Tiny Glade

Tiny Glade

170 ratings
Tiny Glade - on the hunt for new tricks
By BeamingFoxy
I intend to explore as many different elements and possibilities for combining them as I can... and to put it all together in an easy-to-read guide:
  • I am describing each tool, step by step, with examples.
  • In doing so, I try to put everything in a logical order, so that you can create your masterpiece step by step with my guide help.
  • I intend to update my guide on a regular basis with new elements / discoveries.

Feel free to join in the fun with Tiny Glade (it's worth it!). :)
(this castle is still under construction)


This game immediately won my love - that's why I decided to discover all its secrets...

This is a guide to which I intend to add new elements every time I find something new. Therefore, I will try to make it with as little text as possible and as many clear points as possible.
I will also try to do everything in the order that, in my opinion, makes the most sense - namely, from large to small, from terrain to decoration.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please write freely.

Useful notes to get started:
  • The game offers different visual themes. This allows you to put your creation in the atmosphere of summer / winter / flowers, etc.
  • The game also contains various themes for each day, but in my case somehow it did not work, maybe it already working now.
  • You can undo, even after you leave and return to the game (redo will sometimes break down)!
  • Inside the game you can also open a “ Feedback” window and write something to the developers of the game (upper right corner of the screen).

Most of all have fun playing Tiny Glade!

Moving / Saving

RMB - Rotating around the click point
MMB - Panning.
WSAD - Well, this probably does not need to be explained :P


Well, my mistake. It is possible to save more than one project, however:
  • You can only create a new projects on individual glades.
  • If you want to make a new project in the same glade, refer to the developers' guide to copy a previously created project to a separate location (link below - "Troublesooting guide").
  • To get to another glade use -> Esc -> Load (on the right, selection window)

In case you have any problems, I refer you to the guide, created by the developers of the game:

Troublesooting guide[pouncelight.games]
Terrain / Road / Water
  • The terrain icon resembles a mountain or something like that (it's left to the flower icon).
  • By holding the LMB, you can paint over the terrain to get the area you want to lift up.
  • Once you're done painting, hovering the cursor over the same area will highlight it in green (the terrain tool must be enabled). This will allow you to change it more:

    1. By holding LMB and moving the cursor up and down, you change its height.
    2. By holding the LMB and moving the cursor left and right, you change its slope - from very steep to very gentle.

An important note!

If you want to paint the terrain on the another terrain patch, hold down the CTRL key.

  • The second icon, easy to identify.
  • By holding the LMB, you can paint over the terrain / building to get different effects.

Roads are a little more complicated and can be used in various ways:

  • To create roads, of course. ;)
  • You can use them to create stairs - more in the section about “Stairs” (covers stairs both on the terrain and in conjunction with buildings).
  • You can use them to create gates, open arches and pillars that go in place of the gate, with proper use of the road tool - more in the section dedicated to "Windows / Doors".
  • You can use it on brick wals and on wooden fences - more in the section about to "Walls / Fences".
  • The road will also change the water's edge from rocky, to sandy.

  • The tool icon is a drop of water, third from the end.
  • You use it the same way you use the tool to create a road, but I haven't noticed any effect on the buildings so far - only the terrain.
  • However, creating bridges over the river is possible - more in the section about “Buildings / Roofs”
  • You can plant a tree in the middle of the water, if you want.
  • Different plants will appear on the water than on the terrain - the tool for adding vegetation (the flower icon, to the right of the terrain-tool icon).

An important note!
  • Be careful with this tool - it punches deep holes in the elevated terrain.
    Apparently, water works only below the original level of the terrain.
Buildings / Roofs

In theory, a building like a building, one square, the other on a circular plan.

However, you can play with them a lot and use them in different ways:

  • The first icon - easy to identify.
  • After clicking on it, a context menu appears, from which you can select, among others, a building on a square plan and a building on a circle plan - they always have the same size.
  • Unfortunately, I did not find an option to copy already existing buildings, so you always have to start with these two base shapes.
  • Manipulating the shape of the building is easy, and it's easiest with RMB click on the building.

