra Kraken Shell.
Ultimate skill: Riptide throws grenades in front of her, which explode up to 3 times and deal dmg in an area.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with a Chaos weapon, increases squad’s standard skill dmg by 5%/10%/15%/20% (Increases by 2% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-1, 5-6 and 2-4
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Mid priority, increases Riptide's rate of fire and temporarily increases your squad's skill dmg when getting support skill charges). M3 also helps getting charges faster.
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
5* Abyssal Nymph
Limited gacha
4* Opal Prism
Event Shop
4* Lapis Lazuli
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Silenced Truth

Sub-dps performance between 5* Abyssal Nymph and 4* T5 Opal Prism is about 20-30% dmg difference.
The dmg buff performance between 5* Abyssal Nymph and 4* T5 Opal Prism is 10-15% so only get her sig if you're gonna use her as a sub-dps.
5* Abyssal Nymph buffs Riptide's and the whole squad's standard skill dmg when she's off-field. While 4* Opal Prism only buffs Riptide's dmg.
Any chaos dmg shotgun can be used for if you don't have Opal Prism yet to activate her Deiwos passive.
Lapis Lazuli can be a good alternative to Opal Prism if you have it (Glad they fixed this!). Both have very similar dmg output.

Logistics sets
  • Aileron (Support/Sub-DPS): Increase Riptide's skill dmg and your deployed operative's standard skill dmg.
  • Twilight (Sub-DPS): Decrease the enemy's chaos dmg resistance after shooting your charges, can be used while you dont have Aileron.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) = Alignment Index (106).
NOTE: Prefer ATK for sub-dps, or AI to increase standard skill dmg buff.
3rd substat should be Chaos DMG (8.5%).

IMPORTANT INFO: If you plan on using her purely for her passive buffs, you can just upgrade her Neuronics, and get Alignment Index Substats, you can leave everything else at Level 1 and it would give your squad the same standard skill dmg buff as if everything were at max lvl.

Team Composition for: Marian - Riptide

With Dawnwing, who spams her skill to spawn her crystals, which are buffed by Riptide's passive, it can quickly charge Riptide's skill, which allows you to deploy Riptide quickly.

Another operative that spams her skill to do dmg, works really well with Riptide, she also benefits from her passive buffs

Same as the last two, Agave spams her skill, which benefits from Riptide's buff, and also charges Riptide's skill. So she also allows you to rotate Riptide on the field.

Maybe the best teammate Riptide can ask for, as Tempest deals damage purely with her standard skill, she benefits fully from the buffs, and also charges Riptide's Kraken Shells incredibly fast. Both have an amazing synergy when paired together.

Std Skill Ops
For these operatives, Riptide's mostly used for her passive buffs which reduce all-type resistances and buff standard skill dmg, so I don't recommend using her support skill when pairing her with: Enigma, Wild Hunt, Ksana, Ethereal Cloud, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Marian - Swift
Swift is a standard banner ballistic dmg dps, similar to Wild Hunt, she needs quite a bit of investment to do dmg, she's fun to use tho as her mechanic is fast movement + hipfiring enemies, so you're pretty mobile when using her combo.

Special: Her special combo changes depending if she’s M1 or not:
At M0 her combo should be: "ADS shot -> Standard Skill -> Hipfire shot -> Repeat"
At M1 it changes to: "ADS shot -> Standard Skill -> Hipfire shot -> Standard Skill -> Hipfire -> Standard Skill -> Hipfire -> Repeat".

Standard skill: Shot a mark to an enemy, when this mark is applied, you’re able to do an accurate hipfire shot and deal extra dmg to them. Try to hit their weakspot before using this to guarantee your shots deal the most dmg.
Support skill: Fire a shot that deals dmg, knocks up and interrupts the targets it hits.
Ultimate skill: Fire a powerful piercing shot that knocks up enemies and decrease their DEF%. It also reloads Swift’s magazine after use

Deiwos passive: When hitting a weakspot, ignores 75/150/225/300 of the targets DEF. (Ignores an extra 30 DEF for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 5-6 and 4-3
  • Manifestation level: M1 (Medium priority, makes her combo way more satisfying). If you like her you can get her to M3 as a good stopping point.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Horn of the Orca
Standard gacha
4* Wetland Park
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* The Wrench

Wetland Park is your best 4* option, as other Sniper Rifles require ADS to use their buffs. Use it until you get her Horn of the Orca

Logistics sets
  • Dharma (DPS): Using her standard skill + hipfire combo this is the best set.
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Play as a standard sniper character (only ADS shots), if you use this set, use other weapon like 4* Crystal Drill.
  • Xinye (Battery): Spam your combo to quickly gain U-Energy.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%). Consider U-Energy Recovery (14.1%) in battery build.
3rd substat should be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Marian - Swift

The Magician
Quickly use Tess's and Swift's ultimate to reduce the enemies DEF% stat, which inturn increases Swift's overall dmg

 Shadow Ka
With Shadow Ka's mummy, it makes shooting the enemies with Swift even easier. While also increasing the dmg they receive.

Contrary to every other team that use Riptide, this one is focused on Riptide's sub dps capabilities, who gets her skills charges thanks to Swift using her skill really quickly. Not that good synergy, but they kinda work.

Ult~based Ops
Swift can be used as a U-Energy Battery thanks to her fast shooting, can't generate it as fast as Tess though. She works ok with operatives like Hush or Winter Solstice.

‎ ‎ ‎ Mauxir - Shadow Ka
Shadow Ka is a limited banner ballistic and skill dmg support, she's the best support for ballistic dmg dps as she boosts all dmg dealt when atacking her mummy, and thanks to her ability being static, she makes annoying mobile bosses like Ni-Mech or Esther trivial, for neural sim speedruners, she's their best asset. One of the best supports of the game hands down.

Standard skill: Hold the skill to start spinning a “Kebechet”, after a while it charges to max, when the skill button is released, Mauxir will throw it towards the enemies, dealing dmg and knocking them up. The more its charged, the bigger the area of dmg will be.
Support skill: Wrap a target and link it to a “Kebechet” (or mummy), any dmg dealt to it will be transferred to the enemy in a rate of 110% of dmg (120% at M5). This dmg can be ballistic or skill dmg. This ability can end early if enemy triggers an invunerability state.
Ultimate skill: Slows and damages enemies in front of Mauxir. And increases their final dmg taken.

