My Summer Car

My Summer Car

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Banger MSC mods, and where to find them
By Lankiii_
A fun little guide showcasing cool mods that don't feel out of place from the base game, for all of the nerds that want to breathe just a little bit more life into their 2nd or 3rd playthrough.
Installing Mods
Installing Mods
If you already know how to do this feel free to skip ahead, you smart fella you.

I make sure all the mods in this list are compatible so feel free to mix and match to your heart's content, as with all mods it's recommend you start a new save before adding any mods. Backup your save if you *really* want to try to add something mid-playthrough.

ALL the mods in this showcase use MSCLoader to work

It's a super easy install all you need to do is select your MSC game folder using the MSCPatcher

Once installed you should have a new mods folder in your game folder. (if you somehow don't you can just make one.)
Drop any .dll files and folders of the mods you decided to use in this mod folder to install them.

Your mod folder should look something like this when you've gotten all your mods.

And that is everything, you should now see MSCLoader boot when you start the game and load saves, and you can configure all your mods with the new menu hidden behind the arrow in the top right.
Job Mods
Job Mods, Mods that add Jobs, Mod Jobs!
In the base game there's only really about four different ways to earnestly fund your summer escapades, these mods aim to remedy that :-)

My Summer Fishing Trip by Spencer & Lachlan
"My Summer Fishing Trip" is a great little mod uploaded by Spencer4678 that as you might have guessed lets you fish! More specifically it adds a new fishing rod to your boat, and a fish market down at the Peräjärvi dock where you can sell your days catch. And for the especially motivated fishers there's even a fishing derby held every Wednesday from 5am to 9pm. Where you can compete for the grand prize of 1000 MK.

The fishing rod "animations" are a bit lacklustre, and you can't give any of the fish you catch with the mod to Grandma. But other than that the mod is great and slots perfectly into the base game, and you get to go fishing! it doesn't get more chill than that 10/10 mod highly recommend.

Delivery Jobs by piotrulos
"Delivery Jobs" by piotrulos adds a new delivery type job you can pick up at side of Teimo's store every 3 days. With box durability affecting pay, randomised box sizes, and the logistics of fitting it all in to your mail delivering vehicle of choice this job always ends up being a little treat in between chopping firewood all day or listing to grandma ramble for 10 minutes straight.

10/10 mod I love slaving away for Teimo, you won't catch me playing without this.

Firewood Job Cooldown by Fredrik
Mod lets you manually adjust the firewood job cooldown from the base 8 real-time hours all the way down to 1 hour or way up to 16 hours for those so inclined.

I personally play with it on 5 hours because I love the guy, and I like to visit him more often. 10/10 mod

Vechicle Mods
Vechicle Mods, for all the things that go brrrrr
mods that add or tweak features of vehicles already in the game.

Repairable Ruscko by Homura & Bogle911
For a game named after a car, you don't *really* do that much car work. Repairable Ruscko helps this by finally letting you open the hood of the Ruscko, and figure out what the hell is actually wrong with that hellspawn. Fixing the Ruscko is very simple compared to the Satsuma, but it is still incredibly satisfying to see it go from borderline undrivable to being able to pass inspection and be completely road legal.

10/10 mod, turns the Ruscko from a joke car you'd never want to touch into a satisfying side project

BoatTuner Fixed by ajanhallinta
this mod originally made by ajanhallinta then updated to the newest version of MSC by uselessmoron let's you manually adjust the speed of the boat on the fly, no save and quit needed!

This mod pairs well with "My Summer Fishing Trip" as you'll be using the boat a lot more, and there are only so many minutes of that loud af engine a person can take before losing it. 10/10 would do water burnouts with the boat again.
Tweaks and Additions
Tweaks and Additions
stuff that either adds stuff, or changes stuff, sometimes even both.

Garage Pit Covers by RedJohn260
Tired of having to tow the Satsuma out of the garage with the tractor for the 50th time because it decided to move 3 inches to the left while you were sleeping? Worry no more as this mod let's you seamlessly install and uninstall pit covers for your piss pit, and it even lets you paint them!

the pit covers don't look too out of place, and fix a genuine issue with the game. 10/10 great mod.

Repair Hammer Redux by splatpope - based on work by fredrik and zamp
Gives the sledge hammer an actual use. (outside of being able to launch you 50 feet up into the air by hitting the ground for some reason). You can now get rid of any lasting evidence of your last accident on the dirt road left on your car by left clicking with the sledgehammer.

gives you an interactive, and satisfying way to fix the bodywork of your car 10/10.

Homura's Tweaks and Additions Pack by Homura
I'm just going to let the author summarise this one for me:
"A large pack of over 60 gameplay, graphical and other tweaks, fixes and lore-friendly additions to make your My Summer Car gameplay experience better! EVERY part of this mod can be enabled or disabled separately, allowing you to choose exactly which parts of this mod you want or don't want to enable on your game!"

A detailed list of all the tweaks can be found here:

The stuff added by this mod ranges from "niche things you'd never think of" to "should really have been in the game from the start". And with the ability to decide exactly what changes you want and don't want, this mod is an instant pick up. 10/10.
Cheaty Mods
Cheaty Mods for Dirty Cheaters!
In all honesty MSC is filled with a plethora of annoying bugs, these tools allow you to finally fight back! Though be warned absolute power corrupts absolutely.

GrabAnything by Haverdaden
This mod lets you pick up, rotate, and launch whatever object you'd want no matter how big. Ideal for when heavy vehicles without any of your input decides they don't want to be upright anymore.

Example of said situation:

It also lets you launch the bus driver into orbit if that's your kind of thing. 10/10 mod.

Rulon 13 Feb @ 9:47pm 
s1mple 12 Feb @ 5:39am 
DislexicJesus 11 Feb @ 1:25pm 
Actual Mop is pretty good and is something that should just be in the game. It makes the mop work so you can clean the floor in your house. HUGE note: It completely messes up the electricity bill. Put's that shit up to like 70k so defo have MSCEditor also to solve that issue. On that note, MSCEditor should be mentioned. It's a life saver.
Carry more? I think that's what it's called. It's an inventory mod, pretty simple to use makes stuff like large shopping trips so much easier. Especially if you're on the bike.
Lankiii_  [author] 21 Sep, 2024 @ 1:09pm 
feel free to shoutout some of your favourite mods here in the comments :-)