  • The upward-facing arrow raises or lowers the roof (see below -> “Roofs”).
  • The two circular arrows below, rotate the roof.
  • The arrows on the edges of the roof will allow you to change its shape (see below -> “Roofs”).
  • With the cross with arrows in the center of the building, you can move the entire object.
  • The four arrows on the sides of the walls, of course, enlarge or shrink the building sideways (in the case of the tower, it will be one arrow on the circumference, following the cursor).
  • The rounded arrow on one corner, rotates the entire building.
  • The vertical line on the side has a dual function:
    1. The lower dot raises or lowers the base of the building - it can set the building on columns.
    2. The upper dot increases or decreases its height.

Some examples of how buildings can be used:

  • Houses / Residential areas:

  • Towers / Defense Structures:

  • “Street” / "Floor”
(Basically, these are maximally flattened buildings - more on how they can be changed in the “Terrain / Road / Water” -> “Roands” section)

  • Bridges:
(The bridge between the towers consists of 2 buildings, except that one is shorter and slightly narrower than the one stretched between the towers - it is the one that adds columns).

  • A Well / House for the sheep!
(Well... be creative, the only limitation is your imagination, technical constraints can be dealt with!)

  • Manipulate the shape of the roof with RMB click on the building.
  • Remember, if you have a roof set in a different direction than you want, you can always rotate it, you don't have to rotate the whole building.
  • The curvature of the roof, apparently, cannot be changed using manipulators (screenshot on the left) / Simply hover the cursor over the roof, hold the LMB and move it left / right (screenshot on the right).

  • Here are examples of how the shape of the roof can be changed, for a rectangular roof:

  • Similar with the roof on the round tower:

  • There is an additional option for both types of buildings (square and round) - the changes are made with the paint tool (more in the section “Painting"):

Of course, that's not all, the roofs can be joined together in various ways. They will also adjust to each other, depending on how they are interconnecting.

All that remains is to experiment. ;)
Windows / Doors
  • The third icon. It contains windows and a couple of other elements - described in more detail in the section “Vegetation / Other Elements” -> “Other Elements”
  • There are three basic types of windows, and from them you go further - square, arched and vertical slit (Once such windows were used by archers and crossbowmen to defend castles ;P ).
  • All windows can be stacked (up to three times) - each time they change to larger / more expanded.
  • At each level of the square window, you can click LMB on the window as many times as you want, it will change between different types of decoration, the basic ones being (window creation tool, must be selected):
    1. Plain, without decorations.
    2. With shutters.
    3. With flowers.
    4. With laundry - laundry can connect between windows, as long as the windows are close enough (they can be on different buildings as well).
  • You can also use LMB on arched windows and vertical slits, but they will change only slightly (window creation tool, must be selected).
  • Windows can trigger the emergence of random objects next to the building (benches, hay bales, flower pots, etc.), but only close to the ground, and they work better in combination with doors.
  • Square windows can be placed on the corner of the building.
  • The windows can be placed on the roof, and at the edge between the roof and wall.

Here are some examples of the effects that can be achieved:

  • Various square windows and some of their combinations:

  • Arched windows (left) and slits (right):

  • Square windows combined with a roof:

  • Arched windows in combination with a roof:

An important note!

Have you perhaps noticed how high up a square window can be pulled? It reaches all the way to the top of the roof.

You can't do the same with arched windows, what you see on the sceen is the max of how close they can be to the top of the roof.