Deiwos passive: On-field operative accumulates 1 stack each second, after 10 stacks makes the next shot have 100% Crit rate and increases Crit dmg by 20%/40%/60%/80%. After shooting the stacks are consumed. (Increases Crit dmg by 20% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-6 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, boosts crit rate by shooting to the mummy). M3 is also recommended as it increases her support skill duration, and if you want the best Neural Sim times, go for M5.
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
5* Alloy Truth
Limited gacha
4* Frigatebird
Daily shop, gacha
4* Wave
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Tension Headache

Alloy Truth is the best support weapon in the game, I recommend getting it even if you don't have Shadow Ka
Alloy Truth performs 100% better than T5 Wave (yes really)
Depending on your ATK substats, dfference between T1 Alloy Truth and T5 Frigatebird is about 20-60% more/less dmg buff
In order from best to worst: T1/T2 Alloy Truth > T1/T5 Frigatebird > T5 Wave*
*Once Shadow Ka reaches M3, use Wave instead of Frigatebird to activate M3's effect.

Logistics sets
  • Amarna (Support): After using her skill, destroy the boss by shooting the mummy thingy.
  • Twilight (Support): If your main dps does chaos dmg, can work.
Substat priority
Max HP (10%) = ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) = Skill Haste (19.3).
NOTE: Only go for Max HP when using her signature weapon or at M3, or for ATK if using Frigatebird.
NOTE 2: Prefer Index if you can defeat the boss in 1 support skill use, otherwise use Skill Haste for faster cooldown.
3rd substat can be Chaos DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Mauxir - Shadow Ka

 Infinite Sight
Thanks to Shadow Ka's mummy, it gives Infinite Sight another target to shoot and mark with her skill, which increases her dmg output by quite a bit.

Doing dmg with Coronet has never been easier, just shoot the mummy and watch the enemy's hp bar go down really quickly!
Winter Solstice
As Shadow Ka's M1 makes all sniper and shotgun shots have 100% crit rate, she is one Winter Solstice's best teammates, increasing her dmg output by quite a bit.

  Other Ops
Shadow Ka buffs her allies when she spawns her mummy, who can also receive dmg from skills, so she also works with: Ksana, Etheral Cloud, Enigma, Swift, Turbo, Bubu, Jade Arc, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Siris - Ksana
Ksana is a limited banner skill dmg dps, at release she was ok, but after she received some buffs, she's a burst dmg menace similar to Enigma, able to outright delete a boss's health bar with the use of 1 ultimate, and her kit allows her to spam it nonstop so, you can beat almost any content easily with her, and with her standard skill, she's also great at mobbing, all around a really overpowered unit if you ask me. Compared to other operatives, she doesn't need much investment to do big dmg. One of the best dps characters in the game.

Special: Ksana has 2 type of stacks, a diamond that increases her ATK, and a bar that increases the ultimate dmg. You receive stacks for the diamond by increasing and decreasing the bar stacks which are gained by doing dmg with your skills, and decreased when using her ult. So make sure to use your abilities very often.

Standard skill: Makes Ksana start running and charging ahead with a shield, which can push enemies, after a few seconds her shield will charge, in this state, you can press the skill button again to shoot, breaking the shield and dealing big dmg to any targets it hits. If you break the shield and hit any target, the cooldown is reset.
Support skill: Knocks up enemies near you, and grants your squad a shield.
Ultimate skill: Stops time, and targets up to 5 enemies, then deals massive dmg in the area where the targets were. The damage depends on how many bar stacks you have up to a max of 100 (120 when at M1). Doing any damage also decreases this abilities cooldown.

Deiwos passive: When bar stacks increase or decrease to 20, Siris gains 1 stack of the diamond: Increases Siris ATK by 0.5%/1%/1.5%/2%. Max 20 stacks, consumed every 5 seconds (Increases ATK by 0.5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-5, 6-1 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, increases her ult dmg and stacks charge rate). It's recommended to get her to M3 to make her do more dmg. Although she does ok without any manifestations.
  • Elemental Damage: Thermal DMG


Found In
5* Crowned Flail
Limited gacha
4* Scarabaei
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Brutish Folk

T1 5* Crowned Flail is about 15-25% stronger than T5 4* Scarabei.
Ksana requires a Thermal dmg Shotgun to use her kit properly, so you can't use other alternatives like Discordance

Logistics sets
  • Scarab (DPS): Her tailor-made logistics set, nothing else comes close.
Substat priority
Max HP (10%) >> ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106). Consider Skill Haste (19.3) for faster ultimate cooldown.
3rd substat should be Thermal DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Siris - Ksana

With Ksana, you won't be shooting most of the time, so Exuvia's only used for her skill dmg buffs, remember to stand on the circle and keep spamming skills! You can also shoot every once in a while to charge Exuvia's support skill before bursting with Ksana's ult to deal a bit more dmg.

After shreding the enemies resistances, Kaguya can make Ksana's dmg increase by quite a bit.

Ksana doesn't really need Tess for her fast U-Energy Recovery, but rather for her buffs when using her ultimate, which she spams, a lot.

For this team, Riptide is mostly used for her passive buffs, I don't recommend bring her on-field as Ksana's dps will be affected negatively most of the time.

‎ ‎ ‎ Tess - The Magician
Tess is a limited banner U-Energy battery and support, she specializes in U-Energy recovery, basically, makes you use your operatives ult faster, this is useful for characters that depend on their ult to do most dmg like Winter Solstice, Hush, among others. Even ignoring her battery abilities, using her ultimate skill along with your other operatives can boost your team's damage for some time, which is useful on any team. A really good support, which unfortunately has a problem with downtime if you don't manage to kill the enemies before her ult ends, but is still a really good operative.

Standard skill: Throw cards that have different effects depending on the color of the card, these can be changed after shooting.
Support skill: After use, allows deployed operative to Stun, Slow, Paralyze, Freeze or Burn the enemies depending on the elemental dmg your operatives deal.
Ultimate skill: After its used, Tess will shoot the enemy you’re shooting at too, if the shot connects, it grants you U-Energy, after the skill duration ends, all remaining U-Energy disappears.

Deiwos passive: When Tess is off-field, if current U-Energy is less that 50%, her U-Energy Recovery increases by 5%/10%/15%/20%, if current U-Energy is more than 50%, the squad’s S-Energy Recovery increases by 5%/10%/15%/20% (Increase proportion an extra 5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 6-5, 4-3 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M2 (High priority, faster U-Energy recharge and instant U-Energy after using ultimate). M3 is good for units like Hush and Tempest, that mostly only use skills to deal dmg.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Eccentric Joker
Limited gacha
4* Wasp
Arms Hub Exchange
4* Deep Sea's Call
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Raven Feather Tempest

It's recommended to get Eccentric Joker, as it gives you 24 more U-Energy in total (40 at T2), and gives you a dmg boost using her ult.
For 4* weapons, if you need more U-energy use Wasp, for an ATK buff, use Deep Sea's Call.

Logistics sets
  • Hjartagard (Support/Battery): Tess's event logistics set, gives you a buff when using ultimate skill.
Substat priority
U-Energy Recovery (14.1%) > Alignment Index (106). Consider ATK (10.6%) when equipping Deep Sea's Call
3rd substat can be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Tess - The Magician
Ult~based Ops
Tess is a U-Energy battery, so she can help all operatives that use their ultimate to do their dmg, this applies especially to Winter Solstice and Hush, who see their dmg output greatly increased.