This is a bit tricky... because you won't find a door icon anywhere. You create them with the help of windows ;)
  • You can use square and arched windows for this purpose.
  • Of course, you can get, a simple rectangular door or an arched one.
  • If you set the door on a flat surface, you will get a hatch
  • Doors, same as windows, have three levels of design.
  • When a door is added to a building, various objects will begin to appear on the surface next to it (benches, hay bales, flower pots, etc.).
  • You can change these objects, the same way you change the appearance of windows, by clicking on them LMB (window creation tool, must be selected).
  • You can also place the door on a building that is raised above the ground level, in which case the door will additionally gain a railing (still in three appearance / size options).

Here are some examples of the effects that can be achieved:

  • Examples of rectangular doors and a couple of random objects that appeared next to them:

  • Examples of arched doors and a few other objects:

  • Examples of some new doors available (all three sizes & both shapes):

  • Example of a door, on a lifted building:

And now something more complicated...

How to use the road to get a gate or arch / columns:

  • To create a gate you just need to “paint” a road over the building wall.
  • The arch will appear when the gate starts to get too big.
  • The gate / arch can be created in different places of the building, but all gates / arcs placed on the same building, will have a single height adjustment.
  • The number of arches depends on how much road you put against the wall of the building.
  • You can also create doors or arches on the corner of the building.
  • Creating arches will make the building visible from the inside and it will be hollow, but you can't put anything on the interior walls (see “Vegetation / Other Elements” -> “Other Elements” for more info).

Here are some examples of the effects that can be achieved:

  • Example gates:

  • Sample arcs:

In addition, thanks to windows and doors (and other objects like lamps and flags), vines can appear on buildings. However, your impact on them is minor, they are generated automatically in response to additional objects, on the wall.
Walls / Fences
Let's start with the fact that walls and fences are quite an interesting tool that can be used in a variety of ways (I personally used walls to create stairs - check out the section “Stairs” -> “Manual method”).

  • They can be manipulated in a similar way to buildings, using the RMB.
    1. By hovering the cursor over the top edge, you will access the double arrow responsible for the height.
    2. You can also cut them, in the desired place - just hover the cursor slightly below the top edge.
    3. The dots placed on the line, at the base will allow you to manipulate the shape of the wall / fence.
    4. Use Left Ctrl to disable snapping (as you can see, the option of walls without damage has also been added, more on that below).

  • A wall / fence that has only two control points will always be straight.
  • Three “dots” placed close to each other in an arc will allow you to create a wall that is slightly rounded at the corner.
  • However, those spaced far from each other will create a gentle curve.

  • The wall and the fence react to the road coming through them (the arch can be raised and lowered just like those created on buildings).
  • The wider the road, the more arches / passages.
  • The wall is also always higher than the fence (which is a shame).

  • On the left - interaction with the building:
  • On the right - interaction with the building and the road:

  • With the help of a painting tool, the wall can be changed to one that has no damage.
  • On the other hand, using the same tool on the first wall you want to create, each following wall will have the same color (more in the “Painting” section).

An example of use:

At the very beginning of this section, I mentioned that walls can be used, for example, to create stairs, but they can also be made into additional supports, for example:
Procedural method:
  • You can create stone steps on the terrain. Just use the tool to paint a path on sloping terrain - the steeper the slope, the steeper the steps.
    You can use this in an interesting way, as you can see (stone wall on the left, stone steps on the right):

Believe it or not, but those below are a building and a tower:
  • All you have to do is create a building in the area covered with the road painting tool.
  • Get rid of the roof by pulling the top arrow down.
  • The building must be low, from a certain height it changes.
  • The same can be done with the tower (some sculptures would be nice here, don't you think? It looks like a pedestal!).

  • Okay, I wanted to make a doghouse... and this came out instead:

  • If you have a wall where the road goes through, or reaches only one side, you can create a staircase like this (but still, not high).
  • I recommend playing around, it can be interesting when creating ruins, for example.

Manual method:

Okay, there is no great mystery here, it's mostly patience...
These stairs, in the screen, were made with the help of the wall creation tool:
  • Start with a short straight line - this way you will only have two points to adjust.
  • RMB you allows to see manipulators, which are very helpful here.
  • Adjust the height starting from the top of the stairs.
  • The worst thing to do is to make the stairs not holey. Sometimes you have to do a very long section of wall to get the continuity of the bricks.