Any operatives
Actually, she generates so much U-Energy she can be used by literally everyone, some benefit more than others for using their ults, regardless, your squad's dmg will increase after they're used. Keep in mind the buff lasts as long as the ult is active, so on longer fights Tess might not help much after her ult enters cooldown.

‎ ‎ ‎ Vidya - Agave
Agave is a limited banner skill dmg dps and parts breaker, the first of her kind, made specifically to counter bosses like Joseph - Hardened that are time-gated by their breakable parts. Other than that, she has an ok dmg output, not as crazy as the meta, but she's still good, and still the only operative that focuses on breaking parts at the moment. (Tbh I think shotguns are better lol)

Standard skill: Hold or spam her skill button to start firing a projectile that deals dmg and knocks up enemies, the skill has 4 phases, the higher the phase, the higher the dmg will be, and the skill icon will change for each phase. If the enemy hit by it has destructible parts, the dmg is also received by them, up to 2 can be damaged by 1 projectile. This skill can be used as long as you have enough S-Energy.
Support skill: Knocks up enemies in front of you, and buffs your squad’s ATK a bit.
Ultimate skill: Deals big dmg to enemies in front of Agave, the damage depends on the phase of her standard skill, so try to use it when at phase 4 for most damage.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with an Electrical weapon, increases Vidya’s skill dmg by 5%/10%/15%/20%. (Increase 4% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 2-1, 6-5 and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Medium priority, boosts her skill dmg). M3 is also good, but you can focus on other characters by that point.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Snapshot Ace
Limited gacha
4* Pure Verdure
Arms Hub Exchange
T5 3* Skywall

T1 Snapshot Ace is about 30% better than T5 4* Pure Verdure
If you want to use her only as a part breaker, Pure Verdure is enough

Logistics sets
  • Chaya (DPS): Agave's logistics set, boosts her dmg.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106).
3rd substat should be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Vidya - Agave

As Agave uses her skill very often, her standard skill dmg gets buffed thanks to Riptide, who quickly gains charges, thus allowing her to enter the field often. Do spam your skill button instead of holding, otherwise you won't get charges fast enough.

As you're kinda vulnerable using Agave's skill, Eatchel can help you not die. While also buffing your ATK stat.

Exuvia increases Agave's dmg output thanks to her skill dmg buff. And could reduce the enemy's Electrical dmg resistance if equipped with Twilight logistics

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Yao - Nightglow
Nightglow is a limited banner ballistic dmg support, she seems to be the new insane ballistic dmg support we've been waiting for, thanks to her buffs, she allows ballistic dmg operatives to deal a lot of damage if built properly.

Standard skill: Spawns 2 projectiles that go towards enemies, dealing AoE damage, if used in her ultimate state, can spawn 8 projectiles (this can only be used in co-op, or when Nighglow is the only operative in the squad).
Support skill: Spawns a drone that tethers up to 3 targets, dealing damage and increasing the crit dmg (or ballistic dmg for crossbows) they receive. Lasts up to 15 seconds or until S-Energy runs out.
Ultimate skill: Costs 10 U-Energy. Creates an area where allies increase their ATK by a proportion of Nightglow's DEF%, changes the support skill drones for upgraded ones which targets up to 6 enemies at all times. And the crit dmg they receive is also increased. The ability lasts for 30 seconds or until no U-Energy remains (consumes 2 per second so 60 U-Energy for max duration), units in the area can't generate U-Energy. If upgraded, it also paralyzes small enemies.

BASIC USAGE: Use her support skill to increase your squad's dmg, and with enough U-Energy use her ultimate skill to deal even more dmg lol.

Deiwos passive: When equipped with an Electrical weapon, increase DEF by 15%/20%/25%/30%. For each 100 Alignment Index, increases DEF by an extra 5%.
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-6 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M1 (Increases ballistic dmg, and grants some cc-resistance to squad in her ultimate skill area if Nightglow has enough DEF%). Other manifestations increase her buffs a little bit.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Starfall
Limited gacha
4* Divine Justice
Arms Hub Exchange
3* Napoleon in Black

Performance difference between T1 5* Starfall and T5 4* Divine Justice is 15-25% more/less dmg, depending on who you pair Nightglow with.

Logistics sets
  • Zephyr (Support): Increases Nightglow's DEF%, and adds Crit DMG and ATK to the whole squad when using her skills.
Substat priority
DEF (10%) > Alignment Index (106).
NOTE 1: ATK isn't good on Nightglow.
NOTE 2: The free logistics that came with her are good, so don't farm for better ones unless you really want to.
3rd substat can be Electrical DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Yao - Nightglow

  Jade Arc
Jade Arc's skills are affected by ballistic and crit dmg buffs, this means Nightglow can potentially increase her standard and ultimate skill damage to ridiculous levels if properly built.

Thanks to Nightglow's ballistic and crit dmg buffs, she can pair nicely with Bubu. Potentially helping her kill all enemies before her ultimate skill ends.

Turbo is all about shooting her supercharged bullets, so Nightglow can increase her shots dmg by quite a bit. Increasing her dps nicely.

Ballistic Ops
Nightglow can work any operative that deal most of their damage from shooting, this includes: Infinite Sight, Coronet, Ethereal Cloud, Blue Bolt, Lionheart, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Yao - Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice is a standard banner ballistic and ult dmg dps, she's the classic sniper character where you ADS and just delete everything, she was the queen in Neural Sim when the game launched, she can still do quite a bit of damage with the right team and build so if you want her to be the best, you need to invest a bit into her, as well as getting her team together.

Standard skill: Grants a special bullet that does extra dmg. When at M1, it also works with her ultimate skill’s bullets.
Support skill: Damages in an area around Yao, and burns enemies hit by it.
Ultimate skill: Grants you big special bullets, when shooting, Yao can’t move and shots need to charge before firing. This state ends when you run out of bullets, or you can press the ultimate skill again to end it early.

Deiwos passive: The farther away the target is, the more dmg Yao deals, up to 4%/8%/12%/16%. (Increase an extra 3% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 6-5 and 4-3
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, boosts ult dmg and duration) you can bring her to M2 if you want for faster rotation.
  • Elemental Damage: Thermal DMG


Found In
5* Space Cowboy
Standard gacha
4* Mark of Mesmer
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Mulberry

I'd recommend using her once you get Space Cowboy, other options just don't compare.

Logistics sets
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Boost your ballistic dmg and do crazy numbers with your ult skill.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%).
3rd substat should be Thermal DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Yao - Winter Solstice

The Magician
Quickly get U-energy with Tess's ult and use Winter Solstice's ultimate skill to get big dmg bullets at the start of battle.

 Shadow Ka
What happens when shooting Shadow Ka's mummy? You do big dmg, what if you use Winter Solstice big dmg bullets too? You do huge dmg. If paired with Tess too, you have quick huge dmg.

4* Characters
IGNORE TAGS: 4 star characters build, 4 stars snowbreak, purple operatives build, acacia redacted build, chenxing the observer build, cherno those two build, enya big sis build, fenny lionheart build, fritia little sunshine build, haru the ace build, lyfe wednesday build, marian queen of pain build, mauxir meow build, nita hands build, siris the goldfish build, yao quiet quitter build
‎ ‎ ‎ Acacia - [Redacted]
[Redacted] is a standard banner 4* slow effect support, she should be the 3rd character you unlock. She's really good in early game thanks to her standard skill, and her support skill is always useful against enemies and bosses, as it slows them down, it makes dodging their attacks easier. Overall she's a really good support even with low investment.

Standard skill: Throws knives that deal dmg and bounce through enemies, if there’s only 1 enemy, it gets hit multiple times by the same knife.
Support skill: Throws a knife that can slow the targets. Can hit multiple targets if they’re near.
Ultimate skill: In an area, inflicts slow to all targets for 10 seconds, for its duration, [Redacted] can spam her standard skill, and increases the whole team’s ATK by 10%.

Deiwos passive: Gain 20/23/26/29 initial U-Energy when starting the battle. (Increases 1 extra U-Energy for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-4, 6-2 and 1-5 (For on-field use, go 1-2, 5-6, 3-4)
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Low priority, go for this for more standard skill dmg) When used as a support, she doesn't needs manifestations.
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
4* Prismatic Igniter
Daily shop, gacha
5* Star Ocean
Standard gacha
4* Nexus
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Pisco

When using her as a support, Prismatic Igniter is your best choice, if you wanna user on-field and spam her standard skill, use Star Ocean or Nexus instead.

Logistics sets
  • Navigator (Support): Amplifies the damage the enemies receives after getting slowed.
  • Twilight (Support): If your main dps is chaos dmg it's a good option.
  • Amarna (Support): To buff your team after slowing the enemy with support skill.
  • Thebes (DPS): Increases her standard skill dmg, only use this if you plan using her on-field.
Substat priority
Skill Haste (19.3) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%). Consider ATK (10%) when using Prismatic Igniter
3rd substat can be Chaos DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Acacia - [Redacted]
Any Operatives
When paired with Prismatic Igniter and Navigator squad, she can buff your squad's ATK and also increases the dmg enemies take after using her support skill. Useful in any team.
  Chaos Ops
If your main dps does chaos dmg, [Redacted] can be a good support if she's using Twilight, so she can work great with Enigma, Turbo, Riptide, Queen of Pain, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Chenxing - The Observer
The Observer is a standard banner skill dmg support and healer, her main use resides on her support skill drones, which heals your operatives, sadly she gets outclassed by Quiet Quitter in this regard, so it's better to use her for her buffing capabilities more than anything especially after reaching M3, she's used in Underground Purge so i'd at least bring her there for her heals. You can also use her as a sub-DPS with her standard skill but don't expect crazy numbers.

Standard skill: Spawn up to 3 drones that continuously deal dmg.
Support skill: Spawns a totem that drops a talisman that heals the operative that picks it up. When near the totem, you receive 15% skill dmg at M1 (and 30% skill dmg after M3).
Ultimate skill: Spawn a big totem that increases the attack rate of your drones.

Deiwos passive: Increase Chenxing’s S-Energy Recovery by 6.5%/13%/19.5%/26% (Increase 6% more for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-4, 1-2, 6-5
  • Manifestation level: M3 (Mid priority, increases operatives skill dmg when near totem) M4 is good to lower S-Energy requirements.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
4* Strawberry Shortcake
Daily shop, gacha
4* Odd Alley Cat
Daily shop, gacha
5* Trial's Eve
Standard gacha
T5 3* Ender

For an ATK buff, use Strawberry Shortcake.
For extra U-Energy, use Odd Alley Cat.
For healing use Trial's Eve.
At T5, Strawberry Shortcake gives a bigger buff than T1 Trial's Eve. At that point just recycle that thing unless you really like the extra healing.

Logistics sets
  • Xinye (Support): Pair with Odd Alley Cat if you need U-Energy.
  • Lux (Support/Healer): To increase her healing capabilities.
  • Twilight (Support/Sub-dps?): Spawn her standard skill drones to lower the enemy's Electrical resistance, then swap to your main dps.
  • Amarna (Support): Use this if your main dps deals ballistic dmg. You'll only receive the ballistic dmg buff from this set as her support skill doesn't deal dmg.
Substat priority
Max HP (10%) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%). Consider ATK (10%) when using Strawberry Shortcake.
NOTE: The Observer's healing scales off Max HP
3rd substat can be Auxiliary Units Strength (10.6%). Prefer Heal Bonus (10.6%) if you use Lux squad.

Team Composition for: Chenxing - The Observer
Skill DMG Ops
Thanks to her buffing capabilities, The Observer can make a great team with skill dmg operatives like Absconditus, Agave, Ksana, Dawnwing, Enigma, Wild Hunt, Ethereal Cloud, etc.
 Electrical Ops
If The Observer is equipped with Twilight, she can reduce the enemies electrical dmg resistance, which works ok with operatives like Agave, Ethereal Cloud, Exuvia, Coronet, etc.

Any Operatives
Even if her healing can be a bit lacking compared to other options, she can still be useful to help your operatives survive, really useful in modes like Underground Purge where there are challenges for not losing too much HP.

‎ ‎ ‎ Cherno - Those Two
Those Two is a standard banner slow effect support and sub-dps, she's an ok support similar to [Redacted] in that she can slow down enemies too, her kit is built around her ultimate ability, but even when fully built it is kinda underwhelming unless heavily invested, she can also be used as a ballistic dmg dps using 100 BV.

Standard skill: Damages, knocks up and slows enemies in a square in front of Cherno
Support skill: Turn into a fast moving phantasm, when passing through enemies they get slowed.
Ultimate skill: Spawns “Beloberg”, who hits enemies independently while draining Cherno’s HP after each attack.

Deiwos passive: Max HP of Cherno increases by 5.5%/11%/16.5%/22%. (Increase an extra 4% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-6, 1-2 (Prioritize 5-6, 1-2 if you want to use her ultimate build)
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, allows Beloberg to last longer) M3 is good stopping point for ultimate based build. If you plan using her as support, she's ok at M0.
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
5* Alloy Truth
Limited gacha
5* 100 Battle Veteran
Standard gacha
4* Frigatebird
Daily shop, gacha
4* Arctic Fox
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Tension Headache

If you use her as a support, use Alloy Truth or Frigatebird.
To build around using her ultimate, use Arctic Fox or Alloy Truth.
For ballistic dmg build use 100 Battle Veteran.