An important note!

With the new update from the beginning of October 2024, you can do the wall without defects, it definitely makes the task easier!
Vegetation / Other Elements
Since we have decorative elements left, I decided to put them into one section, since I already have quite a few of them here anyway...

  • Low vegetation is applied with the help of a brush (flower icon)
  • You can paint over an already painted area, this will thicken the vegetation and add bushes (I think you can apply up to three layers, but I'm not sure).
  • Vegetation can also be applied over water, but here I don't see it thickening.
  • Trees are applied one at a time and cannot be changed like low vegetation.

Other Elements

In addition, you can add:
  • Lamps on:
    1. The side of the building wall.
    2. The corner of the building.
    3. “Floor” / flat roof of the building.
    4. Terrain.
  • Flags on:
    1. The side of the building wall.
    2. The corner of the building.
    3. “Floor” / flat roof of the building.
    4. Terrain.
    5. The tip of the roof.
  • In both cases, these objects can be moved with a dot at their bases.
  • Objects placed on the terrain can also be rotated - arrows appear somewhere in the middle of the object (hold down LMB to rotate).
  • Flags additionally can connect between each other (as well as laundry, between the windows).
  • Flags can also change length if they have space to “expand” (not standing ones).
(It a little of kitsch, but that's okay...)

  • Additional elements can be found in the same place as windows.
  • Chimneys can also be added on:
    1. The side of the building.
    2. The roof of the building.
  • The shape of the chimney attached to the side of the building will depend on how high you click on the wall to create it.
  • This shape, as well as the overall height of the chimney, can be changed later with help of:
    1. Dots at the base, for the shape (i.e., in the range of its thickening).
    2. The arrow at its top, responsible for the overall height of the chimney.
  • You don't have to set the chimney from the ground level, it can start higher - just run your cursor along the wall of the building, somewhere below the roof.
  • You can set the chimney on the corner of the building.
  • You can also swap two stone chimneys, for:
    1. One stone chimney and one metal chimney - if their levels are different.
    2. Two metal chimneys - if they will be set at the same level and very close to each other.
  • Removing any of these chimneys will result in a return to one stone chimney.
  • The painting tool does not work on the metal chimney, and the stone chimney takes over the color pattern from the building.

  • Did you know that you can get a single metal chimney by placing it under a narrow window? (The double window is the least visible behind the chimney).

  • Alternatively, you can place a window much higher - as long as the chimney is below a window, it will remain metal ( you have two towers here, one on top of the other - the trick applies only to the top one).

Additional objects
This section is dedicated to one of the last improvements of late 2024 - correcting and multiplying objects that appear next to doors and windows:

  • The first step is to find the object of interest, and then unlink it (warning, you will not be able to link it again):

  • Click on the RMB object to display the manipulator:
  • The icon, which looks like two pieces of paper with a plus sign, allows you to copy an object.

  • By pressing the dot at the top of the manipulator, you can rotate the obejkt (additional arrows will also appear):

  • Copying objects is “sensitive” to camera positioning. That is, it is best to copy an object by “looking” at it, the way you want to position it at the target location.
  • To give an example of a pitchfork - I look at it straight on, as it should be leaning against a wall, and then I move to the target location. Holding RMB, I manipulate the camera positioning ( don't accidentally click or you'll cancel the copy). At the end I click LMB and it's done, I don't have to rotate the obiket any further.

  • If you want to move an object from one level to another, no problem - the selected object will “jump” to the appropriate level:

Finally, I'll just mention that there are some new objects that were not there before, such as a pumpkin.
The problem is finding, or even receiving, an object that would interest us :/
Deleting Tool / Ruins
What one has built one can also remove... or perhaps converted into a ruin ;)

Deleting Tool
I would say that most of these tools are self-explanatory, but...