Logistics sets
  • Navigator (Support): Use your support skill to slow down enemies.
  • Twilight (Support): Reduce the enemies Chaos DMG resistance.
  • Usha (Sub-DPS): Buffs your ultimate's dmg per hit.
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Only use with 100 Battle Veteran.
Substat priority
Max HP (10%) > Alignment Index (106). Consider ATK (10%) if using ballistic dmg build or when using Frigatebird.
3rd substat can be Auxiliary Units Strength (10.6%). Get Chaos DMG (8.5%) with ballistic DMG build.

Team Composition for: Cherno - Those Two

Any Operatives
Similar to [Redacted], Cherno can slow down enemies with her support skill, paired with Navigator, she can boost all dmg dealt after going through them.

*When using Cherno as a dps with 100 Battle Veteran, use Starshine's support skill when you're low on ammo to do the most dmg.

*This only applies to "Cherno - Those Two" ballistic dps build.

‎ ‎ ‎ Enya - Big Sis
Big Sis is a standard banner support, she does ok damage in early game content, but falls off hard, even her support capabilities are kinda lacking thanks to Little Sunshine existing, use her only if you like her.

Special: Every 5 seconds Big Sis receives a stack, up to a max of 10, after shooting an enemy, consumes a stack and fires a projectile towards them. At M3 this effect can be activated by other operatives

Standard skill: Throw bombs infront of Enya, dealing dmg and knocking up enemies hit by it. Try getting close before using it to make an enemy take the whole skill dmg.
Support skill: Marks an enemy, this mark explodes after 5 seconds, or if you shoot the marked target.
Ultimate skill: Deals dmg in an area, and then 30 projectiles are fired that track enemy targets.

Deiwos passive: Thermal dmg of Enya increases by 3.5%/7%/10.5%/14% (Increase 2% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-6, 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M3 (Mid priority, allows other operatives to use Big Sis's ultimate projectiles)
  • Elemental Damage: Thermal DMG


Found In
4* Prismatic Igniter
Daily shop, gacha
4* Lucky Times
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Halftorch

Use 4* Lucky Times if you plan on using Big Sis as a dps.

Logistics sets
  • Amarna (Support): Use your support skill and buff your main dps.
  • Twilight (Support): Reduce the enemies Thermal DMG resistance.
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Paired with Lucky Times, does ok damage.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%) > Alignment Index (106).
3rd substat can be Thermal DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Enya - Big Sis
Thermal Ops
Enya can boost the Thermal dmg of operatives if she uses Twilight logistics set and Prismatic Igniter.

‎ ‎ ‎ Fenny - Lionheart
Lionheart is a standard banner ballistic dmg dps, she's one of your starter units, she's actually does really good damage for being a 4* operative, if you build her right you can 1 or 2-shot most enemies you encounter, and she's really fun to use in modes like Underground Purge, definitely recommend building her, as you can use her logistics sets on other characters as well.

Standard skill: Dashes towards an enemy, dealing dmg and granting Lionheart a bullet. At M1, after defeating an enemy the skill cooldown is reset.
Support skill: Do an attack around Fenny, which deals dmg and knocks up enemies. Also recovers a few bullets if hit is successful.
Ultimate skill: Triggers a blast that pierces enemies, dealing dmg and knocking up enemies.

Deiwos passive: The damage dealt to enemies within 5 meters increases by 4%/8%/12%/16%. (Increase an extra 4% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 1-2, 6-5, and 3-4
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, allows her to spam her standard skill by killing enemies) i recommend getting her to M3 or M4 for a bit more dmg.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Tiny Grains
Standard gacha
4* Full Alert
BP Box Weapon Selector
4* Mechanized Cop
Daily shop, gacha
4* Discordance
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Knock Knock

If you get Tiny Grains, i highly recommend building her, she does ok with 4* alternatives too.

Logistics sets
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Remember to ADS everytime you shoot.
  • Dharma (DPS): On modes with lots of mobs, it works great with Fenny's M1.
  • Koffman (DPS): Can also be used as long as you keep your shields up, less dmg than Amano though.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%) > Alignment Index (106).
3rd substat can be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Fenny - Lionheart
With the help of [Redacted]'s support skill, it makes hitting enemies easier, as they move less, and they also receive more dmg if Acacia's using Navigator logistics.

Little Sunshine
Adds more damage to Lionheart's shots, really good if Little Sunshine is equipped with Strawberry Shortcake and Amarna Logistics.

‎ ‎ ‎ Fritia - Little Sunshine
Little Sunshine is a standard banner ballistic dmg support, she brings a lot of value for dps units that use ballistic dmg thanks to her support skill, she herself is also really good, her standard and ultimate skills do decent dmg. All around a really good character with a nice kit.

Standard skill: Creates pillar that deals dmg, knocks up and burns enemies in an area front of Fritia.
Support skill: Knocks up nearby enemies, and grants your on-field operative’s bullets extra thermal dmg. That can also burn enemies.
Ultimate skill: Spawns a sun that fires projectiles to nearby enemies.

Deiwos passive: Increase the squad’s dmg dealt to burning enemies by 2%/4%/6%/8%. (Increase an extra 1% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-4, 6-1 and 5-2
  • Manifestation level: M3 (Low priority, makes her support skill effect last longer) She is ok without any manifestations though.
  • Elemental Damage: Thermal DMG


Found In
4* Strawberry Shortcake
Daily shop, gacha
5* Lava Bones
Standard gacha
T5 3* Warhammer

Strawberry shortcake for support build, if you wanna use her on-field Lava Bones is your best option.

Logistics sets
  • Amarna (Support): Boost your dps's ballistic dmg even more.
  • Twilight (Support): Reduces the enemies Thermal DMG resistance.
  • Thebes (DPS): Do dmg using her standard and ultimate skills.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3) > Alignment Index (106) > S-Energy Recovery (14.1%)
3rd substat can be Thermal DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Fritia - Little Sunshine

Ballistic Ops*
*This applies to all operatives that do dmg by shooting, some highlights are characters like Coronet, Lionheart, Ethereal Cloud, Infinite Sight, Blue Bolt, etc.

Thermal Ops
Thanks to Little Sunshine's deiwos passive, which increases dmg dealt to burning enemies, plus Twilight logistics makes her an ok support for thermal dmg units like Winter Solstice, Hush, Ksana, Bubu, etc.

*You can't use Little Sunshine and Starshine together, as their support skill effects get overwritten.

‎ ‎ ‎ Haru - The Ace
The Ace is a standard banner sub-dps (and support), compared to her 5* version, she's really underwhelming in terms of damage, even after being fully built she's only really useful in Paradoxical Labyrinth, for other content she's not that good, as her skills scale so poorly that just shooting does more damage. Seasun did Haru mains dirty with this one.

Standard skill: Target a single enemy to hit them 3 times, can be charged to do an extra hit. After a successful hit the skill cooldown is reset.
Support skill: Deals dmg to an enemy, if they’re defeated by this skill increases the squad’s ATK by 20% for 20 seconds.
Ultimate skill: Knocks up nearby enemies, and spawns a circle, where shots made by Haru trigger swords that deal dmg to the enemy. At M1 other operatives can also trigger this effect.

Deiwos passive: When Haru’s off-field, her skill dmg increases by 4%/8%/12%/16%. (Increase an extra 4% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 5-6, 3-4 and 1-2
  • Manifestation level: M1 (High priority, allows other operatives to trigger her ultimate effect) M3 can be a good stopping point. And M5 is a nice upgrade too.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Star Ocean
Standard gacha
4* Yojimbo
BP Box Weapon Selector
4* Tiny Tool
Daily shop, gacha
4* Prismatic Igniter
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Hammer Hit

If you use her as a sub-dps, use Star Ocean, Yojimbo or Tiny Tool.
If you prefer using her as a support, use Prismatic Igniter.

Logistics sets
  • Xinye (Support): Helps with her high U-Energy requirement.
  • Thebes (Sub-DPS): Pair her with a high firerate dps, and you can use her as a sub-dps with her ult.
  • Twilight (Support/(Sub-DPS): Reduces the enemies Kinetic DMG resistance after dealing dmg with skills.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3) > U-Energy Recovery (14.1)
3rd substat can be Kinetic DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Haru - The Ace

Kinetic Ops
With Haru's support and ultimate skill, she can quickly reduce the enemies Kinetic dmg resistance if using Twilight. Meaning she can work with Infinite Sight, Swift, Lionheart, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Lyfe - Wednesday
Wednesday is a standard banner "dps" and support, she's the first operative you receive alongside Lionheart, at early game she does ok damage, but her drones fall off due to their bad damage scaling, it's recommended to use her as a support as her paralize ability can be useful in quite a few situations.

Special: When Lyfe is on-field, a drone will automatically follow her and shoot enemies around. Drones spawned by her standard skill will also follow her, but they disappear after a while. If Lyfe gets off-field, the drones despawn until she gets on-field again.

Standard skill: Spawns up to 4 drones, and makes all of them shoot towards the targets the skill hits. These drones stick around for 20 seconds. After that they disappear
Support skill: Spawns a thunder that deals dmg, and paralyzes enemies for 4 seconds in the area it hits.
Ultimate skill: Creates an area where a lot of thunder strike, that deal dmg and knocks up enemies. Using this skill resets the drones duration.

Deiwos passive: Auxiliary Units Strenght of Lyfe increases by 9%/18%/27%/36% (Increase 5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-1 and 2-6
  • Manifestation level: She doesn't need any manifestations. Regardless you get her shards from completing story tasks.
  • Elemental Damage: Electrical DMG


Found In
5* Alloy Truth
Limited gacha
4* Frigatebird
Daily shop, gacha
4* Work-in-Progress
Daily shop, gacha

Only use Work-in-Progress if you plan using Lyfe on-field. Otherwise use Alloy Truth or Frigatebird.

Logistics sets
  • Amarna (Support): Buff your main dps dmg after using your support skill.
  • Navigator (Support): Paralyzing enemies with your support skill gives you a buff.
  • Twilight (Support); Reduces the enemies Electrical DMG resistance after using her support/ultimate skill.
  • Mingyi (DPS): Only use this with Work-in-Progress.
Substat priority
Skill Haste (19.3) > ATK (10%) > S-Energy Recovery (19.3). Consider Max HP (10%) if using Alloy Truth
3rd substat can be Electrical DMG (8.5%). Get Auxiliary Units Strength (10.6%) if you plan using her on-field.

Team Composition for: Lyfe - Wednesday
 Electrical Ops
You can keep bringing Lyfe to your teams if you pair her with Twilight, then stun enemies to reduce their Electrical dmg resistance. Good with: Ethereal Cloud, Coronet, Agave, etc.
Any Operatives
If the enemy isn't immune to stuns, after being paralyzed it will take more dmg from your operatives if Wednesday is equipped with Navigator logistics.

‎ ‎ ‎ Marian - Queen of Pain
Queen of Pain is a standard banner ballistic dmg dps and "support", she is truly the standard sniper character in the game, with her skills focusing on accuracy and stealth, she's similar to Lionheart in how she doesn't need a lot of investment, but lacks a bit of damage if you can't hit weakspots all time. She's ok but can't compare to the likes of Winter Solstice and Swift. She can also be used as a support, but there are better options (see [Redacted] and Those Two).

Special: Deals extra dmg when shooting while ADS.

Standard skill: Enter a stealth mode, and leave a fake Marian at your location which taunts enemies and explodes after the skill duration ends. At M1 if you shoot while in stealth, you deal extra dmg.
Support skill: Shoots a bullet that deals dmg, does more damage to unshielded enemies and also reduces the targets Chaos dmg resistance.
Ultimate skill: Hold this skill to enter aim assist mode, where you can target any of the enemy’s weakspots, then release it to shoot a powerful bullet to them. If there’s a fake Marian on the field and you use this skill she will also shoot the target.

Deiwos passive: After Marian stops moving for 1.5 seconds, increases ADS Ballistic DMG by 3.5%/7%/10.5%/14%. (Increases 2.5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 6-5, 1-3, and 4-2 (Prefer 4-3, 6-5, 1-2 if using her as support)
  • Manifestation level: M1 (Low priority), the next big upgrade comes at M5 so just leave her at M1.
  • Elemental Damage: Chaos DMG


Found In
5* Chocolate Filling
Paradoxical Labyrinth Rewards
4* Mask of Mermer
Daily shop, gacha
4* Crystal Drill
BP Box Weapon Selector
4* Deep Sea's Call
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Steel Birch Forest

Chocolate Filling can be obtained at T2 for free if you play on Paradoxical Labrynth regularly, otherwise Mask of Mermer is your 2nd best option.
When using Queen of Pain as support, use Deep Sea's Call.

Logistics sets
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Hit weakspots and make your shoots and ultimate do big dmg.
  • Twilight (Support): Reduce the enemies Chaos dmg resistance with her skills.
  • Amarna (Support): Use your support skill to buff your main dps dmg.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Crit DMG (10.6%) > Skill Haste (19.3)
3rd substat can be Chaos DMG (8.5%).

Team Composition for: Marian - Queen of Pain

When using Queen of Pain as a dps, [Redacted] can help by slowing the enemy, and buffing QoP's dmg.
*Chaos Ops
*Queen of Pain can quickly reduce the enemies Chaos dmg from a distance if she uses Twilight. Works ok with Enigma, Turbo or Riptide.

*For this to work best, use QoP's support build with the weapon Deep Sea's Call

‎ ‎ ‎ Mauxir - Meow
Meow is a standard banner support and dps, her kit is kinda weird, but does ok damage for a 4*, she has great synergies with skill dps characters like Absconditus as she can spawn another target for you to hit, she herself can also be a good ballistic dmg dps with the right build, but she does need quite a bit of investment. PD: Her abilities treat shields separate from health, so try using her skills after breaking enemies shields.