  1. Removes low vegetation.
  2. Removes trees.
  3. Removes area turned into water.
  4. Removes pieces of walls and structures (Look at “Ruins”).
  5. Removes roads.
  6. Removes entire objects - whether it's a building or just a window or a lamp (just beware, if you remove a building, you remove it with everything on it, which is obvious).
  • Of course, you can change the size of the brush used to remove things.
  • Only object delete tool (Hammer), does not use the brush.

  • Tool #4 (that is, the one for removing Walls, with the same icon) can be used to remove building elements.
  • However, if you use it on a building, you will immediately lose the entire roof.

However, it can give interesting visual effects, such as a ruined castle:
(haha, I just noticed that we hit a bug here - on the left side, just below the saved tower, a piece of the bridge is levitating ;) )
  • Painter's palette icon.
  • In this game you can paint almost everything, except for terrain elements, for example:
    1. Walls of buildings
    2. Roof
    3. Window frame
    4. Window interior
    5. Door
    6. Chimney
    7. Flags
    8. Lamp light
    9. ...
  • Just hover your cursor over it.
  • If that's not enough, it can still be altered even more:
    1. Cover building completely with plaster (well, except maybe in places where it falls off :P ).
    2. Brick building to a stone one.
    3. Brick building to one with wooden elements ( you have here additional options to change colors).

  • With its help, you can create a bridge or a tower with a wooden railing, or simply a barn:

  • In addition - with the help of the leftmost option in the Paint menu - you can strip the building of a railing:

  • If you want to keep your construction in one color scheme, nothing simpler, just choose a color for the first object you create, subsequent ones will have the same one:
Sheep <3
Sheep are super cool and apparently, each has a different personality.

They definitely react in different ways, in case you put a building on them (appreciate how much my sheep devoted themselves to the cause!).
(Okay, I think that's enough... but you get the picture).

In addition, sheep can also “fly”, so it is basically impossible to lock them up anywhere permanently. If they get bored, they unfold the umbrella and that's it...

Sometimes a bird will sit on their heads ;)

It's hard not to love them...
Camera / Lighting
One by one, from right to left:

  • Folder icon - opens a folder with screenshots.

  • Camera icon on a stick:
    1. Camera with house - gives a cool effect, as if you were taking a picture of a mock-up, with a large macro.
    2. Camera with wings - a more normal view, wide angle.
    3. Camera with legs - you can run around your creation and see everything from “street” level.
    4. Map - top view.

  • Eye icon:
    1. Convex grid - basically a “fisheye” effect.
    2. Eye - increases or decreases the angle of view, combined with zoom in, zoom out.

  • Camera shutter icon:
    1. Black frame - creates a vignette.
    2. Shutter - sharpens / blurs the background.

  • Frame icon with circle - changes the area of focus, most useful for the first type of camera, because it helps pull a single element into the foreground and blurs the rest.

  • Camera icon - takes a printscreen.

  • Sun icon:
    1. Three overlapping circles - saturation (from gray, to very saturated color).
    2. Circle divided in half - Light / dark.
    3. Square with plus and minus - underexposed / overexposed.

  • Four colored squares with houses - different filters.

  • Painting palette and brush:
    1. Similar icon - hard to say... some artistic effect.
    2. Bust - view without textures, just mesh.
    3. Tree with eye - creates a breach in the trees through which you can take a screenshot.

  • Icon of the sun combined with the moon:
    1. Changes the position of the sun / moon in the sky.
    2. Change the world directions (in short, with the combination with the above you can change which way the shadows will fall at noon, etc.).

  • X icon - leaving the tool.

Any screenshot taken with this tool will have the Tiny Glade logo in the lower right corner.

Here are some examples:

(A breach in the trees).

(View without textures, mesh alone).

(“Mockup”, morning lighting with a few changes).

  • The light setting remains saved, even after leaving the game - that is, i.e., if you block it, it will remain blocked (it didn't work that way from the beginning):
Summary / Updates

Don't hesitate to tell me if you don't understand something. I will try to correct it.

As I look at the whole thing, the game is changing at a great pace. For this reason, sometimes I may not have all the current information / changes included here.
At the moment I can see that one part already could use a redesign, but I think I'll wait with that, it's still readable :P.


24 Dec 2024
  • Changed section “Windows / Door” - (additional door option)
  • Changed section "Vegetation / Other Elements" - (additional info about metal chimneys)
  • Added section "Additional objects"

14 Oct 2024
  • Changed section Vegetation / Other Elements (additional chimney options)

11 Oct 2024
  • Changed section “Introduction”
  • Added section “Moving / Saving”
  • Changed section “Buildings / Roofs” - (additional roof option)
  • Changed section “Walls / Fences” - (option to use Ctrl / no damage in the wall)
  • Changed section “Stairs” - (supplement to “Manual Method”)
  • Changed section “Painting” - ( turning off the balustrade / repeating the color)
  • Changed section “Camera / Lighting” - (light stores your settings)
  • Completed section “Summary / Updates”

7 Oct 2024
  • Change in “Stairs / Manual method”
  • Completed section “Sheep <3”
  • Completed section “Camera / Lighting”
It would be nice to have
I also decided to collect my own ideas on what else could be useful:

  • A stone road, not just a dirt road- this would make it easier to create cities, especially if such a road would level the terrain (or have an option to do so).
  • Water on elevated terrain that doesn't punch deep holes in it.
  • Copying already existing elements - such as buildings.
  • A tool for creating stairs - that works similar to the one that creates a brick wall.
  • Some simple sculptures - these could be placed on a pedestal created from a building or something.

I'm guessing it would be time-consuming and in some cases difficult to create such elements, but it's fun to dream about the potential benefits. :D
Shoot Shoot!!! [FR] 19 Jan @ 7:52am 
Great guide! It's a great help to discover all the possibilities of this game.

However, it took me 2 weeks to discover that there are shortcuts that allow you to dispense with the construction banner. It's a real time-saver : Press 1 and you build a wall. press a second time and it's a square building, a third time and it's a tower... press 2 for paths and 3 for windows, etc. up to 9. P is for photo mode, T for time.
You can change them in options/commands and also hide the banner to gain more view.

I'm not going to make a guide for this, as yours is really complete.
So could you add an extra chapter on the options (I'm discovering some camera rotation settings that could make my life even easier ^^).

My only regret is that the developers didn't include a shortcut or duplication option, as they did for scenery elements.

Many thanks ;)
Elusi 10 Jan @ 2:31am 
Wonderful guide, thank you for putting this together.
Garry BC 6 Jan @ 3:20pm 
Thank you, excellent. Thank you for a great guide.
Atarikidd 2 Jan @ 7:08pm 
Hello, I looked through you guild and must say excellent. And it does
cover a lot of information, but is missing something ( and not sure ) you know.

The subject Floating Platforms both ( Round and Square )
Darthtaters8 2 Jan @ 10:38am 
BeamingFoxy  [author] 2 Jan @ 10:36am 
Darthtaters8 - look for them, you should always have 3
BeamingFoxy  [author] 23 Dec, 2024 @ 5:26pm 
Happy Holidays!!!
Darthtaters8 23 Dec, 2024 @ 9:12am 
but how I get sheep :steamsad:
Robin2066 18 Oct, 2024 @ 11:49am 
You are AMAZING ! Thank you so much for this guide.
BeamingFoxy  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 11:16am 
Oh dear, another great comments, thanks :tabbycat:

And you're right Snowman980 - although not quite as far as I can see. For the time being, I'll say that just put 2 chimneys very close to each other, at the same height, and both will change... so it makes more sense.
I'll make corrections to the guide, by tomorrow evening at worst.