Standard skill: Bring an enemy’s “Ego” out, spawns an orange orb which can be shot only by Mauxir, makes the enemy share the dmg taken with the orb.
Support skill: Brings an enemy “Ego” out, spawns a blue orb which can only be damaged by other operative’s skill dmg. These Egos also spawn when enemies are affected by CC. (Ex: Getting knocked up).
Ultimate skill: After being used, if the enemy’s health is lower than Mauxir’s, they get immediately executed. If their health is higher, then Mauxir deals extra dmg for 10 seconds. If upgraded, the extra dmg is also received by other operatives.
Deiwos passive: Max HP of Mauxir increases by 4%/8%/12%/16%. (Increases by 5% for each 100 Alignment Index)

  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 6-5 and 2-1 (prefer 2-1, 6-5 and 4-3 when using her as dps)
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Medium priority) M3 is also good. IMPORTANT: If you use her as a support don't unlock her M5.
  • Elemental Damage: Frost DMG


Found In
5* 100 Battle Veteran
Standard Gacha
5* Alloy Truth
Limited Gacha
5* Stardust Memory
Standard gacha
4* Homecoming
Daily shop, gacha
4* Frigatebird
Daily shop, gacha
4* Hypochlorous Acid
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Safety Line

Prefer 100BV if used as a ballistic dps, she's particularly amazing with if paired with Starshine, otherwise 4* Homecoming is a decent alternative.
For support build, use Frigatebird or Alloy Truth.
If you want to focus on her Execution threshold, use Hypochlorous Acid for more HP.

Logistics sets
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Hit weakspots then use your skills to spawn "egos" and shoot them.
  • Eli (DPS): Use this only with Stardust Memory, shoot the enemy's "ego" to get dmg buffs.
  • Twilight (Support): Reduces the enemies Frost dmg resistance.
  • Xinye (Support/DPS?): Can be used for ultimate execution build to have more U-Energy.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3). Consider Max HP (10%) > Alignment Index (106) for execution build or if using Alloy Truth.
3rd substat can be Frost DMG (8.5%). Prefer Chaos DMG (8.5%) if you use 100BV.

Team Composition for: Mauxir - Meow
*After Mauxir spawns the enemy's ego with her support skill, Absconditus now has 2 targets to hit to increase her dps. These egos also spawn after Haru uses her ultimate skill slash.
 **Frost Support
**When Mauxir uses Stardust Memory, she can become a decent dps if you pair her with supports like Kaguya or Wild Hunt.
 ***Chaos Support
***If Mauxir's using 100 Battle Veteran, you can use a support like [Redacted] or Those Two to buff her dmg.

*Applies to Mauxir's support build.
**Applies to Mauxir's Frost dmg build.
***Applies to Mauxir's Chaos dmg build.

‎ ‎ ‎ Nita - Hands
Nita is a standard banner character, i'm not really sure if she has any roles, maybe shielder? Her damage is really underhwelming even when fully invested, similar to The Ace she's ok on Paradoxical Labyrinth. Her standard ability is good on Star Master too bring some cc and help your allied units. Apart from that she doesn't see that much use.

Standard skill: Does a swirl attack and brings enemies closer, gives Nita shields for 5 seconds if an enemy is hit.
Support skill: Dash towards a target and interrupts them. Also grants deployed operative a shield for 5 seconds.
Ultimate skill: Does an attack in an area in front of Nita, dealing dmg and stunning enemies.

Deiwos passive: Shield Construction Efficiency is increased by 10%/20%/30%/40%. (Increase by 5% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-3, 5-6 and 1-2 for support build. 1-2, 5-6 and 4-3 for dps.
  • Manifestation level: M3 (Low priority, helps makes her shields stronger, duration remains the same)
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
5* Tiny Grains
Standard Gacha
4* Swamp Snapper
Event Shop
4* Mechanized Cop
Daily shop, gacha
4* Precious Baby
Daily shop, gacha
4* Lapis Lazuli
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Knock Knock

Use Tiny Grains or Mechanized Cop for dps, for Thebes build prefer Tiny Grains or Swamp Snapper. Precious Baby is also an option for Shields build.
For support build prefer Lapis Lazuli.

Logistics sets
  • Twilight (Support): Reduce the enemies Kinetic dmg resistance.
  • Amano-Iwato (DPS): Hit weakspots, and deal dmg from shooting.
  • Thebes (DPS): Spam your standard skill to deal dmg. With enough Skill haste works well.
  • Koffman (DPS): Focus on spamming your standard skill and keeping your shields up.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Skill Haste (19.3) = Alignment Index (106)
3rd substat can be Kinetic DMG (8.5%). Prefer Shield Construction (10.6%) for stronger shields.

Team Composition for: Nita - Hands

Kinetic Ops
Similar to The Ace, Nita can be used as an ok kinetic dmg support if using Twilight, so she works ok with operatives like Lionheart, Infinite Sight, Swift, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Siris - The Goldfish
The Goldfish is a standard banner support and shielder, if you're having trouble by getting swarmed by too many enemies her shields can soak up all the damage while keeping you safe, sadly her usage falls of against enemies with AOE attacks, and her ultimate can save you if you take too much dmg, overall a really good survival based unit that can help when you can't dodge enemies attacks. I prefer this Siris over Ksana character-wise tbh

Standard skill: Enter a state that reduces dmg taken, and after dodging grants 1 bullet that deals extra dmg.
Support skill: Spawns a barrier in front of Siris that can block bullets and enemy projectiles. When at M2, shooting through this barrier gives bullets extra Kinetic DMG
Ultimate skill: Grants Siris a shield, which reduces damage taken and increases her movement speed. If upgraded, it can also be used by other operatives.

Deiwos passive: Everytime an operative uses a skill, gain 1 stack that increases Siris’s Max HP by 0.25%/0.5%/0.75%/1%. Max of 30 stacks (Increase an additional 0.1% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 4-6, 5-1, 2-3
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Low priority, adds damage when shooting through her barrier), she works fine without any manifestations.
  • Elemental Damage: Kinetic DMG


Found In
4* Precious Baby
Daily shop, gacha
4* Lapis Lazuli
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Knock Knock

Precious Baby for better shields (This only applies to Standard skill and Ultimate generated shields)
Lapis Lazuli to buff your team's ATK after spawning your support skill's shield.

Logistics sets
  • Xinye (Support): Increases your team's U-Energy capacity.
  • Twilight (Support): Reduce the enemy's Kinetic dmg resistance when shooting through Siris shields (Only at M2).
  • Koffman (Shielder): Good if you want shields with tons of health.
Substat priority
Skill Haste (19.3) > ATK (10%). Prefer Max HP (10%) for stronger shields.
3rd substat can be Shield Construction (10.6%).

Team Composition for: Siris - The Goldfish
Any Operatives
Thanks to The Goldfish's strong shields, you can use her in stages where you get overwhelmed by enemies projectiles to protect your operatives with her shields.
  Kinetic Ops
When Siris reaches M2, she turns into a great support for Kinetic dmg operatives like Lionheart, Infinite Sight, etc.

‎ ‎ ‎ Yao - Quiet Quitter
Quiet Quitter is a standard banner healer and support, she's the 2nd best healer in the game just behind Eatchel, so you're probably gonna be using her for quite some time, especially in modes where health matters like Underground Purge, apart from that, she can also be used as an ATK buffer too so she is kinda flexible as a support.

Standard skill: Deploys a drone that grants QQ ammo and increased rate of fire.
Support skill: Spawns a drone that heals operatives in a circle, if upgraded, it follows them around.
Ultimate skill: Makes Yao take a nap, where she’s unable to do any actions until skill duration ends. In this state, she heals any operatives that are near her.

Deiwos passive: Increase the healing of her support skill drone by 4%/8%/12%/16%. (Increase an extra 4% for each 100 Alignment Index)
  • Neuronics priority: 3-4. 5-6 and 2-1
  • Manifestation level: M2 (Low priority, makes healing drone spawn if operative's health gets low), she works fine without any manifestations.
  • Elemental Damage: Frost DMG


Found In
5* Olympus
Standard gacha, free (Supernova tasks)
4* Deep Sea's Call
Daily shop, gacha
T5 3* Snowbound Valkyrie

Olympus for more healing, Deep Sea's Call for an ATK buff.
When DSC is T5, the healing you receive is higher than using T1 Olympus so just recycle it at that point (make sure to level it to lvl 50 to get the weapon part too).

Logistics sets
  • Moira (Healer): Makes your drone heal more.
  • Xinye (Support): Increases your team's U-Energy capacity.
  • Amarna (Support): Use this if your main dps deals ballistic dmg. You'll only receive the ballistic dmg buff from this set as her healing drone doesn't deal dmg.
Substat priority
ATK (10%) > Alignment Index (106) > Skill haste (19.3).
NOTE: Healing scales off ATK and Index
3rd substat can be Healing Bonus (10.6%).
PD: Lux doesn't work with Yao's healing drone, so don't use this logistics set on her

Team Composition for: Yao - Quiet Quitter
Any Operatives
If you need some healing, Quiet Quitter is your second best option, if you equip her with Deep Sea's Call she will also buff your main dps ATK.

Ending and Special Thanks
If you're reading this, thanks for using this guide! I know it's not the best but as long as it helps someone i'm satisfied (i know it'll help me at least to quickly check what logistics to farm lol).

I wanna give my special thanks to the Snowbreak discord server members[], there's where i got most of the info I recopilled in this guide, as well as the data to compare the performance of certain weapons and logistics sets. I'd join if you're interested in asking any questions regarding Snowbreak, or if you just want to talk, they're really chill people (although they are kinda crazy sometimes).

Thanks again to Flux Kairos for his amazing guide[], there you can find most of the info that's in this guide, and more! So check it out if you want more info that you maybe didn't find here.

I also wanna thank the people supporting the Snowbreak Wiki[], they helped me a lot in checking out weapons and operatives passives/abilities.

If you want to know more info about snowbreak in general, i highly recommend checking out to see how much time is left for specific banners and events. As well as information about new operatives, weapons, logistics, updates, etc. It's like a big database about everything snowbreak related! Shoutout to vicyrush for mantaining it!

I want to also give a shotout to some snowbreak content creators that specialize in doing deep dives into specifics operatives, their research also helped me a lot!
Check out Yggdrasil Fire Safety Department to see how to properly build Fritia - Hush, as well as explanation on how dmg calculations works in game.
Also check out ArchiveRisen to check analysis videos on certain operatives and details about new updates.

Finally I wanna give my special thanks to Kaz. Who gave me some feedback on the guide and overall has been a great source of information. Say hello to him if you see him in the Discord server!
Another person that I wanna thank is gottensurteil, if it weren't for their feedback those >< symbols would be all wrong lol.

And last but not least, thank you for reading all the way through! I hope you found this helpful. If you did don't forget to favourite and rate up to reach more people! If you have any questions feel free to leave them below. And good luck on your logistics farm, i know you'll get them perfect rolls eventually!
LittleDog 6 Mar @ 10:01pm 
Thank you ^^
Got Lucky yesterday with her and now i need INTEL ^^
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawunao  [author] 6 Mar @ 10:31am 
Added Enya - Tempest, info still rough (also wow i typed a lot on the skills section), but it should be mostly correct. Will update in the coming days too :lunar2019piginablanket:
LittleDog 6 Mar @ 4:17am 
The new Enya is DAAAAMMNNN ^^
nice Skills and she seems pretty imba
LittleDog 13 Feb @ 12:14am 
Thank you for your work and this Guide.
Hope you can keep it updated ^^
Gorgoneus 22 Dec, 2024 @ 10:39am 
I decided I build my Lyfe infinite sight next (got her and her signature weapon) and leave Mirian on lvl 60 so far. She is not the sniper type what I'd like to play, more like skillshot one.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawunao  [author] 22 Dec, 2024 @ 9:09am 
For Swift, I recommend starting her combo by ADS because this way you can guarantee her Cloud Shot (standard skill) will land on the enemy's weakspot. Its not always necessary, and you can skip this step and go "Skill > Hipfire Shot" instead in some cases.
Gorgoneus 22 Dec, 2024 @ 8:59am 
Thank you very much. So I need to aim after all.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawunao  [author] 22 Dec, 2024 @ 8:58am 
Hi, this is what each of those terms mean:

Ballistic dmg: All dmg coming from shooting your weapon
ADS (Aim Down Sights): Basically shooting while holding right click
Hipfire: Shooting without aiming (so no right click)

As for Fenny...
Coronet: Her shots count as ballistic dmg. She barely deals any skill dmg
Stashine: Similar story, her buffs only apply to ballistic dmg.
Lionheart: The damage after the dash is counted as skill dmg. The extra shot you receive counts as ballistic dmg.

Hopefully this answers your question.
Gorgoneus 22 Dec, 2024 @ 5:47am 
Good job, it's really helps. But can you tell the difference between basic ballistick attack (just LKM) and ADS? Also the hipshot or whatever in the Marian sniper build? I can recognise her skill E name, hipshot must be a sho without scoping my RMB, but what's the ADS? Does it both (kneeshot and ADS) considered as basic ballistic attacks?
and What about Fenny's shots during her skill E? Skill damage or ballistic?
いじちにじか 9 Nov, 2024 @ 5:00pm 
It's a really great work !Thank you!:steamthumbsup: